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I want different POV on working magic with deep feelings


New member
May 24, 2024

Hello SS fam I want some pov to stimulate my mind over this thing I have about feelings and how I can use them in working magic etc.
My dream is to be perfect everyday
Wake up, be perfect & rest perfect

So far I was doing thir eye meditation etc. And it works definitely to give me much insight, but I am not satisfied until I can at a swing of my hand land in an alternate reality like the white room from the matrix. And i don't want a limited belief with me . I am not sure how far people get here but I get bored too fast over the stupid questions i feel people ask that really won't help get real magic that turns our world into a a fantasy enchantment. I also fear the jos might gravitate towards a pagan family group that holds each other. I hope Let's hope to keep magic alive and not forget

I noticed The key elements that make reality or bring the ideas to life are actually the subtle realms that most often over look. But these realms although they are over looked i have my mediums that can facilitate a link by which the awareness can be anchored to perceive subtle dimensions. I usually sustain a variety of practices i tailored to fit me to altered states quite fast in any situation.

Vibrating and directing energy has been a game changer for me, but I noticed I can not use it publicly and over longer durations, I usually like to enter subtle realms in public to view peoples perspectives and read many peoples minds in a cluster. So I sometimes use this to dream but unfortunately I burn myself out from having a lot of fire element but still I am cracking the codes by which I now visually see that all of perception originated from the realms of subtle feelings, meaning it was all an idea till it became a carving impressed upon the physical world. That being that it affirms more that perception is just one aspect of a broader spectrum of feelings.

For example I was mediating on making my self horney on and off, I was playing experiences of scenes indept to the very detail. I don't believe in techniques rather the ability to sustain those subtle feelings thanks to the vehicle those techniques helped me with, and there's always something special about vibrating!

But In a irony I only arrived at this after mastering many ways to empower myself, I leveraged then understood it is the sustaining part and sustaining the act intensively for a couple hours until my antropied enegy is active, then maintaing the feel throughout the day week etc

The effort is to reach deep levels of the subtle planes where creation takes place and form.

In noticing how women are more intouch with their feelings than men and considering how everything we see was primarily an idea or a concept. It corelates to how women are ones who can have children and how everything we see is actually a subtle manifestation of what's subtle appearing physical.

I wanted to create experiences with intensity that doesn't often include vengeance or having sex. I can hold these feelings and live with them.

I wanted to like float somewhere and stuff and just have fun with like playing with storms hail rain sunsets and stuff. Any ideas what I can create as an experience for me, I wanted to feel something incredible and impossible but idk what, it would help to find better ideas to make for myself.
I also don't use affirmation at times since I noticed the runes are energy anchors similar to sanskrit mantras, but I feel the feelings and created experience are really stronger than any affirmation in my opinion
These are all signs of advancement, but please keep in mind that not every day is going to be "perfect". Life is unpredictable at times and this is one of the things that make it beautiful.
I don't think you got the point, I am meaning to say vaginas don't make me feel happy anymore. similar to hating people and projecting doom upon them.
Like I wasn't asking a question outside of other feelings to work with, and something that isn't like love and eternal gratitude

Other feelings and experiences to make
Like for example the satanic warfare training book has things pertaining to this and workings that open astral sight and perception. Everything leads to what I am talking about starting from the beginner to advanced version of meditation, I am wondering if anyone even reads the jos main site
i couldnt get whats your main question

Hello SS fam I want some pov to stimulate my mind over this thing I have about feelings and how I can use them in working magic etc.
My dream is to be perfect everyday
Wake up, be perfect & rest perfect

So far I was doing thir eye meditation etc. And it works definitely to give me much insight, but I am not satisfied until I can at a swing of my hand land in an alternate reality like the white room from the matrix. And i don't want a limited belief with me . I am not sure how far people get here but I get bored too fast over the stupid questions i feel people ask that really won't help get real magic that turns our world into a a fantasy enchantment. I also fear the jos might gravitate towards a pagan family group that holds each other. I hope Let's hope to keep magic alive and not forget

I noticed The key elements that make reality or bring the ideas to life are actually the subtle realms that most often over look. But these realms although they are over looked i have my mediums that can facilitate a link by which the awareness can be anchored to perceive subtle dimensions. I usually sustain a variety of practices i tailored to fit me to altered states quite fast in any situation.

Vibrating and directing energy has been a game changer for me, but I noticed I can not use it publicly and over longer durations, I usually like to enter subtle realms in public to view peoples perspectives and read many peoples minds in a cluster. So I sometimes use this to dream but unfortunately I burn myself out from having a lot of fire element but still I am cracking the codes by which I now visually see that all of perception originated from the realms of subtle feelings, meaning it was all an idea till it became a carving impressed upon the physical world. That being that it affirms more that perception is just one aspect of a broader spectrum of feelings.

For example I was mediating on making my self horney on and off, I was playing experiences of scenes indept to the very detail. I don't believe in techniques rather the ability to sustain those subtle feelings thanks to the vehicle those techniques helped me with, and there's always something special about vibrating!

But In a irony I only arrived at this after mastering many ways to empower myself, I leveraged then understood it is the sustaining part and sustaining the act intensively for a couple hours until my antropied enegy is active, then maintaing the feel throughout the day week etc

The effort is to reach deep levels of the subtle planes where creation takes place and form.

In noticing how women are more intouch with their feelings than men and considering how everything we see was primarily an idea or a concept. It corelates to how women are ones who can have children and how everything we see is actually a subtle manifestation of what's subtle appearing physical.

I wanted to create experiences with intensity that doesn't often include vengeance or having sex. I can hold these feelings and live with them.

I wanted to like float somewhere and stuff and just have fun with like playing with storms hail rain sunsets and stuff. Any ideas what I can create as an experience for me, I wanted to feel something incredible and impossible but idk what, it would help to find better ideas to make for myself.
I also don't use affirmation at times since I noticed the runes are energy anchors similar to sanskrit mantras, but I feel the feelings and created experience are really stronger than any affirmation in my opinion

This correlates with the moon. From a prior post you had made to me, and now reading this, it seems to me like you are attempting to understand and control the aspects of reality with pertain to the moon.

The creation from magic comes from Pluto, but within each field of reality Pluto has its own "sub-fields" of control. So that can be why you wish to focus more on feelings, whereas other people may focus on sight or on willpower as the primary "driver" of their transformations. With training you can build up skill within another area, using your experience you had gained from the first area.

You had asked about emotional lows and first you have to understand the base function of the moon. Being a state of water and an internal planet, it is like the closest sensations we have, pertaining to feelings of survival and safety, dealing with food and milk, and so on. We sense our environment through this, and this picks up sensations which we may internalize.
Being like a mirror, this is how we can sense and empathize with someone. If they are sad we may feel a bit sad.

The signs of the moon are Cancer and exalted in Taurus, reflecting its internal function as an energy that grows or sustains us. We can always turn towards home, our bed, food, our mother, our family, and so on for support and nourishment. However, the exact sign and placement of the moon adds more to this. A moon in Sagittarius wants to feel expansion and likewise it may know how to "nurture" these feelings within others, but on the negative side it may be less sensitive than a Cancer Moon, focused on movement and learning rather than the calming element of Cancer.

When people are sad or feeling depressed, there is always a reason behind this, even if it is not immediately apparent. Something made them feel unsafe or overwhelmed, or made them feel a lack of motivation to continue. This can fall under both the sun and moon, not just moon alone, as the sun controls happiness and motivation for success. So the first step here is to try to reflect and analyze why you may feel this way. Try to probe yourself: What hurts and what doesn't? What do you desire as a resolution? What do you feel has been lost or damaged? Are their certain sounds, music, or images that help convey your feelings, and what do they represent to you?

With the moon, you would then ask how can I calm this situation? How do I genuinely make myself or someone else feel better? What do they need? That is one element of creating intensity, which would be to rapidly soothe the "unrest". Alternatively, the opposite would be provoking feelings of instability or lack of security.
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This correlates with the moon. From a prior post you had made to me, and now reading this, it seems to me like you are attempting to understand and control the aspects of reality with pertain to the moon.

The creation from magic comes from Pluto, but within each field of reality Pluto has its own "sub-fields" of control. So that can be why you wish to focus more on feelings, whereas other people may focus on sight or on willpower as the primary "driver" of their transformations. With training you can build up skill within another area, using your experience you had gained from the first area.

You had asked about emotional lows and first you have to understand the base function of the moon. Being a state of water and an internal planet, it is like the closest sensations we have, pertaining to feelings of survival and safety, dealing with food and milk, and so on. We sense our environment through this, and this picks up sensations which we may internalize.
Being like a mirror, this is how we can sense and empathize with someone. If they are sad we may feel a bit sad.

The signs of the moon are Cancer and exalted in Taurus, reflecting its internal function as an energy that grows or sustains us. We can always turn towards home, our bed, food, our mother, our family, and so on for support and nourishment. However, the exact sign and placement of the moon adds more to this. A moon in Sagittarius wants to feel expansion and likewise it may know how to "nurture" these feelings within others, but on the negative side it may be less sensitive than a Cancer Moon, focused on movement and learning rather than the calming element of Cancer.

When people are sad or feeling depressed, there is always a reason behind this, even if it is not immediately apparent. Something made them feel unsafe or overwhelmed, or made them feel a lack of motivation to continue. This can fall under both the sun and moon, not just moon alone, as the sun controls happiness and motivation for success. So the first step here is to try to reflect and analyze why you may feel this way. Try to probe yourself: What hurts and what doesn't? What do you desire as a resolution? What do you feel has been lost or damaged? Are their certain sounds, music, or images that help convey your feelings, and what do they represent to you?

With the moon, you would then ask how can I calm this situation? How do I genuinely make myself or someone else feel better? What do they need? That is one element of creating intensity, which would be to rapidly soothe the "unrest". Alternatively, the opposite would be provoking feelings of instability or lack of security.
I feel more interested in scoping in to the microscopic elements in my being deeply enough that from an inverted view it projects the outer world. A natural course of astrology.
I figure it can be a bit of an extreme when conscious impressions affect the deeper mind that inreturn impresses upon the conscious mind the same elements it adopted, therby creating a perpetuating thing that seems concrete.

If we can speak more about this with good intentions it can help.
Most traditions become graveyards trapped within their metaphors unable to see past into the supernal realms.
So the division between esoteric and exoteric, by those who are able to distinguish things clearly.
I believe that topic is best
And like how nice it could be to be a healthy schizo without complaining 😀

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
