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Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?


New member
Apr 16, 2023
Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits.

It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he introduces himself without being asked. Doesn't that sound like a violation of our free will? I see tons of red flags here. You have these people who say that Lucifer introduced them to Michael and yet, you never see any testimonies of new agers being introduced to Lucifer by Michael. It's never the other way around. Why would Lucifer introduce someone tho Michael, who was originally an insignificant spirit in the OT who protected the kikes? Would he not introduce people to pagan gods who share common roots with him instead?

I don't buy it. I am 100% sure that they invite themselves to draw people back to them. It makes no sense for a pagan god to recommend an angel. Lucifer raises the snake, what does Michael does? He slays the snake. He is the opposite of Lucifer in a way, he seems to have the role as the spirit who prevents enlightenment. So wouldn't it make sense that he would intervene to stop people from freeing themselves?

We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.

All I can say is that Haziel started messing with me when I left him for Satan. He started whispering things to me during my early stages of sleep. ''Maybe you should give (((God))) another chance'' ''I believe in (((God)))'', even though he was always a dick to me before that. The same thing seems to be happening to the OP with Michael. I'd love to read your input on that.
The experience I have had with angels only goes to the point of thoughts, nothing more. As in negativity and telling me to put off the dedication as though it's a negative thing. Since I have never physically seen an angel, I may not have a total grasp on the subject and you can correct me if I'm mistaken.

I think these people on the LHP don't have the protection that we do. I agree with you, they aren't advanced to the point that they can see past the works of these angels and the jews. Everyone is on a certain level of advancement, and maybe these people just aren't ready to take that next step. But at the same time that they seek the truth, they look in the wrong places. And so, all they find are lies.
Hi!! I 100% agree with what you said. Before I became a Spiritual Satanist I was obsessed with angels, in particular with Michael (I know, I was an idiot). Ever since I opened my eyes and dedicated my soul to Father Satan, there hasn't been a moment when this guy has stopped bothering me. He appears in my dreams, sneaks into my meditations etc. It's obvious that he's trying to bring me back but I don't let him convince me. I am happy with my life with Father Satan now <3
Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits.

It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he introduces himself without being asked. Doesn't that sound like a violation of our free will? I see tons of red flags here. You have these people who say that Lucifer introduced them to Michael and yet, you never see any testimonies of new agers being introduced to Lucifer by Michael. It's never the other way around. Why would Lucifer introduce someone tho Michael, who was originally an insignificant spirit in the OT who protected the kikes? Would he not introduce people to pagan gods who share common roots with him instead?

I don't buy it. I am 100% sure that they invite themselves to draw people back to them. It makes no sense for a pagan god to recommend an angel. Lucifer raises the snake, what does Michael does? He slays the snake. He is the opposite of Lucifer in a way, he seems to have the role as the spirit who prevents enlightenment. So wouldn't it make sense that he would intervene to stop people from freeing themselves?

We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.

All I can say is that Haziel started messing with me when I left him for Satan. He started whispering things to me during my early stages of sleep. ''Maybe you should give (((God))) another chance'' ''I believe in (((God)))'', even though he was always a dick to me before that. The same thing seems to be happening to the OP with Michael. I'd love to read your input on that.
They are like the Freemasons who in the outside world say they worship Lucifer but in their Lodges all they worship and follow is the Bible, Yahweh and Christ. These clowns who identify themselves as Luciferians or even Satanists if you have been paying attention are using the medieval rhymes written by rabbis and Christian monks to blaspheme the Gods and Satan. Such writings that are intended by these Jewish organizations as Satanic are actually against Satan and the internet is full of them. It is Solomonic, Qliphot and others where they work not with our Demons/Gods but with hostile entities, therefore they have no knowledge as to the truth, they worship Jews and are Leftist Anti-Fascists.
They are all against Satan because they also give the image that he is darkness and evil, continuing the lie of the Jews that they have been spreading for centuries.
They are like the Freemasons who in the outside world say they worship Lucifer but in their Lodges all they worship and follow is the Bible, Yahweh and Christ. These clowns who identify themselves as Luciferians or even Satanists if you have been paying attention are using the medieval rhymes written by rabbis and Christian monks to blaspheme the Gods and Satan. Such writings that are intended by these Jewish organizations as Satanic are actually against Satan and the internet is full of them. It is Solomonic, Qliphot and others where they work not with our Demons/Gods but with hostile entities, therefore they have no knowledge as to the truth, they worship Jews and are Leftist Anti-Fascists.
They are all against Satan because they also give the image that he is darkness and evil, continuing the lie of the Jews that they have been spreading for centuries.

Here's an interesting quote from freemasons by the way.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 151952.png

So yeah, they actually hate Satan and use him as their scrapegoat to hide their true beliefs.
Basically what those who practice these corrupt systems do is to link themselves to the Jewish egregore and curse and poison their souls, which is the opposite of advancing spiritually.
It's also fascinating to observe the people on the angeLOLatry boards. I decided to read some of their posts today and it was exactly as expected. Their first reaction when they hear of demons is to bind them.
Screenshot 2024-05-03 202146.png

Also, good luck finding a 25+ years old angel worker who isn't some creepy nonce.
Hi!! I 100% agree with what you said. Before I became a Spiritual Satanist I was obsessed with angels, in particular with Michael (I know, I was an idiot). Ever since I opened my eyes and dedicated my soul to Father Satan, there hasn't been a moment when this guy has stopped bothering me. He appears in my dreams, sneaks into my meditations etc. It's obvious that he's trying to bring me back but I don't let him convince me. I am happy with my life with Father Satan now <3
I'm happy for you. I suggest you do this ritual to help with getting rid of angels and establishing the presence of Demons:
We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.
Dude just delete Reddit and your soul will thank you.
Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits.

It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he introduces himself without being asked. Doesn't that sound like a violation of our free will? I see tons of red flags here. You have these people who say that Lucifer introduced them to Michael and yet, you never see any testimonies of new agers being introduced to Lucifer by Michael. It's never the other way around. Why would Lucifer introduce someone tho Michael, who was originally an insignificant spirit in the OT who protected the kikes? Would he not introduce people to pagan gods who share common roots with him instead?

I don't buy it. I am 100% sure that they invite themselves to draw people back to them. It makes no sense for a pagan god to recommend an angel. Lucifer raises the snake, what does Michael does? He slays the snake. He is the opposite of Lucifer in a way, he seems to have the role as the spirit who prevents enlightenment. So wouldn't it make sense that he would intervene to stop people from freeing themselves?

We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.

All I can say is that Haziel started messing with me when I left him for Satan. He started whispering things to me during my early stages of sleep. ''Maybe you should give (((God))) another chance'' ''I believe in (((God)))'', even though he was always a dick to me before that. The same thing seems to be happening to the OP with Michael. I'd love to read your input on that.
Little angels like to promote themselves as forces of good and their poor people as healers supporting these forces.
And here you have an example of what they really are, this is another case when you look at them carefully, what they preach and what they represent, it makes you want to vomit.
They manipulate you into fanaticism into the myth of a good god, they push you this jewish devil and jewsus is the love at every step they preach.
And these angelic people are going mad with this thought-form, why would you want to share their fate?
We know what jews or jewish thought-forms represent. Reject it and fight it because the jewish forces want to win you over to their side and, in the process, take advantage of you.

Never but never believe in angel lies because they attack, a tactic that exploits your empathy.
After the 'love shower' attempt, the angel manipulates and vampirizes you.

Glory to Lord Satan
Dude just delete Reddit and your soul will thank you.
That's what I did. I think the last few days were the last straw. I can't deal with idiots anymore.

Little angels like to promote themselves as forces of good and their poor people as healers supporting these forces.
And here you have an example of what they really are, this is another case when you look at them carefully, what they preach and what they represent, it makes you want to vomit.
They manipulate you into fanaticism into the myth of a good god, they push you this jewish devil and jewsus is the love at every step they preach.
And these angelic people are going mad with this thought-form, why would you want to share their fate?
We know what jews or jewish thought-forms represent. Reject it and fight it because the jewish forces want to win you over to their side and, in the process, take advantage of you.

Never but never believe in angel lies because they attack, a tactic that exploits your empathy.
After the 'love shower' attempt, the angel manipulates and vampirizes you.

Glory to Lord Satan
Exactly. I remember when someone on Wizard Forums had evoked an archangel (forgot which), he told the guy to be wary about satan because he would just lead them to hell. They repeat the most basic lies, they enforce oppressive abrahamist religions in order to keep people ignorant. This is so easy to see. When you manage to get rid of every single speck of abrahamic dust from your soul, it becomes depressing to see how many people are still enslaved by these lies, even after leaving religion.
It is in Human Nature to seek the Gods, especially if you were already with them in past lives. But most people don't remember and the enemy uses the fact we are drawn to certain "Archetypes" or Imagery relating to our Gods and juxaposes these with their own constructs.

It's like a program that starts anytime a person realizes the spiritual part of life and manipulates them into their made-up bullshit.

Years ago I had an encounter with one of our Gods, but I was not yet ready to understand the truth. The enemy quickly noticed and in the following days threw so much xian imagery/themes at me, to try to get me to attribute that experience to their construct.. it's somewhat comical in hindsight how many "wonders" and "coincidences" relating to xianity there suddenly were.. it somewhat weirded me out more than pull me in, lol

Also, they do not like when you question too many things. Suddenly, you will feel bad for "questioning god".. just good old emotional manipulation.

In comparison, our Gods will patiently lead you to answers that you can understand at your current level and are helpful. That alone is a big difference.
Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits.

It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he introduces himself without being asked. Doesn't that sound like a violation of our free will? I see tons of red flags here. You have these people who say that Lucifer introduced them to Michael and yet, you never see any testimonies of new agers being introduced to Lucifer by Michael. It's never the other way around. Why would Lucifer introduce someone tho Michael, who was originally an insignificant spirit in the OT who protected the kikes? Would he not introduce people to pagan gods who share common roots with him instead?

I don't buy it. I am 100% sure that they invite themselves to draw people back to them. It makes no sense for a pagan god to recommend an angel. Lucifer raises the snake, what does Michael does? He slays the snake. He is the opposite of Lucifer in a way, he seems to have the role as the spirit who prevents enlightenment. So wouldn't it make sense that he would intervene to stop people from freeing themselves?

We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.

All I can say is that Haziel started messing with me when I left him for Satan. He started whispering things to me during my early stages of sleep. ''Maybe you should give (((God))) another chance'' ''I believe in (((God)))'', even though he was always a dick to me before that. The same thing seems to be happening to the OP with Michael. I'd love to read your input on that.
Yes many of these same people who practice such filith while calling themselves Spiritual Satanists or followers of the LHP that use Jewish thought forms like angels are usually people who are mentally ill already. Or end up as severely mental schizo notions at the end. The reason is why because when people go and work with these Jewish entities
Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits.

It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he introduces himself without being asked. Doesn't that sound like a violation of our free will? I see tons of red flags here. You have these people who say that Lucifer introduced them to Michael and yet, you never see any testimonies of new agers being introduced to Lucifer by Michael. It's never the other way around. Why would Lucifer introduce someone tho Michael, who was originally an insignificant spirit in the OT who protected the kikes? Would he not introduce people to pagan gods who share common roots with him instead?

I don't buy it. I am 100% sure that they invite themselves to draw people back to them. It makes no sense for a pagan god to recommend an angel. Lucifer raises the snake, what does Michael does? He slays the snake. He is the opposite of Lucifer in a way, he seems to have the role as the spirit who prevents enlightenment. So wouldn't it make sense that he would intervene to stop people from freeing themselves?

We're in deep shit when so many demonolators and LHP practitioners are starting to praise angels. This is what happens with far-leftists who refuse to open their eyes to the jews and their evils. I'm pretty sure they would not with angels anymore if they knew about the jews, as it would reinforce their faith in Paganism.

All I can say is that Haziel started messing with me when I left him for Satan. He started whispering things to me during my early stages of sleep. ''Maybe you should give (((God))) another chance'' ''I believe in (((God)))'', even though he was always a dick to me before that. The same thing seems to be happening to the OP with Michael. I'd love to read your input on that.
many people who work with these angels that are just thought forms to at are created by the Jews to psychically vaporize humans especially if they leave the Jewish programs of Xainity or Jewslam for something like the filith and crap that is the new age. Or many of these so called other LHP workers that claim and think nothing bad can happen if you work with the Gods and Goddesses and Demons of Hell and with Father Satan while working with thought forms like angels saints and even entities likes Santa muerte are usually from the beginning before workin with these entities mentally I’ll or would end up as severely mentally ill as Chico nut jobs in the final outcome. An example would be a reiki practitioner that keeps being recommended on my recommended page but n YouTube called Sarah Louis Tuisley or some Neal cooper guy. These two idiots are mentally ill due to them working with angels or so called spiritual guides. Just based of the woman looks like these under the influence of drugs or something the guy called Neil is a delusional guy who believes that he communicates with god directly and some set up some wacko new age church with him claiming he is the retarded Christ. Like that is the reasoning n why you shouldn’t be working with these angels and if some thing claims it’s Lucifer and tells a person who summoned Lucifer to go and commune with an angel like Micheal that being is really in the first was not Lucifer in the first place it was an angel trying to pull the person back to the Jewish bull shit program or that Jewish trash called the new age. Even HP Maxine says if we are working with an entity that we know if not of a Goetic Demon or Demoness we should ask it is apart of Father Satan. If the entity does not response straight away it is most likely an entity or in the case of the guy claiming that Lucifer suggested that the guy communicate with archangel micheal that really is not Lucifer but an angel that is lying to you saying it’s Lucifer which is just an insult from such filth of a thought form to do to Father Satan in the first place. To bring back to the piont is that if an entity doesn’t answer that it is sort of Father Satan it is really a angel you should banish it or don’t thi no about it or give it any attention.

Yes when I was new to magic before I found the JoS Ministries I one time was communicating with some entity that claimed it was Hitler our beloved AntiChrist it turned out to be one of those shit angels. But this was years before I came across h to e JoS Ministries. Even those trash of the Jews created they call good angels at the expanse of scapegoating Father Satan and Hell and all of our true Gods and Goddesses, would have no shame to try to say to someone not knowing any better is Adolf Hitler. Yeah at least I banish whatever that was that was not Hitler because I have heard of other people on places like YouTube or Reddit or quora to at claim they have communed with Adolf Hitler’s spirit and their lives get pretty fucked up. Which they really were not communicating with Adolf Hitler cause Hitler does not screw your life up. Like these people claim they have communicated once tho some entity that told them it is our beloved Fuhrer. One guy that was one of those retarded schizo new agents claimed he once communed with Hitler and wrote some shit book and in one section of his shit filled insult to Hitler’s own name almost crash his car while driving. While he was talking to this entity that said it was Hitler. The guy even has some fucked up sexualized drawing he did of our wonderful Fuhrer can tell you the guy is working with an angel to r Jewish thought form and not at all Adolf Hitler. I think the book is called communications with Hitler’s spirit and Stalin’s ghost. I do really remember the book’s title.
^ My guess is that Michael invited himself in the dream to distract the person away from Lucifer. When I worked with angels, Demons never invited themselves in my dreams, because they respected my free will. And when I started working with Lucifer and Goetic deities, angels started messing with me. They have no respect for free will whatsoever. They are like prison guards. Lucifer/Satan raises the snake, Michael cuts it's head. He is basically the jewish adversary of Satan, it all comes full circle when you realize Jesus is actually Michael. Then there are absolute confused idiots like Morgue on youtube who spreads the lie that Lucifer is Jesus. Too many idiots spreading dangerous lies.
^ My guess is that Michael invited himself in the dream to distract the person away from Lucifer. When I worked with angels, Demons never invited themselves in my dreams, because they respected my free will. And when I started working with Lucifer and Goetic deities, angels started messing with me. They have no respect for free will whatsoever. They are like prison guards. Lucifer/Satan raises the snake, Michael cuts it's head. He is basically the jewish adversary of Satan, it all comes full circle when you realize Jesus is actually Michael. Then there are absolute confused idiots like Morgue on youtube who spreads the lie that Lucifer is Jesus. Too many idiots spreading dangerous lies.
Jesus and Michael are thoughtforms. All angels are thoughtforms, each powered by one hebrew letter, so there are only 22 angels (22 letters in the stolen hebrew alphabet). Meanwhile, Gods/Demons are hundreds, perhaps even thousands.
(((Samael))) is blasphemous towards Satan. Jews use this name to avoid saying the word "Satan", which in itself has a lot of power.
This particular one is to curse and bind the left side of the soul preventing you from accessing your higher self.
And (((michael))) is to curse and bind the kundalini preventing its rising and ascension.
Each of the 12 main parasites is to curse and bind a specific part of the soul.
This particular one is to curse and bind the left side of the soul preventing you from accessing your higher self.
And (((michael))) is to curse and bind the kundalini preventing its rising and ascension.
Each of the 12 main parasites is to curse and bind a specific part of the soul.

That's exactly what I told to that poor soul who had Michael appear in her dream. Michael represents the opposite of Satan. Satan raises the snake, Michael kills it. I find it ironic that when people approach the spirit that raises the snake, Michael often appears and tries to be nice and kind. As if to lure people away from Satan without being heavy handed about it. Thought form or not, angels always start messing up with people when they approach demons.

Michael is the sword of Israel, he is the spirit that the jews use to curse the nations. And what greater curse than Jesus, Michael's disguise.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
