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Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I think that Dahaarkan was being a little more harsh than he really needed to be about it. I believe that there is no reason to be mean to Top of the Abyss, or to be that harsh with him. It's not going to accomplish anything anyway. It's just better to not say anything to him, than to try to argue. Because it's not going to get anywhere with him.

Say your opinion, say your perspective. But if he is disagreeing with you and he is going to pretend that you never said anything that you just said, then just ignore him.
We're gonna cuddle him and tickle his belly and tell him: "It's okay, you're always right".
Lol, jk. But sometimes people need rude awakenings to face reality.
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Dahaarkan said:
You are a moron who contributes nothing of value to any conversation you are a part of. Since mods don't block you from advocating dangerous ideas and you don't listen to reason there's nothing left to do than call you fucking retarded like you are.

SS should lie to keep their cover and keep others from discovering they are Satanists. It is because paganism is on the rise that you should not say you are pagan. People will ask questions and you will likely expose yourself. Where as saying you're athiest or agnostic the argument ends there and you keep your cover.

You're advocating people take extra risks simply to conform to your personal preference and dislike of lying. It's always better to lie because exposing yourself can ruin your life. There's no reason to take extra risks.

And I'm not surprised to see you haven't dropped this obnoxious arrogant cunt attitude. Like you know better than anyone here. You've been here for years and you don't know or understand jack shit, always asking about basic crap. And we're supposed to put up with this know-it-all attitude from a dumbass that doesn't understand anything at all.

I'm not even going to try to reason with you, it's a waste of time. You never changed and you never will.
Like always everything you said is either false. You have proven and now you're confirming again that you're a bot incapable of critical thought. At least you admit you aren't going to try to reason. The truth is because you can't. All the posts in reply to me and not a single refutation. Once an idiot, always an idiot.
I honestly believe the same that Dahaarkan said, you should do some introspection on yourself and accept critics.
Too bad my critics you're referring to are all braindead.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Like always everything you said is either false. You have proven and now you're confirming again that you're a bot incapable of critical thought. At least you admit you aren't going to try to reason. The truth is because you can't. All the posts in reply to me and not a single refutation. Once an idiot, always an idiot.

TopoftheAbyss, this is what confuses me. I'm always around even when I'm not posting as much - I don't read every thread, but I check in with things. And while I don't always agree with the manner in which you make a point, I've never seen you just deny reality right in front of you to the extent that you just did.

And I'm not even talking about the subject of religion at hand, I've my own thoughts on that that don't seem to be too far off from what most here have already said, so I don't feel inclined to jump in. But to say that Dahaarkan didn't provide a single refutation, and to simply declare what he said to be false, how can you honestly say that when in your very same post, you quoted his specific responses to your points combined with his reasoning? I'll highlight them just for the sake of it:

SS should lie to keep their cover and keep others from discovering they are Satanists. It is because paganism is on the rise that you should not say you are pagan. People will ask questions and you will likely expose yourself. Where as saying you're athiest or agnostic the argument ends there and you keep your cover.

You're advocating people take extra risks simply to conform to your personal preference and dislike of lying. It's always better to lie because exposing yourself can ruin your life. There's no reason to take extra risks.

Now, if you wanna challenge this or disagree with this in any way, by all means. I'm patently not just siding with Dahaarkan for the sake of it. But what he gave here is clearly an argument with reasoning to back it up, and it's not a refutation of his argument to simply state that he didn't provide one. I'm truly flabbergasted here, reading what you said in response, and can only assume that you said it out of anger.
There is a difference between being Pagan and an SS. There are people that know I'm a Nazi and an SS and they never bothered me. Calling yourself Pagan at this moment won't cause any problems at all (people at most get weirded out initially), unless as I already said you live in particular places or you're in positions of power, that can be a problem.
Many Pagans of even atheistic Satanists are openly such and get no problem other than online screeching from xians. I'm not even against lying about being Pagan, I'm against lying for the sake of it. That's what I was arguing against before getting accused of arguing for nothing.
Also I forgot to say (or better yet, repeat) that calling yourself atheist or agnostic changes very little if anything at all. There are xians that consider atheists murderers for the sole reason that they are not religious. At times calling yourself Pagan is more safe than Atheist.
The law in most countries is by our side and the enemy can do very little, and I choose to fight instead of hiding.
Aquarius said:
We're gonna cuddle him and tickle his belly and tell him: "It's okay, you're always right".
Lol, jk. But sometimes people need rude awakenings to face reality.

The issue with this individual is the same as some others who are so full of themselves that they begin to believe they are correct in all things and have deeper understanding than anyone else.

They can never be wrong about anything and anyone who contradicts any of their statements is either "attacking them" or an "idiot". No matter how many people make a logical statement or try to discuss something they are all idiots because this person in their absolute understanding and vast knowledge knows more and knows better than everyone else.

You cannot reason with these types. So at least point out how petty they are and ridicule this absurd behavior to discourage others from becoming like this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I think that Dahaarkan was being a little more harsh than he really needed to be about it. I believe that there is no reason to be mean to Top of the Abyss, or to be that harsh with him. It's not going to accomplish anything anyway. It's just better to not say anything to him, than to try to argue. Because it's not going to get anywhere with him.

Say your opinion, say your perspective. But if he is disagreeing with you and he is going to pretend that you never said anything that you just said, then just ignore him.

The reason to be harsh is his obnoxious arrogant attitude is disrespectful to other members and should not be tolerated. Disregarding everything that everyone says as if they are idiots is very disrespectful. Which should this creature have a free pass to disrespect everyone in this passive aggressive manner?

No, this behavior needs to be addressed and pointed out. And as there is no room for reasonable discussion with this person (I have tried before) all you can do is put it bluntly how petty and absurd he is to discourage this behavior on others.
xlnt said:
Well it depends who's asking of course. I usually never call myself Satanist (then ppl think I'm sacrificing babies etc). But to say I believe Abrahamic religions are hoaxes to control us and that true spirituality has been hidden from us must be ok. But then again, nobody cares that much anyway :|

There are more important things like beer, sitcoms, games etc. WHY DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT THAT INSTEAD? zzzzz
That would be ok, but as you said it evades most people. Most people are not into these kinds of things to begin with, and those who are, are not all into the truth so it would be time waste to tell them anything meanigful. For example certain percentage in the west will accept you saying that mohammed was a pedophile, but if you tell them how it's of jewish origin to control mass mind and errode true Gentile spirituality you would be called crazy and ignored grom that point on and then you would face more resistance around the same subject which will make your efforts more harder. People are having still hard time wrapping their mind around the fact that jews are and alien race. The truth is getting there slowly, but overall not there yet. However certain people respond to hints of truth in a positive way, and I think that is a good approach instead of trying to wrap someones head around the full context of what's going on in a conversation. For time being there is way too much bullshit that has invaded peoples mind, and the masses are very cattle-like, unfortunately, so a little piece here and there will work wonders on top of the usual spiritual warfare.
Aquarius said:
We're gonna cuddle him and tickle his belly and tell him: "It's okay, you're always right".
Lol, jk. But sometimes people need rude awakenings to face reality.
The only conversations where ToboftheAbyss is relevant are the likes of what lollipop is your favourite, or what bmx bike rides the best. I have read the forums actively for a year now, and he is at the same point as a year ago. He has been around longer than that so most likely he has stagnated for longer.

Look at this example:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Too bad my critics you're referring to are all braindead.

Basically a person who has transformed into a different person in a year in a positive way is braindead. Makes total sense. Not!
Just escape categories altogether and say you're not religious. Easy.
Dahaarkan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I think that Dahaarkan was being a little more harsh than he really needed to be about it. I believe that there is no reason to be mean to Top of the Abyss, or to be that harsh with him. It's not going to accomplish anything anyway. It's just better to not say anything to him, than to try to argue. Because it's not going to get anywhere with him.

Say your opinion, say your perspective. But if he is disagreeing with you and he is going to pretend that you never said anything that you just said, then just ignore him.

The reason to be harsh is his obnoxious arrogant attitude is disrespectful to other members and should not be tolerated. Disregarding everything that everyone says as if they are idiots is very disrespectful. Which should this creature have a free pass to disrespect everyone in this passive aggressive manner?

No, this behavior needs to be addressed and pointed out. And as there is no room for reasonable discussion with this person (I have tried before) all you can do is put it bluntly how petty and absurd he is to discourage this behavior on others.
I'm not arrogant, I'm calling idiots like you out. You clearly lack comprehension so it's useless to try to make you understand.
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
We're gonna cuddle him and tickle his belly and tell him: "It's okay, you're always right".
Lol, jk. But sometimes people need rude awakenings to face reality.

The issue with this individual is the same as some others who are so full of themselves that they begin to believe they are correct in all things and have deeper understanding than anyone else.

They can never be wrong about anything and anyone who contradicts any of their statements is either "attacking them" or an "idiot". No matter how many people make a logical statement or try to discuss something they are all idiots because this person in their absolute understanding and vast knowledge knows more and knows better than everyone else.

You cannot reason with these types. So at least point out how petty they are and ridicule this absurd behavior to discourage others from becoming like this.
Again you prove my point that you're an idiot. You complain that I call you idiot, but that was just a conclusion to a critique. A critique which was not i depth because you have proven to be incapable of understanding. You take in consideration only one word that I said and ignore all others and cry like the idiot that you are. You are the first that accused me of dumb behavior.
This is what you wrote about me
This person for whatever reason pursues absolutely pointless arguments over totally insignificant things. An infant with cerebral palsy can grasp the simple reality that this matter is very relative to the individual's personal case and situation
And now you're playing victim. You're not just a complete idiot, you're also a dishonest hypocrite like others my "critics".
Like I said in the past, you are all actually subhumans and goylems with no critical thought.
jrvan said:
Just escape categories altogether and say you're not religious. Easy.
I practically suggested this on my earlier post, but the argumentation that ensued got that message kind of lost.

Henu the Great said:
You can say you have not thought much about it, for example. That it's something you don't know about or don't care about. You could say you are an atheist, or even lie about being a xian. It all depends who and when you are talking to. Obviously it's not good to tell ten different persons ten different things, so stay consistent with the story you make about that so that it will not backfire on you.
I'm going to stop posting in this and related topics.
Anyone with a brain knows I'm right and my critics are empty golems, this is evident for who followed our feud. They have proven to lack basic thinking skill as well as any kind of decency.
The Jews are already cursing me so I will avoid arguing farther against people that are no better than them.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Like I said in the past, you are all actually subhumans and goylems with no critical thought.

Whatever retard. No matter how many times I or anyone else bring to attention your rotten and obnoxious behavior you never listen and you never change.

At this point everybody is fed up with the way you behave, and I'm not the only one voicing this anymore. You pursue stupid and pointless arguments because it's the only category where you can actually debate or discuss, because no matter how hard you try to keep up this knowledgeable appearance, the reality is the level of knowledge you actually possess is extremely limited and it shows. Everybody can see through your bullshit, you're only deluding yourself.

Nobody takes you seriously and everyone is fed up with your stupid shit. I responded to the entirety of your dogshit post you simply choose to ignore anything that addresses your fallacies or behavior to keep yourself in a bubble as you always do.

You should have been banned from the forums months ago. You gain nothing from deluding yourself here, and we definitely gain nothing from your delusional shitposting and infantile behavior.
TopoftheAbyss said:
that was just a conclusion to a critique. A critique which was not in depth because you have proven to be incapable of understanding.
Even if you think he is incapable of understanding you should still redress your grievances in depth because debate isn’t for you and him, it’s for the onlookers.

I doubt you think that you can change his mind and that he can change yours, but everyone else seeing this can take it in and form their own thoughts. That’s why people have discussions. Some may even take your side!
Dahaarkan said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Like I said in the past, you are all actually subhumans and goylems with no critical thought.

Whatever retard. No matter how many times I or anyone else bring to attention your rotten and obnoxious behavior you never listen and you never change.

At this point everybody is fed up with the way you behave, and I'm not the only one voicing this anymore. You pursue stupid and pointless arguments because it's the only category where you can actually debate or discuss, because no matter how hard you try to keep up this knowledgeable appearance, the reality is the level of knowledge you actually possess is extremely limited and it shows. Everybody can see through your bullshit, you're only deluding yourself.

Nobody takes you seriously and everyone is fed up with your stupid shit. I responded to the entirety of your dogshit post you simply choose to ignore anything that addresses your fallacies or behavior to keep yourself in a bubble as you always do.

You should have been banned from the forums months ago. You gain nothing from deluding yourself here, and we definitely gain nothing from your delusional shitposting and infantile behavior.
Like always everything you said is wrong and already refuted.
NinRick said:
I tell people I am an atheist.
I always tell them how much of a hoax xianity and islam are. Also on occasion that kikes are behind it, as jewsus is the "king" of the jews.
I told them im a Satanist and also how false their god is and i got kidnapped for that.
Some christians are crazy and extreme we need to be careful about what we tell them.
Next time someone asks me ill just say im a christian to be safe.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
But to say that Dahaarkan didn't provide a single refutation, and to simply declare what he said to be false, how can you honestly say that when in your very same post, you quoted his specific responses to your points combined with his reasoning?
This is an entirely normal response from him, and that is the way he reacts every time he disagrees with somebody about anything. It doesn't matter how many pages of evidence the other person writes, he just ignores all of it and claims that they never said anything. You can write a whole essay of examples and evidence, and he just says you have given no evidence of anything.

Honestly just better to not reply to him. There is no way to change his mind away from whatever he decides he wants to believe. If you show him any evidence of anything else, he will just pretend that there's nothing there.

I did know about this, but there was still that part of me from having answered Top's posts before that wanted to encourage discussion - and sure enough, his responses to me were fine responses in and of themselves, in regards to presentation and ability for the other party to reply. But, I feel just as well that there's no real purpose in continuing. I generally abstain from inserting myself into conflicts even if I feel like I've something to add because I get the general impression that Satanists will manage to figure shit out eventually and can glean something positive from their online arguments - even if the argument isn't fun at the time.

The other thing too, as has already been noted, is that there's an audience observing every interaction on the forums. A "court of public opinion." We can discuss all day whether this court of public opinion is right on its assessment of this member or that member, but the fact remains that everyone is subjected to this court's assessments, and our actions here will always color its perspective and its willingness to hear and accept our ideas. It can only be hoped, then, that a person with a genuine interest in promoting truthful ideas - but flounders in their ability to promote them - will endure the consequences of their inability and use these consequences to build upon themselves. And if they don't, if they persist until their final days that they were always correct and everyone else was simply too stupid to accept it, well, c'est la vie.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
