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Aug 3, 2003
Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
<td val[/IMG]I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:
From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM

  Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
Don't know whether this is the best option, but Martin Schulman's "Karmic Astrology - The Moon's Nodes and Reincarnation" appears to be decent. Though I have only read very few of it, the explanation of my combination seems (very VERY) apt.

As for the Nodes themselves, yes - they are important. They indicate our experience and our past with which we have entered in this life (South Node) and the destiny, the aim we have to attain so as to fulfil it (North Node). South Node is the negative one, as we tend to slide there when we cannot attain the goal, indicated by the position in the zodiac sign and the house of the North Node.

Drammanoth Tenebris

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est!
Ave Satanas, Rege Satanas!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tara88sidhe" <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
<td val[/IMG]Jeff Green has some books on Pluto where uses the nodes extensively. Very good books as well. However, he uses the word "karma". (I think he is probably Jewish as well.)

Almost all of these astrology books push karma in some way shape or fashion.

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, siguarddraconis <drammanoth@... wrote:
From: siguarddraconis <drammanoth@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 4:47 PM

  Don't know whether this is the best option, but Martin Schulman's "Karmic Astrology - The Moon's Nodes and Reincarnation" appears to be decent. Though I have only read very few of it, the explanation of my combination seems (very VERY) apt.

As for the Nodes themselves, yes - they are important. They indicate our experience and our past with which we have entered in this life (South Node) and the destiny, the aim we have to attain so as to fulfil it (North Node). South Node is the negative one, as we tend to slide there when we cannot attain the goal, indicated by the position in the zodiac sign and the house of the North Node.

Drammanoth Tenebris

Satanas Via, Vera et Vita est!
Ave Satanas, Rege Satanas!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "tara88sidhe" <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
The South node can also bring the wrong people into your life at the wrong time. This can be an enemy from a past life or current one. I had a transiting Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra on my south node a while back and it could have gotten very ugly if I had not been aware of exactly what was going on. It wasn't just a south node infuence, and it is very rare that an event occurs just based on one planet.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM


Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
The only light on this subject I can shed is from personal experience, so it's not much, but I will tell you it definitely has to do with past lives. I have met many people with planets conjunct my north and south node. People who had planets conjuncting my south node, the relationships were short, and I learned something from them. People whose planets conjunct my north node on the other hand I felt a very strong past life connection with and they stay around for awhile, some I believe will stay for a lifetime. I also feel like I've learned from these people.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tara88sidhe" <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
<td val[/IMG]Buy Jeff Green's "Pluto Vol. 1: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul". And "Pluto Vol. 2: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul Through Relationships".

He does everything on Pluto through the nodes in Vol. 1 & then Vol. 2 through Venus & Mars.

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, starrrx69 <starrrx69@... wrote:
From: starrrx69 <starrrx69@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 6:14 PM

  The only light on this subject I can shed is from personal experience, so it's not much, but I will tell you it definitely has to do with past lives. I have met many people with planets conjunct my north and south node. People who had planets conjuncting my south node, the relationships were short, and I learned something from them. People whose planets conjunct my north node on the other hand I felt a very strong past life connection with and they stay around for awhile, some I believe will stay for a lifetime. I also feel like I've learned from these people.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "tara88sidhe" <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
You are r[/IMG]</var>

From: HenryH <astralnaut888@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 6:17 PM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES

  The South node can also bring the wrong people into your life at the wrong time. This can be an enemy from a past life or current one. I had a transiting Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra on my south node a while back and it could have gotten very ugly if I had not been aware of exactly what was going on. It wasn't just a south node infuence, and it is very rare that an event occurs just based on one planet.

--- In mailto:JoS_Astrology%40yahoogroups.com, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: mailto:JoS_Astrology%40yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM


Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe

<td val[/IMG]It is not my personal experience that the Sun rules the father. That would be the 4th or 10th house. Usually the 10th as that is the authoritarian parent & the 4th would be the nurturing parent.

--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Hasani Baron <baron_hasani@... wrote:
From: Hasani Baron <baron_hasani@...
Subject: Re: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 4:35 PM

  You are r[/IMG]</var>

From: HenryH <astralnaut888@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 6:17 PM
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES

  The South node can also bring the wrong people into your life at the wrong time. This can be an enemy from a past life or current one. I had a transiting Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra on my south node a while back and it could have gotten very ugly if I had not been aware of exactly what was going on. It wasn't just a south node infuence, and it is very rare that an event occurs just based on one planet.

--- [/IMG]mailto:JoS_Astrology%40yahoogroups.com, m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: <a rel="nofollow">mailto:JoS_Astrology%40yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM


Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
How do u find the North and South Nodes? On Astrodienst it can only show u the True and Mean Nodes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM


Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe
<td val[/IMG]I usually only look at the true nodes. That's all you need. Either, Or.

--- On Thu, 6/28/12, sorceressofenki88 <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:
From: sorceressofenki88 <kcmsopranobella@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] Re: NODES
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 1:41 PM

  How do u find the North and South Nodes? On Astrodienst it can only show u the True and Mean Nodes.

--- [/IMG][email protected], m_18 <magus_18@... wrote:

I will let others take the lead on the dragon's head & the dragon's tail. Envsion the "S" on the ecliptic on a flat map of the Earth that goes between the tropic of Cancer & the tropic of Capricorn.

There are some things I don't feel I fully get on them either except for North is what you do with what you are given, the South. Which is really 'evolutionary astrology'.  Everything I see on that topic is generally very RHP. And there is the usual transit thing about being in tune with socity at the moment or out of tune with society at the moment.

Anytime I have an important transit to one of these points, there are usually other important ones happening at the time. So it gets muddled up. I tend to think that they bring the right people into your life at the right time when you need them to either learn from or to teach them. We always play both roles.

There are some who almost specialize in this area, but most are RHP & teach the karma crap. I like to think of it  unfinished business, which isn't necessarily karma, but that can get lumped into it by those who want to go that route which is obviously garbage. It just may simply be 'unfinished business'.

I have seen some videos on youtube from a guy who goes by 'Mr. Astrotheology'. He is not christian, etc. but he correlates things to the bible, which is masonic, as he conveys them & generally true on an RHP esoteric level, but as we know, the bible on that level is corrupted. But he does know his stuff about the zodiac & other esoteric related subjects. He doesn't get into the nodes specifically, but the graphics that he uses is very helpful visually to learn this subject. He does know astrology very well. All of his videos are very long. Thought I would mention it. If you watch any of it, just remember that what he says isn't what we are about here. He makes the "christ/oil" connection with meditation that Maxine has rightly criticized. I would call this guy "middle path".

--- On Mon, 6/25/12, tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@... wrote:

From: tara88sidhe <tara88sidhe@...
Subject: [JoS_Astrology] NODES
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:39 PM


Can someone please help me to understand the Nodes better? North Nodes and South Nodes. What exactly are they and what do they influence? Are they important?



-Tara Sidhe

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
