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I need all the help you can give me, please.

Malorú Martínez

New member
Jun 21, 2024
I was in chemistry class with my classmate when he asked me what religion I professed. He always asks me about it and I usually take him for a walk here and there and I never tell him. The teacher joined our conversation out of pure "curiosity" and the entire class put pressure on me to say it (even my closest friends, who already knew it but insisted anyway). After 15-20' of avoiding answering I gave in and it turned out that the teacher is a Xiana (oh, God please guide me), and she started asking me about my beliefs and their scientific bases. All in order to "make me see that his God is unique" he asked me who created Satan, I sincerely told him that he is, was and will be because I don't know if he has a beginning, but he told me no because My Gods are several and the only true god is the xian. We started talking about the Bible and he asked me about one of our books, I mentioned Al Jilwah and Al Yezid (I don't remember how to write the first part) and asked me if its existence could be verified. She asked why we say that evil is necessary and how can I prove it. I read that Maxine said that science had not yet advanced enough, But how do I explain that to him? He says that they don't kill us and they are still being killed. It humiliated me and even my friends made fun of me for not knowing how to defend myself 100% because the teacher said things to confuse me and that burned my head. I promised him that I would come well prepared for the next class and that he would regret having made a fool of me.

I have a whole week until next class to find out about scientific samples, dates and authors, how the Gods came into being and all that and so on.

I would appreciate if you could recommend books from the JoS library, sermons, articles and so on so I can defend. I didn't want it to happen, but I'm a teenager and the pressure they put on me was stronger than my resistance, forgive me.

Sorry for my English, I wrote with the translator to make it more complete and faster.
I was in chemistry class with my classmate when he asked me what religion I professed. He always asks me about it and I usually take him for a walk here and there and I never tell him. The teacher joined our conversation out of pure "curiosity" and the entire class put pressure on me to say it (even my closest friends, who already knew it but insisted anyway). After 15-20' of avoiding answering I gave in and it turned out that the teacher is a Xiana (oh, God please guide me), and she started asking me about my beliefs and their scientific bases. All in order to "make me see that his God is unique" he asked me who created Satan, I sincerely told him that he is, was and will be because I don't know if he has a beginning, but he told me no because My Gods are several and the only true god is the xian. We started talking about the Bible and he asked me about one of our books, I mentioned Al Jilwah and Al Yezid (I don't remember how to write the first part) and asked me if its existence could be verified. She asked why we say that evil is necessary and how can I prove it. I read that Maxine said that science had not yet advanced enough, But how do I explain that to him? He says that they don't kill us and they are still being killed. It humiliated me and even my friends made fun of me for not knowing how to defend myself 100% because the teacher said things to confuse me and that burned my head. I promised him that I would come well prepared for the next class and that he would regret having made a fool of me.

I have a whole week until next class to find out about scientific samples, dates and authors, how the Gods came into being and all that and so on.

I would appreciate if you could recommend books from the JoS library, sermons, articles and so on so I can defend. I didn't want it to happen, but I'm a teenager and the pressure they put on me was stronger than my resistance, forgive me.

Sorry for my English, I wrote with the translator to make it more complete and faster.
There’s only ONE thing you can do in this extremely dangerous and naive situation you’ve put yourself in.

You tell them after searching for a whole week I couldn’t verify any of the site’s claims and I believe I’ve been duped into this, I actually researched christianity and I was able to cross-reference things that prove that christianity is the one true religion and that the religion I was in was actually dangerous and had hate speech so I’ve left it completely, and I am grateful that you guys made me challenge these beliefs that I learned randomly on the internet, and go there prepared with research that proves christianity is a true and kind religion (Use ChatGPT).

Play into their narrative.

And NEVER put yourself in this situation ever AGAIN. Anyone asks? Say I’m an atheist, or a xian if you have to I don’t give a fuck.
You have no idea how hard you’re fucking yourself over. Don’t even dare to try and prove your points. Act and keep acting.

However, you know the truth, it’s in your soul, and Satan understands, he knows where your heart is.
You would have been better off lying. Just tell them these are your beliefs and it's not their business. You're under no obligation to justify yourself to them.
This is why it's good to spend some time thinking over "what if" scenarios, it prepares us for situations like this, so you can have some plans laid out for what to say.

But as it's too late in your case, what MercuryWisdom wrote is probably your best option, or say that you believe in spirituality and some form of God (which is true, because Satan is our true God). Many teenagers look into Satanism, so they will be likely to believe the lie MercuryWisdom provided. You can do this sooner than your week is up, to make it more believable.

Until the JoS becomes mainstream, most of us need to lay low. Very low. Especially if you are young.
Why do you need to defend yourself? Just ignore him. As others said, you could have lied, but even if you made the mistake of telling him you're a Satanist and she asked you questions, you could have answered "that's my own spirituality, I do not need to explain or answer to you about it, especially if you think my religion is "evil". You will not change your mind anyway, but you will try to convert me." and then ignore him.

Also you fell into his frame of reference. He tried to frame it into the judeo-christian faith thing and you fell right in. Spiritual Satanism isn't a faith-based religion, it's practical. Even if you debate with a xian (which is highly discouraged) you should put this into our own frame, the fact that we are more like an esoteric path and we can communicate with the Gods direcly because we can open our chakras and astral senses and his is just a blind faith religion.

Here are 2 important rules you need to understand:

Rule #1: Never mention that you're a Satanist to people you don't know. You can tell them you're a Pagan or Atheist.

Rule #2: Never debate with xians. It's like debating with a wall.

If you have to tell them something, avoid mentioning Satanism and just be Socratic ask them my hard questions I wrote in another post:

The best thing you can do when some Xians get annoying is to say that you are not interested in religion and that you prefer to study other subjects like math, physics, chemistry or biology and that you prefer to spend your free time doing activities like sports and yoga.
Never tell anyone that you are an SS or mention Satan.
The suggestion of MercuryWisdom is probably the best route to take in your case... But be prepared as your teacher seems pretty nosy, that he doesn't try to "convert" you.

The same applies to your friends, don't make the mistake of telling them "Actually I'm still a Satanist" after class is over. You don't know what they say to other people behind your back. Or if they will be your friends forever.

What your personal beliefs are, is nobody else's buisiness. You are not obligated to tell anyone the truth.

I would also suggest to keep up your AOP or do it an additional time per day, just in case.
I'm so sorry that this happened. Listen to the others, it really is your best option at this point. You gotta be more careful. Especially when it comes to situations that involve a filthy Xian in any position of authority over you. It's best they just don't know at all and keep it that way. I hate that we can't physically be there to protect each other in situations like this. Shit like this pisses me off.
I was in chemistry class with my classmate when he asked me what religion I professed. He always asks me about it and I usually take him for a walk here and there and I never tell him. The teacher joined our conversation out of pure "curiosity" and the entire class put pressure on me to say it (even my closest friends, who already knew it but insisted anyway). After 15-20' of avoiding answering I gave in and it turned out that the teacher is a Xiana (oh, God please guide me), and she started asking me about my beliefs and their scientific bases. All in order to "make me see that his God is unique" he asked me who created Satan, I sincerely told him that he is, was and will be because I don't know if he has a beginning, but he told me no because My Gods are several and the only true god is the xian. We started talking about the Bible and he asked me about one of our books, I mentioned Al Jilwah and Al Yezid (I don't remember how to write the first part) and asked me if its existence could be verified. She asked why we say that evil is necessary and how can I prove it. I read that Maxine said that science had not yet advanced enough, But how do I explain that to him? He says that they don't kill us and they are still being killed. It humiliated me and even my friends made fun of me for not knowing how to defend myself 100% because the teacher said things to confuse me and that burned my head. I promised him that I would come well prepared for the next class and that he would regret having made a fool of me.

I have a whole week until next class to find out about scientific samples, dates and authors, how the Gods came into being and all that and so on.

I would appreciate if you could recommend books from the JoS library, sermons, articles and so on so I can defend. I didn't want it to happen, but I'm a teenager and the pressure they put on me was stronger than my resistance, forgive me.

Sorry for my English, I wrote with the translator to make it more complete and faster.
Christians are always open to imposing their psychopathic beliefs with force disguised as kindness. They do not conceive the beauty of Satanic values because their mind is structurally manipulated with a sense of hatred towards everything that represents the good of this universe (i.e. the Gods and their values).

So they tend, because it is their mental programming, to label everything that opposes their principles of suffering, guilt, shame, fear and elimination of themselves (i.e. Christianity) as "evil" of Satan.

Now, I could give you a lot of compelling arguments about this, about how true Satanism is, but I won't for these reasons:
1) You are still at the beginning, you wouldn't understand, you have to take your time to evolve also from the point of view of knowledge and awareness, without rushing, it's counterproductive.

2) Even if I give you all the evidence in the universe, I can assure you, these Christians would not be able to accept it. They would find vomiting of meaningless words and infinite logical fallacies just to demonstrate what they are absolutely certain of in a closed way (blind faith).

I would also add two other important points: 3) You really have nothing to prove. Above all, you have nothing to prove to a Christian who behaves like a brainless (and self-respectless) adoring zombie. It is useless for you to try to make your point of view understood by those who do not even deserve an explanation and are not even there to make an open reasoning and reach a conclusion together, but only to convert you to their Christian mental illness.

4) These Christian people are also dangerous when they know about your religion. You can't reason with them. The Christian mind is programmed to be averse to Satanism. When the Christian sees that he cannot convert you, he may show his dangerous nature.

Even seeking the esteem and admiration of someone who, instead of having great ideals, has the sole value of licking Christ's feet, is really useless. I would never like the esteem of someone who, as the most noble action he can do in this world, is Eucharistic ritual cannibalism... on the contrary, having to make myself look good in front of these people would make me feel of little value like them.

The situation should not be underestimated. So assert your rights to not be forced to speak about what you believe in, they cannot persecute you religiously. Don't talk about what you believe. Satan himself warns not to mention His Name because others might react badly. Keep yourself out of trouble, keep yourself safe.

Your relationship with Satan is exclusively a relationship with Satan. It should not be evaluated by other human beings, especially Christians who would never be able to understand.

That said, continue with your studies anyway and don't stop there. But don't do it and then expose them to Christians. Do this to mature as an individual. Better that Christians think you're an atheist and don't bother you. May the Gods bless you!
1- Express honest regret for having shared your currently evolving thought process regarding your beliefs, request all involved give you the space and privacy you need to figure out what's right for you.
This should back off everyone long enough for you to backtrack at a later date to keep the dogs away. (Unless you are enrolled in a religious school this should be helpful.)
2- Again, unless you're in a religious school take your "chemistry teacher" aside, tell him/her you're uncomfortable discussing religion with them and politely ask them to help diffuse the situation entirely.
There's a code of conduct in place pertaining to the teacher/student dynamic, a teacher pushing their religious beliefs onto a student is a definite violation of that dynamic.
(Mention discussing this situation with your parents and say the whole thing is giving you "anxiety", it's the buzzword of the times now and no teacher wants angry parents looking for them.)

3- You don't owe anybody anything regarding your beliefs, stop behaving as if you do.

4- friends that side with an adult to put any pressure on you for anything are not your friends. Smile when you tell them to f*ck off.

5- If you can't back up your Satanism keep your mouth shut, and read ALL of the articles JOS has, Father Satan Lucifer is here for you.
(He doesn't want you running your mouth and screwing yourself out of a future, stick to business when in the company of "outsiders".)

You made a mistake, it's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing.
It's just a mistake, learn from it moving forward.
Time will heal this.
If you do decide to fight this battle then I have a point I’d like you to bring up but it would be perfectly acceptable and wise just to tell them you’ll escort yourself to office and explain your situation to the principal if they keep asking.

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that at the center of our solar system is the sun, Amun-Ra and that he is the force that gives all life and energy to the planet and that all processes start with him.

Ask them what scientific bases do they have in saying the source of all life and power is a crucified jew.
yoThe truth is, thank you all very much for your advice. There are so many that I couldn't group them all in this message, but thank you anyway. Yes, I made the mistake, But I don't want to sit on my hands. I'll take advice and consult with the Gods about what's best, even though I know that even if I have my arguments, I'll never make my teacher see reason.
Honestly you should say it is none of your concern about my beliefs and putting me on the spot. I came to school to learn and please stop talking about it.
This is why it's good to spend some time thinking over "what if" scenarios, it prepares us for situations like this, so you can have some plans laid out for what to say.

But as it's too late in your case, what MercuryWisdom wrote is probably your best option, or say that you believe in spirituality and some form of God (which is true, because Satan is our true God). Many teenagers look into Satanism, so they will be likely to believe the lie MercuryWisdom provided. You can do this sooner than your week is up, to make it more believable.

Until the JoS becomes mainstream, most of us need to lay low. Very low. Especially if you are young.
I agree with Hp Lydia

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
