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Message to HP Hooded Cobra 1


New member
Jul 5, 2020
Hi, I am dedicated satanist .

Topic: How to kill or destroy bad spirits

Story: I will tell why I ask this question after replying my question and I will tell my story after answering my question.

My question: If we are most powerful satanist, why we don't have powerful mantra or technique to kill or destroy bad spirits?

Yes, we are protected . But, we don't have power to kill bad spirits.
Please, discover something powerful to kill or destroy or bury bad spirits.

Hail Satan
nice try
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

that's the point for jews and subversive people
I have asked for quick mantra power or technique to kill bad spirits. here Jos all mantra seem like White Magic mantra which require chanted day by day many times . All mantra I have tried and felt many powerful and very positive . I am very much thankful to JOS clergy for hard working and discovering .

But, here , in my topic, I have asked to My lovely jos clergy to discover something important mantras to kill completely bad spirits immediately . here I have a reason to ask this question but i will tell the story later after hp"s replying. i actually need help.

i don't have time for 40 days working.
Bulbul said:
Hi, I am dedicated satanist .

Topic: How to kill or destroy bad spirits

Story: I will tell why I ask this question after replying my question and I will tell my story after answering my question.

My question: If we are most powerful satanist, why we don't have powerful mantra or technique to kill or destroy bad spirits?

Yes, we are protected . But, we don't have power to kill bad spirits.
Please, discover something powerful to kill or destroy or bury bad spirits.

Hail Satan

Ever heard of Banishing Ritual or cleansing or "making a technique yourself because there's already enough do things like that"? Like HPs doesn't need to prepare a spell for every situation. You already have the tools to do so yourself.
Bulbul said:
I have asked for quick mantra power or technique to kill bad spirits. here Jos all mantra seem like White Magic mantra which require chanted day by day many times . All mantra I have tried and felt many powerful and very positive . I am very much thankful to JOS clergy for hard working and discovering .

But, here , in my topic, I have asked to My lovely jos clergy to discover something important mantras to kill completely bad spirits immediately . here I have a reason to ask this question but i will tell the story later after hp"s replying. i actually need help.

i don't have time for 40 days working.

If you experience these, you probably live on a haunted place and/or these things are fed. In dire cases, you can go for a summoning of a Demon. But the fact that you have not much understanding points out to that you don't really understand what kind of spirits there may be.

If you followed the proper knowledge then most of these wouldn't even be where you are, because your aura of protection would deal with a lot of these.
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

that's the point for jews and subversive people
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

that's the point for jews and subversive people
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

They read your comment. I pointed to you what VoE meant
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

that's the point for jews and subversive people
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

When I use vinyasa I usually focus on my room and imagine blue flame, maybe around but never inside myself
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

I know, which is why it felt like quite an appropriate recommendation to this rat. Unfortunately they now know not to do it, that said, I don’t think they would have tried it, unfortunately.
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.

Bro, I felt your emotions. I laughed, but no.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

that's the point for jews and subversive people
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

You are right, my message can be misinterpreted fairly easily. For the sake of the unknowing people who visit I should refrain from making such replies.
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NakedPluto said:
that's the point for jews and subversive people
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

You are right, my message can be misinterpreted fairly easily. For the sake of the unknowing people who visit I should refrain from making such replies.

Just because you believe someone is an enemy doesn't mean you should spread self-destructive advice around your own people. The OP obviously struggles with English and only has two posts on the forum, and yet you believe they're a rat?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bulbul said:
I have asked for quick mantra power or technique to kill bad spirits. here Jos all mantra seem like White Magic mantra which require chanted day by day many times . All mantra I have tried and felt many powerful and very positive . I am very much thankful to JOS clergy for hard working and discovering .

But, here , in my topic, I have asked to My lovely jos clergy to discover something important mantras to kill completely bad spirits immediately . here I have a reason to ask this question but i will tell the story later after hp"s replying. i actually need help.

i don't have time for 40 days working.

If you experience these, you probably live on a haunted place and/or these things are fed. In dire cases, you can go for a summoning of a Demon. But the fact that you have not much understanding points out to that you don't really understand what kind of spirits there may be.

If you followed the proper knowledge then most of these wouldn't even be where you are, because your aura of protection would deal with a lot of these.

I am not only living in hunted place , bul also living with my possessed sister .

I am telling my story now here.


I live with muslim family. I have 3 sisters and I am only one brother. We live in a village.

My whole family is affected by bad spirits. The bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister first. Then my father, then my mother then my 1sr sister
. My father contacted with village muslim priesthood . The muslim priest contacted the bad spirits by reciting Quran. In my life, I have seen first time the real power of Quran. By reciting Quran, The priest called the bad spirits and communicated with them. They told that they love our sisters and want to take away. My sisters that time was unmarried. The priest told them if they don't go, he will kill them by Quran . The spirits told that if the priest kill them, their group gang spirits will destroy our race family. For this, the priest make an amulet (Tabiz) to protect my family . The bad spirits still are with us . And they are in our house roof. My sisters are now married. My 3rd sister is very much affected by the bad spirits. One day, after marriage of my 3rd sister, the bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister . That time she came to her husband and were beating to her husband. Actually she was possessed by the bad spirits.

I am in fear my brother HP.

How can I protect to my family from these shits ?

I khow here jews saw our post. But, we need help. Please tell me how can I protect and kill the 3 bad spirits?.

Please, cobra , help me.

When will jews and muslim die? We want to breath freely.
Those spirits of q are a real problem, I encountered some myself.

Do a ritual to Satan and invoke the powers of Hell to take care of this.
NakedPluto said:
Those spirits of q are a real problem, I encountered some myself.

Do a ritual to Satan and invoke the powers of Hell to take care of this.

i did . but i cann't find proper solution.
Meteor said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

You are right, my message can be misinterpreted fairly easily. For the sake of the unknowing people who visit I should refrain from making such replies.

I can attest to that; I didn't know anything about Vinasa and I look up to you for writing really good posts a lot of the time so I thought you were serious. I could tell you were being sarcastic with your comment at the end, but I misunderstood and thought the punchline was that they would see for themselves that our methods really are helpful and effective if they just try it for themselves.
Fortunately I didn't give it a try since I had no reason to. But please be careful, since misunderstandings like this can happen rather easily, although it could also be my own fault for tending to take things literally.

Thank you for telling me this brother. It’s a valuable lesson for me.

Again, I apologize if any SS were confused by my reply. No harm to SS or future SS was intended obviously, but I was too thoughtless and emotionally charged when replying.
NakedPluto said:
Those spirits of q are a real problem, I encountered some myself.

Do a ritual to Satan and invoke the powers of Hell to take care of this.

I'm sorry but I don't have any advice to help. Other than moving away to be safe from these possessed people.

I can confirm this is real because my ex girlfriend was very impressionable and open to enemy possession.

We are still in contact and she has this knack of calling just as I'm starting to do some warfare vibrations.

When she was around she would start singing or doing something to make noise and try distract me from my RTR's.

Also meditating I was always distracted. To the point where I never trance anymore but do my things in an alert state. Too much pain from trying to come up from trance too quickly.

It is scary when they get possessed. They're automatons and physically attack you. Exorcist film sort of comes to mind because she would hiss and move kind of strange and jerky when possessed to attack me.

Also on a couple occasions I awoke from sleeping just in time to witness her hand shoot out and very strongly grip me around my neck.

She is a small petit girl and as a man I was panicked at the great strength and firmness of her hand squeezing down on my neck.

I remember once thinking wtf because I awoke to her making some sinister laugh. And then her hand just suddenly shot out fast and forcefully gripping around my neck.

Luckily I always woke up just in time to witness this happening and be able to struggle and save myself.

I'd wake her up and she'd be in a totally deep sleep and not know what I was talking about. And the next day she still would have no recollection of trying to kill me in our sleep.

Every time I brought her possession incidents up she would never have any recollection of it. Totally tranced out.

Sadly with this war and so many people being impressionable and open to the enemy. I'm suspicious others can also be used by the enemy to try and harm me now.

I've actually always been on a different wavelength than the majority and they pick it up and dislike in me for that spiritual and material level differences.

Sadly I'm single and on my own now. Suffer for being on my own as I feel vulnerable having no support system. No one to fall back on.

In a way I think I'm living like a Xtian longing for the afterlife while sacrificing this life for my religion.

I found an old picture of a Demoness. A great big old framed work of art. With the gold painted curves in the wooden picture frame. Museum stuff I'd say.

I found it on top of a skip piled with dusty old things getting dumped from being stored in an attic for years.

It's in my room now and I've grown to see it as a prized possession of mine. It's brought the Gods literally into my home where you can see them.

I feel I may have no one physically to help or support me. But this Goddess I look at when I meditate. And the little children flying around her. It's nude art of the Gods flying with their wings in the sky.

Anyway I know there is a whole other galaxy out there. And we have a family in the Gods out there on their planet.

I feel like an outsider here on this earth that's under occupation.

My soul has been Satanic my whole life from as far back as I can remember.

I always looked deeper than the physical material. Had that introvert introspection to consider the energetic level of things from early childhood.

Anyway mate. It's because we're different and other people are new souls that are shallow and open to and under enemy control. That's why we get attacked.

I cannot really advise you because although we have the Gods, Father Satan and our Guardian Demon.

We unfortunately need to deal with the enemies influence and their people in our physical reality.

I think a person needs to keep people sweet and avoid conflict as best you can. But you need to define boundaries and stand up for your needs and rights in an assertive but not aggressive/ defensive manner.

In my case I couldn't resolve the issues with the ex girlfriend. And luckily I'm working and have my own place so I had to force her to move out.

So I managed my challenges by being independent and working and living on my own. I'm a bachelor because I need time for my interests in Spiritual Satanism.

I don't know your age or circumstances for your own independence.

Remember to work on your aura cleaning and aura of protection.

And as it's always admonished. Practice void meditation because a still strong mind can save your life.

When others might panic, freeze, act on impulse and not be able to think. By having a still strong mind you'll be able to restrain your impulsive reactions to deal with situations in a way that keeps you safe.

There can be consequences for say for example attacking someone back in self defence. And then it can really escalate. But a strong mind can help you keep calm in stressful situations. And try think the best course of action to take for everyone's long term safety.

Look after yourself by keeping balanced by taking walks, meditating and doing what needs to be done.

A strong mind and aura can help you immeasurably surmount life's challenges.

And remember in this world where everything is inverted. We truly are the fortunate ones because we know and are aligned with the truth.
throwaway88 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
So what about the innocent young people who read this and think that it is safe to do? The person you reply to is not the only person to see the comment.

You are right, my message can be misinterpreted fairly easily. For the sake of the unknowing people who visit I should refrain from making such replies.

Just because you believe someone is an enemy doesn't mean you should spread self-destructive advice around your own people. The OP obviously struggles with English and only has two posts on the forum, and yet you believe they're a rat?

Psychic abilities do exist, you know. You do not need to see pics or read a thousand posts from someone or meet someone offline for psychic abilities to work.
Stormblood said:
throwaway88 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
You are right, my message can be misinterpreted fairly easily. For the sake of the unknowing people who visit I should refrain from making such replies.

Just because you believe someone is an enemy doesn't mean you should spread self-destructive advice around your own people. The OP obviously struggles with English and only has two posts on the forum, and yet you believe they're a rat?

Psychic abilities do exist, you know. You do not need to see pics or read a thousand posts from someone or meet someone offline for psychic abilities to work.

I'm glad we have elite forum posters like you to decide who's an infiltrator.
If you had the ability to look at me you wouldn't have written this post.
Bulbul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bulbul said:
I have asked for quick mantra power or technique to kill bad spirits. here Jos all mantra seem like White Magic mantra which require chanted day by day many times . All mantra I have tried and felt many powerful and very positive . I am very much thankful to JOS clergy for hard working and discovering .

But, here , in my topic, I have asked to My lovely jos clergy to discover something important mantras to kill completely bad spirits immediately . here I have a reason to ask this question but i will tell the story later after hp"s replying. i actually need help.

i don't have time for 40 days working.

If you experience these, you probably live on a haunted place and/or these things are fed. In dire cases, you can go for a summoning of a Demon. But the fact that you have not much understanding points out to that you don't really understand what kind of spirits there may be.

If you followed the proper knowledge then most of these wouldn't even be where you are, because your aura of protection would deal with a lot of these.

I am not only living in hunted place , bul also living with my possessed sister .

I am telling my story now here.


I live with muslim family. I have 3 sisters and I am only one brother. We live in a village.

My whole family is affected by bad spirits. The bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister first. Then my father, then my mother then my 1sr sister
. My father contacted with village muslim priesthood . The muslim priest contacted the bad spirits by reciting Quran. In my life, I have seen first time the real power of Quran. By reciting Quran, The priest called the bad spirits and communicated with them. They told that they love our sisters and want to take away. My sisters that time was unmarried. The priest told them if they don't go, he will kill them by Quran . The spirits told that if the priest kill them, their group gang spirits will destroy our race family. For this, the priest make an amulet (Tabiz) to protect my family . The bad spirits still are with us . And they are in our house roof. My sisters are now married. My 3rd sister is very much affected by the bad spirits. One day, after marriage of my 3rd sister, the bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister . That time she came to her husband and were beating to her husband. Actually she was possessed by the bad spirits.

I am in fear my brother HP.

How can I protect to my family from these shits ?

I khow here jews saw our post. But, we need help. Please tell me how can I protect and kill the 3 bad spirits?.

Please, cobra , help me.

When will jews and muslim die? We want to breath freely.

Allah is of the enemy Yahweh
You are getting possessed by angels pretending to be demons aka fake versions of demons

Yahweh pretends to be Satan aka the Fake version of Satan one way to know when Yahweh is pretending to be Satan is when Yahweh ask you to do a blood sacrifice or cannibalism always remember only Yahweh does blood sacrifices and does cannibalism
So if the Fake version of Satan aka Yahweh pretending to be Satan ask you to do a blood sacrifice or cannibalism that means it is Yahweh pretending to be Satan
Always remember only Yahweh aka the god of the Bible does cannibalism and blood sacrifices
Proof only Yahweh does cannibalism is Ezekiel 5 10 Yahweh forces fathers to eat their sons that is proof only Yahweh does cannibalism
Now here is proof only Yahweh does blood sacrifices is
Yahweh forces jepthaiah to blood sacrifice his own daughter judges 11 30 31 and judges 11 34 35
And judges 11 36
so I should mention allah is of Yahweh so it is angels pretending to be demons possessing y’all so because y’all are Muslims
That is how you got possessed in the first place
You must reject Allah because if you don’t he will make you suffer like he is doing now
After you reject Allah let me know so I will guide you of how to beat Yahweh and Allah and those angels possessing y’all
Bulbul said:
Hi, I am dedicated satanist .

Topic: How to kill or destroy bad spirits

Story: I will tell why I ask this question after replying my question and I will tell my story after answering my question.

My question: If we are most powerful satanist, why we don't have powerful mantra or technique to kill or destroy bad spirits?

Yes, we are protected . But, we don't have power to kill bad spirits.
Please, discover something powerful to kill or destroy or bury bad spirits.

Hail Satan

We do have the power to kill bad spirits aka angels
The rtr kills them angels aka bad spirits
Mantralar sizin için işe yaramaz ise sizin için öyledir, bu sizin seviyenizi gösterir, mantraların değil. Benim gibi güçlerini hisseden çok insan olduğuna eminim.
Şu ana kadar iki kötü ruhla karşılaştım. Parazit değil. İlki adanmamdan ve satanizm ile tanışmadan önceydi. Beni depresyona ve derin bir çukura sürükledi. Ama şeytan bana yol gösterdi. İkincisi bir yhvh kölesi bir insan yüzündendi. Uzun süre sonra böyle bir şey ile karşılaşmak beni biraz gerdi. Yaklaşık yarım saat mantralar ile ilgilendim. Ama onu tam olarak yok etmedi. Daha sonra koruyucumdan yardım istedim invoke ederek. Onun gücünü hissettim. Bütün korkularım anında yerini sıcak bir güvene ve derin bir uykuya bıraktı. Şeytandan ve koruyucunuzdan bir yardım isteyin. Güçlü olmayan mantraları güçlü hale getirmek de sizin elinizde. 40 günlük meditasyonları yapamıyorsanız bile enerjinizi emmelerine izin vermeyecek bir kalkanınız olsun.
The answer is simple:

1- Forget ilam and any islamic practice.

2- Use the Abrasax ritual to banish negative entities.

3- Forget death mantras, you would not be able to separate them from you and you will harm yourself.

4- Other techniques involve blue fire to purify a place, but the Abrasax ritual may already be sufficient.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
To you, I recommend invoking Vinasa, at least 100 reps a day, to get rid of the bad (((spirits))).

Do give us an update on how weak our mantra’s are after you’ve done it for a few weeks.
Never invoke Vinasa. This will destroy yourself. There were people here who tried it, and they were very badly harmed. Anything destructive, is not to be used in any connection with yourself.

Vinasa is not to be invoked. But it is used to destroy.
“In the case of a malevolent influence, vibrate “Vinasa” VEE-NAH-SAH 9 times following vibration of the name backwards, letter by letter. If the name is unknown, then just vibrate the word “Vinasa” 9 times, and affirm: “You are no more.” Vinasa is an ancient Sanskrit word of banishment and acts to destroy the unwanted energy and/or entity. This word is to destroy and should not be used for any other purpose. Human spirits who are trapped and who mean no harm should be guided to reincarnate.”

TerKorian666 said:
Vinasa is not to be invoked. But it is used to destroy.
“In the case of a malevolent influence, vibrate “Vinasa” VEE-NAH-SAH 9 times following vibration of the name backwards, letter by letter. If the name is unknown, then just vibrate the word “Vinasa” 9 times, and affirm: “You are no more.” Vinasa is an ancient Sanskrit word of banishment and acts to destroy the unwanted energy and/or entity. This word is to destroy and should not be used for any other purpose. Human spirits who are trapped and who mean no harm should be guided to reincarnate.”

You have to be extremely advanced to be able to detach yourself, Sanskrit is deeply connected to the human soul.

Vinasa destroys the soul and returns it to the ether permanently erasing existence, I wouldn't joke about this.

There are endless safer and more efficient ways to solve certain problems.
Veritá_666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Vinasa is not to be invoked. But it is used to destroy.
“In the case of a malevolent influence, vibrate “Vinasa” VEE-NAH-SAH 9 times following vibration of the name backwards, letter by letter. If the name is unknown, then just vibrate the word “Vinasa” 9 times, and affirm: “You are no more.” Vinasa is an ancient Sanskrit word of banishment and acts to destroy the unwanted energy and/or entity. This word is to destroy and should not be used for any other purpose. Human spirits who are trapped and who mean no harm should be guided to reincarnate.”

You have to be extremely advanced to be able to detach yourself, Sanskrit is deeply connected to the human soul.

Vinasa destroys the soul and returns it to the ether permanently erasing existence, I wouldn't joke about this.

There are endless safer and more efficient ways to solve certain problems.

I think one of the biggest issues with Banishing ritual is the updated Banish.

Many years ago sometime around the pre-ProPHP forums sometime pre-2014. HPS Maxine removed the Orobas/Haures banishing ritual.

Before we had these two Gods sigil magick ritual. You print or draw the sigils. You light a candle any color doesn't matter. You earlier on before the ritual write or print out the prayer to cleanse, banish, and consecrate the area. Satan blesses and consecrates these two Gods Orobas and Haures, they come any negative energies are eliminated maybe removed for spiritual warfare, negative entities are chased away or destroyed, and finally they bless it as a form of extra protection. Almost like cleaning/protecting when it comes to our souls. And then they leave so you perform kinda like a non-summoning summoning. In essence you do the ritual Satan, Orobas and Haures perform their duties and your area is improved. Perhaps if the situation is bad you do it multiple times.

So why was besides the obvious the Gods are busy. Why was the original 2002/2003 ritual removed in favor of this Sanskrit blasting ritual which seems to borderline on some people mentioning harmful or baneful magick. If done incorrectly it banishes you like using Algiz Rune to blast on self. If done incorrectly the rune can impart problems. But if used correctly your cleaning to a strong degree albeit the Rune is better to use for protection and an AoP rather than cycle through as a cleansing action. Leaving the solar visual or solar mantra for it.

This isn't the first banishing ritual questions and I think in the end the banishing ritual solo or group ritual. Just confounds the problem further for people.

We got people who don't want to connect to sanskrit banishing for self strike and there are people who are like how do we use this technology or better yet are we ready for this technology.

To be honest not to doubt spirituality but sometimes I read these threads of people asking about negative or spirits or something and it's like how advance do you have to be to believe this. For example is it a mental construct is it self-delusion. Are you so open you saw this? For example if your an astral projector and some entity popped into your room and your like "Dude WTF GTFO of here!".

Sometimes people make extraordinary claims and I'm sitting here going. Did you at least try the technology did you at least maybe do something. For example if spiritual warfare exists did you try flaming it out with Satanic blue energy or did you blast it with a arrow or a fireball or something. I'm sorry if it's getting a little dragonball or magickal like a video game.

But sometimes I wonder why people state something like what do I do. And in some cases they go I've done it and it doesn't work. Well it doesn't work just live with the entity who knows maybe you can learn stuff from it. It's hostile okay cool so study it maybe you can annoy it or something.

Honestly it's like some people just need to realize sometimes there are entities that don't want to be banished or are entities that can resist. Funny we state never destroy a thoughtform created that helps a servitor maybe relinquish it to Satan or your GD as a sign of respectful existence maybe they have uses for it. But it's the same thing here maybe an entity wishes to have his thoughtform or entity or spirit wants to be there and not get banished. Or if you banish it, it's worse it comes back and bothers you more.

But again at what point do you need to call an extra-terrestrial i.e. one of our Aliens to deal with this situation. HP.Cobra said it best haunting. When a placed is charged up and eats and eats and consumes the spirit or entity doesn't want to get banished. Like HP.Cobra said Humanities spiritual warfare is so retarded and pathetic that we need physical weapons we need to just develop our technologies and the Gods will bring more weapons to us. It's going to take a long time to spiritually engage. Even our best Humans even legendary Humans are so weak in comparison to rankings of our aliens that except for their personal Universe the actual Universe is a mystery to them.

Anyways why was the old Haures/Orobas ritual removed? Besides the obvious of Satan and ritual companions being busy.

Again I'm not doubting just wondering why people go berserk for an entity. It was already said in various astral projection websites and back in the old Yahoo forums around the first shutdown in 2007 and later repeated. The astral realm has no privacy anything can barge in. How do you know certain aliens or entities or spirits are not wanting to get banished or don't give a shit about your banish. After all these are higher power beings to a degree even if weak or weaker in the food chain of things they are at a higher level. It be like fighting a shark while you posses a knife it can harm the shark stop it well or bop it's nose or stab it but it's still a top dog of it's habitat.
Bulbul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am not only living in hunted place , bul also living with my possessed sister .

I am telling my story now here.


I live with muslim family. I have 3 sisters and I am only one brother. We live in a village.

My whole family is affected by bad spirits. The bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister first.
What that bad spirit did to your 3rd sister.
Did your 3rd sister beat you by shaking her head by untying her hairs and rolling her head in clockwise & anticlockwise :lol: and later told you that she was possessed ! :lol:
As shown in eastern TV documentries. :lol:

They told that they love our sisters and want to take away. My sisters that time was unmarried.

Probably your sister was in a relationship and wanted to get marrried and was acting.
If she had such possession issue where were those bad lover spirits at the time of her marriage? Where were the gang of that bad spirit ? Were they all drunk at that time or busy enjoying the party ?

The bad spirits still are with us . And they are in our house roof. My sisters are now married. My 3rd sister is very much affected by the bad spirits.

What are they doing at your house roof ?
Why don't you lock the door! And pee and poop on the door or you may throw some poop on the house roof ! :mrgreen: :lol:

One day, after marriage of my 3rd sister, the bad spirits possessed my 3rd sister . That time she came to her husband and were beating to her husband. Actually she was possessed by the bad spirits.

One step up compaired to Infiltrator One wire got a new friend here :lol:

Beating her spouse and later claiming to be possessed as a excuse. Doesn't make sense.

How can I protect to my family from these shits ?

I khow here jews saw our post. But, we need help. Please tell me how can I protect and kill the 3 bad spirits?.

Next time when you found them possessed you may
Throw some poop on them
Or you may shit in front of them so they may feel insulted / ashamed and leave you all i.e., RIP.

This works best for an infiltrator like you.

A clear sign of infiltrator. You are a very bad story composer.

You are basically wondering why people ask questions regarding meditations, situations, cleaning and protection. The answer is - Because they walk the path of advancement.

If you don't walk it, the above rant pops up, which in itself has extremely simple answers. But as with many things in life, one must find it out themselves. So walk the path and answer them.

Demons can come and clean at any time of their judgement. 2003 doesn't apply to 2022, people have advanced yet I know, not you.

Do you know how the military does it? Shames you and orders you do to hard work. Consider this a similarity of sorts. For the next 40 days I want you to meditate daily without fail for exactly 23 minutes per session, everyday (trance, foundation etc. pick your desire). I want you to perform Full Chakra Meditation x14 reps each for the 7 main chakras, daily. Perform 10x Sowilo in every chakra for Cleaning. Perform Returning Curses Daily PT. 1, something small 18x Surya. Perform Protection for 45x Algiz, everyday. 5 minutes of total retention of Yogic breathing. Breath of Fire, Sithali, Lunar and Alternate Nostril. All of this in a day, daily. Tomorrow or today, Sunday start a Sun Square, spiritual with the affirmation :

"I am now and forever, powerful in my will and capacity of action to succeed in spirituality by all positive ways and means for my well being, physical and spiritual health and satisfaction. My will and action is absolute and certain, by my desire and ruling."

You need to be a capable SS walking the marathon and not just judging from the sidewalk.
NakedPluto said:

You are basically wondering why people ask questions regarding meditations, situations, cleaning and protection. The answer is - Because they walk the path of advancement.

If you don't walk it, the above rant pops up, which in itself has extremely simple answers. But as with many things in life, one must find it out themselves. So walk the path and answer them.

Demons can come and clean at any time of their judgement. 2003 doesn't apply to 2022, people have advanced yet I know, not you.

Do you know how the military does it? Shames you and orders you do to hard work. Consider this a similarity of sorts. For the next 40 days I want you to meditate daily without fail for exactly 23 minutes per session, everyday (trance, foundation etc. pick your desire). I want you to perform Full Chakra Meditation x14 reps each for the 7 main chakras, daily. Perform 10x Sowilo in every chakra for Cleaning. Perform Returning Curses Daily PT. 1, something small 18x Surya. Perform Protection for 45x Algiz, everyday. 5 minutes of total retention of Yogic breathing. Breath of Fire, Sithali, Lunar and Alternate Nostril. All of this in a day, daily. Tomorrow or today, Sunday start a Sun Square, spiritual with the affirmation :

"I am now and forever, powerful in my will and capacity of action to succeed in spirituality by all positive ways and means for my well being, physical and spiritual health and satisfaction. My will and action is absolute and certain, by my desire and ruling."

You need to be a capable SS walking the marathon and not just judging from the sidewalk.

Yeah I'm not gonna do that. That's nice and all but that's asking me to fail. It's going to happen and then by the next day ugh.

23 minutes to do all that. Technically that is simply something that is going to take more. For example FCM requires a breathing action, mantra action, and visualization action for 2-3 minutes or so a few minutes as it says. x14 is fine that isn't much that's what 40seconds-1 minute. Finger counting like Fire2U(SuttraPutran) stated 12 or one full thumb to pads count is nearing a minute if not outright a minute. So in essence you want me to spend 10-12 minutes vibrating + you forgot affirmations maybe 4 or 5 or maybe safe 8/9. So in essence affirmation ex: "My Sahasrara chakra is open and empowered in a safe, healthy positive, and beneficial way for me" x4-9. So that alone is probably a total of 1 minute maybe 2 minutes of affirmations said x4-9. You also forgot to include third eye that's another 14 plus the affirmation. And you forgot the pineal gland with Gaum that's another 14 plus affirmation.

So in essence you want me to meditate 23 minutes. Then the visualization aspect I assume this portion is image retention you visualize the chakra floating around spinning maybe brilliant bright/iridescent to it's color and bright. That's two maybe three minutes x9 so in essence about 30 minutes of FCM. So chakra spinning one of the most basic meditations.

So in your World it's 23 minutes by my estimate it's more like nearing 35 minutes of FCM alone.

If trance is anything like void it's about a 5-10 minute endeavor. The main point to sensitize to acclimate to a hypnotic trance down i.e. not trance at will. But trance at a trigger such as count down 10, 9, 8...etc.etc.

Void practice mentally blanking the mind in this case willful blanking not simply mindfulness which is simple meditation of thought, feeling, sensation observation same for focusing on breath/breathing, feelings of the breathing i.e. feeling the chest. Then over time sensitizing to coarse and at certain times on and off fine grain feelings. Each session is different. That's another 2-5 minutes but intermittent void from time to time. So 2-5 minutes + various times during the day.

So then foundation exercise so 15 breaths like the 40-day guide so maybe 40ish seconds to do full breath of foundation.

x45 Algiz that's like nearing 5 minutes. 4ish at most mostly medium breath blasts 12, 24, 36, to 45 on fingers so nearing 5 minutes. Affirmation Algs is permanently protecting me at all times and in every way. x8.

RC. Pt1 prayer on non-voc day, programmed energy sloughing ball x3, unprogrammed energy sloughing ball x3 for FRTR style cleaning extra cleaning. So maybe about oh I don't know maybe nearing a minute thirty maybe 2 minutes. Surya x18 one minute maybe one minute fifteen seconds maybe 20. Affirm 18 times: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energies directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.” so basically like 2-3 minutes of affirmations. Even said fast you might shave off 15-20 seconds and even then you'll probably stumble upon it.

And then 5 minutes of Pranayama 4 breath types. I think that's a bit longer than 5 minutes. But okay 5 minutes sounds fair.

So in essence you want me to perform based on my bad math.

You want me to perform 23 minutes of meditation. When every single meditation you stated me to do. Is hitting about 1 hour and almost 20 minutes?

How is that even a good thing to do to someone who doesn't even have an idea what meditation is or how to meditate or something.

I do something and I've done in the past. What occurs is what? What am I supposed to feel? What am I supposed to do?

Yeah I get vibrate a mantra. Okay then why is it that I'm not in an altered state. How does mediation do anything?

I don't void, I don't trance. Never have. Unable to do it. I'd like to have fun and astral project or confirm stuff or for example like lucid dreamers do they dive down and enter a dream.

Why should I work on my soul if I nor anyone has ANY fucking clue what to do. I hear people say I got his from my past life. How the bloody fuck do you know that? What if you had a being of higher power tell you precisely what to do and when to do it.

I don't want to experiment with my soul and do stuff that is what is the point? This isn't Arch Linux cutting edge, bleeding edge distro.

Someone states clean your soul okay. I've been cleaning since before RC.pt1/2 came out. I've been cleaning through RC.pt1. I've spent months if not out right a solid year and half using RC.pt1 Demon summoning. And cleaning/protecting for what?

What do I need cleaning and protecting if I don't feel anything. How do I even know what negativity or harmfulness or what is it?

I see people come and they are told perform mantras to remove past life issues. How do you know that? Seriously without any knowledge how do you know the person needs to remove a past life to solve it. Are you a being of higher power? Are you being told by people who understand this is how you do it?

What if there is a being of higher power that states not now but in about a year work on your soul this way after cleaning out the dross and focus on bringing down that past life karma with a 90-day working. Right now if you do it with a karmic cleaning it'll be a 270-day working. You need to clean the dross out first and foremost to rip off that karma in an easier time.

Like my friend said who is like me he dedicated back in February of 2004, maybe meditated or not and just said basically I guess we dedicated for the sake of it. How our NS study has lead us down here.

And funny enough he's like except for a few people which I've read and you commented. Most of the people on the forums are talking out of their ass.

They inasmuch have absolutely no bearings on anything. If we are lost causes cause they state we don't meditate or aren't advanced. Then how do they know anything they do.

Perhaps this club of JoS is simply a small group of people who are advanced they inasmuch understand reality better than most people and they built an organization where a small elite are elite and the rest are people. Who want to advance and can advance not denying but they'll never reach their level.

For example someone is really advanced they inasmuch talk in a certain way and state things in limited ways to test the waters. For example if we had a person claim ayylmaos/aliens are on XYZ planet. How do you know.

Funny I've read of people posting things on the CIA/FBI using remote viewers and so-called occult abilities and I just laugh my ass off. They remote view somehow they go to some place they freak out some alien or entity filters into the room.

It's like hello logically do you not know how to conceal yourself. Do you think this is some game or some joke like "Oh human just go out in the woods into the habitats of dangerous animals without protection".

It reminds me of the geniuses that want No-Proliferation of Space. They literally want no space weapons. Like man if your in space and you got enemies on your ass your gonna need a carbine to defend yourself.

I don't know I probably as far back as 2003 gave up on it. I mostly spent my time in Middle School and High school contemplating spirituality. I've pretty much known about stuff that for today people take for granted but back in 99/00s I was cutting edge on things people don't talk about or acknowledge or label as a joke or some mental illness.

It reminds me of the person who said technically JoS is a cult their right or an ecult as they call it.

Honestly I don't give a shit about that I care about the continuation of National Socialism. And expanding myself with knowledge just for the sake of learning. For example some person states XYZ happens and then HP.Cobra replies yeah it can but XYZ can also occur as ABC. Great new knowledge apply it update databanks and poof I'm smarter I've learned from the occult.

Like the Middle Ages if people really did know about the occult most would just apply it to improve their lives or simply create new things out of it.

Most people don't care about their third eye or telekinesis or remote viewing or astral projecting. They'll simply state interesting never knew those things were possible. I'm like yeah you know some people do it some can't some try and then they give up and then poof it occurs.

Only thing I've confirmed is lucid dreaming, dream recall, and perhaps forcing a dream. But never things like materializing or flying or like some have said popping out of their dream only to astral project i.e. dream sharing/dream interaction.

I'm not saying spirituality is fake. JoS presents a rational form of spirituality. And something better than "If you get on your hands and knees and suck christs cock angels come and take you to the mountains".

Nope no not at all. Like Dr.Dalton in the '39 Mein Kampf. Hitler's antisemitism whatever mild antisemitism there is absolutely barely any antisemitism in the Dalton edition. But funny enough Dalton is like "Rational antisemitism" Hitler identifies a problem and creates a solution and understands the existential threat unlike no one else.

Perhaps I'm just a physical person. My astrological chart a prisoner of the physical realm. Like back when I was in my youth 9, 10 years old. o_O Astral Projection/Lucid dreaming so there is a way to get away from this shitty piece of shit World of going to school for 8 hours a day for 9 months a year and finally escape all this non-sense and enjoy my time doing whatever the fuck I want.

Funny I hear people state in the astral you can do a lot but not everything you want. And it's like ugh great more shit I have to deal with. Man just let me enter my lucid dream control it and do whatever the fuck I want like killing a person or blowing up a building or having sex or whatever.

And then time and time again since my youth since 1999 except lucidity in a dream but absolutely no control or domination or materializing. Except lucid I've never proven anything.

I have no idea why people don't care about this stuff. I'm in, life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit. You really want to exist in this shitty world doing shitty things no one gives a shit about.

Here I'm 2003 studying the back rooms of yahoo and out pops the JoS.

If I dedicated simply for the sake of dedicating that is up to me. Maybe it is foolish for Satan or any entity of his to get in a covenant or contract with a person. If humans are worthless piece of shit failures and they can't accomplish an iota of anything. It's pretty stupid to even so much as allow a Human to join forces.

Sometimes I wonder if there are entities far more powerful than our Gods or an entity that is higher than a God above or beyond a God. We have no word or words or even he word Deity is still enthralled with limitations.

I simply want to have fun and enjoy my life. I don't want to suffer through doing things that don't do anything and don't operate or work. It's like money everyone wants money do a little ritual of mantra and money comes.

Funny most people are just shit at making money. They make money because they are told by others to work for it. It's funny it's like magick is going to help you. No it really doesn't I did a sun square, jupiter squares x3 and not an iota of anything.

And even if I did a square how would I even know it worked. Why would I do a square why would I mess with that kind of magick.

I read the solar chakra swelled. Well WTF is solar chakra swelling what is this energy where is this energy is so overwhelming I feel like it's gonna blow up.

I've never felt an iota of energy. I don't even think it's possible to feel it.

I honestly don't know why we focus so much spirituality. It's like well I guess because life sucks and is worthless like Steve said to Jeff in American Dad "Because life often sucks".

I guess in the end I'm back to my usual spirituality or learning or anything is just mental learning. It's simply life long preoccupations to move you along through life. Life sucks might as well invent something or think outside the box to move through it.

Like I said in a reply I wanted to give to someone on the forums but withdrew it after re-reading it. People don't care about anything and don't want to do anything as long as they eat, have some money, and some supplies, and whatnot as long as it gets them to bed and the weekend they don't care.

Me personally I don't care about life like other NPC. I hate life with my entire mind, body, and soul. Every molecule, atom, and sub-atomic particle in my body is full on hate life. Spirituality has not helped if anything it's made it worse.

I guess I should have just taken the tone I had when growing up and before learning spirituality. Always pissed off these stupid fucktards since a child would praise god or jebus or state ave maria or some stupid bullshit. Maybe I should have been like my great-grandfather and just remained an atheist. I found JoS it aligned with my NS beliefs, as I delved into the SS part it aligned with my self.

And here I am wondering WTF did I get myself into. Why the fuck do I have to live this shit life with all this shitty existence. Life sucks. I simply learn.

I'm simply replying to a person who wants information. This is my information this is what I came up with it's what I know studying the site, forums, selfinquiry. No one states anything like this at least not without xtian angel magick or some xtian occult perspective.

And yet I'm being hounded for simply speaking my voice. Great I guess I proved what I proved ever since I was forced to communicate with my family after being weakened over the years with their annoying speeches and communication and forced to do things. Never talk, never express, never do anything or say anything.

It's just how I replied such as for example wanting to kill people or warfare or shooting guns. Only to be blasted back by other retarded family members stating that is stupid. Man Gear88 your so stupid everything you say is stupid your entire belief system and mind is stupid. I'm shocked your still alive I guess stupid people live society is full of stupid but your prime example.

I guess I'm stupid. What can I say I'd rather be stupid than a scumbag kike anyways. At least in my stupidity I know how to express myself it's what I know and what I'm able to provide.

Funny you state Demons can come and clean at any time of their judgement.

Isn't that xtiany. Like yeah they can clean. Okay clean. Someone is gonna say your ordering the Demon around don't do that. Then how the fuck am I supposed to even communicate with any entity if people just want stuff or to be told.

Sometimes I wonder why some people can get away with summoning an entity command it and get away with it. All the while anyone else does it and shit hits the fan for them.

What is summoning? i.e. dialing the phone number and calling an entity to do something or ask or whatever. It's like the military is a soldier offended at being commanded no he does it.

I don't know gonna end it here but NakedPluto you really seem to want me to blow my brains out meditating. Funny if it takes one hour plus it'll probably be hitting closer to two hours as I spend my time chattering and talking to myself and processing my life.

I don't know how people come to this organization and dominate their mind. I see people younger or older and dominating the brain. Lol like that is impossible you got decades of stuff inside your brain. I've never proven void or trance. So I guess it's impossible for me.

Like I said if 2003 ever showed me something is once I learned about void and trance and tried it's like why? it never works.

But like I always tell my family I'm the same exact person since I was pretty much learning about stuff and pretty much since 7 when I hardened. I just add more data to my data banks.

Funny I always get complaints from everyone now a days that I think too much, spend time processing, thinking, talking to myself, chattering away.

Anyways your desire for me to meditate is nice and all. But your talking to a person who's pretty much been on and off meditating since 2003. Lapsed into mental health crisis at some point not blaming MerKaBa even though I did that meditation a lot spent like a solid 8 months doing it.

And it's like me an NS/SS with mental illness. Funny with my superior mind, superior processing, superior life, and superior political and religious system NS/SS. ME? How can I be mentally ill.

Funny I guess it just proves life sucks worthless piece of shit that serves no purpose as my usual statement is.

? What is this even. It's alright, you don't have to conform or meditate or do anything of SS practices. All of this must come from a inner desire and willingness. But you have to be sincere with yourself and your life.

If you are a gentile you have to understand the inevitability of death, and understand that SS path is purely a need, not anything else but a necessity. You have to start taking care of yourself in all ways. The invitation is still here, you have to accept at one point that your behavior now, your mindset, your values are already defeated and leads into nothingness.

If you want to really make a point, against spirituality and common sense in this, you have to do what it is told here and only then, after success, try and lie and regress. Until then I personally cannot take you serious and neither the possible valid questions. No one but yourself needs to live your life.

If you are a gentile you failed the help until now. If you are someone who tries to subvert, again, you fail. You have to change something, it is critical for you do so. This is illustrative of all outcomes of your existence, it doesn't lead to something of importance. Life is important.
Personal Growth said:
NakedPluto said:
Those spirits of q are a real problem, I encountered some myself.

Do a ritual to Satan and invoke the powers of Hell to take care of this.

I'm sorry but I don't have any advice to help. Other than moving away to be safe from these possessed people.

I can confirm this is real because my ex girlfriend was very impressionable and open to enemy possession.

We are still in contact and she has this knack of calling just as I'm starting to do some warfare vibrations.

When she was around she would start singing or doing something to make noise and try distract me from my RTR's.

Also meditating I was always distracted. To the point where I never trance anymore but do my things in an alert state. Too much pain from trying to come up from trance too quickly.

It is scary when they get possessed. They're automatons and physically attack you. Exorcist film sort of comes to mind because she would hiss and move kind of strange and jerky when possessed to attack me.

Also on a couple occasions I awoke from sleeping just in time to witness her hand shoot out and very strongly grip me around my neck.

She is a small petit girl and as a man I was panicked at the great strength and firmness of her hand squeezing down on my neck.

I remember once thinking wtf because I awoke to her making some sinister laugh. And then her hand just suddenly shot out fast and forcefully gripping around my neck.

Luckily I always woke up just in time to witness this happening and be able to struggle and save myself.

I'd wake her up and she'd be in a totally deep sleep and not know what I was talking about. And the next day she still would have no recollection of trying to kill me in our sleep.

Every time I brought her possession incidents up she would never have any recollection of it. Totally tranced out.

Sadly with this war and so many people being impressionable and open to the enemy. I'm suspicious others can also be used by the enemy to try and harm me now.

I've actually always been on a different wavelength than the majority and they pick it up and dislike in me for that spiritual and material level differences.

Sadly I'm single and on my own now. Suffer for being on my own as I feel vulnerable having no support system. No one to fall back on.

In a way I think I'm living like a Xtian longing for the afterlife while sacrificing this life for my religion.

I found an old picture of a Demoness. A great big old framed work of art. With the gold painted curves in the wooden picture frame. Museum stuff I'd say.

I found it on top of a skip piled with dusty old things getting dumped from being stored in an attic for years.

It's in my room now and I've grown to see it as a prized possession of mine. It's brought the Gods literally into my home where you can see them.

I feel I may have no one physically to help or support me. But this Goddess I look at when I meditate. And the little children flying around her. It's nude art of the Gods flying with their wings in the sky.

Anyway I know there is a whole other galaxy out there. And we have a family in the Gods out there on their planet.

I feel like an outsider here on this earth that's under occupation.

My soul has been Satanic my whole life from as far back as I can remember.

I always looked deeper than the physical material. Had that introvert introspection to consider the energetic level of things from early childhood.

Anyway mate. It's because we're different and other people are new souls that are shallow and open to and under enemy control. That's why we get attacked.

I cannot really advise you because although we have the Gods, Father Satan and our Guardian Demon.

We unfortunately need to deal with the enemies influence and their people in our physical reality.

I think a person needs to keep people sweet and avoid conflict as best you can. But you need to define boundaries and stand up for your needs and rights in an assertive but not aggressive/ defensive manner.

In my case I couldn't resolve the issues with the ex girlfriend. And luckily I'm working and have my own place so I had to force her to move out.

So I managed my challenges by being independent and working and living on my own. I'm a bachelor because I need time for my interests in Spiritual Satanism.

I don't know your age or circumstances for your own independence.

Remember to work on your aura cleaning and aura of protection.

And as it's always admonished. Practice void meditation because a still strong mind can save your life.

When others might panic, freeze, act on impulse and not be able to think. By having a still strong mind you'll be able to restrain your impulsive reactions to deal with situations in a way that keeps you safe.

There can be consequences for say for example attacking someone back in self defence. And then it can really escalate. But a strong mind can help you keep calm in stressful situations. And try think the best course of action to take for everyone's long term safety.

Look after yourself by keeping balanced by taking walks, meditating and doing what needs to be done.

A strong mind and aura can help you immeasurably surmount life's challenges.

And remember in this world where everything is inverted. We truly are the fortunate ones because we know and are aligned with the truth.
Thanks for this message, thats inspiring.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
