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TAO - investigation


New member
Mar 10, 2024

HI everyone. Since I do not have no new stuff from my teacher to speak apart 3 woms, 7 corpses and 3 spirits training days , I am reading different books on taoism.. The books traced do help understanding his teaching.. The hic is that most of it are allegorical trails or small tips of a training. Lucky that the experiences and our refences on the site helps to understand them. I have cut in half the article, next will chronos myth


In a book of taoist magic , I found the training of sorcery breath using light (reference at end article). The exercises explain the reason of splitting water. An action done to purify places by shaman that can be found in different religions. This explain in part the mystery of importance of taking saliva by taoist . MIxing saliva imply as prop to use intent for mixing/ merging all results of training in saliva, so the saliva become the vessel of the energy (remember that westerners like magicians, specialist in magnetism do charge water for different purpose)... I prefer that you read the huge details of training in the book and see the possibilities..

To make as short as I can, light is combine with breath , by using the 3 dan tian as power source, passing by the tai ji pole (central line chakra as I understand it) down up. But before going out by mouth it PASSES by a visualised sigil on the upper palate. They are 3 sigils shown for empowerment .See figures 1,31 to 1,33 . What is funny is to see one with the rune sowilo reverse (Z instead square S) in a circle. Some westerners in magic before vibrating a word do something similar taking energy from each chakras first or the one corresponding to the type of mantra, idea was the mouth is an utérus and the création of your mouth becomes sacred representing a higher power . But sigil is new for me. Ideas of application for our training system may be using symbole of a rune, a different trigram ( use trigram of fire to work with fire, etc…), chinese character of element, talismans sigil , gods sigils, etc… to amplify a working.

We have to pinpoint that ayanist write their talisman on the body too, I guess it is seen as a type of magic, their system have too many character to visualise. So writing is easier to remember. For my part when i was training necronomicon, I was visualising the planetary sigil in the chakra.

The book talk also about using that technic to project force by breath to heal deep inside people like in magnetism . Next I will try adding the rune drawn on top inside mouth to check the difference with our rituals . But as you will remark in the book, the author does not seem to knowk about the difference in invoking and evoking.

For attacking, even in case of healing someone it is better evoking. Invoking imply passing by us the force to the destination, but i creates a link between destination and you . Modern healer prefer evoquing instead passing energy by themself since, our own energy may goes with it , weakening us ( you feel weak or tired after doing it) and making a link to the grey/dull dark of the person in need. This is why we use the bucket with salt to throw the illness, then wash arms/hands with moving water and clean aura after the treatment (best technic is on our site). In the past healers wasn’t doing these and as getting older were all sick due to cumulation of the grey/dull dark absorbed from the patient and the lost of their own energy.. It doesn’t mean that you will have the same illness but only that the grey will attack the weakest part of you.

So to evoke , we may still use the sigil as focus in mouth but to help reaching the energy out So we can after manifest it directly on the target. Inspiration last minute, … draw the sigil over the person , energy passing by it to person. But I haven’t try it yet. Often when you look catholics praying or atlantean doing meditation, you will remark a type of hole over the head, taking or gving energy from/to the participant. I gues that energy passing from hole by a sigil will have more impact like different tools that use electricity.


my teacher always put emphasis to dan tian to emit energy . An example of one of my article is fire buitl up in lower dan tian then goes out central line out by mouth to cover the whole body to purify it or heal. Did he knew the breath technic said earlier ? I lost contact a long time ago so i cannot validate with him. As for covering body in clouds for these exercise, seen now as a satanist , it means filling aura.

The book about taoist magic use also zones. For taoist there is 3 bodies. He put light in the 3 bodies for his goal and if you remember for new age each body is higher vibration including same space lower body but bigger in size. So here is center body to borders physcial body, center body to edge aura, center body to beyond aura. A sphere inside a sphere. The concept of zones remembers me of the theory of runic training with different layers to reach to pass the flow ……

One Magical way of training may well be manifesting energies in body, in aura, and zone around aura of the forces used. To feel the zone imply naturally first focussing on empty space which looks like the void meditation talk on forum (using space around for trance) . You must feel the empty space around you in 6 or 10 directions first and repeat for each body (3 here) . I find easier to work by opposites like a cross as I keep the feeling of the edge . I guess I do this by custom of classic magical rituals. With practice it is faster, no need so much details (feel whole zone in one shot).

Corruption is often taking pagan practices, modify it to make it useless or alter them to serve other purposes. If you have read the site about investigations in pdf, the cross is pagan but that nyasa is redirected to an other purpose by catholics (jews robbed it from india). Jews cube box is also in shintoism of japan according of one article in the forum (could’nt trace it in it or an image in internet,so it must be reverify) . The question coming is when shinto was corrupted ? was the cube added by jews after or was it there before their influence. After all they put it like a horn (front not 3rd eye) , and it looks like the shiva/yoni symbol combined but squared.

Emphasis en heart by many religion is tied to the 4th chakra probably because it is a general connector. Iit serves mainly to connect things to you and like physical heart moving it everywhere in you. Sure that as being lving in air air is the connector to all. What if you are a fish ? It will be water. For me the true conenctor is akasha but they were no further investigation oncr it was said heart in akasha in the forum.. That trail may explain why tantrism put their gods in the heart or catholic ask feel god by focussing on the heart. Of course it is my understanding and i can be wrong.

An old saying was : in heaven there is only angels; in hell only devils but in earth there is man angels and devils. Middle nordic world is where all entites mix in myth. Of course, putting akasha in 4th chakra will go against the hindu book for the order of éléments placed as their order of creation of the world. (less solid to more solid). But It It is important to remark , either right or wrong that people assign things to chakras according to their beliefs ( jewish kabbalah, religion, planets according to the speed of planets around the sun or the classical order moon venus mercury sun mars jupiter saturn . Just to say that we now follow the classic order with a difference : sun is solar plexus (not heart) and saturn and jupiter are switch according to myth greek (zeus replace chronos) or sumerian (marduk replace enlil)

But all that discussion is t to point that the concept of 3 worlds, 3 zones (body, aura, ouside), may imply that the center/ middle one (aura) will have the same ability that the 4th chakra and myths. It may explain the emphasis of training with it (our site) . This is why books ,myths , animes , movies talk about it. In movies, the invoking force inside body is so strong that eyes are black or gold or red (they are windows of soul so we see the power manifested inside body). Then the hero is in a halo of the same color (halo = aura). Of course, reality differ but it helps to see the commons ideas across the word : biggest or shortest aura, shaping aura (porcupine idea, mirror idea…) , programming it (suggestion) ,empower it by making it brighter, and a factor tied to empower not talk about yet : the speed of the flow in it or vibration of it. We do all that in the site but I haven’t remak a specific exercise on it apart the merkabah where we do increase result of friction pyramids to speed of ligth (think about laws electricity and magnetism)


The yellow court (solar plexus) is used as a place to fusion different energies

The Taois text I read up to now always point that after microcosmic is done, energy is not put in dan tian at end training but in the yellow court to later be mixed. The wheel purify the sphere (energy representation) then we put it at yellow court (I guess it ties again to the symbol of infinity). Many text goes further and put there the 4 opposite éléments to nourish the sphere (golde nfoetus). Mantak chia in fusion of 5 elements do so and merge them by spinning a tai ch symbol.

Remember the prop of taoist training of saliva in our mouth said higher up. One book has made an important point. Once saliva fall in stomach it will follow normal digestion (lost by 2 yin) and all cumulation lost. So it is probably the reason to keep intention in mind of the direction of it by visualisation from my teacher (deity of stomach/solar plexus gulping the saliva). The charge added to the vessel (saliva) must once in stomach be separated. Energy goes to 3rd chakra and the empty water will follow his path by 2 yin.

Solar plexus as you know is for us the grail cup and the 3rd chakra and alignement chakra exercise is to send all energy there.


In one book of eva wong, there is a chapter about macrocosmic orbit and the variant that I emit the hypothesis of existence is referred in it.. The sideway wheel . Not many details but it is sideways arms in out, idem legs, rest body. It is interessing doing that version but hard to feel the heat. The points of concentration (minor chakras) will be joints and knots to help concentrate on the pathway

But now I have some questionning . For me outerside /innerside of wrist or ankles means left and right and not top/ bottom of the wrist or ankles. But the book use these terms as with the common knowing books of chi kung flow (front back/inside leg, front back/inside arm). Is it an error in the text or are they 2 variants of training : the taoist pathways of 8 wonderful meridians (n the book referred) and TCM variants ? It is to validate.

Eva wong book points in one of his book that the microcosmic orbit is controlled by a smaller wheel between horse and lamb position. Horse is south/ bai hui/ crown chakra, lamb is considered 3rd eye in taoist drawings. It is like bicycling, both wheel same direction.For me doing it accelerate the flow. But Dream was weird. A current so strong in a corridor like for passing boats between damps. I had to hold myself to avoid to be catch by current and got hurt by a black rock in form of a star as i was stuck inside water. Water was not clean and transparent. May be I have to purifiy water first before moving it by spinning the smal wheel (cleaning done at level heart chakra by one book). The question will be how.

One book of eva wong : say that the flow of microcomic must be done clockwise, anti clockwise and later on both in same time. No details. But in same tube the 2 spheres will clash exept if the ris 2 sub tunnels. Since I haven't found anything yet on it, I can only think of 2 opposite balls and t one pass center line To avoid collision out bottom to keep the flow. Again a refernce t ifinity symbol.


What is important is that many taoist books keep talking of a flow in microcosmic orbit as spiraling up or down not like a laser. So spiralling may be important at each chakra for microcosmic orbit in direction flow to boost up the flow and be added to alignement practice. A funnel concentrate in direction your wish the water put in it and it spiral to pass Through. Spiralling ironicly also ties to the ribbon around chirstmas tree, the snake motion, the greek myth with the snake around the egg (aura) as it rise up , the motion itself of a snake (spring to bite) . but how a snake rise up inside a tube ? He will use his muscle ( contract bottom to not fall as extend up, contract higher as relax bottom to pul tail up. But if you have space spiralling may be easier than act as a worm since it means like heart motion (closing door so water do not fall back down, contraction to propulse it,etc…).

If it is a ball unmoving like God Ra sitted in his crescent boat, current is needed to advance up and people to row forward (small circles) and once at chakra front line gravity will pull them down wit water, to control the descent and avoid crashing the boat, the direction of rowing change. (note golden pill is made of us and taoist with sun and moon, people focus just on ra image , the crescent book may represent the moon so both moving). But if th e focus is just the sun, when you look at it , it is a ball with rays pulsing in out, the moon just have a fixed halo. The ball of ra exercise must therefore be pulsing as you move it.

The myth of GOD kephera shows an other way to move the ball of RA. The comparaison with the insect that look down but push the ball with his 2 back legs rorating it in the direction to go may well be an other way to move the energy in the training of microcosmic orbit. But all these allegories point to a need of motion of the ball itself in the current.


  • Links said in text.
  • Eva books can be found by the link (same site archive) in search mode.

If you want to understand the concept of magic by a westerner taoist, this guy is amazing and is the one that explain the hidden technic of breath. There is a section clear enough to even to practice the basic.

Daoist Magical Incantations, Hand Seals, and Star Stepping (archive.org)

Just to point here a helper book for emptying the mind or get in trance. There is something interessant about the middle line training (tai ji pole) which is thibetan training using middle line chakras.

Tranquil Sitting: A Taoist Journal on Meditation and Chinese Medical Qigong (terebess.hu)

I am actually reading a book that gives lot of details on the taoist inner alchemy training. It clarify up to now a lot I have learned about the importance of jing/sexual energy. A lot to digest

Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality : Charles Luk : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
