Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanists,
I am sharing the latest Ritual for the Goddess Agares.
Agares was known as the Titanic power named "Argus Panoptes" which is symbolic of the power of perception and the ability to see the Astral Realm. Agares is a protective being, who specializes in protection but also the ability to see into the Astral Realm. More information has been contained in the honorary Power Ritual.
Agares like many other Gods, has been written in the Goetic materials as being a female. In the origin story of the entity, she was a male. These interpolations can arise out of needs for Ritual. Sometimes certain deities can appear to have two genders [This is symbolism for the male and female energies of a God]. The powers of the Gods which are represented, have an active and passive function [Male and Female]. The Ritual here addresses this in the context of the female force.
The above should not confuse, as in Rituals, these can be symbolic language. For example, in hymns of many male Gods, you can see cases where they give birth; these are allusions to certain powers they have. These are NOT literal, but spiritual statements.
HPS Maxine has mentioned in one of her posts many years ago, that Agares was known as the Guardian or Patron Deity of Argos. Argos used to be both the name of a location [one of the most ancient cities in Europe] and a dynasty of Ancient Greek kings, who were called the Argead Dynasty. Alexander the Great was also descended from this dynasty. As these rulers went North, they created the House of Macedonia, a local kingdom in this place.
The Argead Dynasty was also named the "Danaaedes" Dynasty, which means "Those of Danaan", which is very much close to the Tuatha De Danaan in the Irish history. Among the mythical forefathers of the Ancient Greeks were from many locales, as the Gods have seeded humans in many places since the Golden Age was a global civilization. Ancients also openly do state they are from the Gods themselves, it was known back then to all Ancient people worldwide that we descend from the Gods and not from any "apes". The descendants of their people were the "Great Ones" of history, here from the Golden Age, to create many cities and to populate the earth in the coming centuries until this very day.
Argus is of the Rank of "Watchers", which means He is a very advanced entity. He is a God. The myth around him having a hundred eyes, is symbolic about the power of the Ascended Serpent and the ability to see the Astral Realm that one is bestowed through this. In the myth, Argus is "slain" and then becomes "Eyes on the peacock tail", the holy animal of Hera, which is a code for the expanded perception one attains when they advance the Third Eye.
About the JoS site, a small reminder. Progressively and over time, the real identities of the Gods will be updated in the Demon's Section, with their "Demon Names", when they are too much corrupted, be mentioned there only so that they are recognizable by those who need to know them in the context of "Demonology". As most of this "Demonology" is grossly infested with Jewish nonsense, it will have a very minimal existence in the JoS going forward. Only for historical purposes.
May Agares bless us all to continue on the beautiful path of the Gods. I do look forward to everyone enjoying this Ritual.
I am sharing the latest Ritual for the Goddess Agares.
Agares was known as the Titanic power named "Argus Panoptes" which is symbolic of the power of perception and the ability to see the Astral Realm. Agares is a protective being, who specializes in protection but also the ability to see into the Astral Realm. More information has been contained in the honorary Power Ritual.
Agares like many other Gods, has been written in the Goetic materials as being a female. In the origin story of the entity, she was a male. These interpolations can arise out of needs for Ritual. Sometimes certain deities can appear to have two genders [This is symbolism for the male and female energies of a God]. The powers of the Gods which are represented, have an active and passive function [Male and Female]. The Ritual here addresses this in the context of the female force.
The above should not confuse, as in Rituals, these can be symbolic language. For example, in hymns of many male Gods, you can see cases where they give birth; these are allusions to certain powers they have. These are NOT literal, but spiritual statements.
HPS Maxine has mentioned in one of her posts many years ago, that Agares was known as the Guardian or Patron Deity of Argos. Argos used to be both the name of a location [one of the most ancient cities in Europe] and a dynasty of Ancient Greek kings, who were called the Argead Dynasty. Alexander the Great was also descended from this dynasty. As these rulers went North, they created the House of Macedonia, a local kingdom in this place.
The Argead Dynasty was also named the "Danaaedes" Dynasty, which means "Those of Danaan", which is very much close to the Tuatha De Danaan in the Irish history. Among the mythical forefathers of the Ancient Greeks were from many locales, as the Gods have seeded humans in many places since the Golden Age was a global civilization. Ancients also openly do state they are from the Gods themselves, it was known back then to all Ancient people worldwide that we descend from the Gods and not from any "apes". The descendants of their people were the "Great Ones" of history, here from the Golden Age, to create many cities and to populate the earth in the coming centuries until this very day.
Argus is of the Rank of "Watchers", which means He is a very advanced entity. He is a God. The myth around him having a hundred eyes, is symbolic about the power of the Ascended Serpent and the ability to see the Astral Realm that one is bestowed through this. In the myth, Argus is "slain" and then becomes "Eyes on the peacock tail", the holy animal of Hera, which is a code for the expanded perception one attains when they advance the Third Eye.
About the JoS site, a small reminder. Progressively and over time, the real identities of the Gods will be updated in the Demon's Section, with their "Demon Names", when they are too much corrupted, be mentioned there only so that they are recognizable by those who need to know them in the context of "Demonology". As most of this "Demonology" is grossly infested with Jewish nonsense, it will have a very minimal existence in the JoS going forward. Only for historical purposes.
May Agares bless us all to continue on the beautiful path of the Gods. I do look forward to everyone enjoying this Ritual.
Agares Power Ritual - JoS Rituals
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