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Satan's Day (December 23)


Feb 22, 2024
Satan's Day is coming upon us and it is a great day for opportunity for celebration and happiness. Besides doing Satan's Absolution rituals, what else do you guy's do? It is nice to share with each other and come together to share our experiences and maybe be inspired to do the same! I hope everyone gets to feel happy on this sacred day, get to feel welcomed and celebrate our great Father for all the contributions he has made for all of us! I wish everyone the best of holidays and enjoy this sacred time!! HAIL SATAN!!
Ziua lui Satan vine peste noi şi este o zi mare pentru ocazii de sărbătoare şi fericire. În afară de a face ritualurile de Absolvire ale lui Satan, ce altceva mai faci tu? Este frumos să împărtășim unul cu celălalt și să ne unim pentru a împărtăși experiențele noastre și poate să fim inspirați să facem același lucru! Sper ca toată lumea să se simtă fericită în această zi sfântă, să se simtă primită și să-l celebreze pe marele nostru Tată pentru toate contribuțiile pe care le-a făcut pentru noi toți! Urez tuturor cele mai bune sărbători și să se bucure de acest timp sacru!! HAI SATAN!!
Eu fac Tatăl Ritual Domn Satan 22-23 December .
In 19-20 decembrie fac cu mama mea bebelusul meu si fac cu ea: tiramisu si un alt meniu gelatina cu branza rotesc ciocolata cu lapte cu vanilie sau rom (brandy little bit syrop) simbol copac 30-40 minute direct in fierbinte (the owen).
Later cooking 23 december : 18 hour :potatoes/Chicken /Garlic.
Eu fac Tatăl Ritual Domn Satan 22-23 Decembrie .
In 19-20 decembrie fac cu mama mea bebelusul meu si fac cu ea: tiramisu si un alt meniu gelatina cu branza rotesc ciocolata cu lapte cu vanilie sau rom (brandy little bit syrop) simbol copac 30-40 minute direct in fierbinte (the owen).
Gătit mai târziu 23 decembrie : 18 ore Potatoes /Pui /Garlic.
I am planning doing a Poem and posting it on that very day , you could also do the incantation of Satan and then just speak to Him about how grateful you are for everything that he has , does and will ever do for you , just talk to Him, He is always there , literally. It is just that he has various ways of communication back to you comparing with the other God's.

Satan is very mystical where God Beelzebul I could hear it very potently and clear , better and clearer and more vivid and real, louder then my own very mind.

23th Dec is also a perfect day that one could put in writing what he would like to accomplish , do planning and aim for the BIGGEST think possible and putting it trough steps, also meditating on the fire trough visualizing his Sigil and your Desires also works and this will make it real as well.

Best time to be grateful and to aim for higher advancement. May all trough Satan re-unite each other and be as Him , PERFECT.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
