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Question #1241: Far right advocacy


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I dedicated myself to father Satan because he is our true God, creator, allows people to follow their own nature,provides a path to godhead, and to return earth to the golden years when he and the gods lead mankind. Seems to me from reading the forum it moves away from what it means to be a spiritual satanist and is more a platform for individuals to express their political views instead of providing knowledge to elevate one as a spiritual satanist. I will always serve our true God father Satan but will not participate in political theater. My heart tells me I can only please father Satan as an individual spiritual satanist and not be part of a political far right trumpism movement as advocated by many (not all) members. Good luck to those on a spiritual path and not a political one.
There are a lot of topics discussed in the forum, not just political ones. If you do not want to participate in political discussions then there is no problem.

In the end, politics created by the Gods is the most important thing.

Be blessed by the Gods!
Hail Satan!
So move to Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, or one of the other places that has been absolutely destroyed by communist jew policies if that is what you want. If you feel strongly about this, then live the life you want to live under the policies that you want. Where rapists and murderers are let out of jail with no bail. Prisons are emptied so violent criminals may re-offend over and over every day. Having your car and home broken into by armed robbers. Having your property stolen from you. Not being able to get anything you need from the store because a swarm of hundreds of looters all ran in at the same time and stolen every single thing off the shelf, as has happened in many stores in Portland and San Francisco. Have your life threatened by rapists and murders who are allowed free to re-offend.

And you are not allowed to use any tool to defend the lives of yourself or your family. If you shoot a rapist in self defence, you may be prosecuted as an attempted murderer and get 20 years in prison, meanwhile the rapist survives and is allowed free to continue raping.

You may think these are exaggerations if you spend your whole life on twitter and tick tock and never see any of these events. But all of these are common, and we can easily find a long list of videos and news reports showing everything I said. I have seen the security camera videos of these crimes. There is no debate over whether or not these crimes are happening, the only question is have you personally experienced it yet or have you seen the video recordings and news reports, or do you spend every day reading propaganda on twitter and see nothing that happens.

The great thing about America is each state can make its own rules. And if you truly believe in these policies, I hope you may live in one of these cities with these policies most strongly in effect. And you may receive exactly what you voted for.
AskSatanOperator said:
I dedicated myself to father Satan because he is our true God, creator, allows people to follow their own nature,provides a path to godhead, and to return earth to the golden years when he and the gods lead mankind.

How do you think we will return to the golden years if we don't work to free ourselves of jewish rule? Think, just think.

AskSatanOperator said:
Seems to me from reading the forum it moves away from what it means to be a spiritual satanist and is more a platform for individuals to express their political views instead of providing knowledge to elevate one as a spiritual satanist.

Most of the posts are about Spiritual Satanism. Just look at the latest posts in the main JoS forum: 5 of them ask about SS things like mantras and runes, 2 are trolling and 2 are about the world situation.

The "political views" are also part of SS. Again, are we supposed to free ourselves from the jews and establish the golden age of Satan again?

AskSatanOperator said:
I will always serve our true God father Satan but will not participate in political theater. My heart tells me I can only please father Satan as an individual spiritual satanist and not be part of a political far right trumpism movement as advocated by many (not all) members. Good luck to those on a spiritual path and not a political one.

Translation: I'm a woke leftist who follows my own delusions.

It's glaringly obvious as you think Trump is "far right", and only leftists think that. Trump is a zionist/jewish puppet and center-right at best. He's been known to visit Israel and hump a wall like jews do while wearing a kippah. Most political leaders go through this jewish humiliation ritual every time they visit Israel, and Trump is no different.

Literally nobody cares for Zion Don, as he is called in "far-right" circles.
Curious to know what state and city the ss's who talked about living in Chicago, Portland, and San Francisco lives in.
You are living in a dream world.

Living according to the dictates of one's own nature as Satanism specifies does not mean making everything a toxic waste dump for everyone else out of spitefulness and amalgamating into a political borg that demands self-nullification, apologizing and begging for mercy for exhibiting any positive quality, like wealth or being a higher-tier category of human.

The current interests of liberalism and what the Gods desire for humanity are in complete opposition. You will never reach that Godhead if you keep going into delusions. Do you really think you can be a God while 'apologizing for privilege' for example?
Trump literally has all the same political opinions as the average democrat 10 years ago. He has been a moderate democrat his whole life on all views except some economic ones. But the democrats have accelerated so far with their extremist cult insanity that they call the regular moderate democrats from 10 years ago far right.
Soldier of satan said:
Curious to know what state and city the ss's who talked about living in Chicago, Portland, and San Francisco lives in.

Go read the crime statistics
Soldier of satan said:
Curious to know what state and city the ss's who talked about living in Chicago, Portland, and San Francisco lives in.

Oh it's you who "asked" this "question" right? It's obvious, as your previous post "complained" about HP Hoodedcobra and used the same retarded buzzwords like "covid denier", "conspiracy theorist" that only retarded zombie leftists who can't think for themselves do. You do realize Satanism is about thinking for yourself, questioning the narrative and not blindly believing whatever bullshit the kikestream media tells you so, right? Being a brainwashed media zombie is no different than being a xian, both are NPCs.

Satanism as it's been said, it's about questioning everything, and especially the dominant narrative and media lies.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Trump literally has all the same political opinions as the average democrat 10 years ago. He has been a moderate democrat his whole life on all views except some economic ones. But the democrats have accelerated so far with their extremist cult insanity that they call the regular moderate democrats from 10 years ago far right.

Obama and Hillary Clinton were against gay marriage in 2008, so in that sense Trump is even more to the left than Obama was in 2008.

I have had friends who were liberals in late 2000s/early2010's but now they all call themselves conservatives, even though their political beliefs haven't changed a bit. Tim Pool also said he is a hippie-like liberal that identifies more with the conservatives. The reason? Now liberal means "self-hating White person" and you must hate yourself and believe in some mythical "systemic racism/sexism", delude yourself into thinking that there are as many genders as there are Pokemon and support the marxist anti-White organization called BLM, while today's conservatives are pretty much like liberals were pre-2010: they are colorblind and won't judge you on the basis of race, they believe in legal immigration instead of banning all immigration (like conservatives used to advocate), they treat all people equally e.t.c. Both liberals and conservatives moved to the left.
bsod said:
Soldier of satan said:
Curious to know what state and city the ss's who talked about living in Chicago, Portland, and San Francisco lives in.

Go read the crime statistics

I know this is a very uncomfortable fact, but I have to mention it anyways:

What cities or states with the most crime have in common isn't a political allegiance. Maine is a blue state yet it has the least crime.

So what is the most reliable predictor of crime? Why, the percentage of Blacks of course. Maine is the whitest state and the one with the least percentage of blacks, that's why it has the least crime. Detroit is the city with the highest percentage of Blacks, that's why it has the most crime. Both are blue yet the stats are different in each.

Cities in West Virginia are among the poorest, but they have much less crime than Detroit because they are mostly White.
Shadowmage said:
Obama and Hillary Clinton were against gay marriage in 2008, so in that sense Trump is even more to the left than Obama was in 2008.


I got another one. All of the liberals who have an extreme hatred against Steve Bannon because of watching propaganda meant to make you hate him, but without actually showing any real bad thing. Most liberals would say Steve Bannon is one of the most evil people in the world. But Steve Bannon and Bernie Sanders literally have more in common with each other in their political ideas and opinions than either of them has with anybody else. If you watch any interview with Steve Bannon where he explains his political ideas, like the times he was on Tim Pool's show, everything he talks about are the exact same kind of socialist programs that Bernie Sanders talks about, which go even farther than most democrats would publicly agree with.

If Trump was not held back by years of lies and hoaxes trying to destroy him and limiting his actions, we would see more strongly that he was absolutely a strong Socialist. In terms of how much benefit he gives in directly improving the lives of all citizens, and doing everything possible to help everybody. And a large amount of this was guided by Steve Bannon. The difference is Trump's actions created actual beneficial effects in people's lives. The economy and wealth of minorities was the absolute greatest it has ever been in this country, which Obama never gave to them. And the economy and wealth of all Women in this country is the greatest it has ever been since World War 2, and the only reason it was better then was all the men were in war so women had to do every job here.

The difference between the socialist programs of Trump and the democrat's socialist programs is that Trump's gave everybody a better life, and the policies by democrats have only been traps to drag people down into being permanent dependent slaves. The "Great Society" welfare plans created by the jew Lindon Johnson were the absolute worst crime that has been done against black Americans in modern times, and it is the cause of nearly all of the problems that they now have. This was the welfare program which says that all families with only one parent get an enormous amount more welfare money than families with two parents. In the early 1900s, about 95% of black families had two parents, and they were good moral people with beneficial parental role models and life lessons. There was little or no difference between the crime rates between white and black populations, and these people were growing in success every year. After Lindon Johnson's welfare program, in current time about 80% of black children do not have a father, because the child gets more money with him gone. We have had generations of children with no father figure, no positive role model or influence to guide them. And they have been broken by this. This is the cause of creation of all of the black gangs, because the only older male role models the child has are the older boys who are in the same bad situation. The older boys who are doing crimes recruit the younger boys to help them do these crimes. And the mother is not there either to stop this because she is having to spend all her time working long hours because there is no man contributing money for the food and bills. Which also is influencing the boys to sell drugs, rob people, and do other crimes because he wants to help his mother by contributing money to their family. When if there was a father there working, none of this would be necessary. And the emotional damage caused by these situations has horribly effected many of these people for the rest of their lives, then this influenced how they raised their children with these same emotional problems and increased the problems in each next generation. And what I am saying is not about race, the emotional and economic influences in the child's life by not having a father are similarly bad in all races, but white fathers are extremely unlikely to abandon their children while about 80% of black fathers abandon their children, so that is what creates the racial difference in the numbers.

All of that destruction against these people created by one democrat policy, this is only one example. You can examine any of their policies and see similarly large problems.
There is no society without so-called politics. If we want a Golden Age, we must know how a Golden society would built up.
Only these week people in this week society afraid of NS, but if we want perfect body with perfect souls and perfect knowledge and so on, which is golden age, these NS ideologies are necesarry. People nowdays being offended by literally enything, and this is so wrong.
When the golden age returns it will be more aligned with what we call the left and what we call the right. One gives you freedom as a society and to live according to your own individual nature while one wants to restrict society's freedom and to dictate how one lives their life. Spiritual satanism and the wishes of father Satan and the gods is all about freedom and self determination.
Shadowmage said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Trump literally has all the same political opinions as the average democrat 10 years ago. He has been a moderate democrat his whole life on all views except some economic ones. But the democrats have accelerated so far with their extremist cult insanity that they call the regular moderate democrats from 10 years ago far right.

Obama and Hillary Clinton were against gay marriage in 2008, so in that sense Trump is even more to the left than Obama was in 2008.

I have had friends who were liberals in late 2000s/early2010's but now they all call themselves conservatives, even though their political beliefs haven't changed a bit. Tim Pool also said he is a hippie-like liberal that identifies more with the conservatives. The reason? Now liberal means "self-hating White person" and you must hate yourself and believe in some mythical "systemic racism/sexism", delude yourself into thinking that there are as many genders as there are Pokemon and support the marxist anti-White organization called BLM, while today's conservatives are pretty much like liberals were pre-2010: they are colorblind and won't judge you on the basis of race, they believe in legal immigration instead of banning all immigration (like conservatives used to advocate), they treat all people equally e.t.c. Both liberals and conservatives moved to the left.

I'm starting to wonder if the adage that "people grow more conservative" as they age is actually the reverse. People don't get more conservative, the politics just keeps progressively changing and what they believed in now qualifies as "conservative".

These conservatives mostly haven't changed their opinions, the youth just keeps getting tricked into "progressively" dumber and dumber politics.
Yesterday's liberals are today's conservative.

Funny Tim Pool mentioned it's a circle fest. The more right you become you enter left and the more left you are you enter right.

As for "Far Right" more like "Far Cucks" same for the opposite the Libtards. Every political front is nothing more than division tactics.

The reality is we only support these people to a quasi-level because they tried to improve. Obviously being a cuck we can't expect Trump to solve the issue. But at least he compounded improvements which Biden destroyed in a rapid way. Remember when Biden was president in the beginning he signed nearly 34 executive orders within days of becoming president.

BTW O.P. National Socialism is not "Far right" if anything it's more revolutionary and leftist as Hitler points out.

But one of the major faults people ignore is National Socialism as an ever evolving organic system. Is not just an all-wing 180degree 2D political front. But rather a full 3D front. It's a black spectrum political property with an ever evolving nigrido stage.

It's a full- or all-wing philosophy. It posses all things Left-Revolutionary, Right-Conservative, Center, Progressive and a new political factor Proactionary. To proact against negatives to reality.

Sheer fact is we are 3D this is why it is attacked 2D and it's a failure. As Hitler learned in his war days, Humans fight, live, and die for ideals. Rather than economic purposes or material purposes.

Rather Hitler states the 300IQ principle which George Lincoln Rockwell states. We National Socialists are ideological, idealists, and fanatical. Ironically enough the Communists are also fanatical. You will be destroyed, you are being destroyed unless you build a counter fanatical force to counter their fanaticism.

National Socialism is merely all politics. In fact much like Hitler's appreciation of the past and the Ancients. Albert Speer was the same with the Germania project for transforming Berlin. Both agreed on classical architecture improved and given a Greco-Roman property only for Germany perhaps even a few Gothic styles to it. Hell even French Architect Boulie, Hitler would have loved his grandiose megastructures.

Sheer fact is a political group cannot remain in one wing or be identified as one thing.

National Socialism rather uses the entire wingedness of politics to operate. In fact the main focus is DO good and achieve good. If the World was more interconnected in the past. Many of the World's laws and regulations would be picked up by the NS and improved upon and placed in the books.

Look at 401K, India loved the idea and took it sometime in the late-70s, early-80s. In fact India improved it a lot in many ways.

Sheer fact is if we can define National Socialism as sublimate the negatives and stick to neutral and positive things.

Yes they made mistakes, yes shit happened at times. But one phopah and it seems the enemy pounces on any mistake.

The Gestapo is bad 'n' shiet. Look shit happened if the Gestopo did something wrong okay a government police like the FBI has done far worse. That is fine but if ebil, debil, YT and especially Hitler and company aggrandize the scenario to high heaven and never forget to kvetch incessantly about it.

I think the fault of people is they classify despite Hitler and companies understanding of revolutionary nature. As time went on more and more people added to NS and literally I would not be surprised someone or even Hitler and company agreed we need to do everything of every wing no matter what.

Conservatism of Paganism/Satanism, Classical and Modernized Liberalism(NS-style), Progressive-Socialist principles to help the economy and improve society(Think Tschammer and his exercising of the nation the health improvements). And the eventual proactionary system. Provide improvements to avoid future negatives.

The only thing I can state is NS is the 300IQ Government. It is not fixed but organic and can be improved over time.

For example if Hitler knew how far the 2nd Amendment is so simple and if he knew the historical originality of it. He would have implemented it in a heartbeat in fact the militia aspect of 2A would have seriously given Hitler much food for thought.

Sheer fact is we are not right, not left, not center, not progressive, nor socialists, nor proactionary. Rather we are ALL that and ever evolving more of the organic nature.

We can't just apply division to political nature. The 300IQ genius of National Socialism rests its laurels on the entire factor of being something more than simply a political organization rather a return to do the right thing and improve reality.

In fact in Gottfried Feder's book besides a taxless Utopia that Feder postulates which he had personal ties with Hitler and even Hitler was like one day, once National Socialism has been entrenched into reality. We shall abolish the Government as NS has reigned supreme.

Abolish the Government. I wonder how much American information of the 1700s-1800s especially Liberterian principles on small government and other properties. It's not a good thing as we need the Government especially going to other planets. But Hitler's whimsical 300IQ Liberterian property is hilariously beyond Liberterians hell the Liberterians largest small Government regulations beyond that is abolish income tax and as some want a NFST, National Flat Sales tax. Not a good idea as it would make the bottom 20% of the population suffer like Styx said in one video.

But there is potentiality and other improvements. Sheer fact is National Socialism cannot be surmised using what is in essence the Communist-Capitalist dupe mentality of wingedness. Like I said rather we are an all wing spectrum.

In all my years of study my only logical contribution is NS = Everything sublimated to neutral and positive principles. It cannot be pigeonholed rather there needs to be a clean slate of political divisions which only serve to hinder and compound the problem.

Rather the attack we perform on negatives and improvements or neutrality for that matter come from every direction all 360 degrees of religious-political front and it's property on the realm of reality and it's betterment.

NS = Either you don't define it or the definitions are simply to categorize and relegate ways of seeing reality. For example performing a scientific philosophical property we tend to break it down into smaller, easier, more manageable sizes but the political science in this case is simply categorization rather than an absolute.

Relative not absolute.

We are free to improve civilization by any and all means within a reasonable spectrum of improvement.

Paganism doesn't hinder liberalism but aggrandizes it perhaps the Romans had this tax law and brought up to modern codifying and it helps tremendously create better government programs. Or the Greeks had this law and when improved or deliberated over the modern tone of it is it's a liberal principle to help purvey conservative historicity.

Again National Socialism simply seeks balance and harmony. It should and must see everything and then deliberate.
The funny thing is, the so called alt right, or dissident right aren't even true NS.
They're Euransianists and duginists.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
So move to Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, or one of the other places that has been absolutely destroyed by communist jew policies if that is what you want. If you feel strongly about this, then live the life you want to live under the policies that you want. Where rapists and murderers are let out of jail with no bail. Prisons are emptied so violent criminals may re-offend over and over every day. Having your car and home broken into by armed robbers. Having your property stolen from you. Not being able to get anything you need from the store because a swarm of hundreds of looters all ran in at the same time and stolen every single thing off the shelf, as has happened in many stores in Portland and San Francisco. Have your life threatened by rapists and murders who are allowed free to re-offend.

And you are not allowed to use any tool to defend the lives of yourself or your family. If you shoot a rapist in self defence, you may be prosecuted as an attempted murderer and get 20 years in prison, meanwhile the rapist survives and is allowed free to continue raping.

You may think these are exaggerations if you spend your whole life on twitter and tick tock and never see any of these events. But all of these are common, and we can easily find a long list of videos and news reports showing everything I said. I have seen the security camera videos of these crimes. There is no debate over whether or not these crimes are happening, the only question is have you personally experienced it yet or have you seen the video recordings and news reports, or do you spend every day reading propaganda on twitter and see nothing that happens.

The great thing about America is each state can make its own rules. And if you truly believe in these policies, I hope you may live in one of these cities with these policies most strongly in effect. And you may receive exactly what you voted for.

Exactly, I wish States (as well as Provinces in Canada) would start using more of their Constitutional powers to act as autonomous territories within a united banner. It's how all Empires throughout history thrived, the Roman, Russian, German, Mongol, Chinese Empires you name it. Within all of them, formed smaller autonomous polities that followed their own traditions. Everytime they tried to promote "right cuckservativsm" to try to mesh and create a identity-less uniform culture, it resulted in their downfall.

The issue with American politics is that they tend to create "way to radical" opposites of one another, one is just as evil as the other.

Living on a conservative state, having grown in a conservative state, the "conservative" areas haven't been any better - you may be allowed to own guns (and I do), yet, they promote a lifestyle equally as suicidal and mentally dangerous and destructive to civilization, where instead of spending wealth to expand civilization and society and things like mental health institution or homeless shelters in addition to gentile-owned businesses, people will slavishly waste their money on stupid shit like a having a fancy fence where you can imprison yourself and your families, an ultra-heightened pickup truck where you can make it as loud as can be to piss people off, no pedestrian-friendly commutes (drive everywhere, drive a blue moon distance just to get to the next walmart (garbage supermarket) and feed the jewish gas tsars in jewish arabia more money - also destructive for people who mental illnesses and can't afford to drive), people want to live as far away from one another as possible and your only dining options are garbage fast food and instead of having people use their wealth to progress and thrive - that money will be wasted as everyone gets herded up into walmart instead of having a wide array of shopping options (all thanks to the cyclical wasting of wealth on mcondalds, walmart, feed the kikes their pockets) literally how every stereotypical American suburban in conservative states are, you see the same shit....mcdonalds, gas station, burger king, taco bell, rows of pick up trucks lined up along walmart...the closest thing you'll get to a shopping experience, or if not, you'll have strip malls with the same fucking shit you can see in every single random suburban.

The mentioned-above lifestyle results in obesity and overweight (having to drive everywhere lack of walking, you don't have to walk everywhere but walking places as a form of commuting has been proven to be beneficial), lack of interaction (via the anti-pedestrian/public transit attitude as well as keeping houses fenced and as far away from each other as possible)......a lack of identity (everyone wants to waste their money on mowing their lawn to make it look squeeky green instead of turning it into gardens where you can literally save money planting your own produce, and by doing the opposite - you feed more money to the GMO kike tsars of walmart).

Then you will enslave yourself to Jewish football and Fox NEws every Sunday (which is just the South and conservative version of soilent Tiktok)...and prepare more garbage food to entice yourself......okay, we get it.

It's as bad of a prison as the leftist states. Yeah I understand - public transit has its own evils, such as getting creepy-ass and extremely mentally ill people. But when done right, a healthy society can have people driving AND walking/busing/training to their location.

In this entire "left vs. right" BS, on one hand, you are legally handicapped from defending yourself against rapists, murderes, looters and etc.

On the other hand, you're sitting in your fenced-prison with every single AR-15 suffering from extreme isolation, depression and suicidal thinking since the land is so undeveloped, there's nobody to talk to, no nice places within walking distance, and nobody to help you if your car breaks down....since nobody wants to use their wealth for expanding civilization 'cuz muh rabbi jebo says socialism is evil (yet promotes religious communism).

Atheistic communism vs. religious communism.

And a word about Chicago...this truly depends where you go, having been there myself many times. It's actually quite much cleaner and less crime-filled than the other cities and it was one of the cities that much more reluctant with its COVID protocols, nowhere as extreme as NYC.

There's are certain neighborhoods in Chicago that have gone I wouldn't say "conservative", but resembling more of a centrist attitude to matters. Some of the suburbans around chicago are much more well-developed than the shitty ones I grew up around, more family-owned and unique restaurants, lot of social interaction (pre-Tiktok age), and things to keep society going and satisfied. Lotta Polish businesses, since it's Little Poland basically - people keeping their identity.
patrioticgentile_666 said:

Every single thing you talk about is not the fault of any politician, and is not related in any way to conservative values.

What you describe are just basic geological factors of an area. A place where there is a very high quantity of land and very few people, of course you will have to drive farther to get to useful resources. What are all those companies supposed to do? Build a thousand stores every mile that nobody even goes to because there are not enough people in that area to keep all of these stores in business? When there are very few people, you need to collect the people in one area to attract them all as customers. None of this has anything to do with politics, and is not related to any political views. It is just a basic simple automatic fact of a low density of people per area. What "pedestrian friendly commute" do you think you deserve? Should a hundred Billion dollar subway system be installed between your house and the Walmart 20 miles away? That only your family and nobody else will ever use? Another automatic factor of a very low density population, which is not related to any politics.

What you say about gas usage being purposeful to fund Arabian gas families, this is only the work of Democrats. Trump had America completely self sufficient on the production of gasoline and other fuels. All of the reserves in this country were completely filled with barrels of gas and oil that were produced in America. We were not having to buy even one single barrel from anybody. It got to the point we made too much, and with all of the reserves being filled up, we paid other countries to take barrels of oil from us because we ran out of places to store it. Gas was down to around $2 per gallon almost everywhere in the country, or even below that.

Then the first thing Biden did was executive orders to shut down all of our fuel production, sell off nearly all of our oil reserves which was absolutely unnecessary, and force us into the situation of having to buy all of our fuel from other countries. And he didn't even use up all of our reserves by having our people use them, he sold most of it to other countries for the absolute lowest prices, basically gave it all away for free. And you saw the prices go from $2 per gallon, to in some locations they had as high as 9$ per gallon. For Europeans reading this, a gallon is about 3.8 liters. Then he lied that all of the increase in gas prices were the fault of "evil Russia" because they were mad about sanctions against them. When the truth is that at that time, none of the sanctions were in effect, and none of the sale prices of oil from those other countries was changed. The price increase only came from a shift from using 100% our own gas from our own ground in our own country and paying nobody, to using 100% gas from all other countries and paying for all of it, and not using any of our own.

What you say about people liking pickup trucks. That has no relation to politics and is a completely seperate thing. You could compare that more to any example of fashion trends. Like many people all wanting a specific pair of shoes to try to look cool. And it is more like people trying to impress their friends by getting the newest cell phone, or expensive clothes, or video game system. I will say a pickup truck is not right for me because I wouldn't be using the bed, but it is right for many people who do use it. And a big lifted suspension is useful for people who might do things like drive through fields and uneven ground. Which if somebody has a lot of land, they could be doing this. And about somebody wanting a big engine, everybody likes a big engine. Driving a vehicle with a powerful engine is just more fun.

Buying a fence for your yard, or paying to have somebody get your grass cut. Neither of these is an example of anything political, and has nothing to do with conservative opinions. Democrats also pay to get their grass cut or cut it themself. This is what most people do. And the only factor that decides for somebody to have a fence built is if these people have dogs so they can let the dogs out to run around without going out of the yard. I bet you 90% of the people in this country who have a fence either have dogs, or people who lived in that house before had dogs and they built the fence. Which everybody loves dogs, this is not political.

And watching football. Sports are not political. You will find democrats watching basketball and baseball every day too.

Basically everything that you talked about has zero political cause or influence, and it is simply a list of things you don't like.
The u.s is the largest producer of oil, larger than saudi Arabia. We never have supplied 100 percent of our domestic gas. We also do not import 100 percent of oil to refine gas. Today 40 percent of our gas is refined from oil produced in the u.s. it would be higher but we export oil to other country's for financial gain. Most oil we import comes from Mexico and Canada. Gas dropping to around $2 was a result of covid not trump. Demand greatly decreased, supply was high, and storage facilities where limited. ( If you ever took economics 1 you would understand the concept of supply and demand) when covid restrictions decreased demand went up and the opec did not increase production supply high enough inorder to drive prices up. Our oil reserves where not exported to other countries, but to here in the u.s with hopes to lower prices. Oil companies are making record profits and there executives are receiving record compensations. Greed equals high prices. Ukraine war also contributed to higher prices. Price to rightfully protect freedom comes at some cost. Politicians do not determine
prices, opec the world market, and greed dictate the price. Your reply was totally lacking the facts.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
