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My Aunt's dna results

Jan 27, 2019
My aunt who's last name is Brenner is upset with her ancestry results. She told me and swears to me that she has no Jewish blood whatsoever. She even showed me her grandfather's immigration papers. I read it. It said he is white. But ancestry showed results that she is 10 percent jewish. She showed me her mother's mother's mother's last name on record that spelled her named also was spelled "Brunner" and "Bronner", I looked up the name and it was a German name. She said her mother's name was Brenner, too. But records show that she's white.

My aunt broke down crying. She said in between her tears that "there's no way I can be related to a filthy kike!" My aunt was a proud "white" woman.

She's married to my uncle.

How should I take this? She has a strong hatred toward the enemy. She's pagan and loves our gods and goddesses. She told me she'd rather die a horrible death for being a jew.

She's in the hospital right now on suicide watch. She tried to take her life. She is very depressed.

She told me she died, "but these people in white robes had put" her "back."

Should I feel sorry for my aunt in law or should I curse and despise her?

I also have a satan friend who had the same thing happened to her from ancestry and she's tormented day and night by it. My guardian demon told me it is the enemy attacking her.
When I told you they are most probably having inaccurate methods and to stop giving fucks as blatant jews have done these "Tests" and came out negative, and many totally normal people have been called out as kikes.

I have explained in another post this situation.
EgyptianStar666 said:
You should chill and relax.
Brenner is a name used by some gentiles.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When I told you they are most probably having inaccurate methods and to stop giving fucks as blatant jews have done these "Tests" and came out negative, and many totally normal people have been called out as kikes.

I have explained in another post this situation.

My dna result said I have Russian in me but there are no Russians in my immediate family...or ancestors. It's minute.

I will stop giving a fuck.
Shael said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
You should chill and relax.
Brenner is a name used by some gentiles.

Thank you. Apparently my aunt doesn't look Jewish. She told me her grandfather's features weren't Jewish looking either.

She's been Baker acted.
If someone is a jew but can't accept itself,then it is stupid.
If someone isn't a jew but assume himself a jew and become depressed,then he is stupid too.Don't be stupid.
I just can't figure out why some people would like to assume themselves jewish. Depression can't solve anything and only worsen everything.
Fight for gentile gods if you are a gentile.Fight for jewish gods if you are a jew.That's simple,nothing to worry about.Years ago I was worrying about if I am a jew and nearly worrying to death.Finally I find out it is a waste of time and energy.
By the way,DNA test is not accurate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
