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Is Everyone Entitled To All Knowledge?

Yurei said:
Knowledge from the Gods is sacred. Imagine if a psychopath or a jew got their hands on the full formula of the Magnum Opus!

That would be a dream come true...no one would bat a eye if you bound them and took it from them :cool:

free magnum opus
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To explain these fallacies of this linear view of what we refer to as our "history" and its even more superficial understanding of egomaniacs and so on, would require a book.

Behind these broad definitions there rest many more points than the mere system and agreement of distribution of knowledge. You blanket judge all ancient people and leaders based only on the pretext "well, they died, so they must have been dead wrong". Reality has many more parameters incumbent to it. Nations have outlived also many bad egos and tyrants, survived and thrived through, the list goes.

This stems from larger misunderstandings of the era and its dynamics, and how this manifested on top of all of these people, in conjunction to the enemy. This is further than merely a soap opera of egomaniacs, except of maybe the final chapters of this tragedy.

The most unfortunate thing is not that common people got knowledge, because this was intended, and it clearly was the case in the past. The main denominator of failure here has been that jews were also able to get certain pieces of it, which were later used for destruction.

This karmic "weight" is also exactly what will crash the jews as a whole. If anyone fits in your criteria of insane beings, then it is them. Even the most corrupted animals from recent known history, did not compare.

I do certainly thing certain souls who were busy playing everything for a dime in our history at everyone elses expense, must have received what was coming. This judgment requires however the vision of the Gods, and not a mere simple mindset. Because the forces at work have simply been many.

The reality is a man must be prepared and able to defend his nation and his people and this must not be limited to physical training, how to shoot a gun etc. But also must include the spiritual as evidently entire nations can collapse via spiritual influence.

To deprive your people of spiritual knowledge you are simply disarming them. And then act surprised when this is exploited by your enemies and your nation suffers a cataclysmic downfall. Yes, idiots can take spiritual knowledge and ruin themselves, and others. People can also buy a gun and shoot up a mall. This is not really an argument that makes sense.

The inner rot that leads one to commit such acts is washed away by spiritual knowledge anyway. I simply do not see the advantage that comes with limiting knowledge given to the masses. I see quite the opposite, I see suicide on a national scale in doing this.

The restriction of knowledge is a suicidal concept from past administrations that have collapsed. And xianity and islam are engineered to exploit this lack of understanding and convert the masses. In a world where man is not endangered by cosmic threats one can take their time and withhold information as to avoid it's misuse and create a bubble of safety.

It's always a risk that when you give out spiritual knowledge, that someone will misuse or abuse others with it. But in a situation of war, where you are literally fighting for survival, you MUST arm every person you can with this knowledge. For it is no longer a risk but a guarantee that you will perish if you do not arm your people against this very real, and very fatal threat.

The golden age and it's bubble of safety are a thing of the past. We are at war now. Things have changed. And we must change our ways too, or we will not survive. Many wish to win this war and then emulate the golden age. The kikes are one threat our collective must face. There will be others. We must be ready, our people must be armed and powerful against these threats.

I think you, as many others are enthralled by the beauty of the past golden age. You focus on it so much that you do not realize we do not have a future if we attempt to go back to these times. The common man of the future must be a powerful entity armed with spiritual knowledge and power. Not a bumbling idiot worshiping the sun. Or humanity will fall prey to cosmic predators again. And the gods may not be able to save us next time.

We can agree to disagree I guess. I probably don't have a complete perspective anyway, this is just my opinion.

1. You falsely present arguments that are not built based on what is said, nor even what is implied. If anything, you are the believer in a golden age of humanity that "knows how to judge" or should just "yolo" the knowledge into it, hoping it all works out, because "War".

2. To arm every person out there with a full arsenal of nukes, and hoping this will go fine at a rate of 10 billion times, per person, on earth, given the natural laws which lead many to downfall, will always have a net cost way lesser than "not arming people and the war" for war. Treating this as a universal situation will mathematically always produce the opposite outcome of destruction, despite of intentions, which is in itself not based in reality.

3. There is more than enough and very high level knowledge in the JoS as is. People can use this as they see fit. The caliber here is almost on the nuclear level, but the how's and why's are all affected by levels which are put there by the Gods, and these are unalienable. These are not even based on saying or revealing anything to anyone.

4. None of what you claim you say is antithetical to anything I say, rather, you present it that way eventhough it's being repeated and it's all we are doing here as a global task, as if we aren't doing it, to make an argument or something.

In that case I understand your arguments and I already consider them addressed, I believe you are in a phase right now of seeing this through the lenses of the present war and a lot of perspective. You must understand that what is stated is from the perspective of both this but also a generalized one.

One of the major reasons we are here is because the enemy got their hands on some things. If they got even more, then I doubt the earth would be existing still or would have fallen out completely, nor me or you would probably be sitting there to have any fruitful disagreeing, as crazy as this might sound.

The Gods follow this pattern, and this is done in wisdom, of which none is really contained in "Give it all out" or "Restrain all of it" takes and views. I recall also your argument of Jack who was arguing the opposite, that all of it should be kept in a selected caste etc. The JoS is clearly for neither take, but tends strongly to dissemination of information.

Clearly, the outlook of the JoS is tentative towards mostly openness. Everyone must have a gun or even a tank if needed, but to hand to every 15 year old things that are of nuclear caliber, would spell the end of many, despite of one's desires or thoughts about necessity.

In contrast to even Nukes which apparently are held on the hands by pretty stupid and opportunistic individuals, the fine lines here are even more as they are imposed by the Gods as it is who are far perfect. If anything, mistakes occurred even in these areas of knowledge by humans. The enemy infiltrated there, not the Gods.

If you have more things you want to understand on this topic, consult the Gods, but also observe your very own progress over the years. This will be the best answer to these questions. The Gods also have a way they do what they do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. You falsely present arguments that are not built based on what is said, nor even what is implied. If anything, you are the believer in a golden age of humanity that "knows how to judge" or should just "yolo" the knowledge into it, hoping it all works out, because "War".

2. To arm every person out there with a full arsenal of nukes, and hoping this will go fine at a rate of 10 billion times, per person, on earth, given the natural laws which lead many to downfall, will always have a net cost way lesser than "not arming people and the war" for war. Treating this as a universal situation will mathematically always produce the opposite outcome of destruction, despite of intentions, which is in itself not based in reality.

I may have misunderstood the initial post. I become automatically aggravated by the idea of restricting knowledge, hence the tone. From my perspective, all our suffering comes from the restricting of knowledge. Perhaps jumping to the other extreme is equally as bad as you've said. I'm just always anxious about authority figures talking about what should and should not be available to the public.

Because this can be done for progress as easily as it can be done for tyranny. I think you can understand my perspective. I do not think you for example, would deprive the public of essential spiritual knowledge to maintain spiritual health. But what of the one who succeeds you?

To give and take spiritual knowledge, it is a dangerous privilege to put in the hands of someone. It has the potential to bring total ruin with an incompetent or corrupt administration arising.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
3. There is more than enough and very high level knowledge in the JoS as is. People can use this as they see fit. The caliber here is almost on the nuclear level, but the how's and why's are all affected by levels which are put there by the Gods, and these are unalienable. These are not even based on saying or revealing anything to anyone.

4. None of what you claim you say is antithetical to anything I say, rather, you present it that way eventhough it's being repeated and it's all we are doing here as a global task, as if we aren't doing it, to make an argument or something.

In that case I understand your arguments and I already consider them addressed, I believe you are in a phase right now of seeing this through the lenses of the present war and a lot of perspective. You must understand that what is stated is from the perspective of both this but also a generalized one.

One of the major reasons we are here is because the enemy got their hands on some things. If they got even more, then I doubt the earth would be existing still or would have fallen out completely, nor me or you would probably be sitting there to have any fruitful disagreeing, as crazy as this might sound.

The Gods follow this pattern, and this is done in wisdom, of which none is really contained in "Give it all out" or "Restrain all of it" takes and views. I recall also your argument of Jack who was arguing the opposite, that all of it should be kept in a selected caste etc. The JoS is clearly for neither take, but tends strongly to dissemination of information.

Clearly, the outlook of the JoS is tentative towards mostly openness. Everyone must have a gun or even a tank if needed, but to hand to every 15 year old things that are of nuclear caliber, would spell the end of many, despite of one's desires or thoughts about necessity.

In contrast to even Nukes which apparently are held on the hands by pretty stupid and opportunistic individuals, the fine lines here are even more as they are imposed by the Gods as it is who are far perfect. If anything, mistakes occurred even in these areas of knowledge by humans. The enemy infiltrated there, not the Gods.

If you have more things you want to understand on this topic, consult the Gods, but also observe your very own progress over the years. This will be the best answer to these questions. The Gods also have a way they do what they do.

My argument is based upon this internal anxiety of how authority in the wrong hands spells doom for our people. One can restrict certain knowledge to create order, and the next one to take this kind of authority may use it to turn the masses into cattle.

What of when you move on to begin the great work, and another takes your place to maintain this place and guide the next generation of SS. What if his intentions are not to create a balance but instead to create slaves. And knowledge begins to disappear from this library.

I have found personality cults where people worship and are giving away energy to a guy they are tricked into believing is a god. These kinds of horrors are what can occur when someone is in a position to restrict knowledge and what people can know and can perceive. Men are reduced to ants before these tyrants. This cannot continue.

The above is a microcosm example because looking at this world from a grand perspective this is what the kikes have done by restricting knowledge they live in decadent mansions and castles while our children are starving in the streets. This makes my blood boil, I hope you can understand my fears relating to this matter.

I agree with you, jumping to the other extreme of arming everybody with a full unrestricted arsenal of spiritual knowledge is just as bad, probably worse. This was a stupid thing to suggest admittedly. I'm just anxious about the future. I do think the leaders of the past fucked up big time. I hope future ones won't repeat these mistakes is all.

It was an uphill battle for me to even begin to trust Satan and the Gods, let alone trusting a man with this kind of power and authority. I'll always be anxious about this kind of thing. Sorry if I came off as trying to corrupt your message. I do misunderstand things sometimes and this was not the intention. Like I said, I likely have an incomplete perspective.
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. You falsely present arguments that are not built based on what is said, nor even what is implied. If anything, you are the believer in a golden age of humanity that "knows how to judge" or should just "yolo" the knowledge into it, hoping it all works out, because "War".

2. To arm every person out there with a full arsenal of nukes, and hoping this will go fine at a rate of 10 billion times, per person, on earth, given the natural laws which lead many to downfall, will always have a net cost way lesser than "not arming people and the war" for war. Treating this as a universal situation will mathematically always produce the opposite outcome of destruction, despite of intentions, which is in itself not based in reality.

I may have misunderstood the initial post. I become automatically aggravated by the idea of restricting knowledge, hence the tone. From my perspective, all our suffering comes from the restricting of knowledge. Perhaps jumping to the other extreme is equally as bad as you've said. I'm just always anxious about authority figures talking about what should and should not be available to the public.

Because this can be done for progress as easily as it can be done for tyranny. I think you can understand my perspective. I do not think you for example, would deprive the public of essential spiritual knowledge to maintain spiritual health. But what of the one who succeeds you?

To give and take spiritual knowledge, it is a dangerous privilege to put in the hands of someone. It has the potential to bring total ruin with an incompetent or corrupt administration arising.

You must read the book "The Coming Race" by Lytton. This race described in the book, has extreme knowledge, the ability to kill and so on [every member of the race] but they are so wise and evolved that nobody uses these without proper judgement. This is where the Gods want to take us progressively. But this is inapplicable now.

This is done, broadly, with the gradual and proper sharing of knowledge. Even most of the JoS was 33rd degree freemasonic knowledge. Now all of this is out, and more will come. This is in accordance to what needs to happen.

Unfortunately, the two extremes are always destructive. In our history, we have been bled both by crazy "authoritative" figures, such as Olaf The Great and other vermin, but we also have increasingly fucked up in the sharing of the knowledge. For example, in India, some Gurus have initiated Cochin Jews, who later stole a lot of knowledge and passed it down to their bunch, causing intense problems for everyone else.

What is even worse, is that these "authoritative" figures, do not have any spiritual understanding. The Ancients bridged this gap [up until the good years] by initiation and training, and making sure nobody sat on the chair that was of lesser quality, because this can as you say ruin a civilization.

I do not think any of these figures will "make it" in the end, as they conduct crimes against the Gods and people too. But the problem is they do the damage when they are here. Olaf for example, destroyed Norse Paganism.

I understand how lengthy this conversation is, I hope I have transferred properly and more clearly the perspective of this.

These are very difficult questions and discussions, so don't think you go "against" anything in anyway by posing any of these questions. They have been a product of debating that is aeons old.

I believe the feelings of mutual level and not allowing the average person to be befallen by the lowest dung just because of the will of a "Few" to maintain this "Status", is integral in the European soul.

Plus at this level of affairs humanity is certainly not progressing forward. It's one thing to have the best smartphone and disallowing anyone else from having any, and another that most people have a mid range, some low, and some higher range. I do certainly agree all people have to be in the same "chapter" as a world too.

The enemy believes everyone is supposed to stay in eternal dung without no hope in sight, insofar they themselves line a mansion similar to a state of a spiritual deprivation of communistic fashion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gurus have initiated Cochin Jews, who later stole a lot of knowledge and passed it down to their bunch, causing intense problems for everyone else.

How is this possible? If someone is spiritually advanced , he should have no problem in knowing to whom he is giving important knowledge, especially if the jews are involved. Like one could think the gods would try to stop such individuals from sharing anything by all means.
The only explanation is that these people were traitors and extremely greedy, or got brain controlled by grays on a massive scale somehow.
But others uncorrected people should still intervene.
This seems to be the case all over the ancient world.
Dahaarkan said:
The Gods give us knowledge at an individual level, as we are advanced enough to use it. Meaning, open astral hearing, having "leveled up" in certain ways, and so on. To give outright all the knowledge there is though... we all know how a lot of people will think they are more advanced than they are, and able to handle more than they can. Such an individual can ruin their mind and soul. Insanity and death can happen from doing far more than one is able to do.

Knowledge from the Gods to us SS is only "withheld" until the individual is ready for it, and then we are given what we need as we need it. The Gods are happy to give us all the knowledge we need, as they want us to advance, and they want it to be in a safe and effective manner.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You must read the book "The Coming Race" by Lytton. This race described in the book, has extreme knowledge, the ability to kill and so on [every member of the race] but they are so wise and evolved that nobody uses these without proper judgement. This is where the Gods want to take us progressively. But this is inapplicable now.

I've read this book except for a tidbit with where this is mentioned. Such as for example the "handler" of the main character was in belief the young girl that was with him could kill him.

Except a few things I never found this book to be particularly good. I don't know if it's because I downloaded a version and this version is corrupted or rewritten or whatever i.e. backstopped. In reality the book possess no advanced knowledge like the Ukrainian Doctor who discovered anti-gravity effects on certain large beetles their wings posses an effect in essence it's anti-gravity along with honeycomb shaped imprints on the inside of the winglets. He made a book and it was totally censored he was one of the greats with anti-gravity and delving into spiritual sciences like understanding baneful effects from underground bee colonies in the Ukrainian hills area.

Either way I read "Vrill: The Coming Race" and I've been wanting to read it for years and it even part way through and reading it through the end. I'm like "Why the fuck is this book so revered in occult circles?!". It posses nothing interesting, all I see is a maniacal race of people who would take the surface World for lebensraum if they so much desired. I understand the main character became scared of them and eventually managed to return to the surface but except talking about underground civilizations.

I simply do not understand why this book or what makes this book special? Like I said perhaps reading a version directly from it's author would be better or perhaps the general atmosphere of that era was better. Maybe it wasn't so much person itself i.e. Lytton but the people of that era weren't filled with NPC garbage non-sense of how there is 30 trillion, undecillion genders or how NPC wise Humanity has fallen.

I don't know. I enjoyed that it was a short read took about 4-5 hours to read through it. But except reading through it, I was dumbfounded as to why people hype it up.
Why are the Saturn Square dates not shared for the fourth year in a row?

Is that also considered dangerous knowledge?

It was possible to do Saturn Squares this year, luckily I was able to do two, and I owe it to my friend who knows astrology.

Or the other steps of Magnum Opus?

And then how much more knowledge can be withheld?

All this bullshit writing you've described here is about nothing more than why you think it's "legitimate" to withhold knowledge.

In fact, you are just afraid that if everyone had the right knowledge, there would be many people who could rise to high levels, but you don't want that.

You're right, the ignorant and the weak can only be dominated, and that's perfectly fine with you. All that matters to you is that everyone does the Rituals, but you especially don't want strong SS members, they are just energy banks for the Rituals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. You falsely present arguments that are not built based on what is said, nor even what is implied. If anything, you are the believer in a golden age of humanity that "knows how to judge" or should just "yolo" the knowledge into it, hoping it all works out, because "War".

2. To arm every person out there with a full arsenal of nukes, and hoping this will go fine at a rate of 10 billion times, per person, on earth, given the natural laws which lead many to downfall, will always have a net cost way lesser than "not arming people and the war" for war. Treating this as a universal situation will mathematically always produce the opposite outcome of destruction, despite of intentions, which is in itself not based in reality.

I may have misunderstood the initial post. I become automatically aggravated by the idea of restricting knowledge, hence the tone. From my perspective, all our suffering comes from the restricting of knowledge. Perhaps jumping to the other extreme is equally as bad as you've said. I'm just always anxious about authority figures talking about what should and should not be available to the public.

Because this can be done for progress as easily as it can be done for tyranny. I think you can understand my perspective. I do not think you for example, would deprive the public of essential spiritual knowledge to maintain spiritual health. But what of the one who succeeds you?

To give and take spiritual knowledge, it is a dangerous privilege to put in the hands of someone. It has the potential to bring total ruin with an incompetent or corrupt administration arising.

You must read the book "The Coming Race" by Lytton. This race described in the book, has extreme knowledge, the ability to kill and so on [every member of the race] but they are so wise and evolved that nobody uses these without proper judgement. This is where the Gods want to take us progressively. But this is inapplicable now.

You are having secrecy and authority issues. Satan is the only one with authority.

If you want to have arguments on knowledge, power, secrets and when to reveal it.

HPS Maxine has written: Satan bestows knowledge; and in regards to revealing it, she wrote to ask him.

When it comes to killing.

The Founding Fathers of America, already bestowed gun rights to Americans. And the Joy of Satan pages has the Death Spell and meditations to empower yourself to use it. It can be used in self-defence. To protect your property. And to protect who and what you love.

The Truth About Satan

Spiritual Satanism

The Commandments of Satan


This is my thoughts, I believe knowledge should be open to all Gentiles with the means to use it.

However, I do agree that the distribution of specific knowledge should be given to certain castes. For example, HPC had the PTAH meditation before we all did but decided to graciously show us based on merits being met.

My view comes from a place of anxiety to think that I wouldn't have the opportunity to use the JOS knowledge if it was only meant for a specific few. I am ever grateful to the Gods and the JOS decide to keep it open publicly.

As a final note, even though knowledge is public, most people will never come across it or if they do they would be disinterested. Only the elite souls are pulled here imo.
Great writing!

Not long ago I tried to teach my mother how to joga. I was just teaching her a few exercises. But unfortunately she only had the stamina for a few days.

Hail Satan!
This is a wonderful sermon and thread. Thank you HP & everyone!

I'm very fascinated, curious and perplexed by science. One thing I don't get though:

If they (the xianists/reptilians) know about this level of technology why would they create inferior technology here? They already have time machines and alien aircraft. Things like quantum computers and hadron colliders must have ulterior purposes.

The former (I think) is mainly for the A.I control grid while the later is a bit of a mystery to me.

I've heard that they're trying to open portals into other dimensions and I wonder if perhaps the excessive mining and off limits areas (namely Antarctica) may take some role. That said, it feels to me as though this is a manufactured red herring whereby the scientists being given the information to build the technology aren't completely certain of its final outcome. In this case it seems to fit with the xianists plans for the coming of the "second messiah" (basically all Jews don't know that it was their people who created the first fictitious messiah).

There's also the strange ambitions of life on Mars being propelled by Elon Musk and the possibility that there already is advanced technology and extra-terrestrials existing there. Not to mention there's the tunnels/DUMBs, strange lights in the sky and vibrations coming from underground.

I honestly don't know what to believe but my instinct tells me that we are already among other beings. A vast number of celebrities are MK-mind-controlled M/F trannies while many others don't appear human to me at all. Most everyday people are complete dead souls (#1) from countless reincarnations of abuse and family trauma and (#2) from the toxicity of our environment/society.

At the end of the day I'm in complete awe and gratitude for the work the Gods and our JoS family. This post expresses beautifully the ability that skilled members can acquire. It also puts things in perspective for me, that there is an enormous gap in the ability we possess when compared to the Gods.

In spite of this it's a challenge I hope to meet and take head on, regardless of how impossible it may be. The rewards we gain in this pursuit further inspires progress.

It's honestly like working out - once you do it enough your body actually craves for it.

Stay strong and inspired everyone and never doubt yourself! There is too much to know but the things we do know are worth more than anything we can learn further. So don't beat yourself up too much like I used to.
i quote """"but read all they have to say and you will see they are 80-90% the same as joS they only use different words and have different views on the Gods"""""

Even if these teachers were distributing 99.999999% exact information as JoS, if they are using different words (vibrations) and empowering other beings or thought forms, other than our pagan Gods, then this can't be seen as working for Humanity. It's a trap, and a dead end in the maze.

Maybe "nut-job" could be seen as derogatory, lacking empathy. As maybe this particular lady and other similar star-seeds, thinks (rather than feels) what she is doing is for the greater good. However, she is still a little scared of really experiencing/living/feeling, because she is probably a younger soul, or traumatised from past life times, and hasn't taken the time to dedicate time and effort to physical practices to face the pain, and move away from her mental fascinations, which would enable her to have a clearer channel to our real family and wisdom teachings.

practice, practice, practice :)

ClearWater said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you take criticism from me hp Cobra?
You say these starseeds "Given however the insanity of many and how many call themselves starseeds (and nuts I might add) and all this"

Since you said it yourself,also you make mistakes so now i want to point something out to you. I already know how you going to react i hope you prove me wrong but look at this and tell me how can they be nutjobs? I would agree with the idea that Christians are nutjobs and similars but these starseeds have incredible knowledge and also MOSTLY share the same values as JoS.

Yes some things might look nuts like christ consciousness ect.. but read all they have to say and you will see they are 80-90% the same as joS they only use different words and have diffrent views on the Gods. They expose the enemies of Satan and work for the greater good. I would say out of everyone they are the closest allies to the JoS!!!

Doesn't matter what i believe in and keep your people i DON'T want them to follow me but i do believe you are wrong by calling them nutjobs. I want you to see and admit that.

Its easy to say yeah one wire infiltrated and this or that but lets not forget what the truth really is which i have proof btw and i only found out yesterday that these so called nut jobs are not really as nuts as you say they are.


Yes some things might be blatant but thats where i am looking into and never again will i limit myself on what a organization tells me to believe. All i know is i want to live in a better world and remove the evil filth from the world and save my own soul from enemy ETs because IT IS A REALITY THAT I CANNOT DENY EVEN IF I WANTED TO.
I think Father Satan will call everyone in his time
It was the same with me, if I were to describe it, many would not believe me

After two years, I decided to register here because I come from Poland and I took my knowledge from SVVEVE(***) who translate JoS - if you're here, thank you brother
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I do not think you for example, would deprive the public of essential spiritual knowledge to maintain spiritual health. But what of the one who succeeds you?

To give and take spiritual knowledge, it is a dangerous privilege to put in the hands of someone. It has the potential to bring total ruin with an incompetent or corrupt administration arising.

You must read the book "The Coming Race" by Lytton. This race described in the book, has extreme knowledge, the ability to kill and so on [every member of the race] but they are so wise and evolved that nobody uses these without proper judgement. This is where the Gods want to take us progressively. But this is inapplicable now.

This is done, broadly, with the gradual and proper sharing of knowledge. Even most of the JoS was 33rd degree freemasonic knowledge. Now all of this is out, and more will come. This is in accordance to what needs to happen.

Unfortunately, the two extremes are always destructive. In our history, we have been bled both by crazy "authoritative" figures, such as Olaf The Great and other vermin, but we also have increasingly fucked up in the sharing of the knowledge. For example, in India, some Gurus have initiated Cochin Jews, who later stole a lot of knowledge and passed it down to their bunch, causing intense problems for everyone else.

What is even worse, is that these "authoritative" figures, do not have any spiritual understanding. The Ancients bridged this gap [up until the good years] by initiation and training, and making sure nobody sat on the chair that was of lesser quality, because this can as you say ruin a civilization.

I do not think any of these figures will "make it" in the end, as they conduct crimes against the Gods and people too. But the problem is they do the damage when they are here. Olaf for example, destroyed Norse Paganism.

I understand how lengthy this conversation is, I hope I have transferred properly and more clearly the perspective of this.

These are very difficult questions and discussions, so don't think you go "against" anything in anyway by posing any of these questions. They have been a product of debating that is aeons old.

I believe the feelings of mutual level and not allowing the average person to be befallen by the lowest dung just because of the will of a "Few" to maintain this "Status", is integral in the European soul.

Plus at this level of affairs humanity is certainly not progressing forward. It's one thing to have the best smartphone and disallowing anyone else from having any, and another that most people have a mid range, some low, and some higher range. I do certainly agree all people have to be in the same "chapter" as a world too.

The enemy believes everyone is supposed to stay in eternal dung without no hope in sight, insofar they themselves line a mansion similar to a state of a spiritual deprivation of communistic fashion.

I do not feel enough competence to go argue what higher knowledge should be given to whom in some intricate circumstances. I just wish to expose here one jewish propaganda that was very long around subtly since they infiltrated our Gentile orders. Namely, that Gods and our High Priests "conceal" knowledge. My own point of view is seen between the lines.

Jews have their own egoistic reasons for doing everything they do, not only concealing (other people's) knowledge. Which they forever blame on their enemies: infiltrators here forever did this exact thing - forever blaming Priests and Gods in whatever including this. As if this jewish logic belonged to whomever but them.

Gods, Clergies and Geniuses of non-jewish Races have their own reasons of where and when spreading what. Which are neither jewish nor egoistic (since egoism is a product of spiritual degradation). This is the first.

Now, since I believe in Aristocratic source of everything beautiful in this world, I very much believe in "copyright" so to say. I mean that knowledge belongs to someone who have absolute power over it as its Discoverer and Pioneer. Example - Magnum Opus rightfully belongs to Satan as well as all other knowledge he ever gave. As how I see it, all higher knowledge such as MO was given to us by higher beings and has Aristocratic, heavenly nature, meaning it comes from above to the below and not vice versa. It is also not completely as wild berries to go gather them in the forest in the sense you have to be a genius to open it, though if you ARE one, then these are almost like berries - they are out there anyway. But the virtue of gathering will stay yours for eternity.

People say "Nature has everything already present - scientists only reveal it." Nature has all things in herself anyway awaiting for geniuses to come and find them, but since only geniuses do it, from our point of view, they are the ones that are a source of all knowledge.

What I want to say here... you can't "conceal" MO knowledge from Satan and his Demons, for example. You can't conceal free energy science from Tesla. You can't conceal anything from the one who is its Discoverer and superior to you in it. Obviously. Because YOU are not the source of this knowledge. Moreover, you do not even know WHAT to conceal before it is discovered. And since it is discovered not by you, there is no logical opportunity for you to conceal what you don't know.

So there is no such thing in Nature as "concealment" of knowledge. Problem is obviously at our end.

What jews do is just corrupting our own heads to not strive for knowledge and not being busy deserving it. Then after considerable corruption they can organize such institutions among our own as inquisition to control our best through our worst. Then put it all on Satan.

For example, you all see megaliths. Not sure, how their builders were rewarded for spreading them all around the Earth, Mars and everywhere... but if you look at them you find a lot of knowledge: astral projection, highest geometry science etc - lots of exactly what you call higher knowledge here. Now, if one does not see it there, obviously the problem is at their end.

Wonder what I will say the next? JoS have everything to go gain and apply it all. How? Apparently, because somehow "Gods and Clergy conceal knowledge", goy... Just a little example.
ClearWater said:
"We are not enemies, but every fat lard from Walmart is not an alien from outer space."

I know this but humans are part alien

"The fact each demented mind can have any imagination, does not give credit to spiritual experience, because this only matters when very trained minds get this."

So my experience is invalid because of this reason? Why did i have the experience and what they explained is what i said without even ever reading it? And nobody here came close to understanding me?

"This might all sound like alien to you but that is how we do this in my planet, which is earth."

No i actually understand what you are saying and know what you are talking about but at the same time i see further than that.So ask me to expain what i believe i understand from what you are saying then i will tell you.

I know all this will get disapproved so i will write it as its just between me and you. And hopefully one of us will come to some form of agreement.

I need to come on no agreement with you. I have further nothing to gain from arguing your pretty basic points, nor I think doing this will gain anyone anything except only yourself. As you admit in another post, you are also with two legs on two boats, you want to ingest information that could be of the enemy, and of ours, believing in hazy and confused ideas, which in the end of the day as the JoS explains is bad, as dabblers in Spiritual Satanism are not faring well at any rate.

While you work out your doubts and uncertainties, this is what you should be doing, and clearing out your beliefs [whatever these might be]. In regards to even more foolish points about "technology existing in the past", we have written about this, both me and HPS Maxine, and it's a well known default in JoS; therefore, what you write is mostly pointless information that can be found online. Yes, it's a given there are saucers and other advanced technology. HPS Maxine has referred to "ours" as "archaic junk".

I need not disapprove your message despite of the tone and all of this. Thanks.
ClearWater said:
Ok so now i want to point another thing out here.


For example the man feels trapped in a womans body and all those things that JoS normally discards as delusions or things that seem belittling to people who come here and ask for help and understanding.

And people think im corruping this place which i am not. If better and accurate information beats mine then so be it because that is what i want. I want people to correct me if im wrong but they don't because they themselfs either don't know or don't care whatbis true or not.

Yes, you are indeed corrupting this place but probably without being aware of it. You are still where you consider that pointing out certain information is "open mindedness", but in fact, it is mostly only delusions. These delusions are widely accepted herd delusions of the time.

In regards to "what you are", think for 8 hours per day that you are a dragon over the period of many years, with strong imagination. As time goes, you will really think you are a dragon, because that is the nature of the mind. Without even this basic knowledge, the herd which you are a part of, has jumped into making considerations of their gender and everything else, in contrast to even what we see in front of us, which is unscientific thinking and full on denial of obvious reality.

These are discarded or not taken seriously because not all things matter in this world. That's all.
Holdviola said:
Great writing!

Not long ago I tried to teach my mother how to joga. I was just teaching her a few exercises. But unfortunately she only had the stamina for a few days.

Hail Satan!

That is a prime example of this. Even if you gave her the knowledge openly, that does not mean she is still at the level to apply it and gain from it. Try to make a very light program for her, and then stay with her every single day [maybe do Yoga together]. She will pick up on her own past a time. But don't stay there forever, because she might deny this. Yet stay there for the proper amount of time. Wish you the best of luck, and happy Mothers Day too.
ClearWater said:
Ok so now i want to point another thing out here.


Look at this and yes they call it satanic rituals sacrifices and we know it as the jews who child rape and do child sacrifices. But read on and see in what detail they go. They expain things here that could not be awnsered by JoS on the forums.

For example the man feels trapped in a womans body and all those things that JoS normally discards as delusions or things that seem belittling to people who come here and ask for help and understanding.

Your link describes a transhumanist agenda, which is what the enemy wants for humanity. We have infinite potential with our organic, natural self, and LESS potential when we start replacing our body with electronics. Any technology that the Gods use to boost their physical form works symbiotically and in conjunction, meaning it does not replace anything on you.

As far as gender dysphoria or other identity issues (like feeling weak or not pretty), these are mainly mental in nature and can be resolved through freeing the soul from the associated negative karma.

Yes, people should not be belittled, but the answer has always been on through JOS activities, not with New Age websites. That is why people get upset. The "herd mentality" you see here is only because people have had great success and wish to defend it. They also don't want to see people ruin their lives following bad information.

I skimmed through what you sent and most of it seems like information that at best is not currently useful to you or me. At worst, it is completely false. However, if you think they can solve something that JOS cannot, please mention it here.
Dahaarkan said:
Had the common man had the knowledge to open his senses and awareness to spiritual threats, none of this would have happened. But instead this knowledge was locked within dusty pages in a dark room inside a temple somewhere. So that the holders of this knowledge could play god among the ignorant and impotent masses.

I do not at all see how sharing knowledge to the public made the masses more susceptible to enemy curses. This is an oxymoron. You put too much faith in the leaders of the past. They were largely incompetent, ego maniacal and downright retarded. And their methods and systems were likewise flawed and suicidal. And this is why the nations they led have collapsed. Please lets not repeat their mistakes?

When a ship sinks the fault lies not with the crew but with it's captains. Likewise the collapse of a nation is not the fault of the common man but the kings and priests who led their nation to ruin. Repeating the mistakes of the past is committing suicide on a nation-wide scale. They did not survive for a reason.

I do not think this was the case on any meaningful scale. To be fair, I cannot say for sure. Yet, I think it is more due to practical limitations. For example, how do you go about teaching your whole kingdom these truths, whilst also going about dealing with politics and so on? Maybe you do not even have the money to reprint the books, or don't have enough priests to teach others. Also, the population itself may have been forced to deal with material matters like farming, unable to learn or practice anything else in detail.

In other words, of course, if everyone was meditating, the course of humanity would change significantly, but I believe it due to more mundane issues than just one person trying to hide their secrets. If it was a few individuals behind this, the Gods would have had an easy job of simply compelling them to reveal their knowledge.
Dahaarkan said:
Yurei said:
Knowledge from the Gods is sacred. Imagine if a psychopath or a jew got their hands on the full formula of the Magnum Opus!

That would be a dream come true...no one would bat a eye if you bound them and took it from them :cool:

free magnum opus

If you are able to complete the Magnum Opus, you are also able to hear it straight from the Gods, not some website. Yet, if the information was out, Jews could create all sorts of perversions to it, if they wanted.

In regards to your "dream come true", well it is already a reality because we already know what needs to be done to get to a point of Magnum Opus. We are not lacking in knowledge so much as the ability to implement it.
ClearWater said:
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You must read the book "The Coming Race" by Lytton. This race described in the book, has extreme knowledge, the ability to kill and so on [every member of the race] but they are so wise and evolved that nobody uses these without proper judgement. This is where the Gods want to take us progressively. But this is inapplicable now.

You are having secrecy and authority issues. Satan is the only one with authority.

If you want to have arguments on knowledge, power, secrets and when to reveal it.

HPS Maxine has written: Satan bestows knowledge; and in regards to revealing it, she wrote to ask him.

When it comes to killing.

The Founding Fathers of America, already bestowed gun rights to Americans. And the Joy of Satan pages has the Death Spell and meditations to empower yourself to use it. It can be used in self-defence. To protect your property. And to protect who and what you love.

The Truth About Satan

Spiritual Satanism

The Commandments of Satan



Holy Shit why did i not see this!!

You think the same way i do i thought i was the only one speaking up. Wow thanx brother!!
It might look otherwise i know..

I really wonder what is my relationship with Satan or my stance.The moment everyone turned against me and the mods prevented me to speak i thought to myself atleast Satan knows the truth. Because deep down i know what i am fighting against and what my true intentions were which means Satan knows this and would not allow that what i was fighting to win me.

I mean im still here because of something i found and shared and weirdly enough the next day cobra made a thread that links to it. But got disapproved.

If it wasn't for that i really would be gone.You see i know what i am and anyone of high position who acts or tries to prove otherwise i will know is either a lair,or not as clever or is false and whatever.

It might look otherwise but its only known to Satan and me and maybe the enemy aswel but im not sure.

This only applies if i accept what is written on JoS and Satan knows each and everyone of us on a personal level.

Im not perfect either i do make a lot of mistakes and it costs me a lot but at the end of the day i know does not matter what i did or how it looks because my intentions were not against Satan.

Thats just me and maybe i am wrong and He wants me gone like the rest of the people here does. So i can only wait and see what happens.

Maybe i am not a SS at all and i have started to believe in it. I do however have a strong foundation to stand on which keeps me here.

Clearwater I have seen your post so far. Your cases are made in argumentative mindset. That first gives one a lack of respect for what they may want to bring to the table.

Secondly the JOS has no mediators, but there are levels of each SS in a way. Kind of like grading in schooling( grade school, Junior high, High School, etc.). So in that manner as it shows HP HoodedCobra would be in a tier of more likely High School going into College/ University. He is the essential commander in a sense as we look up to him as one. He does not command that authority but it is given in respect to him.

Maxine gave him reins after she finished the initial parts of the JoS ministries, so besides being so insolent and angry about a post, how about you approach him in an email. He already tried to clarify things with you here, but you still want to go into this anger mode. Anger is necessary for the right reasons. To be mindless shows a lower evolution, and that does not make it right.

If you indeed know what you are then act with some decency and respect, not because it is asked, but because that is one who is rising in evolution. High pedestals for those unworthy are worthy of getting kicked down help one to understand the true position they really are.

If your aren’t an SS, then you really have no say in a sense. You would be a lurker, and you saying things to get a rise out of the HP shows your lack of better character.

I leave something that I learned from Khepu, he has been a wonderful teacher, so I think this appropriate.

“For those who seek to be knowledgeable, they must first admit their ignorance to themselves to affirm they need that knowledge. This is to instill in the mind to search. Answers are made clear by clear diligence and perseverance.

If one truly desires to reach the godhead they must transverse the path that was already laid out. If they chose to do so, they will begin to become enlightened. However one’s level must not become a means to overshadow others. It is meant to learn and share to those who absolutely need it and want it. Knowledge is given, but will be given by one’s endeavor at all times.”~Khepu
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352273 time=1652007929 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
Yurei said:
Knowledge from the Gods is sacred. Imagine if a psychopath or a jew got their hands on the full formula of the Magnum Opus!

That would be a dream come true...no one would bat a eye if you bound them and took it from them :cool:

free magnum opus

If you are able to complete the Magnum Opus, you are also able to hear it straight from the Gods, not some website. Yet, if the information was out, Jews could create all sorts of perversions to it, if they wanted.

In regards to your "dream come true", well it is already a reality because we already know what needs to be done to get to a point of Magnum Opus. We are not lacking in knowledge so much as the ability to implement it.

You misunderstand what I meant by "taking it from them". To bind and drain such an entity must be incomparable ecstasy. And a learning opportunity unlike any other.

Probably should have mentioned that I'm quite mad ;)
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352271 time=1652007565 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
Had the common man had the knowledge to open his senses and awareness to spiritual threats, none of this would have happened. But instead this knowledge was locked within dusty pages in a dark room inside a temple somewhere. So that the holders of this knowledge could play god among the ignorant and impotent masses.

I do not at all see how sharing knowledge to the public made the masses more susceptible to enemy curses. This is an oxymoron. You put too much faith in the leaders of the past. They were largely incompetent, ego maniacal and downright retarded. And their methods and systems were likewise flawed and suicidal. And this is why the nations they led have collapsed. Please lets not repeat their mistakes?

When a ship sinks the fault lies not with the crew but with it's captains. Likewise the collapse of a nation is not the fault of the common man but the kings and priests who led their nation to ruin. Repeating the mistakes of the past is committing suicide on a nation-wide scale. They did not survive for a reason.

I do not think this was the case on any meaningful scale. To be fair, I cannot say for sure. Yet, I think it is more due to practical limitations. For example, how do you go about teaching your whole kingdom these truths, whilst also going about dealing with politics and so on? Maybe you do not even have the money to reprint the books, or don't have enough priests to teach others. Also, the population itself may have been forced to deal with material matters like farming, unable to learn or practice anything else in detail.

In other words, of course, if everyone was meditating, the course of humanity would change significantly, but I believe it due to more mundane issues than just one person trying to hide their secrets. If it was a few individuals behind this, the Gods would have had an easy job of simply compelling them to reveal their knowledge.

There is no point in speculating endlessly about the past. Perhaps they tried to teach people, perhaps not. Perhaps they hid knowledge, perhaps they spread it. We can't know for sure. In my opinion, those in positions of leadership kept what they knew hidden to maintain their power over the masses. But even this is highly debatable.

What we know for sure is that they are all dead. And the civilizations they built are ruins, relics of a bygone age. Which means on some level, they either fucked up, or were unable to deal with the challenges that cosmic predators pose.

What we know for sure is that ignorance binds one and makes one into a slave. Knowledge is the only cure for ignorance so you can see where this leads. I think HC makes a good point that handing it all out will have catastrophic results most likely. Knowledge is the cure for mankind's ills, though we ought to be careful not to overdose if you catch my drift. I see that now.
Dexeus said:
I think Father Satan will call everyone in his time
It was the same with me, if I were to describe it, many would not believe me

After two years, I decided to register here because I come from Poland and I took my knowledge from SVVEVE(***) who translate JoS - if you're here, thank you brother

Just in case if this is your real picture (profil) remove it asap.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Holdviola said:
Great writing!

Not long ago I tried to teach my mother how to joga. I was just teaching her a few exercises. But unfortunately she only had the stamina for a few days.

Hail Satan!

That is a prime example of this. Even if you gave her the knowledge openly, that does not mean she is still at the level to apply it and gain from it. Try to make a very light program for her, and then stay with her every single day [maybe do Yoga together]. She will pick up on her own past a time. But don't stay there forever, because she might deny this. Yet stay there for the proper amount of time. Wish you the best of luck, and happy Mothers Day too.

Thanks for the good advice.
I'm glad you wrote this because I've been thinking about giving up my mother yoga teaching it. But I'm giving it another chance.

Happy Mother's Day to you too!
All the best.
I would suggest do what really brings you joy and strength. And Keep doing that.

ClearWater said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you take criticism from me hp Cobra?
You say these starseeds "Given however the insanity of many and how many call themselves starseeds (and nuts I might add) and all this"

Since you said it yourself,also you make mistakes so now i want to point something out to you. I already know how you going to react i hope you prove me wrong but look at this and tell me how can they be nutjobs? I would agree with the idea that Christians are nutjobs and similars but these starseeds have incredible knowledge and also MOSTLY share the same values as JoS.

Yes some things might look nuts like christ consciousness ect.. but read all they have to say and you will see they are 80-90% the same as joS they only use different words and have diffrent views on the Gods. They expose the enemies of Satan and work for the greater good. I would say out of everyone they are the closest allies to the JoS!!!

Doesn't matter what i believe in and keep your people i DON'T want them to follow me but i do believe you are wrong by calling them nutjobs. I want you to see and admit that.

Its easy to say yeah one wire infiltrated and this or that but lets not forget what the truth really is which i have proof btw and i only found out yesterday that these so called nut jobs are not really as nuts as you say they are.


Yes some things might be blatant but thats where i am looking into and never again will i limit myself on what a organization tells me to believe. All i know is i want to live in a better world and remove the evil filth from the world and save my own soul from enemy ETs because IT IS A REALITY THAT I CANNOT DENY EVEN IF I WANTED TO.
ClearWater said:
Ramier108666 said:
ClearWater said:
Holy Shit why did i not see this!!

You think the same way i do i thought i was the only one speaking up. Wow thanx brother!!
It might look otherwise i know..

I really wonder what is my relationship with Satan or my stance.The moment everyone turned against me and the mods prevented me to speak i thought to myself atleast Satan knows the truth. Because deep down i know what i am fighting against and what my true intentions were which means Satan knows this and would not allow that what i was fighting to win me.

I mean im still here because of something i found and shared and weirdly enough the next day cobra made a thread that links to it. But got disapproved.

If it wasn't for that i really would be gone.You see i know what i am and anyone of high position who acts or tries to prove otherwise i will know is either a lair,or not as clever or is false and whatever.

It might look otherwise but its only known to Satan and me and maybe the enemy aswel but im not sure.

This only applies if i accept what is written on JoS and Satan knows each and everyone of us on a personal level.

Im not perfect either i do make a lot of mistakes and it costs me a lot but at the end of the day i know does not matter what i did or how it looks because my intentions were not against Satan.

Thats just me and maybe i am wrong and He wants me gone like the rest of the people here does. So i can only wait and see what happens.

Maybe i am not a SS at all and i have started to believe in it. I do however have a strong foundation to stand on which keeps me here.

Clearwater I have seen your post so far. Your cases are made in argumentative mindset. That first gives one a lack of respect for what they may want to bring to the table.

Secondly the JOS has no mediators, but there are levels of each SS in a way. Kind of like grading in schooling( grade school, Junior high, High School, etc.). So in that manner as it shows HP HoodedCobra would be in a tier of more likely High School going into College/ University. He is the essential commander in a sense as we look up to him as one. He does not command that authority but it is given in respect to him.

Maxine gave him reins after she finished the initial parts of the JoS ministries, so besides being so insolent and angry about a post, how about you approach him in an email. He already tried to clarify things with you here, but you still want to go into this anger mode. Anger is necessary for the right reasons. To be mindless shows a lower evolution, and that does not make it right.

If you indeed know what you are then act with some decency and respect, not because it is asked, but because that is one who is rising in evolution. High pedestals for those unworthy are worthy of getting kicked down help one to understand the true position they really are.

If your aren’t an SS, then you really have no say in a sense. You would be a lurker, and you saying things to get a rise out of the HP shows your lack of better character.

I leave something that I learned from Khepu, he has been a wonderful teacher, so I think this appropriate.

“For those who seek to be knowledgeable, they must first admit their ignorance to themselves to affirm they need that knowledge. This is to instill in the mind to search. Answers are made clear by clear diligence and perseverance.

If one truly desires to reach the godhead they must transverse the path that was already laid out. If they chose to do so, they will begin to become enlightened. However one’s level must not become a means to overshadow others. It is meant to learn and share to those who absolutely need it and want it. Knowledge is given, but will be given by one’s endeavor at all times.”~Khepu

Ramier i always respected the Hp but .....



What you just posted delineated that you are not a high thinking person in the sense of showing their worth of respect. I will not entertain a person if they can’t even do that basic thing. You don’t respect the Hp, yet you always did. There is no sway of choice here. Either be respectful of r be an insulting individual incapable of understanding advancement in its many facets. You lack that.

I won’t reply to you due to your stringent idiocy and baseless anger, and above all lack of knowledgeable understanding of things being said to you by others.

Hail Satan.
Sex and Circumcision - An American Love Story - by Eric Clopper
This video shows in detail another way that the Jews dis-empower men is by cutting off 90% of their sexual pleasure organs when they are young children. This also then creates a deep psychological trauma of pain and betrayal by their parents for not protecting them. These men grow up with a tramua that is very difficult to recover from and marks them for life. They had no choice in the process. The Jews push this genital mutilation in the medical system through lies and deception.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=351575 time=1651848499 user_id=57]
Dahaarkan said:
The Gods give us knowledge at an individual level, as we are advanced enough to use it. Meaning, open astral hearing, having "leveled up" in certain ways, and so on. To give outright all the knowledge there is though... we all know how a lot of people will think they are more advanced than they are, and able to handle more than they can. Such an individual can ruin their mind and soul. Insanity and death can happen from doing far more than one is able to do.

Knowledge from the Gods to us SS is only "withheld" until the individual is ready for it, and then we are given what we need as we need it. The Gods are happy to give us all the knowledge we need, as they want us to advance, and they want it to be in a safe and effective manner.

That also explains why Maxine always recommended health advices that arent harmful even with bad implemenration. I remember reading about MMS and chlorine dioxide and thinking maxine's advice of using hydrogen peroxide as overpriced and outdated. Just as i tried chlorine dioxide myself i realized how much work i had to do with precision and maintain lab grade hygiene and how much things could go wrong with overdose. I still think that many people arent ready to make their own medicines even if its cheap.
ClearWater said:
At the end of the day you are the guy who wasted everyones time, and still do, you asked people to mediate between Satan and you and you also want to dilute JoS with new age mindset and ideas.

You are a feeble minded cretin.
The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut. Now all of humanity has to suffer with the vermin of the enemy for a long time.

It was said that their "kabalah", and much of their other systems of magic, was taken from the far east. Though I assumed much of this was stolen, if it was deliberately given, especially due to the docile and gullible tendency of a certain type of gentiles who also insanely allowed them in their country following their exile from Israel, then I must apologizes on their behalf and hope some of us can redeem for the weight of their errors in the future.

Also, I think grays should not be accredited too much for their psychic capabilities as it seams most of it is just technology based and nothing truly "within" so to say. This is why they're often times easy to deal with when encountered astrally. But even physically, they may not even fare well against a well armed person. In "Day after Roswell", in Corso's account, a soldier was easily able to gun down fleeing grays with an m16. However, in Philip Schneider's account, after breaking through a supposed underground gray base, one of them was able to "conjure" something from their chest that shot a bolt which basically melted parts of his body and gave him cancer. So definitely do not underestimate the capabilities of these other-wordly beings but only realize much of what they are is artificial.
Ariton 666 said:
Why are the Saturn Square dates not shared for the fourth year in a row?

Is that also considered dangerous knowledge?

It was possible to do Saturn Squares this year, luckily I was able to do two, and I owe it to my friend who knows astrology.

Or the other steps of Magnum Opus?

And then how much more knowledge can be withheld?

All this bullshit writing you've described here is about nothing more than why you think it's "legitimate" to withhold knowledge.

In fact, you are just afraid that if everyone had the right knowledge, there would be many people who could rise to high levels, but you don't want that.

You're right, the ignorant and the weak can only be dominated, and that's perfectly fine with you. All that matters to you is that everyone does the Rituals, but you especially don't want strong SS members, they are just energy banks for the Rituals.

You're a good example of what the post is talking about as someone who lacks the necessary level of understanding to comprehend.

At the very least be respectful rather than antagonistic in your approach. It is perfectly possible to say what you said without the antagonism and aggression and horrible accusations. If you're suspicious of the High Priest then you could talk politely to him, and he might help ease your suspicion and worries. But you didn't take that approach, and you were hostile from the start. How is that fair?
Has anyone ever tried explaining advanced maths to someone who doesn't understand the lower maths that build up to what you are talking about? If so, then you know what happened. They had no idea what you were talking about, and they also had no interest. If someone hasn't learned basic arithmetic and its operations and functions then how are they going to understand more advanced math like physics, algebra, etc..., and how are you going to teach it to them without first teaching the basic arithmetic? And how are you going to teach them the basic arithmetic to build up to the advanced math, if they have no interest in learning the basic arithmetic? They might want to learn other stuff like horse riding, and they don't want to invest their time in any sort of math at all. That's free will, and you can't force their face into a book if they only want to ride horses.

You can make the knowledge freely available with libraries and learning centers and whatnot, but you can't force people to go and learn from it, and even if they do, you still can't give them books with alchemical formulae, symbols and concepts that they won't be able to make sense of until they have learned and understood the more basic stuff. Or you can give them those advanced books, and just watch as they misuse it and destroy themselves and others around them. And if you're a dick then you will avoid responsibility and pretend that it wasn't your fault, and that they shouldn't have asked for something they weren't ready for. If the Gods gave us all things that we weren't ready for then obviously people would blame the Gods for what happened as a result, now wouldn't they? The Gods aren't stupid, and they don't hand out higher advanced knowledge like candy to idiots who will misuse it.

We are in a different situation today with the JoS and its knowledge shared, and that's why some advanced books are handed out in the advanced section. However, even then very stern warnings are given right on the websites that the knowledge can be harmful if one is not ready for it and doesn't know what they are doing, and it says right there that you should have mastered the basics from the other sections first.

Do I go around making fire elemental thoughtforms, or inhaling 50 breaths straight of potent fire element into my soul, when I have only been practicing magick for a year and a half? No. Even though I know that I have done a lot of advanced magick in my past lives, I'm still careful and cautious, and I respect my limits. Especially with the damage I received to my soul in this lifetime. I pace myself appropriately. Why? Because I'm smart, and I place actual value on my soul and I don't want to harm myself. I'm not cocky to do dangerous experiments that will make a mess in my soul that I will have to clean up later, and will be a setback to my advancement.
jrvan said:
Ariton 666 said:
Why are the Saturn Square dates not shared for the fourth year in a row?

You're a good example of what the post is talking about as someone who lacks the necessary level of understanding to comprehend.

At the very least be respectful rather than antagonistic in your approach. It is perfectly possible to say what you said without the antagonism and aggression and horrible accusations. If you're suspicious of the High Priest then you could talk politely to him, and he might help ease your suspicion and worries. But you didn't take that approach, and you were hostile from the start. How is that fair?

It's fair because this person is a shill that is doxxing people from Facebook etc, pretending they are JoS. Therefore, to drag any point made in the post out of context and lie about it, is necessary to lash out after we found out they were shilling to be JoS Hungary and keeping folders on people left and right.
Ariton 666 said:
Why are the Saturn Square dates not shared for the fourth year in a row?

Because you can't read. It's said to people to look up the planets, because the square can be done for years, and would therefore occupy too much space.

Ariton 666 said:
Is that also considered dangerous knowledge?

No. That's why it's in JoS.

Ariton 666 said:
It was possible to do Saturn Squares this year, luckily I was able to do two, and I owe it to my friend who knows astrology.

You could also thank the JoS for giving you the Square and telling you everything about Astrology, which you didn't read of course. Must have been busy in Facebook trying to doxx Hungarian people I guess.

Ariton 666 said:
Or the other steps of Magnum Opus?

And then how much more knowledge can be withheld?

All this bullshit writing you've described here is about nothing more than why you think it's "legitimate" to withhold knowledge.

You want Magnum Opus and don't even know basic astrology...

The Magnum Opus could be already in the JoS and you wouldn't even know. The certain blocks for doing it, same as all the procedures, are present in there as knowledge, with the few remaining things easily to be taught by the Gods if one adheres to the rest and masters the rest.

Ariton 666 said:
In fact, you are just afraid that if everyone had the right knowledge, there would be many people who could rise to high levels, but you don't want that.

Oh, everyone is very afraid right now. Yes, too many lightworkers and idiots are out to get everyone, be scared. It's sad to cry to the JoS while it gave you all you know.

Ariton 666 said:
You're right, the ignorant and the weak can only be dominated, and that's perfectly fine with you. All that matters to you is that everyone does the Rituals, but you especially don't want strong SS members, they are just energy banks for the Rituals.

Unfortunately it really matters to me you do the Rituals so sorry individuals like you can be saved from impending disasters and other things, and for you to have the Gods in your life, which clearly are absent from yours.

Even more is bad, that these Rituals also activate parts in your brain and soul, but you are free to do neither of these, as you appear to have neither by your replies and what you do trying to dox people etc.
following on from 6G, electromagnetics and tesla tech....

Has anyone watched any of the documentaries about Tartaria? And how the buildings used to harness electromagnetic energy from the ionosphere… to power cities and charge water to grow plants on stately homes, which were originally fruit and veg farms….?

Walter Russel (friend of Tesla) also wrote some very interesting papers on light, magnetism, electricity, gravity …..
Greetings and thank you for all the information here. One thing that caught my attention, which I've recently asked on other forums, was about how "babies and animals are very attracted to me" Such as many years ago while working on a landscaping job in upstate NY, a small squirrel ran up to me and started climbing my leg. Then a few years back a rabbit did the same, and latter that night as I stepped out for a smoke, I looked up at the molding above my door and was caught eye to eye with a pure white dove. When I say eye to eye I mean it was so direct that the shock took my breath away with...fear ? I can't explain it it was like looking directly into my soul. Freaked me right out. Wasn't till recently that I learned that one of Lady Ashteroth's animals is the dove where I made the connection with the rabbit. This leaves questions on its own. But back to it, any time I come upon a baby they just stair right into me. Now I've read of starseeds which is the closest explanation I could find until hearing "light-tounge". I would Love to hear the Satanic view on this as I do tend to enjoy a good"title", if that makes sense, I'd love to hear what my spiritual family has to say. Thank you,
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:
Why are the Saturn Square dates not shared for the fourth year in a row?

Because you can't read. It's said to people to look up the planets, because the square can be done for years, and would therefore occupy too much space.

Ariton 666 said:
Is that also considered dangerous knowledge?

No. That's why it's in JoS.

Ariton 666 said:
It was possible to do Saturn Squares this year, luckily I was able to do two, and I owe it to my friend who knows astrology.

You could also thank the JoS for giving you the Square and telling you everything about Astrology, which you didn't read of course. Must have been busy in Facebook trying to doxx Hungarian people I guess.

Ariton 666 said:
Or the other steps of Magnum Opus?

And then how much more knowledge can be withheld?

All this bullshit writing you've described here is about nothing more than why you think it's "legitimate" to withhold knowledge.

You want Magnum Opus and don't even know basic astrology...

The Magnum Opus could be already in the JoS and you wouldn't even know. The certain blocks for doing it, same as all the procedures, are present in there as knowledge, with the few remaining things easily to be taught by the Gods if one adheres to the rest and masters the rest.

Ariton 666 said:
In fact, you are just afraid that if everyone had the right knowledge, there would be many people who could rise to high levels, but you don't want that.

Oh, everyone is very afraid right now. Yes, too many lightworkers and idiots are out to get everyone, be scared. It's sad to cry to the JoS while it gave you all you know.

Ariton 666 said:
You're right, the ignorant and the weak can only be dominated, and that's perfectly fine with you. All that matters to you is that everyone does the Rituals, but you especially don't want strong SS members, they are just energy banks for the Rituals.

Unfortunately it really matters to me you do the Rituals so sorry individuals like you can be saved from impending disasters and other things, and for you to have the Gods in your life, which clearly are absent from yours.

Even more is bad, that these Rituals also activate parts in your brain and soul, but you are free to do neither of these, as you appear to have neither by your replies and what you do trying to dox people etc.

You are right.
I typed Saturn square into the search engine, and Lydia's article was one of the first to come up.
If this guy had spent his energies on that instead of teasing, he would have had his answer long ago.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
