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Random Thoughts - Love

Dec 3, 2022
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

People might recognize that quote from the Bible which was taken from Ancient Mystery Religions and doesn't explain what is going on in the process of Creation. Because Divinity and Spirituality is stripped from Religion in Christianity and it inducts the Person in a Primitive and Backwards Cult belief of Slavish Worship where knowledge is blasphemous and Consciousness is disregarded. Infact the Foundational Creation myth is about Lucifer delivering Humanity from the shackles of Ignorance.

In the Garden of Eden ,Humanity exists in the State of a Beast where he is not self conscious and isn't aware of his own Consciousness. The Biblical God views the Natural State of Humanity as Cattle and demands Slavish worship from Cattle. It is actually hilarious that so many Christians are against the New World Order while simultaneously believing in a Return to Biblical Paradise which is the same as being a Mindless Borg without any Self Consciousness or Identity.

Lucifer the Great Redeemer and Saviour of Humanity gives Knowledge of Self Consciousness to Humanity. And him specifically Seducing Eve is actually a deeper point that is Stolen from the Eastern teachings of Tantra about the Female Energy initiating all of Creation while the Male is the Foundation for her.

It is our Father Lucifer ,the Great Undivided Pure Consciousness that is Sought after by the Yogis and all occultists in the Final Stage of Yoga known as Samadhi. When the Kundalini Pierces the Crown Chakra after having raised the Yogi's consciousness he is gifted by the feeling of being connected with Everything and the Vision of Light that Lucifer represents. It is Lucifer who brought Humanity the Knowledge of Science, Tantra, Yoga and Civilization. Who brought us out of the Dark Ages and created the spark in his followers to create sevral beautiful civilization that have been lost to time.

O' Lucifer ,blessed be his name for all Eternity who is also represented by the Sun, the source of all life. Humanity will never achieve the Next Phase in development until it recognizes the True Saviour of Mankind and reject the False God of the Bible. Until it incorporates the Mystery School teachings in their Lives and recognize Lucifer ,the Morningstar as their True Father.

As i was saying before the Creation story is stolen from the teachings of the Far East. Let me reiterate the Statement of the Bible again ,In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

This actually has the Entire creation story encoded within it which is reserved for only the Top people to understand.

In the Beginning was only Pure Undivided Consciousness. Then the Pure Undivided Consciousness says "Let there be Light" which divides itself into two Complemetary forces acting in Unison. This is the Root of all Creation ,which is the Duality of the Two Forces interacting with each other. Yin and Yang. Male and female.The penis and the Vagina. The Sun and the Moon. The Lingam and the Yoni. The Iga and the Pingala. Energy and Consciousness.

The Pure Undivided Consciousness Brahman , gives rise to Energy and Consciousness. in Tantra Energy is represented by Female Shakti or Kali and Consciousness is represented by Shiva. The Energy is Vibrational in Nature. And this Vibrational Energy when directed by the Consciouness of Shiva marks the Beginning of the Divine Sound, AUM. With this direction Energy collapses in on itself and contracts within the Vibrational frequencies to create the Five Elements. The Five Elements interplaying withing each other creates Matter.


These Divine Energies having Sex or Uniting is explained in the Tantric scriptures. You can see in the above Picture Shiva the Pure consciousness gives rise to Consciousness with a direction and desire which then has Sex with Energy or Shakti to create the Four Elements. This is encoded in the picture which needs a trained eye to see. As much is encoded within much but to notice is a special trait of the Initiated.

The root of all desire is Consciousness. Our Desire for Consciousness expansion using Yoga is the same desire the One God which created everything in the beginning. The Expansion of Consciousness. The desire for Creation to multiply and diversify from its state of Onehood. That desire drives all Consciousness and also Human Beings consciousness.

The desire to become strong, prosperous, have sex, make love, create a family, create a Nation. Innovate , create Organizations for different purposes. Everything is downcurrent from the Divine Commandment of God that he wanted to become more than he was. And so we are as well. As pieces of consciousness want to become more in the Physical and the Spiritual sense.

When a man sees a Woman and finds her attractive ,he wants to have sex with her. But the Sex in itself is not the goal of consciousness that is within Human beings. The deeper reason why a Man wants to have sex with a woman is because it will lead to the creation of Children. It will create New Souls as well as supply vehicles for the Old Reincarnated Souls. Humanity's group consciousness understands this effect at large.

People are somewhat shortsighted. But a initiated one understands a deeper significance to all activity that happens. It is not just a selfish desire that leads to procreation but the underlying spiritual reason as well. Our experience mirrors the Universal principles at play. People will always say that the Entire Universe is within you. What this actually means is that our internal spiritual processes mirror the large Marco cosmic ones.

This is the meaning of "As Above So Below." The Sun, Moon and the planets are mirrored in our Chakras. The Iga and Pingala Nadis mirror the Suna and the Moon, the Male and the Female whose Sex or Union leads to creation of a new Consciouness which is represented by the Kundalini which will unite the two Nadis. So much of this is repeated over and over again ad infinatum. Because the Universe from the beginning has been just the interplay of the same forces again and again.

The forces that goes against these Natural desires is thus necessarily Anti Human and also Anti God. A lot of people nowadays are anti Natalist or Dinks (Double income No Kids). The premise being that Human interaction between a man and female romantically is legitimate when there is no creation of Children.

This is a relatively new phenomenon as in most periods of Human History people never considered the plethora of reasons they consider now before having children. Calculating expenses like a Buisness project about how much the kid is going to drain the resources of a parent till he gets a job. And intelligent people without those requirements are foregoing having children. This late stage Capitalism issue is the misfortune of our times where people are conditioned to live in a mind prison firstly and then forego the most important part of their lives due to Economic Reasons.

Our Ancestors many of which were living in squalor because of the times still managed to procreate and didn't think of their children as a drain on their resources or think about how the child would manage to take care of itself when he grew old. Somehow that Wanderer spirit managed to keep Humanity prospering during wars, death of civilization ,diseases , plagues and more.

This inherently selfish point of view which views the Individual at the Centre of the Universe has been a poison, especially in Western Societies. We are infact not at the Center of the Universe and our time doesn't start with us. We are part of a line. A succession of lines of people before us. We are a stepping stone in our lives for the next generation of people in our lienage.And this goes on and on till Eternity. Beyond the Stars and various planets.

Loving another is Natural. Creating children is Natural. Wanting to have Sex and creating Children is Natural. Not wanting to have children is unnatural. It is disturbing. It is going against your natural spirit. You might hate the masses because of their current state of mind but being pessimistic about the entirety of Humanity is not natural. The masses have always remained ignorant. They have been led by few special people who have created all of history.

As a Satanist and an Occultist who has mastered the hidden forces of Nature. It would bring shame to my ancestors if i couldn't achieve success in my life. I would feel shameful if i couldn't use my powers to gain success atleast that i could provide for a family. I would feel ashamed of myself and my powers if i couldn't attract a partner that would be right for me. I cannot in good conscience end my genetic bloodline and bring Dishonour to the ones who have tirelessly worked on this life for me.

I promised Father Lucifer that i would certainly bring multiple children to this world. That i would care for them .Be there for them in ways i should. Teach them everything i know about the World, about spirituality and God. And so they shall continue my legacy and my familys legacy. As they have kids. And their kids have kids.

The seed that i have planted will become a Tree in due time. Sprouting many branches and Sub- branches and their fruits who will fall to the earth to create new trees.

And that desire is the same of Gods desire. Carrying on the Divine Commandment. And Love and creation is one of the most important if not the important facets of life that one must strive for.

Lucifer ,blessed be his name for all Eternity has been my Father, Friend and Teacher in this day and this Life. The Pro Natal, Pro Family and Pro Humaity message is a continuation of his commitment to free Humanity from Slavery and bring us into the Light. And i hope my Children will continue his same message till the End of Time.
General Yeager said:
[...] Calculating expenses like a Buisness project about how much the kid is going to drain the resources of a parent till he gets a job.

This especially is bizarre. My parents were both young and unemployed when they found out they were expecting me, so my father went and got a job and they made it happen. Because that's how life goes, in its natural state. Things happen, you make the most of your situation. They didn't live in a mind prison, they lived in life.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=477078 time=1702461131 user_id=57]
General Yeager said:
[...] Calculating expenses like a Buisness project about how much the kid is going to drain the resources of a parent till he gets a job.

This especially is bizarre. My parents were both young and unemployed when they found out they were expecting me, so my father went and got a job and they made it happen. Because that's how life goes, in its natural state. Things happen, you make the most of your situation. They didn't live in a mind prison, they lived in life.
Thank goodness they didn't decide that they didn't have enough resources yet. 😅
Beautifully written. Almost brought tears to my eyes, especially the last part. I may have failed at many things in life amongst which is to maintain and improve the relationship with the woman I love but I will never fail my children and do all that I can to pass on everything I've learned in all my lives. Providing basic needs and a comfortable lifestyle is important but teaching skills and passing on knowledge (especially the kind we here possess) is even more so.

When we're gone and the money dries out what will they have? I'm so grateful to my parents for everything they've done for me and everything they've thought me.

Thank you General/Jack. I wish you success in realizing your goals and dreams and making your ancestors and Satan proud, which I'm sure they already are.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=477078 time=1702461131 user_id=57]
General Yeager said:
[...] Calculating expenses like a Buisness project about how much the kid is going to drain the resources of a parent till he gets a job.

This especially is bizarre. My parents were both young and unemployed when they found out they were expecting me, so my father went and got a job and they made it happen. Because that's how life goes, in its natural state. Things happen, you make the most of your situation. They didn't live in a mind prison, they lived in life.

That's one of the wonders of having children, they force us to become better. The above actually has a term in psychology, called the "when-then fallacy". Basically we tell ourselves when I have X, I will do Y, but its usually something along the lines of "I will save money when I'm rich" or "I'll study when I have time".

The truth is you don't need X to do Y, you just need to do the thing.
General Yeager said:
Thank goodness they didn't decide that they didn't have enough resources yet. 😅
My father didn't even have a car at first, he had to borrow one from a friend and a baby seat to bring me and my mother home from the hospital. Which just goes to show you don't need to own everything first, it all comes into place when the time is right and if you are willing to make it all happen.
I wonder- what is the spiritual significance underlying homosexuality then? Is there even any such thing at all? Or are we just a bunch of random, extra limbs of society that are not needed?

(I dont care if anyone thinks im making this "about me" or "irrelevant", I have a voice and I will say my mind).

We cant make kids, we cant have sex without risking disease of some sort, we do not portray the "workings of the universe"....

Even with taking into consideration the yin and yang symbol, the black and white dots existing in different colors, still it doesnt make sense to me... if there is a desire for the same gender, why should the person not be born as the opposite gender?

I have dated many men, and im absolutely DONE with how effeminate and emasculated they are. I feel as if it is very wrong.

even though i find much of that femininity in myself.

Posts like this just confuse me even more about who tf I even am, even though it is very nicely written, dont get me wrong.

This is gonna sound weird, but I used to think, that since the person is gay, then their body should effectively be different than men and women- like a third sex of some sorts. containing both the female and male parts. subconsciously that was the only way it would make sense to me back then.

There is much confusion in my whole being. you can even see this in my birth chart.

I wish existence was less painful and less confusing.
I wonder- what is the spiritual significance underlying homosexuality then? Is there even any such thing at all? Or are we just a bunch of random, extra limbs of society that are not needed?

(I dont care if anyone thinks im making this "about me" or "irrelevant", I have a voice and I will say my mind).

We cant make kids, we cant have sex without risking disease of some sort, we do not portray the "workings of the universe"....

Even with taking into consideration the yin and yang symbol, the black and white dots existing in different colors, still it doesnt make sense to me... if there is a desire for the same gender, why should the person not be born as the opposite gender?

I have dated many men, and im absolutely DONE with how effeminate and emasculated they are. I feel as if it is very wrong.

even though i find much of that femininity in myself.

Posts like this just confuse me even more about who tf I even am, even though it is very nicely written, dont get me wrong.

This is gonna sound weird, but I used to think, that since the person is gay, then their body should effectively be different than men and women- like a third sex of some sorts. containing both the female and male parts. subconsciously that was the only way it would make sense to me back then.

There is much confusion in my whole being. you can even see this in my birth chart.

I wish existence was less painful and less confusing.
Have you heard about the gay uncle hypothesis?

It's the theory that gays function to support the upbringing of their siblings and their siblings' children, instead of having kids of their own.

If you have no siblings then you can expand this definition of family to include other loved ones, even if they are not related or romantic relationships, or to give care to your race through other means, like teaching or nursing.
Have you heard about the gay uncle hypothesis?

It's the theory that gays function to support the upbringing of their siblings and their siblings' children, instead of having kids of their own.

If you have no siblings then you can expand this definition of family to include other loved ones, even if they are not related or romantic relationships, or to give care to your race through other means, like teaching or nursing.
I get what you mean, and I am familiar with that role. However, I am more interested in understanding the deep spiritual translation of homosexual relationships. Although I have heavy lunar and Cancer placements, I do not have a good history with children... I do not believe I could ever be a kind caretaker.

I feel as if I am a child myself, most of the time. The feeling also is paired with paranoia, and a hate for authority in some cases.
Lol I take back any kind of doubt I had about the spiritual legitimacy of homosexuality. It's perfectly natural and normal. Spiritually, physically, and mentally. Fuck anybody who thinks otherwise 😊

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
