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Should We Save Everyone? A lesson learned?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people have falsely understood why we do spiritual warfare and other things, or how this even works.

Spiritual warfare does not always manifest things in accordance to one's rainbow dreams or ambitions, simply because, this is not how it works.

An example, people are complaining about the Taliban or the US's lost war. The loss of this war, after 1 trillion money funneled into it, was well deserved. This 20 year old waste of time, has been brought to an end. Good for American life, and even for the native people. Was it better before? How much?

For those that don't know, many empires have tried to "tame" Afghanistan, but they always failed, because the Afghani people are resistant to external occupation. They simply don't like it. Have they made a wise decision to open up their Nation to a literal terrorist group to rule them? Well what's up reality?

Their military also wanted this to happen, and alongside the incompetence of the US, that occurred. But the priority of protecting one's self always is one's self.

The US deserved to lose that war. It's infested with jews, the level of society is dropping, half the US Military generals are literal jews, and they were busy promoting Israel left and right for about 30 or 40 years. Enough worthless slavery for Israel, and let every attempt of the USA to promote Israel in the region, fail utterly, and let the Nation be cursed if it continues this, and blessed if it does not.

I certainly don't think that the Founding Fathers when they were making the United States, thought to themselves, "yea, let's create a very big bully of a Nation, so that Israel can have it on a leash, and that it can terrorize the whole planet on the behest of creating Greater Israel, Durrrr".

They were spoiled, and considered that this alliance with jews was the source of their "strength" and "invulnerability". Serving jews was seen as a very big blessing by these "opinion makers" in the US. They promised them they would be blessed.

Well guess what, with the dawning of the era of the Jews, those who want to be with them, will be left desolate. That's starting to show the proof of the matter.

A few nobodies with some flip flops and 80's cars, with archaic weapons, literally just invaded this place where they had done "everything" to maintain, and took it over, and with popular support. How is that for humbling the JewSA?

The USA has went from statue of liberty, globally being the best in the arts, globally inventive and world first rights promotion etc, to literally censoring it's own Presidents and just "Defining it's identity" by having an open border so people can invade it and loot it.

Needless to say, that is a big jump in the quality of the Nation.

These are the punishments that incur from the Gods also, when we deviate from our given purpose. The USA was not created to be the global warmorgering machine, nor a prostitution house of jews to have a party into 24/7. People like Rockwell have been telling these people that the result of following jews into this decay, is going to be final. They wanted to follow jews from Saturday Night Live.

In this case, nature comes in retribution, and nothing can stop that. The Media want to claim that the people are now in super danger in Afghanistan, simply because there aren't GBLTQAI flags everywhere. Yeah, whatever. That's about all the nonsense America has had to offer to the world for the last 20 years.

When people and even American people were being censored, or the President is literally not even on Twitter, people think that this is a "Great Nation". At this point, and with the recurring events from 2017 in violation of all Freedoms, or allowing terrorists like Fauci to literally enslave us all, we might as well start considering that America has went too far with this insolence.

The reality is however, that for a movement like the Taliban to literally take over a country of 40 million, in literally a few months, they are either in collusion with the military, or the military itself [which was fortified for billions and billions of equipment], literally let them pass. Now, this will go over in the direction this pacifism entails.

Our side, and Satan in general, and us, and the Gods, are already doing a lot of things for the future of humanity. They have fought even when humanity was at the lowest, progressively, and over many centuries. The Gods have another opinion about mankind, but personally, I see many humans as completely retarded on their "mass scale", or at least a dangerous percent.

Do I dislike humanity? Certainly not. Not at all. But specific aspects of it, if left unchecked, can become the end of it. I seriously believe that if responsibility is not assumed massively, that this will be disastrous. Therefore, one cannot be a soft-core liar and tell everyone that they are doing so awesome and perfectly.

Regardless my opinion is not the important one here, and the Gods are certainly infinitely more caring and appreciative of mankind. But the Gods also have another opinion.

The Gods have told me before, that "if the world deviates too far", that they will have "no mercy". While they have tolerated their child stooping low and everything, they will not tolerate their "children" from literally going against them or becoming a jewish borg.

We are not there yet by any strech of the imagination, but if we become greys or borg or something and start attacking other places in the universe, or become a biohazard such as the jew, don't expect that this little assessment of garbage here is going to be treated kindly.

Nothing will remain from this planet. And it would be perfectly justified.

Many people here also need to understand, that we cannot save people from the outcomes of natural retribution. You cannot help a little White instagrammer girl that went for "providing human aid" somewhere in the Middle East, and suddenly became a slave, because her parents were as brainwashed to tell her this was a great thing for her future.

This level of stupidity, is something that no spell and no magick can really revert. Even if there were people of our own in power, this grandiose level of stupidity, will manifest itself no matter what one does. The question is how one can defend themselves on this, so that this doesn't expand in the majority of society.

Quite a few people don't understand exactly how this goes. The Gods want us to get rid of the enemy's virus, and heal completely. The more you take a diseased person, and give them pills to save them, hiding their symptoms [as many people ask here that it should be done], all this achieves is to tell humanity that they are going in the very good and proper direction. And of course, what will they do? Continue that. And what will this cause? Collective damnation.

Indeed, the USA and Europe have to enjoy the ramifications of what they have caused now. Yes, let liberal neighborhoods get filled with rapefugees and many other things. As HPS Maxine has said, only when their back is forced on the wall, will many people react and wake up.

Does that cause unnecessary suffering? Yes. But who is causing this? These people on themselves. And what will happen if we merely stop the pain? They will kill themselves. And what does our spiritual warfare do? Make sure they understand and the enemy is distanced before they kill themselves.

This is so that they can actually get TRULY saved eventually, not just "SAVED FROM THE PAIN" and really just die shortly after.

Another last issue that many people are calling about, is the Co-Vid. The Co-Vid situation, is what happens, when you have a Jew World Order filled with kikes, allowed to dictate to you your future, unimpeded, and all people are idly watching their life withering away and their Nations dying.

What are people going to do? Sit there and whine about it while taking all the measures up the ass, while half of them literally agree with them? There goes then your "Free Society". Will people react and resist these measures, or at least internally pose some opposition to these? Good. There you are now setting a precedent that you still deserve freedom.

History doesn't make excuses on these subjects.

This is also what occurs when you have the worst in power, or charge like a fucking fool around 2000 years of Christianity and Islam, because you are a fucking NPC going around a rock. Thousand years of digging your own grave, don't exactly get corrected in 10 or 20 years, nor in 5.

And let me think: do we have to take these worthless human beings now, and also save their ass on top of it, so they can return into their life of smoking crack and continue their jewish comatose situation?

The answer to this is none of this is our fault, and none of this is what we should do. We are already doing the best for them for the longterm.

We need to give this body the power to react, which may come in combination with powerful shocks delivered from the enemy. We are not here to give people a little beautiful "soft" kind death, but to actually spark the system back to life and respond to this virus that has infected it.

Then, after it responds [which part of it is already doing], we will provide all the necessary support.

This is like cleaning the lungs of a patient after 45 years of smoking, just a bit so that they don't die. And yes, these people, if they continue, they are going to die. So, they must be allowed to spit some blood and some tar, just so that they memorize and reflect on their decisions.

Our rituals will destroy the enemy, but they cannot remove or destroy all the infinite ramifications the allowance of this parasite has caused to humanity. They will destroy the disease, but those that have befriended it and allowed it to go very deep, are going to unavoidably suffer.

At the level where things are at now, with the enemy's power and how humanity was asleep like cattle, this has reached a proportion where the outcomes of this are two:

1. Keep sleeping and die [which will occur if people don't get shaken out of their coma]
2. Get your head knocked, wake up forcefully, and escape with your life, but with major shock.

Between the two decisions, the second is always more desirable, but never the most pleasant.

If the Goyim wants another "salvation" of their "sins", so that they can continue "sinning", then I tell you with certainty, the Gods are not going to provide this. This is a deadly presupposition, and the Gods are actually interested to help them.

We are here to do what the Gods want us to do, not crucify our selves on the big crucifix so that these NPC's will merely resort in repeating the same things over and over again.

If one digs their own grave deliberately [which is what many people are doing], not even the Gods themselves can save them. This is the nature of life. Unless people willfully unplug from the jewtrix and deprogram, then the ramifications of their own issues, cannot be saved by any Jesus inspired people. This is also reliant on karmic fate and natural outcome.

In closing too, in the eyes of a Christian, these are the "End times", and they will fall on their knees to again charge their shit thoughform, and pray that god "Saves them", ie, again washes them up from their stupidity without fixing them permanently of their cursed stupidity. Then, they will repeat the same garbage again and again...and again...Until they die.

The Gods work in the opposite direction. People will be given sense worldwide from what happens. Sure, this won't be everyone, but many will. And this shaking of their foundations, will wake many up, but also generate greater people who will have a better mind going in the future. That is a longterm and true solution, not just repeating the same mistakes of the past.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Once the public catches on to the human condition and the consequences of their corruption I believe the knock on the head that awakens them will be extremely brilliant and happy. As our super cool book says, Satan takes us from the beginning to the end as was his promise. From the land between two rivers to Shambhala

I know the Gods love humanity with all their heart, this is also what made me care for it too. But suffering is unavoidable. This happens not because of anything else but natural laws at this point, and the fact humanity has been maimed, and blinded.

As time goes, the excuse that "I didn't know" will also vanish, because of information technology etc, present all over Earth.

This is why also we repeat, that we need to SPREAD this information, so that everyone is given the choice, and potentially, to assist in the lessening of suffering and the downwards spiral movement through this age where major changes are about to happen.
A better question is not should we but can we?

I really don't think so. Time will tell how many are truly lost to the enemy. There are some beyond salvation and some gentiles who have done things beyond forgiveness. The excuse of not having free will doesn't hold up because nature doesn't care about free will or any given individual people choose the wrong path knowing or unknowing they reap the consequences of their actions.

I personally think it would be unethical to save some individuals. The innocents and those who are generally good at heart are what we should focus on. The world will be better off without the rest in the future anyways they will just hold us back for who knows how long.

*** Along with the Jews and be dealt the same fate.

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
There is nothing pleasant about dying a drug addict abrahamic slave. People will be more afraid of being blind and deaf and harvested like potatoes once they die, then they are of enemy curses.

Once the public catches on to the human condition and the consequences of their corruption I believe the knock on the head that awakens them will be extremely brilliant and happy. As our super cool book says, Satan takes us from the beginning to the end as was his promise. From the land between two rivers to Shambhala

Things will work themselves out with minimal suffering in the world, not none but if you keep giving us good meditations and secret mantras then we are sure to have the power we need.

Keep up the good work cobra and thank you

Yes there was at least one case that I know of about someone trying to warn people about this.


This people in the know should create more stuff like the above warning people in some way about the condition of human kind.

There is not going to be little to no suffering however if we wake people up it will be way less. It's kind of the longer the Jewish system is allowed to just go on without resistance the more suffering they will be. If we overthrew it right now for example it would be much less than if it was 5 years from now.
This is a sermon I really enjoyed , and answered questions i had regarding how much will the gods watch humanity be perverted and turn total retard but it is kind of worrisome and scary to know the gods said they will have no mercy if humanity deviates to far can't blame them totally justifiable,
I hope it never gets that bad, and as far as other humans it's really trying not to just hate them because there so ignorant and stubborn, but what im confused about isn't everything almost all problems on this planet because of the jew? I've always thought once the enemy is gone humanity would become so much more better,
or almost perfect or maybe i got the wrong idea from this sermon
Hailenki.88 said:
This is a sermon I really enjoyed , and answered questions i had regarding how much will the gods watch humanity be perverted and turn total retard but it is kind of worrisome and scary to know the gods said they will have no mercy if humanity deviates to far can't blame them totally justifiable

Those who plan to become like greys or rally everyone into that, and then this human mass starts behaving like they do, then, they should be scared.

I have no idea what will happen to these types. This is also hypothetical and not what is going to happen. If the issue becomes like that of a universal biohazard, then it's going to be worse than imagination can fit into it.

Hailenki.88 said:
but what im confused about isn't everything almost all problems on this planet because of the jew? I've always thought once the enemy is gone humanity would become so much more better, or almost perfect or maybe i got the wrong idea from this sermon

They caused the spiritual downfall in the first place.

Perfect is quite a word, but hundredfold better, is the least this is going to be. Perfect will take sometime and work, but it will be so much better that none of this will even feel like toil comparable to what people undergo today.
I would say less of this is America’s fault specifically and more that at the moment we have jew puppet masters flying us into the ground. We’re more or less hostages and don’t need specifically to be hated any more than another jew controlled nation. I think the solution is pretty simple and is working well. Rtrs and online activism. The jews are doing the hard work for us by acting stupid as none of their plans fully work. America is an a rut, but it isn’t unsalvageable, but it also is going to take a lot of time and also a lot of suffering and people dying, but that’s cause the jew has severely fucked us. America was great and has the set up to continue being great. There are solutions like we need to expose our corrupt leaders, boot them out of office (something that’s possible, look at Governor Cuomo, Trumps impeachment attempts and numerous calls on Biden to resign) and after learning from our shit mistakes, electing better officials into office to lead in a different way. This is the direction America is heading with our spiritual warfare. The great thing about this country is short election terms. Criminals can only stay so long. Before our rtrs and the internet they could just swap one for another, but now that’s coming to an end and proper people will eventually take control, but also my opinion and any debate for that matter on what the solution is for America or any country doesn’t matter so much as we aren’t world leaders, but in general the rtrs will cover all bases and that’s the only thing we really can do as a community here at large. The details will be handled by the people in charge, and they’re influenced by the planets, the gods, the enemy and us. Thus why we need to keep up rtrs and activism. As we’ve proven to ourselves these simple short rituals are completely changing the landscape of our world. And people may still die of course and do stupid things. Okay, we can’t change that with the snap of a finger, but we can still do a lot. If a person stops and thinks what we’ve done to help in a short few years, it’s hard to fathom. I would say we are indeed doing a good job. Considering there’s no way to solve this 100% peacefully.
The way I view it, as long as someone's soul does not wither out entirely, then they are fine. This turmoil is only temporary; afterwards our situation will exponentially improve. I know we will be doing ritual after ritual to improve it. As long as a person can hang on by a thread, they will get help eventually.

As for the souls that do perish, we will always carry their memory with us as we continue to evolve. Through us, they will still survive. We cannot save everyone, but we can still pity them. No Gentile would willingly side with the Jews if they knew the truth.
This basically what we are going to see now that the Afgan war has been withdrawn. Quick video…just a few minutes long.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hailenki.88 said:
This is a sermon I really enjoyed , and answered questions i had regarding how much will the gods watch humanity be perverted and turn total retard but it is kind of worrisome and scary to know the gods said they will have no mercy if humanity deviates to far can't blame them totally justifiable

Those who plan to become like greys or rally everyone into that, and then this human mass starts behaving like they do, then, they should be scared.

I have no idea what will happen to these types. This is also hypothetical and not what is going to happen. If the issue becomes like that of a universal biohazard, then it's going to be worse than imagination can fit into it.

Hailenki.88 said:
but what im confused about isn't everything almost all problems on this planet because of the jew? I've always thought once the enemy is gone humanity would become so much more better, or almost perfect or maybe i got the wrong idea from this sermon

They caused the spiritual downfall in the first place.

Perfect is quite a word, but hundredfold better, is the least this is going to be. Perfect will take sometime and work, but it will be so much better that none of this will even feel like toil comparable to what people undergo today.

ok i see i miss understood i thought you were meaning like all of humanity, would have no mercy by the gods but yea those who decide to become greys and borg like and go against the gods should be destroyed
Totally, yea humanity becoming anything close to perfect and getting out of the shit state it is in right now im assuming would take hundreds if not thousands of years. Very interesting sermon thank you hp cobra

It is a sad hard fact that the majority of people are so dumbed down and brainwashed about actual issues that it is going to take catastrophic proportions almost to get them to even look up and realize there is something is very wrong with the way things are going. Honestly? Since many of them are promoting and are part of the problem and not just passively on the sidelines they deserve the consequenses. Not everyone deserves to be saved or can be saved and this will ultimately be their own making, especially when the evidence is turned down by them so stupidly that overwhelmingly points to them how wrong their path is. There is no reasoning with many of them.

I want all gentile races to grow and thrive and wake up from their spell. But i have the very hard way learned that i have tried to help and be there for others personally that have thrown it back in my face or did nothing with what i gave them to help themselves. The same goes for the macrocosmic scale of trying to help "the diseased" ie brainwashed npcs taking in all these jewish ideals about their own races genocide, and the deterioration of growth in virtually every aspect of life ect, and how this is all "progressive" and good.

One should refuse to help anyone that will not help themselves. I am sure at a point the Gods see this and do the same with someone. It would indeed be nothing but a bandaid solution of keeping dead weight on life support for the sake of limiting short term suffering, when that energy and time could be put to actual progress and helping those that will actually get somewhere. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

It literally disgusts me when i look around at the level the masses have become. No one gives a shit about anything important anymore. Its all football, sports ect, the Kardasians, tik tok, strippers and drugs and beer, and muh jesus and "progression''. There is no respect for the sanctity of life or other creatures due to operating at such a low level. For example i always put critters outside or set them someplace safe if they are out of place or inside. i dont like to kill or hurt anything unless it comes at me first. I found a brown recluse spider in my room the other day and set him out. Today i found this wierd stinkbug critter outside next to me and i picked him up and put him in the tree. i took his picture because i thought he was cute and showed people "hey look who i found, what kind of bug is this" people ofcourse freaked out and laughed and one was like "you are always trying pick up everything. if it moves it needs to die" i was like....umm..no. it is a tiny life that didnt do anything to me and is probably trying to find his home. how would you like it if some giant smashed you just because, ohhh the horrid thing its alive and crawling!!

I can only imagine what would happen if the Gods would look at us that way...and even after all that has happend it is far from it. And at times that really amazes me and i ask why. Then i think of the Gods i have heard of here that want nothing to do with humanity...and everyday i see why. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. If the Gods were to drop everything and forsake us for becoming irredeemable it would certainly be because humanity has earned it. I hope that day does not come, but know also that many will not have been redeemed. Some are just so far gone. And no matter how much they would beg me or anyone to save them, knowing they would stay the same, i will simply look on with cold apathy whilst the old burns away to ash and the worthy rise as Gods.
I have been saying this all along, and have gotten into very vicious arguments about this on this subject. But you cannot save someone who is relentlessly stupid and/or malignant and then pin the blame totally on those around them for 'not saving them' every time. The amount of effort and danger it takes for someone potentially worthy to get NPCs out of their chosen horrific situations can be catastrophic.

Saving a 6 year old child from a fire goes without saying, saving a woman being raped in the street is part of being a man, but saving an idiot who got beheaded after choosing a long-term relationship with an IS fighter or some 'vulnerable brown colonized body' who picks fights in a shop while doped up on fentanyl is a completely different story.

Liberals and the residue of xian attitudes demand worship, sentimentality and martyrdom for the latter two, constructing the image of 'defenseless children' about them [the only time the actual murderer in any case is referenced is if they're a 'yt nazi' of course], but in reality this is invoked just to give the worthless an excuse to do worthless things even more.

The rights of actual defenseless children are also threatened by this bullshit when they are compared to some crack addict who lit two old people on fire in a car featured on 'hotprisonselfies.com' who Kim Kardashian and 80 percent of twitter demands the freedom of.
Great sermon HP Cobra.

I believe the abrahmic/reptilian foundations that the jews and their reptilian masters built, were already slowly rotting for quite a time because of Satan and the Gods. Their foundations were already dying, it had become like a zombie, half living half-dead, slowly rotting[zombie parasite]. Especially since the industrial revolution. I don't know if the reptilians knew or noticed it, but after world war 2, it was confirmed that they are indeed rotting. It is after world war 2 they started planning it out to repair or change/modify those abrahamic foundations around the year 2000[new century, new foundation but a final change aimed at turning humanity into a mixed brown borg race]. I believe around 1999 they started laying out their plans and prepare them. 2020 is when we witnessed the execution of these plans.

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

The Gods must have foreseen/predicted much of this. [On Earth]I believe the Gods executed a heavy attack on them exactly when they were on their weakest point, during their own transformation of their foundations. In a way, they themselves destroyed much of their own crap, on Earth[bear in mind, I am not talking about the whole galactic war, only the one on earth].

When it comes to creating a new civilization, I think you can't make a proper new one without rooting out the old one and destroying it completely. The reptilians, I believe they could not destroy our Satanic/Pagan Foundations completely, because if they had, we would not know one bit of our past.

Our Satanic roots have remained buried deep within the earth, within us and for some, it was near the surface. They simply couldn't destroy it because it was too deep, they were never strong enough to do that. So instead, they built their reptilian crap over the Satanic/Pagan roots[our Satanic foundations].

To SS who think we can or should try to save it all. You should take a better look out of the window, you can witness it all in front of you, you can see what happens if you don't root out your enemy's foundations. It can all grow back and destroy's your roots. It can overgrow on top of your foundations[notice the new age bullshit? they came up with this because people were tuning into spirituality, trying to find answers, it was all growing over their foundations even before JoS was a thing, so they came up with the new age bullshit to sabotage that growth]. All these centuries and years, they could only sabotage the growth. They thought they could keep it all below the surface.
Take the enemy for example and learn from it.

To really 'fix' all this mess, we must destroy the abrahmic/reptilian foundations completely to the ground and to the very roots of it, that they have built/grown over our true, real foundations. And that is exactly what we and the Gods are doing. We are targeting the roots of this reptilian crap[foundations].

And guess what happens when you are destroying the very roots? You witness, death and decay of the overall body. The whole system that they built to cattle the Gentiles, is a part of that body and so you will witness the death and decay of the system as well, alongside other hebrew crap. And since the world is run/dependent on this enemy system[be it a political, an economical or any other system and even some gentiles have become a part of it unconciously], you will witness stuff that may upset you. Thinking that only the jews and reptilians have to go away and some or all of the rest can stay is a bit foolish, you are not considering the whole future but only a little of it.
You have to destroy the whole body if you want whatever Satanic Utopia that you dream of.
Decay takes time, it depends on what exactly is rotting. And the whole Hebrew crap will take some time to vanish away even when the main roots are destroyed, the other remains will exist on the surface for a while. And here, there are two types of roots:
1. The core Hebrew Kabbalah, which is the main roots[ground], is the one that we are attacking.
2. The rest is some of the filth that you see in the people, the political or economic system and etc[ariel roots], this is what will keep decaying for years to come or maybe even a few centuries[imo]. Cuz destroying is easy but creating can be difficult and may take time.

Once the abrahmic/reptilian foundations are dead. With the help of Gods, we will obviously work on our Satanic Foundations.
Some of the hebrew filth will remain in some gentiles if not many,[because many will get consumed by the war.] for a time[it will slowly decay and vanish]. But the future of Earth will be secured.

Observe your surroundings, sometimes even the simplest observations can help solve the biggest problems.

Fellow SS who is reading this; you are strong, which is why you are here in the first place. You have the ability to endure all of this because many of us have endured a lot in our past lives already. You are strong.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods have told me before, that "if the world deviates too far", that they will have "no mercy". While they have tolerated their child stooping low and everything, they will not tolerate their "children" from literally going against them or becoming a jewish borg.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This message was delivered to my husband in 2017. Terrifying, but justified. We all understand it.
My question is :will the Dedicated be "destroyed" as well??
I do believe so, sadly. And will the Gods reincarnate us elsewhere?
Thank you in advance for your answer
I think Biden did follow Israeli order deliberately loose the afghanistan war, also the afghani military was bribed, Taliban are also on thear pay role. So they have a nother big crisis until they can either pull the plug on the internet or with the winter declare a nother big covid round.

I wouldn´t be surprised if they pull the plug and blame the new taliban afghani state for it.

As they said:
"1 malicious link and a terrorist hacker, is enouth to produce a domino effect on the internet to shut it down."

All of a sudden the USA had again a big reason to be around israel to prevent a nother I-net terrorist hack.

From Biden he have no buissnes there -> We have to safe the I-net, nuke Afghanistan to bits.
slyscorpion said:
A better question is not should we but can we?

I really don't think so. Time will tell how many are truly lost to the enemy. There are some beyond salvation and some gentiles who have done things beyond forgiveness. The excuse of not having free will doesn't hold up because nature doesn't care about free will or any given individual people choose the wrong path knowing or unknowing they reap the consequences of their actions.

I personally think it would be unethical to save some individuals. The innocents and those who are generally good at heart are what we should focus on. The world will be better off without the rest in the future anyways they will just hold us back for who knows how long.

*** Along with the Jews and be dealt the same fate.

Yes there was at least one case that I know of about someone trying to warn people about this.


This people in the know should create more stuff like the above warning people in some way about the condition of human kind.

There is not going to be little to no suffering however if we wake people up it will be way less. It's kind of the longer the Jewish system is allowed to just go on without resistance the more suffering they will be. If we overthrew it right now for example it would be much less than if it was 5 years from now.

Holy shit, that's one of my favorite songs! I heard it again in my mind just 2 days ago, now to see it here of all places.

Each time I hear that song, these lyrics in particular, stand out to me the most in how sombrely they represent a strikingly large part of humanity:
"And now the weak that fall, return to ash... defeated after all."
Then, towards the ending:
"Save this selfish world!"

Regarding what you said, too, I also agree with how maybe not everyone... deserves... to be saved. I believe that those who've imposed their own damnation upon themselves with the choices they've consciously made, may be too far gone to reap the benefits of salvation. The people who have committed unforgivably immoral actions, too.

Reap they will, but only consequences...

But on the other hand, some people may just be misled, currently. Perhaps it is precisely the ubiquitous influence of the enemy that clouds the judgment, knowledge, and understanding of such people that leads them to their self-destruction.

People who just need a clear direction towards the right set of mind, people that possess the willpower and desire to live, who work to resist and fight the enemy in order to be free, maybe these are the ones that can be, and deserve to be, saved.

Of course, amidst a world prominently comprised of people with self-inhibiting habits, such people appear to be exceedingly rare...
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods have told me before, that "if the world deviates too far", that they will have "no mercy". While they have tolerated their child stooping low and everything, they will not tolerate their "children" from literally going against them or becoming a jewish borg.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This message was delivered to my husband in 2017. Terrifying, but justified. We all understand it.
My question is :will the Dedicated be "destroyed" as well??
I do believe so, sadly. And will the Gods reincarnate us elsewhere?
Thank you in advance for your answer

We won't get to reach this point by now. But in 2017, the situation was going to head differently if nothing was done.
Nikois666 said:

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

This was approx 6 years, not 15 years. Yes, they have been messed up extremely by this. They were set to just move forward unimpeded by 2020, have it all set up perfectly without opposition until a couple years later.

Now, it's basically giving them literal hell, and has also revealed their goals. People are also entertaining other solutions rather than the kosher talk of jews.

It's going far better than it was supposed to. But still, these events have been charged for a very long time.
Look what I found, apparently coming to light on these taliban mess:

On Julian Assange saying in 2011 that the goal was to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe:

and this book "The Afghanistan Papers", whereby the US knew since the beginning that they were to lose this war:
The Washington Post
Blitzkreig said:
The way I view it, as long as someone's soul does not wither out entirely, then they are fine. This turmoil is only temporary; afterwards our situation will exponentially improve. I know we will be doing ritual after ritual to improve it. As long as a person can hang on by a thread, they will get help eventually.

As for the souls that do perish, we will always carry their memory with us as we continue to evolve. Through us, they will still survive. We cannot save everyone, but we can still pity them. No Gentile would willingly side with the Jews if they knew the truth.

I honestly want us to loose no one but this will not be the reality. There will be ones and have been, who have had the truth put in their faces and still nothing changes. This actually makes me pretty bitter because I've had the inborn temprement of wanting to comfort mother and save everything. Up untill recently I've had a complete bleeding heart infact. and I've learned the hard way that for the self it is a self destructive way to approach the world when having a heart that is too open. I'm doing an obliterate saturn working which pinpoints alot of this so maybe what I have said in my last several posts has traces of that.


This path is for the elite and not the faint of heart or people who want the easy way out or to live in lies.

I understand your view but a bleeding heart for the undeserved will go thankless before it stops beating after bleeding dry..it actually bothers me on a deep level that it's harmful to try to help people that are discovered to not be deserving and I know I have to shut that out.

Your sympathy should be selective as not every person on earth will deserve it. although the thought of a soul perishing is terrible, if we allow ourselves to be buried too deep under the pain of what is lost it will divert our thoughts and energy for focusing on our own evolution. And still now I feel much sadness typing this.

Hitler once said: "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods have told me before, that "if the world deviates too far", that they will have "no mercy". While they have tolerated their child stooping low and everything, they will not tolerate their "children" from literally going against them or becoming a jewish borg.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This message was delivered to my husband in 2017. Terrifying, but justified. We all understand it.
My question is :will the Dedicated be "destroyed" as well??
I do believe so, sadly. And will the Gods reincarnate us elsewhere?
Thank you in advance for your answer

We won't get to reach this point by now. But in 2017, the situation was going to head differently if nothing was done.

Thank you Cobra
To get back to the Afghanistan mess:
Enki had also said at that time (yes, my husband received conversations, which he had to write down, and the one who spoke to him introduced himself as "Enki". As he was very disturbed by this clairaudience, my husband "shut down") that "those who would come from the East would be much worse, you saw them in a dream".
I asked yesterday for confirmation with the card game I totally created to communicate with my Guide, if the coming flooding of Europe by Afghans was what was announced in 2017.
It would seem so :(
But in this misfortune, the "Protection" and "Gods" cards were drawn. Thanks to Father Satan and his Gods
Blue said:
Look what I found, apparently coming to light on these taliban mess:

On Julian Assange saying in 2011 that the goal was to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe:

and this book "The Afghanistan Papers", whereby the US knew since the beginning that they were to lose this war:
The Washington Post

Thank you. No wonder they put him in isolation and destroyed his mind. He knew too much. Please post this too on the thread about Afghanistan, because people will read it.
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
This message was delivered to my husband in 2017. Terrifying, but justified. We all understand it.
My question is :will the Dedicated be "destroyed" as well??
I do believe so, sadly. And will the Gods reincarnate us elsewhere?
Thank you in advance for your answer

We won't get to reach this point by now. But in 2017, the situation was going to head differently if nothing was done.

Thank you Cobra
To get back to the Afghanistan mess:
Enki had also said at that time (yes, my husband received conversations, which he had to write down, and the one who spoke to him introduced himself as "Enki". As he was very disturbed by this clairaudience, my husband "shut down") that "those who would come from the East would be much worse, you saw them in a dream".
I asked yesterday for confirmation with the card game I totally created to communicate with my Guide, if the coming flooding of Europe by Afghans was what was announced in 2017.
It would seem so :(
But in this misfortune, the "Protection" and "Gods" cards were drawn. Thanks to Father Satan and his Gods

Yes, this has to be that. 3 Million people and soon, probably trained Taliban personnel, will be coming in the "West" but also flow themselves in other Nations. This happened in 2015, and will occur definitely again.

We have been doing our best to keep people informed and protected with spiritual information, and to turn the tide around.

Stay strong and know they will protect everyone. At this point, this world is going through major instability.
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig said:

The enemy's programs in general are only a mental virus, and can only reach that "far" in the soul. Most people, the striking majority, are going to be fine. Except of those who went too deep in spiritual decay and corruption. People are still reincarnating and on their way to evolving upwards, this has not changed.

It's just that the enemy's program is closing the gates in the physical and delaying us of this work, and causing much pointless suffering and destruction.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig said:

The enemy's programs in general are only a mental virus, and can only reach that "far" in the soul. Most people, the striking majority, are going to be fine. Except of those who went too deep in spiritual decay and corruption. People are still reincarnating and on their way to evolving upwards, this has not changed.

It's just that the enemy's program is closing the gates in the physical and delaying us of this work, and causing much pointless suffering and destruction.

Thank you Cobra this gives much hope. I kept telling myself and others in the past that in the end everything will be fine and everyone will come out. Because this is what I want. It's just hard to register at times people willfully digging their own graves while showing them why not to, which makes things look really dark at times. The pain this results in just makes me want to shut it off as there is no point in going after someone who has jumped off a cliff.

I will keep fighting so that the ones who rise with us remain to be the majority of humanity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In regards to the what if scenario of if this world deviated too far, what would become of us if we were still loyal, evolving, but everything else went too far, and went into complete biohazard shit?

I would hope at least the gods would gather us up and continue to value us, and just destroy the rest of the biohazardous situation that ended up here.
Am i the wrong for thinking some people deserve to die. Because i know some people who are very aware of the jews and all that is going on, yet do nothing but complain "its going to happen, the jews will take over the world nothing can be done about it" and continu smoking weed and gossiping about bullshit while they watch the world burn. I dont believe these people deserve to live in a beautifull satanic world. I believe that like eugenics dictates these cowards should be eliminated as they are not worth having around and will only drag us down. Plus i feel it is betrayal toward mankind and the gods to turn your back on the duty we have to protect and advance humanity :x
What do you guys think?
(((they'll))) fuck up really bad pretty soon so much so all their drones and hores will go mad first of confusion then of ape-like fury... anyhow we still have like 580 days untill pluto enters Aquarius, and I think that's the last 100 meters Dedicated people have to get their situation straight in order to survive.
Capy said:
Am i the wrong for thinking some people deserve to die. Because i know some people who are very aware of the jews and all that is going on, yet do nothing but complain "its going to happen, the jews will take over the world nothing can be done about it" and continu smoking weed and gossiping about bullshit while they watch the world burn. I dont believe these people deserve to live in a beautifull satanic world. I believe that like eugenics dictates these cowards should be eliminated as they are not worth having around and will only drag us down. Plus i feel it is betrayal toward mankind and the gods to turn your back on the duty we have to protect and advance humanity :x
What do you guys think?
Those people are victims, not culprits.

Those who willingly participate in jewish schemes deserve the worst, along with the jews.
OhNoItsMook said:
slyscorpion said:
A better question is not should we but can we?

I really don't think so. Time will tell how many are truly lost to the enemy. There are some beyond salvation and some gentiles who have done things beyond forgiveness. The excuse of not having free will doesn't hold up because nature doesn't care about free will or any given individual people choose the wrong path knowing or unknowing they reap the consequences of their actions.

I personally think it would be unethical to save some individuals. The innocents and those who are generally good at heart are what we should focus on. The world will be better off without the rest in the future anyways they will just hold us back for who knows how long.

*** Along with the Jews and be dealt the same fate.

Yes there was at least one case that I know of about someone trying to warn people about this.


This people in the know should create more stuff like the above warning people in some way about the condition of human kind.

There is not going to be little to no suffering however if we wake people up it will be way less. It's kind of the longer the Jewish system is allowed to just go on without resistance the more suffering they will be. If we overthrew it right now for example it would be much less than if it was 5 years from now.

Holy shit, that's one of my favorite songs! I heard it again in my mind just 2 days ago, now to see it here of all places.

Each time I hear that song, these lyrics in particular, stand out to me the most in how sombrely they represent a strikingly large part of humanity:
"And now the weak that fall, return to ash... defeated after all."
Then, towards the ending:
"Save this selfish world!"

Regarding what you said, too, I also agree with how maybe not everyone... deserves... to be saved. I believe that those who've imposed their own damnation upon themselves with the choices they've consciously made, may be too far gone to reap the benefits of salvation. The people who have committed unforgivably immoral actions, too.

Reap they will, but only consequences...

But on the other hand, some people may just be misled, currently. Perhaps it is precisely the ubiquitous influence of the enemy that clouds the judgment, knowledge, and understanding of such people that leads them to their self-destruction.

People who just need a clear direction towards the right set of mind, people that possess the willpower and desire to live, who work to resist and fight the enemy in order to be free, maybe these are the ones that can be, and deserve to be, saved.

Of course, amidst a world prominently comprised of people with self-inhibiting habits, such people appear to be exceedingly rare...

I love music the deep expression of the soul. This whole sermon made me think of that song it's really good notice he's using terms like the light

"we feed we burn we lie the fall of humankind the everlasting light"

He's talking about the enemy that song is really sad and meaningful on a lot of levels. That is why I shared it he's even using the same kind of Termonology as this site.

I used that song to help introduce my Partner to Satanism and explain the state of the world btw too.

Anyways not everyone deserves to be saved. I know this for a fact. In fact I know a personal story about someone who did a rape of a child brutally to the point they needed emergency surgery because "the devil loves this and he wants to please the devil" the sad fact is this is had evidence and the person never went to jail.

So fuck no I am not going to say everyone should be saved I hope Satan personally punished or punishes this person somehow. This person was gentile.

And you hear about all sorts of horrible things various people have done in the world even gentiles.

Free choice or not doesn't matter some people are beyond saving. It doesn't matter if some people were mislead by the enemy or never knew truth. If they can do things like this then they are corrupted on a soul level or a bad person in general.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

This was approx 6 years, not 15 years. Yes, they have been messed up extremely by this. They were set to just move forward unimpeded by 2020, have it all set up perfectly without opposition until a couple years later.

Now, it's basically giving them literal hell, and has also revealed their goals. People are also entertaining other solutions rather than the kosher talk of jews.

It's going far better than it was supposed to. But still, these events have been charged for a very long time.

I think he is trying to state since the first rituals of 2002-2003 and continuing till 2014/2015 with the first RTR, 42 NoG.

For those who don't remember or are not aware. JoS has been conducting a lot of Enochian and around 2005 or so Runic blasts.

For example we've done anti-kosher food ritual(I notice a lot of kosher labelled food has soy(full on or at minimum lecithin) not sure how common soy-ification is but it seems certain stuff passes their inspection. Another possibility is while negative to companies and our wallets because we did this ritual they increased the amount of kosher labelled food forcing them to cover more foods maybe even foods not meant for jews to eat and on the positive end Gentiles who hunt down these foods eat better food than other non-labelled food.

We also did a large anti-Grey ritual in 2005/2006 I recall. There was also the giant Rune blood staining ritual. It was mentioned to use construction paper a large sheet and stain a large runic display, I forgot what was the ritual but it could have been an anti-vatican ritual.

There's also exposing rituals like the 2003 ritual whereby the Vatican was exposed.

So all in all we've struck certain key places till at least I'd say 2010 after 2010 I never noticed any rituals till 2013 September or so 88/99 awakening rituals. Then RTRs in 2014/2015 with 42 NoG and quickly till 2017 we did various rituals of anti-biblical till F-RTR in 2018 really by the time the shema RTR came out we pumped the enemy down heavily leading to F-RTR. Then everyone should be aware of recent history with Anti-Tetra and SJD coming out plus the coming rituals as of the time of this post coming online.

I think many will state this to have much effect but once the 2002-2003 Freeing the Gods ritual i.e. removing bindings that affect them from interacting with us. I think that's when the enemy started getting hit. Cause now the Gods had more free reign on Earth directing the energies.

Not that the Gods are affected by these things it's silly to believe. But when a tremendous amount of people pump into bindings or certain bindings are done there is some effect on the Gods. 2004 probably was a bad year for the enemy cause at the wailing wall the Roman garrison the stone fell down. Most kikes are like "It's those stupid goys they don't know how to construct marvelous communist block buildings like our species".

While for top rabbis and zionists and other big baller kikes "Oy gevalt our holocausting shekelberging and shekelsteining empire".

Same thing happened in 2018 after F-RTR, wailing wall collapsed a large block fell most are like whatever but for top jews it's a sign of evil. Funny even in outer space the rituals we were doing were coincidentally affecting Saturn. With the rings of Saturn being manipulated back in place by signatures i.e. enemy vimanas. For some reason right around what was it August/September the news reported even NASA was admitting that the rings of Saturn were being manipulated by unknown signatures.

I think HP.Cobra, Nikois666, means all the rituals combined since 2002-Present-Future. A total of currently 19 years, so next year 2022 by October/November will be the 20th anniversary Gentilekind fought back against the Reptilian agenda. Since the freeing of the Demons was from October/November till April at least just before April 20th in 2003.
Shadowcat said:

I am thoroughly disgusted at how people do drugs especially weed. These deserve no mercy and they must pay for their stupid decisions. Many of these will probably reincarnate with IQs below 70 as this remains on the soul.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In regards to the what if scenario of if this world deviated too far, what would become of us if we were still loyal, evolving, but everything else went too far, and went into complete biohazard shit?

I would hope at least the gods would gather us up and continue to value us, and just destroy the rest of the biohazardous situation that ended up here.

Any innocents involved in this "Too far gone scenario" would have their souls taken and moved elsewhere.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In regards to the what if scenario of if this world deviated too far, what would become of us if we were still loyal, evolving, but everything else went too far, and went into complete biohazard shit?

I would hope at least the gods would gather us up and continue to value us, and just destroy the rest of the biohazardous situation that ended up here.

Any innocents involved in this "Too far gone scenario" would have their souls taken and moved elsewhere.
This is so sad and I hope people wake the fuck up before the Gods decide enough is enough.
Blackdragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:

I am thoroughly disgusted at how people do drugs especially weed. These deserve no mercy and they must pay for their stupid decisions. Many of these will probably reincarnate with IQs below 70 as this remains on the soul.
When I was still in highschool kiddos would look at me as an alien if I said anything bad about weed. That's how fucked up the zoomer generation is.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I completely agree with this post.
Not everyone can or should be saved.
If someone is such a fucking idiot that they like to suffer and die, do it, but don't try to take people who are valuable with you and want to do something for a better future, and want to fight either Spiritually or Physically, or both.

The current humanity, well if there is 20% of it that is valuable, the rest is all fucking garbage shit and must die!

And this is true for everyone regardless of age or gender.
What did the older generation leave behind?
Nothing but the fucking shitty Jewish slavery programs, like christianity, islam, buddhism, communism, liberalism, and shit like that.
"You don't have to stand up for yourself, defend yourself, it's ugly to fight, just let him do it, he'll get bored and stop..."
Mind your own business you shouldn't rebel, turn the other cheek and shit like that.
All they left behind was a lot of dirt and garbage that they ruined this planet with, and now we have to clean up after them, and we have to pave the road again that our Pagan Ancestors did, but since then that road has become very overgrown with weeds, so we have to clean it up again.
Of course it can be argued that the fucking Jews have been brainwashing people for centuries, but that is no excuse for being lazy and putting up with everything, we can fight too.

Personally, I'm particularly glad that we're getting rid of this old idiot older generation and don't have to put up with these vermin any longer.

Nature has already started to do its work and this is only the beginning of the clean-up! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
The age of Kali Yuga will come soon enough, and then it will be decided who is fit for life and who is not. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

As it is in Lord Azazel's message, from the year 2025, it will be very hard years and we are already experiencing the pre-wind, which was also in the message, of what will happen before then, and it was true.

When the time comes, I will Deal* not only the fucking shitty jews, but their ass kissing shabeshgoyim, christians, islamists, buddhists, communists, liberals, and shit like that.

And I will only help those who deserve it and are STRONG.
I don't necessarily mean physical strength, I mean strength in the mind, realizing what really needs to be done, and having the WILL to become better and fight the enemy!
I am only interested in the 20% that are actually useful, the rest I will leave to die and I will destroy them!

Hail Satan!
Long live the Mighty Gods of Duat!
Long live the Age of Kali Yuga, of Destruction, of Chaos, so that we can then rebuild the Dharmic Satanic Society!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

This was approx 6 years, not 15 years. Yes, they have been messed up extremely by this. They were set to just move forward unimpeded by 2020, have it all set up perfectly without opposition until a couple years later.

Now, it's basically giving them literal hell, and has also revealed their goals. People are also entertaining other solutions rather than the kosher talk of jews.

It's going far better than it was supposed to. But still, these events have been charged for a very long time.

Oh, I thought the RTRs were a thing from the very beginning when Joy of Satan was formed. I guessed that '15 years' from the copyright years written on the JoS website.

Quite surprising that only 6 years of spiritual warfare can fuck up the enemy.
Sieg Heil!
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

This was approx 6 years, not 15 years. Yes, they have been messed up extremely by this. They were set to just move forward unimpeded by 2020, have it all set up perfectly without opposition until a couple years later.

Now, it's basically giving them literal hell, and has also revealed their goals. People are also entertaining other solutions rather than the kosher talk of jews.

It's going far better than it was supposed to. But still, these events have been charged for a very long time.

Oh, I thought the RTRs were a thing from the very beginning when Joy of Satan was formed. I guessed that '15 years' from the copyright years written on the JoS website.

Quite surprising that only 6 years of spiritual warfare can fuck up the enemy.
Sieg Heil!

Just think of what it will be like in 6 more or twice that. We are going to burn their filth to the ground. Cannot wait for the new schedule! >:)
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:

I am not aware when exactly JoS was raised but I guess in 2002 or around that year. The RTRs from the past 15 years definitely accelerated the decaying of enemy foundations, something the enemy had not really thought of. This acceleration definitely messed with their plans. And now with Final RTR, it messed up big.

This was approx 6 years, not 15 years. Yes, they have been messed up extremely by this. They were set to just move forward unimpeded by 2020, have it all set up perfectly without opposition until a couple years later.

Now, it's basically giving them literal hell, and has also revealed their goals. People are also entertaining other solutions rather than the kosher talk of jews.

It's going far better than it was supposed to. But still, these events have been charged for a very long time.

I think he is trying to state since the first rituals of 2002-2003 and continuing till 2014/2015 with the first RTR, 42 NoG.

For those who don't remember or are not aware. JoS has been conducting a lot of Enochian and around 2005 or so Runic blasts.

For example we've done anti-kosher food ritual(I notice a lot of kosher labelled food has soy(full on or at minimum lecithin) not sure how common soy-ification is but it seems certain stuff passes their inspection. Another possibility is while negative to companies and our wallets because we did this ritual they increased the amount of kosher labelled food forcing them to cover more foods maybe even foods not meant for jews to eat and on the positive end Gentiles who hunt down these foods eat better food than other non-labelled food.

We also did a large anti-Grey ritual in 2005/2006 I recall. There was also the giant Rune blood staining ritual. It was mentioned to use construction paper a large sheet and stain a large runic display, I forgot what was the ritual but it could have been an anti-vatican ritual.

There's also exposing rituals like the 2003 ritual whereby the Vatican was exposed.

So all in all we've struck certain key places till at least I'd say 2010 after 2010 I never noticed any rituals till 2013 September or so 88/99 awakening rituals. Then RTRs in 2014/2015 with 42 NoG and quickly till 2017 we did various rituals of anti-biblical till F-RTR in 2018 really by the time the shema RTR came out we pumped the enemy down heavily leading to F-RTR. Then everyone should be aware of recent history with Anti-Tetra and SJD coming out plus the coming rituals as of the time of this post coming online.

I think many will state this to have much effect but once the 2002-2003 Freeing the Gods ritual i.e. removing bindings that affect them from interacting with us. I think that's when the enemy started getting hit. Cause now the Gods had more free reign on Earth directing the energies.

Not that the Gods are affected by these things it's silly to believe. But when a tremendous amount of people pump into bindings or certain bindings are done there is some effect on the Gods. 2004 probably was a bad year for the enemy cause at the wailing wall the Roman garrison the stone fell down. Most kikes are like "It's those stupid goys they don't know how to construct marvelous communist block buildings like our species".

While for top rabbis and zionists and other big baller kikes "Oy gevalt our holocausting shekelberging and shekelsteining empire".

Same thing happened in 2018 after F-RTR, wailing wall collapsed a large block fell most are like whatever but for top jews it's a sign of evil. Funny even in outer space the rituals we were doing were coincidentally affecting Saturn. With the rings of Saturn being manipulated back in place by signatures i.e. enemy vimanas. For some reason right around what was it August/September the news reported even NASA was admitting that the rings of Saturn were being manipulated by unknown signatures.

I think HP.Cobra, Nikois666, means all the rituals combined since 2002-Present-Future. A total of currently 19 years, so next year 2022 by October/November will be the 20th anniversary Gentilekind fought back against the Reptilian agenda. Since the freeing of the Demons was from October/November till April at least just before April 20th in 2003.

I am not so completely sure we did all those rituals you are talking about. I remember there was an infiltrator (who was found out to have a Jewish father somehow later on and wrote something about how he cleansed this Jewish blood I don't remember very well what he said there but he outed himself as a Jew also I do remember this anti gray ritual created by the same person) who wanted us to curse the Greys around that time and created a ritual but no one ever did it cause we were warned by the HPs that it was a bad idea. There was nothing about a Giant Blood Rune ritual anyone did that I recall at all. I remember I tried to help out and get others to help out by printing off a bunch of pentagrams and placing them in forests and hidden in buildings and anywhere anyone could and stuff to cause a positive Satanic energy to be put into Earth's energy field from the universe and other stuff to clean Earth's energy field. I do believe this helped a little it got rid of some of the fear vibration but that was my personal thing not an official ritual by HPs.

Other than that

I do remember us doing something with Kosher food and

We did curse the Vatican though I remember.

I just wanted to correct the above two I don't think they were ever done.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
