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Mar 25, 2020
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
does anyone know about the name jotun, why jotunheim is to the south east of midguard.
and why the enemy is called juden?

if the jotun were supposed to be giants just like odin and his parents, how come they are enemies to the aesir.

and does anyone know what the name aesir means?

I don't know Scandinavian mythology but I don't think Jotun and Juden are same things. Juden is plural of Jude. Yahuda, Jude, Yahudi, are the names for Jews. Its origin is not from Scandinavia.

late 12c., Giw, Jeu, "a Jew (ancient or modern), one of the Jewish race or religion," from Anglo-French iuw, Old French giu (Modern French Juif), from Latin Iudaeum (nominative Iudaeus), from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai (Hebrew y'hudi) "a Jew," from Y'hudah "Judah," literally "celebrated," name of Jacob's fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.

Source: https://www.etymonline.com/word/jew
Long time Heathen Odinist here. Much of our Folk wisdom was destroyed by the xtian enemy of our people, but I can help you with some of your questions.

The Jotun are seen as a much earlier, lesser-evolved group of beings that were the progenitors of the new race of Gods. Our remaining lore tells us not all Jotun were bad, some were friendly to the Gods. They can best be viewed as surpassed stages of evolution, the chthonic unconsciousness. The Aesir, through Odin, were related to the Jotun but generally saw them as enemies.

"As' is the old Norse word for god and "Aesir" is the plural, thus "gods". The Aesir are one group of gods, related to each other. The Vanier are a separate family of divine beings, at first at war with the Aesir, now allies and able to intermarry.

It's nice to see someone interested in the old Northern Gods. They are indeed here with us as they never left.

Hail Our Folk! Hail Our Gods!

Hope this helped...
You're reading a little too much into mythological lore.
The Norse Eddas, one must remember, have passed through a number of unfriendly hands before coming to us. Much, if not most, is lost. We only have hints and vague imagery.
What we have left is best understood by looking for depth psychological metaphors and allegory. Also, the same myth can have multiple layers of meaning.
The common practice of finding correlations between words in different languages that sound alike is flawed reasoning. This logical flaw is used by Christian Identity types to "prove" that the Jewish tribe of Dan gave it's name to the Danube river and the Celtic Goddess Danu. Absolute BS...
The Eddas are in no way Holy Writ.
Knowing this, I have for years advocated to creation of a Shamanic class with the mandate of travelling to the Other Worlds to regain the Wisdom and re-making our inner selves.
Woden---What little I know I will certainly make available. It's unfortunate that the Norse Goddesses took the brunt of Xtian persecution. We have so little left.
About twenty years ago I lost everything and everybody. My only close kin, my mother, died suddenly and I had to deal with the financial and emotional tsunami. I wrecked and almost just did myself in. Instead of dying I moved to Las Vegas and rebuilt myself from the pieces leftover from my breakdown. During that time the Norse and Celtic Gods and Goddesses came to me, in dreams and vision.
I threw the jew-god away so hard He bounced twice down the alley...
Odin's Blessings to you and yours. May He mark you with Runes of Furious Wisdom....

Thank you for those kind words, Kinsman!

Let me look through my sources and see if I can find some interesting facts about the VanaDis (Freyja).

Folk and Fury....
OP-Not trying to hijack your thread. I hope I have somewhat answered your questions.
I would caution against reading too much into mythology, the Eddas or any other writings. Anything written by the human hand cannot be Divine. Just opinion.
The only way to experience the Divine is by personal experience. Such contacts are best later in life, when you can weather the storm it causes.
When I had my spiritual crisis I was acutely aware that there were no Wise Men or Wise Women for European Aryan people to turn to. They were all murdered a thousand years ago. The Lone Wolves, advancing into the Unknown, will have to lead our Folk through the next stage of evolution. But we do have much better connections, now, via the Internet, and so can seek help when needed. Part of my calling is to relieve some of pain in the world.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can do more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
