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I find that this attitude of mine can be uncaring towards Father Satan


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
(Okay, this is going to be a bit of a long post, as usual... I'm very sorry!)
Hi everyone! Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Lord Satan, our Most High Father! I wanted to share with you something that I was thinking about this morning and that entered my heart like an extremely intense desire. I wanted to try to learn about my past lives. All of them.

My goal is NOT to brag about how important I have been in the past, if I have been (some time ago a Demon at the Ouija board told me that I had indeed been someone important, but I needed to find out who for myself for my own good; I suppose it was related to the fact that I have to advance spiritually). I know that in this life I can become even better than anything I may have been in the past whether or not I truly was.

But there is a reason why I want to know today with all my heart who I was in my past lives, and why I think that not at least trying is a disservice on my part towards Father Satan (it is simply my opinion, NOT the absolute truth).

You know, since I was in elementary school, and even before, I have always made National Socialist speeches. In primary school, in my first years of life, I scolded my classmates because they did not follow the ideologies that only many, many years later, thanks to JoS, I discovered to be National Socialist ideologies. I began to argue in front of them against racial mixing, I had an extreme disgust for Jews and I fully understood the concept of race, I was little, but it seemed absurd to me that no one, not even adults, saw the reality of race, "ethnicity" was a meaningless word to me.

I was obsessed with the Peacock from an early age. I asked my mother as often as I could to take me to the zoo. When I did this, I was completely uninterested in the animals, I just wanted to admire the Peacock. It was truly beautiful, I didn't know it was Satan's sacred animal.

Even during my Christian period (in my family you were forced), I kept saying things like: "I don't want to go to Mass, it's useless, I prefer to stay at home and watch cartoons" and I often made up illnesses just to stay at home. I remember well how every Sunday I got a stomach ache that lasted all the time until my parents told me it was too late to go to Mass because it was over).

I was obsessed with the figure of Satan. I was indoctrinated with the idea that he was a "bad guy", but I perceived all his beauty and charm. So much so that several times the priest had to reproach me for "thinking more about Jesus and less about Satan", I remember his words: "Satan must not exist for you".

Likewise, movies about World War II were my favorite from an early age. I had complete admiration and adoration for the National Socialists, even watching the actors playing them was amazing and every time I saw Jews suffering in the camps in these films, it may seem sadistic, but all I could think of was: "they deserve it".

This applies to all Jews, when my grandfather (at the time a devout Catholic, now an atheist) showed me a film about Jesus and asked me what my favorite part was, I, with the innocence of a child (I was very young), replied: "the part where they torture him and he dies because it amused me to see him suffer."

Without talking about our Führer, I have always had an unconditional love for this figure. Just seeing a photo of him aroused the most beautiful emotions and feelings in me.

Furthermore, since I was little I have been obsessed with the idea of living forever, with the Divine condition and immortality. When I discovered Satanism it was truly significant for me to discover that this was Satan's ultimate goal for his beloved children. From an early age, when they asked me what I wanted more than anything else, I answered confidently: "I want to be an immortal God", and I took it quite seriously for my young age, learning about oriental sites as best I could.

But I only found the right information many years later on JoS. I remember that some sites said that to be immortal it was enough to keep your back straight while walking because this would "stimulate the third eye" being linked to the spine. I knew it was watered down information, but it was the best I had available.

Regarding the Jews, I have always accused them; I have never been able to understand why my Italian elementary school teacher and all the subsequent teachers I had in life continued to treat them as a human or just religious group. In short, they were Jews, you could see it, how could you say that they aren't separate beings? How can you pass them off as a simple "human religious group"? I remember that when they showed me the film of the crying Jew always suffering sad oy vey, that is "The Pianist", they asked me what I thought about it and I replied: "it's obvious, Jews are always crying, watching them complain all the time is boring".

All this story to explain to you why I want to discover more about my past lives: I know I have been a Follower of Satan in my other lives too, I want to know at all costs what relationship I had with Him. I don't want this whole relationship Father-Son gets lost in the memories of the past. I want to rediscover it. I truly love Father Satan. If I could describe him I would use this word to make you understand what he is for me: "Father". I have a human father obviously, I have a human family, a mother, a grandfather who was my father more than my own biological father, but when I talk about Satan it is only there that I really talk about "Father", it is with him that I feel truly at home, in "FAMILY". I can only love him, not for convenience or because "it has to be done", my love for him is something completely pure, true and spontaneous.

Therefore, if I were not at least able to try to better understand what he was for me, how much I loved him in the past, for me it would be a truly great wrong that I would be committing against both of us, both myself and Him, the Eternal. The problem is that I don't know how to do it.

I tried with the Runes, but I immediately got demoralized in the first few days because I know how difficult it is to remember past lives. Can anyone give me some advice? Please, I am really very open to ANY KIND of suggestions. Do you know your past lives? How did you manage to do this? I've tried past life regression, even in a deep trance (or at least the deepest I could get), but it's too difficult. By the way, I'm not even the mentally weak type who suggests spiritual experiences, so I wasn't able to gain even a single suggestion from that Meditation. However, I think that vibrations and energy programming are the best way for me, the most suitable spiritually speaking. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help. Sorry for the long post. I'm really sorry...

Final note: FOR PEOPLE OUTSIDE SATANISM who have read this post of mine. I know that maybe you have been indoctrinated all your life to have to love the Jews despite the crimes of Israel, the rubbish of their anti-humanity holy books or their sins of the past (of every single era), but understand that what I have written is NOT something I can control. It's something innate in me, that's why I've felt certain things since I was little, I can't change my soul and it's useless for you to defame me.
Remembering past lives is an advanced meditation.

Aquarius is right if you are not advanced enough you can see false memories, this can happen for an unpurified Ego, low self-esteem, important painful traumas.

It also takes a powerful willpower and training in trance.

In addition to deep trance it is possible to use the Othal and/or Eihwaz runes for a number of power appropriate to your energies with a positive affirmation to remember past lives, the Moon in Cancer is ideal for remembering past lives because it is the sign that governs the past and the Moon is in domicile in it.

I have also tried with these two runes on specific chakras such as the third eye for example to have a more concentrated effect on the consciousness of certain events of past lives.

At first do not expect to remember everything suddenly but memories can return little by little and rise up the consciousness in levels, High Priestess Maxine said that usually the first memory that returns is the death of the first previous life, High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 said that it is good to have the right detachment from past lives especially with the most painful memories so that they do not overwhelm the consciousness.
Past-life regression is a process best left for advanced stages. I consider myself not ready for it, though I have an idea of what I may have been in the past. I'd say it's best to start noting behavioral and spiritual patterns in your life, as these are great signs of your spiritual essence and could give a hint to your past. Other than that, I don't know how you could get more specific without delusion and fantasies intervening. Personally, I love to imagine myself as a member of the Allgemeine SS, but that doesn't mean I actually was one of them in my past life.
You do not seem to be advanced enough to see your past lives, you will just see what your mind wants to see.

You must advance more and remember that whoever you were in your past life, you are now.

Remembering past lives is an advanced meditation.

Aquarius is right if you are not advanced enough you can see false memories, this can happen for an unpurified Ego, low self-esteem, important painful traumas.

It also takes a powerful willpower and training in trance.

In addition to deep trance it is possible to use the Othal and/or Eihwaz runes for a number of power appropriate to your energies with a positive affirmation to remember past lives, the Moon in Cancer is ideal for remembering past lives because it is the sign that governs the past and the Moon is in domicile in it.

I have also tried with these two runes on specific chakras such as the third eye for example to have a more concentrated effect on the consciousness of certain events of past lives.

At first do not expect to remember everything suddenly but memories can return little by little and rise up the consciousness in levels, High Priestess Maxine said that usually the first memory that returns is the death of the first previous life, High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 said that it is good to have the right detachment from past lives especially with the most painful memories so that they do not overwhelm the consciousness.

Past-life regression is a process best left for advanced stages. I consider myself not ready for it, though I have an idea of what I may have been in the past. I'd say it's best to start noting behavioral and spiritual patterns in your life, as these are great signs of your spiritual essence and could give a hint to your past. Other than that, I don't know how you could get more specific without delusion and fantasies intervening. Personally, I love to imagine myself as a member of the Allgemeine SS, but that doesn't mean I actually was one of them in my past life.

Based on what you have told me, dearest brothers, I think it is right for me to wait and become more advanced. From what I understand, regardless of what I have been in the past, even if I don't remember it, Father Satan remembers it, so nothing is lost and the relationship is still constantly evolving. I'm really happy about it. May Satan be glorified in every moment of eternity! THANK YOU ALL!
Based on what you have told me, dearest brothers, I think it is right for me to wait and become more advanced. From what I understand, regardless of what I have been in the past, even if I don't remember it, Father Satan remembers it, so nothing is lost and the relationship is still constantly evolving. I'm really happy about it. May Satan be glorified in every moment of eternity! THANK YOU ALL!
You're welcome!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
