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Re-Read-It Series: Year Zero |


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Year Zero

"Some call it Marxism — I call it Judaism."

– Rabbi S. Wise, The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935

"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows, that, just as in the
Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism.…"
- A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144.

Year Zero, the doctrine of Communist Cambodia, which was called the perfect
Communist revolution and was supported and put into power by the International
Jews via their stronghold of Communist China:

It was the literal sweeping away of all civilization, the destruction of the family unit;
the family unit was to come to an end forever, the abolishment of all progress,
music, money, hospitals, learning, books, and reading, and the total liquidation of
the educated and professional classes through mass-murder. Even love between
humans was banned, with people being murdered for even smiling at each other in
the slave camps. Even the word sleep was banned. People were worked from 3 am
in the morning to 11 pm at night, only eating a bowl of rice. If they failed to work or if
they didn’t work fast enough because of extreme exhaustion, they where killed on
the spot. They were forced to live in barns without walls between them and were
not allowed to speak to each other. They were reduced to animals. The point of life
was to work and then die. The entire population was forced into this, and all of their
culture was exterminated along with the people, and replaced by a slave society of
Jewish Communism.

All of the books within the Great Library of the capital were confiscated and
destroyed by the communists. The cities were emptied and one third of the
population was slaughtered. Any educated person was tortured to death after being
arrested and taken to the infamous prisons and politically declared as a "sub
person". Their pictures were taken upon arrest and the pictures of their murdered
and tortured corpses were taken again after being killed. Their throats were slit and
their bodies were mutilated and carved open by the Communist executioners. The
majority of towns were all leveled into the ground and the populations marched into
a real life Orwellian Animal Farm. Entire families were slaughtered. Women were
even killed for the crime of "being too beautiful". People were put to death for being
able to read.

The start of Year Zero was the end of life in now Communist Cambodia. This was
the perfect and total implementation of Jewish Communism. This is exactly what we
saw with the programs of Jewish Christianity and Islam. Jewish Christianity also
restarted the calendar at year Zero, AD, and did to entire societies what the
Communists did to Cambodia. The libraries where destroyed, the spiritual and thus
educated classes were slaughtered and tortured, the cities destroyed, all
knowledge destroyed, art destroyed, music banned, and even bathing was banned
as "Pagan practice", with being able to read made a capital punishment by the
Church. The Church Commissars bragged they had wiped away the entire
civilization and culture, and in its place was the slave society of Primal
Communism, run by the Party in the form of the Church. Year Zero.

As the Communist Advisor to Putin, Alexander Dugin stated in an interview:
This fits well with the orthodox critique of western Christianity. It is easy to see that
the secularization of western Christianity gives us liberalism. The secularization of
the orthodox religion gives us Communism…. Communism is the final Perfection of

"The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will
rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other

–Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919.

"The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be
completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture [my note Jewish
Communism] must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people
before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will ideally be purged and
replaced from the ground up.

In Cambodia, teachers, artists, and intellectuals were especially singled out and
executed during the purges accompanying Year Zero."

If you think it is over just remember…

Communism is the Jewish Messianic Movement created and directed by the Elders
of Zion such as the Rothschilds. They are still around and still working relentlessly
to turn the whole world into Year Zero, which is the final goal of Judaism.
Zionism is Judaism:


Zionism is Judaism. "In the time of the Messiah the Jews will exterminate all the
peoples of the earth."

Excerpt from “The Elephant Walk Cookbook” by Longteine De Monteiro and
Katherine Neudstadt © 1998:

“The country was deeply embroiled in a civil war between the U.S. –backed
government of Lon Nol, who had replaced King Norodom Sihanouk following a
coup in 1970, and the communist insurgent revolutionaries, the Khmer Rouge, who
were thought to be close to victory.

Three weeks earlier I had flown to Phnom Penh to try to persuade members of
Ken’s family and my own to come to Taiwan (as my parents had done earlier that
year), where they could wait out the end of the war in safety. Ken had already lost
relatives in the fighting, and the capital was under intense fire the whole time I was
there. I was able to get only three nephews and one of my younger sisters to leave
Phnom Penh with me. My mother, who had come back to be with her mother, was
too old to travel, refused to leave.

Later in the afternoon of April 17th, Ken and I listened to a radio report announcing
that Cambodia had fallen to the Khmer Rouge and that the rebel troops were
already marching into Phnom Penh as victors. And then there was silence. Days
went by, then weeks and months, with no other official report or word of what was
happening, except for the rumors and unbelievable first-person accounts of people
who had somehow managed to escape: stories of savage cruelty and violence, of
sanctioned executions and random murders at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. We
heard of the immediate, massive evacuation of millions from the capital over the
course of a single day, but we could not believe it, nor could we imagine that the
stories of resettlement into forced labor camps around the countryside – part of the
revolution’s plan to return Cambodia to a wholly peasant society were true.

Ken was trying desperately to make contact with the new government, to get news
of our families and to get permission to return home, where he hoped to offer his
diplomatic skills. When we finally did get some official word, it came from the CIA,
informing us that my older sister’s husband, the Chief of the Cambodian Navy, was
believed to have died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge on that first day of the
takeover. It was assumed that my other relatives who held similar government
positions – including my oldest brother, who had been the Minister of Commerce –
had also died.

Suddenly all possibility of returning to Cambodia vanished completely, and at the
same time that Ken’s job in Taiwan was becoming increasingly untenable – how
could he be a representative if there was no country to represent? For Ken, this
meant the dramatic and untimely end to his career. For the family, it meant that we
were forced into exile.

In the months stretching into years that followed, we eventually found asylum in
France and ended up in Béziers, a small Spanish-influenced town in the southwest,
not far from the Mediterranean, where the surviving members of my family were
reconvening. My two brothers-in-law and my brother were presumed dead, and
there continued to be no word of my mother or grandmother, my younger sister or
any of Ken’s family. Of these, only my sister survived. As our savings dwindled and
it became unmistakably clear that there would be no future diplomatic positions for
Ken, we faced a financial crisis.

“With the fracturing of the Khmer society in recent years, like many of its cultural
treasures, the finest of the traditional cuisine of Cambodia – both simple and
elaborate – stands to be lost forever. Most of the people who cared deeply about
food have been killed, have fled the country, or have died of old age. At this point, I
wouldn’t know where to begin to look for the old women who used to guard the
secrets of the best spices for curry, preserving them for future generations to enjoy.
I assume that these women are all gone.


“…in April 1975, the communists finally took control of the country. Under Pol Pot
and a cadre of close advisors, the new revolutionary government set about to
create overnight, a quasi-Marxist-Leninist peasant society by returning Cambodia to
what they called Year Zero: a society, as one historian characterized it, without
‘money, markets, formal education, Buddhism, books, private property… and
freedom of movement’ and – needless to say – without cuisine.

“The impact of this era, the time of ‘the killing fields’ can hardly be overstated. Less
than four years later, in 1979, the Khmer Rouge were driven out by Vietnamese
forces in retaliation for their attack on Vietnam, but their policies and practices had
resulted in the deaths of more than a million Cambodians from starvation, overwork,
disease and torture. Decades later, the country still struggles to rebuild.”

The Killing Fields [1984]


About: A photographer is trapped in Cambodia during tyrant Pol Pot's bloody "Year
Zero" cleansing campaign, which claimed the lives of two million "undesirable"

Stars: Sam Waterston, Haing S. Ngor, John Malkovich

March 25, 2015

Joy of Satan Forums Contributions


The 4 Fundamental Achievements In Satanic Life

by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Nov 30, 2020

Spiritual Satanism, is based around the power of the soul and life. In contrast to
all enemy religions, which are only programs for enslavement, and come in to
make people slaves and nothing else, Satan preaches freedom, knowledge,
individuality, and upholding the spirit and person.

Over the years, all sorts of worthless bullshit has been posted on this forum,
dissuading people from advancing in their lives and other projections of
limitation. This was deliberate and from the enemy. The enemy has had people
here, and they send people to all of these places and organizations that threaten
them, who promote corrosive values and essentially are given a mission to keep
people stuck, worthless, and in particular advancing to nothing.

Fundamentally, the above is nothing but the regular program of jews for the
brains of the Gentiles, to destroy them and weaken them. It is intolerable for
Satanists to accept any of this.

One needs to escape far from the understanding that life is sinful, or to be
avoided. Sure, there are negative and not happy things about life, and life is far
from a perfect song. The point of Satanism is to exist and to advance, and do
whatever one can to elevate themselves and empower themselves.

As it's the nature of empowerment, this does not create negativity, but rather,
positivity. The enemy promotes misery, doom, and weakness in people. This
makes people evil, full of grudges and resentment, and makes them really
unhappy. This then sets the ground for disaster, social and otherwise, and
because the drives of people are crushed and not understood, an unnatural and
highly evil society.

Four things are fundamental for the so called "Salvation" of the Soul, which is
basically, a stupid and overused term. In order for the soul to fill itself and be able
to ascend to higher levels of consciousness, there are needs that have to be
achieved in one's life, which will in turn feed the soul.

While the enemy and many idiots constantly preach of humans to wither away
and die, Satan and the Gods preach to people to live. This living is fundamental. It
is not about fiction or about some philosophy. This is about fundamental workings
of the soul and how this relates to the external environment, and why we are
here in the first place to exist. Humans were meant to live and to exist.

There are four pillars for a fulfilling life that have to do with nourishing the soul.
Each of these pillars, if unmet, or improperly worked upon, can result in the soul
having to reincarnate again and again, until it eventually sorts out all of these
issues pertaining to it's advancement. The mastery of these four pillars in the
external world, will also support the person to be able to achieve and/or
comprehend life indepth, and therefore, be more capable of achieving the
Magnum Opus.

These physical actions and attainments, do reflect in their respective fashion,
important phases and workings of the "Great Work", and this has to do with
nourishing the soul. As Thoth's famous statement goes, "Live Your Life and You
will Never Die". This post is to explain what this actually means and what is the
point of it, and what to nourish in the soul.

The four important pillars of self development are these:

1. Spirituality. Those who are not spiritual and do not meditate, will be forced
eventually to reincarnate. This corresponds to self consciousness and realization.
Everyone who meditates here understands this as self evident. Also, here is
education as an included factor. We could call this a general understanding of the
"beyond" forces of the universe.

2. Love. Now this is a little bit weird one may think, but one must not worry,
because this is flexible. One has to encounter love in their life. This can be with a
partner, a person one loves [children, or whatever], a Succubi or Incubi, or a
purpose or mission they have fallen in love into. This can include adopting a child,
experiencing love as in protecting an animal shelter, and generally, the experience
of the emotion of love. Part of this can also be erotic love. The feeling of love is
going to teach the mind on the deeper level to understand the workings of union,
which are important for the Magnum Opus.

3. Wealth. Wealth can be spiritual, intellectual, but also it has to be physical.
Wealth, in primary example, is what sustains life and the cultivation of life. This is
not about becoming one of Forbes top 100, but it's about "efficient sustenance".
Food, drink, and consumables that promote health and longevity, are good for
this, and deal with the issue of sustaining the body and acceptance of the
nourishing form of nature and from the environment. Matters of sufficiency rely
on this category, and the understanding of abundance and being supplicated for.
This understanding correlates to the providing factor of the soul.

4. Accomplishment. This can be a little difficult to explain as well, because the
best word for this is to call this a "Manifestation of one's purpose", or the
"Dharmic" principle. This includes something that someone does, which has had
an effect in the lives of others, and has affected them. It could be from creating
something small which other people can benefit, or creating a family unit, all the
way to becoming a public official, or a great scientific discovery. This "purpose" is
affected out of one's karmic disposition and one's own choice. The "range" of it's
effect is not as mandatory, as is the purpose of actually doing this, which
nourishes the soul with the understanding of it's own capacity to create.

The success of the above deals with metaphysical invocation of specific basic
practices, that will guide a soul in a more sustained form. These correspond to the
consciousness behind the 4 pillars of the Soul, and in effect, the whole body and
mind web of understanding.

As Satanists, it is a duty for everyone to be able to engage in deeper
understanding of these forces, and to be able to enliven and advance one's self in
the above areas.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It happened again, I really thought I put the second title in, strange.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
