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Some self improvement advice for men


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2020
This is going to be my own short guide for improving a man's quality and mating potential.

The very first thing you need right off the bat is self respect. I'm not going to go too in depth about how to develop this as there are many resources available online to learn from. Self respect is crucially important which is why it's first on my list.
Here are some basic things you can do which will help to develop self respect.
  1. Standing up for yourself. Unless you're in danger, don't choose to just brush things off or ignore things in most cases. If you let a slight against yourself slide then you are allowing yourself to be degraded without challenge.
  2. Take yourself seriously, and insist that others take you seriously. You're not a joke are you?
  3. Don't eat stale, old, or spoiled food items. Throw it away even if it feels like a waste. There's a mentality in a lot of guys, especially frugal ones, that makes them feel fine with damaging themselves. Every time you notice yourself doing something like this, stop immediately and tell yourself "I'm better than this."
  4. This is sort of a continuation of the last point. If you have the money to do so then avoid buying cheap store brands, or cheaper options in general. Develop the mindset that you are worth it. You will often get more value from the more expensive option, and it starts to create a different energetic state within your life and the quality of your home when you invest in value items. You can even lose money in a sense by choosing the cheaper option with a lot of things because it will break down faster. Depreciation is unavoidable, but the value you get by not having to replace something for as long can really add up in savings. If you get around 8 years of use out of an item then that's a long time to go without replacing it every 2 or 3 years with a different quality of the same type of item. That's just a rough example. The general rule even though exceptions sometimes exist is that "you get what you pay for."

Next up is cooking. If you learn to make delicious complex meals then this will push you ahead of many other men in the dating pool. I like to buy cuisine cookbooks and mark in the book the specific recipes that I want to learn. Having your own quality spices and learning how to use them in the right quantities is essential. If you can afford it then also be sure to invest in your own quality cookware.

Outfits. Having nice quality wool sweaters for the winter, and linen clothing in the summer is what I recommend. Linen undergarments are traditional and superior to anything else you have ever worn. You wear the undergarments under something nicer like a vest or something. Tabby made a great forum guide for sewing if you want to learn to make your own. I haven't looked into it, but you might be able to hire a seamstress to make custom clothes for you too. Although even if you only learn how to mend clothes it's still a very useful and impressive skill to have. Start by learning to thread a needle, and then make basic stitches with a rag cloth for practice. It's not as intimidating as it seems, and there are plenty of video tutorials on the internet. In any case, wearing modern factory outfits like denim jeans and an ill fitting t-shirt is not a good idea. Sneakers are also not ideal. If you can find fashionable and comfortable footwear then make the switch. Brogues can be pretty nice and versatile. It doesn't necessarily have to be smart shoes, but you need some good quality footwear. Investing in different footwear for different occasions is a good idea. Leather sandals, birkenstocks, winter boots, chelseas, chukkas. You have a lot of options. There's also a growing market of barefoot shoes you could consider if you want, but I'm not going to open that kind of medical debate.

Make exercise goals and work towards them every day. Do what you can and keep building up over time. You don't necessarily need a gym membership for this. In my case, I try to do at least 40 push ups every day in 2 sets of 20. If I haven't done 40 push ups by the end of the day then I feel like crap. It's my baseline. I also keep charts, and when I complete an exercise goal I put a check mark for that day. I have one for exercise videos too in the winter time, and when it's summer I go running.

Skincare. You need to do your research, and work with your particular skin needs. This is essential though. At the bare minimum, if you don't do anything else for your skin then at least splash water on your face in the morning and evening followed by gently drying it with a towel. Even this goes a long way. You can also buy some coconut oil or essential oils and rub them on your body. Don't use coconut oil on your face though. Oh and avoid sunburn no matter what. Long sleeve clothing is useful for that. Sun hats/travel hats, or even parasols too.

Learn CPR and basic first aid.

Improve your vocabulary. Commit to learning 1 new word every day, and work on memorizing its meaning and adding it to your regular usage when you speak. There are websites that do a "word of the day" if you want to automate the process. Knowing and using bigger words can elevate you in life, and bring you into more advanced social circles. It's worth the time investment. Even if you're the type of person who thinks of people who use big words as snobs, you should do it anyway. Refining your language usage has many benefits. Reading books also helps very much with learning vocabulary.

Always be on the lookout for something new you can learn each day. You can attend seminars in your free time. You can listen to podcasts on your way to work. You can subscribe to blogs that you enjoy.

Get in touch with yourself and your emotions. Women want to emotionally connect with their men. If a man has good emotional health, and is also able to protect a woman and her children when needed then the woman will be very satisfied. Learning to be more emotionally expressive will not only make you a better man and more attractive as a partner, but it will also do wonders for your own overall health. Emotional expression and emotional release are very important for health. Suppressing emotions is unhealthy and damaging.

Be passionate, and find at least one major thing to be passionate about. Passion is very attractive.

Learn the art of romance. One example is that you can take walks in your local areas, and find your own secret private spots to sit and relax at. Sharing your secret spot with a woman you love and trust is really special. You can hang out there together.

Get better at taking care of others. You can volunteer in retirement homes and other places to gain experience.

Learn how to dance. This is way more important and useful than you might think.

Learning singing is more optional than dancing in my opinion, but it's still very useful and can add to your charm and expression. It will also improve your voice.

I hope this helps. Above all, be yourself and be in your own energies. Discover your own preferences and your own tastes. Love who you are and never forsake yourself, especially in favor of imitating another.
I should have been more specific with one part. When you splash water on your face in the morning and evening, make sure it is cold water. I've done this for years each morning, and it's done wonders. It's the simplest form of facial skin care you can do, but it's far more effective than you realize.

On the topic of water temperature, also make sure your showers aren't too hot. This too is important for skin. Either take cold showers, or make the water a mixed temperature. Warm is okay, but too hot can cause issues.
jrvan said:
Here are some basic things you can do which will help to develop self respect.
  1. Standing up for yourself. Unless you're in danger, don't choose to just brush things off or ignore things in most cases. If you let a slight against yourself slide then you are allowing yourself to be degraded without challenge.
  2. Take yourself seriously, and insist that others take you seriously. You're not a joke are you?

  1. Every guy reading this needs to look themselves and see if this is something they can and should do unless you want to end up like bagel boss


    He tries to make people take him serious but they just laugh and then he gets attacked because he is basically a midget. If you are too short or weak you cannot do this. You have to look intimidating enough to demand the respect and seriousness or else that will happen to you.
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
Here are some basic things you can do which will help to develop self respect.
  1. Standing up for yourself. Unless you're in danger, don't choose to just brush things off or ignore things in most cases. If you let a slight against yourself slide then you are allowing yourself to be degraded without challenge.
  2. Take yourself seriously, and insist that others take you seriously. You're not a joke are you?

  1. Every guy reading this needs to look themselves and see if this is something they can and should do unless you want to end up like bagel boss


    He tries to make people take him serious but they just laugh and then he gets attacked because he is basically a midget. If you are too short or weak you cannot do this. You have to look intimidating enough to demand the respect and seriousness or else that will happen to you.

  1. I don't think this is true unless someone is in a bad area, and if someone is in a bad area then height isn't going to matter anyway. Not everyone is living in a jungle environment with jungle mentality pervading it. Most people these days are actually extremely averse to violence, at least from where I'm from. It might be a little different if street fighting wasn't illegal, but my advice would still apply in the business world for example. If you're in a bad area with people who are violent and will use violence against you then what you need to do is use common sense and have environmental awareness and situational awareness.

    Physical strength and height aren't the things that determine fighting ability either. A short scrawny looking guy can still be trained in combat and make a good street fighter because what matters most for fighting is experience. You can have a lot of muscles and be really tall but not know how to fight, and the advantages won't help you. A good body is no good if you don't know how to use it.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.

It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.

It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...

Toxic masculinity is definitely as much as an issue to men as being sissified. There needs to be balance and preference. My girl and I got our eyebrows threaded yesterday and we're going to have a night of care like face masks and the like. This doesn't make me "faggy", I am just a sucker for symmetry and beauty. However, not every man needs to do that exactly but find his own equilibrium. This is probably determined by the stars. I have a lot of Venus in my chart right.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.

It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...

Toxic masculinity is definitely as much as an issue to men as being sissified. There needs to be balance and preference. My girl and I got our eyebrows threaded yesterday and we're going to have a night of care like face masks and the like. This doesn't make me "faggy", I am just a sucker for symmetry and beauty. However, not every man needs to do that exactly but find his own equilibrium. This is probably determined by the stars. I have a lot of Venus in my chart right.

if only more where. most guys are gross and unsightly
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.

It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...

Toxic masculinity is definitely as much as an issue to men as being sissified. There needs to be balance and preference. My girl and I got our eyebrows threaded yesterday and we're going to have a night of care like face masks and the like. This doesn't make me "faggy", I am just a sucker for symmetry and beauty. However, not every man needs to do that exactly but find his own equilibrium. This is probably determined by the stars. I have a lot of Venus in my chart right.

That sounds like so much fun. That's my idea of a date. It's so cool you do stuff like that together. I think a lot of males don't realize just how accepting most females are about this sort of thing, and even encourage it. If anything I bet a lot of girls melt at the idea of getting service at a salon with their boyfriend/husband, and just generally doing those kind of things with them. I'm pretty sure this is the sort of thing that gets you bragged about to their female friends.
jrvan said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...

Toxic masculinity is definitely as much as an issue to men as being sissified. There needs to be balance and preference. My girl and I got our eyebrows threaded yesterday and we're going to have a night of care like face masks and the like. This doesn't make me "faggy", I am just a sucker for symmetry and beauty. However, not every man needs to do that exactly but find his own equilibrium. This is probably determined by the stars. I have a lot of Venus in my chart right.

That sounds like so much fun. That's my idea of a date. It's so cool you do stuff like that together. I think a lot of males don't realize just how accepting most females are about this sort of thing, and even encourage it. If anything I bet a lot of girls melt at the idea of getting service at a salon with their boyfriend/husband, and just generally doing those kind of things with them. I'm pretty sure this is the sort of thing that gets you bragged about to their female friends.

In my opinion, 100%. From experience, the first thing a women (and people) look at is your hands. You can tell a lot about someone by how their hands and fingernails look, what type of work they do, if they're dirty, if they're lazy, etc. Another thing is your eyebrows and hair, either one of these unkept is a huge turn off as no girl wants to see a unibrow or greasy hair. But yes, if you find the write lass she will encourage you to do these things as they are not only a bonding opportunity but of a refined nature and aesthetically pleasing. Don't be shy to do these things by yourself either, it's better to look like a prince before the fact.
GoldenxChild1 said:
jrvan said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Toxic masculinity is definitely as much as an issue to men as being sissified. There needs to be balance and preference. My girl and I got our eyebrows threaded yesterday and we're going to have a night of care like face masks and the like. This doesn't make me "faggy", I am just a sucker for symmetry and beauty. However, not every man needs to do that exactly but find his own equilibrium. This is probably determined by the stars. I have a lot of Venus in my chart right.

That sounds like so much fun. That's my idea of a date. It's so cool you do stuff like that together. I think a lot of males don't realize just how accepting most females are about this sort of thing, and even encourage it. If anything I bet a lot of girls melt at the idea of getting service at a salon with their boyfriend/husband, and just generally doing those kind of things with them. I'm pretty sure this is the sort of thing that gets you bragged about to their female friends.

In my opinion, 100%. From experience, the first thing a women (and people) look at is your hands. You can tell a lot about someone by how their hands and fingernails look, what type of work they do, if they're dirty, if they're lazy, etc. Another thing is your eyebrows and hair, either one of these unkept is a huge turn off as no girl wants to see a unibrow or greasy hair. But yes, if you find the write lass she will encourage you to do these things as they are not only a bonding opportunity but of a refined nature and aesthetically pleasing. Don't be shy to do these things by yourself either, it's better to look like a prince before the fact.

In the life experience i have up till now in all the places i have lived and worked, and been in on leisure time, i can say That European men on average put a lot more effort with these things VS men in the US or in Canada. There are in my eyes significantly more actual decently attractive men in Europe. European men on average are much better dressed, put more effort into styling their hair and don't just buzz it short, a lot are clean shaven or have styled well groomed beards that aren't too long or unkempt and everywhere, and are much more refined, educated and respectable in their manner and mentalities. Besides the work hours, its the only other thing that made me hesitate about coming back to the states full of fatass rednecks that dip and excessively drink, that antisocially drive in pickups with their 'murica and muh jewsus decals all over their vehicle. And aside them the rest of the male population especially in the southern US isn't of my race.

Maybe its because i've essentially spent most of my adult life up until now there before coming back, but it could also be a venus 9th house thing. I am willing to bet anything my venus square is going to attract someone far the fuck away.

I mean i have a construction occupation and i still put in all the effort i can and i look pretty decent and have improved a lot about my appearence. Just because i have a dirty job doesn't give me an excuse to look like shit :lol:
I am going to come home smelling like metal and dust, but am still going to clean up nice, exfoliate, groom and take care of my skin and smell good again :p.
It sounds like some of you are from Tennessee like me lol. Yea most dudes out here really look like shit, and most just copy each other as no to look less than country. I'm country too, but not joining the costume club. I like this post tho, lots to pay attention to.
Manik said:
It sounds like some of you are from Tennessee like me lol. Yea most dudes out here really look like shit, and most just copy each other as no to look less than country. I'm country too, but not joining the costume club. I like this post tho, lots to pay attention to.

I'm not in TN but its in the neigborhood. Thanks for the conformation that the southern US is a shithole that i need to move out of
This is really good advice. Good job on inspiring other men to take good care of themselves.

I would also like to add that men should be aware of their posture, and overall body language. You want to look strong and confident. Body language can be very revealing specially if you come across someone who specialized in interpreting it, be it a woman, your boss, your enemy, etc. This comes from within so if you are unable to do this you might want to look inside and figure out what's wrong.

Another point that might seem obvious to many of us, but not so much for a lot of men out there is hygiene and proper beard/hair trimming. Also be careful with beard oils, some are toxic, some smell horribly. Learn to make your own with essential and carrier oils or buy from trustable people. This will make your beard look really nice and smell great while also providing all the nourishment it needs.

In my opinion every men should learn and practice martial arts and other ways of self defense, and always be ready for combat both physically and mentally. Always be aware of your surroundings. You never know when you might need to defend your family, this is a dangerous world we live in. Martial arts also boost your confidence, discipline, honor and so on.
Manik said:
It sounds like some of you are from Tennessee like me lol. Yea most dudes out here really look like shit, and most just copy each other as no to look less than country. I'm country too, but not joining the costume club. I like this post tho, lots to pay attention to.
I hate how mullets are coming back it’s really grotesque.
Self Improvement for men must include an emphasis on making money currently,and by that I mean extreme amounts of money. And this is true for women SS as well. And this is not for Hedonistic purposes, this is very very important in this time right now. You need to understand that since 10 years ago ,the world has changed drastically and the old methods of making money are outdated. And everything is in the process of being taken away from you via the Grear Reset.

You need to panic. You need to be concerned and be worried and use that energy to put things into perspective. All of us are running out of time. The stock market will absolutely collapse and the United States will absolutely be wiped out as a Global Superpower. But before that ,the Globalists must use it to do a revolution in Russia and China which are rogue elements within the New World Order system.

If you live in the Western world, you do not want to be without resources when all this shit goes down. Keeping money in the banks is probably the most stupid thing you could do right now. None of what I'm saying is speculation. This has already been decided and has been common knowledge for three years. If you do not believe me ,read Jacques Attalis Book "A brief History of the Future" and Klaus Schwab's "Covid 19 the Great Reset" . You can also check out Ray Dahlios work on this.

There is an absolute consensus between all the top Globalists that the United States is going to lose its status as a Superpower and the dollar is going to be supplanted as the world's reserve currency.

All the Stuff about Women ,Friends, Web Series, Fucking politics etc is a distraction from the absolute hellscape that is coming. You need to prepare for times during when the Soviets came into power and millions were killed due to Starvation and After the Soviet Union collapse.

You have two choices - Either go to a country which is going to survive the onslaught or prepare for the onslaught by getting Land out in the wilderness where you can grow your own food ,Guns ,A Well ,and EMF protected Solar Panels.

If you live with your parents you need to carefully study all of the things I just told you about and tell your parents this. And Hope to Satan that they are intelligent enough to understand the precarious situation we are in.

- You need to learn to make money online. That means you must invest in Crypto. For that you need to know which Crypto is going to blow up
and which Crypto not to invest in. I have through intuition stumbled upon legitimate channels who make correct Crypto calls but they are in my countries regional languages so it doesn't matter.

However I have a friend who is also an SS involved in a community of the Manosphere where they allegedly make legitimate Crypto calls. For Example He caught the big SHIB INU pump because those guys predicted it. So now he's rich in terms of his countries currency although not comparatively to the Western Dollar.


It's 49$ a month so I don't know if you want to take the risk or not. That is your prerogative. I'm not endorsing them or what they do. I just know they made some accurate Crypto calls including Sol and Shib Inu.

- There are other methods such as Affiliate Marketing and stuff such as Ecommerce but you need products for that. The major method is putting already existing capital and let Crypto blow it up.

- Focus on making money quickly and investing in other things. Forget about being a singer or dancer or whatever the fuck you think your passion is. You need to instead focus on making money through known methods quickly like going into IT ,getting certifications and applying for jobs or being a coder or going into tradework.

The reason for this is that we are living currently in an era called the Great Reset and the Fourth Turning. And during this era there will be mass upheaval of the economic system and Social Issues. During this situation of Chaos there will come an Ordered system that will include Discipline ,Cooperation and Organization. The General structure of society will be destroyed and remade in this process and since the economic system is going to collapse there is very little chance if any that you can made it in Singing ,Rapping or whatever art you have while no one has any money to pay for it.

Adolf Hitler was a painter who was living during the Fourth Turning of his age and he Could not make ends meet with just Painting. It was a very hard life. He also had to take up construction work. After the war broke out he enlisted in the military and afterwards the military gave him a position as an educator. He never gave up his passion for his art but he also had to make practical decisions in life.

That is to say ,none if us have much time left. I'll give it maybe 2- 3 years before the United States dollar is completely and absolutely destroyed.

Forget about everything else and focus only and only on a singular purpose - Ensuring your future survival. Because absolute Hell is about to be unleashed when the Stock market collapses.

Again - None of this is my opinion and im not making it up ,and neither is that Psychopath Klaus Scwabb. The Economy and the Federal Reserve was set up purposefully in that way that when the Zionists had bullied the entire world using the United States superior military and organizational capabilities (The CIA and NATO color revolutions ) ,they would self destruct the economy using Proxy causes - maybe a Cyberattack or unusual spending in a foreign war.

I don't even live in the United States and I'm panicked. I'm having trouble sleeping at night and you the ones living in any western country need to be worried too. But just worrying and understanding the time clock is not enough. You must have absolute faith in yourself that your going to make it. And absolute faith in your magical workings and resourcefulness that you'll be able to pull this off.

If you don't have a girlfriend - Good. Focus all your energy in making money. If you do have a Girlfriend you have to make sure she's doing everything she can to help bring in funds as well.

Your self Improvement needs to be about making as much money as you can as quickly as you can and preparing for an apocalyptic future. Because even if it won't be as bad as the movies, it's going to be pretty bad.

There is no spiritual way to solve this problem and neither a way to solve it materially at this point in time. The reason being the system is too entangled either the complex supply chain system, the extremely vulnerable Banking System, and the United States World reserve currency problems. The only thing we spiritually can achieve is the world wakes up to the Globalists and Jews and we understand who created this situation so that after the collapse these people can be identified and brought to justice.

This is very very simple. Once the United States economy is wiped put ,BlacRock, Bill Gates and other Globalist investment firms are going to buy up everything on pennies on the dollar similar to how they conquered England during the Napoleionic War.

In that Scenario if you do not own the home you are in and if you have any kind of loans and debt , you will have to be microchipped and enroll in the "United Nations Debt Moratorium Program". Because only then will you be able to Buy and sell and eat food - which consists of bug soup. You will be given a coffin apartment in high rise buildings ,VR reality sets and unlimited Porn. And you'll have to take monthly mRNA injections until you're too sick and die.

If you don't want this to happen - you need your own land ,your own way of creating food and your own way of getting energy. Or go to Argentina or Brazil and buy all that there with US dollars while it still has value. All Westerners are on a time clock. I wish it wasn't so bad but it is.

Happy times are over. The time to struggle is now. We need to somehow make it successfully to the next age and be able to form a strong enough resistance so that they won't be able to microchip all of us. If enough of humanity struggles, we can defeat these jews.

Unless if your a ride or die person who is very eager to enter to apocalyptic hellscape because you think it's funny. I personally would like to go through this period of earth time comfortably in my own home not wandering around in the wilderness with no food or access to society when the Public Private Cooperative Enterprise kicks you out because you didn't take the vaccines and the microchips.

I'm not a future reader and I can't see the future even though my intuition is very spot on most of the time. Maybe republican areas are going to be hard to penetrate into with the vaccine mandates and other issues. However the United States dollar is going to collapse. There is no doubt about it. It doesn't matter if you live in a republican state AR that point. You need to prepare either way.
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Nice post.

I notice that self care is overrated by most men. Whether it be skin care, attire, hair care, nails, teeth, eyebrows, etc.

It is and its disgusting. The majority of men in my vicinity and immediate environment have the most disgusting habits, they smoke, dip, drink excessively, have excessive tatoos and bad teeth(one or two is fine if in good taste) or untamed facial hair,(i prefer clean shaven anyway as a whole) and put no effort into their hair besides the typical boring buzzcut most americans always do anyway because they cannot be arsed and don't want to look "faggy".

Beer guts are a turn off as are ear gauges and severely sun damaged skin and dressing like shit, along with poor hygiene. if someone has bad breath or BO i will turn off sexually in a heartbeat. Sadly a lot of men are afraid to be perceived as gay if they put too much effort into looking good...and the only ones that do do this are players or are gay. The very few good ones are married already :roll: Then you have the white wiggers that like to act like they are black and wear ridiculous clothing, speak ebonics and wear those stupid straight brimmed hats...gansta >_>...

100% agree, men don’t give a damn about self care and mostly have bad habits which can be understandable of course. The question is how many and how often.
Also, they have to give a damn about themselves before we think we can even consider dating that…if we even do.
Just my opinion but I don't care for the badmouthing of the South. People can have their opinions but there are worse people to live around then rednecks with pickup trucks and mullets. Whites throughout the world have different strengths and weaknesses. The more "refined" Whites of Minnesota may have built a great, clean city to live in with the expected cultural sophistication, they also appear to have had no major interest in resisting the people who burned their city to the ground. I dislike certain aspects of Southern culture but they are not total chumps about race, guns, and similar issues.
Jack said:
Self Improvement for men must include an emphasis on making money currently,and by that I mean extreme amounts of money. And this is true for women SS as well. And this is not for Hedonistic purposes, this is very very important in this time right now. You need to understand that since 10 years ago ,the world has changed drastically and the old methods of making money are outdated. And everything is in the process of being taken away from you via the Grear Reset.

You need to panic. You need to be concerned and be worried and use that energy to put things into perspective. All of us are running out of time. The stock market will absolutely collapse and the United States will absolutely be wiped out as a Global Superpower. But before that ,the Globalists must use it to do a revolution in Russia and China which are rogue elements within the New World Order system.

If you live in the Western world, you do not want to be without resources when all this shit goes down. Keeping money in the banks is probably the most stupid thing you could do right now. None of what I'm saying is speculation. This has already been decided and has been common knowledge for three years. If you do not believe me ,read Jacques Attalis Book "A brief History of the Future" and Klaus Schwab's "Covid 19 the Great Reset" . You can also check out Ray Dahlios work on this.

There is an absolute consensus between all the top Globalists that the United States is going to lose its status as a Superpower and the dollar is going to be supplanted as the world's reserve currency.

All the Stuff about Women ,Friends, Web Series, Fucking politics etc is a distraction from the absolute hellscape that is coming. You need to prepare for times during when the Soviets came into power and millions were killed due to Starvation and After the Soviet Union collapse.

You have two choices - Either go to a country which is going to survive the onslaught or prepare for the onslaught by getting Land out in the wilderness where you can grow your own food ,Guns ,A Well ,and EMF protected Solar Panels.

If you live with your parents you need to carefully study all of the things I just told you about and tell your parents this. And Hope to Satan that they are intelligent enough to understand the precarious situation we are in.

- You need to learn to make money online. That means you must invest in Crypto. For that you need to know which Crypto is going to blow up
and which Crypto not to invest in. I have through intuition stumbled upon legitimate channels who make correct Crypto calls but they are in my countries regional languages so it doesn't matter.

However I have a friend who is also an SS involved in a community of the Manosphere where they allegedly make legitimate Crypto calls. For Example He caught the big SHIB INU pump because those guys predicted it. So now he's rich in terms of his countries currency although not comparatively to the Western Dollar.


It's 49$ a month so I don't know if you want to take the risk or not. That is your prerogative. I'm not endorsing them or what they do. I just know they made some accurate Crypto calls including Sol and Shib Inu.

- There are other methods such as Affiliate Marketing and stuff such as Ecommerce but you need products for that. The major method is putting already existing capital and let Crypto blow it up.

- Focus on making money quickly and investing in other things. Forget about being a singer or dancer or whatever the fuck you think your passion is. You need to instead focus on making money through known methods quickly like going into IT ,getting certifications and applying for jobs or being a coder or going into tradework.

The reason for this is that we are living currently in an era called the Great Reset and the Fourth Turning. And during this era there will be mass upheaval of the economic system and Social Issues. During this situation of Chaos there will come an Ordered system that will include Discipline ,Cooperation and Organization. The General structure of society will be destroyed and remade in this process and since the economic system is going to collapse there is very little chance if any that you can made it in Singing ,Rapping or whatever art you have while no one has any money to pay for it.

Adolf Hitler was a painter who was living during the Fourth Turning of his age and he Could not make ends meet with just Painting. It was a very hard life. He also had to take up construction work. After the war broke out he enlisted in the military and afterwards the military gave him a position as an educator. He never gave up his passion for his art but he also had to make practical decisions in life.

That is to say ,none if us have much time left. I'll give it maybe 2- 3 years before the United States dollar is completely and absolutely destroyed.

Forget about everything else and focus only and only on a singular purpose - Ensuring your future survival. Because absolute Hell is about to be unleashed when the Stock market collapses.

Again - None of this is my opinion and im not making it up ,and neither is that Psychopath Klaus Scwabb. The Economy and the Federal Reserve was set up purposefully in that way that when the Zionists had bullied the entire world using the United States superior military and organizational capabilities (The CIA and NATO color revolutions ) ,they would self destruct the economy using Proxy causes - maybe a Cyberattack or unusual spending in a foreign war.

I don't even live in the United States and I'm panicked. I'm having trouble sleeping at night and you the ones living in any western country need to be worried too. But just worrying and understanding the time clock is not enough. You must have absolute faith in yourself that your going to make it. And absolute faith in your magical workings and resourcefulness that you'll be able to pull this off.

If you don't have a girlfriend - Good. Focus all your energy in making money. If you do have a Girlfriend you have to make sure she's doing everything she can to help bring in funds as well.

Your self Improvement needs to be about making as much money as you can as quickly as you can and preparing for an apocalyptic future. Because even if it won't be as bad as the movies, it's going to be pretty bad.

There is no spiritual way to solve this problem and neither a way to solve it materially at this point in time. The reason being the system is too entangled either the complex supply chain system, the extremely vulnerable Banking System, and the United States World reserve currency problems. The only thing we spiritually can achieve is the world wakes up to the Globalists and Jews and we understand who created this situation so that after the collapse these people can be identified and brought to justice.

This is very very simple. Once the United States economy is wiped put ,BlacRock, Bill Gates and other Globalist investment firms are going to buy up everything on pennies on the dollar similar to how they conquered England during the Napoleionic War.

In that Scenario if you do not own the home you are in and if you have any kind of loans and debt , you will have to be microchipped and enroll in the "United Nations Debt Moratorium Program". Because only then will you be able to Buy and sell and eat food - which consists of bug soup. You will be given a coffin apartment in high rise buildings ,VR reality sets and unlimited Porn. And you'll have to take monthly mRNA injections until you're too sick and die.

If you don't want this to happen - you need your own land ,your own way of creating food and your own way of getting energy. Or go to Argentina or Brazil and buy all that there with US dollars while it still has value. All Westerners are on a time clock. I wish it wasn't so bad but it is.

Happy times are over. The time to struggle is now. We need to somehow make it successfully to the next age and be able to form a strong enough resistance so that they won't be able to microchip all of us. If enough of humanity struggles, we can defeat these jews.

Unless if your a ride or die person who is very eager to enter to apocalyptic hellscape because you think it's funny. I personally would like to go through this period of earth time comfortably in my own home not wandering around in the wilderness with no food or access to society when the Public Private Cooperative Enterprise kicks you out because you didn't take the vaccines and the microchips.

I'm not a future reader and I can't see the future even though my intuition is very spot on most of the time. Maybe republican areas are going to be hard to penetrate into with the vaccine mandates and other issues. However the United States dollar is going to collapse. There is no doubt about it. It doesn't matter if you live in a republican state AR that point. You need to prepare either way.

I included dancing in my post because it's useful for charming and courting a woman, it's very good exercise, it's good for body control and mastery, it increases confidence, and there are energetic changes that happen as an entire result. It's just good all around to learn. It makes someone more of a gentleman, and I believe even the military men are taught this as far as I know.

I'm not going to respond to you much about the money thing. I value the input as I'm sure do other people as well, but whatever is going to happen will happen. I personally don't have the money for investing right now, and my situation is very unique with its obstacles that I'm working through. For now all I can do is perform the RTR's and hope for the best while working to improve my situation.

Thank you for the advice, and I would please ask that you don't try to diminish the importance of what I said or discourage it. Dancing and singing are both very useful even without a career. Singing improves your voice which improves confidence, and in fact even in the career considerations - one could put the singing lessons to good use towards the very purpose you are describing. One could earn money for investing by working voice acting gigs on the internet, as one example. Voice control is very, very useful in many ways.
HailVictory88 said:
Just my opinion but I don't care for the badmouthing of the South. People can have their opinions but there are worse people to live around then rednecks with pickup trucks and mullets. Whites throughout the world have different strengths and weaknesses. The more "refined" Whites of Minnesota may have built a great, clean city to live in with the expected cultural sophistication, they also appear to have had no major interest in resisting the people who burned their city to the ground. I dislike certain aspects of Southern culture but they are not total chumps about race, guns, and similar issues.

Don't get me wrong the south is actually woke to a number of issues, but their mentalities with other things, the work conditions in most places (the state i am in is one of the most overworked, and theres alot of problems with non whites and there is also bias towards women) and the overall environment etc the cons outweigh the pros for me personally to want to stay.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Self Improvement for men must include an emphasis on making money currently,and by that I mean extreme amounts of money. And this is true for women SS as well. And this is not for Hedonistic purposes, this is very very important in this time right now. You need to understand that since 10 years ago ,the world has changed drastically and the old methods of making money are outdated. And everything is in the process of being taken away from you via the Grear Reset.

You need to panic. You need to be concerned and be worried and use that energy to put things into perspective. All of us are running out of time. The stock market will absolutely collapse and the United States will absolutely be wiped out as a Global Superpower. But before that ,the Globalists must use it to do a revolution in Russia and China which are rogue elements within the New World Order system.

If you live in the Western world, you do not want to be without resources when all this shit goes down. Keeping money in the banks is probably the most stupid thing you could do right now. None of what I'm saying is speculation. This has already been decided and has been common knowledge for three years. If you do not believe me ,read Jacques Attalis Book "A brief History of the Future" and Klaus Schwab's "Covid 19 the Great Reset" . You can also check out Ray Dahlios work on this.

There is an absolute consensus between all the top Globalists that the United States is going to lose its status as a Superpower and the dollar is going to be supplanted as the world's reserve currency.

All the Stuff about Women ,Friends, Web Series, Fucking politics etc is a distraction from the absolute hellscape that is coming. You need to prepare for times during when the Soviets came into power and millions were killed due to Starvation and After the Soviet Union collapse.

You have two choices - Either go to a country which is going to survive the onslaught or prepare for the onslaught by getting Land out in the wilderness where you can grow your own food ,Guns ,A Well ,and EMF protected Solar Panels.

If you live with your parents you need to carefully study all of the things I just told you about and tell your parents this. And Hope to Satan that they are intelligent enough to understand the precarious situation we are in.

- You need to learn to make money online. That means you must invest in Crypto. For that you need to know which Crypto is going to blow up
and which Crypto not to invest in. I have through intuition stumbled upon legitimate channels who make correct Crypto calls but they are in my countries regional languages so it doesn't matter.

However I have a friend who is also an SS involved in a community of the Manosphere where they allegedly make legitimate Crypto calls. For Example He caught the big SHIB INU pump because those guys predicted it. So now he's rich in terms of his countries currency although not comparatively to the Western Dollar.


It's 49$ a month so I don't know if you want to take the risk or not. That is your prerogative. I'm not endorsing them or what they do. I just know they made some accurate Crypto calls including Sol and Shib Inu.

- There are other methods such as Affiliate Marketing and stuff such as Ecommerce but you need products for that. The major method is putting already existing capital and let Crypto blow it up.

- Focus on making money quickly and investing in other things. Forget about being a singer or dancer or whatever the fuck you think your passion is. You need to instead focus on making money through known methods quickly like going into IT ,getting certifications and applying for jobs or being a coder or going into tradework.

The reason for this is that we are living currently in an era called the Great Reset and the Fourth Turning. And during this era there will be mass upheaval of the economic system and Social Issues. During this situation of Chaos there will come an Ordered system that will include Discipline ,Cooperation and Organization. The General structure of society will be destroyed and remade in this process and since the economic system is going to collapse there is very little chance if any that you can made it in Singing ,Rapping or whatever art you have while no one has any money to pay for it.

Adolf Hitler was a painter who was living during the Fourth Turning of his age and he Could not make ends meet with just Painting. It was a very hard life. He also had to take up construction work. After the war broke out he enlisted in the military and afterwards the military gave him a position as an educator. He never gave up his passion for his art but he also had to make practical decisions in life.

That is to say ,none if us have much time left. I'll give it maybe 2- 3 years before the United States dollar is completely and absolutely destroyed.

Forget about everything else and focus only and only on a singular purpose - Ensuring your future survival. Because absolute Hell is about to be unleashed when the Stock market collapses.

Again - None of this is my opinion and im not making it up ,and neither is that Psychopath Klaus Scwabb. The Economy and the Federal Reserve was set up purposefully in that way that when the Zionists had bullied the entire world using the United States superior military and organizational capabilities (The CIA and NATO color revolutions ) ,they would self destruct the economy using Proxy causes - maybe a Cyberattack or unusual spending in a foreign war.

I don't even live in the United States and I'm panicked. I'm having trouble sleeping at night and you the ones living in any western country need to be worried too. But just worrying and understanding the time clock is not enough. You must have absolute faith in yourself that your going to make it. And absolute faith in your magical workings and resourcefulness that you'll be able to pull this off.

If you don't have a girlfriend - Good. Focus all your energy in making money. If you do have a Girlfriend you have to make sure she's doing everything she can to help bring in funds as well.

Your self Improvement needs to be about making as much money as you can as quickly as you can and preparing for an apocalyptic future. Because even if it won't be as bad as the movies, it's going to be pretty bad.

There is no spiritual way to solve this problem and neither a way to solve it materially at this point in time. The reason being the system is too entangled either the complex supply chain system, the extremely vulnerable Banking System, and the United States World reserve currency problems. The only thing we spiritually can achieve is the world wakes up to the Globalists and Jews and we understand who created this situation so that after the collapse these people can be identified and brought to justice.

This is very very simple. Once the United States economy is wiped put ,BlacRock, Bill Gates and other Globalist investment firms are going to buy up everything on pennies on the dollar similar to how they conquered England during the Napoleionic War.

In that Scenario if you do not own the home you are in and if you have any kind of loans and debt , you will have to be microchipped and enroll in the "United Nations Debt Moratorium Program". Because only then will you be able to Buy and sell and eat food - which consists of bug soup. You will be given a coffin apartment in high rise buildings ,VR reality sets and unlimited Porn. And you'll have to take monthly mRNA injections until you're too sick and die.

If you don't want this to happen - you need your own land ,your own way of creating food and your own way of getting energy. Or go to Argentina or Brazil and buy all that there with US dollars while it still has value. All Westerners are on a time clock. I wish it wasn't so bad but it is.

Happy times are over. The time to struggle is now. We need to somehow make it successfully to the next age and be able to form a strong enough resistance so that they won't be able to microchip all of us. If enough of humanity struggles, we can defeat these jews.

Unless if your a ride or die person who is very eager to enter to apocalyptic hellscape because you think it's funny. I personally would like to go through this period of earth time comfortably in my own home not wandering around in the wilderness with no food or access to society when the Public Private Cooperative Enterprise kicks you out because you didn't take the vaccines and the microchips.

I'm not a future reader and I can't see the future even though my intuition is very spot on most of the time. Maybe republican areas are going to be hard to penetrate into with the vaccine mandates and other issues. However the United States dollar is going to collapse. There is no doubt about it. It doesn't matter if you live in a republican state AR that point. You need to prepare either way.

I included dancing in my post because it's useful for charming and courting a woman, it's very good exercise, it's good for body control and mastery, it increases confidence, and there are energetic changes that happen as an entire result. It's just good all around to learn. It makes someone more of a gentleman, and I believe even the military men are taught this as far as I know.

I'm not going to respond to you much about the money thing. I value the input as I'm sure do other people as well, but whatever is going to happen will happen. I personally don't have the money for investing right now, and my situation is very unique with its obstacles that I'm working through. For now all I can do is perform the RTR's and hope for the best while working to improve my situation.

Thank you for the advice, and I would please ask that you don't try to diminish the importance of what I said or discourage it. Dancing and singing are both very useful even without a career. Singing improves your voice which improves confidence, and in fact even in the career considerations - one could put the singing lessons to good use towards the very purpose you are describing. One could earn money for investing by working voice acting gigs on the internet, as one example. Voice control is very, very useful in many ways.
I'm not discouraging Singing or Dancing. I'm saying not to take it up as a career. Like you can't take up art as a career and survive in these times.

And on the subject of courting women if you're a rapper or a DJ that is definitely a demonstration of Higher Value ,similar to Dancing so I'm not denying that it can help. That largely depends on the astrological makeup of a person if he has the propensity to do these things.

I don't think you should do something for the exclusive reason of attracting women. I think you should do ot only if you have the propensity for it and if you're actually interested in it. Not just to impress the opposite sex.

For example I have absolutely no interest in Singing or Dancing and I will never attempt to learn these things because I have no interest in them. I have mastered the movement of my body by doing Workouts,HIIT and Yoga and I've mastered my voice by giving dictation at conferences and mantra chanting. I have no use or time to learn that stuff because I'm already confident.

And most players or guys who have a lot of casual sex do not know how to do these things either and they still get laid. I'm sure everyone here knows that one guy who isn't good at anything and still gets laid. Even that comes down to astrology, unfortunately.

In effect ,if one was trying to court women he needs to develop experience and confidence in talking to them. And that means working Volume and talking to loads and loads of women. That is very time consuming and most women desire Ken to be economically well off to be in a long term relationship.

So the first thing men must develop competence at is to be able to be economically sound and be able to take care of atleast 2 members in a family. Then they should start talking to lots and lots of women to develop expertise in dealing with them in General. Out of that experience, one can see what kind of a woman he likes and then get into a relationship with her.
Shadowcat said:
HailVictory88 said:
Just my opinion but I don't care for the badmouthing of the South. People can have their opinions but there are worse people to live around then rednecks with pickup trucks and mullets. Whites throughout the world have different strengths and weaknesses. The more "refined" Whites of Minnesota may have built a great, clean city to live in with the expected cultural sophistication, they also appear to have had no major interest in resisting the people who burned their city to the ground. I dislike certain aspects of Southern culture but they are not total chumps about race, guns, and similar issues.

Don't get me wrong the south is actually woke to a number of issues, but their mentalities with other things, the work conditions in most places (the state i am in is one of the most overworked, and theres alot of problems with non whites and there is also bias towards women) and the overall environment etc the cons outweigh the pros for me personally to want to stay.

That's fair. I love "flyover America", it's very dear to me, but there are problems. More motivation for me to keep up the RTRs, as the Xian filth is cleansed a lot of things will improve.
Shadowcat said:
By the way SSbros, something else to consider. I do think however everyone will be in agreement :lol: :lol:

I personally will never date a guy with a "mancave."
Much agreed.
Great thread, so underrated, I agree with all of it fully.
Regarding cooking, please take note of "complex" cooking here. Anyone can cook bacon and eggs. Sure simple meals are nice and just fine. But learn something you can wow people with and this will put you above the rest. Use youtube if you have to, to learn how to cook things properly. Have people taste it and give honest feedback. You will have a life skill that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Adding onto skincare, please use sunscreen or your skin will be damaged from the sun and may undo the work you put into your skincare regimen and possibly worsen skin issues. I can speak from experience. And this is also liscenced skin aesthetician advice I am passing on.

All this is in tandem with being yourself. Truly people blow this advice off like it's nothing. When it truly is everything.
Jack said:
I'm not discouraging Singing or Dancing. I'm saying not to take it up as a career. Like you can't take up art as a career and survive in these times.

And on the subject of courting women if you're a rapper or a DJ that is definitely a demonstration of Higher Value ,similar to Dancing so I'm not denying that it can help. That largely depends on the astrological makeup of a person if he has the propensity to do these things.

I don't think you should do something for the exclusive reason of attracting women. I think you should do ot only if you have the propensity for it and if you're actually interested in it. Not just to impress the opposite sex.

For example I have absolutely no interest in Singing or Dancing and I will never attempt to learn these things because I have no interest in them. I have mastered the movement of my body by doing Workouts,HIIT and Yoga and I've mastered my voice by giving dictation at conferences and mantra chanting. I have no use or time to learn that stuff because I'm already confident.

And most players or guys who have a lot of casual sex do not know how to do these things either and they still get laid. I'm sure everyone here knows that one guy who isn't good at anything and still gets laid. Even that comes down to astrology, unfortunately.

In effect ,if one was trying to court women he needs to develop experience and confidence in talking to them. And that means working Volume and talking to loads and loads of women. That is very time consuming and most women desire Ken to be economically well off to be in a long term relationship.

So the first thing men must develop competence at is to be able to be economically sound and be able to take care of atleast 2 members in a family. Then they should start talking to lots and lots of women to develop expertise in dealing with them in General. Out of that experience, one can see what kind of a woman he likes and then get into a relationship with her.

That's an interesting and compelling perspective. I would partially counter by highlighting the main attractiveness of dancing which is that it's fun. Showing a woman a good time and having fun with her is one of the greatest things that skills like this can offer. Investing even just a little bit of time in learning basic traditional dance routines can do a lot for a person. And if the girl doesn't know how to dance, well... girls eat that up with the romance of teaching them how to dance. Putting your hands on their shoulders, hips, etc... and showing them the movements. You'll be a freaking lady killer. And when it's time to move on, she'll hate you forever for exiting her life :lol: Unless of course many modern men learn these things.

But yeah it's fun. Men need more fun in their lives.
Soul Wings said:
Adding onto skincare, please use sunscreen or your skin will be damaged from the sun and may undo the work you put into your skincare regimen and possibly worsen skin issues. I can speak from experience. And this is also liscenced skin aesthetician advice I am passing on.

Whenever I can manage to find an alternative to buying something like that, I get happy. I have this mindset of "what would I do if for whatever reasons I couldn't simply purchase this from stores?" Many middle easterners are in the sun all the time, but they don't buy and use suncreen. That's because a long sleeved garment like a wrap dress/robe, a hood/hat/head covering, sandals with socks, and eyeliner are all you need for full sun protection. Eyeliner protects the eyes from the sun so you don't need sunglasses.

If covering up wasn't enough then humans never would have survived in the past because what would they have done without commercial suncreen back then if it was really a life necessity? The Egyptians used linen for everything. It's the best outfit you can have on a hot day. I looked into it, and certain traditional Japanese outfit items were also seen in Egypt.

There's also the Bedouin tribes to look to for a great example of a full sun protective outfit. Then there's SPF clothing available as well.

If you do your work outs at the gym instead of outside then you can wear shorter clothing there without worrying about the sun. You can also save all the fancy outfits which aren't practical for outdoors for indoor settings like public events and ones in the home.

By the way, a little off topic this next bit, but I recently convinced Tabby to try "the rag" like they did in the old days. When I first suggested it to her, she laughed at me and thought I was crazy. Now that she's tried it, she has developed a deep hatred of commercial tampons and doesn't like wearing them. It's going to save a lot of money over time by not buying them, and this is an example of the first part of what I was saying. The less you have to routinely buy from other people, the better. More money ends up going into straight savings. I've found that the amount of money you have available isn't dependent on how big your paycheck is, but more about how much of your paycheck that you can save. Reducing the total amount of expenses is a huge deal. It's why I'm more often able to buy things despite being poor.

Another example: handkerchiefs instead of tissues. It might not seem like a lot of money saved by never buying tissues again, but it adds up. People who came generations before us didn't have all these modern commercial conveniences so they had to make do with what they had in the way of reusable, sustainable items. Honestly, the only thing I really don't want to lose more than anything is machine laundry. If people knew how much effort goes into manual laundry then they would never again take their washer machine for granted. I'm very grateful for certain robots that automate certain tasks.
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
By the way SSbros, something else to consider. I do think however everyone will be in agreement :lol: :lol:

I personally will never date a guy with a "mancave."
My mancave has training equipment. Forever alone ;'(

training equipment. A self improvement mancave ie home gym. This is very acceptable. :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
