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Orgasm Ritual For the Gods


Sep 20, 2017
HPs Maxine has stated that one of the most important things one can do for the Gods is give them our energy.
Why don't we create & plan a ritual where all us SS bring ourselves to a climax and offer our sexual energy to the Gods?
This can be done on a specific day once or twice a week, every week.
Each week could also be dedicated to a different God.

Hail Satan!
I think this sounds very interesting. I have done this many times with my GD and a few others who have called out to me, but never in group form.
What HPS Maxine did, along with other HPs at the time, was connect her chakras with those of another God, and at the moment of orgasm, transfer her orgasmic energy to their chakras. It's a lot more effective than just offering up sexual energy in a group ritual.
When I want to offer energy to a god or goddess I prefer the method of making a sphere of energy and empowering it with Surya or with the runes, the quintessence and the other 4 elements.
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.
Thank you SagittarianMage,
I've been doing this off and on for years as thanks for the help I receive from the Gods.
If you're interested (and anyone else really), I'd like to coordinate a group effort, with a day and time, to offer energy to Satan or a specific God.


SagittarianMage said:
I think this sounds very interesting. I have done this many times with my GD and a few others who have called out to me, but never in group form.
Hello POJ,
Thanks for sharing but I wholly disagree with your post.
The effectiveness of a ritual is heavily based on its simplicity and its ability to be performed by anyone. This simplicity can be seen in nearly all rituals such as Sex magick, RTRs, and the power rituals.
Furthermore, HPs Maxine has stated several times that the highest gesture of appreciation is to simply offer energy to the powers of Hell. And Satan sends a demon to collect it.

I hope you decide to participate and encourage other members as well.


Powerofjustice said:
What HPS Maxine did, along with other HPs at the time, was connect her chakras with those of another God, and at the moment of orgasm, transfer her orgasmic energy to their chakras. It's a lot more effective than just offering up sexual energy in a group ritual.
Buenos dias, WotanWarrior,
That's a great method too.
It might be a little tricky to perform for those that are inexperienced working with elements.
Perhaps you can share a step-by-step guide of this to help members can gain proficiency in energy work with the added benefit of being in direct service to the Gods.

SonOfFreya said:
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.

are you fucking serious
SonOfFreya said:
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.
And is it appreciated?
In my opinion, she does not wish to be contacted or praised in this way.

Try doing work that embodies higher spiritual notions.
Something noble.
I had this desire to have a family-based coven.

Is such a ritual ethical?
Group masturbation in the family.

One side thinks there might be a deeper feeling and that it's OK in the end (I'm not talking about incest), although I see it as weird now.
Another part of me prefers to maintain intimacy with my wife.

What do you suggest?
Vira_ said:
Powerofjustice said:
Vira_ said:
Another part of me prefers to maintain intimacy with my wife.

Your wife? I though you had a Demon partner.
Yes, she is my wife, we got married.

For the wedding I did the standard ritual and customised it to our tastes, and it went very well.

When I talk about partner, wife, etc, I always mean my Demon Lover. That's the concept, although depending on the contexts there may be more precise words.

I mean, the question you asked and the way you asked it seemed like you were unsure if its even a proper thing to do, so I assumed you meant a human wife. But if you have access to guidance from your Demon partner, then why can't you just ask her? Seems like the best thing to do.
SonOfFreya said:
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.

This is a little cringe? Maybe offer some nice solar energy, or the orgasmic energy itself? There are things that she likes. Try researching her favorite things and offering those instead.
SonOfFreya said:
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.
Wha... what the fuck?!!?
Please dont do that anymore pleeasseeee, offering sexual energy is enough.
SonOfFreya said:
satou said:
SonOfFreya said:
I'm offering my sperm in a grail to goddess Astarte, afterwards I start meditating and doing mantras.

are you fucking serious

It's a hard path, and this knowledge is not for everyone..

You should offer your energy, not your fluids.

Newbie mistake, can happen to anyone.
At least now you know and you can learn.

Inanna should be treated with more respect.

Hail Satan!
Vira_ said:
Is such a ritual ethical?
Group masturbation in the family.

Why you guys are so interested about coming and pushing limits with such weirdo ideas
VoiceofEnki said:
SonOfFreya said:
satou said:
are you fucking serious

It's a hard path, and this knowledge is not for everyone..

You should offer your energy, not your fluids.

Newbie mistake, can happen to anyone.
At least now you know and you can learn.

Inanna should be treated with more respect.

Hail Satan!

agreed 100% be more respectful.
satou said:
Vira_ said:
Is such a ritual ethical?
Group masturbation in the family.

Why you guys are so interested about coming and pushing limits with such weirdo ideas
Was that a question? However, in case it was (guessed from 'why'), the answer is that limits are a totally unnecessary thing, the only limits one must impose on oneself are those to ensure the survival and development of the race, in accordance with one's nature.

Why should I not push the limits?
Why should I not exceed the limit?
Vira_ said:
satou said:
Vira_ said:
Is such a ritual ethical?
Group masturbation in the family.

Why you guys are so interested about coming and pushing limits with such weirdo ideas
Was that a question? However, in case it was (guessed from 'why'), the answer is that limits are a totally unnecessary thing, the only limits one must impose on oneself are those to ensure the survival and development of the race, in accordance with one's nature.

Why should I not push the limits?
Why should I not exceed the limit?

I don't say pushing limits is bad but you just can't mix anything with anything. I just mean not every idea is healthy. Group events are usually ok but masturbation is better alone. Think this like chemistry, wrong mixtures then BOOM.
Syt said:
Thank you SagittarianMage,
I've been doing this off and on for years as thanks for the help I receive from the Gods.
If you're interested (and anyone else really), I'd like to coordinate a group effort, with a day and time, to offer energy to Satan or a specific God.
Do you think a specific number of participants is necessary? At least 13 of us perhaps? Will it deplete more of our prana in this way?
Hi SagMage,
I think any number will be effective and very appreciated. I don't believe it will drain our prana.
I and many others do this on a near daily basis for different gods. But a collaborative effort would be the optimal way to go.
Any number of participants would be potent.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
