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Masculine women and feminine men


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2017
Just some thoughts I've had lately about this.

In Sweden we have a feminist named Fanny Åström, who is a very radical feminist.
She clearly does not like men in general, and have even stated in a podcast that she doesn't even see any point in being social with men at all.

Something I've been thinking about regarding this feminist and other man-hating feminists is the fact that she (Fanny) similarily to other feminists is lesbian, and thus actually a bit more masculine than women in general. Yet they hate men.

The thing that struck me here is how this phenomenon also could be occuring among many men who hates women a lot.

For example; many of these so called "incels" who spend their time spewing out hatred for women on forums may very well be the feminine, sensitive type of men.
Perhaps they might feel disappointed for being rejected by women despite being so kind and nice.

However, the fact that they are spending time spewing out hatred against women on "Incel" forums is clearly showing a lack of both self esteem and self sufficiency (not exactly attractive), which Elliot Rogers (the most famous "incel") also clearly lacked.

Elliot Rogers thought that women should approach Him instead of the other way around.
He thus clearly did not feel comfortable in the masculine Yang role of being the active approacher; the one who has the active and dominant role in engaging socially with women. Instead he argued like a woman who was disappoined at not being approached for not being good looking/sexy enough.

Not much self sufficiency in that guy.
Not being able to feel good about being single/alone also means not being able to feel good about oneself.
And if one does not feel good about being alone with themselves, being with others will also become difficult.

In order to feel good about oneself, one should not look down upon neither the masculine or the feminine side of oneself or others. Both yang and yin have important qualities, and this is something both these man-hating feminists and women-hating "incels" should realize. Being a masculine woman is just as fine as being a feminine man.

Accepting oneself for who one truly is, is key for achieving true self sufficiency, and thus also attractiveness.
Even for the most feminine men and masculine women.
Perhaps if feminist Fanny Åström would realize her own masculine side and come to terms with it, she would not look down upon men like she now does. Same thing goes for men who hate women, who often times actually might be more feminine than they realize or want to realize.

Most people here are well aware of the Jewish ways of creating and fueling the war between both genders.
Feminism making women (mostly white women) hate men (especially white men), and MGTOW as a reaction movement to this, making men going away from women.

Most people here are also aware of how Islam and Christshitianity degrades not only women but also homosexual men, as a way of degrading the power of the feminine side in people generally speaking.
And most people here are probably also aware of why this is done.

Thinking outside the box, having a creative and flexible mind being able to disrupt the order of things, working on the soul and strengthening intuition - that's not exactly what these 'religions' promote, but rather forbid and fight against.

They program people to look down upon everything feminine so much that women look down upon themselves and men look down upon women or anything feminine within themselves or in any other man (poetry or talking about emotions is faggot shit etc.), seeing it as only weakness - thus actually creating true weakness in soul, as our soul is feminine in nature.
Abyssos said:
Love, romance, sincerity, authenticity, intimacy, tenderness, emotional depth, kindness, gentleness, benevolence and adoration are all masculine traits. All men inherently possess these characteristics, and all women inherently do not possess these characteristics. There are very few women on Earth capable of exhibiting any of the above described characteristics.

Men are the romantic sex, women are the cold, pragmatic, calculating sex. Women are not inherently capable of benevolence, and nurturing does not come naturally to women. Men are extremely nurturing by nature. Go outside and look at any man you see, all the big rough burly men that you see are giant teddy bears who have to endure the torment of life and pretend that they don't want to just give a woman love and affection with abandon. Any man that claims otherwise is lying, and if they're not lying, then they're not human.

Yes, the fat hairy trucker over there possesses all of the above characteristics. Yes, that balding biker with a bushy beard and hairy forearms is a loving teddy bear. All men learn soon enough that women hate that romance stuff. Also, men are very private about this stuff, why would we want to talk in detail with the bros about the emotional stuff that we want to do with women in private? For the vast majority of men on Earth, these dreams are just that, dreams, and will never be a reality, and they'll never be able to share their innermost thoughts with anyone, ever.

The happiest men on earth are those who are lucky enough to have found a woman who will actually let them just love them. These are few and far between. I will be on the war path and will cut down all that gets in my way without remorse until I have secured a future where all White Men of good character will be able to have a woman that they can love. I know the objectives that must be attained in order to bring this about, and they are exactly what untermenschen hate. Because of their resistance against der heilige Krieg, they will encounter me as the savage brute who has no feelings of mercy or remorse. It's what I have to be, and I accept that role for as long as it's necessary.


On a final note, this video by Alexander Grace sums it all up nicely, the title is clickbaity.

Alexander Grace is secretly one of the most blackpilled channels on YouTube, because he either is, or does a phenomenal job of pretending to be the most normalfag ignoramus on the planet, who just so happens to actually take a look at reality, and denies it at first, but over time has no choice but to admit that he was wrong, and the brutal reality is correct. Most people cannot stand listening to people who show competence and clarity of thought, and know how to cut through bullshit and get to the heart of the matter. Instead, they prefer listening to brainlets who have no idea what they're talking about and have no nuance or subtleties, and no ambitions. Alexander Grace fits this bill perfectly. Either he is actually legitimately as dumb and shallow as he appears, or it's a convincing act worthy of an Oscar. He has consistently maintained an appearance of having a room-temperature IQ and being a liar, but he slowly but surely provides glimpses into realities that few are ready to face. Because he appears to have no idea what he's talking about, normies aren't on their guard when the Blackpills are dropped, and the opportunity is thrust upon them to actually take objective reality into consideration.

Love, romance, sincerity, authenticity, intimacy, tenderness, emotional depth, kindness, gentleness, benevolence and adoration are all masculine traits. All men inherently possess these characteristics, and all women inherently do not possess these characteristics

Well gosh I must be seeing 99 percent of mainstream NPC men going against their real nature then :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

People who blanket all women or all men as possessing some negative traits or lacking in any sort of positive trait, that they are all evil basically is just completely blind and stupid. I've gotten shit from feminists and MGTOW and "blackpill" people who insist on playing the victim and muh all opposite sex is (insert blanket statement here) good job helping the kikes divide and conquer.

None of the aforementioned groups in my comment here would like this statement because it takes away their lazy entitlement to play the victim, and thus also ignore the root causes of why people regardless of having XX or XY in general are rotten.
Abyssos said:
Love, romance, sincerity, authenticity, intimacy, tenderness, emotional depth, kindness, gentleness, benevolence and adoration are all masculine traits. All men inherently possess these characteristics, and all women inherently do not possess these characteristics. There are very few women on Earth capable of exhibiting any of the above described characteristics.

Men are the romantic sex, women are the cold, pragmatic, calculating sex. Women are not inherently capable of benevolence, and nurturing does not come naturally to women. Men are extremely nurturing by nature. Go outside and look at any man you see, all the big rough burly men that you see are giant teddy bears who have to endure the torment of life and pretend that they don't want to just give a woman love and affection with abandon. Any man that claims otherwise is lying, and if they're not lying, then they're not human.
Interesting point. As a woman I wouldn't disagree fully actually. I thought I was the minority in regards to the above, but perhaps not. Well read academics like Jordan Peterson tend to push that women are maternal, and then I learnt he/his family has a religious bias just like Darwin, unfortunately. U hav uterus nd push ouT babeez so u must luv it no excepshunz don't queschun my logic!!

I really feel like this idea was spoon fed to us by christianity, just like monogamy. That's why I find it annoying that Satanism pushes these as virtues too. You can create life in so many ways. If you want children, have them, and if you don't - don't. That's obviously pragmatic and not reality for most people - but I believe that's the way it should truly be in a Satanic society.
We are about free will, speech, choice etc but we should force people to have children? If you don't have children, then you have nothing to do with the divine feminine/masculine? You do not have the ability to be mature, as if having children is the final deciding factor on that? You are big baby uncaring Satanist, *ptoo* diSgusTinG!
This just makes no sense. I believe the birth rate wouldn't be declining and people would choose to have children anyway under a Satanic society, because it would be supported, easy and encouraged. I believe this is a core issue, and has nothing to do with gender wars.
Anyways, leave me, my business and my uterus alone and we have no problems. Call me divorcable and infertile all you want, it's just hilarious to me. Because it's mine - yes, mine in particular - fault that humanity's birth rate is declining...

In most cases, most men I've dated, unfortunately for me, wanted children. I believe you will find stats out there that will support this statement as well. I attempted to break up with my current boyfriend because I thought he wanted children too (that was a misunderstanding). This is an issue I will constantly be revisiting, because of your original point.

However, would you be so kind as to entertain my curiosity - can you list what you believe women inherently have, if not those particular characteristics?

I don't know if this is fully to do with "nature" of sexes, in my opinion, I think a lot of this has to do with societal influence. If we want children, we have less than 22 years to pick a partner good enough [whatever that standard may be and this varies GREATLY] to breed with. Unless you want to carry a high risk pregnancy. To be "cold, pragmatic and calculating" here would most likely be an understatement. It's not hard to create children but [in my opinion] it is hard to find worthy partners in such a short amount of time.
And then there's the fact that most women out there on their singular income will not be able to afford their own house without a partner. So we are still forced to partner up regardless unless we are lucky and land an awesome paying job. I believe if women felt financial security on their own without feeling forced, it is a more stable foundation to build upon and not reliant on fear, desperation and rushing to get the job done. And perhaps as a result, more wanted/planned and happy pregnancies.
Abyssos said:
Shadowcat said:
Well gosh I must be seeing 99 percent of mainstream NPC men going against their real nature then :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

People who blanket all women or all men as possessing some negative traits or lacking in any sort of positive trait, that they are all evil basically is just completely blind and stupid. I've gotten shit from feminists and MGTOW and "blackpill" people who insist on playing the victim and muh all opposite sex is (insert blanket statement here) good job helping the kikes divide and conquer.

None of the aforementioned groups in my comment here would like this statement because it takes away their lazy entitlement to play the victim, and thus also ignore the root causes of why people regardless of having XX or XY in general are rotten.


"There's not just one driver that's going the wrong way on the highway, there's thousands of them!"

If you want to put it in that analogy sure.

Look at all the fatalities and accidents on the road on the daily then in this case. Literally thousands. People don't know how to drive. Not on the road nor in life.
Soul Wings said:
Abyssos said:
Love, romance, sincerity, authenticity, intimacy, tenderness, emotional depth, kindness, gentleness, benevolence and adoration are all masculine traits. All men inherently possess these characteristics, and all women inherently do not possess these characteristics. There are very few women on Earth capable of exhibiting any of the above described characteristics.

Men are the romantic sex, women are the cold, pragmatic, calculating sex. Women are not inherently capable of benevolence, and nurturing does not come naturally to women. Men are extremely nurturing by nature. Go outside and look at any man you see, all the big rough burly men that you see are giant teddy bears who have to endure the torment of life and pretend that they don't want to just give a woman love and affection with abandon. Any man that claims otherwise is lying, and if they're not lying, then they're not human.
Interesting point. As a woman I wouldn't disagree fully actually. I thought I was the minority in regards to the above, but perhaps not. Well read academics like Jordan Peterson tend to push that women are maternal, and then I learnt he/his family has a religious bias just like Darwin, unfortunately. U hav uterus nd push ouT babeez so u must luv it no excepshunz don't queschun my logic!!

I really feel like this idea was spoon fed to us by christianity, just like monogamy. That's why I find it annoying that Satanism pushes these as virtues too. You can create life in so many ways. If you want children, have them, and if you don't - don't. That's obviously pragmatic and not reality for most people - but I believe that's the way it should truly be in a Satanic society.
We are about free will, speech, choice etc but we should force people to have children? If you don't have children, then you have nothing to do with the divine feminine/masculine? You do not have the ability to be mature, as if having children is the final deciding factor on that? You are big baby uncaring Satanist, *ptoo* diSgusTinG!
This just makes no sense. I believe the birth rate wouldn't be declining and people would choose to have children anyway under a Satanic society, because it would be supported, easy and encouraged. I believe this is a core issue, and has nothing to do with gender wars.
Anyways, leave me, my business and my uterus alone and we have no problems. Call me divorcable and infertile all you want, it's just hilarious to me. Because it's mine - yes, mine in particular - fault that humanity's birth rate is declining...

In most cases, most men I've dated, unfortunately for me, wanted children. I believe you will find stats out there that will support this statement as well. I attempted to break up with my current boyfriend because I thought he wanted children too (that was a misunderstanding). This is an issue I will constantly be revisiting, because of your original point.

However, would you be so kind as to entertain my curiosity - can you list what you believe women inherently have, if not those particular characteristics?

I don't know if this is fully to do with "nature" of sexes, in my opinion, I think a lot of this has to do with societal influence. If we want children, we have less than 22 years to pick a partner good enough [whatever that standard may be and this varies GREATLY] to breed with. Unless you want to carry a high risk pregnancy. To be "cold, pragmatic and calculating" here would most likely be an understatement. It's not hard to create children but [in my opinion] it is hard to find worthy partners in such a short amount of time.
And then there's the fact that most women out there on their singular income will not be able to afford their own house without a partner. So we are still forced to partner up regardless unless we are lucky and land an awesome paying job. I believe if women felt financial security on their own without feeling forced, it is a more stable foundation to build upon and not reliant on fear, desperation and rushing to get the job done. And perhaps as a result, more wanted/planned and happy pregnancies.
What is actually funny and hilarious is that the question about what do you do with the Migrants at the moment who are ethnically displacing you if you do not have babies and "It is your Choice" is never explained.

Lets grant this hypthetical scenario that okay ,everyone should have free choice. This free choice leads the majority of Whites to not being able to reproduce and have below replacement level Birthrates.

The counter argument is always that "Quality ,not Quantity" and the idea is that every single child must be cared for and sent to a good school etc,and the only way that this is going to happen is when the Entirety of the United States changes somehow and everyone gets a well paying Job.

However this argument is instantly discarded by looking at the Nordic Countries who because of their Oil Wealth have Socialized Healthcare, pay women to have children and handle various allowances to have children.

And still they are below replacement rate fertility. So the Economic Argument is destroyed. Even extremely comfortable countries whose economies aren't fucked are still below replacement rates.

Hilariously Russia has 70+ percent divorce rate and is also below replacement rate and is looked at as some kind of Traditionalist Heaven by the Right Wing.

Every single country that has allowed freedom to flourish within their societies has gone under. The developed Asian and Whites being the Central Ones.

So the Current Problems facing the Whites are
1) Migrants are currently ethnically replacing the Whites. Actually Gen Alpha is already majority Non White with Millions coming over the Border everyday. In some Decades even if the Migrant Invasion is stopped, the Whites will be a Minority with their current Birth Rates. Unless if you remove the one Non Whites who are already Citizens.

2) Even if all the Migrants were kicked out with the Current Societal structure the White Countries are still below replacement rate and will be like Japan or the Nordic Countries.

There is no scenario where "Freedom" is conducive to a Pro White Society.

The Migrants somehow manage to take care of 4 children while making a minimum wage job and they are called Savages while the Intelligent Ones who want to wait are the ones getting replaced.

This situation has been happening since the 1960's with no end of a political change in sight.

The only way to tip the scales is if the Whites have an awakening and start reproducing with a religious zeal to preserve the race with atleast 4 to 5 babies each. Only then will they have a chance of averting the population demise.

The Foundational Objective for every single JOS member should be to fulfill this duty. Not Liberal Platitudes of Freedom and Choice which has lead to this problem in the first place.

Work with the current situation in mind. When things change, you adapt. Simple as that.

Im not going to argue this point anymore. This argument has happened many a times with no answer in sight.

It was just something on my mind. If you're someone who is reading this and you see the problem ,you should try everything you can to do your part and don't listen to anyone else.
Abyssos said:
I will be on the war path and will cut down all that gets in my way without remorse until I have secured a future where all White Men of good character will be able to have a woman that they can love.

But you can't do that if you keep saying lies about women. Most women are inherently nurturing and enjoy romance etc. Some aren't, that can easily be seen in natal charts, just like how not all men are the same.

Perhaps the women you meet put on an act to cover their insecurities, or perhaps they have been brainwashed by social media. This does not mean they are inherently not romantic or nurturing.

I'd say most people, both genders, are inherently loving and nurturing, because people are social creatures who do best by pairing up with another. Love and emotional support brings out the best in everyone.

The Gods encourage us to work together, not apart. This is how we were created.
Abyssos said:
I will be on the war path and will cut down all that gets in my way without remorse until I have secured a future where all White Men of good character will be able to have a woman that they can love.

sounds like a lie to me, where you try to dind excuses. A warrior has no hangups with women, and is able to get many he desires.
Abyssos said:
Love, romance, sincerity, authenticity, intimacy, tenderness, emotional depth, kindness, gentleness, benevolence and adoration are all masculine traits. All men inherently possess these characteristics, and all women inherently do not possess these characteristics.

Neither love or romance is mentioned in my post. Love is an emotion and not a trait, which both men and women are capable or experiencing. How and in what way is individual and not depending on gender, just like personal traits in general. I don't really see how women could not feel love or want intimacy. My experience tells me different.

Further on; feminin nature is not specifically about love or tenderness, but more specifically about being in touch with the soul and the inner emotions regardless of which emotions.
What you describe sounds more like how feminism programs women to become, and not how women actually are inherently.

The question I had though was if men who hates women generally speaking often are feminine themselves (like the example with Elliot Rogers), just like women who hates men often may be masculine themselves.

Another thing I've wondered about, is if the notion of men and women being "from different planets" actually might be quite illusionary.
Much of this might have to do with feminism and women not wanting to open up themselves that easily to a man they do not yet know (having a wall/shield that does not come down that easily, which feminism also makes 10 times stronger).

But after she puts her guard down to a certain man, this notion can change from "different planet" to same planet quite quickly, in my experience anyway.
General Yeager said:

Very insightful General. I have thought about this a great deal and always reach the same conclusion to answer the mental simulation. Having 4 or 5 kids minimum is part of the solution that is much more complex and also unfortunately includes unavoidable physical confrontation with the goal of imposing a new set of rules. The migrants have to go back (at least most of them) and it won't be a pleasant process.

Another thing about raising birthrates is the way to create conditions necessary for a motivated population to work for its survival. I don't mean the economic aspect of this, as you said it is proven that this is not enough. What people need is hope, potential for an improving future for their offspring and above all a driving force which can only come from a spiritual rebirth (rising of the collective conscious level). Distancing the people from the enemy programs and bringing our vision of reality to fruition cannot be achieved by waiting or mere physical action. We need to deal with this situation we're in exactly how we're doing it, just more intensely than before.

I'm doing my part to the best of my abilities but still have the feeling that it would be far from sufficient especially considering our numbers if it weren't for the divine assistance that changes everything.

The opposite of what the mindless hordes of muslims or whatever kind of degenerate deathcult are doing is the functioning of a healthy satanic family and society but that can only be made possible by domination, victory in this war that we're in and it will be very painful just as any healing from a potentially fatal disease.

Fight, build/rebuild - maintain, evolve.
On the subject of masculinity; I once read that there is a saying within Taoism, which I think is a key aspect of what makes up an ideal man: "Yang exists on the outside in order to protect yin".

Not only should a man strive to protect women/his woman, but as a human of any gender one should also protect ones inner self with thinking positively and counter negative thoughts using the thought-power of Yang.

One sad thing about feminism though; is that it programs women to protect themselves and never let any man do that for them, or lead them/dominate them in any way at all, since that is seen a something of unequality and therefore wrong.
Even having heterosex is seen by some feminists as wrong, since the man has the dominant role in it (naturally).

Many feminists strongly push the notion that sex is a social construct (man and woman does not really exist) in order to erase what is natural. Partly so since they always look upon dominance/being led by a man as something degrading and insulting.
This is a sad thing, since the good man who really wants to protect and love a woman in this sense becomes disallowed from acting out his natural role as a man.

Since feminism generally promotes the idea that men are creeps it also makes it more difficult for men to befriend women. To be able to have female friends is key for any man to understand women generally, and likewise for women to understand men, thus also erasing any judgemental thoughts about the opposite gender. Not to be underestimated.
Umun said:
General Yeager said:

Very insightful General. I have thought about this a great deal and always reach the same conclusion to answer the mental simulation. Having 4 or 5 kids minimum is part of the solution that is much more complex and also unfortunately includes unavoidable physical confrontation with the goal of imposing a new set of rules. The migrants have to go back (at least most of them) and it won't be a pleasant process.

Another thing about raising birthrates is the way to create conditions necessary for a motivated population to work for its survival. I don't mean the economic aspect of this, as you said it is proven that this is not enough. What people need is hope, potential for an improving future for their offspring and above all a driving force which can only come from a spiritual rebirth (rising of the collective conscious level). Distancing the people from the enemy programs and bringing our vision of reality to fruition cannot be achieved by waiting or mere physical action. We need to deal with this situation we're in exactly how we're doing it, just more intensely than before.

I'm doing my part to the best of my abilities but still have the feeling that it would be far from sufficient especially considering our numbers if it weren't for the divine assistance that changes everything.

The opposite of what the mindless hordes of muslims or whatever kind of degenerate deathcult are doing is the functioning of a healthy satanic family and society but that can only be made possible by domination, victory in this war that we're in and it will be very painful just as any healing from a potentially fatal disease.

Fight, build/rebuild - maintain, evolve.
The one First World State with an Above Replacement Rate Birth Rate is Israel. And the One thing the Whites can learn from the Enemy is that they have a religious compulsion to have many children and are inherently Racist.

Over the Years a major portion of White men have become Racist and have begun to have children. But it is certainly not enough.

The Right Wing believe China is the great enemy when they are ALSO below replacement birth rate and going to end up like Japan within a Century. The enemy are the Jews who are facilitating the Migrant crisis and also the Migrants who are replacing the Whites.

No matter what it is ,the only way to get out of this situation is a fanatical Religious Zeal dedicated to saving the White Race. And doing whatever it takes to have as many children as possible.
xlnt said:
The question I had though was if men who hates women generally speaking often are feminine themselves (like the example with Elliot Rogers), just like women who hates men often may be masculine themselves.

There are masculine women who have male friends, and feminine men who have female friends.

But there definitely are masculine women who hate men, perhaps because they see men as a threat to their own masculinity? And the same for feminine men who hate women. It's almost like they themselves want to be the gender, so they project hate to the whole gender out of jealousy.

As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.
I am not saying these aren't issues. With my Satanic principles personally, I just think expecting/forcing people to have 4-5 children each without poverty [or protest for that matter] is unrealistic. I would argue managing 4-5 children among full time work would cause neglect to the children. In fact, I think this could make the birth rate issue worse. You can look to Romania and "Decree 770" to see what horrors will happen there - it caused major suffering, and in the end, it didn't solve the issue.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474909 time=1701239896 user_id=57]
xlnt said:
The question I had though was if men who hates women generally speaking often are feminine themselves (like the example with Elliot Rogers), just like women who hates men often may be masculine themselves.

There are masculine women who have male friends, and feminine men who have female friends.

But there definitely are masculine women who hate men, perhaps because they see men as a threat to their own masculinity? And the same for feminine men who hate women. It's almost like they themselves want to be the gender, so they project hate to the whole gender out of jealousy.

As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.
I don't think its that deep. The most probable answer is simply because they can't achieve the ideals of the opposite gender they have in their heads and that they are hateful of the opposite gender because of it.

Instead of Healing their trauma and moving with a realistic ideal in mind, they lash out in anger and hatred towards the opposite sex.

For Example, Andrew Anglin who is 5'3 has never had a long term partner because Women reject him incessantly because of his height. Instead of accepting reality he made an entire Ideology of Hate against women which has poisoned the Reactionary Right.

All of this Women Hate just comes from never being able to find a suitable partner and not looking yourself at the mirror.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474909 time=1701239896 user_id=57]
As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.
How do you find friends that are male that don't secretly like you, that aren't gay or something? Even having a girlfriend or getting married doesn't mean shit these days.
A few women I know has had some guy friend profess their love after X years thinking they are just friends. It's just so off putting that I'd even consider doing workings against this shit just to have male friendship again. The last genuine male friendship [aside from my partner] I feel I had was when I was a kid :/
General Yeager said:
For Example, Andrew Anglin who is 5'3 has never had a long term partner because Women reject him incessantly because of his height. Instead of accepting reality he made an entire Ideology of Hate against women which has poisoned the Reactionary Right.

All of this Women Hate just comes from never being able to find a suitable partner and not looking yourself at the mirror.

There are men that short who have life-long wives, so there goes that theory. Men tell men that women care that much about height, but most women don't. They might prefer if a man is taller, but it's not a non-negotiable standard.

A lot of problems are from expecting validation from every single man/woman they meet. This is unrealistic.
Soul Wings said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474909 time=1701239896 user_id=57]
As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.
How do you find friends that are male that don't secretly like you, that aren't gay or something? Even having a girlfriend or getting married doesn't mean shit these days.
A few women I know has had some guy friend profess their love after X years thinking they are just friends. It's just so off putting that I'd even consider doing workings against this shit just to have male friendship again. The last genuine male friendship [aside from my partner] I feel I had was when I was a kid :/
That does happen, or they try to have sex because of "friends with benefits" culture.

There needs to be boundaries, and not expecting an opposite-gender friends to be the exact same as same-gender friends, or things can get confusing. But other feelings do happen, it's part of life, but the crush hopefully goes away soon enough.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474932 time=1701260688 user_id=57]
General Yeager said:
For Example, Andrew Anglin who is 5'3 has never had a long term partner because Women reject him incessantly because of his height. Instead of accepting reality he made an entire Ideology of Hate against women which has poisoned the Reactionary Right.

All of this Women Hate just comes from never being able to find a suitable partner and not looking yourself at the mirror.

There are men that short who have life-long wives, so there goes that theory. Men tell men that women care that much about height, but most women don't. They might prefer if a man is taller, but it's not a non-negotiable standard.

A lot of problems are from expecting validation from every single man/woman they meet. This is unrealistic.
Well obviously he hasn't taken his ego out of the equation and approached the amount of women he needs because any man will find a woman when he approaches enough women. Im talking about the Root Cause of the issue. I dont really care why these people have barren love lives and honestly could care less.
Soul Wings said:
I am not saying these aren't issues. With my Satanic principles personally, I just think expecting/forcing people to have 4-5 children each without poverty [or protest for that matter] is unrealistic. I would argue managing 4-5 children among full time work would cause neglect to the children. In fact, I think this could make the birth rate issue worse. You can look to Romania and "Decree 770" to see what horrors will happen there - it caused major suffering, and in the end, it didn't solve the issue.
Decree 770 was a success even if the Children were Neglected. Its not Unrealistic if the Non Whites are doing it. The Whites will wait to be economically Rich (which will never come to the vast majority of people) and then make atbest 2 children and in that time the Non Whites will have replaced the Whites.

All that empathy for the Children will be superseded by the Fact that in just two to three Generation Whites will become Minorities in their Own Countries.

Eventually ,it didn't matter that you were empathetic to the current children and tried to give everyone a Comfortable life because their Descendants would be Minorities in their OWN countries having lost the power to change things.

The issue of Neglect and the same can be dealt with after some generations where the Birth Rates increases and Stabilizes. During a War ,children and families suffer. That is the reality of the world and the current situation is not different. The Children can be looked after by the Grandparents or the Grandmother.

Your Idea simply leads to a Stalemate where the Whites get replaced
1)Wait to get a comfortable situation to raise the kids (Never will happen for the Vast majority of people)
2)While The Migrants don't care about any of that and will make kids in squalor who will replace the Whites.

Just because the Non Whites aren't piling bodies on the Floor doesn't mean there isn't a War going on.

This is a War of Attrition. The Bottlenecks were necessarily created because the Social Engineers who Engineered this War Plan know that the Whites will have the Natural First World Instinct to take care of the Children first instead of rushing to make babies but the migrants won't. Which is how they win.

By a brutal prolonged war of attrition.

Have you seen the videos where the Migrants in Europe Rape Whites and beat them up, break into the Houses of Whites and the Government doesn't do anything ? That will happen en masse unless Whites Take Drastic Action to prevent this.

1)Deport all the Migrants and majority of Non Whites who just became Citizens after the Migrant crisis started within 10 years and close the Borders permanently.
2)Adapt and have as many kids as the Migrants are having and in the end they'll have atleast a fighting chance.

No matter how many RTRs one does ,the greatest thing a White can do in this current age is to have Children. And specifically an SS atleast has the spiritual power to get rich and give these kids a comfortable life.

An SS has NO excuse since he has the spiritual power to get the life he wants.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474932 time=1701260688 user_id=57]
General Yeager said:
For Example, Andrew Anglin who is 5'3 has never had a long term partner because Women reject him incessantly because of his height. Instead of accepting reality he made an entire Ideology of Hate against women which has poisoned the Reactionary Right.

All of this Women Hate just comes from never being able to find a suitable partner and not looking yourself at the mirror.

There are men that short who have life-long wives, so there goes that theory. Men tell men that women care that much about height, but most women don't. They might prefer if a man is taller, but it's not a non-negotiable standard.

A lot of problems are from expecting validation from every single man/woman they meet. This is unrealistic.

They really don't. Some may but it's not emphasized as most think. I've crushed on guys before who were shorter and in one case of someone I liked some years ago I found out he was shorter when I stood next to him and it increased his cuteness factor to me even :lol:
Trying to motivate people to have kids via fear is not a good strategy. People want to have kids when they feel it is likely their kids will be able to enjoy a safe life. Many people's hangups regarding children likely stem from previous intense pain due to losing a child. So forcing/threatening people to have kids is likely a bad strategy. White people especially, need to feel that there is a safe community in which they can raise children.

A better strategy employs multiple prongs and permits for a broader variation in personalities:
-Inform our kin of the problems they face and the things we are doing to mitigate the emergent risks. Sometimes shock therapy is necessary, but women are not going to be motivated to have kids by grotesque race war narratives. They need to be made to feel more safe, not less.
-Explicate the value of having children while letting people know that their are different ways to serve your folk: "Having children is an honorable and good thing, and those who give of themselves in this way will receive special valor, blessings, and support from our racial community. Those who chose not to or who cannot [due to genetic illness, serious mental problems, etc] can make sure that they use their individual time to benefit their folk, by donating their excess time and money to our noble cause".

We are a k-selected people, the post-birth investment into offspring is a bigger part of our strategy than number alone. And sometimes it is strategically most efficient when a few select individuals can invest their own energy into the community as a whole, rather than their specific offspring. I think this is called the "gay uncle" theory in evolutionary psychology, but the logic is obviously not limited to homosexuals, or primarily associated with them necessarily.
I don’t think the people you described have masculine or feminine traits.

If I were to have to describe what femininity and masculinity are I’d say women have beauty and men have spirit.

I’ll elaborate a little, beauty is a little bit more then looks in the spiritual sense. I think of it as a shinning soul that radiates out. Things are drawn to it and naturally come. They could cast a spell and get a promotion at work because the boss likes them or will have the love of their life walk up and offer themselves to them. Magic in a feminine sense is about manifesting the things they want and spiritual development is about preparing themselves to be receptive to good things. They are natural artist as the energy they put into they’re work draws people in and makes them feel things.

Spirit is about the will to acquire and experience things, men have the longing for love within themselves a want to become more and a quest for a meaningful life they must undertake. A masculine soul draws life into in in order to forge and self actualize. Manifestation and magic look like foolish superstition to most men because they are used to having to earn ever moment of happiness and important they get, things coming their way is a strange concept to someone living in a competition. Magic for men should be to work on improving the soul to make it more fit to win the prizes it seeks and to motivate yourself to keep doing they physical things needed for the spell to manifest.

I’ve met a couple of feminine men in my life who just naturally have peeked my interest and drawn me in, interestingly enough it doesn’t have anything to do with how womanly they appear. I’ve met regular dudes who are totally straight that had a magnetism that trannies homosexuals would murder for. It was just something in their souls. It doesn’t have to be a romantic thing though natural leadership qualities are a feminine manifestation of a man’s soul.

I don’t believe that Elliot Rogoers had a feminine ability to draw in the things that he wanted simply being he was beautiful, he and a spirit that burned that never used it’s fire to forge what it wants.

A masculine woman would be one that has passion for a particular thing and wants to learn all the little details about it women with autism are pretty easy to talk to because they are vary masculine and you can treat them like one of the boys, women are pretty judgmental and have a natural understanding of social dynamics, a masculine woman would be one that decides for herself what she likes rather then look constantly being on the lookout for status indicators. My mother was the one to ask my father on a date and that was a vary masculine thing of her to do.

A feminist has no masculine traits there is no will to achieve or become something grate to seize love and beauty from the world. Feminism is born from resentment that men don’t simply bow down and give them everything they want without asking for anything in return.

Men and women who lack feminine and masculine traits do not become the other thing by default they are simply living a smaller life.

A man has beauty when the positive attributes he has acquired with his spirit shine threw, I know a man in his sixties who has spent hour a day in the gym and he is beautiful to behold by the nature of his virtues. When it come to women they do have to learn that wile life hands them meany things men greatly exaggerate this and that if they do want something and life hasn’t given it to them courage would serve them well and that one you are the one who go gets you get to pick exactly what it is you want.
HailVictory88 said:
Trying to motivate people to have kids via fear is not a good strategy. People want to have kids when they feel it is likely their kids will be able to enjoy a safe life. Many people's hangups regarding children likely stem from previous intense pain due to losing a child. So forcing/threatening people to have kids is likely a bad strategy. White people especially, need to feel that there is a safe community in which they can raise children.

A better strategy employs multiple prongs and permits for a broader variation in personalities:
-Inform our kin of the problems they face and the things we are doing to mitigate the emergent risks. Sometimes shock therapy is necessary, but women are not going to be motivated to have kids by grotesque race war narratives. They need to be made to feel more safe, not less.
-Explicate the value of having children while letting people know that their are different ways to serve your folk: "Having children is an honorable and good thing, and those who give of themselves in this way will receive special valor, blessings, and support from our racial community. Those who chose not to or who cannot [due to genetic illness, serious mental problems, etc] can make sure that they use their individual time to benefit their folk, by donating their excess time and money to our noble cause".

We are a k-selected people, the post-birth investment into offspring is a bigger part of our strategy than number alone. And sometimes it is strategically most efficient when a few select individuals can invest their own energy into the community as a whole, rather than their specific offspring. I think this is called the "gay uncle" theory in evolutionary psychology, but the logic is obviously not limited to homosexuals, or primarily associated with them necessarily.
To note ,I did not tell anyone that they should have Children because of Fear. I said in the beginning that the Primary reasons for Having Children must be Religious in Nature.

I was elucidating the point about what not Having children for whatever reason eventually leads.

In the best interest of not promoting Bleakness and Despair However, I will stop and not engage in this anymore than I have already done because all of this leads is endless arguments without any end in sight

My only hope is for the Young people to look at what I'm saying and heed the call. You are the last hope.

True, I wasn't talking about you or anyone specifically, I should have clarified. And I agree that the situation is very dire, I think about it every day. But I still think that the proper strategy is broad enough to accommodate a moderate range of skills and tendencies.

If there were 50 million Whites but we had a relentless focus, unabashed pride, and endless bravery, I think we would have a fighting chance. And if there are 1 billion Whites but as a group we are unfocused and unwilling to take our own side, then we are still stuck in crisis. [Not that numbers aren't important, they are very important, but they're still part of a multifactorial situation.] So just as someone who increases our number is heroic, so too is someone who strives to purify and perfect our collective soul. What matters is that one understands their particular vocation and pursues it with perfect intensity and will. I do think most of us are probably called to have children as part of this, and that such people will naturally want to do this and find joy in it.
General Yeager

And what do you do if women of your own age already have difficulties to have children, look for a woman 20 years younger than you and who could be your daughter? which I find that aberrant.
And I also think it's bullshit to end up in a relationship with someone you don't love or even an arranged relationship just "because it's my duty to have children" as if you were a xian preacher with that issue.
No one is going to force me to do that, even if they threaten me with go to prison or something similar if I refuse.
Wotanwarrior said:
General Yeager

And what do you do if women of your own age already have difficulties to have children, look for a woman 20 years younger than you and who could be your daughter? which I find that aberrant.
And I also think it's bullshit to end up in a relationship with someone you don't love or even an arranged relationship just "because it's my duty to have children" as if you were a xian preacher with that issue.
No one is going to force me to do that, even if they threaten me with go to prison or something similar if I refuse.
I feel for you. You are of an age where the Women cant have children and you don't want to go down your age because of your preference. Perfectly fine and no one's forcing you to do anything. May Satan give peace to you in your heart.
Soul Wings said:
How do you find friends that are male that don't secretly like you, that aren't gay or something? Even having a girlfriend or getting married doesn't mean shit these days.
A few women I know has had some guy friend profess their love after X years thinking they are just friends. It's just so off putting that I'd even consider doing workings against this shit just to have male friendship again. The last genuine male friendship [aside from my partner] I feel I had was when I was a kid :/

To really explore this subject, a lot needs to be written, I'm only scratching the surface here from what I have seen, and from personal experience.

I cannot speak for every man, only for myself, and this may sound strange or odd, however as a man who has always had a disproportionate amount of female friends, you won't be friends with a woman that you don't like, and this feeling of like, is not different from the feeling of attraction towards a love interest, it just manifests differently depending on the kind of relationship you build with her.

What sets this apart, is the boundary that is decided from the start of a friendship.

In a way, if a woman I was friends with asked me if I liked them, I would be lying if I said no, however I am friends with them, therefore this like manifests differently.

Yes I like you, but we are friends, so desires that aren't conductive to a friendship are brushed off.

This is not a crush or a deep love interest, but sometimes even such feelings do grow, however a good man knows these feeling come and go, and that in reality love and desire is a choice, same as the way you express this. Friendship is also a choice, so is any relationship and any interaction with another person.

I choose to be friends, and not desire more than that with the woman that I end up being friends with, because this is my choice, it stays this way. However, in reality, friendship is also a mutual choice. Just like how a love relationship cannot be one sided, a friendship also cannot be one sided.

So, both people choose to develop a certain kind of relationship, in this case a friendship, and so it stays. Usually, I would let the woman decide the boundary and set the pace, I notice this and respect this, and choose to develop this according to these boundaries, in this way, an attraction forms a friendship and not something else.

This does not work if I have a crush on a woman from the start, if in such a case I notice a woman sets certain boundaries and is not interested, I respect this and don't try to compensate for my feelings by being friends, as there is no mutual choice here.

Some men will decide to compensate and in order to be close to their crush, they will be friends, but in their heart they don't accept this and want more, which is not conductive to any friendship, as the boundaries need to be set from the start, and the choice to be friends must be mutual.

When a boundary is set from the start, a mutual agreement that there will be friendship, but nothing more, then this is the direction the feelings will develop, which at the highest levels of friendship can become a platonic love.

That said, other feelings do not have to be a barrier to friendship, as friendship can coexist with other feelings being present, when a healthy and positive friendship is maintained these feelings will transform with time into something non intrusive.

This does depend on the person however, some men will not be able to approach friendship without other intentions, and they will not be able to let feelings pass, they may be thinking or wishing they have a chance, because they haven't acknowledged the boundaries and accepted this, or perhaps they are too lonely and unfulfilled in life to have friends of the opposite gender.

A man who is fulfilled, or a man who has proper control over his desires and his mind, will not muddy the waters in a friendship.

As I said with my own example, starting a friendship with a man who has a crush on you to start, does not work, as the man will not want to just be friends, the friendship is in his mind a gateway to be with his crush, this is where the "friend zoning" comes from.

You can still become friends with such a person, only after the crush fades and goes away with time, then there is room for friendship to develop.

If a crush later develops after a friendship is already established, this usually goes away, as there a lot of factors that can temporarily manifest such feelings (transits can be a major factor here).

To have a successful friendship, it is also important that a woman will be consistent with her boundaries, and does not at any point send mixed signals herself, otherwise things will become confusing.

Most men do not have the self control or the inner stability to look past this and maintain friendship rather than anything else, as I said, most likely your male friends will like you and find you an attractive person, but in a friendship this attraction is transformed into an appreciation and care devoid of desire, because the man will subconsciously understand your intentions and boundaries and choose to develop your mutual friendship in accordance with these.

You do need to approach friendship with the opposite gender differently, you cannot expect the same level of openness or physical comfort with a friend of the opposite gender, unless in very rare instances or with a true platonic love.

I'll just say that friends should at the least be able to hug each other comfortably without worry of any other intentions or desires cropping up, and you should be able to speak about personal or emotional topics comfortably without other intentions surfacing.

If you have a friendship with a man, and he does suddenly seemingly out of nowhere confess to you, you can try to interrupt him and just stop him right there, remind him you are friends and don't be too surprised by this.

Just literally stop him before he finishes, and approach this as a friend, remind him that you're friends, don't take this too seriously at all, and be casual but direct about it, like "Dude, we're friends yeah.", or however you'd speak with them.

See how he takes it and how he reacts, and how he acts afterwards in the days to come.

If he agrees and is calm and understanding, or if he becomes shy and retreats, or he is back to his usual self in how he responds this is not an issue, just a temporary thing that he can overcome and does not have to break a friendship.

If he feels stupid or apologizes, even better, as he will be fine and won't let such feelings develop anymore. He might beat himself up over it though, and may need some reassurance that it's all good to move on from this hiccup.

You can and should talk about it with him after that, talk about it openly and casually, this will help him let this out and get over it and it will help you regain trust and comfort around him as well, later on you may be able to laugh about it together as a funny episode.

But if this is too difficult for you to do yourself, you may need to come to terms with this yourself as well that such things can happen and that it doesn't have to be something that tarnished an otherwise perfectly fine friendship.

If he freaks out, or gets emotionally unstable, especially if he gets upset or angry, you should break contact with him and end association, since this is not safe or possible to have friendship with a person in such a state.

Lastly I will say, never befriend a man out of pity, or befriend one just to be nice. This will be misunderstood and will not work.

Nobody is friends with people out of such shallow feelings, and nobody is friends just to be nice. If that is all, then yet be friendly towards them, but don't befriend them.

Only befriend men that you can like as a person and that you actually like.

Then make the choice to be friends. As this goes both ways.

You can only be true friends with a person that you truly enjoy being around and that you really appreciate in your heart, a person that lifts your mood and brightens your day. This can only be with people you like.

In opposite gender relationships, it is then a choice to develop this like into a friendship and not something else.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474934 time=1701261111 user_id=57]
Soul Wings said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474909 time=1701239896 user_id=57]
As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.
How do you find friends that are male that don't secretly like you, that aren't gay or something? Even having a girlfriend or getting married doesn't mean shit these days.
A few women I know has had some guy friend profess their love after X years thinking they are just friends. It's just so off putting that I'd even consider doing workings against this shit just to have male friendship again. The last genuine male friendship [aside from my partner] I feel I had was when I was a kid :/
That does happen, or they try to have sex because of "friends with benefits" culture.

There needs to be boundaries, and not expecting an opposite-gender friends to be the exact same as same-gender friends, or things can get confusing. But other feelings do happen, it's part of life, but the crush hopefully goes away soon enough.

I highly agree with this pov. As long as you and the other person are mature then communicating this part shouldn't be that difficult but even communication between people is none existent these days and people start assuming and imagining things and letting themselves believe things that aren't there.

I do feel like the way one acts around their male or female friends will be different in general excluding the minor exceptions or other slightly different situations.

I never had a problem just having platonic female friends even if they are objectively pretty.

Yes, I like them but not in a sexual attraction manner. I like them as a person. Their personality resonates with mine as friends and that's it.

Past a point mature thought, soul advancement and deprogramming its really simple to separate the feeling of finding someone beautiful purely objectively and still be their platonic friend.

Seeing where humanity is today its of no surprise why female and male platonic friendships are incredibly rare.
VoiceofEnki said:
Some men will decide to compensate and in order to be close to their crush, they will be friends, but in their heart they don't accept this and want more, which is not conductive to any friendship, as the boundaries need to be set from the start, and the choice to be friends must be mutual.
This does depend on the person however, some men will not be able to approach friendship without other intentions, and they will not be able to let feelings pass, they may be thinking or wishing they have a chance, because they haven't acknowledged the boundaries and accepted this, or perhaps they are too lonely and unfulfilled in life to have friends of the opposite gender.
A man who is fulfilled, or a man who has proper control over his desires and his mind, will not muddy the waters in a friendship.

To have a successful friendship, it is also important that a woman will be consistent with her boundaries, and does not at any point send mixed signals herself, otherwise things will become confusing.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been screamed at because I have been clear, honest, polite and direct about these things. I have also been accused of having a big ego for asserting these boundaries with men, because how dare I assume they want something from me. But men see a smiley face or a smile as flirting or mixed signals these days, so it is a bit unfair in my opinion to put the entire onus of desperate men on women. It is all so emotionally painful and damaging that it doesn't feel worth the bother.
How am I supposed to know whether a man is like this or not. Referring to what I said in my OP, women, myself included, are clueless to this behaviour, because men are intentionally decietful about this. I guess divination could be useful here as Tarot can draw out secrets?

If you have a friendship with a man, and he does suddenly seemingly out of nowhere confess to you, you can try to interrupt him and just stop him right there, remind him you are friends and don't be too surprised by this.

Just literally stop him before he finishes, and approach this as a friend, remind him that you're friends, don't take this too seriously at all, and be casual but direct about it, like "Dude, we're friends yeah.", or however you'd speak with them.

See how he takes it and how he reacts, and how he acts afterwards in the days to come.

If he agrees and is calm and understanding, or if he becomes shy and retreats, or he is back to his usual self in how he responds this is not an issue, just a temporary thing that he can overcome and does not have to break a friendship.

If he feels stupid or apologizes, even better, as he will be fine and won't let such feelings develop anymore. He might beat himself up over it though, and may need some reassurance that it's all good to move on from this hiccup.

But if this is too difficult for you to do yourself, you may need to come to terms with this yourself as well that such things can happen and that it doesn't have to be something that tarnished an otherwise perfectly fine friendship.
I think that is getting into therapist territory there. I don't think its worth risking more time sink into a guy that disregards clear boundaries or decieves me that we are friends and nothing more. I think this would ruin my like for him anyway, or give "the ick" due to the above. All power to the women who can actually do this. I have never met one who would.
The thing is, if you try to become friends with random guys, then it is easy for everything to become confused. Many people these days put too much emphasis on "friends", but not on real bonds that are often based on past-life connections.

I thought what VoiceofEnki wrote was very enlightening, but I suppose it doesn't apply to lower-level andrapoda.

If you meet someone from past-life, like a sibling or other relation, then it is easy to be friends with them in this life, and be like siblings or such. You will even feel like you have known them for ages because the soul recognizes the connection.

If you go looking for opposite-gender friends then you likely will find people who want to get in your pants, or accuse you of toying with them. Don't look for friends. Real friends will appear when they are meant to :)
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474824 time=1701190570 user_id=57]
Abyssos said:
I will be on the war path and will cut down all that gets in my way without remorse until I have secured a future where all White Men of good character will be able to have a woman that they can love.

But you can't do that if you keep saying lies about women. Most women are inherently nurturing and enjoy romance etc. Some aren't, that can easily be seen in natal charts, just like how not all men are the same.

Exactly! Not to mention we can also look at the planets and see. Which planet rules affectionate love? Venus. Which planet rules passionate love, pure sexual lust and physical gratification? Mars. That's what the majority is like.

I would go further and say that masculine women are like the small bit of yang within yin in the famous symbol, while feminine man are the small bit of yin within yang. That is to say that they are a very small percentage, a minority.

Of course, it's good to cultivate beneficial qualities from the opposite, more submissive force within oneself. I'm just painting a general picture.

Also, about friends, having friends of different sex can provide insights into your life and growth that you wouldn't have if you limited yourself to a single sex, right? Even in heterosexual couples, your significant other cannot provide the same type of insight a friend could as the relationship is completely different due to different boundaries and functions.

Do you have any advice for homosexual people looking same-sex friends? All you get if you try using common hubs like apps nowadays is people looking to wank on SnapChat or people interested in endless chats with no meetings and nothing that would really make you think you add value to each other's life. If you go the offline way and try to find them through activities like sports, for example, my limited experience is that you only get shallow connections and the movement you change your activities for whatever reason they suddenly forget you exist and you're the only one to check in until it feels awkward and just let it go.

Should one just wait like you mentioned?

xlnt said:
Not only should a man strive to protect women/his woman, but as a human of any gender one should also protect ones inner self with thinking positively and counter negative thoughts using the thought-power of Yang.

It's clear that the role of a man is to be active in the outside sphere/environment, protecting the family from external threats, while the role of a woman is to be active in the inside sphere/environment (i.e. family and spirituality), protecting the internal harmony and nurturing it. A woman provides the roots and the nourishment a man needs to grow in life and to extend outward. A man protects that environment for himself, his wife and his children.

A man will always need a woman in his life. That will be his mother first, then his wife. Most men cannot do anything at home without a woman to take care of it. Housework? Most men cannot even keep a small room tidy, let alone an entire house. Should they learn it? Of course, learning is helpful to them as tidiness and organisation are healthy qualities that help with everything in life, not just the home environment. Still, it remains that it's not something that comes natural to most men and many parents seem to neglect to teach them, and then you have to bear with them and their egos when they go in a house-share...
Abyssos said:
In my opinion taking X characteristics and saying that most or all men are like that, or that all women are like that is a mistake.

Everyone is themselves has different characteristics, different beliefs, different tastes, and different ways of existing. There is no such thing as one human being identical to another.

Knowing this, just be the best version of yourself and don't pretend to be someone else, and you will automatically be attractive to more compatible women (in case you have eliminated bad karma and the like), the same goes for women.

I don't start with the assumption that the person in front of me, because she is a woman then she is a cold, spoilt being to be pleased in every way. That would be pretty sick.

People have to get to know each other, then if everything goes well you can think about going further, always being yourself,
If you then fail, go further, take your time and then go back to looking for someone, or focus on other aspects of your life.

If someone does not like the way you are, so the essence of your self to understand you, then in my opinion it is better to leave it alone and go further.
In the end whether I wear a suit and a watch, or have a different haircut, it doesn't matter, they are just fabrics and objects, they have no real value.
You are still yourself, whether you wear a branded garment or not, and that should not be what generates 'love' or 'interest'.
Aim to be the best version of yourself and you're OK.
That was my little thought.

Extrapolating this thing of categories, and simplifying them even more, finalising it for survival, we get a structure similar to the jewish one.
Everyone dresses the same, women and men separate, each with their own role, and the first time you see your partner is after you marry her.
Have children, and humanity will continue with new generations.

Or we develop a healthier idea of relationships, based on our uniqueness and potential.
Behold the self admitted incel who also has admitted to hating his own race's women over and over thinks he will fool anyone that he has experience with women to be able to pass off as wisdom. :lol:

Lying to no one else but yourself, little guy.

Besides the familiar ramblings of what you'll hear from the average skinny fat right winger who thinks it's women's fault why they find them unnattractive we can honestly at least say we all here are strongly against the degenerate behavior pushed on women.
This is exactly what caused feminism in the first place though :lol: Feminism was a direct reaction to how the world was in the previous century leading up to it. The jews orchestrated it, and you are just as brainwashed as feminists are.

People need to look to the ancient times, not to the xian era.
Soul Wings said:

If you have karma associated with negative male relationships, then this is going to create these problems for you, in addition to the poor state of the men themselves.

However, we all have to exist within reality and cannot avoid an entire gender, nor can we can avoid the reality that sexual attraction will exist between two people. How we deal with this is what makes the difference, and where we should focus.

It is also a reality that we will have to deal with people who are below us and may have strange behaviors, like here were these men felt offended that you called them out.

Since you are citing emotional pain and have been accused of a big ego, perhaps working with Saturnine energies, like Nauthiz, would be best, if you affirm it broadly to increase your management of negative people. This will shield your emotions and also help you be more strict, yet fair, with others.

Also, yes you should rely on your intuition to determine how someone may behave towards you, then act appropriately to counter them, when needed. For people who are prominent in your life, Tarot would certainly be a good option, and could even be done multiple times.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=475957 time=1701835279 user_id=21286]
If you have karma associated with negative male relationships, then this is going to create these problems for you, in addition to the poor state of the men themselves.

However, we all have to exist within reality and cannot avoid an entire gender, nor can we can avoid the reality that sexual attraction will exist between two people. How we deal with this is what makes the difference, and where we should focus.

Since you are citing emotional pain and have been accused of a big ego, perhaps working with Saturnine energies, like Nauthiz, would be best, if you affirm it broadly to increase your management of negative people. This will shield your emotions and also help you be more strict, yet fair, with others.
Yes, most of my friends have been males actually, but I have avoided male friendship as I grew older due to my own experiences with the above and fears. Thank you [and others] for acknowledging both sides. People here have been very fair with that, and I am impressed and humbled.
You are right - I need to actively work on this, I cannot simply expect the right male friendship to fall into my lap because it's "destiny". We are Satanic, and we create our own destiny. All too often I forget this.
VoiceofEnki said:
Soul Wings said:
How do you find friends that are male that don't secretly like you, that aren't gay or something?
To really explore this subject, a lot needs to be written, I'm only scratching the surface here from what I have seen, and from personal experience.

A very well written description by VoiceofEnki, I second all that he said. I have quite a few female friends and yes, sometimes there comes a wave of sexual or romantic attraction, but a real man will remember the set boundaries and will not muddy the waters as VoiceofEnki said. I would note that this can sometimes happen to the female friend as well and once again you have to be a man and carefully steer her back to the defined boundaries.

On another note, what Lydia said about not looking for friends, that they come on their is also very true. It is the same with love also. True love and true friendship appear on their own and you just need to recognize them and seize them.

On the other hand, I would not pay any attention to the ramblings of Abyssos. At this point, I wouldn't call this guy a Satanist even. To me he is just an infiltrator with exterior agenda that he tries to push here, luckily, without much success.
His own hang-ups and lack of self-reflection and improvement show in his misogynist walls of text.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474909 time=1701239896 user_id=57]
xlnt said:
The question I had though was if men who hates women generally speaking often are feminine themselves (like the example with Elliot Rogers), just like women who hates men often may be masculine themselves.

There are masculine women who have male friends, and feminine men who have female friends.

But there definitely are masculine women who hate men, perhaps because they see men as a threat to their own masculinity? And the same for feminine men who hate women. It's almost like they themselves want to be the gender, so they project hate to the whole gender out of jealousy.

As for friends, yes it's important to have friends of the opposite gender. Many of the greatest minds in history had friends of the opposite gender. It's not always about sex as people these days try to make it out to be.

Yes, perhaps Elliot Rogers would had been better off as Ellen Rogers :)
Disappointed for not being approached, despite being the diamond he thought he was.
Had he instead been a very good looking woman there might had been other disappointments instead, like being approached too much by shitheads etc.

I've sometimes wondered how it would be to live life as a super attractive woman for a while.
After a while I might had build up some heavy shield against idiots myself, similar to how doormen/guards a nightclubs build up theirs, having to deal with nasty people a lot - in the end making them act strongly suspicious of Anyone trying to get inside the club.

I do think I probably would had found it easier to socialize with other women and make women friends that way though (being a woman myself); since the suspicion of any 'getting laid' agenda would be out of the question.

Yes, it's very much about sex these days, where immature "pick up artists" are ranting about "how to get laid" instead of how to build up a good life with steady relationships for both genders.
The term "incel" is saying something itself about how sex-focused it has become, since it's supposed to mean "involontary celibate".
The strange thing though is how so called "incels" never or seldom think they solve their core problem by meeting prostitutes, since there is no "real" intimacy involved in that.
The term "incel" thus actually means something almost entirely different in reality; something more related to not having a real girlfriend/sex relation with real intimate and mutual feelings. Involontary single one might call it then.

But the ironic thing with that is; the less problem a person has with being single or alone - the more inner strength, rich inner life and self sufficiency this shows in a person, and with that also a much bigger chance for that person to actually meet someone - someone who might want to take part of this persons richness within.
This also goes for finding new friends.
If more people meditated seriously and found our path, we would have less of those "Incel" and "The Cable Guy" characters, clearly.
It is definitely one of the sub agendas of the NWO, for whatever reasons, to distort males and females into the opposite genders. From this we can likely assume that it is bad for us. There are all kinds of chemicals as most of us know (like xenoestrogens in plastic) that are disrupting our natural feelings and thoughts and biology. Evil seems to like to invert things..

Very good point about about masculine females and feminine males often being envious or resentful of biological females/males. I never noticed that but it does occur. I can also admit that throughout my life I have sometimes been uncomfortable dealing with very masculine females.

The whole rise of transgenderism was part of an Illuminati agenda, they'd been planning this for a long time. I can't prove it to you but I know it for a fact.

I think everyone has their greatest potential to live a happy life from being and embracing what they naturally are. It can be tough for some people to accept especially after they got their hopes up and put a lot of energy into "I don't have to be this, I can change," and they start living an imaginary life in their head of being the opposite sex.

When I see males struggling (I am a man) I always try to uplift them. It's only fear that causes us to not want other people to succeed or be their best.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
