Length said:
For you to equate urine with saliva and excuse it to be of consent, as far as the jos is concerned, is beyond ridiculous and just an excuse to practice an extremely degrading and nasty act deemed sexual by kikes and their followers only. How could you even equate pissing on someone and giving them a Kiss and exchanging saliva. No sane person could possible even think these two as having a remote of assemblance. And the argument of bacteria and whats safe is wrong to the hundredth degree. From WebMd, What is Urine:
Pee is your body’s liquid waste. It's mainly made of water, salt, electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus, and chemicals called urea and uric acid. Your kidneys make it when they filter toxins and other bad stuff from your blood.
Filtering toxins and other bade stuff from your blood. This means it meant to be thrown away, meaning toilet. Also, dude, the fucking smell of piss. If you think of the smell of piss as favorable, dude, you have never smelt a rose a day in your life. Perfume smells great and delightful as well as essential oils mixed with herbs and other flowers/plants. Pine sap from a tree smells delightful and itself can be addicting. A damp or dry forest smells of an invitation- something to be explored through out. But piss is no way comparable. Also, piss to a clean and healthy body that has been showered and cleaned. What does any sane person prefer? In that case, shit and shitting on people is completely healthy(sarcasm). I think you would love 'Two Girls in a Cup'. It might be your cup of piss, i mean tea.
Wake up from the jewish poison(piss)
I concur. These looks abhorrent and something jews would think of. They're especially sadistic and psychopathic in their sexual behavior, its making my skin crawl to even comprehend it . Imagine what it means when a woman is kneeling before you and you're urinating in her mouth. The act basically equates her as a toilet. This kind of act and to sexualize it can only be a creation by a Jewish mind which has extreme hate for women and equates it to a toilet.
Jews say this every morning,
"Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has not made me a woman." -- Morning Blessings, Artscroll Siddur, p. 12.
You may have noticed porn getting more and more extreme as progressive movements get more and more extreme. Its simply jews creating a problem and offering a solution. Porn as created today is a serious psychological health crisis that should be treated as a psychological addictive substance. It gradually makes you delve deeper and deeper into extreme material and innundates you into fetishes which you originally found disgusting. Theyre specifically designed by people have backgrounds in psychology who hone in on people's psychological weak points. This shit is cancerous and you won't know it until you've been in that hole once and have tried to come out.
Giving up porn improves ones memory and heals the neuroplasticity of the brain which has been affected by rapid dopamine spikes after masturbating to digital porn. That is to say, someone who regularly masturbates to porn. Porn and other cancerous kinds of media are created to innundate people into complacency and not make them think about the things that are extremely important : The world, Jews being nefarious Criminals, enemies of their nation,their life,their economy,Psychological states of the people around them, alternative true history, spirituality etc.
Basically the jews have innundated especially men into drugs, video games,porn, social media,pussy worshipping, to prevent hard resistance against their agendas.
A young boy understands as he grows up :
1)Tries drugs,alcohol, cigarettes etc as 'Hip'.
2)Sees Women as sex objects. Men are status objects (alternatively innundated into women.)
3)Lifes purpose is to play video games, watch anime, do drugs, try to fuck bitches till you get fucked as your going nowhere in your life then you get an education and get married and settle down in a sterile marriage where both you and the wife are wagecucking to make ends meet so you can't own a house, have kids.
The jews have stolen from men
1)A sense of Nationality
2)A sense of race
3)A sense of being a spiritual person
4)Advancing spiritually
Most mens reason to exist is to hope he somehow gets into a relationship and keeps having sex, one of the most basest and primitive desires of men. Its really disheartening to see. And with feminist and mgtow bullshit combined with the state of the economy, its like an apocalypse with record number of people being virgins and not having sex.
On one hand you have these kids fantasizing about being the character they see in rap songs,songs and social media and shows etc and on the other hand all of this is the thorn preventing these kids from actually achieving anything in life.
Knowing about all of these makes you really hate these jews who have created this situation and also feel contempt towards the people caught up in it unable to see the matrix.