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How Survival Ready Should We Be?


New member
Aug 17, 2014
I know we're supposed to have plenty of time before things get really bad, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take steps to be prepared for the future or not. You know, survival readiness. Could one of the High Priests comment? Are we just supposed to trust in our GD's and Satan to provide everything or will there come a time when we will mostly be on our own?
When it comes to survival I use the mind set of "better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it". I like military surplus rifles, their affordable powerful rugged and accurate. You can get surplus gear for cheap on sportsmansguide.com Don't go out and spend lots of $ on gear from dicks sporting goods or somewhere like that. Military surplus isn't the best, but its field tested. Also with how much debt this country is in hyper inflation is a possibility. If that happens you won't be able to afford anything then. If you want to talk more about this email me, kvnfidler at hush mail. I can't send emails from yahoo.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@... wrote:

I know we're supposed to have plenty of time before things get really bad, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take steps to be prepared for the future or not. You know, survival readiness. Could one of the High Priests comment? Are we just supposed to trust in our GD's and Satan to provide everything or will there come a time when we will mostly be on our own?
The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@... wrote:

I know we're supposed to have plenty of time before things get really bad, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take steps to be prepared for the future or not. You know, survival readiness. Could one of the High Priests comment? Are we just supposed to trust in our GD's and Satan to provide everything or will there come a time when we will mostly be on our own?
I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@... wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
I wish I knew what you meant by that Don.

@Lydia It probably just means it won't hit you as hard. Being in Canada may have something to do with it. I foresee the Euro collapsing soon and the Dollar to follow shortly.
Hi again Lydia and Serpent,

Well, I'm not preparing to build a underground bunker or anything but I do have some supplies stocked up, like 6 lbs of leafy seeds (organic alfalfa, clover, broccoli, etc) and quinoa grains for their sprouts and you can easily harvest them in 4-6 days for nutrition. They don't need sun or a growing medium, all they need is good air circulation and clean water.

Now, if things get bad enough that municipal supplied tap water is shut off then it is a good idea to stock up on bottled water. Although it does rain quite a bit in Vancouver so you could just boil collected rainwater. A portable generator will also be handy, assuming you can get your hands on some gas.

I got my natal and forecast chart done by HP Maxine and I can already see the predictions coming to pass, she said that I am having money problems due to the shit economy and that almost every chart she has read is affected by this. Constant meditation and empowering your aura will reduce or offset the negative effects of Saturn and other planets, which may be the case in your situation. Vibrating kabbalistic squares or placing a protective aura around you, your family/pets and house to help you get through rough patches is another idea.

Most importantly is to trust in Father Satan and your GD that they will make sure dedicated Satanists will come through this ugly mess unscathed.

Hail Satan & the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@ wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
We, Canadians are luckier than Americans because we got more natural resources. It's gonna take us around 1 year to stand up on our feet again after the Economic collapse compare to Americans....

The only solution is to Americans to move to Canada as soon as possible because doors gonna be closed after!.

My favorite Quote: Facta non Verba
My resources about what I said are secret, the only thing I can say is... I have friends & contacts with Politics, cops, Mechanics, and more.

Don't stop meditating, it gonna help you later!!
http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini% ... nglish.htm

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@... wrote:

I know we're supposed to have plenty of time before things get really bad, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take steps to be prepared for the future or not. You know, survival readiness. Could one of the High Priests comment? Are we just supposed to trust in our GD's and Satan to provide everything or will there come a time when we will mostly be on our own?
This sort of thing is worldwide. As for astrology forecasts, this is a major factor predicting economic collapse. I keep seeing transiting saturn in the 2nd house [finances], 8th house [debts and joint finances], first house [overall bad time], connected to the 2nd house in some way...so many different people. Saturn retrograding over the ruler/s of the 2nd house/money houses, etc. Very, very few don't have this [that I have read for] at this time.

Then, of course, the news. Does the economy look good now? I don't think so, regardless of how the jews try to lie at times and say there are more jobs, recovery and such to try to get the mass mind to believe to generate some power.

The USA solar return chart for 2012 looks like there might be a very temporary spike solar return sun in the 2nd house, but this is opposed by the moon; full moon in the 8th creating a split], but following this, bad times financially. I use the USA 7/04/1776 2:11 am chart. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist knew astrology and made sure Uranus, the planet of freedom was conjunct the USA ascendant when they signed the papers. People argue, but for those of you who know astrology real well, check this chart out. I have used this chart for years and it is very blatant regarding the 911 attacks, which lined up everything on the uSA Saturn at 14 of Libra [a key planetary point in the US natal chart]. Franklin was an astrologer.

The following year- Mercury, the natal chart ruler for the USA is retrograde in the 2013 solar return. Transiting neptune [demoralization]will be squaring the USA natal Uranus [also a co-ruler]. Past instances of this were during the 1930's [from virgo]- the economic depression, and 1974, after the defeat in Viet Nam [from sagittarius].

There are other factors as well. Look at the economic shape Europe is now in. It is all over the news. That and the astrology is what I am basing this on. The most important thing you can do is to direct the energies through meditation. Protect yourself and focus on financial security and protection in your affirmations. Engrave this into your soul. This isn't really a head for the hills sort of thing, or anything for us to actually panic about. Just work on keeping your energies up, use common sense on stocking up on items you need and use and that sort of thing.

For those of you who know astrology well. Look to the lining up and repeating of the planets of a certain period.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Christine Chan" <cmchan87@... wrote:

Hi again Lydia and Serpent,

Well, I'm not preparing to build a underground bunker or anything but I do have some supplies stocked up, like 6 lbs of leafy seeds (organic alfalfa, clover, broccoli, etc) and quinoa grains for their sprouts and you can easily harvest them in 4-6 days for nutrition. They don't need sun or a growing medium, all they need is good air circulation and clean water.

Now, if things get bad enough that municipal supplied tap water is shut off then it is a good idea to stock up on bottled water. Although it does rain quite a bit in Vancouver so you could just boil collected rainwater. A portable generator will also be handy, assuming you can get your hands on some gas.

I got my natal and forecast chart done by HP Maxine and I can already see the predictions coming to pass, she said that I am having money problems due to the shit economy and that almost every chart she has read is affected by this. Constant meditation and empowering your aura will reduce or offset the negative effects of Saturn and other planets, which may be the case in your situation. Vibrating kabbalistic squares or placing a protective aura around you, your family/pets and house to help you get through rough patches is another idea.

Most importantly is to trust in Father Satan and your GD that they will make sure dedicated Satanists will come through this ugly mess unscathed.

Hail Satan & the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@ wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
Thanks HPS Maxine. The moon goes into Taurus tomorrow (Sunday) evening, I'll start a 40-day 108-rep mantra for finances. I'll have to get up at like 4am for optimal timing but it will be well worth it. I'm mentioning this in case anyone else reading this is interested, just adjust the time for your area.

I'll also have to put more effort into learning astrology, I shouldn't depend on others doing it for me!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

This sort of thing is worldwide. As for astrology forecasts, this is a major factor predicting economic collapse. I keep seeing transiting saturn in the 2nd house [finances], 8th house [debts and joint finances], first house [overall bad time], connected to the 2nd house in some way...so many different people. Saturn retrograding over the ruler/s of the 2nd house/money houses, etc. Very, very few don't have this [that I have read for] at this time.

Then, of course, the news. Does the economy look good now? I don't think so, regardless of how the jews try to lie at times and say there are more jobs, recovery and such to try to get the mass mind to believe to generate some power.

The USA solar return chart for 2012 looks like there might be a very temporary spike solar return sun in the 2nd house, but this is opposed by the moon; full moon in the 8th creating a split], but following this, bad times financially. I use the USA 7/04/1776 2:11 am chart. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist knew astrology and made sure Uranus, the planet of freedom was conjunct the USA ascendant when they signed the papers. People argue, but for those of you who know astrology real well, check this chart out. I have used this chart for years and it is very blatant regarding the 911 attacks, which lined up everything on the uSA Saturn at 14 of Libra [a key planetary point in the US natal chart]. Franklin was an astrologer.

The following year- Mercury, the natal chart ruler for the USA is retrograde in the 2013 solar return. Transiting neptune [demoralization]will be squaring the USA natal Uranus [also a co-ruler]. Past instances of this were during the 1930's [from virgo]- the economic depression, and 1974, after the defeat in Viet Nam [from sagittarius].

There are other factors as well. Look at the economic shape Europe is now in. It is all over the news. That and the astrology is what I am basing this on. The most important thing you can do is to direct the energies through meditation. Protect yourself and focus on financial security and protection in your affirmations. Engrave this into your soul. This isn't really a head for the hills sort of thing, or anything for us to actually panic about. Just work on keeping your energies up, use common sense on stocking up on items you need and use and that sort of thing.

For those of you who know astrology well. Look to the lining up and repeating of the planets of a certain period.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Christine Chan" <cmchan87@ wrote:

Hi again Lydia and Serpent,

Well, I'm not preparing to build a underground bunker or anything but I do have some supplies stocked up, like 6 lbs of leafy seeds (organic alfalfa, clover, broccoli, etc) and quinoa grains for their sprouts and you can easily harvest them in 4-6 days for nutrition. They don't need sun or a growing medium, all they need is good air circulation and clean water.

Now, if things get bad enough that municipal supplied tap water is shut off then it is a good idea to stock up on bottled water. Although it does rain quite a bit in Vancouver so you could just boil collected rainwater. A portable generator will also be handy, assuming you can get your hands on some gas.

I got my natal and forecast chart done by HP Maxine and I can already see the predictions coming to pass, she said that I am having money problems due to the shit economy and that almost every chart she has read is affected by this. Constant meditation and empowering your aura will reduce or offset the negative effects of Saturn and other planets, which may be the case in your situation. Vibrating kabbalistic squares or placing a protective aura around you, your family/pets and house to help you get through rough patches is another idea.

Most importantly is to trust in Father Satan and your GD that they will make sure dedicated Satanists will come through this ugly mess unscathed.

Hail Satan & the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@ wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
This has been one thing that worried me a lot last year was the coming collapse, but I am working more on meditation as much as possible. and will be doing protection meditations, I try not to feel as worried now as much as possible but I don't have that much money nor do I see a way to get that much in the near future no matter what I do, One thing I am doing is vibrating sowilo into my aura about 22 times everyday then affirming "the energies of sowilo are strenghtening and empowering my aura" I hope this is good. At least I know I will make it through, i feel that deeply in my soul as to what exactly will happen IDK but I have faith in Satan. There is just a feeling in the air like something major is going to happen soon.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

This sort of thing is worldwide. As for astrology forecasts, this is a major factor predicting economic collapse. I keep seeing transiting saturn in the 2nd house [finances], 8th house [debts and joint finances], first house [overall bad time], connected to the 2nd house in some way...so many different people. Saturn retrograding over the ruler/s of the 2nd house/money houses, etc. Very, very few don't have this [that I have read for] at this time.

Then, of course, the news. Does the economy look good now? I don't think so, regardless of how the jews try to lie at times and say there are more jobs, recovery and such to try to get the mass mind to believe to generate some power.

The USA solar return chart for 2012 looks like there might be a very temporary spike solar return sun in the 2nd house, but this is opposed by the moon; full moon in the 8th creating a split], but following this, bad times financially. I use the USA 7/04/1776 2:11 am chart. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist knew astrology and made sure Uranus, the planet of freedom was conjunct the USA ascendant when they signed the papers. People argue, but for those of you who know astrology real well, check this chart out. I have used this chart for years and it is very blatant regarding the 911 attacks, which lined up everything on the uSA Saturn at 14 of Libra [a key planetary point in the US natal chart]. Franklin was an astrologer.

The following year- Mercury, the natal chart ruler for the USA is retrograde in the 2013 solar return. Transiting neptune [demoralization]will be squaring the USA natal Uranus [also a co-ruler]. Past instances of this were during the 1930's [from virgo]- the economic depression, and 1974, after the defeat in Viet Nam [from sagittarius].

There are other factors as well. Look at the economic shape Europe is now in. It is all over the news. That and the astrology is what I am basing this on. The most important thing you can do is to direct the energies through meditation. Protect yourself and focus on financial security and protection in your affirmations. Engrave this into your soul. This isn't really a head for the hills sort of thing, or anything for us to actually panic about. Just work on keeping your energies up, use common sense on stocking up on items you need and use and that sort of thing.

For those of you who know astrology well. Look to the lining up and repeating of the planets of a certain period.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Christine Chan" <cmchan87@ wrote:

Hi again Lydia and Serpent,

Well, I'm not preparing to build a underground bunker or anything but I do have some supplies stocked up, like 6 lbs of leafy seeds (organic alfalfa, clover, broccoli, etc) and quinoa grains for their sprouts and you can easily harvest them in 4-6 days for nutrition. They don't need sun or a growing medium, all they need is good air circulation and clean water.

Now, if things get bad enough that municipal supplied tap water is shut off then it is a good idea to stock up on bottled water. Although it does rain quite a bit in Vancouver so you could just boil collected rainwater. A portable generator will also be handy, assuming you can get your hands on some gas.

I got my natal and forecast chart done by HP Maxine and I can already see the predictions coming to pass, she said that I am having money problems due to the shit economy and that almost every chart she has read is affected by this. Constant meditation and empowering your aura will reduce or offset the negative effects of Saturn and other planets, which may be the case in your situation. Vibrating kabbalistic squares or placing a protective aura around you, your family/pets and house to help you get through rough patches is another idea.

Most importantly is to trust in Father Satan and your GD that they will make sure dedicated Satanists will come through this ugly mess unscathed.

Hail Satan & the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@ wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
You're equally [/IMG]</var>jew yoke the rest are.

From: Brandon <brandonzarot@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:34:59 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How Survival Ready Should We Be?

  We, Canadians are luckier than Americans because we got more natural resources. It's gonna take us around 1 year to stand up on our feet again after the Economic collapse compare to Americans....

The only solution is to Americans to move to Canada as soon as possible because doors gonna be closed after!.

My favorite Quote: Facta non Verba
My resources about what I said are secret, the only thing I can say is... I have friends & contacts with Politics, cops, Mechanics, and more.

Don't stop meditating, it gonna help you later!!
http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini% ... nglish.htm

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@... wrote:
I know we're supposed to have plenty of time before things get really bad, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take steps to be prepared for the future or not. You know, survival readiness. Could one of the High Priests comment? Are we just supposed to trust in our GD's and Satan to provide everything or will there come a time when we will mostly be on our own?

Of course the economy is collapsing! I took Classical Mythology (greek and roman stuff) last quarter (I'm in colledge)and it was said in either Hesiod's Theogony or Homer's Oddesy (can't remember exactly now) that basically "ppl who use coin currency are stupid, barter system is the way 2 go". Yes, coins and bills are easy to carry around, but they were invented and premoted by the same ppl who control the banks, the kikes. So with the ending of Pices, that way of paying for things is also going away. Trading stuff is natural, as we have been doing it long b4 currency was invented.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

This sort of thing is worldwide. As for astrology forecasts, this is a major factor predicting economic collapse. I keep seeing transiting saturn in the 2nd house [finances], 8th house [debts and joint finances], first house [overall bad time], connected to the 2nd house in some way...so many different people. Saturn retrograding over the ruler/s of the 2nd house/money houses, etc. Very, very few don't have this [that I have read for] at this time.

Then, of course, the news. Does the economy look good now? I don't think so, regardless of how the jews try to lie at times and say there are more jobs, recovery and such to try to get the mass mind to believe to generate some power.

The USA solar return chart for 2012 looks like there might be a very temporary spike solar return sun in the 2nd house, but this is opposed by the moon; full moon in the 8th creating a split], but following this, bad times financially. I use the USA 7/04/1776 2:11 am chart. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist knew astrology and made sure Uranus, the planet of freedom was conjunct the USA ascendant when they signed the papers. People argue, but for those of you who know astrology real well, check this chart out. I have used this chart for years and it is very blatant regarding the 911 attacks, which lined up everything on the uSA Saturn at 14 of Libra [a key planetary point in the US natal chart]. Franklin was an astrologer.

The following year- Mercury, the natal chart ruler for the USA is retrograde in the 2013 solar return. Transiting neptune [demoralization]will be squaring the USA natal Uranus [also a co-ruler]. Past instances of this were during the 1930's [from virgo]- the economic depression, and 1974, after the defeat in Viet Nam [from sagittarius].

There are other factors as well. Look at the economic shape Europe is now in. It is all over the news. That and the astrology is what I am basing this on. The most important thing you can do is to direct the energies through meditation. Protect yourself and focus on financial security and protection in your affirmations. Engrave this into your soul. This isn't really a head for the hills sort of thing, or anything for us to actually panic about. Just work on keeping your energies up, use common sense on stocking up on items you need and use and that sort of thing.

For those of you who know astrology well. Look to the lining up and repeating of the planets of a certain period.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Christine Chan" <cmchan87@ wrote:

Hi again Lydia and Serpent,

Well, I'm not preparing to build a underground bunker or anything but I do have some supplies stocked up, like 6 lbs of leafy seeds (organic alfalfa, clover, broccoli, etc) and quinoa grains for their sprouts and you can easily harvest them in 4-6 days for nutrition. They don't need sun or a growing medium, all they need is good air circulation and clean water.

Now, if things get bad enough that municipal supplied tap water is shut off then it is a good idea to stock up on bottled water. Although it does rain quite a bit in Vancouver so you could just boil collected rainwater. A portable generator will also be handy, assuming you can get your hands on some gas.

I got my natal and forecast chart done by HP Maxine and I can already see the predictions coming to pass, she said that I am having money problems due to the shit economy and that almost every chart she has read is affected by this. Constant meditation and empowering your aura will reduce or offset the negative effects of Saturn and other planets, which may be the case in your situation. Vibrating kabbalistic squares or placing a protective aura around you, your family/pets and house to help you get through rough patches is another idea.

Most importantly is to trust in Father Satan and your GD that they will make sure dedicated Satanists will come through this ugly mess unscathed.

Hail Satan & the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I'd say learning how to distill water and generate your own electricity would come in handy, and if you have trusted friends or even acquaintances interested you can sort of make a plan with them... like if one person is great with hunting animals, and another person has a large safe house... just an idea, for if things get really bad.

You mentioned that it's in your astro chart. I have a question, I have also heard that other charts have an economic collapse written in them... how can you see this though? I have had 2 charts done up by HPS Maxine, my natal chart & forecast in sept or oct, and I just got another forecast a few weeks ago, and she didn't mention anything like that. There was a thing with Saturn in both forecasts (Saturn retrograding would make the same aspect happen twice) that would cause either minor love problems or a small financial setback due to a relationship, which happened but they really were minor, and that's it. Is there something I should look for, or will I not be affected? I'm in Canada, but still, we tend to do everything America does...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sosayeththeserpent" <starcraft45345@ wrote:

The hyperinflation thing... Yes I know the economy is going to collapse soon, as this in my astro chart. That's what prompted to post this thread, should I rush out and get things I might need for the future now while I still have a chance? And what exactly will I need for the future? I wish I knew. Since I don't know I'm thinking about just going all out and being prepared for everything, even bugging out to the wilderness. Better safe than sorry I guess. I know Satan won't let anything happen to us, but I see the benefit in making them do as little as possible to keep us safe.
@ Indigo, and of course everyone else worried about $$, I had just begun reading this book from the JoS egroup files (in the yahoo home page, click files, then go to the section labled 'Money', though I HIGHLY SUGGEST you download every book available, as i had done)
http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/sIspT-zoBS ... Spells.pdf
This book should be read and practiced by as many Spiritual Satanists as possible, for it will accomplish 2 things:
1) Those who are worried about financial situations will have a solution to work on 2) It will bring money into the hands of Spiritual Satanists 
I agree Matt,the money spell has helped me too on countless occasions.
 Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: Matt Kresel Kresel <kreselm.lhs@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 11:08 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How Survival Ready Should We Be?

  @ Indigo, and of course everyone else worried about $$, I had just begun reading this book from the JoS egroup files (in the yahoo home page, click files, then go to the section labled 'Money', though I HIGHLY SUGGEST you download every book available, as i had done)
http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/sIspT-zoBS ... Spells.pdf
This book should be read and practiced by as many Spiritual Satanists as possible, for it will accomplish 2 things:
1) Those who are worried about financial situations will have a solution to work on 2) It will bring money into the hands of Spiritual Satanists 
That link isn't working.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Matt Kresel Kresel <kreselm.lhs@... wrote:

@ Indigo, and of course everyone else worried about $$, I had just begun
reading this book from the JoS egroup files (in the yahoo home page, click
files, then go to the section labled 'Money', though I HIGHLY SUGGEST you
download every book available, as i had done)

http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/sIspT-zoBS ... Spells.pdf

This book should be read and practiced by as many Spiritual Satanists as
possible, for it will accomplish 2 things:

1) Those who are worried about financial situations will have a solution to
work on
2) It will bring money into the hands of Spiritual Satanists

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
