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So I did a working to cure my infirmities and diseases...


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2018
I vibrated Surya 40 times for 40 days. It is the best I could do.
Now what?
Is this supposed to help me? How much does it take to cure me?

In truth I did it mostly to help me find peroxide which is impossible to find where I am.
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
TopoftheAbyss said:
I vibrated Surya 40 times for 40 days. It is the best I could do.
Now what?
Is this supposed to help me? How much does it take to cure me?

In truth I did it mostly to help me find peroxide which is impossible to find where I am.

Bro, you probably came here to Satan because you suffered. Probably from your current condition.
If it is something so profound, that it changed your life, do you really believe that a 40 day Working (esp at you current level) will change anything?
You have to grow much stronger than you are now. Much stronger.
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I vibrated Surya 40 times for 40 days. It is the best I could do.
Now what?
Is this supposed to help me? How much does it take to cure me?

In truth I did it mostly to help me find peroxide which is impossible to find where I am.
Yes, it helps (if you had a proper affirmation aka direction of energy), but for healing that is very little. Unless you are healing something minor.

I would like to remind the importance of healthy lifestyle.

You can get the benefits of hydrogen peroxide, and more by doing breathing exercises daily, doing this daily: http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20Kriya%20Basic%20Spinal%20Energy%20Series%20fp.htm, going for a jog/run, lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises and so on. Add a helathy balanced diet on top of that and enough sleep and you should be set.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I vibrated Surya 40 times for 40 days. It is the best I could do.
Now what?
Is this supposed to help me? How much does it take to cure me?

In truth I did it mostly to help me find peroxide which is impossible to find where I am.
What are your health issues? You should read this: Chakra Empowerment For Physical Healing by Lydia

You could do something like this:

Perfect Health Working by Lydia

START: Waning moon in Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. Start and do in the planetary hours of Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. Never start this during the Void of Course moon. Waxing moon is for increasing health, waning moon is for removing health issues.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate ANSUZ 40 times, 54 times or 216 times.
3. Affirm 9 times: “In a positive and healthy manner for me, any and all physical health issues and anomalies are permanently resolved and removed. I have perfect health, now and forever.”

Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to Pronounce ANSUZ: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws

Original working: https://archive.is/RLhN6

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Most workings are NOT just a one shot deal: https://archive.is/qLCkg
If you just needed hydrogen peroxide you most definitely didn't need a full 40 day working (although there's nothing wrong with that either). for the future simply raising some energy and affirming "My aura is attracting to me ________ (in a positive and healthy manner, now" for a couple days might do the trick. It depends on the strength of your soul. For diseases and such, maxine wrote two decent pages, one on freeing the soul, and another on healing, both are on the JoS site. I'd try to forget that you did the working and let it take its course, thinking about it too much can misalign the energies and make the working fail.
It depends on what your trying to heal. Some things take a lot more energy than what you describe also some things may be next to impossible to heal from at the level most are at even on this group. Also 40 days ago sun would be in detriment or Pisces not that great for healing. If it's a virus disease or something with the immune system colloidal silver may work as good as peroxide but it probably takes a long time with some things and consistently taking it. Adding energy also can help. Why not go to the health group and describe your problem get better advice.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

Then, the enegy is used to help you heal. Whatever you say in affirmation, this and only this will happen. And if you see no results, means that more energy is needed in order to accomplish the goal.
If you want to find peroxide, a different working is needed, with an affirmation focused on this.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

If you life in Europe you can order it from there.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

German quality - food grade. What else can you ask for?
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

If you life in Europe you can order it from there.
Thank you. It looks like this seals the deal.
But I think I found something better.
Since the energy wasn't enough, does this mean that at least it helps me partially get cured?
TopoftheAbyss said:
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.
1. Do you exercise regularly?
2. Do you eat healthy and balanced diet?
3. Do you get enough sleep regularly?

These three are the cornerstones of your physical well being. If you neglect even one of these then applying the fourth, which is the spiritual aspect will not do much good.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Since the energy wasn't enough, does this mean that at least it helps me partially get cured?

If you want to lift 70kgs but you are only able to lift 60kg at max, do you lift it at least a bit? xD

I was just joking, I think sometimes it does help a bit, but sometimes it doesn’t do anything. Depends on your issues, the situation and your power.

This is what I believe.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Since the energy wasn't enough, does this mean that at least it helps me partially get cured?

It depends on the disease. Generally let's say it could help you get cured at some percentage.
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Maya said:
Okay, here you say you raised an amount of energy, but how did you direct it? You say you did it for curing diseases and then you say you did it in order to be able to find peroxide. Did you use an affirmation? And if yes, was it about curing diseases or helping you find peroxide?
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

If you life in Europe you can order it from there.
It's out of stock. That stuff gets imported from Britain but they stopped doing it because of brexit.
Peroxide is nowhere to be found.
TopoftheAbyss said:
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I directed it through affirmations about getting cured, using also a bit of visualization. I'm pretty sure this ritual cannot cure all my problems, but peroxide can. Hence I thought that affirmation would give me peroxide since that's what would cure me.

If you life in Europe you can order it from there.
It's out of stock. That stuff gets imported from Britain but they stopped doing it because of brexit.
Peroxide is nowhere to be found.

How much % do you want? Lemme search for you.
TopoftheAbyss said:
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
It's out of stock. That stuff gets imported from Britain but they stopped doing it because of brexit.
Peroxide is nowhere to be found.

How much % do you want? Lemme search for you.
Either 35% or 12%


Idk why someone would want to drink this tbh. If I were you I wouldn’t do this.
It reacts with everything it comes into contact with. Before it can attack the disease it will damage your body.
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
NinRick said:
How much % do you want? Lemme search for you.
Either 35% or 12%


Idk why someone would want to drink this tbh. If I were you I wouldn’t do this.
It reacts with everything it comes into contact with. Before it can attack the disease it will damage your body.
I don't understand German. Is it truly stabilizers free and does it ship outside Germany?
TopoftheAbyss said:
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Either 35% or 12%


Idk why someone would want to drink this tbh. If I were you I wouldn’t do this.
It reacts with everything it comes into contact with. Before it can attack the disease it will damage your body.
I don't understand German. Is it truly stabilizers free and does it ship outside Germany?

No it is not xD

Ahh I see unstabilzed, no don't buy this, it is stabilized!

Okay now THIS delivers to Italy, and also it is unstabilized.
It says that you can use it for your body, the thing is, it is very expensive, it costs 30€ for 1 Litre.
It is the only thing I've found tho, that also delivers to Italy and is free of stabilizers.
(at least they claim that )


And it's only 6% H2O2.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
