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People who achieved immortality, where are they?

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
So from olden times. not sure how long ago, people wre achieving the Magnum Opus and becoming immortal, not sure how many.

What happened to them? Did they reincarnate? Did they escape to the Orion? Did the enemy kill them all? Are they alive today and doing things covertly?

From what I’ve read this doesn’t seem to have been addressed, or perhaps it was and I haven’t found the article on it yet.

These inmortals could have saved us from the current Kali Yuga degeneration that human underwent, and yet they’re nowhere to be found. We could really be using their help and guidance since they were alive from 10,000 years if not older.

Or was humanity never at the level to produce physical immortals? Beings that do not age physically?
"Immortality" have two levels as everything we do and it's possible in universe. First soul one, when you are able to handle your fate through all planes, where you can hold a spark of life (the lowest and deepest light), mostly this is not visible for humans/mortals, because they are distracted by most outer light and it's caused by lifetime lightseeking only. Anyway this fate of Immortality is against mortals. We should underline that immortal can meet immortal and there...somebody can die in a way of conflict.
Second is physical way - necessary there is soul one FIRST, PRIME, because all physical events, doings, manifestations were made a piece of a time before by souls. In physical obtained ability to manipulate your physical features like age, hair, muscles with strong and rapid regeneration in comparison to mortals.
Immortality is a not a 0-1 logical statement. It's a process, where even god-like souls are continuously achieving new points facing a time. Meaning of Immortality enlarge by how you understand learning about self, others or just about Universe. Enlarging and enlarging....
Many of stronger, tougher souls that you call immortal have FIRST step, but can't descend yet. It's because people mostly are incredibly weak. Sexual energy and power of birth are huge, but without evolved souls actually living manifested at physical plane there is no option for DESCENDING our ancestors. Only true mighty beings will overcome it. You can't birth/physical manifest "immortals" without being "immortal".
Anyway fate about it it's already claimed. They will descend, no matter how other want it or not, the question is...who will build it?
This Sermon can help:

So from olden times. not sure how long ago, people wre achieving the Magnum Opus and becoming immortal, not sure how many.

What happened to them? Did they reincarnate? Did they escape to the Orion? Did the enemy kill them all? Are they alive today and doing things covertly?

From what I’ve read this doesn’t seem to have been addressed, or perhaps it was and I haven’t found the article on it yet.

These inmortals could have saved us from the current Kali Yuga degeneration that human underwent, and yet they’re nowhere to be found. We could really be using their help and guidance since they were alive from 10,000 years if not older.

Or was humanity never at the level to produce physical immortals? Beings that do not age physically?
They are living in other worlds that vibrate at a much higher level than ours.
From what I’ve read this doesn’t seem to have been addressed, or perhaps it was and I haven’t found the article on it yet.
There are certain things that will never be addressed publicly, because it is not knowledge for the public.

As you advance, you will be told things if it is for you to know. Many people have theories, but only some of us know the truth because we have proven ourselves to be capable of receiving information.

Also, a warning to those who might know something: The Gods value the ability to keep a secret. Instead of spouting theories or hunches, just don't answer. It's nobody's business, unless we are told by the Gods that we can share certain information.

Not everything is going to be told publicly, because it is not the business of every curious person.
There are certain things that will never be addressed publicly, because it is not knowledge for the public.

As you advance, you will be told things if it is for you to know. Many people have theories, but only some of us know the truth because we have proven ourselves to be capable of receiving information.

Also, a warning to those who might know something: The Gods value the ability to keep a secret. Instead of spouting theories or hunches, just don't answer. It's nobody's business, unless we are told by the Gods that we can share certain information.

Not everything is going to be told publicly, because it is not the business of every curious person.
I agree with this actually.

Should I mainly ask my GD certain questions then that may be of great importance?
There are certain things that will never be addressed publicly, because it is not knowledge for the public.

As you advance, you will be told things if it is for you to know. Many people have theories, but only some of us know the truth because we have proven ourselves to be capable of receiving information.

Also, a warning to those who might know something: The Gods value the ability to keep a secret. Instead of spouting theories or hunches, just don't answer. It's nobody's business, unless we are told by the Gods that we can share certain information.

Not everything is going to be told publicly, because it is not the business of every curious person.
Thank you for this, I recently was shown something by Lord Set and I was wondering if I should share it on the forums but I think going forward as I have been shown a lot more recently that I should remain quiet and wait for the clergy to decide if such information should be shared.
Ah great instead of helping us they just fly off somewhere else.

One side of me doesn’t blame them but another side thinks it’s bad for us they aren’t here.
No, it does not work like this AT ALL.

I am sorry for increasing confusion among newer members.
Ah great instead of helping us they just fly off somewhere else.

One side of me doesn’t blame them but another side thinks it’s bad for us they aren’t here.

The Gods are here for us, even though we may not see them. They have been assisting us with the Reverse Torah Rituals for years, and all the knowledge and information here with the Joy of Satanas as they established this through High Priestess Maxine.

I understand it may "appear" like the Gods and Demons and humans who completed the Magnum Opus just left, but this is not the case.

Many of our Gods and Goddesses are HEAVILY involved here. They are going to help us evolve out of this and take back the world, but this unfortunately cannot happen all at once and takes time.
Entonces, desde tiempos antiguos, no estoy seguro de cuánto tiempo atrás, la gente lograba la Obra Magna y se volvía inmortal, no estoy seguro de cuántos.

¿Qué les pasó? ¿Se reencarnaron? ¿Escaparon a Orión? ¿El enemigo los mató a todos? ¿Están vivos hoy y haciendo cosas encubiertas?

Por lo que he leído, no parece que se haya abordado este tema, o quizás sí y aún no he encontrado el artículo al respecto.

Estos inmortales podrían habernos salvado de la actual degeneración de Kali Yuga por la que atravesó la humanidad, y sin embargo no se los encuentra por ningún lado. Realmente podríamos necesitar su ayuda y guía, ya que estuvieron vivos hace 10.000 años, si no más.

¿O la humanidad nunca estuvo en condiciones de producir seres físicos inmortales, seres que no envejecen físicamente?
Supongo que aquellas personas que alcanzaron la inmortalidad pueden ayudarnos a distancia al igual que los Dioses, es decir, sin estar básicamente aquí mediante proyección astral, comunicación telepática o mostrándote cosas a través de visiones.

He leído en los foros sobre algunas personas a las que los Dioses menores les han ayudado a eliminar la energía negativa que limpian de su aura.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
