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Question #409: Hollywood and selling your soul for fame


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
America is full of people who think life owes them something. People who somehow think there is some easy way to get rich or successful. So you would potentially give your soul an eternity of torment for a good life here on Earth? We've seen and heard of how many well-known celebrities have said they “sold their soul to the Devil”, it makes you wonder what their religious disposition is and why they openly support evil. Hollywood displays symbolism of devil worship and Illuminati control, so it’s no surprise celebrities slip up and admit it here and there.

Popstars like Rihanna; grew up in Barbados, and had a choice between graduating from high school or pursuing a career in music. Fast forward and now she’s one of the biggest stars in the music industry. Is it me, or are you seeing a pattern here as well? Rihanna not only has songs that seem to embrace her dark side, but she has made no attempt to hide or mask it, unlike other people on the list. We all may listen and look on, thinking she is just doing all this for a reaction, but look deeper. Who signed her? Aw, Jay-Z. Of course. Not only a fellow soul seller (he will be further up the list because he is much more prolific in his Satan worship they say...) and his wife Beyonce, who is his partner in crime, and uses an alter ego called Sasha Fierce she summons to get into her head and possess her body.

All this cannot be from the real Satan as we know and have learned about. Nevertheless; who has given these stars money, fame, and fortune?
Is it the enemy trying to fool people to believe Satan is the bad guy giving him yet another bad name? In addition, celebrities like to do the 666 sign and give homage to the Devil on stage and in their music videos.

Is it the greys? Is it astral beings keeping the illusion going?

Another “student” of Aleister Crowley, John Lennon influenced the other Beatles to take interest in the life of the late occultist. The result was seen on the cover of the iconic 1967 album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The book The Lennon Prophecy by Joseph Niezgoda details how Lennon made a pact with the devil, to make him more famous than the King of Rock n’ Roll himself.
The enemy parades around 'Satan' with cheap and tacky garbage to sully the name of the Gods. Photographers tell them to do the mudras to insult the Gods, most of them have zero idea what it means. Read about Doreen Irvine, John Todd and about Satanic panics, the enemy does the same shit in the music industry. Same as Balenciaga whose recent child exploitation crap was designed to blaspheme Baal.

If you don't pay attention to the rest of my post PLEASE watch this. If they do this to some random woman with post-partum depression, imagine what they do to drug-addled celebrities who often don't even legally own their own name.

Also, if you look at someone like Rihanna's chart, it's inevitable she would be famous. She is not that talented nor is her material particularly great but she has a charisma and buzz people like. If she slept with people and was a ho to be famous, that's just the reality of being 'famous' under the enemy if you come from nowheresville. In any creative industry in 2023, there are 15 jewish nepotists, 4 non-jewish nepotists and 1 random person from a middle class or poor background for any 20 people.

These people like Rihanna 'sold their soul' not by any pledge to "Satan" but by a collective pledge to Israel and Alljuda. This also applies to 'neo-celebrities' who many regard fondly here such as streamers, who don't say anything controversial (like Europe being invaded by psychopaths or even Taliban being bad) because YouTube or Twitch will destroy them. They are ALL shills.

Lennon pushed all kinds of enemy bullshit and was the first race-mixing celebrity, the Beatles were managed by a jew.

Beyonce is jewish by her own self-identification. I don't know about jay z but he is acutely hideous so maybe.
They did 'sell they're soul' in a way, just not to Satan.

People in Hollywood, especially 'Celebrities' in the upper echelons of Hollywood are there because they promote the jewish agendas for the world, and thus are risen to a higher status of fame and wealth by the jews who run Hollywood from behind the scenes because of the way they are in line with the jews and they're agenda.

Jews, and especially the 'Sold Souls' of Hollywood who promote the jewish agendas most likely don't reincarnate after they die. They get absorbed into 'The One', or 'The All' and are harvested for their raw bioelectricity.
Most hardcore christians also get absorbed into The One as well. Its just a massive soul farm on the astral.
The reason why jews wear the cube thing on they're heads - cant remember what's its called at the moment - is because they're siphoning the raw energy of The One and are using that energy to keep themselves in power, and for their own hebrew rituals.

When people have near death experiences and describe that they see 'a light' and also sometimes described being pulled towards said light, they are about to get absorbed into The One. When someone enters into the 'light' there is no return. The persons consciousness and soul gets completely assimilated and then the raw bioelectricity of their soul is absorbed into The One. This is a permanent, complete, and irreversible death for the individual that gets absorbed. Their Soul no longer exists after this process. They are gone totally and permanently.

So, any SS reading, especially newer SS, don't be upset whenever you see shithead 'celebrities' or jews waving money around and acting so high and mighty over you or anyone else. They do that on purpose in order to make you feel small, insignificant and worthless. They are not immortal, and are incapable of any real immortality. Also, we are moving into the age of Aquarius, the age of Satan. We are already in the beginning stages of those days to come and jewish celebrities and agendas are failing and getting more and more exposed with each passing day.
They will eventually die off, and when that moment comes and when they are getting pulled towards and absorbed into The One, they will feel the most unimaginable horror and regret of they're existence.

They are temporary, you are Forever.
This doesn't make sense at all.

Jews cannot promote their arch nemesis, Satan.

The Hollywood is corrupted to the bone when it comes to spirituality and the oy thing that they are using to obtain such success and have fame and money are only Jewish magic that involves sacrificing children and stealing and other heinous acts that only a Jew would cause.

Remember that whatever the Hollywood people may show and supposedly say that they sold their soul to Satan, this is all a lie and a psychological tactic to make you come with them and do a lot of bad and heinous Jewish magical practices.
It’s does not make any fucking sense.. celebrities do not promote Christianity in any way. If jewsish magic is used to obtain fame and fortune. Why do celebrities promote do what thy wilt and drugs and sex. If it’s adrenacrome that makes you rich and famous what kind of special majick is this.?? I don’t understand. I want material wealth in this world to like everyone else. I would never hurt a child, but for fame and fortune in this world shoot. Explain why they are so powerful please.
Budtron1980 said:
It’s does not make any fucking sense.. celebrities do not promote Christianity in any way. If jewsish magic is used to obtain fame and fortune. Why do celebrities promote do what thy wilt and drugs and sex.

Have you been reading stupid xian books or sites? It's only xians that mention the phrase "Do what thou wilt" while misinterpreting and taking it out of context. Your misinterpretation and thinking it's somehow Satanic based on 2 false premises:

1) That "do what thou wilt" means "do what you want".

2) That Aleister Crowley who originated that phrase was a Satanist.

Neither of these is true, yet xians keep repeating these false ideas as if they were true.

Aleister Crowley himself said that it doesn't mean "do what you want", in his Liber II "The Message of Master Therion":

Aleister Crowley said:
Take this carefully; it seems to imply a theory that if every man and every woman did his and her will—the true will—there would be no clashing. “Every man and every woman is a star,” and each star moves in an appointed path without interference. There is plenty of room for all; it is only disorder that creates confusion.

From these considerations it should be clear that “Do what thou wilt” does not mean “Do what you like.” It is the apotheosis of Freedom; but it is also the strictest possible bond.
Thou must (1) Find out what is thy Will. (2) Do that Will with (a) one-pointedness, (b) detachment, (c) peace.

Source of the quote: https://hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib2

In other words, "do what thou wilt" means find your true will, your true purpose and do it. Do your True Will. As Crowley said above, once everyone does their true will there will be harmony because nobody will interfere with another. This totally contradicts the meaning "do what you want".

As about why Aleister Crowley wasn't a Satanist it's been explained in many previous posts here. He mixed jewish, xian magick, Hinduism, Buddhism and Egyptian magick. He wasn't even part of the Left-Hand Path, he spoke disparagingly against black magickians and the reason he called himself "the beast 666" is because he was eccentric and liked trolling people.

Drugs also go against Satanism.
Budtron1980 said:
It’s does not make any fucking sense.. celebrities do not promote Christianity in any way. If jewsish magic is used to obtain fame and fortune. Why do celebrities promote do what thy wilt and drugs and sex. If it’s adrenacrome that makes you rich and famous what kind of special majick is this.?? I don’t understand. I want material wealth in this world to like everyone else. I would never hurt a child, but for fame and fortune in this world shoot. Explain why they are so powerful please.

They can't promote fundamentalist xianity anymore as this is just cringe-worthy to most people. But do you think celebrities act like us or like xians? All celebrities do is promote forgiveness, bending to social media mobs, demanding a fresh start after their latest crack escapade, socialism and always 'love everyone', 'everyone is equal' and the rest of the Grey garbage.

You clearly don't seem to understand what the point of the drugs and sex is. This stuff is carefully deployed and is a trap to make them into puppets. Jaguar Wright and actual artists who fled the industry due to witnessing endless abuse went into this. Drugs at the andrapod level of existence promote xianity anyway. The enemy does not give a fuck about Gentile artists, particularly children, unless they are a particularly poisonous traitor or can be used to shill an agenda.

Has any celebrity ever spoken out against communist scams like BLM without getting their career wrecked? Has even any notable streamer or Twitch/YouTube shill done so?

Furthermore record companies have entire sections for xian pop, xian rap, xian metal and so on. Black Metal acts who promote any positive image of Satanism are all on independent labels.

Some people were raised saturated into the hardcore jehovahs witness and seventh day adventist crap like Prince and Michael/Janet Jackson. These artists were highly confused about xianity and were trying to figure out the contradictions through their persona, which obviously didn't work in the end. Now we see this happening on a much more direct level with Kanye.

Then there are scum like Hagdonna, Ariana Grande, Drake, Beyonce and Lady Gaga tend to promote xianity and people wearing xian symbols through endless scandals, useless messaging and bullshit. The Like A Prayer video for example is an awful video demonizing Aryans as violent klan members and advocating race-mixing via 'the holy church', stigmata and other catholic alien crap being shown as something beautiful and tender. These five are all jews with 'spiritual advisors' and they will perennially be famous with endless opportunities under the enemy system. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF MADONNA JERKED OFF IN SOME FAKE CONTROVERSY OUTSIDE A CHURCH. THIS IS A STUNT. A real Satanist wouldn't pay attention to this garbage other than to fully attack it.
Budtron1980 said:
You answered zero of the question

OK. If you think celebrities 'promote' anything close to the sentence do what thou wilt, feel free to tweet something controversial to them on social media. Better yet, become famous yourself. Then say something like: 'the vaccine doesn't work', 'white privilege doesn't exist', 'I don't recognize transgender', 'Marxism sucks', and so on, or, better yet, 'jesus is a thoughtform created by the jews to funnel energy into their endeavors'.

Just see how that goes for you.
Budtron1980 said:
Drugs do not go against satanism Cannabis is a gift of the Gods.

Ooh great wise man, do tell us your great wisdom and educate us on how cannabis is the great gift of Satan will you?

What about Meth, or Speed, or Cocaine? What about LSD, or Acid? Or even Opium?

Surely you have the great wisdom to share with us how these are gifts and totally not destructive substances promoted and propagated by jews and their lackeys, who stand to benefit from the propagation of dangerous, addictive substances which totally destroy the health and lives of those who indulge in these regularly?

What has given you these beliefs? Do you perhaps think Cannabis is different from the other drugs mentioned, and is somehow less harmful to the being?

Do tell us your great wisdom thanks.
Well my friend I worked in the cannabis industry for years and have seen children having epileptic seizures use Phoenix tears. A product of cannabis to snap out of it instantly not to mention curing anxiety and depression, pain. Exc. so there is your wisdom since you seem to think you know so much.
Budtron1980 said:
Well my friend I worked in the cannabis industry for years and have seen children having epileptic seizures use Phoenix tears. A product of cannabis to snap out of it instantly not to mention curing anxiety and depression, pain. Exc. so there is your wisdom since you seem to think you know so much.

Indeed, cannabis derivatives and medicines certainly have helped people, however that doesn't justify it's use as a recreational drug whatsoever, nor is that any indication of this being a gift from the Gods.

It is a product of nature discovered by humans and exploited for better or worse, while flawed even in the best application.

For example, someone with chronic back pain will be prescribed cannabis oil, which will dull the senses and prevent this person from feeling the pain too much.

It doesn't do anything beyond that however. It doesn't cure disease, it makes one dependent on the medicine, it has side effects to dull the senses and ones mental faculties over long term use.

Flawed medicine is anything but a gift from the Gods.

It is merely a human invention, which sometimes is used for decent purposes, but just as often is abused.

A gift from the Gods is something universal, something which leads to true healing and liberation from pain or sickness, through application of real power or effective means.

Or a means without harmful side effects which leads to wholistic healing.

Western medicine is majorly flawed, merely intended to use bandaids as a stopgap for deep inner symptoms and sickness, which doesn't cure someone at all.

Doesn't mean it is all negative. Medicines help many people, but one has to ask, how many people does it cure, and how many people are exploited by giving only bandaid solutions, to the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry?

Cannabis existed on Earth for millions of years, it is a natural grown plant which was discovered by humans, then research was done on the plant which lead to the discovery of biochemical properties which can interact with the human biochemistry in deliberate ways depending on dosage and application.

Medicine is derived from it, which helps alleviate symptoms in people, as much as it is developed into recreational drugs which ruin the lives and faculties of people.

As a medicine it is ineffective to heal anything.

It doesn't heal the seizure, merely it stops the seizure of the person momentarily, making the patient who has no cure for their disease completely dependent on the bandaid solution, which is the opposite of healing.

Since it functions as a stopgap to "contain" symptoms, the disease is considered "treatable" and the pharmaceutical industry calls it a day, making big money from people who have symptoms which can be contained through this bandaid solution, instead of developing a real cure for the underlying disease which would heal people once and for all (and thus not provide a long term means of income for the big pharma).

All disease can be cured.

If disease is researched with intent to cure, keeping in mind the true gifts of the Gods, which are the spiritual power within human beings as well as their all encompassing knowledge one can receive from them, none of this bandaid medicine would be necessary for anyone or anything at all.

You may be surprised to the findings if an expert in TCM gives their analysis of the symptoms in epileptic children, and why this cannabis may have such effect on them.

Hail Satan!
Budtron1980 said:
You answered zero of the question

Next time quote the person you're replying to, just posting a reply 1)makes it unclear who you're replying to and 2)makes it very hard for someone to see it.

If you are replying to me, I have already answered it in the other question you asked anonymously (see #503 here). Here I only clarified that the phrase you misinterpreted (do what you wilt) doesn't mean what you think it does and which is not Satanic at all, as I explained.

Budtron1980 said:
Well my friend I worked in the cannabis industry for years and have seen children having epileptic seizures use Phoenix tears. A product of cannabis to snap out of it instantly not to mention curing anxiety and depression, pain. Exc. so there is your wisdom since you seem to think you know so much.

Cannabis for medicinal purposes is not the same as recreational marijuana. You're comparing totally different things. Cannabis cures many illnesses, but smoking it makes it toxic, especially when you mix it with tobacco.

Budtron1980 said:
Drugs do not go against satanism Cannabis is a gift of the Gods.

Again, cannabis for medicinal purposes is not the same as recreational marijuana.
Karnonnos said:
OK. If you think celebrities 'promote' anything close to the sentence do what thou wilt, feel free to tweet something controversial to them on social media. Better yet, become famous yourself. Then say something like: 'the vaccine doesn't work', 'white privilege doesn't exist', 'I don't recognize transgender', 'Marxism sucks', and so on, or, better yet, 'jesus is a thoughtform created by the jews to funnel energy into their endeavors'.

Just see how that goes for you.

do what thou wilt#do what you want
do what thou wilt=find your true purpose and do it

I clarified this misconception above. This phrase is not Satanic at all, and doesn't mean what most people think. It originated with Crowley (who we all know is not a Satanist) and to understand what it means you have to look at Crowley's writings.

I'm insisting on this because this misinterpretation comes from xians most of the time and they are insisting that this is what Satanists believe, when we don't.
Budtron1980 said:
That makes no sense why would Jews promote Satan in any way

They are not promoting satan, they are misguiding the masses about who really is satan. Because one thing is what they want you to believe another is the true. Is their propaganda at its best, I confess when I start to look for satanism I have this bullshit In my mind, now I make the ritual of dedication and I became the motherfukin new Eminem or whatever, I was so wrong.
Lennon pushed all kinds of enemy bullshit and was the first race-mixing celebrity, the Beatles were managed by a jew.
Another “student” of Aleister Crowley, John Lennon influenced the other Beatles to take interest in the life of the late occultist.
The more I look to john lennon the more I see a jew in his traits, face, front, nose, eyes and attitude. I think he was jew.
Just listening the words of "Imagine" he put into people's heads the borderless nations idea that is trying to manifest today.
This sounds really sounds like a mass ritual, how the words "imagine" is used, sounds, it seems all built to hypnotize the goyim.
Popstars like Rihanna; grew up in Barbados, and had a choice between graduating from high school or pursuing a career in music. Fast forward and now she’s one of the biggest stars in the music industry. Is it me, or are you seeing a pattern here as well?
I am no expert on stars lives, but I see a pattern like being brought into a giant energy vortex, that is the jewish owned media industry.
As soon some gifted persons with mental hangups and problems are found (in case they do not have the jews will make sure to enslave them with sexual abuse and create hangups to open doors) they bring them in and train to boost their shit. Rihanna alone would be lost, when backed up by a bigger power, emerged from the mass while pushed by the jewish train. That feeds itself on the "fan" energies in admiration...
I just think it works this way on the energy levels.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
