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Revolutionaries For Nothing...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A few people constantly complain or attack not what makes them go full retard, but rather, what prevents them from going full retard. This is very common nowadays. Instead of us opposing the corruption, and what eventually destroys us, we only hate on what is preventing this.

Mentality such as this is instilled in victims, slaves, and all sorts of people whose only program in the brain is a program of self-destruction, and satisfaction while said destruction takes place.

For example, one that wants to jump from a cliff, hates on the sign that says "Danger DEATH", and one that wants to do drugs, only sees their "mother and father" as their enemy, who tell them to not become a drug user and eventually die. Somehow, if one does this, they act like a 'bad parent', but if they allow people off the cliffs, jews to patrol and pull people down, or even better, in the opinion of these infantile people, KICK their own children down from the cliffs, that is "Good parenthood", deserving of jewish rewards.

Good Parenting consists of teaching your "Goy" children, and "Followers", as these fools who point the finger on 'me' and 'us' frequently, to only espouse and accept what is bad for them, and never teach them the art of rejection for decay like some "madmen" like the one writing this post does. "Madmen" like that want to generate free warriors and people who know to say "NO", in a world where all "NO's" are pointless, and all "YES's" are only affirmations of further destruction.

Little these people can see, that you guys that complain, are free to jump from cliffs. The only thing that "I" refuse to do is give you ENDORSEMENT for it. Nobody here, nor me, or anyone else, can endorse of what one loves and cares about, to see it going down a cliff, or self destroy, or follow a route of self destruction. One can however, liberally and individually, take this route, no questions asked.

Unlike you, who answer to nobody, and sadly, not even yourselves when you self-question stupidity, I have beings to whom I have to answer, and who demand well-being and protection. In my mind and in the mind of many others, where there are innocents, there should also be guards, medics, teachers, and a community.

In the mind of few others and some jews who are thinking alike, where there are innocents, there should be no borders and no fence: this way the jew can feast freely. To these people, "You" people are only a good dinner, and a good meal.

These revolutionaries for nothing, of which we also have some few here, are always of the same foolery. The revolutionary tendency is not taken on head to head with all the enemies of this world who plan to put people in gulags, but thrown aggressively on people who put some signs in place for others to not fall of cliffs.

This is because these people are frail and weak. They do not have the power to change the 'greater evils', so they are busy trying to 'change' and drag down the few people who step in the front to change these evils. This is because, when these proud people fight against these evils, and they stand like proud lions, these cheap souls shrink and feel worthless, for they are good for nothing and communists.

One would rather not raise a website to criticize christianity, islam, or what is eventually KILLING US for CENTURIES, but they are too fond to attack on superficial matters: others who are truly dangerous are coming to clean them in one full sweep from the hills, and what they concern themselves with, if in a small bastion that defends a great war, their dumb 'criticisms' have no place.

This reminds me of Jouranlists who go in the Middle East. Pissrael is taking Palestinian kids down by the droves, but what is of immaculate interest here, is if some Anti-semite threw a banana down, upon which a holy jew did slip and hurt his ass. That is indeed their 'greatest problem'. As for real problems, if they pointed out to this, these 'self righteous' criticizers, would find themselves in an Israeli camp, so they turn to the people who threw the banana peel, to play the righteous against these people, whom they know will not react to them.

The above is because our side simply does not pointlessly retaliate, like of course the enemy would do in said example. But these fools know, if they take their so called "REVOLUTIONARY" tendencies to the enemy, which they are cowardly to do so, they will have issues. Therefore, they limit themselves to matters such as their "OPINION" on X non existent problem of the forum or of this community, which for example, they never even existed in.

Oh boy these little ones are also aggressive, and they have really bad manners on top of everything, too, like buzzfeed reporters. As much as buzzfeed cares about 'human rights', so as to breach and attack the rights of humans with opposing opinions mercilessly, so do these 'criticizers' care to improve anything, with rants, below the belt attacks, and acting like Rabbis on a heated synagogue argument.

As the jew who never existed in Rome and went in Rome to dictate how Rome should be run, and because the Romans had freedom of assembly and did not slaughter them on the spot, so do these "REVOLUTIONARIES FOR NOTHING" do not spend their time wisely, but to attack the order that they claim to 'represent' (self appointed or with their 3-4 friends most of the time), as the jews who were speaking in the "INTEREST OF ROME", and speaking of how holy it would be if it collapsed.

"The interest of Rome, me and my 3-4 friends say, is for Rome to finally collapse! Marcus Aurelius is foolish, for me and my 3-4 talmud reading alien friends have to be free to uhm, do absolutely nothing for any of you guys reading this, hehe. Now do as we say goy!".

These good for nothing are totally unfit to sit on a table to develop something that they claim they 'love', but they are too fit to cause communist style uprisings and of course, can't look past their own nose. It is possibly too big after all, it constrains their vision. This is because what is important to them is to be the parasitic 'front-men' that when the guns sound, hide behind others to make excuses, use them as meat shields, or desert them. Any skill of actual leadership, comradeship, and sense of purpose and caring for others completely lacks. What is more important is to be pointless rebels. All one imagines is to be like a retard on the spotlight not to GIVE light, but to STEAL light.

The above mindset where an army or a great purpose is concerned, only can get you as far as being self righteous bandits. One never gets nowhere without organization. As every chakra has to be on it's point for a functional whole, so do societies and communities have to be likewise in order to shine.

To move alone, or to move like a bandit, will only make you a very good bandit. One only grows as good as to throw a dumb molotov like a leftist on a trash can. The greatest achievement of these people is that. Our people, meaning, the people of our side, and those who are at heart decided to fight the enemy, should have greater aims, greater achievements.

You are not destined to be bandits, you are destined to be a powerful armada that the enemy will fear, and shriek in terror from. You are not supposed to carry slingshot, but powerful spiritual weaponry. You are not to be cowards that complain about something, but builders who will learn to correct it.

Our enemy is ordered, decided, attacks for hours on end daily, for thousands of years, unceasingly, at all front. Is it therefore by any question why our enemy has been dominating people and having them under, and kicking them while they are down?

And what do "WE", thankfully, infrequently have to encounter? Infiltrators, weakness, lack of caring, and certain dumb rebels, who instead of attacking what will actually put them in a gulag, are busy being self-righteous ticks on literally the ONLY forces that are not only open to communicate, take them in, teach them, and uplift them, but also seek the bettering of mankind.

Satan, the Greatest God, who has had the greatest souls, always had to deal with disrespect, weakness, and seeing his children gas-lighted and moving in circles. We are here to change this permanently. Satanist will no longer mean what the enemy has made it mean, it will mean what we develop out of ourselves. The Lions of Sumeria will stand restored.

Rebellion, just for the sake of record, if is disorganized and purposeless, is of no consequence, no essence. It is cowardly. You are not a good person because you are simply a rebel. You are not strong if you rebel ineffectively, or because you attack your guides. A good cause is needed, a formation, a loyalty between what is revolutionaries and rebels. If you do not know the values of brotherhood, standing with your brothers sword to sword, and taking a stand, you are nothing but just another dumbass with a hoodie burning trashcans.

And so long you are the above, nobody will be of any concern. You are just another fool, another mockery, a mockery imagined by Satan's enemies of what should be his followers.

A lot of these fools remind me of an example from Hitler's time. A few 'Pagan' witches in Britain, I bet, white and all, were so UHM feeling oppressed by Muh Evil Hitler (What Rothschild told them Hitler was by his Juden Presse) and they were really alarmed. Being reactionary and 'revolutionary' as these dumbasses were, they decided to curse Hitler. Little did these 'witches' see that Germany, was the HOTBED of all spiritual knowledge, uprising understanding, and newfound Paganism. As for JEWS who have been running Britain for literally CENTURIES, these very clever witches had the idea to attack Hitler instead. They burned witches like them for centuries in droves, but that is OK. AT least, they can fight "Evil Hitler".

The Vatican, Muslims, Jews, and all others who literally BURNED witches to the ground for 20 plus centuries, were not really "THE" danger. The people who put forth the most spiritual information of the century, who were the only people to give rise to a non jewish spiritual order, and who were the only one's interested about out origins and setting people free financially, culturally, and in their sovereignty, leading by example the most compassionate and strong land of the time, THESE were the problem. Hitler was the danger.

The Rockafellers and Rothschilds and jews who spent all their lives in enslaving them, misinforming them, enslaving them, burning all Pagan sites prior to recent wrongdoings for centuries, and brainwashing our European continent to kill our own selves and Pagan past - these are all fine.

"We have to defend them, to defend Britain". 30% of people shouted for Britain to ally with Hitler, to save the White people. But to the witches above, and many others, this was 'too far'. It was too much of a 'bigotry' for a common people to be brothers and to be allied. To be egotistic when it is for defending jews, and selfless when it comes to their rape, was more important, than saving the race.

So these dumb witches decided to do a cone of power ritual against Hitler. Like foolish animals, they started dancing around the cone of power, to attack their only actual liberation, because they were dumb, useless revolutionaries, disinformed, and spiritually dross. They wanted to play hero but be the parasite. So they in their 'revolutionary' feats, cursed Hitler.

What happened eventually is that half of these witches died, like dumb animals. Used as cannon fodder from the jews and the enemy to add useless force into the general works against Hitler. Probably, they were White. Their spells failed, same as those of hundreds of thousands others, and all the jews. They battered this man like battering rams and he took them all down. This should be a lesson for dumbasses to not attack the sun.

Eventually, the so called "DICTATOR", that mighty SUN, did set from from this world, and he left. The people of "FREEDOM" are now "RULING" these so called "Freedom lovers".

Now these witches, if they still exist, they can enjoy a reincarnation in Eurabia, being stoned by blacks, and also, their lovely 'Britain' to become brown in the span of a few decades. Maybe, if the evil "Hitlers" of our time give up, they will experience the glories of living in an Islamic country within the span of some decades.

Ah, the pleasure of attacking Hilter and these evil Nazis, and being ((("Truly British"))). Britain is now one of the leading nations in Europe in the browning and kalergi planning, one of the first Orwellian superstates where police will show up on your door for twitter posts or 'awkward beliefs', the first nation in rising of a faith aka Islam where when it becomes a majority, women will be castrated and become akin to swine, a people whose Sovereignty is of the least importance and cannot manifest it's own political decisions, and who live in one of the world's strongest countries but it's being wrestled from their own hands in front of their very eyes. Even the will of the populace is now totally forsaken.

These Pagan witches were busy not attacking their enemies, but their friends, liberators, and allies. In this paradigm, many fools have followed. They don't have the insight to see who benefits from these actions, but they know how to do cones of power to attack what would eventually save their whole existence. These witches also like to call themselves "Witches", a word which is related to the WISE. As for the wisdom, it's nowhere to be found.

Like slaves in a village enslaved for too long, they lift their stupid sickle to defend their feudalism slaver. To gain only a life of eternal slaving.

They were busy being self righteous and not cursing where they should. Many other so called "Satanists", despite of decades of failures, against "US", the JoS, and individuals, have been constantly failing. Satan is with us, and you have to understand this. Stop wasting your energies, or rather, join us and fight the enemy, and make some worth of them.

Can't you see that you are plucking your own eyes when you do these things? For one, curses against "Us" will not work. People who serve the Gods and attacking others who also serve in that regard are simply abominations. We have endless battalions of enemies for you to do your modern 'cones of power' against.

As far as we are concerned, this is the reason we never have, and do not want to waste time or anyone or anything else besides the actual enemy, who is the TRUE danger to everyone. Attack us with your stones and toothpicks, but expect napalm if we are to turn to you, 'wise witches'- our enemies are coming in with the latest armada, and you are sleeping on your own little bed, at least certain in your moral choice to serve jews yet another day.

The ones who corrupted our spirituality, tenets, past and future, to the point most of you have nothing but their jewish mentions, their jewish terminology, their jewish occultic "lore", and their jewish hubris. That leads you nowhere. When our enemies will put these 'witches' in the gulag, they will try to do little candle spells, but none will work.

Us, we would rather turn our spiritual weaponry where it matters, and defend what matters, at the most crucial time ever, which is NOW.

We have endless xianity, endless muslims, endless political or otherwise oppressors, and other DEADLY enemies, with whom differences do not extend as far as something that conversation or negotiation can solve, but who only want to see you, and everything you love, DEAD. If you still think the wise thing to do is to mobilize against the only spiritual people of this earth who take a stance on this oppression, join the club of the losers and dumb reactionaries, and destroy yourself in quick efficiency by opposing us. Warnings have been issued, and there is nothing that can be done further.

The "Tribal" interest of the jews is for many superior to their own living, existential, and well-being interest. They are busy slaving like serfs for the enemy who only will eternally abuse them.

Like these dumb witches, some choose to fight against Freedom, based on perceived disinformation. Frail and lacking knowledge, they insisted, not raising their heads to see that their so called 'spiritual masters' and 'authorities' handle them as dogs, who knew nothing, but to do infantile rituals against people who would in the end save them too.

Any "True Pagan" or "True Witch", should raise their heads and themselves out of this slavery, understand in "WISDOM" their own interest, and align themselves with LIFE rather than their own personal DEATH, which is the enemy, their jewish 'moralist' agenda, and people who say that you must "Not suffer a witch to live" as their national literature.

It's time spiritual people do something MEANINGFUL, other than kissing the ass of whose who will eventually destroy them, and who have been killing all witches for centuries as if they were flies en masse.

Criticism, and any dislike aside, Pagans of sound denominations, "Satanists" with a core of actual beliefs who are not entirely just acting out, and many others - I tell you verily, and honestly: We also fight for your rights in the future, which will come as byproduct of our efforts, even if you stupidly decide to fight against us. One is merely wasting time by not aligning themselves on the proper side for our continuation, which is ours.

Those who have maturity and understanding, and care for "Our" future as Heathens, Pagans, or people of ancient faith, ancestry, and honor the blood of our ancestors, they will not take these words in vain. To these people of wisdom of spirit, salutations. To the rest, only "FAREWELL".

Those who respect truth, will value it wherever it is said.

Those who value the blood of their ancestors, will value it wherever it is shed.

Those who have wisdom, let them join us in our spiritual warfare, or even if they want, enter our ranks and fight for a JUST cause for once:


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon HC.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They battered this man like battering rams and he took them all down. This should be a lesson for dumbasses to not attack the sun.
Reading this gave me a wave of new energy. Very well written.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Those who respect truth, will value it wherever it is said.

Those who value the blood of their ancestors, will value it wherever it is shed.

Those who have wisdom, let them join us in our spiritual warfare, or even if they want, enter our ranks and fight for a JUST cause for once:


So deeply true. The centuries of injustice and corruption, let's put an end to it. If anyone needs to bicker and squabble, do an RTR instead.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This post is straight from the Gods. I stand behind you and the JOS Always. In 13 years that has never wavered. Childish egotism is ofcourse expected. But my Heart has always been to Satans own, including Hitler.

I hope the Gods who are truly behind this message, Feel this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A few people constantly complain or attack not what makes them go full retard, but rather, what prevents them from going full retard. This is very common nowadays. Instead of us opposing the corruption, and what eventually destroys us, we only hate on what is preventing this.

Mentality such as this is instilled in victims, slaves, and all sorts of people whose only program in the brain is a program of self-destruction, and satisfaction while said destruction takes place.

For example, one that wants to jump from a cliff, hates on the sign that says "Danger DEATH", and one that wants to do drugs, only sees their "mother and father" as their enemy, who tell them to not become a drug user and eventually die. Somehow, if one does this, they act like a 'bad parent', but if they allow people off the cliffs, jews to patrol and pull people down, or even better, in the opinion of these infantile people, KICK their own children down from the cliffs, that is "Good parenthood", deserving of jewish rewards.

Good Parenting consists of teaching your "Goy" children, and "Followers", as these fools who point the finger on 'me' and 'us' frequently, to only espouse and accept what is bad for them, and never teach them the art of rejection for decay like some "madmen" like the one writing this post does. "Madmen" like that want to generate free warriors and people who know to say "NO", in a world where all "NO's" are pointless, and all "YES's" are only affirmations of further destruction.

Little these people can see, that you guys that complain, are free to jump from cliffs. The only thing that "I" refuse to do is give you ENDORSEMENT for it. Nobody here, nor me, or anyone else, can endorse of what one loves and cares about, to see it going down a cliff, or self destroy, or follow a route of self destruction. One can however, liberally and individually, take this route, no questions asked.

Unlike you, who answer to nobody, and sadly, not even yourselves when you self-question stupidity, I have beings to whom I have to answer, and who demand well-being and protection. In my mind and in the mind of many others, where there are innocents, there should also be guards, medics, teachers, and a community.

In the mind of few others and some jews who are thinking alike, where there are innocents, there should be no borders and no fence: this way the jew can feast freely. To these people, "You" people are only a good dinner, and a good meal.

These revolutionaries for nothing, of which we also have some few here, are always of the same foolery. The revolutionary tendency is not taken on head to head with all the enemies of this world who plan to put people in gulags, but thrown aggressively on people who put some signs in place for others to not fall of cliffs.

This is because these people are frail and weak. They do not have the power to change the 'greater evils', so they are busy trying to 'change' and drag down the few people who step in the front to change these evils. This is because, when these proud people fight against these evils, and they stand like proud lions, these cheap souls shrink and feel worthless, for they are good for nothing and communists.

One would rather not raise a website to criticize christianity, islam, or what is eventually KILLING US for CENTURIES, but they are too fond to attack on superficial matters: others who are truly dangerous are coming to clean them in one full sweep from the hills, and what they concern themselves with, if in a small bastion that defends a great war, their dumb 'criticisms' have no place.

This reminds me of Jouranlists who go in the Middle East. Pissrael is taking Palestinian kids down by the droves, but what is of immaculate interest here, is if some Anti-semite threw a banana down, upon which a holy jew did slip and hurt his ass. That is indeed their 'greatest problem'. As for real problems, if they pointed out to this, these 'self righteous' criticizers, would find themselves in an Israeli camp, so they turn to the people who threw the banana peel, to play the righteous against these people, whom they know will not react to them.

The above is because our side simply does not pointlessly retaliate, like of course the enemy would do in said example. But these fools know, if they take their so called "REVOLUTIONARY" tendencies to the enemy, which they are cowardly to do so, they will have issues. Therefore, they limit themselves to matters such as their "OPINION" on X non existent problem of the forum or of this community, which for example, they never even existed in.

Oh boy these little ones are also aggressive, and they have really bad manners on top of everything, too, like buzzfeed reporters. As much as buzzfeed cares about 'human rights', so as to breach and attack the rights of humans with opposing opinions mercilessly, so do these 'criticizers' care to improve anything, with rants, below the belt attacks, and acting like Rabbis on a heated synagogue argument.

As the jew who never existed in Rome and went in Rome to dictate how Rome should be run, and because the Romans had freedom of assembly and did not slaughter them on the spot, so do these "REVOLUTIONARIES FOR NOTHING" do not spend their time wisely, but to attack the order that they claim to 'represent' (self appointed or with their 3-4 friends most of the time), as the jews who were speaking in the "INTEREST OF ROME", and speaking of how holy it would be if it collapsed.

"The interest of Rome, me and my 3-4 friends say, is for Rome to finally collapse! Marcus Aurelius is foolish, for me and my 3-4 talmud reading alien friends have to be free to uhm, do absolutely nothing for any of you guys reading this, hehe. Now do as we say goy!".

These good for nothing are totally unfit to sit on a table to develop something that they claim they 'love', but they are too fit to cause communist style uprisings and of course, can't look past their own nose. It is possibly too big after all, it constrains their vision. This is because what is important to them is to be the parasitic 'front-men' that when the guns sound, hide behind others to make excuses, use them as meat shields, or desert them. Any skill of actual leadership, comradeship, and sense of purpose and caring for others completely lacks. What is more important is to be pointless rebels. All one imagines is to be like a retard on the spotlight not to GIVE light, but to STEAL light.

The above mindset where an army or a great purpose is concerned, only can get you as far as being self righteous bandits. One never gets nowhere without organization. As every chakra has to be on it's point for a functional whole, so do societies and communities have to be likewise in order to shine.

To move alone, or to move like a bandit, will only make you a very good bandit. One only grows as good as to throw a dumb molotov like a leftist on a trash can. The greatest achievement of these people is that. Our people, meaning, the people of our side, and those who are at heart decided to fight the enemy, should have greater aims, greater achievements.

You are not destined to be bandits, you are destined to be a powerful armada that the enemy will fear, and shriek in terror from. You are not supposed to carry slingshot, but powerful spiritual weaponry. You are not to be cowards that complain about something, but builders who will learn to correct it.

Our enemy is ordered, decided, attacks for hours on end daily, for thousands of years, unceasingly, at all front. Is it therefore by any question why our enemy has been dominating people and having them under, and kicking them while they are down?

And what do "WE", thankfully, infrequently have to encounter? Infiltrators, weakness, lack of caring, and certain dumb rebels, who instead of attacking what will actually put them in a gulag, are busy being self-righteous ticks on literally the ONLY forces that are not only open to communicate, take them in, teach them, and uplift them, but also seek the bettering of mankind.

Satan, the Greatest God, who has had the greatest souls, always had to deal with disrespect, weakness, and seeing his children gas-lighted and moving in circles. We are here to change this permanently. Satanist will no longer mean what the enemy has made it mean, it will mean what we develop out of ourselves. The Lions of Sumeria will stand restored.

Rebellion, just for the sake of record, if is disorganized and purposeless, is of no consequence, no essence. It is cowardly. You are not a good person because you are simply a rebel. You are not strong if you rebel ineffectively, or because you attack your guides. A good cause is needed, a formation, a loyalty between what is revolutionaries and rebels. If you do not know the values of brotherhood, standing with your brothers sword to sword, and taking a stand, you are nothing but just another dumbass with a hoodie burning trashcans.

And so long you are the above, nobody will be of any concern. You are just another fool, another mockery, a mockery imagined by Satan's enemies of what should be his followers.

A lot of these fools remind me of an example from Hitler's time. A few 'Pagan' witches in Britain, I bet, white and all, were so UHM feeling oppressed by Muh Evil Hitler (What Rothschild told them Hitler was by his Juden Presse) and they were really alarmed. Being reactionary and 'revolutionary' as these dumbasses were, they decided to curse Hitler. Little did these 'witches' see that Germany, was the HOTBED of all spiritual knowledge, uprising understanding, and newfound Paganism. As for JEWS who have been running Britain for literally CENTURIES, these very clever witches had the idea to attack Hitler instead. They burned witches like them for centuries in droves, but that is OK. AT least, they can fight "Evil Hitler".

The Vatican, Muslims, Jews, and all others who literally BURNED witches to the ground for 20 plus centuries, were not really "THE" danger. The people who put forth the most spiritual information of the century, who were the only people to give rise to a non jewish spiritual order, and who were the only one's interested about out origins and setting people free financially, culturally, and in their sovereignty, leading by example the most compassionate and strong land of the time, THESE were the problem. Hitler was the danger.

The Rockafellers and Rothschilds and jews who spent all their lives in enslaving them, misinforming them, enslaving them, burning all Pagan sites prior to recent wrongdoings for centuries, and brainwashing our European continent to kill our own selves and Pagan past - these are all fine.

"We have to defend them, to defend Britain". 30% of people shouted for Britain to ally with Hitler, to save the White people. But to the witches above, and many others, this was 'too far'. It was too much of a 'bigotry' for a common people to be brothers and to be allied. To be egotistic when it is for defending jews, and selfless when it comes to their rape, was more important, than saving the race.

So these dumb witches decided to do a cone of power ritual against Hitler. Like foolish animals, they started dancing around the cone of power, to attack their only actual liberation, because they were dumb, useless revolutionaries, disinformed, and spiritually dross. They wanted to play hero but be the parasite. So they in their 'revolutionary' feats, cursed Hitler.

What happened eventually is that half of these witches died, like dumb animals. Used as cannon fodder from the jews and the enemy to add useless force into the general works against Hitler. Probably, they were White. Their spells failed, same as those of hundreds of thousands others, and all the jews. They battered this man like battering rams and he took them all down. This should be a lesson for dumbasses to not attack the sun.

Eventually, the so called "DICTATOR", that mighty SUN, did set from from this world, and he left. The people of "FREEDOM" are now "RULING" these so called "Freedom lovers".

Now these witches, if they still exist, they can enjoy a reincarnation in Eurabia, being stoned by blacks, and also, their lovely 'Britain' to become brown in the span of a few decades. Maybe, if the evil "Hitlers" of our time give up, they will experience the glories of living in an Islamic country within the span of some decades.

Ah, the pleasure of attacking Hilter and these evil Nazis, and being ((("Truly British"))). Britain is now one of the leading nations in Europe in the browning and kalergi planning, one of the first Orwellian superstates where police will show up on your door for twitter posts or 'awkward beliefs', the first nation in rising of a faith aka Islam where when it becomes a majority, women will be castrated and become akin to swine, a people whose Sovereignty is of the least importance and cannot manifest it's own political decisions, and who live in one of the world's strongest countries but it's being wrestled from their own hands in front of their very eyes. Even the will of the populace is now totally forsaken.

These Pagan witches were busy not attacking their enemies, but their friends, liberators, and allies. In this paradigm, many fools have followed. They don't have the insight to see who benefits from these actions, but they know how to do cones of power to attack what would eventually save their whole existence. These witches also like to call themselves "Witches", a word which is related to the WISE. As for the wisdom, it's nowhere to be found.

Like slaves in a village enslaved for too long, they lift their stupid sickle to defend their feudalism slaver. To gain only a life of eternal slaving.

They were busy being self righteous and not cursing where they should. Many other so called "Satanists", despite of decades of failures, against "US", the JoS, and individuals, have been constantly failing. Satan is with us, and you have to understand this. Stop wasting your energies, or rather, join us and fight the enemy, and make some worth of them.

Can't you see that you are plucking your own eyes when you do these things? For one, curses against "Us" will not work. People who serve the Gods and attacking others who also serve in that regard are simply abominations. We have endless battalions of enemies for you to do your modern 'cones of power' against.

As far as we are concerned, this is the reason we never have, and do not want to waste time or anyone or anything else besides the actual enemy, who is the TRUE danger to everyone. Attack us with your stones and toothpicks, but expect napalm if we are to turn to you, 'wise witches'- our enemies are coming in with the latest armada, and you are sleeping on your own little bed, at least certain in your moral choice to serve jews yet another day.

The ones who corrupted our spirituality, tenets, past and future, to the point most of you have nothing but their jewish mentions, their jewish terminology, their jewish occultic "lore", and their jewish hubris. That leads you nowhere. When our enemies will put these 'witches' in the gulag, they will try to do little candle spells, but none will work.

Us, we would rather turn our spiritual weaponry where it matters, and defend what matters, at the most crucial time ever, which is NOW.

We have endless xianity, endless muslims, endless political or otherwise oppressors, and other DEADLY enemies, with whom differences do not extend as far as something that conversation or negotiation can solve, but who only want to see you, and everything you love, DEAD. If you still think the wise thing to do is to mobilize against the only spiritual people of this earth who take a stance on this oppression, join the club of the losers and dumb reactionaries, and destroy yourself in quick efficiency by opposing us. Warnings have been issued, and there is nothing that can be done further.

The "Tribal" interest of the jews is for many superior to their own living, existential, and well-being interest. They are busy slaving like serfs for the enemy who only will eternally abuse them.

Like these dumb witches, some choose to fight against Freedom, based on perceived disinformation. Frail and lacking knowledge, they insisted, not raising their heads to see that their so called 'spiritual masters' and 'authorities' handle them as dogs, who knew nothing, but to do infantile rituals against people who would in the end save them too.

Any "True Pagan" or "True Witch", should raise their heads and themselves out of this slavery, understand in "WISDOM" their own interest, and align themselves with LIFE rather than their own personal DEATH, which is the enemy, their jewish 'moralist' agenda, and people who say that you must "Not suffer a witch to live" as their national literature.

It's time spiritual people do something MEANINGFUL, other than kissing the ass of whose who will eventually destroy them, and who have been killing all witches for centuries as if they were flies en masse.

Criticism, and any dislike aside, Pagans of sound denominations, "Satanists" with a core of actual beliefs who are not entirely just acting out, and many others - I tell you verily, and honestly: We also fight for your rights in the future, which will come as byproduct of our efforts, even if you stupidly decide to fight against us. One is merely wasting time by not aligning themselves on the proper side for our continuation, which is ours.

Those who have maturity and understanding, and care for "Our" future as Heathens, Pagans, or people of ancient faith, ancestry, and honor the blood of our ancestors, they will not take these words in vain. To these people of wisdom of spirit, salutations. To the rest, only "FAREWELL".

Those who respect truth, will value it wherever it is said.

Those who value the blood of their ancestors, will value it wherever it is shed.

Those who have wisdom, let them join us in our spiritual warfare, or even if they want, enter our ranks and fight for a JUST cause for once:


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This post is straight from the Gods. I stand behind you and the JOS Always. In 13 years that has never wavered. Childish egotism is ofcourse expected. But my Heart has always been to Satans own, including Hitler.

I hope the Gods who are truly behind this message, Feel this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"As every chakra has to be on it's point for a functional whole, so do societies and communities have to be likewise in order to shine."

"You are not to be cowards that complain about something, but builders who will learn to correct it."

"Satanist will no longer mean what the enemy has made it mean, it will mean what we develop out of ourselves. The Lions of Sumeria will stand restored."

"This should be a lesson for dumbasses to not attack the sun."

This post was read first when I was a tad too tired, but Im rereading it and I feel so much genuine concern and affirmation in this.

Others have said this too, but this really feels like a call to arms as well as a warning all in one revelation.

I felt the grief of losing our people to ignorance, the assurance that we are strong and part of the primary immune system of this world, and that those who've attempted to wrestle control over the (situation) away from us will receive their final acknowledgement before things get heavy...

There is a lot of appreciation for what we are, contempt for what the world became of with the usurping reptilians, and just pity and self defense for the useful idiots who for whatever reasons could not or decided not to reason with who was actually repairing the world.

There was something about THIS POST, that really speaks volume from you HP Hooded Cobra, it felt strangely nurturing through the stern revelation of common sense and drastic measures, the very fact you have to warn people, shows there is no play time any more and these "pagans" will need to wake up to be a part of the new tree that is planted when the parasitic one is uprooted and decomposed.

I appreciate the clergy's hard work, and after years of every to and fro, my conviction that THIS IS THE PATH for everlasting gnosis and civilization is at an apex.

There are too many coincidences and signs that this system, this people is here to stay, regardless of whatever ghoul pulls the plug on the net or mandates censorship, the idea of SS and the JoS never ceases.
quando sento persone dispiacersi per tutti i film e storie sulle morti degli ebrei io li guardo e dico loro:perchè nessuno ricorda mai le morti causate dall'inquisizione? se Hitler avesse ripulito il mondo dagli ebrei le cose sarebbero diverse..
agire senza mai scoraggiarsi, il fallimento non è contemplato!
Many a time in my life i let negativity and bullshit paths cloud myself but the one thing i always know to be true is Satan and no matter how many times i stumble and fall off our path I know that I will always be kept aligned, to keep my sacred duty as a Gentile as a man whos creator is the very king of kings Satan himself.
Never be afraid to fail, these pitfalls are something that guide us to greater heights, falsehoods to be lived in order to be recognized to correct these mistakes for they are only that, a mistake
No matter how many times you lose yourself never forget whom you descend from and to "fail" is only temporary our souls are eternal, dont let the idea of eternity you from the urgency of the current state of the world, we must act now, more than ever, look to our gods, clergy and the future god within yourself for wisdom and guidance, with wisdom and understanding we will never falter from achieving our goals.

There was a time when i was feeling very poorly about myself and anyone higher than me I would fight ways to drag them through the mud and then try and justify it to myself, this is a tactic the enemy trains us in constantly berating us with their bullshit, when you look among your peers how often do you think to yourself how silly or wrong something they think or do is? You yourself have habits that may be similar as well and may try to put it in the back of your mind and repress or ignore it, do not let these rule you the enemy will try and govern us through fear, fear on many levels; of ourselves of others; of terrorism; of being ourselves and never forget that we are not worshippers of fear, we are worshippers of godhood, of courage and nobility of the highest order, to will ourselves to move forward at every step despite the odds and the pressures against us, and honestly? I think thats how it should be. We would not be children of Satan would we not be able to handle it, would we? We have endured countless years and yet we are still here, and now we are deciding to fight together as a family, honestly I don't think i would be able to state enough just how awesome and incredible it is that we are all here, together, fighting for a greater world than the sum of all of us, to wish and fight for a better tomorrow, there is power in numbers never forget this, you may think your voice meager or useless in the ocean of bullshit and naysayers that constantly crash down on us, but are we not still standing despite this? Never forget this.

Our perception of reality is a choice that we make, through magic, will and wisdom we decide our own fates, many of us try and get into magic for our own personal benefit and gain (i want money, i want power, i want women or men) these are natural desires, but they should never rule us, just as Satan is as mighty as a lion or as majestic as a Peacock, we must not forget that we were made in his very own image and likeness and that no matter how far or often you fall off the path, it is simply a detour, possibly a very vital lesson to your growth. Never stop growing and learning about yourself and what our gods pass down to us, to ignore these I would say would be a grave mistake. it is YOUR life it is YOUR responsibility to be the best that you can be, you are our family and i think i can say this confidently; we do not want you falling into the enemies traps and laying about your life in misery, so stand yourself proud, stand together and should you feel that desire to rebel to feed that fire in your soul, do so wisely, it is what the gods would want; for you not to squander your potential, to see what you are truly capable as a child of our god Satan, to build a majestic as fuck tomorrow where we are all reflections of the majesty of our greatest ancestor and creator.

Hail Satan! :twisted:
jakraily said:
quando sento persone dispiacersi per tutti i film e storie sulle morti degli ebrei io li guardo e dico loro:perchè nessuno ricorda mai le morti causate dall'inquisizione? se Hitler avesse ripulito il mondo dagli ebrei le cose sarebbero diverse..
agire senza mai scoraggiarsi, il fallimento non è contemplato!
Italian messages in the italian subforum please.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
