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How To Do Living Blood Sacrifice In Jesus's Name: With Proof

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everything, everyone has been told, is essentially a lie.

Next time a Christian tells you that they have "no clue" why all Christians are evil and so on, or what the Vatican is doing, or why the Pope and others do child molestation and blood sacrifice Ritual, tell them that this is the reality of Christianity.

Yes, it is. That's what these programs are about. It's just that people have no clue and are collectively creating a lie about all of this.

Christianity also made infamous the blood ritual of drinking the blood of Jesus every Sunday. Regardless of the obviousness of these things, many people are still wondering or believing in lies.

Those who truly know the internal workings of Christianity, such as those who penned the book I am writing about below, know it's all a hebrew sham filled with blood gore rituals, and the pinnacle of evil.

Below, I will just write some of the bogus shit I am reading now from jewish manuals of magick which have been attributed to Satan and Satanism, falsely.

There is no logical explanation why these were blamed on Satan, as these manuscripts clearly talk about Jesus, JHVH, and basically everything the idiots nowadays believe. Satan and the Demons are told to "stay away" from trying to impede these Rituals.

Repeating a lie all the time, has had the masses believe in this hoax.

In the TV and all this dogshit, we constantly hear nonsense about "Satanic blood sacrifice" and so on.

And of course, every so often, media and other cheap panels will always bring a lunatic or a jewish fool to mention about how "Satanism" was so bad for them, but they never really practice Satanism in reality, just "Satanism" as the jews defined it, or literally just jewish rituals to Jesus's Daddy JHVH or Jesus itself.

As jews have took these rituals from their own culture and said their enemies are doing them while they themselves are doing them, some Jewish Kabbalistic Magicians who just use all hebrew and tricks, are falsely called "Satanists" by idiots who have no clue what Satanism even is.

These lies generally revolve around two things:

1. The goyim never sit down to read anything but hold a superficial lie in their head, that they told "Christianity" is. They disregard all evidence.

2. Jews, everytime they are found out for doing a crime, they say Satan is responsible. The goy just believes it due to being mindwashed.

The stupid goy therefore attacks it's own Gods, which for all intents, are trying to protect it from what jews do, in a misdirection.

3. The goy, too lazy to read, never opened a flipping book to see how these "Rituals" they do is from jews, by jewish magicians and authors, or even in this case here, from the either a claimed possible Pope named Honorius of the Vatican or another Jewish Catholic high level "Christian", who accidentally had one manuscript they use there leaked from them.

All of these hostile and murder rituals commonly have the names of hebrew angels, or the name of Jesus Christ, the "King of the Jews", or Jehovah "JHVH" itself.


Even worse, fools have went on and done things from these manuals, as jews have misinformed people completely and their paradigm has been in the rule for thousands of years.

As it will be seen in the translated texts, these enrage the Demons, who rightfully attack these hebrew magicians, likely to protect innocent people, who are generally the targets of these.

Everything they do, they just say their enemies do that. The masses attack the Gods, who simply want to restore order. Jews therefore, can continue their crimes.

Below, I will post an expert from a Jewish Grimoire where the Jew in question does the blood sacrifice of a lamb in the name of Jesus Christ [yes, literally] to be protected from the wrath of the Demons, who are likely onto the hebrew magician in question because they are clearly a criminal.

[Source; The Grimoire of Honorius as included in the Practical Magic by Sabellicus, Greek version, p.242, 243, translated by me and able to be verified by an Greek reading SS below]

"Then, the magician must light off the candle. When the sun is up, he must slay a male lamb cutting it's throat: but he must be careful so that the lamb's blood does not fall on the floor. To collect this, one must have ready a jar or a bucket. Then, he will carve the animal, and throw into the fire it's tongue and it's heart. The fire will have to be new, and should be specifically turned on for the ritual, and the ashes will have to be collected and stored because it will be useful later.

The skin of the lamb must remain for 9 days in the middle of a field, and all of this must be sprayed with holy water four times per day.

The tenth day, before the sun comes up, the ashes from the fire must be thrown on the skin, and the remains of a black roosters roosters tongue and heart, and the eyeballs.

Then after the sunset (of the next day), the dead carcass of the lamb should be buried into an unknown to all place, and where "no bird can fly to this place". Then the magician must form these symbols with their gesture with his right hand, on top of the place of the sacrificed.

After three days, the magician will visit the grave, showering it with holy water and saying: "I spray you with holy water, Lord, so that you clean my soul". Before he departs, he should always say this prayer:

"Jesus Christ savior of humanity, you who have been punished but innocent, you who stood valuable enough to seal the book of life, give to this skin the power to hold together the signs that we will mark it with, that I will write with your blood, so that I get my desire. And make sure to keep the Demonic forces away, that will get vengeful for seeing these symbols, but whom will be moving in tremors when I do summoning to them. With your glory, Jesus Christ, who are eternal, and you rule aeons and aeons, amen".

After this, you should start doing the litany of the holy name of Christ [my note that is a prayer that calls jesus as a lamb], but you will alter the prayer and say instead "Sacrificed lamb, stand for me as a tower of power against the powers of the Demons, lamb who sacrificed itself, give me rule over the powers of darkness, o holy lamb give me your good will so that I can subdue the rebel spirits, amen".

Then the book continues with jewish sigils and sigils of Jesus Christ for things like the above.

To not be questioned, I will also include these two pictures here, in case any fool is left wondering if the above actually exists. Any Greek reader on the planet will be able to translate these and see that what is written here is true and real.


Do you believe in your reality now after you just read instructions from a jewish manuscript on how to do animal sacrifice for Lord Jesus Christ?

Satan and the Demons are only mentioned there also as opposing forces, which clearly try to sabotage this jew from doing these deplorable acts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Death and suffering is all these creatures can derive energy from. It is why they are obsessed with horrid things like this, thinking it somehow empowers or cleanses when really it is bathing in filth. This is seen too in kosher and halal practices with animals, the cruelty.
I'm curious how much energy this actually raises. The destructive aspect of it likely gives some inherent power, but overall this seems like a lot of work for mediocre returns. It also sounds like Jewish thoughtforms would be assisting in directing the energy, because it didn't sound like he did too much visualizing or programming on his own.

Even if the energy is significant due to the abuse of an entire animal soul, I doubt this person could continue doing these sacrifices forever.
I can give one example here: Will Smith tried to blame Satan for whatever misfortunes he had after slapping Chris Rock.

When I was a catholic I was told of a "saint" (not sure if they were real or just invented as a role model for the goyim) who is called the "holy anorexic", because she starved herself for jewsus and died very young. Promotion of self-harm and torture is very mainstream in catholicism, and xianity in general. As is psychologically terrifying children with extremely disgusting descriptions of the supposed afterlife. It's not at all hard to believe for me that some do blood sacrifices.
this is a big W, whoever did this translation you have my complete and utter respect. Thank you for your hard work.
""Demon, I command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to tell me your name""... ""Our name is STUPID,,,, for WE are CHRISTIANS""".
Thank you so much HP. I get questions constantly from people about how I can possibly associate with anything occult. After all those people do horrendous things like Blood sacrifice. I tell people all the time its not us, but them. Unfortunately I can only point to posts online about things people do but have never had anything physical I can point to. The only other thing I can point out is the blood ritual in their sacrament. Now I have something. This might be a game changer. Again thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for sharing this useful information with us, of how the jews are doing their pitrid works agnst humanity and animals, and even worse,.how they are considering us, as animals.

What have I just read about the supposed protection ritual has a lot of similarities with what I read when I was in the wrong path of the occult, all the things that contained jewish stuff, like tens of thousanda of copies of corrupted mysticism, hermetics and others and tge greatest hit of them all... a lot of copies from the jewish kaballah I have just saw on the kaballah exposed.

Everything for me now begins to uncloud and becomes very clear that the jews are a huge nemesis for humanity and they are using slanderous magic stuff, like this book you posted about, that contains literally suicidal information if one user does the sacrificial ritual presented and then, collectively invites the Enemy.

And also, just pooking at the symbol of the so-called Israeli mage that is at the top cover of the book... I think it says a lot.

Moreover, what I would like to add is the derranging truth that those books, like the one you posted about, remain very active in the Amazon shop and on eBay. For example, when I was in the before-entering the JoS era,.when I.searched for occult books on.eBay, I saw a lot of jewish crap that included sacrificing chickens, to fish (Ritual of the jewish alien Tobias) and also information about how to even metaphysically sacrifice a hukan being.

I am not kidding! This is what I saw! :?

Either way, I think we should all know the tactics the jews use against us, and I again thak you for sharing this information with use.

Hail Satan
Yeah thats what i never really got about the bible like one of the first mentions of Satan is when he is the snake that gave humans the knowledge of God and he was supposed to be some kind of antagonist i was like Rrrrrright i didn't say it at the time but i was like sounds like a pretty good snake to me but anyway i guess fools will believe anything.
So disgusting, the amount of lies one will have to tell themselves to make comfortable with this long gurry blood deathly trash. I know for a Jew, it will be normal, but how filthy and lengthy for a gentile who practices this.

So filthy!
Years ago, I saw a PDF describing in great detail rituals that xians did in the middle ages to summon and rape fairies. It went into great detail with prayers explicitly to jewsus crass. I remember seeing it discussed here as well, and it was deleted as it was too blasphemous to left here. Does anyone else know or remember what I'm talking about? I know where I can find it again just to be sure I remember it correctly.
I know this book (never read it or any such as this), it is promoted among other and much worst similars in almost all greek so called and wanna be "satanic", "magick" groups on zucker book.

All kind of these greek groups use hebrew magic, hebrew angels, hebrew books, symbols with hebrew letters and doubles circles they love crowley, adore lavey and even a few days ago i even saw they promote a link of how someone can do magick by using the help of jew virgin mary and yhvh LOL plus other crazy stuff.

The so called and wanna be satanists there is actually nothing more than jewish satanism, they repost from other foreigh groups jewish satanistic crap and most of the day they have a lifestyle as if Satan had been drinking coffee with them a while ago and Demons never say a no nor waste a favor to them for them of anything, just because, LOL.

There is also a Greek group "Joy of Satan Hellas Πνευματικός Σατανισμός Χαρά του Σατανά" but the administrators are the same who simultaneously are members and friends with all the other same groups that promote and practice the same jewish nonsense.

I mention it because if someone is there now (or will be) and trying to find out anything the best thing to do is take the link of Joy of Satan and get away immediately from all of them because they will only bring him / her troubles for obvious reasons.

Luckily I did that had a voice back then to get out of there and so I didn't get involve with that kind of people.

Father Satan must love me very much.
Also, my life is getting better every day.
Imagine being so delusional, so brain dead, so far gone that you believe sacrificing innocent animals and using/wasting its blood and corpse in some ritualistic manner to please some so called all powerful god is good for them to give you protection against these other gods who are repulsed by such and would rather you use your own spiritual strength to protect yourself from evil entities and other forms of negativity even going as far as to show you how as well as increase your strength and capabilities is evil.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ seems logical.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I really appreciate your research work and how many books you must have read during your life.Therefore how much knowledge you might have(I can't imagine).Which is also why you are really great Commander.

Shadowcat said:
Death and suffering is all these creatures can derive energy from. It is why they are obsessed with horrid things like this, thinking it somehow empowers or cleanses when really it is bathing in filth. This is seen too in kosher and halal practices with animals, the cruelty.
This may be a little off topic but there's is no doubt in my mind at all that we HAVE FULLY WON!!! people are turning on the jews left and it's bringing tears of joys to my ears I am so fuckin amazed and happy to see this, finally my family and everyone is going to see the truth
Even my Bible thumping retarded aunt is even slowly seeing things for what they are NEVER let up on or give any slack to these parasites until they nothing but a problem of the past
HAIL TO SATANS VICTORY!!!what a BEAUTIFUL time to live in! Much love to you all!❤🤟
I hate these parasitic kikes with a passion,, I'm talking about full on rage probably as much as Father SATAN.
It took 59 yr's and 7 months to discover my True God Great and Mighty SATAN!!. The meditation was rough in the beginning but it has made me stronger as my soul is under construction..
You HIGH PRIEST have helped me so much on this journey with your Sermon's.

As for religious ilk and the like I loathe them termendously. and i will stand up for Father SATAN agaisnt these brain dead goyim, as He would stand up for me.

Hail Marchosias!
Hail the Demon's of Hell!
Hail Victory!!
Heil HoodedCobra666
Wow. This just shows the illiteracy of people now a days.

In all fairness, I have never dug to find this type of proof but always knew it to be true based off of trust in the JOS.

You know what is even more ridiculous, even AFTER you show a die hard Xian this they still wouldn't believe you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=404544 time=1670467057 user_id=21286]
I'm curious how much energy this actually raises. The destructive aspect of it likely gives some inherent power, but overall this seems like a lot of work for mediocre returns. It also sounds like Jewish thoughtforms would be assisting in directing the energy, because it didn't sound like he did too much visualizing or programming on his own.

Even if the energy is significant due to the abuse of an entire animal soul, I doubt this person could continue doing these sacrifices forever.

Nothing comes out of this, they kill millions of animals on Eid and they will still fall like a deck of cards. It's more nonsense and just hate from them, because they are inferiors.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Wow. This just shows the illiteracy of people now a days.

In all fairness, I have never dug to find this type of proof but always knew it to be true based off of trust in the JOS.

You know what is even more ridiculous, even AFTER you show a die hard Xian this they still wouldn't believe you.

That is my job, to bring this information here, and then we distribute it. Thanks to people who enable that, it can happen.

They know its true but they will deflect it, because they are living in their own head.
Wotanwarrior said:
This overwhelming and inescapable evidence needs to be read by Andrew Tate, Mel Gibson, David Icke and other retards who blame everything the Kikes do on Father Satan.

They have no clue whatsoever, that's why I bring this up. They are living in their own head. Even in the old testament, they repeat all of this nonsense on a religious scale. On the new testament, Rabbi Jeboo is symbolic of a cannibal ritual that must take place every Sunday, to drink his "flesh and blood".

The Truth is literally in front of people.
I was implying the christians were the problem, in the earlier post. Just so people know that.
Sol_Invictus81 said:
As deplorable as many of the facts related on their disgusting bible.
I have a question, what in reality are the so called demonic possessions? are those the result of their own rituals and dark forces?
Thank you!

They are hostile entities of yahweh that attack man. They are programmed for it. Also Maxine had said that they erase every memory after their attack. Their negative energy is intense.

They find already broken souls (here it is sometimes referred to as holes in the aura) or people for example who have practiced jewish magic have opened up to these hostile entities.

To see how simple it is just consider how all these possessions happen to christians but never for example to buddhists.

There is no such thing as Demonic possession, and if there is a communication message or something else by Demons , Gods you will have a total memory of the whole event.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

During my days as a Christian whistleblower, yeah we'd expose these sick rituals, however the excuse we circulated to continue worshiping the pathetic failed rabbi and his lizard father was that "Catholicism/Vatican pedophilia isn't real Christianity" or whatever, and then whip out the Synagogue of Satan BS or RevaLIEtion 2:9 and 3:9.

Then we'd go on, preaching about how people need to "surrender/sacrifice their lives even up to bloodshed", "lay down their lives", break all ties with family member "for jebo's sake" or "take up thy cross" just because the failed rabbi and all of his 12 stupid "apostles" did so. So even without Catholicism, the idea of being a "living blood sacrifice", Matthew 10:21-22 bullshit, was still being circulated and mantra-ed to death within the minds of the followers, this is one of the major reasons why I gave it the middle finger and left.

If that isn't blood sacrifice, not sure what is.

We'd also preach that when the jew boogeyman "antichrist" rules for 42 months jew-howa will give Gentiles a so-called "second chance" in Heaven if they sacrifice themselves to the Beast (Rev. 13:7 - War against the Saints bullshit), which in Rev. 19:4, admits has nothing to do with Satan, and is probably high-ranking greys or reptilians sent by Jewhova to go and eat humans out of some extreme egotistic cosmic big daddy rage.

"The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: “Amen, Hallelujah!”

Let's be honest here, none of Satan's "Beasts/Demons" will ever bow down to that grey/lizard scoundrel. Though I do not refer to them as "Beasts" in a derogatory term, but I mean "Beast" as in the typical reference for warriors who are not to be fucked with.

Also note the repeating predominance of #2 and #4, occultic number of discord and chaos, in the 42 months, or the 24 elders and "4 beasts", as 4, 42 and 24 are all both sums AND multiples of 2.

For the brainwashed Gentile let me break it down for you:
4 = 2x2 AND 2+2, so for 42 just becomes 222 and same for 24, 24 (or 22) letters of alef-bet or whatever.....

......and yet, for some reason.....we still thought we were "fighting evil", exposing the jesuits and etc., when in reality, we were just feeding them spiritual energy.

Ultimately - once-more, reading the articles on Exposing Christianity back as a middle schooler didn't wake me up to evil hoax of Christianity, yeah I hated Christianity because it was a "bad boy" thing to hate Christianity, but later on in life truly, Christianity exposed ITSELF, for me to finally wake up, and get it through my skull of what the JoS HPs have been warning about for decades now.

Speaking of "War Against the Saints".....the term "Saint", just like "Christ" or "Angel" is another stolen Pagan term, a "Saint" is simple one who has or is well on their way to achieving Magnum Opus, to become like the Gods and as a God.

They wanna cry about War on the Saints? They wanna babble about being Warrior Saints? They can "repent" of their evil ways (Xianity) and do RTRs, renounce Jehovah and his vile son, and accept Satan and THEIR MIND POWERS as the True Savior!
Before coming to SS I made the mistake to read a kikish grimoire because it was labeled "Goetia" and was part of an online library referred to as "occult". I am sorry for having seen the horrible images they painted of our wonderful Gods such as Lord Buer, which until today I cannot get completely out of my mind. Those images were more disturbing than the photos from the post about the children abused by balenciaga.
blueFlame666 said:
They are hostile entities of yahweh that attack man. They are programmed for it. Also Maxine had said that they erase every memory after their attack. Their negative energy is intense.

They find already broken souls (here it is sometimes referred to as holes in the aura) or people for example who have practiced jewish magic have opened up to these hostile entities.

To see how simple it is just consider how all these possessions happen to christians but never for example to buddhists.

There is no such thing as Demonic possession, and if there is a communication message or something else by Demons , Gods you will have a total memory of the whole event.

Thanks brother! I perfectly understand your point, nevertheless this is part of the slander the enemy enjoys to throw against the Gods. Take a look at any horror movie or book, and in real life there are extremely fanatical "religious" people who stupidly boast of having the power to expel demons... and many others who are even more stupid believe it.

I'm sure that most times this is a well mounted scene in order to get money, but for those cases where these dark entities are real, the alleged "possessed" might be extremely harmed. At the end of the day, we're just talking about the summary of deplorable practices from that "God", who is the real enemy of man.

BlueLake666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Everything for me now begins to uncloud and becomes very clear that the jews are a huge nemesis for humanity and they are using slanderous magic stuff, like this book you posted about, that contains literally suicidal information if one user does the sacrificial ritual presented and then, collectively invites the Enemy.

Hail Satan

right, so they are not just sacrificing the animal, they are also ultimately sacrificing their own soul energy by getting entangled with Jehova.

These people doing blood sacrifices to better their lives, are really just unconsciously enslaving their souls to Jehova.

Slightly off topic, but did anyone see the news some years back about some of the Pachamama shamans (South American) visit the Pope in Italy?

Satanama <3
Frank.Woden said:
[Source; The Grimoire of Pope Honorius as included in the Practical Magic by Sabellicus, Greek version, p.242, 243, translated by me and able to be verified by an Greek reading SS below]

The translation by Sabellicus is correct, although the author is not Pope Honorius but Honorius of Thebes , the one from which this text from Sabellicus took the text from.

The Liber juratus Honorii, also Liber sacer, sacratus or consecratus appearing in High Medieval ages as a book of grimoires, called The Sworn Book of Honorius.

So it is not historically referred to a pope.

For sure christians practices are connected and influenced by the jewsih tradition of blood sacrifices , with whom they "bound" the blood of an animal for their curses, sins etc..

But this was part of general rule of sacrifices that stand thousands of years before the kikes.

"Pagans" as well they were sacrificing animals in their cults , look at Mithra for example .

Thank you, that is a useful comment. The origin of the work is disputed, yet it's clearly from high Jewish Christian gimmick.

They say that they found many of these belonging to "Pope" Honorius in the past, one being literally named after him [and again disputed by the Jesuits who try to hide this info], and then they attributed to others.

Given this has created many disputes and other Grimoires were found by this Jewish Pope and many others, they later leaked them with their origin being "lost". The name can however be indicative here as it's not even common, as "Honorius" is not really even a Greek Name, nor it is actually from Thebes.

Personally, I do believe it's attributed to a pseudo-author, with the origin being clearly elsewhere, being from the vault of the actual pope. I clarified this on the topic to avoid any potential kike disputes.

Pagan "sacrifices" were on festivals, for reasons of meat consumption and I have answered in regards to this to a previous post. I have also made a full documentary on this, and it's all likewise sources, make sure to check it out.

The animal here is not killed for consumption, it is killed for the kike to try to bargain with Jesus Christ in order to be protected from the "Evil Demons" who are onto it.

Clearly, this type of bogus shit doesn't even work, but it was actually pervasive on the Middle Ages.

They were certainly not done with all the things mentioned here, or to be protected by "Demons" as the recommendations here are from this jew. The procedures here are on a whole other level of stupid, kosher originated.
what are the demons that attack christians?are they jewish controlled entities or some bad cop of the jews to fool people into thinking jesus is the good cop?

years ago when I was a hindu,I left for christianity for like a few months and got attacked by these things telling me 'don't worship jewsus',and also they would come in the form of beautiful indian women.

pentecostals who are ex-catholic occultists also claim that catholicism is run by these 'demons'.
pacharica said:
what are the demons that attack christians?are they jewish controlled entities or some bad cop of the jews to fool people into thinking jesus is the good cop?

years ago when I was a hindu,I left for christianity for like a few months and got attacked by these things telling me 'don't worship jewsus',and also they would come in the form of beautiful indian women.

pentecostals who are ex-catholic occultists also claim that catholicism is run by these 'demons'.

They are the same as the "Angels" who go around attacking and harrassing people. They are enemy Greys and enemy thoughtforms using the name of our Demons or Angels or Gods, or whatever suites their pathetic agenda. Our Demons are not about evil.

Assuming these "spirits" who appeared like beautiful Indian women weren't telling you to do atrocious things - they could have very well-been real Demons warning you not to worship Jewsus.

I mean yes - throughout history, our Demons have helped many Satanic leaders pose as Christians or Muslims simply to lead a nation and avoid being mobbed and lynched, Abrasax was often the one behind Gnostic Christian movements. Saddam Hussein was likely a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, who had a deep hatred of Islam and wanted to restore the glory of Old Great Assyria, but he had to keep his mouth and shut and play the "Shia Muslim" card.

As for all these "former occultists" - probably almost all the time, they were following Jewish Kabblah and corrupted Jewish Satanism (which isn't True Satanism). Almost every "testimony" I've seen from so-called "former Satanists" or "former occultists" were describing Jewish Kabbalah, or are just pure methheads from the start.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
pacharica said:
what are the demons that attack christians?are they jewish controlled entities or some bad cop of the jews to fool people into thinking jesus is the good cop?

years ago when I was a hindu,I left for christianity for like a few months and got attacked by these things telling me 'don't worship jewsus',and also they would come in the form of beautiful indian women.

pentecostals who are ex-catholic occultists also claim that catholicism is run by these 'demons'.

They are the same as the "Angels" who go around attacking and harrassing people. They are enemy Greys and enemy thoughtforms using the name of our Demons or Angels or Gods, or whatever suites their pathetic agenda. Our Demons are not about evil.

Assuming these "spirits" who appeared like beautiful Indian women weren't telling you to do atrocious things - they could have very well-been real Demons warning you not to worship Jewsus.

I mean yes - throughout history, our Demons have helped many Satanic leaders pose as Christians or Muslims simply to lead a nation and avoid being mobbed and lynched, Abrasax was often the one behind Gnostic Christian movements. Saddam Hussein was likely a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, who had a deep hatred of Islam and wanted to restore the glory of Old Great Assyria, but he had to keep his mouth and shut and play the "Shia Muslim" card.

As for all these "former occultists" - probably almost all the time, they were following Jewish Kabblah and corrupted Jewish Satanism (which isn't True Satanism). Almost every "testimony" I've seen from so-called "former Satanists" or "former occultists" were describing Jewish Kabbalah, or are just pure methheads from the start.

that they are greys makes sense!

those greys would come in the form of black guys with thug apparel in my dream with machetes seeking to kill and rape me.they also came in the form of goat-men and also that scary boy from those japanese horror movies choking me.

were they doing this to increase my faith in jewsus,since I knew the bible was contradictorary and had doubts?

I do not think the true demons would choke me,and then when I called on good cop jewsus,always being 'saved'.

what I do not get about those ex-occultists,is that they claim to only target protestant christians ?and then being unable to destroy'true believers'.however alot of these 'testimonies'could be paid fabrications by the jews.

how they are written,they sound so fake and outlandish.

but they have and my experiences have put alot of doubt in me about Father Satan for a few years.

I love Satan who is not samael,but I have a anxious personality type and this has led me to doubt alot i'll be going to the christian 'hell'.

even though I know the Torah-the basis of all abrahamic faiths-is a crock of shit full of lies and contradictions as exposed by steven dimattei.
pacharica said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
pacharica said:
what are the demons that attack christians?are they jewish controlled entities or some bad cop of the jews to fool people into thinking jesus is the good cop?

years ago when I was a hindu,I left for christianity for like a few months and got attacked by these things telling me 'don't worship jewsus',and also they would come in the form of beautiful indian women.

pentecostals who are ex-catholic occultists also claim that catholicism is run by these 'demons'.

They are the same as the "Angels" who go around attacking and harrassing people. They are enemy Greys and enemy thoughtforms using the name of our Demons or Angels or Gods, or whatever suites their pathetic agenda. Our Demons are not about evil.

Assuming these "spirits" who appeared like beautiful Indian women weren't telling you to do atrocious things - they could have very well-been real Demons warning you not to worship Jewsus.

I mean yes - throughout history, our Demons have helped many Satanic leaders pose as Christians or Muslims simply to lead a nation and avoid being mobbed and lynched, Abrasax was often the one behind Gnostic Christian movements. Saddam Hussein was likely a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, who had a deep hatred of Islam and wanted to restore the glory of Old Great Assyria, but he had to keep his mouth and shut and play the "Shia Muslim" card.

As for all these "former occultists" - probably almost all the time, they were following Jewish Kabblah and corrupted Jewish Satanism (which isn't True Satanism). Almost every "testimony" I've seen from so-called "former Satanists" or "former occultists" were describing Jewish Kabbalah, or are just pure methheads from the start.

that they are greys makes sense!

those greys would come in the form of black guys with thug apparel in my dream with machetes seeking to kill and rape me.they also came in the form of goat-men and also that scary boy from those japanese horror movies choking me.

were they doing this to increase my faith in jewsus,since I knew the bible was contradictorary and had doubts?

I do not think the true demons would choke me,and then when I called on good cop jewsus,always being 'saved'.

what I do not get about those ex-occultists,is that they claim to only target protestant christians ?and then being unable to destroy'true believers'.however alot of these 'testimonies'could be paid fabrications by the jews.

how they are written,they sound so fake and outlandish.

but they have and my experiences have put alot of doubt in me about Father Satan for a few years.

I love Satan who is not samael,but I have a anxious personality type and this has led me to doubt alot i'll be going to the christian 'hell'.

even though I know the Torah-the basis of all abrahamic faiths-is a crock of shit full of lies and contradictions as exposed by steven dimattei.

Many of us still struggle in getting rid of Xian beliefs, because that shit is/was so ingrained not only from birth, but even worse, from past reincarnations. Many still get "fear attacks" of burning from time to time, me included - still in the process of deprogramming myself.

I forgot what page it was, but HP Maxine did warn that if in past lives, you were ultra-Xian or belonged to ultra-Xian families, those energies and subconscious beliefs will follow you in the next life.

And yes, what Greys do when followers start doubting Jewzuz is that they harrass them as whatever, they use the person's deapest fears, or they even claim that they are Satan, this is all to scare the doubter into that religion. Problem is, there's never any self-help in the process, they won't ever help you with your finances, relations, or quality of life, they'll simply keep harassing and harassing you to get you to continue putting your blind faith in Rabbi Jebo.

One of the people I used to associate with during my Puritan days was raped in the other dimensions by these Greys, no matter how much she begged and cried to the failed rabbi, these sick scoundrels would also possess people around her into acting aggressive, rude and outright violent to her, also throw in the Talmudic rituals that joos cast. I'm tempted to say I feel bad for her, but quite frankly, I don't anymore - understanding how energies work, and the type of parasitic energies Xianity invites into one's life - you reap what you sow. Last I checked her FB not too long ago, she's still complaining, whining and dealing with these things.

In Satanism, with constant power meditation, RTRs and FRTRs you'll deal with these entities less and less, and if you do get attacked (which even skilled and highly-advanced SS do from time to time), their attempts will have little to no effect on you.

The type of Christianity I followed was neo-Puritan, so we didn't celebrate Christmas because of its pagan origins. When I first left, these Greys would attack me via thoughtforms and try to cause misfortunes whenever I did my holiday preps - the more energy work I did, I barely even know they're there, 'cuz the'yre not!


Does anyone have any thoughts on why Amazonian shamans visited the pope at the Vatican....?

Satanama <3
patrioticgentile_666 said:
pacharica said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
They are the same as the "Angels" who go around attacking and harrassing people. They are enemy Greys and enemy thoughtforms using the name of our Demons or Angels or Gods, or whatever suites their pathetic agenda. Our Demons are not about evil.

Assuming these "spirits" who appeared like beautiful Indian women weren't telling you to do atrocious things - they could have very well-been real Demons warning you not to worship Jewsus.

I mean yes - throughout history, our Demons have helped many Satanic leaders pose as Christians or Muslims simply to lead a nation and avoid being mobbed and lynched, Abrasax was often the one behind Gnostic Christian movements. Saddam Hussein was likely a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, who had a deep hatred of Islam and wanted to restore the glory of Old Great Assyria, but he had to keep his mouth and shut and play the "Shia Muslim" card.

As for all these "former occultists" - probably almost all the time, they were following Jewish Kabblah and corrupted Jewish Satanism (which isn't True Satanism). Almost every "testimony" I've seen from so-called "former Satanists" or "former occultists" were describing Jewish Kabbalah, or are just pure methheads from the start.

that they are greys makes sense!

those greys would come in the form of black guys with thug apparel in my dream with machetes seeking to kill and rape me.they also came in the form of goat-men and also that scary boy from those japanese horror movies choking me.

were they doing this to increase my faith in jewsus,since I knew the bible was contradictorary and had doubts?

I do not think the true demons would choke me,and then when I called on good cop jewsus,always being 'saved'.

what I do not get about those ex-occultists,is that they claim to only target protestant christians ?and then being unable to destroy'true believers'.however alot of these 'testimonies'could be paid fabrications by the jews.

how they are written,they sound so fake and outlandish.

but they have and my experiences have put alot of doubt in me about Father Satan for a few years.

I love Satan who is not samael,but I have a anxious personality type and this has led me to doubt alot i'll be going to the christian 'hell'.

even though I know the Torah-the basis of all abrahamic faiths-is a crock of shit full of lies and contradictions as exposed by steven dimattei.

Many of us still struggle in getting rid of Xian beliefs, because that shit is/was so ingrained not only from birth, but even worse, from past reincarnations. Many still get "fear attacks" of burning from time to time, me included - still in the process of deprogramming myself.

I forgot what page it was, but HP Maxine did warn that if in past lives, you were ultra-Xian or belonged to ultra-Xian families, those energies and subconscious beliefs will follow you in the next life.

And yes, what Greys do when followers start doubting Jewzuz is that they harrass them as whatever, they use the person's deapest fears, or they even claim that they are Satan, this is all to scare the doubter into that religion. Problem is, there's never any self-help in the process, they won't ever help you with your finances, relations, or quality of life, they'll simply keep harassing and harassing you to get you to continue putting your blind faith in Rabbi Jebo.

One of the people I used to associate with during my Puritan days was raped in the other dimensions by these Greys, no matter how much she begged and cried to the failed rabbi, these sick scoundrels would also possess people around her into acting aggressive, rude and outright violent to her, also throw in the Talmudic rituals that joos cast. I'm tempted to say I feel bad for her, but quite frankly, I don't anymore - understanding how energies work, and the type of parasitic energies Xianity invites into one's life - you reap what you sow. Last I checked her FB not too long ago, she's still complaining, whining and dealing with these things.

In Satanism, with constant power meditation, RTRs and FRTRs you'll deal with these entities less and less, and if you do get attacked (which even skilled and highly-advanced SS do from time to time), their attempts will have little to no effect on you.

The type of Christianity I followed was neo-Puritan, so we didn't celebrate Christmas because of its pagan origins. When I first left, these Greys would attack me via thoughtforms and try to cause misfortunes whenever I did my holiday preps - the more energy work I did, I barely even know they're there, 'cuz the'yre not!

Yes,most of those stories are in high likeliness paid stories by missionaries and jews.

but for example,I know a story of a ex-rosicrucian who said 'samael'was at the top of this and jesus 'saved him'when 'samael'was going to kill him,while everyone knows rosicrucian occult system is jewish kabbalah.

these shits were impersonating shri lalithaa/lilith my goddess when I was in the process of converting giving me bad dreams,telling me that abarahamic religions are from shri lalithaa and then they sent angels to me in my dream telling me I was bad for 'worshipping satan'and scaring me into believing in them because I called on shiva and had no help,but I heard now I have to dedicate blood to Satan first.
The Bible is antagonizing... always has been and always will be for a purpose!.. with each and every one of the scriptures a person could read you get told one thing and then you get told another thing! It's like having your left foot in the quicksand and you're right foot in the fire pit. And then all of the death and the murder you read about! After all of the 11000 deaths and beyond! And then he get into the New Testament and it's about forgive and forget and bow and show mercy! And give an order and demand after all of that!.....??? And still people believe in that stupid book! And a lot of people swear up and down but it is uplifting and wonderful and all of that shit! And when I read it all it did was piss me off! It didn't even make sense to me and I didn't even really understand as to why anybody would look up on that book as something wonderful! When obviously it doesn't serve any purpose at all! It never did anything for me!.. it gave me nightmares! And all it did was make me angry!... and why do so many people believe in that book of bullshit!? And first centuries it has been on this planet and people still flock to those stupid churches and become a member of some stupid Aramaic Church... and don't even realize that they're being lied to used and abused dragged into a fucking slaughterhouse and drained of their fucking energy day after day and night after night and they still don't get it.🤣🤣
If I remember correctly their was an apocrypha that had how to summon angles but was excluded cause (muh can'ts show jewish magickses in bibleses or the goyims will findses out)how anyone can see those books an make excuses that jews didn't use magic is truly stupid,some of these books are in your supposed bible times,but christards will see it an say (that proveses nothing reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee),christians an Islam is truly, npc classic
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everything, everyone has been told, is essentially a lie.

Next time a Christian tells you that they have "no clue" why all Christians are evil and so on, or what the Vatican is doing, or why the Pope and others do child molestation and blood sacrifice Ritual, tell them that this is the reality of Christianity.

Yes, it is. That's what these programs are about. It's just that people have no clue and are collectively creating a lie about all of this.

Christianity also made infamous the blood ritual of drinking the blood of Jesus every Sunday. Regardless of the obviousness of these things, many people are still wondering or believing in lies.

Those who truly know the internal workings of Christianity, such as those who penned the book I am writing about below, know it's all a hebrew sham filled with blood gore rituals, and the pinnacle of evil.

Below, I will just write some of the bogus shit I am reading now from jewish manuals of magick which have been attributed to Satan and Satanism, falsely.

There is no logical explanation why these were blamed on Satan, as these manuscripts clearly talk about Jesus, JHVH, and basically everything the idiots nowadays believe. Satan and the Demons are told to "stay away" from trying to impede these Rituals.

Repeating a lie all the time, has had the masses believe in this hoax.

In the TV and all this dogshit, we constantly hear nonsense about "Satanic blood sacrifice" and so on.

And of course, every so often, media and other cheap panels will always bring a lunatic or a jewish fool to mention about how "Satanism" was so bad for them, but they never really practice Satanism in reality, just "Satanism" as the jews defined it, or literally just jewish rituals to Jesus's Daddy JHVH or Jesus itself.

As jews have took these rituals from their own culture and said their enemies are doing them while they themselves are doing them, some Jewish Kabbalistic Magicians who just use all hebrew and tricks, are falsely called "Satanists" by idiots who have no clue what Satanism even is.

These lies generally revolve around two things:

1. The goyim never sit down to read anything but hold a superficial lie in their head, that they told "Christianity" is. They disregard all evidence.

2. Jews, everytime they are found out for doing a crime, they say Satan is responsible. The goy just believes it due to being mindwashed.

The stupid goy therefore attacks it's own Gods, which for all intents, are trying to protect it from what jews do, in a misdirection.

3. The goy, too lazy to read, never opened a flipping book to see how these "Rituals" they do is from jews, by jewish magicians and authors, or even in this case here, from the either a claimed possible Pope named Honorius of the Vatican or another Jewish Catholic high level "Christian", who accidentally had one manuscript they use there leaked from them.

All of these hostile and murder rituals commonly have the names of hebrew angels, or the name of Jesus Christ, the "King of the Jews", or Jehovah "JHVH" itself.


Even worse, fools have went on and done things from these manuals, as jews have misinformed people completely and their paradigm has been in the rule for thousands of years.

As it will be seen in the translated texts, these enrage the Demons, who rightfully attack these hebrew magicians, likely to protect innocent people, who are generally the targets of these.

Everything they do, they just say their enemies do that. The masses attack the Gods, who simply want to restore order. Jews therefore, can continue their crimes.

Below, I will post an expert from a Jewish Grimoire where the Jew in question does the blood sacrifice of a lamb in the name of Jesus Christ [yes, literally] to be protected from the wrath of the Demons, who are likely onto the hebrew magician in question because they are clearly a criminal.

[Source; The Grimoire of Honorius as included in the Practical Magic by Sabellicus, Greek version, p.242, 243, translated by me and able to be verified by an Greek reading SS below]

"Then, the magician must light off the candle. When the sun is up, he must slay a male lamb cutting it's throat: but he must be careful so that the lamb's blood does not fall on the floor. To collect this, one must have ready a jar or a bucket. Then, he will carve the animal, and throw into the fire it's tongue and it's heart. The fire will have to be new, and should be specifically turned on for the ritual, and the ashes will have to be collected and stored because it will be useful later.

The skin of the lamb must remain for 9 days in the middle of a field, and all of this must be sprayed with holy water four times per day.

The tenth day, before the sun comes up, the ashes from the fire must be thrown on the skin, and the remains of a black roosters roosters tongue and heart, and the eyeballs.

Then after the sunset (of the next day), the dead carcass of the lamb should be buried into an unknown to all place, and where "no bird can fly to this place". Then the magician must form these symbols with their gesture with his right hand, on top of the place of the sacrificed.

After three days, the magician will visit the grave, showering it with holy water and saying: "I spray you with holy water, Lord, so that you clean my soul". Before he departs, he should always say this prayer:

"Jesus Christ savior of humanity, you who have been punished but innocent, you who stood valuable enough to seal the book of life, give to this skin the power to hold together the signs that we will mark it with, that I will write with your blood, so that I get my desire. And make sure to keep the Demonic forces away, that will get vengeful for seeing these symbols, but whom will be moving in tremors when I do summoning to them. With your glory, Jesus Christ, who are eternal, and you rule aeons and aeons, amen".

After this, you should start doing the litany of the holy name of Christ [my note that is a prayer that calls jesus as a lamb], but you will alter the prayer and say instead "Sacrificed lamb, stand for me as a tower of power against the powers of the Demons, lamb who sacrificed itself, give me rule over the powers of darkness, o holy lamb give me your good will so that I can subdue the rebel spirits, amen".

Then the book continues with jewish sigils and sigils of Jesus Christ for things like the above.

To not be questioned, I will also include these two pictures here, in case any fool is left wondering if the above actually exists. Any Greek reader on the planet will be able to translate these and see that what is written here is true and real.


Do you believe in your reality now after you just read instructions from a jewish manuscript on how to do animal sacrifice for Lord Jesus Christ?

Satan and the Demons are only mentioned there also as opposing forces, which clearly try to sabotage this jew from doing these deplorable acts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Lamb is a code word for gentile babes.. this is horrific
blueFlame666 said:
Sol_Invictus81 said:
As deplorable as many of the facts related on their disgusting bible.
I have a question, what in reality are the so called demonic possessions? are those the result of their own rituals and dark forces?
Thank you!

They are hostile entities of yahweh that attack man. They are programmed for it. Also Maxine had said that they erase every memory after their attack. Their negative energy is intense.

They find already broken souls (here it is sometimes referred to as holes in the aura) or people for example who have practiced jewish magic have opened up to these hostile entities.

To see how simple it is just consider how all these possessions happen to christians but never for example to buddhists.

There is no such thing as Demonic possession, and if there is a communication message or something else by Demons , Gods you will have a total memory of the whole event.

Buddhism is a nother fork off the enemy, to kill the souls (reach nirvana) off their enemys. It´s not better then xtianity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
