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The Chronicles Of The Jewish GBLT - How Jews Run It

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Missrainbow1 said:
Hi everyone
Am I wrong or are people going violent against LGBT people everywhere on this planet? It wasnt like this before or I didnt know it was.Does it have something to do with jews?Its sadly everywhere,even non jewish ruled places
Recently everywhere I look people are talking against non straight people and act like its a disease to be something else
How should we respond when someone is being mean against us for that?

People prior had no definition and lived in peace being no different than others in the past. This is how it began. No issues were present. Life found like, and life went on peacefully, no persecution.

The modern GBLT is a reaction to the first infection of Jewish Christianity and Islam, a virus which the jews promised to cure with the creation of the GBLT jewish movement.

GBLT is a jewish movement which has tried to "Define" everyone who is Gay Bi or Lesbian. Now it expands trying to contain more and more things and freaky things as time goes. People see this and they are disgusted.

The history of the jews attacking these people starts with the bible, while there were no prior written or recognized attacks in the Ancient past against gay, bi or lesbian or natural born hermaphrodite people.

Jews start this with the bible, aimed at Babylon, which was a very advanced civilization like the United States of today, attacking basically everything that had to do with the Babylonians, from wealth, family, sexuality, their Gods, their culture, to their mere soul and existence. Somewhere along these attacks, they also attack the people who do "sodomy".

They also write other lies about them that they did bestiality and other lies, which are only enemy slander and never happened.

There, they claim that any like or thought towards the same gender or doing anything that is not sexually is something that will send you to "hell" and an abomination, that renders a human completely useless and so on. Islam goes a step further to say these people need to be exterminated, for reasons the jewish system claims are necessary.

They just picked up people who were different in that regard and put a target on their head. After doing this, they told everyone they are the bringers of all evils and so on.

Then, as society came to become more advanced and understanding, people started to not believe in the Bible and disregard the above claims, seeing bi, lesbians and homosexuals with a glance of acceptance again. People sort of like how Pagans did see them in the past, ie, it left them be and people were able to live on.

Clearly the above was not welcome to the jews, who get an epileptic fit everytime a civilization tries to balance itself out, and they therefore started pampering the minds of the "newly freed" homosexuals, lesbians and everyone else, telling them the promised land of the GBLT is when they collapse society.

Or that they are somehow oppressed in the first civilization time and era where they were literally fully accepted. They started telling people they need to go into extreme freak mode. The people involved too busy to think because it sounded great to attention whore in a civilization which doesn't touch 1 hair out of your head to be any "GBLT", decided the above was not enough and that they needed to start doing any atrocity the jew recommended to them towards civilization.

Jews told them that this had to be done because that would somehow guarantee their safety, and now it's backfiring in social friction and hate as time goes.

Then they started including pedos, people who do bestiality, insane people, and any other freaky thing under the sun within this category. After making a thorough abomination of a movement, then they started to fund this to attack the civilization's core or values that have to do with mere survival.

Then the jews got the GBLT people and told them that the above is unacceptable and started brainwashing them to attack society at large with boastful promotion, attacks on children, jewish dialectics that you must abduct children and gblt "educate" them, and many other socially aggressive practices that have to do with disrespect and imbalance.

The GBLT believing that the above was "truly" the case even if they were literally all free in the West, started taking the bait and becoming more and more isolated and aggressive towards the society of people and families. They even go as far now as to say kids need to be taken from parents, forcible gender transition, and other crazy things as time goes.

This causes a reaction in the people in an attempt to find societal balance, causing wars and clashes.

Further, problems like problems with the procreation rate, the existence of children, miscegenation, cultural collapse, are serious problems and everyone is now forced to cater to the GBLT which is used as a long hand of the jew to add to the above problems, using likely unknowing innocent people such as gays bi's and lesbians for promotion.

The above "promotion" happens by the jews insofar it promotes race mixing, death of a nation, or just merely the drop in birthrates, or social confusion. If it does that, the jews will fund it, but only to cause problems to a civilization.

Similarly, they will bolster blacks financially, but only if this is Soros funding Black Lives Matter. With the very specific and sole aim of social unrest. If the conversation becomes about something serious, they will withdraw funding or destroy Black Lives Matter.

Jews after all, were the first and primary slave owners of the slave trade. But you will not hear any Black person saying that from BLM or associated movements.

Similarly, now jews made the "GBLT" in order to safeguard the "Rights" of the people they started slandering in the first place, ie, Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual people.

All of these movements are purposefully created to create social unrest and chaos as much as possible.

If it does not serve the above, the jews quickly pull the Bible out of the shelf and repeat their own Biblical rhetoric again.

Jews bolster outside of Israel in order to cause societal confusion. The same jews behind the GBLT in the West are the same Zionist jews who would execute another of their own for being a homosexual. It is part of their amoralistic dual faced strategy.

As this behaviour escalates, jews pull the bible from the shelf where it was and started saying again how the GBLT are abominations by pointing to the modern GBLT they have created with all the norms and insanity created by the jews themselves.

This is further used as a ground of justifying this over the cultural norms that "define" the GBLT movement.

As people were tired of this, now many people are angry and this anger keeps rising the more jews push everyone to the limits and the extremes.

Generally both Magnus Hierschfield and other pseudointellectuals of GBLT or Feminism are total kikes, same as Islamic or Christian idiots who follow the jewish lore, both equally duped to waste their time.

Because this creates a situation of cultural war and not peace, both sides are rallied against one another now until the GBLT is destroyed.

That is done because jews want people to waste their time with bullshit, ie, "muh 15120 genders", or alternatively "lets prove the bible wrong and try to be Islamic soldiers because muh gblt".

Jews laugh as humanity has to swim in such crap that has been created from them from all sides.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
@HP.Cobra side-topic discussion:

How come in the entire time I've been noticing this LGBT+AIWTFBBQ marxist Bezmenoving action i.e. schmuck useful idiots destroying everyone, everything, and themselves including others for or against at each others throats.

How come as a side-discussion.

There is never any mention of Hermaphrodites whether it's male-H or female-H.

How come all of this is "transexualisms".

In your discourses with the Gods is this what one of the per-requiests for greyification processes i.e. grey borg processes. That the kosher supervising species is performing this for further ease of suffering into the greying process.

Also I'd like to ask:

Is it wrong to believe because it's a bit marxy that humans have a spectrum of sexuality. Not all many seem pretty content with standard female/male. But I've noticed in many people that communicate they seem to be okay with picking and choosing.

Almost like the dupes that state we don't have a "mating" season. Humanity is still an animal at a lower/low level.

It reminds me of watching a playthrough of Civilization 6 and Aristotle's quote stated "Animals don't have a code of laws and man does. When man abandons justice and ethics they become a beast worst than an animal."

It seems this is the perfect Bezmenovization process create "schmuck useful idiots" to placate Nation-State into a subversive corrosive attack whereby everyone wants to kill each other and then they all get killed by the enemy.

Like Bezmenov said "In a revolution after 6 weeks all the people who support communism get destroyed as they are not wanted nor do the marxists want them cause they lied to them and told them that communism is paradise. Rather they seek out others to enter into the revolution AFTER eliminating the leftists their own lefties cause the revolution was completed".[paraphrasing of course] that the left gets destroyed.

WTB GLM: Gentile Lives Matter.

Counter-fire them like Kanye's WLM: White Lives Matter.

NSLM: National Socialist Lives Matter.

SSLM: Spiritual Satanists Lives Matter.

PLM: Pagan Lives Matter.

ALM: Amalek Lives Matter.

etc.etc. you get the picture.
Some article today showed this gender doctor on Twitter going ham on some ghetto lady that allowed her teenager to get a tattoo saying 'children don't have the mental capacity to get tattoos'.

The same doctor butcher castrates children before they are 18 on a whim that nearly all of these kids grow out of. So...

Another problem I perceive with LGBT is that some LGBT who are indeed accepted by their family or others try to force this scenario onto others, without understanding how intrinsically different people are. I have noted a lot of this however is instigated by lizardoids playing pretend at normality with an extreme undertone of freudian filth typical of their race, like the trillionaire Pritzker 'family' or the Jazz on TLC 'family', then they command the goyim to be attack dogs, all the while pushing for it to be programmed out of existence.

Not to justify xian small minded bigotry but telling the goys "Abandon your family! Rat on them if they object to your lifestyle!" is just communism. This is not how anyone gains acceptance, especially if the same types of people who whine about "my intolerant hick rust belt family" who said the most minor thing imaginable then lavish pisslam or Marx with endless praises because netflix sez so...

Children's programming is also infested with this trash and I am not talking about two same sex characters having a crush that one would find in an innocuous anime like the Cardcaptors or whatever. Out of morbid curiosity I watched this show called Dead End Paranormal P@rk. It had a storyline of some jewish child trans arguing with their goy grandmother and acting as if the grandmother committed a holocaust BY ASKING A QUESTION ABOUT their identity. The offscreen grandmother is literally treated as some kind of human refuse just for inquiring of the holy jewish trans. This is BRAINWASHING. No wonder the meteor and their ilk are running rampant in corporations and organizations etc.
With the brainwashing going on in schools you can see most of the brainless npcs commies and the jews, Trying to normalize pedophilia,beastiality,an they all do it under the banner of communism,not gblt,anyway sad thing is most gblt will take the blame an be a scapegoat cause most xians an Islam are brainwashed an don't want to go after their choosen people,these xians an Islam will throw their own mother in the altar of the jewish thoughtform,before their choosen people,
Thank you for this.
Although you did mention that ancient pagans had no problem with gays, I remember reading that the ancient Nordic pagans did actually find being gay shameful to the point that if anyone called the other gay, they had to be killed there and then. The term for gay, which also meant weak, was roggr.

I guess it was due to them being of a more barbaric nature and more attuned to survival, or that they could have came in contact with some enemy entities in the past
Ironically this concept of 12345 genders to "define" people make them less definable.
Jews brainwashed people to have the urge to find an indendity within their sexualities, as they would be nothing without the tag "gay, lesbian, bisexual" and so on. The Enemy looped them is this false reality were even those who are gay or lesbian but recognize they are not only that get destroyed by "their community".
The worst part is ignorant and delusional people will happily swim in this swamp.
And as always christard and pisslam will always point out that this is "Satan's alluring human soul into hell", it really makes me puke all this abominal disrespect towards our gods and goddesses. Keep up our Spiritual War everyone, we will annihilate all of this once and for all.
I'd like to take a moment to add to this topic, seeing as it's something that pertains to me personally, and my own experiences through life, as I've still seen a lot of confusion on the forums over the years, and I feel like certain, previous speakers on the topic (I won't name names but if you've been around long enough you'll know of previous HPs) haven't done the topic proper justice.

Opting not to waste time with labels, and simply speaking as someone who isn't "straight", it's commonplace for Jewish nature and Jewish things to try to place everything on artificial binaries. In the time of the Ancients, the human form was considered universally beautiful, and statues/art depicting both men and women at their finest were an everyday norm. The point I can sort of reflect on here is that sexuality is generally less on a binary, and more of a gradient, and modern day terms and terminologies seldom reflect genuine human nature. It's become too much of a trend that everyone feels the need to micro-label every aspect of their being. Even among two "gay" people, if you imagined people existed as percentages, one will be more or less "gay" than another. There are men who have had a gay phase in their younger years, only to be straight the rest of their lives. Your feelings and attractions do not necessarily stay the same over a lifetime, and it's natural to develop healthy curiosities, and possibly even lose them in turn. There are books on books about "homoeroticism" among otherwise straight males, and the same goes for females. Brushing everyone with the simple label of "gay" or "straight" is meaningless in the realistic sense, though I can understand why in regards to the ease of conversational reference, at least.

Do I consider myself part of any "GLBT community"? No, and I never would. Sexuality is an important aspect of life, and it's true that it is a part of your overall identity, but it doesn't have to, nor should it, represent the entirety of a person, as these movements try to push. That's really only scratching the surface of what's wrong, however. As Cobra said, GLBT movements have become increasingly associated with greater degrees of insanity, ranging from paedophilia, bestiality, and self-harming varieties of transgenderism loaded with insane notions of thousands of genders.

The reasons why are simple. Underneath the Church, and any other Abrahamic tyranny, being gay was practically a death sentence, in times passed. Eventually however, society advanced, Abrahamism weakened (in the West), and the Jews were left without a way to arbitrarily persecute members of Gentile kind. I couldn't really speak ill of rights movements from several decades ago, as these paved the way for what were effectively basic human rights, but after the fact, these things became increasingly infiltrated. What better way to reinvigorate hatred, oppression and systematic destruction of homosexuals, then by associating them with things any normal person would be reviled by?

If you've read previous JoS material you'd know AIDS was born at the hands of a Jewish doctor, beginning in San Francisco, if I remember correctly. Not only did this disease kill thousands, millions of Gentiles, it also sparked off a new wave of hatred against homosexuals right at the cusp of them finally regaining some form of social acceptability. Another cohencidence for the books. My grandfather's brother, was a gay man of that time period, and died from AIDS at the height of the epidemic. Another very notable example was Freddie Mercury. The Jews have been attacking this group since their existence manifested.

People can theorize why all day and night, but the simple fact is, it's Jewish nature to forcibly create division and misery within Gentile ranks. If they can create infighting, tear apart families for arbitrary reasons, they will, as it simply weakens our race as a whole. It's not just gay sexuality that Jews hate, in any case. When Jews saw the beautiful Greek statues I mentioned earlier, they were reviled. Concepts of love, and human beauty, were disgusting to these creatures. To them, there was no beauty, and sex only had one purpose; to add numbers to their parasitic race. Jews couldn't exactly tell Gentiles all sex was evil (even if they still have done this repeatedly), because telling races to never reproduce would have resulted in their proxy religions never infiltrating Gentile kind. However, homosexual sex is purely companionship based (as is the majority of sex people have, in all frankitude). So for Jews, it went without saying this was a no-no. You could only have sex to make more Jews, or to make more slaves if you're a Gentile. Anything else is anuddah shoah.

Regardless, the poisoning of Gentiles against "homosexuality" goes deeper than just the hatred and oppression of Gentiles themselves. Masculinity, as a thing that exists, has also been greatly poisoned by related Jewish mindtricks. If you look at pictures, of men from the World War eras, or even earlier, you'll see evidence of men being able to hug, or hold eachother. There's thousands of images of men being affectionate with eachother in ways that people would find extremely surprising today, and there was nothing gay about it. The gay panic has set in, in most places, to such degrees, that men have become increasingly isolated from eachother. Brotherhood and kinmanship have both decayed, for fear of men being seen as "gay", as if this is the worst most horrible thing ever. The irony is, the men of today, the same orcish Xian goblins who freak out about this sort of thing, are not even one quarter, of the men from these earlier issues who were secure enough in their sexuality and masculinity that they could show love for their fellow man without fearing themselves being considered gay or effeminate.

To grant this ramble a capstone, I'll say this, just in case certain people haven't gotten it through their heads. No, there's nothing wrong with same sex attraction. These attractions run deep, down to the soul level. I wouldn't have the time to go into depth about it, but as has been talked about in the past, the vast majority of the time, homosexuality of any gradient capacity is entirely nature, not nurture. Although it sounds strange to say without further elaboration, these things can even be seen in people physically. If you look at me for instance, even dressed normally, you'd probably be able to tell I'm not straight. It can manifest in subtle ways, from appearance, even to one's mannerisms. People would understand what I mean, if they've seen say, a lesbian woman in public, even if this is a bit of a generalization, I'm sure you understand what I mean. Sexuality is an entirely normal thing, as is living and experiencing it in healthy ways. Leave shame and self-ruination to the Abrahamics. You'll find that the Xian and Muslim idiots who screech the loudest about how wrong it is, are often closeted homosexuals themselves, and are manifesting their own self loathing for all to see.

Embrace the whole of who you are, and may your cup of life, always be full.
Karnonnos said:
Some article today showed this gender doctor on Twitter going ham on some ghetto lady that allowed her teenager to get a tattoo saying 'children don't have the mental capacity to get tattoos'.

The same doctor butcher castrates children before they are 18 on a whim that nearly all of these kids grow out of. So...

"Brb, going to make a parade with dildos stuck on our head and underage kids dancing in stripclubs with our muslim friends, we are so inclusive, this gives us rights. Yea the doctor that cuts kids penises is going to be there too, awww sis" - GBLT today

Caspian said:
Thank you for this.
Although you did mention that ancient pagans had no problem with gays, I remember reading that the ancient Nordic pagans did actually find being gay shameful to the point that if anyone called the other gay, they had to be killed there and then. The term for gay, which also meant weak, was roggr.

I guess it was due to them being of a more barbaric nature and more attuned to survival, or that they could have came in contact with some enemy entities in the past

There are words for this and they relate to being soft and feminine, not necessarily gay on the practice of having sex.

In Ancient Greece they used "Malthakos" which means pathetically passive / weak [which later on was used to say it means people who engaged in homosexual relationships].

This relation was not proven and was generally used for decades by Christians who were trying to pretend Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and everyone else just had the same opinion as literally the Bible and Jehovah was everyone's God back then, or other lies.

Numerous attempts have been made to link this to homosexual people, but if I have to be totally honest, I found none convincing or accurate. Whole discourses of all philosophers do not focus on the subject or even care about it, let alone socially. It was left to be to itself.

I have no clue about roggr and it could be anything not related to this. If "Roggr" means "effeminate coward" or something similar, taking out of meaning could have happened here too.

The biological reality shows a certain percent of the population simply is born with this tendency, and that it is there. The Ancients were not fools to deny these things. Also, there was no mega TV jew back then to tell everyone to be this or that, so people developed naturally on the sexual department.

The ethical norm of being a coward or sissy when it cames to wars, was to be ostracised and in the case of major damage cause to be executed. This was seen as rightfully being "weak".

Even if these articles and claims are real, this only tells me a few people hated gays which has always been the case, yet many likely hated men, or dwarves and gnomes, as everyone in this world hates someone else.

But it was not legislated or otherwise part of the wider ethical laws or laws of the state. There is no line in the Hammurabi code that says throw gays off the rooftop as in Islam, nor a writing on how one will burn in hell eternally because of any such sexual practice.

There is no set of ethical laws in the Ancient World that says "Hate this man because he did lay with another man" or anything of the sort.

The ethical laws however preached of how one could be executed for being a sissy, a traitor, or a degenerate into society. If the so called "effeminate" behavior was linked to this, it could lead to death, but the same execution would occur towards the "macho" who did likewise did the same action.

Another big troll the jew has done is try to relate being "effeminate" with one's sexual vocation, which is only borderline related. Many people who pretend to be ultra masculine whatevers, are often-times banging other men in the military and so on.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thank you.
Caspian said:
Thank you for this.
Although you did mention that ancient pagans had no problem with gays, I remember reading that the ancient Nordic pagans did actually find being gay shameful to the point that if anyone called the other gay, they had to be killed there and then. The term for gay, which also meant weak, was roggr.

I guess it was due to them being of a more barbaric nature and more attuned to survival, or that they could have came in contact with some enemy entities in the past

Bad people always exist) Even in the best parts of the ancient world, but I believe bisexuality was considered ok by almost everyone in the ancient world.A lot of kings and rulers were bisexual and had boyfriends and girlfriends.I personally think the reason some people didnt accept it in the ancient world was because they were terrified to have their gay or lesbian children being left alone with no child.People really cared about having kids in the past and some still do.I personally really care about that
Arcadia said:
Masculinity, as a thing that exists, has also been greatly poisoned by related Jewish mindtricks. If you look at pictures, of men from the World War eras, or even earlier, you'll see evidence of men being able to hug, or hold eachother. There's thousands of images of men being affectionate with eachother in ways that people would find extremely surprising today, and there was nothing gay about it. The gay panic has set in, in most places, to such degrees, that men have become increasingly isolated from eachother. Brotherhood and kinmanship have both decayed, for fear of men being seen as "gay", as if this is the worst most horrible thing ever

Well, you can understand this flows in both directions. Men in past times were more openly affectionate, but they were also more openly violent. They were more flamboyant (i.e. dress) and colorful, but more brutal. Everything was more on the direction of extremes, for better or worse.

Nowadays we just have a decline in both directions, a bunch of football watching sexless soy men who are rapidly becoming like Greys ready to be absorbed by islam and "don't want to hurt anyone". Or fucked up ghetto gangstaz who will shoot their 'brotha' if he says he washes his ass because 'that's gay', while taking it in the ass from any thug 'on the down low' (this behavior is too retarded to even comprehend).

If something like Rotherham happened 300 years ago the perpetrators involved would have their brains pasted on the floor. Obviously the justice system exists for a reason and I understand why, as said mobs of 300 years ago also attacked us wantonly. But there is a point where things become turbo-cucked.

In the past elite men were more selective of who they chose brotherhood with, rather than being thrown with the local foreign drug dealers via schooling and random Twitch simps.

Hitler fulfilled his commitment to the Army dutifully, but if Hitler had associated with some gutter jews of Vienna as 'brothers' with the idea 'any man is good enough to befriend' nothing he did would've come to fruition. The same goes for Ieyasu or Napoleon who were surrounded by a select band of brothers who swore oaths to them. Many of these resentments come from not actually finding one's tribe, so to speak, the enemy pushing ventriloquist doll social media assholes on the FBI payroll as 'masculine saviors', and therefore being unable to act organically. Feminism is of course a large part of this as well by teaching being a man is evil and being active is the worst thing imaginable.

As far as gays are concerned, the enemy is just luring them into a false sense of identity by divesting them of their masculinity and any kind of collective responsibility. The latest nightclub atrocity, one man was brave enough to disarm and give a beating to the fat loon with the gun, but he had already claimed 5 lives before this happened. Nightclubbing does not necessarily teach one how to be a man.
Caspian said:
Thank you for this.
Although you did mention that ancient pagans had no problem with gays, I remember reading that the ancient Nordic pagans did actually find being gay shameful to the point that if anyone called the other gay, they had to be killed there and then. The term for gay, which also meant weak, was roggr.

I guess it was due to them being of a more barbaric nature and more attuned to survival, or that they could have came in contact with some enemy entities in the past

I've seen those writings. Extremely high probability of mistranslation and/or corruption by jews. Just like the corrupted Eddas, and we might not ever know the full true history of the Norsemen of Scandinavia.

What I do know for absolute fact is that they were not barbaric, nor were they on a lower survival based level. The lies are all jewish about Norsemen being barbarians, it's all nonsense. They did the same thing to Germans with propaganda depicting them as savage apes juxtaposed to the "Gentlemanly Englishmen." Just jews turning brother against brother as usual.

For proof, look at their religious iconography, the intricate craftsmanship of their temples and their ships. All evidence in Scandinavia points to serpent worship, the mark of the most sophisticated spiritual civilizations everywhere. Jews are the primitive barbarians.
Karnonnos said:
In the past elite men were more selective of who they chose brotherhood with, rather than being thrown with the local foreign drug dealers via schooling and random Twitch simps.

Very true indeed. On the whole, I wouldn't necessarily say people are more, or less violent in the here and now. Large scale warfare was more common, but thuggery, as you yourself cite, is definitely more societally present than it was in many periods. You could frankly write a book about all the conditions as to the decay of standards present in both men and women alike, I was simply quickly construing a relevant point about the more modern phenomenon of the "gay panic" certain men seem to feel. Speaking of my own experiences, I'll definitely agree with you. Even being someone more predisposed to being open about feelings and not wracked by panic that sharing a hug will have me ostracized as a homo, it's not as if I've really found anyone in day to day life I'd share such a thing with regardless. In spite of how the internet has connected everyone, beyond the boundaries of the JoS, I feel like it's harder than ever to find one's "tribe", as you put it. Perhaps these are just my experiences, admittedly.
jrvan said:
Caspian said:
Thank you for this.
Although you did mention that ancient pagans had no problem with gays, I remember reading that the ancient Nordic pagans did actually find being gay shameful to the point that if anyone called the other gay, they had to be killed there and then. The term for gay, which also meant weak, was roggr.

I guess it was due to them being of a more barbaric nature and more attuned to survival, or that they could have came in contact with some enemy entities in the past

I've seen those writings. Extremely high probability of mistranslation and/or corruption by jews. Just like the corrupted Eddas, and we might not ever know the full true history of the Norsemen of Scandinavia.

What I do know for absolute fact is that they were not barbaric, nor were they on a lower survival based level. The lies are all jewish about Norsemen being barbarians, it's all nonsense. They did the same thing to Germans with propaganda depicting them as savage apes juxtaposed to the "Gentlemanly Englishmen." Just jews turning brother against brother as usual.

For proof, look at their religious iconography, the intricate craftsmanship of their temples and their ships. All evidence in Scandinavia points to serpent worship, the mark of the most sophisticated spiritual civilizations everywhere. Jews are the primitive barbarians.

....What about the feud Romans had with them though? From what I've read ( which can be BS), The Romans were more civilized than the Nordic Pagans...

Although I could be wrong though ofc so I have to study more.

Too bad Im always fucking tired and have the worst sleep schedule.
As a homosexual i have to say that from associating with other gay men i have not known worse. That's not a canon, but it's true to a large degree. Jewish-controlled gay culture has made them almost robotic, ready to accept and support anything that is "modern" and against tradition and patriarchy. I have seen that they hate anyone who is not queer or sissy in behavior and does not support the hook-up culture or is, let's say, very masculine with a proper manly behavior, without exaggeration and showing off for no reason. Personally, i've never had any problem with straight guys and I can say that i've felt more accepted from them than other gay guys. Unfortunately the Jews use them as a fifth column to promote anything abnormal so it is only logical that there will be reactions from society against them and there will be more and worse...
I used to go to the local gay community centre as a kid and at that time I was quite conservative.

I was always put off by how liberal the people working there were. They purport this idea of perpetually being in fear of offending others. Case in point:

1.) If you know someone is in the rainbow, regardless of their appearance, you must always ask their name AND pronoun before engaging in conversation.

2.) If you don't know if someone is in the rainbow avoid using pronouns at all costs. Instead say 'you' or 'they' and go from there.

3.) Accept everyone in the rainbow, even if they seem to be new. They are "newly-recognized" and have always been around this whole time. They simply weren't recognized by the greater community before. (Sure... 112 genders now in counting).

They also whine that the word 'queer' was stolen and used as something derogatory and disparaging towards them. The adoption of this word is "them rightfully taking it back".
Here they are conflating words like 'negro' in this regard, yet the word 'queer' was only used in this context in recent decades. Before that it meant 'bizarre' or 'strange'. Today we have at nearly every college and university a "queer studies" program. On top of tranny washrooms, schools today allow kids to use whatever washroom or change-room they so desire.
One school in the USA even set up a litter box in the transgender washroom for those who identify as animals. Plus don't get me started on the child groomers... Just abhorrent.

I can't stand how retarded the community has become and I'm still fairly young. They try to insert their gayness into straight people, suggesting things like "if you watch porn you have some degree of gayness because you watch the act of copulation between two sexes" and other such garbage.

These people use sexual humour and innuendos to a vile degree as well, as though their whole life is centred on sex. It's no wonder gay people are often highly promiscuous and depressed, which is proven throughout studies and surveys. It really pisses me off, especially the fact that Jews are behind it. This is evidently a given considering they own Jewtube, Hollyweird and all MSM outlets.

Here's an interesting pneumonic that I find very appropos.


Kids today be like...


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
