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Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule for 13th to 19th of October

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Below I will post the RTR Schedule we are going to follow for easy reference. After this one, a stronger cycle of other RTR's will come in. This is preparing the ground for our next schedule, while tackling issues such as the one below.

Someone sent this to us Clergy and the groups. Just look at the nerve here. The jews want to outlaw, and add penalty to judging them or even doing simple criticism to them and their agenda. This is because they have been exposed everywhere.

The Gods of Hell will throw curses and abominations to those who will push this behavior to help this befallen and evil people torture humanity just to maintain their own worthless status. They literally want to censor the mind of other human beings, and to completely cut off the people from criticizing or thinking negatively about the jews, like guess what, everyone else does get criticized in the planet.


Things like the above should not exist in Astarte's and Satan's Nation which is the United States of America. This is kosher. Imagine if there was such a legislation for White people, Blacks, or some particular individuals. However lo and behold, there is such legislation that is attempted to be passed, for the 'chosen'. So every Goyim that is critical of them can be landed into FEMA and call it a day.

Thinking, criticism, and writing, however offensive, they are trying to brand as criminal activity.

The jews are proving what they are by their own hand, to the point that even if people stopped the 'nagging' on them, it would still be fairly evident. But the jews don't care about this either, they only care on the fact they are growing always more massive hatred and opposition to themselves. And since this is the result of actions they will never stop, they just to slyly undermine and destroy their opposition before it can grow. After all, defending one's self against the 'appointed of god' is a crime against 'god', who is a farting jew in a cloud whose will is so omnipotent and so forth.

The theories that were once 'conspiracy' about them are being thrown in the open as being 100% correct, by their own hand. Even youtube and other public outlets are monitored by the jewish thought-police nowadays. Now they push this even further. Which will be to their detriment...

Who seeks to escape criticism so much than someone who is wrong?

What's next? Troops patrolling the streets and killing people that criticize the jews or think evil thoughts, that will be scanned by a microchip into the frontal cortex? Well, according to the jewish aims expressed in the bible, this is what they want to do.

Obviously, material violence is illegal and it gets nobody nowhere. But if you look past this in the link provided, there are some outrageous claims. Such as for example, punishments for those who question if the jews exaggerated the holocaust. Even if it was even admitted by the JEWS THEMSELVES that they did this. The only punishment here is, if the Goyim find out, then they must be punished. If the jews give out their own, it's always okay.

This aside many other matters plus the planets, is why we will be doing the RTR Schedule below.

THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM GOES ON! We must not desert this battle because humanity will be ENTIRELY DOOMED. I hate to say this, but this is exactly what we have to do, and this is the fate we have been given to avert.

Lastly, all of the above is being passed from the back-door where nobody is watching. People are peacefully sleeping while jews are passing legislation to show up on their doorstep because they criticized them.

13. 72, Right to Rule Our Own Nations, Communications RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
14. 72, Right to Rule Our Own Nations, Communications RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
15. 72, 42, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR
16. 72, 42, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR
17. 72, 42, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR
18. 72, Right to Rule Our Own Nations, Communications RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
19. 72, Right to Rule Our Own Nations, Communications RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial Control

Links to the Rituals:

Right to Rule Our Own Nations - http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/D724.htm
Ending Confusion RTR - http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/D723Ritual.htm
72 - http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/72.htm
42 - http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Ritual_42.html
Communications RTR - http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/11_9_Ritual.htm
Terminating Jewish Financial Control - http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/D298.htm
Politically Incorrect /pol/ has been notified.

We do our thing, they will do theirs.

I wouldn't be surprised if their old good friend Kek chooses to show up.

I can just imagine the jews crying six trillion tears when we smack this bill from their hands and take one hearty dump on it.
None are bold so I assume they carry equal weight.
HoodedCobra666 said:

Disgusting. I'm sharing this with everyone I can.

Here's the same bill passed though House

"(A) Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews (often in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion).

(B) Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such, or the power of Jews as a collective, especially, but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions.

(C) Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, the State of Israel, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.

(D) Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.

(E) Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interest of their own countries."
GakunGak said:
Politically Incorrect /pol/ has been notified.

We do our thing, they will do theirs.

I wouldn't be surprised if their old good friend Kek chooses to show up.


HA. I thought this was one of ours. Made one too. Top row rn
Quietlysings said:
Its okay to go through the rituals during the day twice? Im very bored

Yes! The more the better.
So far as I am concerned, the world knows where to go for information on this subject ( jews ). Government tweets in various divisions, ( PUBLIC TWEET AREAS, SO THE WHOLE POPULATION CAN SEE IT.) Not to the "powers that be" as that would be a waste of time and energy ( to say the very least ) and maybe worse. LITERALLY.! Trump, The White House, FEMA, CONGRESS, DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS, INDEPENDENTS, COMMNUNISTS, SOCIALISTS, FASCISTS, "NSA" (GOING FOR BROKE THERE). ETC.
They all know. They have been exposed to the websites and now " are without excuse ". Merely meaning that they know where to go if they need to and want to.
Yesterday, I noticed some of the JOS websites posted have been deleted, Hmmm.
Maybe I am going 'overkill' on posting them in the SAME location "over and over" 'because hell is repetition" .
Maybe I think that most people will not 'get it' the first and second time. Some of us get it quickly. Most people will not, ( I'm assuming ) Assumptions, the mother of all F*** ups.
Anyway, they know, and 'that' is what matters.
Got to hurry and spread the word to as many as possible,, before,,, they shut us down.
2000 to 3000 posts between youtube and twitter ( estimated ). Maybe 4000.
LOTS OF LIKES ON TWITTER. One site blocked me ( BeSeriousUSA ) . A couple tell me I'm full of shit. Ha Ha
But mostly likes and retweets.
Many of you cannot do this in your country. So I do it while I can. While it is still legal ( and Safe ? ? ? ).
This is similar to when that sellout of a Governor of Jew York Cuomo initiated an executive order to ban boycotting of Israel.




I would encourage people to speak up to their senators against this, but with the CIA, NSA, and other (((organizations))) it's just not an option.

The RTRs are the only option and the only solution.
AscendingSun said:
HA. I thought this was one of ours. Made one too. Top row rn
Well, if I told you I did it as well, then I wouldn't be anon anymore ;)
Some of these online critics of trump seem to be constantly there 24/7 for a " impeachdonaldtrump " on twitter
Are some of these people " online paid fake protesters " ?
GakunGak said:
Politically Incorrect /pol/ has been notified.

We do our thing, they will do theirs.

I wouldn't be surprised if their old good friend Kek chooses to show up.


That 4chan link had a lot of valuable meme pics and additional links to information on Jews in the NBC and the New York Times.

It got synopsis's of information like them hosting bar mitzvah's, involvement in synagogues, articles from Jewish publications on them, and they confirming that they are Jewish.

They are worth a check and download. :) Sometimes it's much easier to show a picture then give the speech.

Jewish Control of the New York Times - Pastebin.com

Jewish Control of NBC - Pastebin.com

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

There are a few I left out so people should check out the links for themselves :) Skip the Christian stuff I leave them in for inspiration to create Satanic or non-christian ones.












We struck gold Brothers and Sisters. There is one for CBS as well.

Jewish Control of CBS - Pastebin.com
While it's legal to say, I advocate removal of all legal status for the jew. The ban of the Cohen gene as a national security threat.
Thank you so much these, everyday keep me sane. I love feeling and knowing that instead of a video game or a movie, I can actually take part in herioc mighty deeds, filled with truth wisdom and understanding and Destroy the enemy and Save our Beautiful people. And be free from the delusion and hangups of the jews. Forever.
Hail Satan Forever
I keep on thinking, My best friend is a Spiritual Satanist, He dedicated his soul and has been reversing the torah everyday, But his name is joseph, He asked me what he should do about this, So I told Him< Your just more of a blasphamy against the jews with the Name Joseph and Reversing the torah,And practicing Withcraft, He seemed Pretty happy about that and Said He thought so Because he feels so positive. And I have to get him to calm down sometimes Because he forgets to rest and just wants to do Rtrs And meditate, He even stopped watching cartoons< HE LIterally is starting to dedicate all of his time into working for Satan. He told me to ask On the JoS Group For him Because he is shy. SO, What do you guys think, JOSEPH-AN ANTI-JEW. good? I mean I told Him to ask Satan, And he Said, "I Know Satan Loves me." But he still wants me to ask.
Hail Satan Forever
Quietlysings said:
I keep on thinking, My best friend is a Spiritual Satanist, He dedicated his soul and has been reversing the torah everyday, But his name is joseph, He asked me what he should do about this, So I told Him< Your just more of a blasphamy against the jews with the Name Joseph and Reversing the torah,And practicing Withcraft, He seemed Pretty happy about that and Said He thought so Because he feels so positive. And I have to get him to calm down sometimes Because he forgets to rest and just wants to do Rtrs And meditate, He even stopped watching cartoons< HE LIterally is starting to dedicate all of his time into working for Satan. He told me to ask On the JoS Group For him Because he is shy. SO, What do you guys think, JOSEPH-AN ANTI-JEW. good? I mean I told Him to ask Satan, And he Said, "I Know Satan Loves me." But he still wants me to ask.
Hail Satan Forever

Is your friend a Kike? No? Then it's not bad for him to have that name. At least his not a Jew then. Don't worry, I am also a shy little biatch too at sometimes. But we're all accepted if we are not Jew or anything from Satan's enemies.
I have heard that it was stolen from some Latin form of Greek name, Ioseph.
My second name is "Salomon" but that's because my family is hardcore christian, my whole country is full of christians and they praise to Kikes while they are eating plastic, LOL. At least, most of people here have "Biblical names" because of our religious background.
I keep on thinking, My best friend is a Spiritual Satanist, He dedicated his soul and has been reversing the torah everyday, But his name is joseph, He asked me what he should do about this, So I told Him< Your just more of a blasphamy against the jews with the Name Joseph and Reversing the torah,And practicing Withcraft, He seemed Pretty happy about that and Said He thought so Because he feels so positive. And I have to get him to calm down sometimes Because he forgets to rest and just wants to do Rtrs And meditate, He even stopped watching cartoons< HE LIterally is starting to dedicate all of his time into working for Satan. He told me to ask On the JoS Group For him Because he is shy. SO, What do you guys think, JOSEPH-AN ANTI-JEW. good? I mean I told Him to ask Satan, And he Said, "I Know Satan Loves me." But he still wants me to ask.
Hail Satan Forever
Quietlysings said:
I keep on thinking, My best friend is a Spiritual Satanist, He dedicated his soul and has been reversing the torah everyday, But his name is joseph
Wildfire said:
I have heard that it was stolen from some Latin form of Greek name, Ioseph.

Josh(ua) and Jesus are stolen as well. Lots of other “hebrew” words and names are, wouldn't be surprised if your friends name was some rip off. They aren't a creative bunch.

An example..
Joshi is a Hindi name and one of the meanings is Lord Visnhu
Jyotisha is the Hindu science of astrology, sounds oddly simular to Joshua
Jyotish means Light, Heavenly Body, can refer to Sunlight, “Light Bringer or reflect light like sun”
Jesus is known to be a solar deity per say (a ripoff of the concept)
There is known to be pagan gods with names such as
Hesus // Esus... Yesu ectra
Yesu Krisna and so on. Hence why the above is related to Vishnu
Joshua/Yeshua is known to be basically the same as Jesus' name and that was taken from all over.

Jesus wasn't/isn't real we all know this the point being even their language and vocabulary is hardly their own. The whole Jewsus charater is stolen from paganism. It's been said before, JEWS CANNOT CREATE. They just steal and corrupt and so forth. Everything they have is just a corruption of human culture (yes I'm just gonna start saying human instead of gentile lol)

So much if not all of what they have is stolen, and at the same time so much of our culture was infested with their crap. So some of us were given “jewish names” or went to some filthy church as kids, whatever. Simply a symptom of the times. Besides, he (your friend) probbaly had different names in different births/lifetimes it's just one name..

So fook it, nothing to worry about. Besides! The Gods judge a person by the quality of their actions and their soul, not any external labels or names or anything else that this world as latched onto us.
I do the rituals each an hour apart. Im supossed to do this correct?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
