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My Beta died and it's my fault.

Cast Cat

Active member
Sep 23, 2019
I got her from a fish store and she was going crazy in that little cup so I wanted to rescue her. I could tell she was hurting the most out of all the fish and there were many. It took a while for her to gain her sanity in her new fish bowl but she did recover. I kept her bowl clean with colloidal silver and it made for a happy fish. She was so intelligent and would come to me and visit when I was near. I would talk to her. The sad thing about this is she tried to tell me she was in trouble a day before she died. She swam around frantically but none of this computed in my mind. I had forgot to add some more water to her bowl for fresh oxygen because it evaporates quick and now my heart is broken that she is gone. She was a great friend and I enjoyed her company greatly. But I've just been aloof lately and I don't know why. I'm usually on top of these things. I don't know if fish have souls but I hope the gods will watch over her if they do. And I hope that she will forgive me in the after life for neglecting her. It wasn't intentional but I am guilty none the less.
All animals have a soul and reincarnate in the animal of the previous life. That is, the fish becomes fish again. HPS Maxine even said. Now, I'm sorry about your fish ... Try asking the gods to reincarnate it so you can find it again or ask a familiar.
This brings back memories of my childhood. I had a goldfish when I was really little, and we would go to the pet store to get the fish food. I saw this cool looking sunken ship toy that apparently was for fish tanks, and we got it so I could put it in the fishbowl. The poor little goldfish suffocated somehow because of getting caught in the toy, or something. It's difficult to remember, but somehow putting the toy in the bowl led to the fish's death. I felt bad about it for years.

All we can do is learn from our mistakes, and hope we see our friends again. Maybe just send positive energy and thoughts to your friend and tell them how you feel, that you miss them. Maxine said that when we feel genuinely guilty and regret for our actions (and that we feel we could have and should have taken a different course even in ignorance), that it's best to send positive energy to the ones we feel we hurt. She said to send them positive energy, and then move on. We can't change what happened, but with wisdom and knowledge we can do better.
of the true light said:

That is unfortunate, but you cared for her well every other day. Think of the good moments you shared together, and what her life would have been without you (probably stuck at the store).

Do some work on her: clean her soul, empower it, put an AOP around it. Not a huge amount of energy needed either, her soul is much smaller/less complex. This will definitely make up for anything and ensure she has a smooth reincarnation.
Thank you guys so much for your care and support.

All of you.

I got a new beta today he's a beautiful male.

Took me forever to choose but I found him.

He's exploring his new home as I speak and he seems very content to be out of that little bottle.

I did some workings for my last fish so hopefully she will do well.

Again, thank you.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
of the true light said:
Thank you guys so much for your care and support.

All of you.

I got a new beta today he's a beautiful male.

Took me forever to choose but I found him.

He's exploring his new home as I speak and he seems very content to be out of that little bottle.

I did some workings for my last fish so hopefully she will do well.

Again, thank you.

cute but what makes you think your fish wants to be your little eye candy slave. that would be like forcing a dog to live at the bottom of the ocean in a bowl of air.
its retarded, i genuinely hope you dont get another fish after this one.
I learned my lesson but thank you for the kind words.
of the true light said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
of the true light said:
Thank you guys so much for your care and support.

All of you.

I got a new beta today he's a beautiful male.

Took me forever to choose but I found him.

He's exploring his new home as I speak and he seems very content to be out of that little bottle.

I did some workings for my last fish so hopefully she will do well.

Again, thank you.

cute but what makes you think your fish wants to be your little eye candy slave. that would be like forcing a dog to live at the bottom of the ocean in a bowl of air.
its retarded, i genuinely hope you dont get another fish after this one.
I learned my lesson but thank you for the kind words.
Ignore him, he's a fool, live and learn its not like it was intentional anyways just a common mistake, thats why im scared to get a pet don't want another 1 to die after 5 or 6 of them did.
Lightstar23 said:
of the true light said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
cute but what makes you think your fish wants to be your little eye candy slave. that would be like forcing a dog to live at the bottom of the ocean in a bowl of air.
its retarded, i genuinely hope you dont get another fish after this one.
I learned my lesson but thank you for the kind words.
Ignore him, he's a fool, live and learn its not like it was intentional anyways just a common mistake, thats why im scared to get a pet don't want another 1 to die after 5 or 6 of them did.
Thank you kindly my friend :)

If he want's to be an asshole that's his problem.

We have infiltrators on here too...

Not saying he is but you never really know until they've made it obvious.
of the true light said:
I got her from a fish store and she was going crazy in that little cup so I wanted to rescue her. I could tell she was hurting the most out of all the fish and there were many. It took a while for her to gain her sanity in her new fish bowl but she did recover. I kept her bowl clean with colloidal silver and it made for a happy fish. She was so intelligent and would come to me and visit when I was near. I would talk to her. The sad thing about this is she tried to tell me she was in trouble a day before she died. She swam around frantically but none of this computed in my mind. I had forgot to add some more water to her bowl for fresh oxygen because it evaporates quick and now my heart is broken that she is gone. She was a great friend and I enjoyed her company greatly. But I've just been aloof lately and I don't know why. I'm usually on top of these things. I don't know if fish have souls but I hope the gods will watch over her if they do. And I hope that she will forgive me in the after life for neglecting her. It wasn't intentional but I am guilty none the less.
It's not your fault, the system is built this way so that you go buy more and more fish. It's very sad. but I encourage you to do some research on fish before you keep them, from now on, so you can build a biotope for them. All fish have different requirements. The Betta fish don't need oxigen dissolved in the water, they have a lung-like organ that allows them breathe air from the atmosphere, due to the stagnated waters they come from in Asia, having low oxygen levels. Bowls are not good for any kind of fish. The fish need filters, heaters and live plants. You'd need a planted aquarium (minimum for the betta is a 5g /20L, though the more the better, however bettas have hard time swimming around, so don't go for tall tanks, 20/30cm is excellent as they need to come to the surface to breathe very often) with lots of natural rocks and drift wood, bettas love to hide and explore as they are extremely intelligent, they also like live plants. It's very important to help consume ammonia in the water. When choosing a filter, don't get one that has a high flow, bettas like calm waters. Temperature should be around 24-26 degrees celcius. Catappa leaves or basically anything that will release tannins safely and will lower the ph and soften the water, as well as giving it a dark color will also provide excellent conditions for the betta fish. Also providing them live food such as daphnia or Bloodworms will stimulate their predator instinct and they will be very healthy and display their best colors and behaviors as well. Also bettas are carnivores. Most food in shops have a lot of crap in it. Keep that in mind. Also bettas don't like company very much, so if you're looking for tank mates, do your research best to choose fish from the same habitat if you can meet the requirements for everyone. (don't keep more than one betta in the same tank, even females - sorority, is extremely stressful, unless of course you have like a 500L planted tank) Best of luck with your next fish, don't give up keeping them, it's really amazing. I have some planted tanks, and I have done a lot of research in this, if you need any help let me know. Most important, look up the nitrogen cycle before getting into this.
Invictus2 said:
of the true light said:
I got her from a fish store and she was going crazy in that little cup so I wanted to rescue her. I could tell she was hurting the most out of all the fish and there were many. It took a while for her to gain her sanity in her new fish bowl but she did recover. I kept her bowl clean with colloidal silver and it made for a happy fish. She was so intelligent and would come to me and visit when I was near. I would talk to her. The sad thing about this is she tried to tell me she was in trouble a day before she died. She swam around frantically but none of this computed in my mind. I had forgot to add some more water to her bowl for fresh oxygen because it evaporates quick and now my heart is broken that she is gone. She was a great friend and I enjoyed her company greatly. But I've just been aloof lately and I don't know why. I'm usually on top of these things. I don't know if fish have souls but I hope the gods will watch over her if they do. And I hope that she will forgive me in the after life for neglecting her. It wasn't intentional but I am guilty none the less.
It's not your fault, the system is built this way so that you go buy more and more fish. It's very sad. but I encourage you to do some research on fish before you keep them, from now on, so you can build a biotope for them. All fish have different requirements. The Betta fish don't need oxigen dissolved in the water, they have a lung-like organ that allows them breathe air from the atmosphere, due to the stagnated waters they come from in Asia, having low oxygen levels. Bowls are not good for any kind of fish. The fish need filters, heaters and live plants. You'd need a planted aquarium (minimum for the betta is a 5g /20L, though the more the better, however bettas have hard time swimming around, so don't go for tall tanks, 20/30cm is excellent as they need to come to the surface to breathe very often) with lots of natural rocks and drift wood, bettas love to hide and explore as they are extremely intelligent, they also like live plants. It's very important to help consume ammonia in the water. When choosing a filter, don't get one that has a high flow, bettas like calm waters. Temperature should be around 24-26 degrees celcius. Catappa leaves or basically anything that will release tannins safely and will lower the ph and soften the water, as well as giving it a dark color will also provide excellent conditions for the betta fish. Also providing them live food such as daphnia or Bloodworms will stimulate their predator instinct and they will be very healthy and display their best colors and behaviors as well. Also bettas are carnivores. Most food in shops have a lot of crap in it. Keep that in mind. Also bettas don't like company very much, so if you're looking for tank mates, do your research best to choose fish from the same habitat if you can meet the requirements for everyone. (don't keep more than one betta in the same tank, even females - sorority, is extremely stressful, unless of course you have like a 500L planted tank) Best of luck with your next fish, don't give up keeping them, it's really amazing. I have some planted tanks, and I have done a lot of research in this, if you need any help let me know. Most important, look up the nitrogen cycle before getting into this.
That's some amazing info, thanks!
If you need any more info let me know. I'll gladly help! Try looking in your local community, sometimes people give away rocks and driftwood, plants and what not. Even used aquariums. You don't really have to spend a lot of money on this. Don't ask advice in shops. All they care for is money. Most shops anyway.
of the true light said:
Invictus2 said:
of the true light said:
I got her from a fish store and she was going crazy in that little cup so I wanted to rescue her. I could tell she was hurting the most out of all the fish and there were many. It took a while for her to gain her sanity in her new fish bowl but she did recover. I kept her bowl clean with colloidal silver and it made for a happy fish. She was so intelligent and would come to me and visit when I was near. I would talk to her. The sad thing about this is she tried to tell me she was in trouble a day before she died. She swam around frantically but none of this computed in my mind. I had forgot to add some more water to her bowl for fresh oxygen because it evaporates quick and now my heart is broken that she is gone. She was a great friend and I enjoyed her company greatly. But I've just been aloof lately and I don't know why. I'm usually on top of these things. I don't know if fish have souls but I hope the gods will watch over her if they do. And I hope that she will forgive me in the after life for neglecting her. It wasn't intentional but I am guilty none the less.
It's not your fault, the system is built this way so that you go buy more and more fish. It's very sad. but I encourage you to do some research on fish before you keep them, from now on, so you can build a biotope for them. All fish have different requirements. The Betta fish don't need oxigen dissolved in the water, they have a lung-like organ that allows them breathe air from the atmosphere, due to the stagnated waters they come from in Asia, having low oxygen levels. Bowls are not good for any kind of fish. The fish need filters, heaters and live plants. You'd need a planted aquarium (minimum for the betta is a 5g /20L, though the more the better, however bettas have hard time swimming around, so don't go for tall tanks, 20/30cm is excellent as they need to come to the surface to breathe very often) with lots of natural rocks and drift wood, bettas love to hide and explore as they are extremely intelligent, they also like live plants. It's very important to help consume ammonia in the water. When choosing a filter, don't get one that has a high flow, bettas like calm waters. Temperature should be around 24-26 degrees celcius. Catappa leaves or basically anything that will release tannins safely and will lower the ph and soften the water, as well as giving it a dark color will also provide excellent conditions for the betta fish. Also providing them live food such as daphnia or Bloodworms will stimulate their predator instinct and they will be very healthy and display their best colors and behaviors as well. Also bettas are carnivores. Most food in shops have a lot of crap in it. Keep that in mind. Also bettas don't like company very much, so if you're looking for tank mates, do your research best to choose fish from the same habitat if you can meet the requirements for everyone. (don't keep more than one betta in the same tank, even females - sorority, is extremely stressful, unless of course you have like a 500L planted tank) Best of luck with your next fish, don't give up keeping them, it's really amazing. I have some planted tanks, and I have done a lot of research in this, if you need any help let me know. Most important, look up the nitrogen cycle before getting into this.
That's some amazing info, thanks!
Also, I forgot to mention, the way to know your betta is healthy and happy is: he displays vibrant colors, often iridescent. He is exploring such caves and hiding spots as well as looking for stuff to hunt, in a calm and relaxed way, you can see he stops and thinks, evaluating the spot and situation in front of him. It's really fantastic to watch this. Otherwise he is not healthy if he's lethargic or frantically swimming around, or up and down. Or jumping off the bowl. That's just some basics of betta body language. Please don't keep fish in bowls. It's slow torture. I would mail you stuff if you were in my country, but I'm sure if you look around you'll find someone willing to share. Also you can get rocks and wood from nature, make sure to thoroughly wash it with running water and boiling everything. Plants need to have like a week quarantine. To avoid parasites. Thoroughly washed in running water. Then there are several chemicals you can use to clean then from parasites. You'd have to do some research on that because I don't know the right measurements. Most often used is hydrogen peroxide. But if you can get some free/cheap plants from someone's tank would be ideal. Just make sure the person doesn't have diseases or parasites in the tank.
of the true light said:
I got her from a fish store and she was going crazy in that little cup so I wanted to rescue her. I could tell she was hurting the most out of all the fish and there were many. It took a while for her to gain her sanity in her new fish bowl but she did recover. I kept her bowl clean with colloidal silver and it made for a happy fish. She was so intelligent and would come to me and visit when I was near. I would talk to her. The sad thing about this is she tried to tell me she was in trouble a day before she died. She swam around frantically but none of this computed in my mind. I had forgot to add some more water to her bowl for fresh oxygen because it evaporates quick and now my heart is broken that she is gone. She was a great friend and I enjoyed her company greatly. But I've just been aloof lately and I don't know why. I'm usually on top of these things. I don't know if fish have souls but I hope the gods will watch over her if they do. And I hope that she will forgive me in the after life for neglecting her. It wasn't intentional but I am guilty none the less.

Are you certain it was your fault? Fish get frantic like that when something is wrong before they die. It’s hard having pets sometimes because they can be sensitive or have certain conditions that we could never know of or even treat and then it’s easy to blame ourselves. I ordered some frogs from a site and thought I had everything set up well enough for them and both of them died within days. I don’t know if it was where they came from, the stress of shipping, or the set up. I felt terrible but do understand that small animals are way more prone to random death, and try not to blame yourself so much that it takes away from you wanting another one and giving it the same good life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
