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Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now that the JoS and other places are standing up to enemy tyranny, and they have lost every and all arguments against us, the only reasonable conclusion to this is to engage in other methods to "shut it down" for the enemy.

The enemy has tried all this for us: discrimination, brides, legal attacks, deplatforming, financial attacks, violence, slander and defamation, take down from the inside and many other things. It's been about 20 years of this thing.

Because Satan willed it, none worked.

Now the enemy has worthless shitheads in Government that will literally bomb other Nations on literal Purim. We're used at these shitters but meanwhile, there is global awakening about this.

The enemy feels like they have the proper government to engage in purges, and do all sorts of persecution against any and all criticism against them. They clearly have deployed agents to do exactly that to people to get everyone shut down.

At 27th and 28th of February, Biden, in line with many other enslaved presidents of Gentiles, did throw bombs on behalf of jews, literally on Purim, a holiday poised at celebrating the extermination of the enemies of the jews.

It's all becoming as obvious as it ever were, and people as aware of it as they ever were. The instincts of self preservation of people and their freedoms are already kicking in, and this is only the faint beginning of it all.

The enemy has mapped out worldwide places that expose them, from Truthers, individuals, conspiracy theorists, you name it. And they go over the whole number of choices they have against them. They therefore are engaging now in baby boomer bullshit methods such as "let's fedpost this place such as 4Chan".

They don't know better that people are adapting to these methods, and everyone is.

On of the major enemy ways of doing that, is Fedposting, and generally trying to get people engaged into all sorts of statements, actions and so on that will penalize them for life. They are skilled at this.

You'll see people out of nowhere saying these things. Even some "old members" will engage in this, imposters, and others may suddenly drop mask and tell people to start doing some bad things. You never know. This is online.

Satanists that the JoS has made and have made it, are really precious people. None of this existed in the last 20 years. Gentiles have no spiritual, educated, spiritually able caste of humans. They are lost entirely. Even worse, our "Spiritual Caste" in Gentile Nations nowadays, is only kikes, xian traitors, sissified ghandis, reptiles who kiss billy gate's ass and write motivational books, and worthless child rapist grandpas in the Christian Vatican.

We know the enemy at such a depth that nobody else does. That aside, we have also been globally successful. We must maintain on this and continue.

The life of millions of worthless cannon fodder, even if lost wrongly, can be replaced. That of Satanists cannot easily be replaced. It takes 15 year to grow one into a Satanist and 1 minute of stupid fuckups to lose one. So don't do stupid fuck ups and don't behave like an inferior.

Fedposters in general try to convince people that doing the following doesn't matter: affecting the spiritual fabric ie the unseen wavelength which is the basis of the world as the enemy does for centuries, educating millions and millions to the point the enemy is now heading to obliteration, creating a central intelligence frontier against the enemy, taking important posts of society in meaningful social warfare, distributing information that has raped every single enemy agenda etc etc.

Doesn't matter goyim doesn't matter this is only the JoS telling u to do spiritual stuff. To win over us goyim u got to act physically. Rabbi Fedposter recommends: Oy vey goyim, these and a hundred other achievements don't matter eventhough we curse you for centuries. What matters now goyim, use that rage of yours and throw a rock on a rabbi such as the one advocating you to do goyim stuff like throwing rocks, and get 25 years in jail goyim. Hehe goyim, be very very effective.

Physical action by Satanists has to be meaningful. It can never be shit tier.

A few random ideas: Create a family business so you can live this war and be well insured. Join an activist organization for the environment or some other meaningful cause. Create technology or related infrastructure. Become a good and reputable educator. Build companies to have a strong infrastructure. Reach millions by spreading the knowledge in smart anonymous ways. One could go on and on for days on that.

Another thing, serious Satanists need to stop wasting their time in gossiping and other bullshit now. Focus on creating wealth, supporting yourself, expanding knowledge, meditation, reaching position in the material realm, make a family, get educated, become a scientist, whatever it is, make it meaningful. Stop wasting your time with worthless shit and worthless people online. Many people here are young and you don't want to miss on your dreams.

In other words, do meaningful physical things. The JoS as everyone can see, is not only "astral". While all of us are doing a lot of spiritual work, the JoS exists physically, no different than Instagram does or Facebook.

All the related world restructuring achievements are very physical, such as when people have got wind of the enemy agenda. People learned things because we shared them.

Those who want to do pointless Rambo will pay consequences and don't whine on the Forums or JoS when everything is sufficiently explained. This is not for dumb brains and nobody here is a dumb fuck. You're educated and you know. If one wants to do dumb they do on their own accord. Dumb pays the price in general.

Those of our own who need to engage into anything, are doing so at their own personal responsibility. The reasonable advice is to not get caught into serving inferior purposes and make sure to understand the importance of elevated privileges Spiritual Satanists have.

Normal people, masses, average people, will do what they have to do with the proper information, knowledge and understanding. That's what makes meaningful change. It can take time, but it is the only real and true way for lasting and permanent change.

In anyway, individuals are individuals, and they are masters of their choices. But the position of the JoS is very clear on all these subjects.

If anyone does dumb shit, that's up to you.

Lastly, as this world escalates and the enemy tries to expands, fights will happen on the ground. There are many predictions around, some more realistic, others less. People will fight for their rights.

At the same time, ten million infantry doesn't matter if the enemy's air bombers are free to raze the infantry with bombs metaphorically, if the astral warfare does not happen, no amount of ape rage is going to solve nothing. People have ape raged before and lost everything for centuries again and again. Jews laughed at this.

Now the laughter is over as Gentiles have a spiritual caste to guide them and do the higher work for them, leading Gentiles into victory in a battle of impossible odds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very inspiring HP HC. I hope you take care of yourself as much as you do for us..

Hope all members will take something that resonates with them and also get inspired like I do from your posts.
I know what I need to do and in 2021 I will fix major hang up and problem, I had for about 10 years and I did not seen it as a problem till 2019 end. Its was shock when I found out my core problem..

From tomorrow I will start freeing a soul working, wish me luck as I wish it on all of you!

And ofc stay safe,
Your fellow brother Taio.
Responsibility to the responsible. We are the 4th Reich. Spiritual warriors.

Just look at what Hitlers Thule Society accomplished with the use of Runes.

No going on marches or protests because we are too valuable working on the astral.
Personal Growth said:
No going on marches or protests because we are too valuable working on the astral.

Since most of the world can have freedom issues, one has to be smart no matter what they do. Breaking a nose doesn't change that at this current point.

But knowing everything is as is everyone has to be smart. Many will not have a choice. Protests have leaders, organizers, meaning or no meaning, the list goes. Be SMART.

Those who might have to, remain legal. And we can't be NPC's at any cost nor one should go get smoked like an NPC would.

There are very few Satanists. But endless millions to do their own things.
I've been seeing this happening a little more recently.

Quit calling for the deaths of people, instead call for the death of their religion. I do not know if thes people saying these things are Arabs and is customary to them or not.

Speak harshly of their culture, customs, religion and evil intent. But to just flat out call for death to groups of people, can get the website censored.

There are other avenues to show your disdain for something. Like doing the RTRs everyday or learn something few gentiles understand, or providing guidance to fellow Satanists.

No one should be purity tested on a few sentences, but on their actions to better the world and our cause.
StraitShot47 said:
Speak harshly of their culture, customs, religion and evil intent. But to just flat out call for death to groups of people, can get the website censored.


Jews can write guides to kill Gentiles etc, so the double standard is there of course.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Speak harshly of their culture, customs, religion and evil intent. But to just flat out call for death to groups of people, can get the website censored.


Jews can write guides to kill Gentiles etc, so the double standard is there of course.

It doesn't matter for them though, they were always jealous we were the benevolent race anyway. Our existence is their end so double standards only matters partly for now. Definitely not in terms when you look ahead.

I think what now is this new flash term 'fedposting' is gonna make up the entire internet soon so that term is gonna fade away pretty quickly LOL. Especially when the 'feds' will be restricting it as much as they can.
This post is fair its hard for me not too im from the old days im a warrior not a survivor it's the biggest lesson im having to learn right now is how to be a survivor it is not the old days anymore where we can just plot a course and lay waste to these fools anymore.

I like to think of it like this the more damage I do to these fools on the astral the sooner it can return to the old days this is not the time for this however I just have to settle down and sort myself out.

If anyone would like to learn about how they can use their constitution to get out of a lot of costs taxes rates and such please feel free to message me I think I have my email on my account also the Australian, American and English constitutions are all very similar and id be happy to help my fellows out a lot.

Or if you don't want to listen or talk to me then check them out here I can send you free pictures of the pages of the book in an email if you don't want to pay for the knowledge just between us hey



Remember all their bullshit state and council laws are only laws if you consent to them laws only apply if they coincidence with your constitution.

Good luck and happy Easter
I think one should act just like a neutral civilian. You can join groups and organizations, but don't make yourself stand out. No tattoos, no public posting, don't put yourself on the street as a physical, front-line fighter. Always use a VPN, safe browser + extensions, untraceable email, give as few details as necessary. Use a fake name or unassuming username, etc.

Just as the Rabbis and Jews in general flew under the radar while they worked on the astral battle, we must do the same. If the first Jewish colonies openly attacked the nearest Gentile empire in the name of their masters, they would've gotten crushed. Instead they focused on the astral whilst slowly and safely growing their material wealth.

Even now, the Jews have not closed the final trap against the gentiles, because if they were to do so in a brash, rushed, and open manner, it would backfire in their face. They are still waiting on the "Messiah", meaning they are still doing spiritual work. In this sense, they still operate secretly.

They only acted physically in very critical periods in history, and even then, they assumed leadership roles. I am referring to the Marxist uprisings and other degenerating movements. They never operated or spoke openly right up until the last second where it was too late.
Taio said:
Very inspiring HP HC. I hope you take care of yourself as much as you do for us..

Hope all members will take something that resonates with them and also get inspired like I do from your posts.
I know what I need to do and in 2021 I will fix major hang up and problem, I had for about 10 years and I did not seen it as a problem till 2019 end. Its was shock when I found out my core problem..

From tomorrow I will start freeing a soul working, wish me luck as I wish it on all of you!

And ofc stay safe,
Your fellow brother Taio.
Best of luck brother! I started a working to free me of something that was pulling me down as well.
Stay strong!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Doesn't matter goyim doesn't matter this is only the JoS telling u to do spiritual stuff. To win over us goyim u got to act physically. Rabbi Fedposter recommends: Oy vey goyim, these and a hundred other achievements don't matter eventhough we curse you for centuries. What matters now goyim, use that rage of yours and throw a rock on a rabbi such as the one advocating you to do goyim stuff like throwing rocks, and get 25 years in jail goyim. Hehe goyim, be very very effective.

I know exactly which post you are referring to, or at least on of them. When I read it I thought wow, I need to be cognizant of the fact that feds are still trying to infiltrate JOS on a regular basis.

It is obvious one of their most useful and potent subversion's is entrapping honest enlightened individuals into committing crimes or actually conduct what is legally "terrorism". They also love to do this under the guise of xianity to emotionally manipulate these people and gain their trust.

It has long been known that anyone promoting violence, crime, or xianity is most definitely a fed and should be disposed of properly.
It is especially essential in these times to be grounded and also to have a material foundation. I have talked to some people in the past who literally only wanted to focus on the spiritual and nothing else. You can't ignore your lower chakras. You need income, security and health and a roof over your head to keep up your spiritual goals as well or at least make them easier to obtain and remain consistant with. Have a plan for the future. Plan for retirement and have the means to support yourself and family and look out for saving for hard times. Know what you want out of life and plan for something stable to help you live a comfortable life. Oh and something Many do not do. Learn to manage your money. Learn the difference between want and need.
This will help eliminate stress and keep quality of life going and Give your mind peace and space for meditation also, and ultimately perhaps even the physical resources to invest in doing something that can further work for Satan and the Gods. Personally I'm hoping for time off when my work situation switches up as I want to look into healing.

And yes the human urge to act out with ones hands against the enemy is a frequent and normally does not end well. I myself have had those times when I would think "I just want to use a weapon in my hand" but its not that simple. There are forces we are learning to use even more effective than these and the stronger we become in them the less the physical urge will be as we become stronger and more confident. By the time the right people advance enough they will but literally have to not even lift a finger. I for one take comfort in the fact that we are winning!
13th_Wolf said:
I think what now is this new flash term 'fedposting' is gonna make up the entire internet soon so that term is gonna fade away pretty quickly LOL. Especially when the 'feds' will be restricting it as much as they can.

If you like the memey term 'Fedposting'. You should study on the origins of it especially with the inventor of the word 'Glownigger' in reference to a ''Fedposter'.

Soon things are gonna ramp up like 'Fedbombing' when multiple feds interact on something or some website or I guess you can state when federalis want to bomb a website figuratively. I bet a lot of fed memes and words can be had.

It's just too damn memey and funny. Hopefully it gets crazy and wild with it's dispersal through the intertubes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Now the laughter is over as Gentiles have a spiritual caste to guide them and do the higher work for them, leading Gentiles into victory in a battle of impossible odds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this.

It makes sense that Satan's people should be climbing up gradually, replacing the spots the enemy had occupied in their little paradise. Positions of power, wealth, influence, prosperity should be in the hands of Satan's people. This will also enable us to do our work properly a few decades from now as we will be the elite.

Instead of wasting time arguing with toxic feminists on Twitter or something, Satanists should be building themselves up so that when the enemy is completely removed from power, it will be us who replace them which will actually be good for other people too. We have the tools given to us by the Gods through the JoS, now more than ever is the time to use them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At 27th and 28th of February, Biden, in line with many other enslaved presidents of Gentiles, did throw bombs on behalf of jews, literally on Purim, a holiday poised at celebrating the extermination of the enemies of the jews.

Assad is so based. Even his wife does not wear rag. Islamic jews hate him hard.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi! I think that there are a few mistakes in your ideas. At the first "get educated". In this jewish world to get educated is very hard. (money, time, and in the universities there are a lot of jewish shit). For example I would to become a doctor, and if I want to work as a doctor a MUST to heal my enemies in hospital (xians, jewish shits) and as a doctor my tax would be higher than now. (and my tax actually would to go into a xian government whose are gaving a lot of money to xian churches, priests etc..). And the education system is very jewlike, because in the reality to become anything one don't need to get paper, just working hard and learn, and actually learning anything from our gods is so much better, than learning in a jewish university. And the second point is "making family". You live in U.S.A (if I know it well) but in Hungary and every other countries where xianity is fucking strong, it (making family) seems impossible, because hungarian xians are actually my enemy.
My dad is Satan and I'll have you know you cant arrest me for that very reason!
Definitely physical action will come

The Beginning will be when the jews will force vaccination
Then will definitely start the protests and riots

I remember Maxine said that people will react and fight back only when they're with their backs to the wall
That moment is very close.
At 22 posts and cognitive dissonance you can't argue in a meaningful manner. You're clearly using methods to get people to do stupid shit at like 20 posts.

We are lead by the Gods, we do what we need, and disseminate info and hold the spiritual and intellectual backbones of people. You can't change this because you want to get people to go out and slap someone so they get arrested over nothing.

This is more important than you whinning about slapping someone in a parade or using nonsense examples such as Hitler or the National Socialists which were organized political unions. This fight is global. It is not regional. It's beyond politics at this point and will escalate globally.

Meanwhile if you go slap someone in the street and get arrested, go tell yourself you did a lot of this because you were "out in the street". Hitler did this you stupid goyim he was out there giving slaps to people oy vey, this was the core of this. Try the same crap that failed for 80 years now goyim? Well no because don't be a goyim.

One more slap changes nothing in this case.

Happy Fedposting dude, wish you well.

Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I also wrote this for the previous post, I will copy it here:

I also wrote this for the previous post, I will copy it here:

What is it that the "NPC's" will do the dirty work for us?
NPC = goyim.
It’s the custom of fucking shitty Jews to do the dirty work with someone else, and they harvest the laurels in the background.

If there is to be a physical revolution, there must be a sensible Leader who can normally control and direct things.
And such Chiefs, can only come out of the SS community, because an SS man has, that is, an intellectual ability to direct an enraged mass against the damn Jews.

Another thing: In a word, we didn’t mention that Rituals aren’t necessary, just that Rituals are IMPORTANT, but you can’t just and exclusively win with Rituals, you also have to fight physically.
The Gods do not only and exclusively fight astral battles, they also fight wars on the physical plane.
The Adolf Hitlers also fought the fucking Jews and fought a lot of street fights with them against the Communists.
I know it’s not time for physical war here, and we don’t want to send people to war, but if the time comes for open fighting, we have a duty to take part in it!
The mainstream news has already started their race baiting pieces. They showed zero hesitation once it started getting warm in many places in America. It's obvious but the enemy has an army of retards. There's more sane regular people in my opinion. The enemy must know they have a good grip on millions to a billion of humans but multiple of billions? I highly doubt. They should be more nervous than they already are because these other billions of people have more of a chance of accepting our info than they will accept the enemy as their slave masters. Of course I'm only talking about sharing information here in a way that's 100% legal. Our education to the masses will be epic :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Giszmon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi! I think that there are a few mistakes in your ideas. At the first "get educated". In this jewish world to get educated is very hard. (money, time, and in the universities there are a lot of jewish shit). For example I would to become a doctor, and if I want to work as a doctor a MUST to heal my enemies in hospital (xians, jewish shits) and as a doctor my tax would be higher than now. (and my tax actually would to go into a xian government whose are gaving a lot of money to xian churches, priests etc..). And the education system is very jewlike, because in the reality to become anything one don't need to get paper, just working hard and learn, and actually learning anything from our gods is so much better, than learning in a jewish university. And the second point is "making family". You live in U.S.A (if I know it well) but in Hungary and every other countries where xianity is fucking strong, it (making family) seems impossible, because hungarian xians are actually my enemy.

hailourtruegod is making a list and he's checking it twice. Making sure which members are naughty and which are nice.

By naughty I mean any signs of kvetching of course. Congrats gizmo 666 on making it in there. :D

I'm being facetious. I don't have an actual list lol but I think it's good for the older *experienced* members to try to call these type of people out more.

DISCLAIMER TO OTHERS READING THIS: this doesn't mean to start a shit show of claiming everyone here is a fake member either! Even taking this message out of context and twisting my words to cause mayhem in here will be met with being put on the list as well! :lol:
I deleted my own post because I think Gizmo is probably, just probably an angry person that doesn't understand this goes well well beyond things fedposters like he behaves like to recommend "lately".

It is anything but doing aperage that will solve any of this. The enemy is evoking aperage worldwide now to taunt people into doing stupid things.

We have to look ahead and higher than that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I deleted my own post because I think Gizmo is probably, just probably an angry person that doesn't understand this goes well well beyond things fedposters like he behaves probably recommend.

It is anything but doing aperage that will solve any of this. The enemy is evoking aperage worldwide now to taunt people into doing stupid things.

We have to look ahead and higher than that.

Ah understood.

*takes gizmon666 off the imaginary list... for now >.> *

Again, I'm being humorous here but if you're legit, gizmon666, then ignore my responses.
DezFranky said:
My dad is Satan and I'll have you know you cant arrest me for that very reason!

It's embarrassing how low I was before coming to Satanism that once I became a SS I got so cocky that I got myself in a bad situations physically that kind of lines up with that mentality. Let's just say in one of those situations I was lucky to be faster than them. Also luckily I didn't try this stupid shit on a cop lol. I don't think all new members come in like this though since I was drinking and smoking weed a lot back then as well. Meditation and other spiritual practices elevates people from this type of mindset. (With the exception of Leos or people influenced by it and related who have to work on this problem themselves more than others)
Ariton 666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is global as it was told to you already. People are not seeing the bigger picture and think the communist take over is only in their own respective nations. Lol.

If you watch Yuri Bezmenov's lecture and do some critical thinking you'll see that the tactics explained have been done on a global scale. Instead of socialism/communism it's xianity and pisslam being used as the Trojan horse.

The morons who follow these programs but are complaining about a socialist take over in their nations are clowns suffering from cognitive dissonance.

The destabilization of one nation is but a step in their global plans so regional apeshit and senseless apeshit in general does not work, period.
The VERY last act is physical we'd rather mentally and or more precisely in OUR case spiritually provide the kabalistic backing. And know-how on the use of mental acuity and of course the most important the spiritual backing. Look at the Jews, study Exit the Jewtrix on Bitchute/Others. What did their king kike rabbi Schneerson state "We study the Torah and only finally after at the very end we go physically". I hate to crosslink us as some reverse Jews or reverse Judiasm even though we know full well from HP.Cobra's ExposingKaballah website Judiasm especially the Satanified(or Hellenized) admixture was a reaction towards the Pagan/Satanic people. All of judeo-bolshevism was a mere reaction towards the Ancients.

But as MUCH as I hate to mention this kosher non-sense embedding us as some kosher thing. In the words of the late Adam West "Cleveland your absolutely FUCKING correct". As much as I hate to admit this THEY are absolutely FUCKING correct.

Look at the jews during both the Great World Wars and even in all Wars. Like this guy stated "No matter how much time and space was between the Jews they always did the same things or activities as strangely enough in comparison to Gentiles". What were the jews doing they sit back have a ball and let others do the fighting for them while they just pump kabalistic backing to their modifications, conversions, and total conversions.

Yes much like a video game much like an MMORPG. Life is like one big video game. We have the very same tools and MORE in comparison.

Now for some non-kosher examples:

For example Hitler understood after the failure of BeerHall Putsch. That physical action i.e. violence or uprising is the wrong way of approaching it. Fascism is one thing in Italy and my best guess is there were quite a few cuck NPCs in Mussolini's time basically religious nutbags and he just stormed in and gained power.

But not in Germany, yes there were religious nutbags, yes there were NPCs but the Germans are different.

What did Hitler do. Him and Rudolf Hess created Mein Kampf and within a short period of time Hitler was one of the richest man in his times and what did he accomplish the very feat he was attempting persuade the populace to allow the NSDAP to enter into politics. And what happened well according to some records 'The Bibles' might be the most sold book in history but one man and his cadre of volkgenossen managed to get in 2nd place to warn the World.

And if you go further forward what did Hitler do every single time 'Peaceable Methods'. How many times have we studied in our NS/SS(JoS) the peace offerings Hitler did. Even in war he wanted to end it as quickly and as least damaging as possible.

Much like the speech on Warsaw Hitler mentions in one of his speeches. Hitler: "I sent a message to the Polish Government at Warsaw that our forces are gonna enter soon. Would you please allow the civilians to retreat?" Hitler: "To deaf ears". Hitler "I attempted a second time. Would you please allow the Women and Children to retreat out of the combat zone. Hitler "To deaf ears". Hitler: "Finally after a two more attempts. We had to go in".

Guys take it EASY. Remember Covid-19 it's funny the virus has been around since 2018 and blew up right at Kobe Bryant's murder and believed by some people a conspiracy and strangely enough the spindle prick of the finger to start the spell of SaRs-2-CoVID-19.

Why am I mentioning this because in the entire email between me and my friend we hardly if ever talked about the virus. It's like a non-issue and even seeing people on the street I see people doing the same regular stuff with or without a mask and they are like "WELL where is the killer virus".

What I'm trying to mention is we sat back, performed RTRs, we did Rituals, we HAD NEW members come in droves to us. Like Hp.Cobra mentioned in February of 2019 approximately 118,000+ NS/SS personnel. Right now we might have MAYBE 150K MAYBE 200K we don't know exacts. We had members from 5-10-15-20 years ago even a few 2002-2003 basically right start JoS members return.

The World literally almost shut down and halted completely and did a complete 180. Astrologically inclined as well and look at the financial situation. Look at all the bullshit like the election steal and shams of bullshit done by the U.S. Government against Trump. Look at Trumps loss and somehow basement joeys victory. The World is in desperate agitation.

But one thing is for sure WE(JoS) sat back did our part of the bargain all without stepping foot outside and creating issues. Do we have members with legal issues you bet your ass but look at some of them having successfully surpassed said issues and all without mentioning or explaining their political and or religious beliefs.

Don't listen to glowniggers(federalis posters). Many like to create false flag narratives and are probably NSA, CIA, and OR FBI dupes that somehow believe they are doing the right thing. Kinda reminds me of watching Tim Pool's channel and him mentioning 4 prominent leftist journalist professionals from either New York and or Washington DC trolling and going on 4Chan/8Chan/Reddit and other places and manipulating people with some sort of elimination of resistance or some sort of manipulation of said forums for THEIR leftist agenda and prevent people from getting the word out.

So IF you have to resort to physical violence or some physical action that is deemed negative. I got news for you we don't work that way.

It's a mental and spiritual warfare 4th Generational. So be aware of people inciting stuff and report it.

WE PROVIDE KABALISTIC BACKING. End of discussion. Mental and or Spiritual and that is IT.
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Now the laughter is over as Gentiles have a spiritual caste to guide them and do the higher work for them, leading Gentiles into victory in a battle of impossible odds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this.

It makes sense that Satan's people should be climbing up gradually, replacing the spots the enemy had occupied in their little paradise. Positions of power, wealth, influence, prosperity should be in the hands of Satan's people. This will also enable us to do our work properly a few decades from now as we will be the elite.

Instead of wasting time arguing with toxic feminists on Twitter or something, Satanists should be building themselves up so that when the enemy is completely removed from power, it will be us who replace them which will actually be good for other people too. We have the tools given to us by the Gods through the JoS, now more than ever is the time to use them.

Yes exactly. If you look at the positions the Jews hold now and things they do in society that is exactly where we should be. However I have to say that I think that while people should be able to be really wealthy and have whatever they want I do not think it should be allowed to be at the expense of everyone else like it often is today. A majority should not be starving and barley surviving while a few live it up. When we get in those positions we should use them for good and to build up society unlike the Jews. This goes without saying though as that is the point of striving for this. But I have to say it anyways cause of the example that we should be where the Jews are now.
slyscorpion said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Now the laughter is over as Gentiles have a spiritual caste to guide them and do the higher work for them, leading Gentiles into victory in a battle of impossible odds.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this.

It makes sense that Satan's people should be climbing up gradually, replacing the spots the enemy had occupied in their little paradise. Positions of power, wealth, influence, prosperity should be in the hands of Satan's people. This will also enable us to do our work properly a few decades from now as we will be the elite.

Instead of wasting time arguing with toxic feminists on Twitter or something, Satanists should be building themselves up so that when the enemy is completely removed from power, it will be us who replace them which will actually be good for other people too. We have the tools given to us by the Gods through the JoS, now more than ever is the time to use them.

Yes exactly. If you look at the positions the Jews hold now and things they do in society that is exactly where we should be. However I have to say that I think that while people should be able to be really wealthy and have whatever they want I do not think it should be allowed to be at the expense of everyone else like it often is today. A majority should not be starving and barley surviving while a few live it up. When we get in those positions we should use them for good and to build up society unlike the Jews. This goes without saying though as that is the point of striving for this. But I have to say it anyways cause of the example that we should be where the Jews are now.
hailourtruegod said:
The morons who follow these programs but are complaining about a socialist take over in their nations are clowns suffering from cognitive dissonance.

After reading HPHC's new post I want to walk this back a bit. Let's use these people instead thru information and legal manner.
Ariton 666 said:
I use Google Translate because I don’t know English, but I hope I can understand what I want in an understandable way.

I definitely do not in anyway to offend any real Brother in Satan.

Both of you must stay safe. Hungary is difficult but there are also other members and they are doing well off, because they apply magick and their workings.

The Gods will provide help to people who are after active seeking of solutions, so do not despair.

Our aims need to be higher than the streets. Think bigger in doing things such as online, newspapers, goalposts in society, and spreading the Truth big time. Streets are quite below the necessities and the magnitude of the enemy now, and the enemy has the power of violence at the time being, they control closely everything. Satanic time may rather be wasted as things are in the street.

Ever heard of prosyletizing and other laws?
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I also wrote this for the previous post, I will copy it here:

I also wrote this for the previous post, I will copy it here:

What is it that the "NPC's" will do the dirty work for us?
NPC = goyim.
It’s the custom of fucking shitty Jews to do the dirty work with someone else, and they harvest the laurels in the background.

If there is to be a physical revolution, there must be a sensible Leader who can normally control and direct things.
And such Chiefs, can only come out of the SS community, because an SS man has, that is, an intellectual ability to direct an enraged mass against the damn Jews.

Another thing: In a word, we didn’t mention that Rituals aren’t necessary, just that Rituals are IMPORTANT, but you can’t just and exclusively win with Rituals, you also have to fight physically.
The Gods do not only and exclusively fight astral battles, they also fight wars on the physical plane.
The Adolf Hitlers also fought the fucking Jews and fought a lot of street fights with them against the Communists.
I know it’s not time for physical war here, and we don’t want to send people to war, but if the time comes for open fighting, we have a duty to take part in it!

NPCs are not all Gentiles, just those that are asleep. You seriously need to understand how the universe works, instead of keeping up the illusion that spiritual and physical are completely separated.
Giszmon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi! I think that there are a few mistakes in your ideas. At the first "get educated". In this jewish world to get educated is very hard. (money, time, and in the universities there are a lot of jewish shit). For example I would to become a doctor, and if I want to work as a doctor a MUST to heal my enemies in hospital (xians, jewish shits) and as a doctor my tax would be higher than now. (and my tax actually would to go into a xian government whose are gaving a lot of money to xian churches, priests etc..). And the education system is very jewlike, because in the reality to become anything one don't need to get paper, just working hard and learn, and actually learning anything from our gods is so much better, than learning in a jewish university. And the second point is "making family". You live in U.S.A (if I know it well) but in Hungary and every other countries where xianity is fucking strong, it (making family) seems impossible, because hungarian xians are actually my enemy.

Question: how do you plan to purge the education establishment and other areas of society, if not only you do not want to get actively involved in them but you also fail to see a purpose in being part of them? No area of society are fixing themselves on their own, even when the kikes are no more and xtardanity is destroyed. SS people are needed there to hold the torch and guide people on the way to righteousness.
Great post.

There are times when courage is required even in the physical realm. When not taking action stands against your morals. You may have a legal obligation to do something, but not a moral one. Legality and morality are not the same. They can make a whole bunch of laws, it does not mean they are moral, and you don't have to agree with them. But then, it is up to you to decide whether not following those laws in favour of your morality is worth the consequence. That is why sometimes it is better to ignore. That being said, in a court of law, demonstrating your own sound morality can make laws look stupid and inappropriate...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Physical action by Satanists has to be meaningful. It can never be shit tier.
Ariton 666 said:
In a word, I didn’t say we NEED to go to war NOW AND IMMEDIATELY to go to the streets tomorrow and hand out the “slaps”.

I don’t want the SS people here to be sacrificed for nothing.

I have directly emphasized the importance of Rituals, and if we have had the effect of making rituals against the Jews with Rituals, then and only then will we have to play a role on the streets.

Not knowing when the time will come for physical combat may be years away only.

Of course, not everyone has to, if someone doesn’t consider themselves fit, they don’t.

Giszmon666 lives in Hungary in the same way as I do, and it is not despair that speaks of him, but he sees things realistically.
It’s not that easy to move when a person has little money, especially for him because he’s downright poor.

Cobra, you cynically take my words just to give yourself the truth.

I use Google Translate because I don’t know English, but I hope I can understand what I want in an understandable way.

I’m glad there are others in our country who have woken up!
Shadowcat said:
It is especially essential in these times to be grounded and also to have a material foundation. I have talked to some people in the past who literally only wanted to focus on the spiritual and nothing else. You can't ignore your lower chakras. You need income, security and health and a roof over your head to keep up your spiritual goals as well or at least make them easier to obtain and remain consistant with. Have a plan for the future. Plan for retirement and have the means to support yourself and family and look out for saving for hard times. Know what you want out of life and plan for something stable to help you live a comfortable life. Oh and something Many do not do. Learn to manage your money. Learn the difference between want and need.
This will help eliminate stress and keep quality of life going and Give your mind peace and space for meditation also, and ultimately perhaps even the physical resources to invest in doing something that can further work for Satan and the Gods. Personally I'm hoping for time off when my work situation switches up as I want to look into healing.

And yes the human urge to act out with ones hands against the enemy is a frequent and normally does not end well. I myself have had those times when I would think "I just want to use a weapon in my hand" but its not that simple. There are forces we are learning to use even more effective than these and the stronger we become in them the less the physical urge will be as we become stronger and more confident. By the time the right people advance enough they will but literally have to not even lift a finger. I for one take comfort in the fact that we are winning!

Do you know what?
I find it funny how we are similar in so many aspects x3
I totally agree with everything you said there!
As this is also my approach on life rn.
DezFranky said:
My dad is Satan and I'll have you know you cant arrest me for that very reason!

Some things you don’t scream out to the world either.
You don’t want to be the focus in times of turmoil and chaos.
Stay in the Shadows, and become a blade in that strikes in the dark.
Darksage666 said:
Ahh I see now, thanks for the reminder of these things HP HC.

Oh heeeeyyy :D
It’s been a time since I saw you here!
There were times, esp in the beginning, where I thought that we both would stand at the same point (speaking in terms of spiritual strength)
I hope you are still moving and don’t slack >:D

Well as you see, now it’s time to grow strong!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
