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the hyksos are jews,HA!!...like jews can build any fomidable society.i heard the hyksos where almost as advance as egypt,even more powerful than egypt in military,not bulit by people who only steal and lie.
Excellent article! another of the great Jewish lies that is exposed, the Jews did not appear in the Middle East until many centuries after Ramses II and Merneptah.
What happened with Akhenaton is a sign of the enemy in Egypt but this was the later part of the dynasty that drove the Hyksos out and back into Canaan and Greece. Akhenaton was not a legitimate king by the Egyptian rites and laws of succession either. He stole the throne at the last minute and then went about imposing this new alien ideology on Egypt by violence which involved destroying the Aryan religion and desecrating the Temples of the Gods openly and even murdering people. His ideology is also of the enemy on every level.
HP Mageson666 said:
What happened with Akhenaton is a sign of the enemy in Egypt but this was the later part of the dynasty that drove the Hyksos out and back into Canaan and Greece. Akhenaton was not a legitimate king by the Egyptian rites and laws of succession either. He stole the throne at the last minute and then went about imposing this new alien ideology on Egypt by violence which involved destroying the Aryan religion and desecrating the Temples of the Gods openly and even murdering people. His ideology is also of the enemy on every level.

True, the enemy had been trying to destroy the ancient civilizations many thousands of years before the Jews appeared, Akhenaton is a good example and they did it more times before, also the wars between peoples who were blood brothers and had the same ancestors as in the case of the Hittites against the Egyptians was the work of the enemy.
Wotanwarrior said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What happened with Akhenaton is a sign of the enemy in Egypt but this was the later part of the dynasty that drove the Hyksos out and back into Canaan and Greece. Akhenaton was not a legitimate king by the Egyptian rites and laws of succession either. He stole the throne at the last minute and then went about imposing this new alien ideology on Egypt by violence which involved destroying the Aryan religion and desecrating the Temples of the Gods openly and even murdering people. His ideology is also of the enemy on every level.

True, the enemy had been trying to destroy the ancient civilizations many thousands of years before the Jews appeared, Akhenaton is a good example and they did it more times before, also the wars between peoples who were blood brothers and had the same ancestors as in the case of the Hittites against the Egyptians was the work of the enemy.


The skull of Tutmosis III presents the same elongated characteristics as Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tutankhamun.
I believe that with Hatshepsut happened the same thing with Amenhotep III and the throne of Egypt was also usurped by force.
One thing that draws my attention to the stele of Merneptah is that the stele originally belonged to Amenhotep III and Merneptah reused it on the other side leaving intact what he had already written on it.
What is the reason why a pharaoh reuses an object as personal as a stele that belonged to another previous pharaoh? Reincarnation maybe? it's just a guess I was thinking.
shinninglight said:
the hyksos are jews,HA!!...like jews can build any fomidable society.i heard the hyksos where almost as advance as egypt,even more powerful than egypt in military,not bulit by people who only steal and lie.

Hyksos held the Egypt under their occupation for around a century, then Egyptians fought back and expelled them. Seqenenre Tao was the first to start liberation war agains these Hyksos, and then his son Kamose finished the job.

I wouldn’t say that Hyksos were that advanced. It’s just that they invaded the Egypt at right time, while it was weakened. As soon as capable leader came to the throne, the Hyksos were no more.
shinninglight said:
the hyksos are jews,HA!!...like jews can build any fomidable society.i heard the hyksos where almost as advance as egypt,even more powerful than egypt in military,not bulit by people who only steal and lie.

Hyksos held the Egypt under their occupation for around a century, then Egyptians fought back and expelled them. Seqenenre Tao was the first to start liberation war agains these Hyksos, and then his son Kamose finished the job.

I wouldn’t say that Hyksos were that advanced. It’s just that they invaded the Egypt at right time, while it was weakened. As soon as capable leader came to the throne, the Hyksos were no more.
Sorry, forgot the Queen Ahhotep I, who also had crucial role in expelling Hyksos from Egypt. It would be crime not to mention her.
Wotanwarrior said:
Wotanwarrior said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What happened with Akhenaton is a sign of the enemy in Egypt but this was the later part of the dynasty that drove the Hyksos out and back into Canaan and Greece. Akhenaton was not a legitimate king by the Egyptian rites and laws of succession either. He stole the throne at the last minute and then went about imposing this new alien ideology on Egypt by violence which involved destroying the Aryan religion and desecrating the Temples of the Gods openly and even murdering people. His ideology is also of the enemy on every level.

True, the enemy had been trying to destroy the ancient civilizations many thousands of years before the Jews appeared, Akhenaton is a good example and they did it more times before, also the wars between peoples who were blood brothers and had the same ancestors as in the case of the Hittites against the Egyptians was the work of the enemy.


The skull of Tutmosis III presents the same elongated characteristics as Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tutankhamun.
I believe that with Hatshepsut happened the same thing with Amenhotep III and the throne of Egypt was also usurped by force.

Actually it was the other way around Thutmose III was a legitimate king and it was Hatshepsut who was the usurper, just look at the royal list of Abidos made by the Pharaoh Seti I and his priests in which Thutmose III appears as legitimate king and Hatshepsut was erased from the list, obviously that elongated skull mummy is not from Thutmose III.
Wotanwarrior said:
Look how happy that little shit looks at having done a lot of damage to Egypt. Disgusting.
Shael said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Look how happy that little shit looks at having done a lot of damage to Egypt. Disgusting.

Those repugnant parasites tried to destroy Egypt many times.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
