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Should a person be condemned just for having a tiny percentage of Je

[email protected]

New member
Dec 2, 2009
„I know about the one drop rule, however wouldn't the Gods be able to somehow exorcise the unholy Jewish element residing in the body of a person who, let's say, had a great(x10)father who was a Jew, but wants to adhere to Satanism and knows Jews are the spawns of evil?"

I was asked this question by a friend who would like to join but I was not able to answer his question.
No its not a problem. Father Satan accepts you for who you are. Just tell your friend to study joy of satan what jews do and their every hoax so that if he have a little bit of confusion about Father Satan and our religion its cleared.And race culture creed doesnt matter if are loyal respectful and dedicated to Father Satan its perfect theres nothing wrong. Many chirstins too join Satanism.Satan accepts everyone. Always remebr INTENTION AND RESPECT IS EVERYTHING and nothing else.Hope it helpsHAIL SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!
Yes! If ANY %, like even 0.00000000000000000001% of his blood is jewish, then ABSOLUTELY no, IT cant join. And if he is really jewish, cut off ALL connections you have to it.
He's asking wheter or not a virus should be allowed to enter a body... It's same as saying "but this virus didn't asked to be born a virus!"-Does that make any difference? People are failling here to understand the Jew is an alien ellement that exists to corrupt and destroy everything it touches.
"There is no such thing as blind hatred towards the Jews." -- Astaroth
If a person has ever wondered if they are Jewish or part-Jewish and they perform the dedication ritual, THEY WILL SOON COME TO KNOW FOR SURE WHETHER THEY ARE JEWISH OR NOT, BECAUSE SATAN AND THE POWERS OF HELL WILL BLATANTLY WRECK THEIR LIVES.  EVERYTHING IN THEIR ACCURSED LIVES WILL GO WRONG, LEADING THEM TO COMPLETE AND TOTAL RUIN.  Satan hates the Jewish people unconditionally, and he feels the same about the Jew-led race-mixing program, and Jew-enforced multiculturalism.
ANYBODY can be a Christian, as the enemy spooks behind that so-called "religion" are all-inclusive, and they do not favor one particular race over another, with the exception of the Jewish race being superior to everyone else.  Satan is selective about which dedications he accepts.  Unlike the Christian "god," Satan recognizes the reality of RACE and the DIFFERENCES between the different races.
Satan never has and never will accept a Jewish or partially-Jewish person, and the only thing worse than a Jew is a Gentile who doesn't completely hate them after they have been exposed to the truth about them.
High Priest Jake Carlson

This is however not to state that someone's life going 'bad' has to do with such. This situation is jew specific. I write this to avoid misunderstandings.
No Jews have a different soul template that is designed to be the enemy of the Gentile. They even unconsciously hate and work to destroy us.
If some one gave you a glass of water with  a couple of drops of infectious diarrhea in it would you drink it? Its only a couple of drops after all. You wouldn't want it. It would make you sick. 
A jew is a jew. End of story. The jew is against Gentiles and Satan - Satan is a Gentile. The jew is poison. It is disease. It is death. You can go suck the acid out of a battery if you like, but I prefer to keep myself safe and healthy and clean.

@Satan's Son. Go learn. The jew and its reptillian masters are eternal enemies of Satan.
If 0.00001% of a person's blood is jewish then maybe its possible that there was a lie about their ancestry. As hammerofthegods_666 stated well, it will become very obvious. Some of us had problems in life and have problems that continue for whatever reason, but if you put a jew and a satanist in the same room eventually the jew will be banging its head against the wall. I saw one fall down the stairs and almost break its neck, I saw one lose his mind thinking he was being tracked and had chips in his arms etc, I've seen them go homeless and go insane and make crazy life decisions. They can go to their plastic "god" but their money is always what saves them. Money that they would not have without brainwashing humanity at gunpoint or swordpoint.

When we experience existential stress, our back-up is stronger than theirs because our side is the real truth, and our Gods always have our backs. Since only a small part of humanity is dedicated, the Gods are able to interact with many people at once even though they are at war. Later, this will be more of the Fuhrer's job.

The enemy is more like reusable tissue paper to the reptilians. They serve a purpose and then into the spiritual garbage can they go. None of the failure self hating jews are happy after serving their minuscule purpose and that is why they often become school shooters. Unlike our people, they are simply used by a greater force. We are actually being helped up as a planet by genuinely friendly beings. But as they have luck when they practice judaism, we have luck while practicing Satanism.
As for something that has recently joined and CLAIMS to be a dedicated Spiritual Satanist, you're either deluded, or, what's more likely - a troll.

Others here, read HP Jake's reply to this ignorant moron, and never even think that anything jewish is acceptable.


---In [email protected], <satanlucifer24@... wrote :

No its not a problem. Father Satan accepts you for who you are. Just tell your friend to study joy of satan what jews do and their every hoax so that if he have a little bit of confusion about Father Satan and our religion its cleared.And race culture creed doesnt matter if are loyal respectful and dedicated to Father Satan its perfect theres nothing wrong. Many chirstins too join Satanism.Satan accepts everyone. Always remebr INTENTION AND RESPECT IS EVERYTHING and nothing else.Hope it helpsHAIL SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!
Jews are here because they want to use Gentiles and our Gods for their own purposes. They have a lot of manners to operate. Jews want to enslave our Gods as well - like Solomon did as described in Ars Goetica/Lemegeton/Lesser Key of Solomon when he managed to trap the 72 spirits in order to use them for his own purposes. They are the enemy who is here because they want to rule us.
I just wonder where they came from, where their origin is and how they found Earth to invade it - and why it is allowed for them to be here.
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 9:50 AM, mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  No Jews have a different soul template that is designed to be the enemy of the Gentile. They even unconsciously hate and work to destroy us.
If some one gave you a glass of water with  a couple of drops of infectious diarrhea in it would you drink it? Its only a couple of drops after all. You wouldn't want it. It would make you sick. 
Ok brothers..I know I lack knowledge so i told him that he can join. I didnt knew that they had different soul than us. Thanks for explaining mageson666. Thnks you knw i m still learning Hail Satan!HAIL All Gods of Hell!!
But why?he didnt know the truth first maybe now he know it and want in. Maybe his religion was forced upon him and he didnt had the chance to seek the truth now he does and he wants to be a truthful Satanistand after all you all were from a different religion too once there was a time when you all had a image of Father Satan as evil you all too just like me came from another religion and Father Satan is understanding so whats the problem ?HAIL SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!!
I encourage Jews to join so that the GODS can hurt them. Badly. I hate the Jews so damn much.

Hail Father Satan!
While HP Mageson and HP Jake Carlson have already cleared it up, I wanted to point out that a DNA test that displays a very small amount of supposedly "Jewish" DNA should be looked at critically. Many DNA testing companies are untrustworthy, and considering that Jews stole genetic material from Gentiles, I am not sure if ".0001% Jewish" genes would refer to a percentage of actually Jewish genes, or a percentage of Gentile genetic material commonly found in Jews. Something to keep in mind. 
Of course, usually if something looks like a Jew, acts like a Jew, and thinks like a Jew, it's a Jew. And when dealing with others, it's better to be safe than sorry. 
And look you all were calling me a troll for that stupid reply and that too because i possess less knowledge.And here is a jew. Great
On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 at 3:35 pm, Farkas Tamás farkastamas89@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Jews are here because they want to use Gentiles and our Gods for their own purposes. nThey have a lot of manners to operate. Jews want to enslave our Gods as well - like Solomon did as described in Ars Goetica/Lemegeton/Lesser Key of Solomon when he managed to trap the 72 spirits in order to use them for his own purposes. They are the enemy who is here because they want to rule us.
I just wonder where they came from, where their origin is and how they found Earth to invade it - and why it is allowed for them to be here.
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 9:50 AM, mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  No Jews have a different soul template that is designed to be the enemy of the Gentile. They even unconsciously hate and work to destroy us.
If some one gave you a glass of water with  a couple of drops of infectious diarrhea in it would you drink it? Its only a couple of drops after all. You wouldn't want it. It would make you sick. 
I think you were born with knwledge right? U never learned something it was all there from the start right?
Listen if u are spiritual advance then it doesnt mean you can call anyone lower than you that 'he claims to be a Satanist' or deluded or any of the words with which you knew of, before learning.
I myself know that i m a dedicated Satanist and you will not tell me that i claim to be it.
I admit i lack knowledge thats why i made that post but another thing i will admit is that i wont be calling anyone deluded or claiming Satanist when i advance because i have a thing called understanding.
Hope it gives you ur reply
   @sablewolf616I think you were born with knwledge right? U never learned something it was all there from the start right? Listen if u are spiritual advance then it doesnt mean you can call anyone lower than you that 'he claims to be a Satanist' or deluded or any of the words with which you know of, before learning.I myself know that i m a dedicated Satanist and you will not tell me that i claim to be it.I admit i lack knowledge thats why i made that post but another thing i admit is that i wont be calling anyone deluded or 'claiming Satanist' when i advance because i have a thing called understanding.Hope it gives you ur reply Hail SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!
On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 at 2:35 am, sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   As for something that has recently joined and CLAIMS to be a dedicated Spiritual Satanist, you're either deluded, or, what's more likely - a troll.

Others here, read HP Jake's reply to this ignorant moron, and never even think that anything jewish is acceptable.


---In [email protected], <satanlucifer24@... wrote :

No its not a problem. Father Satan accepts you for who you are. Just tell your friend to study joy of satan what jews do and their every hoax so that if he have a little bit of confusion about Father Satan and our religion its cleared.And race culture creed doesnt matter if are loyal respectful and dedicated to Father Satan its perfect theres nothing wrong. Many chirstins too join Satanism.Satan accepts everyone. Always remebr INTENTION AND RESPECT IS EVERYTHING and nothing else.Hope it helpsHAIL SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!
I agree with the others. The GODS won't accept anyone with a drop of Jewish DNA.

You have had many good examples of the reason why.

If your friend is jewish... bless your soul, they are clingy bastards.

Chavez is not a 'jewish name'. If it has jews in it, no wonder, many jews have even the most Gentile of names. Simply going by name is a very unreliable method. Do not spread disinfo please.
I am not spreading disinfo , I was looking on shephardic spanish last names and Chavez, Hernandez, Lopez, Mora, Bello, Diaz,,Alfaro, Leon, Lopez de Lara, Diaz de Leon, and some other last names say were from crypto jews now if they are or not I dont really know but my interest in looking for this particular last names is because when I grow up in Zacatecas mexico these people with this particular last names were the rich ones in Zacatecas and for what I've been reading of how the crypto jews behave or there family traditions describe  the possible chance that were cripto jews, I know there's alot of disinfo on internet but to my own experience and connecting the dots there's a chance that can be last names from crypto jews , I apologize if im wrong but like a said for my own experience there's a chance that can be  at the end in Mexico was conquered by fucking Spaniards marranos all the Conquistadores were jews, they brought the inquisition, and the catolic church and destroyed the mayans, aztecs, etc etc all the fucking presidents in mexico were and are kikes crypto jews . now my theory or believe is that judaism is not only by direct by blood or family related can be also a matter of the soul there's a chance there's a possibility that is also something that has to do with the soul is hard to explain with words . If I dont ask or read and investigate how am I supposed to know? 
Jew is not a religion, it is a RACE that HIDES behind the label 'religion'. If you read Mein Kampf, Hitler clearly states it.

Do your research, because pushing 'but a jew can be a Satanist' makes you look like a troll, and no one will tolerate such scum here.


---In [email protected], <satanlucifer24@... wrote :

But why?he didnt know the truth first maybe now he know it and want in. Maybe his religion was forced upon him and he didnt had the chance to seek the truth now he does and he wants to be a truthful Satanist and after all you all were from a different religion too once there was a time when you all had a image of Father Satan as evil you all too just like me came from another religion and Father Satan is understanding so whats the problem ?HAIL SATAN!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!!
@ satanlucifer24 (I strongly suggest you change this nickname - it's kinda poser-like - some here have been here long enough to see all too many posers naming themselves after Demons)

Bah, worry not. If you have been here for some time, and have learned much, you will also be very careful, and sometimes call people names :p

The thing is, real people, Gentiles (Whites / Blacks / Asians) WILL stay, while posers will have temper tantrums.

As the e-groups are open to everyone, anything else can also infect them. A pussy will not stand. A warrior will.


---In [email protected], <satanlucifer24@... wrote :

I think you were born with knwledge right? U never learned something it was all there from the start right?
Listen if u are spiritual advance then it doesnt mean you can call anyone lower than you that 'he claims to be a Satanist' or deluded or any of the words with which you knew of, before learning.
I myself know that i m a dedicated Satanist and you will not tell me that i claim to be it.
I admit i lack knowledge thats why i made that post but another thing i will admit is that i wont be calling anyone deluded or claiming Satanist when i advance because i have a thing called understanding.
Hope it gives you ur reply
Obvio no... Puede que tengamos un porcentaje de judaísmo pero es nuestra decisión querer cambiar ello o seguirlo común y corriente...
@...616@... So thats the reason you laying down mate?hahaha.jk
On Fri, 23 Feb 2018 at 6:45 am, sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   @ satanlucifer24 (I strongly suggest you change this nickname - it's kinda poser-like - some here have been here long enough to see all too many posers naming themselves after Demons)

Bah, worry not. If you have been here for some time, and have learned much, you will also be very careful, and sometimes call people names :p

The thing is, real people, Gentiles (Whites / Blacks / Asians) WILL stay, while posers will have temper tantrums.

As the e-groups are open to everyone, anything else can also infect them. A pussy will not stand. A warrior will.


---In [email protected], <satanlucifer24@... wrote :

I think you were born with knwledge right? U never learned something it was all there from the start right?
Listen if u are spiritual advance then it doesnt mean you can call anyone lower than you that 'he claims to be a Satanist' or deluded or any of the words with which you knew of, before learning.
I myself know that i m a dedicated Satanist and you will not tell me that i claim to be it.
I admit i lack knowledge thats why i made that post but another thing i will admit is that i wont be calling anyone deluded or claiming Satanist when i advance because i have a thing called understanding.
Hope it gives you ur reply
All are Gentile Spanish surnames, the reason is that the jews when they infiltrate a country adopt and steal the typical surnames of that population.

---In [email protected], <adrianarosas1130@... wrote :

I am not spreading disinfo , I was looking on shephardic spanish last names and Chavez, Hernandez, Lopez, Mora, Bello, Diaz,,Alfaro, Leon, Lopez de Lara, Diaz de Leon, and some other last names say were from crypto jews now if they are or not I dont really know but my interest in looking for this particular last names is because when I grow up in Zacatecas mexico these people with this particular last names were the rich ones in Zacatecas and for what I've been reading of how the crypto jews behave or there family traditions describe  the possible chance that were cripto jews, I know there's alot of disinfo on internet but to my own experience and connecting the dots there's a chance that can be last names from crypto jews , I apologize if im wrong but like a said for my own experience there's a chance that can be  at the end in Mexico was conquered by fucking Spaniards marranos all the Conquistadores were jews, they brought the inquisition, and the catolic church and destroyed the mayans, aztecs, etc etc all the fucking presidents in mexico were and are kikes crypto jews . now my theory or believe is that judaism is not only by direct by blood or family related can be also a matter of the soul there's a chance there's a possibility that is also something that has to do with the soul is hard to explain with words . If I dont ask or read and investigate how am I supposed to know? 
this  subject about the tiny part bring me a question : 
if  we have  jewish blood we probably know it ? 
i think doing rtr everyday  will wreck  somebody who have jewish ancestry anyway. 

Obviously yes.
And no, you can't simply "change your jewishness" or whatever you meant with your gibberish.

Satan HIMSELF stated that jews are NOT his children, and that he will completely destroy ALL jews spiritually and physically.

So who are you to say otherwise?

You trolls need to get a life, the only thing you're achieving is simply wasting your time.

Hail Satan!!!!
That's not enough to prove someone's jewishness.
The enemy can simply heavily attack someone who's paranoid about it to trick them.

The enemy always pushes these types of trick on newbies (especially).

Hail Satan!
The Satanic energies destroys the jew in small or large part - the RTRs especially.

While the jew doesn't have anything of its own, i.e. that it stole all "its" magic and things from Gentiles, the core Satanic magick, which are the very energies of Nature Herself, are too Pure and Natural for the jew. The jew has to have connections with what it stole; twisted; perverted; and corrupted for the energies to work; the energies of the Universe. The jew has its own magic, but it can't us Satan, SATANAS, SaTaNaMa directly, so it must substitute things.

The jew's "soul" is not tuned-in finely with Nature's energies; its "soul" is a mere parasite, sucking the life out of and sapping energy - literally - from Nature. I say - for the jew "religions" of christianity and islam, but also for the jew itself - that it is anti-Human; anti-Natural; anti-Spiritual; and anti-Scientific, but if we want to get to the most basic, fundamental way of thinking - the jew is anti-Nature.

While the jew was created in and among Nature, we might want to consider this - such beauty and harmony is often created out of, and from, disunity; chaos; destruction; desolation; death; etc. (mind the alliteration). Negativity can be positivity - rather, we can get positivity from and because of negativity. How? If we allow the antis to strengthen our resolve, and if we be defiant, rebellious, and individual - strong and powerful.

A star is born from a nebula; a nebula is born from an exploded star. That explosion is utter decimation, yet a solar system is born from the gas and dust clouds of the nebula around it; thus, life is created by Nature. It's easier to destroy - energy takes the path of least resistance which is negative and destructive and deadly - but we can choose to be better.

Dare I say that resistance might be necessary? For those of us who haven't opened our Third Eye yet, we might need to be overpowered sometimes, to help us realise where we're going wrong, so we can learn and defend that area. i.e. Some might need to learn the hard way. That can teach us and strengthen our resolve. After we open our Third Eye, the sky is not the limit, but infinity and eternity are. (Did you see what I did there?! ;-))

All the jew can do is bring us down to its level and push us lower. It is incapable of advancing as we can. It lacks this capability within its "soul". It is jealous of us - literally, as are the lower Nordics, and the reptillians, etc. Satan and the Gods are far outnumbered, yet they are stronger. For merely a season (in terms of being immortal, a couple of thousand years is not very long) the jew and its shit reigns - but only for a season.

This infancy of Humanity (compared with forever) (about 10 thousand years ago we were nearly as the Gods were) is a young Child falling over and cutting his/her knee in a playground. The reason the Child fell over was because s/he was pushed over by the jew (schadenfreude) - the jew is a bully because its masters don't love it, and didn't give it the ability to be better than us Gentiles in its "soul". Think about "god" - if you don't love it, it will destroy you; the jew's masters will destroy the jew not if but when it fails at raping Earth and Her Inhabitants, in attempts for its masters to be sustained with our Souls - literally, while the jew reaps materalistic rewards; the jew trades Souls for shekels. Consider a double-episode of Star Trek where they 'phase out' into a slighty-different 'phase' occupying the same space/area/place, where aliens suck the lifeforce of people into what looks like their version of a Third Eye Chakra; or consider Harry Potter where the Dementors suck the Soul out of people. The truth is stranger than fiction, no?

The jew's "soul" is a stain on the underwear of life. It cannot be of Satan. The jew demands you do as the jew wants; its masters restrict it, as well. In a sense, if a reptillian were to come and speak honestly with you, it would tell you, "You're my bitch's bitch. Think about that." while laughing and farting - how would you feel being the bitch of a bitch of the reptillians?! Not only that, but with "your" (because they defected) very biological race defecting?! The lower Nordics defected away from Satan; if I am not mistaken, they are Gentiles who defected. This reminds me of the Lion King.

Scar is the lower race of Nordics, while Mufassa is the Higher Race of Nordics, and Simba is Infant Humanity (i.e. us). Scar is jealous that he won't be king, and Simba was mind-raped by him to leave, and feeling sorry for himself... I'm sure you've seen the film... The jew is portrayed by the hyenas who do Scar's dirty, evil bidding. The jew is jealous of us, the jew is nothing but a scavenger - literally; parasitical - and doesn't belong in our Pridelands.

To use computer terminology - the jew's "soul" is incompatible with Gentiles. How does an avalanch start? The smallest amount of jew in a soul is deadly. All it needs is a crack in something, and a massive gaping hole can be formed. (This is why we must also do out Aura of Protection and Aura/Chakra Cleanings, which also includes the rest of our Soul, to close these holes healthily.) The jew and its fellow entities work on any vulnerability - and repeat it incessantly, if you allow it to.
We are taking the mass genetic lump of humanity and squeezing it until the parasites come out like playdoh worms. Unfortunately some strands are very small and missed as we scrape off the undesirable substance.

 Its not going to be too long before you give up as a Satanist if you are a jew. If the jew seems to "progress" in Satanism, this is illusionary. The enemy vortex of energy helping them out combined with the random nature of getting older, richer and smarter. The vortex is programmed to help the enemy while threatening our own in a coordinated way to intimidate us.

Jews will give up in satanism and never show deep pride of it even "accidentally", they will treat it like a brand of clothing or a fancy car and maybe show off in a really basic way.

When I started I thought maybe I'm hallucinating this all and I'm just getting older. Nope. Its all so obvious now. Anybody who thinks that its a noble lie to tell the jews that they can be on our side, simply has not seen the truth yet. Anybody can see the truth but only some can follow it, like anybody can see the outside of a jail cell but those within cannot touch it. Its a sad fact.

We liberate the jew by eliminating it. The jew is in prison of the human body. The "universe" (uni means "one", so this is a horrible term) goes on forever allowing an infinite amount of duplicates of all variations of all forms. So therefor souls similar to energy cannot be created or destroyed only manipulated into new forms, which takes huge amounts of energy.

The jew is a slave and they are aiming to collectively turn all of humanity into spiritual inferiors to the enemy E.T.s by hoarding occult knowledge for use by their inferior souls, which cannot produce the energy ours can both as individuals and obviously as a minority collective. Obviously if this group tried to run the world it would be completely fucking retarded like a son fathering his own dad. Clearly, something has went wrong.

As the enemy never had enough power to manipulate souls into that which are superior to anything they had the resource of. Satan can easily produce advanced beings much more brilliant than humanity at the drop of a hat, because his soul is programmed to be able to draw unimaginable amounts of energy to "manipulate" (assisted evolution) willing souls wherever they may be.

Only, souls are specific to an object that is "somewhere" and energy is just endless duplicates of colors and things like that which you can draw from, by "grabbing" it from "elsewhere in the pool of the universe" by moving around reality like you're inside a tesseract.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
