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I want this dumbfuck dead ! :@


New member
Jan 11, 2004
I am being taunted, being treated as a stupid little kid,all family members domunate over me. I havent been doin meditations. Couldnt keep going cuz i need this worst fucking dumbheaded brother to get out of my way n life:mad: he peeps in whatever i do. Idk why am i tellin this than doing something to it. But i dont even have required power to kill him:) i just cant take this anymore 
Having him around me i cant advance. 


If they are your family then you will just have to deal with it until you are of age. Other wise it would be better to keep your mouth shut. As well a simple fact is that if you are a kid then your parents are going to dominate you, but once you are 18 then it doesn't matter anymore. And If you could use black magick to kill would you really want to kill your brother with it? Maybe you could just try talking to him about privacy and boundaries.
Also it is really easy to find a time and place to meditate. Stay up a little later or get up a little earlier than everyone. Go for a walk and go to a private place. If you have a car you can always sit in the car and do your meditations. There are many places you can get away with meditation. There was one time I sat on a park bench and meditated for about 30 minutes or so and nobody said a thing. Even if they did who cares. You could meditate practically anywhere since you can meditate lying down, standing up, or in lotus position. Sometimes its better to blame yourself for your shortcomings than to blame other people.
On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 3:59 AM PDT Inlovewithsatan wrote:

I am being taunted, being treated as a stupid little kid,all family members domunate over me. I havent been doin meditations. Couldnt keep going cuz i need this worst fucking dumbheaded brother to get out of my way n life:mad: he peeps in whatever i do. Idk why am i tellin this than doing something to it. But i dont even have required power to kill him:) i just cant take this anymore 
Having him around me i cant advance. 

Don't do it. If he dies, your life will be worse. You don't have to believe me, you'll regret it. If he's a child, put up with him. Children are sacred in satanism. It would be a disgrace if you cursed your own family!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Enkiss on Descarte <enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:


If they are your family then you will just have to deal with it until you are of age. Other wise it would be better to keep your mouth shut. As well a simple fact is that if you are a kid then your parents are going to dominate you, but once you are 18 then it doesn't matter anymore. And If you could use black magick to kill would you really want to kill your brother with it? Maybe you could just try talking to him about privacy and boundaries.
Also it is really easy to find a time and place to meditate. Stay up a little later or get up a little earlier than everyone. Go for a walk and go to a private place. If you have a car you can always sit in the car and do your meditations. There are many places you can get away with meditation. There was one time I sat on a park bench and meditated for about 30 minutes or so and nobody said a thing. Even if they did who cares. You could meditate practically anywhere since you can meditate lying down, standing up, or in lotus position. Sometimes its better to blame yourself for your shortcomings than to blame other people.
On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 3:59 AM PDT Inlovewithsatan wrote:

I am being taunted, being treated as a stupid little kid,all family members domunate over me. I havent been doin meditations. Couldnt keep going cuz i need this worst fucking dumbheaded brother to get out of my way n life:mad: he peeps in whatever i do. Idk why am i tellin this than doing something to it. But i dont even have required power to kill him:) i just cant take this anymore 
Having him around me i cant advance. 

Is he your younger or older bother? Ask him why he want to know what you are doing. 

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 6:59 AM, Inlovewithsatan <inlovewithsatan@... wrote:
  I am being taunted, being treated as a stupid little kid,all family members domunate over me. I havent been doin meditations. Couldnt keep going cuz i need this worst fucking dumbheaded brother to get out of my way n life:mad: he peeps in whatever i do. Idk why am i tellin this than doing something to it. But i dont even have required power to kill him:) i just cant take this anymore 
Having him around me i cant advance. 

<font>HAIL SATAN !
Nothing illegal. I know your just blowling off steam. But make this comment again and I will have to ban you.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:30:32 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Is he your younger or older bother? Ask him why he want to know what you are doing. On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 6:59 AM, Inlovewithsatan <inlovewithsatan@... wrote:
  I am being taunted, being treated as a stupid little kid,all family members domunate over me. I havent been doin meditations. Couldnt keep going cuz i need this worst fucking dumbheaded brother to get out of my way n life:mad: he peeps in whatever i do. Idk why am i tellin this than doing something to it. But i dont even have required power to kill him:) i just cant take this anymore 
Having him around me i cant advance. 

<font>HAIL SATAN !
I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
Ok calm down and dont even compare what i say to sounding like a fucken jew. I am a full believer and devoted individual of satanism. And even though anger and hate may be necessary emotions for whatever distruction rituals. Anger overall is not a positive emotion to carry around in general. I love what satanism stands for which is standing up for yourself and not turning the other cheek but that doesnt mean one has to become bitter overtime just because assholes in life want to create problems for us and make us interior. Pray to your Father Satan for help against enemies who want to harm you. I never said anything about suppressing anything.
Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
This is his brother here, not some psycho creep threating his life. Common sense advice and moral advice is required. Just program your aura so your annoying family members give you the space you want. Its that simple.
From: drakedannii <xxrygelxx@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:29:19 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality. Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around. The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them. Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html

Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
That should really be a last resort to anything but to perform that death spell and having it work.i wouldn't want anyone to have to regret their decision by having to do such a thing.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:00 AM, "drakedannii" <xxrygelxx@... wrote:
  Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Perfectly well put. I agree
On Jul 11, 2013 2:20 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  This is his brother here, not some psycho creep threating his life. Common sense advice and moral advice is required.  Just program your aura so your annoying family members give you the space you want. Its that simple.
From: drakedannii <xxrygelxx@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:29:19 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html

Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Is this joyofsatan group here just so we could criticize eachother or to help eachother with whatever advice we may need help with? I am all for giving and helping anyone in a positive way. Just because i may refer or post a certain way of positivity opposed to your aura or whatever doesn't mean anything bad people. Lighten up.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:52 AM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:
What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html

Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Is this joyofsatan group here just so we could criticize eachother or to help eachother with whatever advice we may need help with? I am all for giving and helping anyone in a positive way. Just because i may not refer to or post a certain way of positivity opposed to your aura or whatever doesn't mean anything bad people. Lighten up.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html

Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Thats not what you stated.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:02:24 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Is this joyofsatan group here just so we could criticize eachother or to help eachother with whatever advice we may need help with? I am all for giving and helping anyone in a positive way. Just because i may refer or post a certain way of positivity opposed to your aura or whatever doesn't mean anything bad people. Lighten up.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:52 AM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:
What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge.
On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
Ok. I am not a kid and i know everything i am saying. I am not lashing out as you say i am. I will not silence my mouth especially when i don't need to be corrected because i have not said anything negative or disrespectful in any way. As a satanist,i will stand up for what i believe in and only the enemy want us to shut up and thats it. Read back to my first comment posted on hereit was positive advice to some young kid and you have been trying to argue with me for some reason. Relax the world is not out to get you. I am feeding positive advice.
On Jul 11, 2013 10:40 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
And you seem to think we have to allow your post to go through or allow you to remain in the egroups. You should be grateful at the fact your still posting.
Change your thinking and attitude and there will not be an issue. But Im letting you know right now, disrespect or flame the ministry on any level, the next time you find the need to use the egroups for your personal rants kiss your ass goodbye.
And im not known for being so angry, but you are annoying. Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  Ok. I am not a kid and i know everything i am saying. I am not lashing out as you say i am. I will not silence my mouth especially when i don't need to be corrected because i have not said anything negative or disrespectful in any way. As a satanist,i will stand up for what i believe in and only the enemy want us to shut up and thats it. Read back to my first comment posted on hereit was positive advice to some young kid and you have been trying to argue with me for some reason. Relax the world is not out to get you. I am feeding positive advice. On Jul 11, 2013 10:40 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
Look i am even going to say this again. I mean you no disrespect but you want me to shut my mouth for no good reason.
On Jul 11, 2013 11:13 PM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:
What are you talking about. Calm down. You are angry for no reason. I am not ranting or lashing out. Can you give me an example of what it is that your problem is with me ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT,I REPEAT NOT been disrespectful and i have even stated with all due respect to begin with On Jul 11, 2013 11:08 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  And you seem to think we have to allow your post to go through or allow you to remain in the egroups. You should be grateful at the fact your still posting.
Change your thinking and attitude and there will not be an issue. But Im letting you know right now, disrespect or flame the ministry on any level, the next time you find the need to use the egroups for your personal rants kiss your ass goodbye.
And im not known for being so angry, but you are annoying. Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  Ok. I am not a kid and i know everything i am saying. I am not lashing out as you say i am. I will not silence my mouth especially when i don't need to be corrected because i have not said anything negative or disrespectful in any way. As a satanist,i will stand up for what i believe in and only the enemy want us to shut up and thats it. Read back to my first comment posted on hereit was positive advice to some young kid and you have been trying to argue with me for some reason. Relax the world is not out to get you. I am feeding positive advice. On Jul 11, 2013 10:40 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
What are you talking about. Calm down. You are angry for no reason. I am not ranting or lashing out. Can you give me an example of what it is that your problem is with me ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT,I REPEAT NOT been disrespectful and i have even stated with all due respect to begin with
On Jul 11, 2013 11:08 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  And you seem to think we have to allow your post to go through or allow you to remain in the egroups. You should be grateful at the fact your still posting.
Change your thinking and attitude and there will not be an issue. But Im letting you know right now, disrespect or flame the ministry on any level, the next time you find the need to use the egroups for your personal rants kiss your ass goodbye.
And im not known for being so angry, but you are annoying. Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  Ok. I am not a kid and i know everything i am saying. I am not lashing out as you say i am. I will not silence my mouth especially when i don't need to be corrected because i have not said anything negative or disrespectful in any way. As a satanist,i will stand up for what i believe in and only the enemy want us to shut up and thats it. Read back to my first comment posted on hereit was positive advice to some young kid and you have been trying to argue with me for some reason. Relax the world is not out to get you. I am feeding positive advice. On Jul 11, 2013 10:40 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,

PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!

Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday

High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
What you have written below is exactly the type of attitude the system works
overtime to try to promote and indoctrinate the populace with. This sort of
attitude is not only necessary for, but makes one a perfect slave and the
jew run system knows this. This sort of thing smacks of the teachings of
jewsus. Completely denying and ignoring certain unpleasant facts of life and
certain emotions will not make them go away, but create problems of
repression and other psychological nasties that will come back at some time
in your future and bite you real hard in the ass.

This attitude is also very necessary for the promotion and the establishment
of injustice; passing the buck. Just let crime get so out of control as it
already has, let anything and everything just go on with no opposition,
unless of course, it conflicts with the jewish agenda, and let everything
that countless generations have worked and sacrificed and fought for, to
establish civilization, just go down the fucking drain. Pass the buck, don't
take any responsibility, look the other way, pretend everything is alright
and ok and only concentrate on those more "positive emotions" while the
entire world goes to shit.

Just let everything go to shit and we can all lay down and die under the
suicidal teachings of jewsus, the jewish run system and the new age crap.
Just give up. Don't do anything. Let those who shit on you shit even more on
others. What you write makes me want to vomit. I am warning you- do NOT
preach this jewsus new age crap on here. If you really feel this way, there
are many new age and christian e-groups you can join who will welcome your
views. I strongly suggest you wake up to reality.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.

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While I understand HP Friday's statements.  People have the right to disagree with me, call me an asshole and even make fun of the way I dress. Its fine, if the person is serious about their positon.  But that does not prove their ideological positon.  But after awhile if they want to be taken seriously by myself and others on debate of their positions they are going to have to offer some serious evidence for their claims.  This is what you have failed to do. Infact I went into detail why the belief system you put forth is wrong already a couple of posts back. And further proved the evidence via observation of natural occuring reality that is around us all the time. All you have done is state you believe in some stuff and thats all. No evidence. You have made the claim so the burden of proof is upon you.  I don't want you to shut your mouth I want you to open it and provide some kind of a realistic premise for your statements. So who I am to state your belief system is incorrect? I am the guy who proved vaild evidence as to why its incorrect.     
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 2:24:02 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Look i am even going to say this again. I mean you no disrespect but you want me to shut my mouth for no good reason.
On Jul 11, 2013 11:13 PM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:
What are you talking about. Calm down. You are angry for no reason. I am not ranting or lashing out. Can you give me an example of what it is that your problem is with me ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT,I REPEAT NOT been disrespectful and i have even stated with all due respect to begin with On Jul 11, 2013 11:08 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  And you seem to think we have to allow your post to go through or allow you to remain in the egroups. You should be grateful at the fact your still posting.
Change your thinking and attitude and there will not be an issue. But Im letting you know right now, disrespect or flame the ministry on any level, the next time you find the need to use the egroups for your personal rants kiss your ass goodbye.
And im not known for being so angry, but you are annoying. Cordially,
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday
High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  Ok. I am not a kid and i know everything i am saying. I am not lashing out as you say i am. I will not silence my mouth especially when i don't need to be corrected because i have not said anything negative or disrespectful in any way. As a satanist,i will stand up for what i believe in and only the enemy want us to shut up and thats it. Read back to my first comment posted on hereit was positive advice to some young kid and you have been trying to argue with me for some reason. Relax the world is not out to get you. I am feeding positive advice. On Jul 11, 2013 10:40 PM, "High Priest Mac Friday" <macfriday@... wrote:
  He's a highly respected High Priest in which if you had any sort of sense, you would shut your mouth, listen and learn. We are not here to misguide you and play games. Please trust and believe there is no idle time.
You will not be allowed in this group, speaking to any of the JOS Ministry in that fashion. You know when I was new, I myself had this very problem. Lashing out on the Clergy because I was corrected on a numerous occasions. 
I eventually had to learn how to shut up and listen. No one here but trolls and infiltrators will purposely feed you bullshit. 
Shape up or ship out!  Cordially,
PRAISE THE Mighty 4 Crowns of Duat!Knowledge cant be rushed, it is power so you must accept and embrace it.
-High Priest Mac Friday
High Priest Mac Friday
Joy Of Satan Ministries
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge. On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Your belief system is incorrect.
From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others. On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.  Easy solution and everyone is happy. What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.  Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.  Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world. Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.  The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.  Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:
  That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.
This exact post, sounds like some one i used to know.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

Is this joyofsatan group here just so we could criticize eachother or to
help eachother with whatever advice we may need help with? I am all for
giving and helping anyone in a positive way. Just because i may refer or
post a certain way of positivity opposed to your aura or whatever doesn't
mean anything bad people. Lighten up.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:52 AM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:

What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a
similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger
anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe
then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully
what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a
respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything
for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with
different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:


Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad
behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will
simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be
tempered with mindfulness.

Easy solution and everyone is happy.

What minfante1983 suggests only makes people more angry as they
constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go
unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in
many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted
into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets
rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day
finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And
or stresses them till they get sick.

Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and
goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and
preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness
to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.

Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and
the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move
towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their
is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an
opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington
was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all
that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of
course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a
better world.

Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both
work to make the universe go around.

The kosherpath enemy knows this hence why they push
psychological disarmament programs To keep people slaves who take their
shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses
who are victims of them.

Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to
make the Goyium easy prey.

*From:* the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
*Subject:* [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for
destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us
to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about
turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity
tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress
your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and
appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any
emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a
hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other
things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and
causes psychological problems:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html

Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able
to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger
is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying
enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals.
Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not
take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one
will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com<JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com,
minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.

"With all due respect," if you don't agree with our belief system, then WHY are you here??


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@... wrote:

With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is
incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive
energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in.
Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge.
On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:


Your belief system is incorrect.

*From:* minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a
similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger
anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe
then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully
what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a
respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything
for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with
different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:**


Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad
behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will
simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be
tempered with mindfulness.

Easy solution and everyone is happy.

What minfante1983 suggests only makes people more angry as they
constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go
unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in
many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted
into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets
rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day
finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And
or stresses them till they get sick.

Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes
see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions
that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic
reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.

Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and
the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move
towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their
is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an
opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington
was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all
that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of
course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a
better world.

Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both
work to make the universe go around.

The kosherpath enemy knows this hence why they push
psychological disarmament programs To keep people slaves who take their
shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses
who are victims of them.

Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make
the Goyium easy prey.

*From:* the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
*Subject:* [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for
destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us
to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about
turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity
tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress
your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and
appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any
emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a
hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other
things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and
causes psychological problems:** **
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... lth.html** ** Anger
IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to
control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is
a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying
enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals.
Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not
take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one
will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.** **--- In
mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com <JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com,
minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:** ** I may not be in your shoes
but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to** Anger and or any type
hate will only blind you and keep away any type** positive energies
from entering your life which would help you progress and** move foward
in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have** to
endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in**
your own shoes.** ** **

Apparently this is another jewish bloodsucker trolling here.

The question is - is it a freelancer or a member of some group, like ADL?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@... wrote:

"With all due respect," if you don't agree with our belief system, then WHY are you here??


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:

With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is
incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive
energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in.
Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge.
On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@ wrote:


Your belief system is incorrect.

*From:* minfante1983 <minfante1983@
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a
similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger
anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe
then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully
what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a
respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything
for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with
different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@ wrote:**


Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad
behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will
simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be
tempered with mindfulness.

Easy solution and everyone is happy.

What minfante1983 suggests only makes people more angry as they
constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go
unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in
many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted
into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets
rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day
finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And
or stresses them till they get sick.

Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes
see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions
that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic
reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.

Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and
the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move
towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their
is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an
opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington
was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all
that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of
course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a
better world.

Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both
work to make the universe go around.

The kosherpath enemy knows this hence why they push
psychological disarmament programs To keep people slaves who take their
shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses
who are victims of them.

Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make
the Goyium easy prey.

*From:* the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
*Subject:* [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for
destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us
to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about
turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity
tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress
your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and
appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any
emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a
hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other
things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and
causes psychological problems:** **
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... lth.html** ** Anger
IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to
control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is
a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying
enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals.
Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not
take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one
will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.** **--- In
mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com <JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com,
minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:** ** I may not be in your shoes
but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to** Anger and or any type
hate will only blind you and keep away any type** positive energies
from entering your life which would help you progress and** move foward
in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have** to
endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in**
your own shoes.** ** **

HAHAHA XD How pathetic! Its personal e-mails to me:

"Ok I'm tired of being polite. Your fucken delusional. If Satan himself could slap the shit out of you who continue to call me a fucken jew. Get over your obsession with jew.it sounds like you are the fucken jew lover here."


"YOU PEOPLE WHO CONTINUE TO CALL ME FUCKEN JEW TROLL WILL FOREVER BE BURDENED WITH THE HATRED YOU BLIND YOURSELF WITH. You say your a satanist when you disgust Satan Himself. Get the fuck over me,fuckk. Cut it out with fucken remarks already."

Have a good laugh people!

As for me, rest assured you troll, I hate the kikes. And my hatred is justified - far from blind. Get lost you kosher bitch!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "stygian.shadowcreeper" <stygian.shadowcreeper@... wrote:

Apparently this is another jewish bloodsucker trolling here.

The question is - is it a freelancer or a member of some group, like ADL?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

"With all due respect," if you don't agree with our belief system, then WHY are you here??


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:

With all due respect,who are you to say if someones belief system is
incorrect. Look buddy, i believe in Satan and i believe in the positive
energies in the universe. What you believe in is what you believe in.
Everyone has their own beliefs and thats not for anyone to judge.
On Jul 11, 2013 6:59 PM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@ wrote:


Your belief system is incorrect.

*From:* minfante1983 <minfante1983@
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:52:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a
similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger
anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe
then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully
what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a
respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything
for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with
different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@ wrote:**


Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad
behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will
simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be
tempered with mindfulness.

Easy solution and everyone is happy.

What minfante1983 suggests only makes people more angry as they
constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go
unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in
many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted
into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets
rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day
finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And
or stresses them till they get sick.

Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes
see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions
that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic
reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.

Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and
the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move
towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their
is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an
opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington
was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all
that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of
course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a
better world.

Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both
work to make the universe go around.

The kosherpath enemy knows this hence why they push
psychological disarmament programs To keep people slaves who take their
shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses
who are victims of them.

Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make
the Goyium easy prey.

*From:* the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@
*To:* [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
*Subject:* [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for
destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us
to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about
turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity
tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress
your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and
appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any
emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a
hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other
things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and
causes psychological problems:** **
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... lth.html** ** Anger
IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to
control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled anger is
a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying
enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals.
Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not
take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one
will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother.** **--- In
mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com <JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com,
minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:** ** I may not be in your shoes
but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to** Anger and or any type
hate will only blind you and keep away any type** positive energies
from entering your life which would help you progress and** move foward
in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have** to
endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in**
your own shoes.** ** **

Well,He is 8-9 years older than me. He dominates over me as well as other family members. If i ask for some space LOL they would mock me. For sure i'm living with a psycho creepy type family. I am not in america,i'm in india. I guess many of you know the life style of india. Well thanks i'll program my aura. And sorry for the thread title,i was just gone emotional and i take this group as my family.Yeah will be trying to get time for meditation. Thanks to you all,Respected HP don danko,Enkiss on Descarte and other respected members. :)

You could also put an aura and program it accordingly around your room/personal living space, to keep nosy family members from rummaging through your things or staying there, whether you are there or not.

From: "inlovewithsatan@..." <inlovewithsatan@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 4:48:37 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

  Well,He is 8-9 years older than me. He dominates over me as well as other family members. If i ask for some space LOL they would mock me. For sure i'm living with a psycho creepy type family. I am not in america,i'm in india. I guess many of you know the life style of india. Well thanks i'll program my aura. And sorry for the thread title,i was just gone emotional and i take this group as my family.Yeah will be trying to get time for meditation. Thanks to you all,Respected HP don danko,Enkiss on Descarte and other respected members. :)


I think the aura idea is a good one. I have protected my belongings this way. I think the intruders sense an energy field that is foreboding and keeps their hands off of stuff that doesn't belong to them. I used visualization techniques. Hail Lucifer!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

You could also put an aura and program it accordingly around your room/personal living space, to keep nosy family members from rummaging through your things or staying there, whether you are there or not.

From: "inlovewithsatan@..." <inlovewithsatan@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 4:48:37 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

Well,He is 8-9 years older than me. He dominates over me as well as other family members. If i ask for some space LOL they would mock me. For sure i'm living with a psycho creepy type family. I am not in america,i'm in india. I guess many of you know the life style of india. Well thanks i'll program my aura. And sorry for the thread title,i was just gone emotional and i take this group as my family.Yeah will be trying to get time for meditation. Thanks to you all,Respected HP don danko,Enkiss on Descarte and other respected members. :)

Agree totaly! Magic (black or white - doesn't matter) is quet legal, he said his brother is not underage to be sacred. As for me, I may forget dayly meditation, even a part of a program, but I never forget to kill enemies (and to say onestly, moments of Revenge are the most pleasent. Lol). Revenge is a first pleasure, pure and sweet))) only IMHO)).

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "drakedannii" <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
Also, there are worse punishments than death. This is something to be kept in mind when you punish someone. Especially if they have been wronging you all along, all the time and making your life a living crap. This may take a while, but go for it. I would suggest trying to put them under your control first. If they don't get there, then proceed. Just a heads up.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "edwardtgao8" <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Agree totaly! Magic (black or white - doesn't matter) is quet legal, he said his brother is not underage to be sacred. As for me, I may forget dayly meditation, even a part of a program, but I never forget to kill enemies (and to say onestly, moments of Revenge are the most pleasent. Lol). Revenge is a first pleasure, pure and sweet))) only IMHO)).

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "drakedannii" <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Why is nobody actually helping this person? The kid asked for a death spell not a lecture.

Here http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEATH.html

I have to be honest, there are a lot of methods to bringing death to a person. And that one on the site is one of the more difficult ones.

Just get a bit of meditation experience, get used using the fire element and astrally direct it into your brothers brain or heart every single night while he's asleep.

It does work, I have done it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote:

I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to
Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type
positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and
move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have
to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in
your own shoes.
actualy what u said about 'energies'' minfante1983 is crap.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Thats not what you stated.

From: minfante1983 <minfante1983@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:02:24 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:


Is this joyofsatan group here just so we could criticize eachother or to help eachother with whatever advice we may need help with? I am all for giving and helping anyone in a positive way. Just because i may refer or post a certain way of positivity opposed to your aura or whatever doesn't mean anything bad people. Lighten up.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:52 AM, "minfante1983" <minfante1983@... wrote:
What i suggested? Actually it wasn't a suggestion. It sounded like a similar situation i have experienced and i was not saying anything to anger anyone. I believe that if you send out positive energies into the universe then that is what you will get back. Please make sure you understand fully what i say and not make assumptions off what i say. And i say that in a respectful manner. Advice was needed and i don't believe i stated anything for it to be taken wrong in any way. Thats why there are many of us with different options and advices we can share with others.
On Jul 11, 2013 2:44 AM, "Don Danko" <mageson6666@... wrote:

Its very simple. Just put an aura around oneself to repell the bad behaviour that is the cause of the arise of anger. And the anger will simply leave. The anger is the motivation to change. But it has to be tempered with mindfulness.
Easy solution and everyone is happy.
What  minfante1983  suggests  only makes people more angry as they constantly repress their anger and allow the causes of the anger to go unchanged. This as noted makes people very negative on the deep level as in many cases the anger becomes inverted into frustation and then transmuted into the feeling of powerlessness and self hatred, which then gets rechannelled outwards in all kinds of pathological ways. Which one day finally snaps the person into a mental breakdown prehaps a violent one. And or stresses them till they get sick.
Then the LuVoooo, legion comes around and points to such a person and goes see we told you so. When infact its their unsane advice and preceptions that is the cause of the problem. And they are simply witness to the karmic reality of their wrong belief system at work in reality.
Its common sense the point of hate is motivation to change something and the energy to do so. Without hate for injustice there would be no move towards justice. With out hate for a situation in your personal life their is no motivation to change it to something positive. Without hate for an opressor then can be no freedom from the opressor. Do you think Washington was turning the other cheek and loving the enemy at Valley Forge? Did all that hate for Rothschild tyranny just eat him up till nothing was left. Of course not. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived and helped build a better world.
Just as a battery has two poles so does our emotional energies. They both work to make the universe go around.
The kosherpath enemy  knows this hence why they push psychological disarmament programs  To keep people slaves who take their shit without end. Which creates a negative cycle of abuse for the masses who are victims of them.
Remember this passive doctrine was created by kosherpath predators to make the Goyium easy prey.

From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 3:54:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I want this dumbfuck dead ! :mad:

That's jew age nonsense. Hate and anger are necessary emotions for destruction rituals and destroying enemies or even obstacles and causing us to take actions and pursue aggressively our goals. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek or suppressing your emotions, that's what xianity tells us. On the contrary, you'll have many problems if you try to suppress your anger instead of expressing it safely. All emotions are useful and appropriate in certain situations. In Satanism we don't consider any emotion as "negative". Fear may be good as well if you are faced with a hungry lion, it enables your to run away fast, but being afraid of other things it wouldn't be appropriate. Suppressing emotions is always bad and causes psychological problems: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ealth.html Anger IS positive. The only cases it would be bad is if you are not able to control it and become angry when it's not appropriate. Controlled
anger is a very powerful thing, because not only it can be used in destroying enemies, but with pushing you forward to take action and fulfil our goals. Anger is a cousin of courage and if a person is never angry he will not take positive action either. It's been also said that without hate, one will not experience love either, as these two complement eachother. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, minfante1983 <minfante1983@ wrote: I may not be in your shoes but i can tell you one thing. Holding on to Anger and or any type hate will only blind you and keep away any type positive energies from entering your life which would help you progress and move foward in your Life. Unfortunately in this life we just sometimes have to endure some bad but your the only person thats ever going to walk in your own shoes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
