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LaconicLion said:Master Darkness said:I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.
>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.
>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.
>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.
To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.
>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.
0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.
1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
- Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
(Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)
1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.
2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
- 57 million Americans already do this.
Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)
2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
- Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.
2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
- Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.
3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
- The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.
Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
- https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
"Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)
Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.
Thank you for this