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The Connection Between Pedovore and "Modern Art'

A music video was on and I noticed something that reminded me of this topic. I found the video. It's "Gravity of Love" by Enigma, from 2000. It's a brief subliminal, but if you look closely you can see a woman lying in this brown stuff on a table or whatever, and people standing around her with utensils, ready to eat. The whole video is based in this mansion housing an orgy-like convention. It's really creepy, and bear in mind this is from year 2000.

Here is the link (2:54):

So this is not something new, this further proves it's something they practice, admire, and encourage each other to do. The so-called "art" is just a form of self-identification and a method of desensitizing the populace that they can get away with in the name of shock value. It all ties in with the Bible/Torah. The guy behind "Enigma" is a jew also.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
A music video was on and I noticed something that reminded me of this topic. I found the video. It's "Gravity of Love" by Enigma, from 2000. It's a brief subliminal, but if you look closely you can see a woman lying in this brown stuff on a table or whatever, and people standing around her with utensils, ready to eat. The whole video is based in this mansion housing an orgy-like convention. It's really creepy, and bear in mind this is from year 2000.

Here is the link (2:54):

So this is not something new, this further proves it's something they practice, admire, and encourage each other to do. The so-called "art" is just a form of self-identification and a method of desensitizing the populace that they can get away with in the name of shock value. It all ties in with the Bible/Torah. The guy behind "Enigma" is a jew also.

I forgot to mention, you can see people behind the woman cheering with glasses of wine. Then it comes back to that image and they drink it. Blood and flesh.
Really fuckin great info, i will share this
thank you so much for this!
This is an extremely important issue for me, one that I have concentrated on for a few years now. I spent a lot of man hours observing on Voat which is essentialy a CIA shit show with state actors and such...none the less I learned things there that changed the core of my being.



Thank you for taking the time to piece this together.
zolaluckystar said:
wow nick and thats from 2000!
These 'people' are beyond SICK.
Enigma is jews? :cry: I didn't know :(

I don't have any source as I haven't looked into it. But I did search for the guy's name on Google images, and he looks like something out of Jurassic Park. Also, with themes like these, it's always jooz. They have some heavy xian/catholic themes as well.

Yep, this is all extremely disgusting. Good topic, though. People will come to it through search engines and be enlightened.
they portray this in movies like IT and other movies of monsters eating children,it is also seen in this new Katy perry song bone appetite.all manner of sick things are portrayed as art and people cheer to them

Also now I know this is why they say the Greeks liked young boys,they are trying to drive this sick practices into pagan culture.corrupting it with pedophilia,cannibalism and other sick acts when in fact it is the Jews who do all this things,I hope they get wiped up as soon as possible so we can return to normality
Interesting timing for this article Zola,
I was contemplating making a thread for this video I found..

Apparently Hilary Clinton and Huma Abedin (The Jewish/Pedophile Anthony Weiner's Wife + Aide to Hilary Clinton) have a pedovore sex tape that was released on the dark net titled Frazzledrip.

Allegedly they are wearing masks that cover their eyes, and fillet the face off of a young girl, taking turns putting the skinned face up to theirs and making the "Shhh" hand gesture (one finger over their mouth) at the end of the video. It was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop in a folder I believe to be titled "Life Insurance".

Here's a link to the video I first heard of it..


The man who released the video has been arrested so I'm fairly certain that it must be real.
Lady Gaga is jew, just watched her videos, disgusting crap and she had very jewish vibe. And check this grayface.

StraitShot47 said:
The 90's was a funny time...

In the 90s we were witnessing the end of the world and humanity. In the 20's we are witnessing the birth of a new world.
Lol. Gaga is definitely a Jewess. I can't even listen to her music anymore without feeling physically ill and I get the same way when I try to listen to Amy Winehouse. And before anyone comments on my poor taste in music, I will listen to anything from metal to nightcore depending on my mood.
Godmode said:
I remember working at this place that had a big ugly piece of modern art there and this kike came out of one of the doors and starting blahblahbla to me about how much he liked it. Specifically to me even though he'd never seen me, he just sees an artsy looking Gentile and decides to take a shit on the floor. They rub it in our faces constantly the stupid insects. This shit makes me just want to start punching jewish faces and not stop until my arm falls off. My God this race is such a flaming piece of sewage.

Stick with RTR's for now they will get their's soon enough
Satnam666 said:
Godmode said:
I remember working at this place that had a big ugly piece of modern art there and this kike came out of one of the doors and starting blahblahbla to me about how much he liked it. Specifically to me even though he'd never seen me, he just sees an artsy looking Gentile and decides to take a shit on the floor. They rub it in our faces constantly the stupid insects. This shit makes me just want to start punching jewish faces and not stop until my arm falls off. My God this race is such a flaming piece of sewage.

Stick with RTR's for now they will get their's soon enough

An if I recall modern art is a jewish plot to replace good art with that art any 2 year old can do but only few get proped up by the reptiles an get the recognition wonder why
(oy vey please not do good art it goes against our brainwashing an some goyims might wake up to us)
Nick Vabzircnila said:
This made me nauseous.

BTW- seeing Lady Gaga in some of these photos with Abramovic completely confirmed the gut feeling I had that she's a jew. I remember bringing this up on the old forum, but most people who responded refuted it because they thought I was referring to her NOSE, which I wasn't. Jews have a certain vibe, and the more religiously observant they are, the easier it is to detect through photos (when you haven't seen them IRL). It's the alien gaze. I just knew it.

She has always made me sick, she’s a vile person. They don’t have to have the nose, it’s always been her vibe. But on another note, before her nose job the nose was there. I remember her weird meat costume back in the day and it just seemed sick. That’s when I started thinking she was a Jew.
Sundara said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
This made me nauseous.

BTW- seeing Lady Gaga in some of these photos with Abramovic completely confirmed the gut feeling I had that she's a jew. I remember bringing this up on the old forum, but most people who responded refuted it because they thought I was referring to her NOSE, which I wasn't. Jews have a certain vibe, and the more religiously observant they are, the easier it is to detect through photos (when you haven't seen them IRL). It's the alien gaze. I just knew it.

She has always made me sick, she’s a vile person. They don’t have to have the nose, it’s always been her vibe. But on another note, before her nose job the nose was there. I remember her weird meat costume back in the day and it just seemed sick. That’s when I started thinking she was a Jew.
She also has the typical jewish horse face.
Aquarius said:
Sundara said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
This made me nauseous.

BTW- seeing Lady Gaga in some of these photos with Abramovic completely confirmed the gut feeling I had that she's a jew. I remember bringing this up on the old forum, but most people who responded refuted it because they thought I was referring to her NOSE, which I wasn't. Jews have a certain vibe, and the more religiously observant they are, the easier it is to detect through photos (when you haven't seen them IRL). It's the alien gaze. I just knew it.

She has always made me sick, she’s a vile person. They don’t have to have the nose, it’s always been her vibe. But on another note, before her nose job the nose was there. I remember her weird meat costume back in the day and it just seemed sick. That’s when I started thinking she was a Jew.
She also has the typical jewish horse face.

Don't insult horses, please. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
