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Internet witches

Are Internet witches real ?

Are you referring for example to the girls on TikTok who make videos about how powerful they are and that it is better not to write critical comments otherwise they will cast destruction spells on you from their ward of the psychiatric hospital where they are because of some mental disorder of a rather serious nature and which has led them to be more dependent on psychotropic drugs than on their own "imaginary power"?

No, they are not.
But you can be better:
Are Internet witches real ?

Or maybe you are referring to those who offer you for the truly affordable modest sum of a few thousand euros their service of performing a very powerful love ritual with which they will surely all fall in love with you, satisfied or reimbursed, only that they have never even thought for two seconds not only to strengthen their soul, but not even to clean it at least from all the filth they have on them, and who will certainly have (irony of course) the most altruistic intentions in making you pay 10,000 dollars for a spell to "make you prettier, more attractive and even muscular", but who unfortunately do not even know how to do such a thing and therefore probably, at least if they are in good faith, will open a strange fucking grimoire for 20 euros on Amazon written by a shitty Jew, with which they will curse you... ehm no sorry, I meant, with which they will increase your IQ by 20 points, even if they do not have the slightest power, knowledge or anything else that could be defined at least as prerequisite?

No, that's not real either, but you can become more useful to yourself than that (but for free and without even losing 10000000 dollars, how convenient):
Most of them are powerless/weak and have no idea what they're doing. Their energies are so weak that basic ass xian prayers could probably counter them, since they're essentially at the same level as the xians in terms of their witch power. Most of them don't meditate or know how to increase their powers for their spells to do much. Some are born with more power than others for various reasons so they might get something done with their spells, but none of them are a something a proper SS needs to worry about since we have the proper method of increasing witch power and we have the Gods.
Also any "witch "that shows their real name and face online and proclaims they're a "baddass witch" is retarded. They're opening themselves for curses and "pray for you" types of xians as well as curses and hate from abrahamics, as well as ridiculing energy from atheists which are essentially curses too, all these energies will fuck them up and make their weak powers even weaker, it might even lead them to misfortune. Also, it opens them up for other "witches" to curse them.
Are Internet witches real ?
you asked a right question because you must know that those are false people who in turn lead other people to think things that are not true. Those people who claim to be witches do not even know what meditation and empowerment is, and probably think they are the witches of fairy tales. Not to mention the Wicca for which I have a deep hatred.
also, do not believe the tiktok cartomants who make interactive card readings, they only say shit to make visualizations, but maybe they donโ€™t know that a person who knows nothing about the world of the tarot reading can safely believe it and think things are not true

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
