These types of videos are meant to program ones subcounscious mind, so that the enemy weakens people, don't listen and find better solutions like learning from our websites don't waste your time with these, all symbols with jewish letters are from our enemy the jews, we don't agree with them. If you want you can program your subcounscious mind with affirmations record your voice and listen to them, the best time after waking up and before going to sleep, and don't start them when the moon is void. Our satanic calendar notes when void of course takes place. It's findable on our website examples of affirmations are "I'm advancing in spiritual satanism safely and positively for me" or for improvement like intelligence "I'm removing any and all negative blockages and programs from my mind about intelligence and i'm always intelligent (or very intelligent) in a healthy and pozitive way for me. Or any other improvement that you want but make it in a healthy and pozitive way for you.