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How efficient is RTR? Can it be practiced by non-Satanist?


New member
Jan 29, 2024
I can't do something I don't believe in.
I read your explanation about the RTR. https://josrituals.org/guide/how-do-rtrs-work.html

It is as if the Jews emit a magical wave through the Ritual of the Torah that favors them in a way that we do not understand how it works, while the practice of RTR emits an opposite magical wave whose interference with the Jewish RT wave will nullify its power.

In this way, we are disadvantaging the Jews.
It's like that?
If so, then I will practice RTR every day.
But honestly, skepticism holds me back.
Who guarantees that RTR really works?
Also, as a non-Satanist, can I practice it?

I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity. I can't believe in something that I don't see with my own eyes. Also, for some racial and ideological reasons that are not congruent with your beliefs.

Anyway, I hate Jews, for personal and non-personal reasons, and this won't change.
if the RTR really is efficient, I make a point of practicing it.

Furthermore, is there anything else in what you call "spiritual warfare" to be done?
I can't do something I don't believe in.
I read your explanation about the RTR. https://josrituals.org/guide/how-do-rtrs-work.html

It is as if the Jews emit a magical wave through the Ritual of the Torah that favors them in a way that we do not understand how it works, while the practice of RTR emits an opposite magical wave whose interference with the Jewish RT wave will nullify its power.

In this way, we are disadvantaging the Jews.
It's like that?
If so, then I will practice RTR every day.
But honestly, skepticism holds me back.
Who guarantees that RTR really works?
Also, as a non-Satanist, can I practice it?

I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity. I can't believe in something that I don't see with my own eyes. Also, for some racial and ideological reasons that are not congruent with your beliefs.

Anyway, I hate Jews, for personal and non-personal reasons, and this won't change.
if the RTR really is efficient, I make a point of practicing it.

Furthermore, is there anything else in what you call "spiritual warfare" to be done?

Who said that we do not understand how it works, or that it is not guaranteed? HPS Maxine was personally instructed and guided by the Gods in the research and motivation behind the RTR's. Further, any magick is enforced by your own will as the operator, whether you are performing the RTR or any other magical operation.

Regarding how you form your beliefs based on material senses, you will have to acknowledge that the average human soul's condition does not allow it to easily perceive the astral. However, that doesn't mean it is not real, but that work is needed to restore this. If someone poked out your eyeballs, that doesn't mean the light spectrum doesn't exist, however this has what happened due to spiritual degeneration regarding our astral sight.
Your ignorance comes only from lack of personal experience. All of us do not have these doubts because we work with the gods, and we have direct personal experiences with the gods every day.

If you make an attempt to work with the gods, you will have direct experiences with them too. And you will have no ability to doubt. Your own personal ignorance or lack of experience does not invalidate anything. Just as a child who has been in the house for his whole life and has not gone out and seen any of the world, does not mean that everything else in the world is really not there.
As a beginner, the first thing is not to find 'proof' for something that does not immediately concern you but to develop yourself to a point where you can see for yourself the validity of what JoS offers.
Regarding how you form your beliefs based on material senses, you will have to acknowledge that the average human soul's condition does not allow it to easily perceive the astral. However, that doesn't mean it is not real, but that work is needed to restore this. If someone poked out your eyeballs, that doesn't mean the light spectrum doesn't exist, however this has what happened due to spiritual degeneration regarding our astral sight.
Pointing out that we should not form our beliefs based merely on our limited human physical perceptions is an excellent point.
But my questions were not answered.
Can you respond directly in a more objective way?
Your doubts are natural, I don't blame you. I was doubtful too at first, as most people were at some point. But when you do an RTR and you simply try to feel its energy, you will realise that it does leave a sense of achievement and pride, which implies there are higher energies/frequencies being processed in the background. Those same energies and frequencies are the ones that are evoked through vibrating/chanting the syllables, runes, and prayers, and stating affirmations.

But look at it from the other side, too. The top rabbis are open about continuously reading their Torah. If you search for videos, you will notice their attention on the correct pronunciation of the words. They are directing curses that are manifested with the apppropriate hebrew energies. This alone, disregarding the obvious results in the material world, shows us the existence of a higher realm, which the jews are abusing in their favour. We are vibrating the opposite frequencies, affirming the destruction of jewish souls and calling the Gods for manifestation.

I hope this helped.
A lot of what’s in the torah is cures against gentiles rather then blessings for themselves so when you do RTRs not only are you practicing spiritual warfare but you are also dissolving the curses an your soul and becoming stronger You should be able to feel this the very first time you do it so I would suggest practicing rather then taking anyone’s word for it.
"Goy" means subhuman animal slave, which is owned as property by a jew. And "mutt" means a dog that is mixed race, again saying you are an animal rather than a human.

That you would choose these words to name yourself with is disturbing, and it looks like you have a real bad self-hatred and lack of confidence. If you are thinking of yourself as being both an animal and a slave.

You mention disagreeing with JOS about "race." The ideas that JOS has about race is literally just that races are real things that exist. There are different races that are existing which were created by the gods, and which all have the capability to grow in spiritual advancement to eventually become gods. And that race mixing is a crime against nature because it directly causes the extinction and death of the two parent races, as both parent races are lost and no longer existing within the children. And also there are long lists of genetic disorders and both physical and mental problems that are caused by mixing, because the genes of the parents are so different from each other that they do not mesh together cleanly. There is genetic code that is damaged, which is most often leading to both physical and mental problems. There also are emotional problems as the child does not belong really to either race, and the child grows up feeling how he has no group to belong to.

Everything that I describe about the problems of race mixing are not an opinion, they are medical facts which have been directly observed in hundreds of medical studies by doctors and psychologists. Truth and reality are not really an opinion. I believe it is the user Academic Scholar who shares links to many scientific journals and articles explaining these problems.

As any parent should, we want all children to be born in the healthiest, safest, and most successful way. We do not want any children to suffer from genetic disorders, genetic diseases, weaknesses, mental problems, or emotional problems. We want children to be perfectly healthy and happy in all ways. What evil person would disagree with us about this?

We are not against the innocent children who are victims of race mixing. Mixed race people are all welcome to grow and advance with the gods, and are capable of eventually growing to become gods themselves, just like all other humans. We do not blame the innocent children who were born this way, just as we do not blame any children who were born with any type of genetic disorders or diseases. It is just a sad situation.
Pointing out that we should not form our beliefs based merely on our limited human physical perceptions is an excellent point.
But my questions were not answered.
Can you respond directly in a more objective way?
Reverse Torah Rituals are very effective and should not be performed by someone in your position. How is that?
I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity. I can't believe in something that I don't see with my own eyes. Also, for some racial and ideological reasons that are not congruent with your beliefs.
"Worshipping" has an excessive connotation today. Satanism is not a religion in the today's sens but a practice, a training and a psychic relation with demons.

In fact, magic art is a metaphysical phenomena for human being. Let's admit it's about bioelectric substance driven by the will.

When you think about something, you create some electromagnetic objects you manipulate mentally. The more you are concentrate, implicate... the more they are strong and complexes.
Pure thought are mental objects and images, sounds... are psychic ones.
When you're talking inside yourself, you generally talk with an astral entity without understand the phenomena. It's often a disincarnated.

By practice and training, I talk about meditations which increase our bioelectricity.
By psychic relation with demons, I said talking inside ourselves with enlightened entities, not parasites.

Another point is the "faith", a high level of conviction if you want. It's related with experience, it's obviously stupid to believe something you cannot "see", like christians and muslims.

If you repeat a rituel with conviction, you create and recharge the correspondant electromagnetic object cited above.
To be efficient, you must increase your faith, bioelectricity...

In the hope of having answered your questions.
Who guarantees that RTR really works?
Also, as a non-Satanist, can I practice it?

I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity. I can't believe in something that I don't see with my own eyes. Also, for some racial and ideological reasons that are not congruent with your beliefs.

Anyway, I hate Jews, for personal and non-personal reasons, and this won't change.
if the RTR really is efficient, I make a point of practicing it.

Furthermore, is there anything else in what you call "spiritual warfare" to be done?
One just has to have two eyes and see how the jews were doing before the JoS established itself, and after. A massive awakening is happening right before our eyes, more and more people are seeing the Truth. Israel has never been in a worse position.

The fact is also that you can see the Gods, if you apply yourself. People here see and communicate clearly with the Gods, Satanism is full of experiences with the Divine, it's nothing like Christianity where you have no proof. One has to advance though. You will also directly see how your Magick is working and to what extent it's working, once you will be skilled enough. This is your own choice to make.

I know people feel like they are some sort of genius when they say the classic line "If I don't see, I don't believe", but this doesn't apply in this case.

BUT, if you have no intention of ever being a Satanist, and you have no intention to meditate or to protect yourself, then you have no business doing RTRs, for your own safety. The enemy attacks would very quickly turn you into a believer of forces that "you cannot see", trust me.
One little thing I'll add to this string of comments (they are very accurate!) is that we don't worship in the way that other religions do. Hence why we tend to avoid the word worship and opt for words like 'revere' or 'praise'. We also do not view our Gods as beings that we give our will to. Satan gives us free will and helps to guide us in order to discover truth within and beyond the physical realm.
Our Gods can be likened to friends, mentors and the like. They aren't these ehtereal beings but rather physical beings who had advanced themselves to a point of godhead, which is their intention for all of collective humanity (of course not including enemy hybrids, aka ethnic Jews).

RTRs can be done by any person at any time, however it's recommended that you raise energies first. If you don't have much experience here you should work on mediation for a month or two beforehand (consistent energy work, trance/void meditations, etc). I think that starting with the 40-day meditation program is a good first route.

After completing this I'd suggest considering dedicating as a Satanist as this will offer you better protection and guidance. People who get too far into Satanism without dedicating may be more open to experiencing attacks from hostile ETs (greys, etc).

So, can a non-Satanist perform RTRs?

Yes, but they should develop themselves to a basic level beforehand.
hat you would choose these words to name yourself with is disturbing, and it looks like you have a real bad self-hatred and lack of confidence. If you are thinking of yourself as being both an animal and a slave.
Your interpretation is wrong.
The choice of username is a satirical criticism.
I am mixed (native South American and European) and am not Jewish.

"Goy mutt" >>> If an "inferior animal" or a "mixed mongrel" wins against "god's chosen people" or the "Aryan race" (a fact that has happened countless times in the history of humanity), it will be difficult to explain without considering that their beliefs were bullshits. Don't you think so?

Anyway, my animosity towards white people is restricted exclusively to those who have retarded beliefs like you. My own father is white. The people I really unrestrictedly have contempt for are black people and Jews (for personal reasons). That's why, even though I'm "mixed," I have ambiguous feelings and occasionally sympathize with Nazis, white nationalists, and the like. My positioning may seem complex and messy, but it's not.

Anyway, your racial beliefs do not match the reality that I see. To be honest, these beliefs do not match the reality itself, but if we were to argue about this, we would miss the point of this topic, which is the RTR. Which I also didn't find the answers I was looking for.
One just has to have two eyes and see how the jews were doing before the JoS established itself, and after.

Israel has never been in a worse position.
True! But this fact does not make me believe in RTR but rather increases my skepticism even more.

Is the Red Sea closed to the Jews because of the RTR or because the Yemenites took up arms and closed it?

Who caused Israel to have 100,000 internal evacuees from its northern portion in the last few months, the RTR or the weapons and effort of the Lebanese?

You see?

Anyway, if the RTR is effective in harming the Jews, I'm all for it.
Is there something to read that would make me believe in RTR efficiency?

non-satanist can pratice too

Short and simple answer that actually answered.
One of the doubts was successfully resolved.
Also, who guaruntees that RTRs work? Our Gods (these were gifts from them carried through a most advanced and loving person). Apart from that, we ourselves determine if they work or not through our intention and will. In this respect we turn off our logical brain almost completely and focus on the right side, the seat of intuition and feeling. Experience is the key!

HP Hoodedcobra666 made a great sermon one about how wisdom comes before knowledge and that it is more powerful and meaningful. I understand you skepticism but I think some things in life require trial and error to determine what is most true for us. (Less thinking and more doing).
I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity.
I worship truth, which I've found JoS to be. Never asked for contact with Satan or any other entity.
What is here on earth and in sight counts more to me, and that is problems caused by Jews; mainly their fake religions labeling true spiritual knowledge as evil.

I only do RTR's (1st part) since I believe it can reverse the power of the Jewish rituals/spells against the "goyim", xianity being the biggest spell.
Scepticism I've had also, since it's less obvious how it would have effect as opposed to meditation etc.
As long as you find truth in JoS it does not matter what you call yourself.
Pointing out that we should not form our beliefs based merely on our limited human physical perceptions is an excellent point.
But my questions were not answered.
Can you respond directly in a more objective way?
Hellenic SS gave a more comprehensive answer here, although your initial idea was pretty much accurate. All energy can be created and countered, and this is seen even with our own runes, as we can chant Fehu or its opposite. The FRTR is a broad reversal, whereas the others are specific to certain areas, based on the curses they address.

I believe HPS Maxine was guided to find rare materials by the enemy which show the true nature of certain vibrations or curses which may otherwise be hidden via proxy or just not written down. We know the enemy has the Oral Torah, which is kept this way to avoid a foreigner from uncovering details of their operations. However, I don't know enough of this to speak with much confidence.

With any global or large-scale magick, it can be harder to directly see the results. This is why I focused more on the elements of magickal willpower, rather than specifics of the RTR, which I believe would only be an elaboration of what you already understood. However, if you have more specific questions, I can try to do my best.

Some personal testing and experience is required here, I believe. Also, some of your questions and concerns should be directed to the Gods themselves, as they can guide you based on what you need to hear.
True! But this fact does not make me believe in RTR but rather increases my skepticism even more.

Is the Red Sea closed to the Jews because of the RTR or because the Yemenites took up arms and closed it?

Who caused Israel to have 100,000 internal evacuees from its northern portion in the last few months, the RTR or the weapons and effort of the Lebanese?

You see?

Reality is like a matrix or sea of different energies, both spiritual and material, which can produce a variety of outcomes. In this case, the RTR created or supported the conditions which lead the opponents of Israel to having greater success over them, both seen or unseen.

Maybe the ongoing antiwar protests would have only been 1/4 their current intensity if the Jewish curses were not removed from the world. That doesn't mean that the RTR was responsible for directly birthing these protesters, but it helped change the course and environment within which their actions took place.

So we cannot take responsibility for all personal efforts or other material factors, like of the Arab people, but we can know that we helped them in their struggle, if that makes sense. And, now that they had more success in this time period, then they will be able to gain more material power later, which we would then further support with our spiritual energies.

This is how things manifest for us and also why HP we focus our energies broadly and not specifically on certain events, because we don't always have the foresight to know which course of an event will give us victory. Instead, we focus only programming what we desire to happen, but we don't necessarily try to limit ourselves by choosing something specific; whatever course that gets us to our programmed outcome will happen.
Short and simple answer that actually answered.
One of the doubts was successfully resolved.
So, you are just looking for affirmation bias, not real knowledge because the answer you quoted is not true.
Your ignorance comes only from lack of personal experience. All of us do not have these doubts because we work with the gods, and we have direct personal experiences with the gods every day.

If you make an attempt to work with the gods, you will have direct experiences with them too. And you will have no ability to doubt. Your own personal ignorance or lack of experience does not invalidate anything. Just as a child who has been in the house for his whole life and has not gone out and seen any of the world, does not mean that everything else in the world is really not there.
Such answers made me think how I will have vivid experience in a few months, and with the Gods too.

The reality is that people who never accomplished a decent level of spiritual advancement in previous lives, such as working with the kundalini, will barely have decent spiritual experience in the first few years.

"we have direct personal experiences with the gods every day" is many years of work to say at least and that is still not experiences such us hearing and seeing them which is hardly accomplish able within just one lifetime for new souls.

"If you make an attempt to work with the gods, you will have direct experiences with them too" Not guaranteed, unless they are really in need of help.

This is what is to be read in this topic:

And to avoid misunderstanding, I do advise beginners to connect to the Gods in all ways they can, but they should not have expectations.
"Goy mutt" >>> If an "inferior animal" or a "mixed mongrel" wins against "god's chosen people" or the "Aryan race" (a fact that has happened countless times in the history of humanity), it will be difficult to explain without considering that their beliefs were bullshits. Don't you think so?

My point is that you are referring to yourself as an animal and a slave. Whether or not it was intended as satirical, this is not healthy that you see yourself in this way or identify as this. Instead of calling yourself a worthless slave animal, how about you just call yourself a Man instead? Or do you not see yourself as being a man? Whether or not you think it is satire or a joke, you are still identifying yourself as subhuman. I don't know how much is conscious or subconscious, but on some level you are seeing yourself as inferior. Which means that you should work with the gods, and you should work on improving and advancing yourself spiritually so that you can heal from your inferiority mindset and become a confident man. It is not any of us who have ever called you inferior in any way, this is something you have adopted on your own internally. Which is a common thought that mixed race people often have.

Are you winning against the jews? You come here to try to reduce everyone's morale by spreading fictional doubts about the RTR, and trying to get everybody to stop doing the RTRs by saying they are worthless. And trying to get people to not work with the gods. In your actions, you are directly working for the jews more than you are working for humanity. So how are you winning against the jews when you are not only doing nothing against them, but you are trying to influence us to do nothing against them. I won't call you a goy because I don't think you're a worthless animal, even if you on some level want to identify as one. But I will say you're acting like a shabbos and kissing jew ass by refusing to participate in any spiritual work against them. And you are not reaching your full human potential by refusing to advance spiritually towards becoming a god, because it is this capacity for spiritual growth and evolution which seperates us from the animals. You have full potential to be a great and strong man, but you are making the decision to act like what you are identifying with.

While you are wasting your time sitting there hating white people, white people have been busy building Civilization, and inventing all of the scientific, mathematical, and technological progress and advancements in the world. Asians have also been very helpful with making improvements on these technologies. You are busy hating white people, over an internet and communication system which was invented and given to you by white people. So what is that accomplishing? How about you actually work on doing something that is beneficial to the world? Doing basic spiritual work would improve yourself, and would improve the world at the same time, and it takes very little effort to do. And you don't even want to do that.

The reason you are seeing yourself as inferior is because you are acting with an inferior mindset. Start to see yourself as a Man, and act like a Man, and work like a Man to build a better world for yourself and for humanity, and then you would be a great Man instead of an animal.

I have always had a natural talent or skill for very strong and accurate intuition, and being able to see through things to see how they work. Whether it is mechanical or electrical things, or more abstract things like influences between groups of people.

But this is the only spiritual talent that I had. I knew very little about the gods in past lives, just from intuition and occasionally feeling like my guardian goddess was guiding me. But I didn't know if it was real, and I had no knowledge of the gods or of any kind of religion. If I ever did any kind of spiritual work in past lives, it was accidental or through subconscious influence from the gods.

This is the first lifetime that I actually have an education about the gods. And an education of spiritual sciences. When I first started, I could not physically feel any energies, I could not feel any part of my own soul, and I could not feel that anything was happening. But by my intuition, I knew that what I was reading was Truth and that I would feel it eventually. It took several months of working every day before I was first starting to physically feel any energies, and still it was very weak at first. It took more than a year before I was clearly feeling energy currents flowing through my body.

But it does not matter what senses you do or do not yet have. It doesn't matter if all of your senses are still completely shut off. If you honestly ask the gods for a sign, you will receive a sign and it will be something that you clearly notice and pay attention do. The gods will draw your attention to force you to notice the sign, and to force you to have the feeling that "This is the sign, and it does have a meaning."

And I was shown very clear signs. I had a candle, and I asked the gods to use the flame to show me a sign. Whenever I asked it to, the flame would change to be either very small or very large. This was inside with no air currents.

I also had chrismas tree lights strung around the walls in my room, held up every few feet with duct tape. I called to Azazel Apollo and asked him for a sign, and a minute later the lights were ripped down and fell off the wall in a large section. After they were up for several months and never once came loose in that time. I taped them back up, and said "Ok, that looked like a sign, but I'm still not sure." And they were pulled down again. This repeated multiple times, it would fall right when I asked it to. Then when I was satisfied and I said I see your message, it never fell down ever again for about a year until I took them down. The gods knew I would be important, so they wanted me to be confident.

These are pretty large signs. There were also many smaller signs. And at this time, I had no spiritual senses other than intuition, and I had no ability of psychic communication. But I honestly requested to be shown signs from the gods, and they were shown to me in a way that I would notice and understand.

A sign could be seeing a specific number that means something to you. Having specific words, or images, repeatedly showing up throughout the day. Having an encounter with an animal which is acting in a very unusual way, like a bird coming to you and paying close attention to you, and acting as if it wants to tell you something. Gods could guide you through emotions or feelings, or by causing you to have the thought "I just feel like it would be a good idea for me to do this right now." And you have the feeling to do something healthy to make your life better, like a healthier diet. Whatever would be beneficial to heal your body or improve your life, the gods will find a way to give this advice regardless of your senses.
Any new person or any person who has doubts about not being able to feel any energies, do the kundalini yoga. And do all of the breaths and motions very quickly. Breathing deeply, but pushing hard with the diaphram and doing it very fast like the Breath of Fire.

And you will not be able to say that you have not experience feeling the energy. Your whole body will be buzzing so strongly you will feel like a swarm of bees. The chakras in your head will all be buzzing with energy. You likely won't even be able to finish because you will feel like you might feint from the extreme energy flow that you are not used to.

Anybody with any level of advancement can try this, and everybody will feel it strongly. That is proof to you that these energy currents are real.
"My .... "
You're dumb.

Some personal testing and experience is required here, I believe.
I will do the RTR.

Because the feeling of impotence in the face of planetary political issues is horrible! Having the feeling of contributing something is relieving...

If RTR works, I will have contributed against the jews.
If RTR doesn't work, you're all clowns, but I won't have lost anything except a few minutes a day.
Your doubts are natural, I don't blame you. I was doubtful too at first, as most people were at some point. But when you do an RTR and you simply try to feel its energy, you will realise that it does leave a sense of achievement and pride, which implies there are higher energies/frequencies being processed in the background. Those same energies and frequencies are the ones that are evoked through vibrating/chanting the syllables, runes, and prayers, and stating affirmations.

But look at it from the other side, too. The top rabbis are open about continuously reading their Torah. If you search for videos, you will notice their attention on the correct pronunciation of the words. They are directing curses that are manifested with the apppropriate hebrew energies. This alone, disregarding the obvious results in the material world, shows us the existence of a higher realm, which the jews are abusing in their favour. We are vibrating the opposite frequencies, affirming the destruction of jewish souls and calling the Gods for manifestation.

I hope this helped.
In case you missed my reply.
My point is that you are referring to yourself as an animal and a slave. Whether or not it was intended as satirical, this is not healthy that you see yourself in this way or identify as this.

I believe it's a humorous username, so don't take it very seriously if you will. Or something like to make fun on the jews for calling people these things.

I will do the RTR.

Because the feeling of impotence in the face of planetary political issues is horrible! Having the feeling of contributing something is relieving...

If RTR works, I will have contributed against the jews.

You can do it's essentially spiritual warfare and as you understand the occult better you will know that it is works. But the highest understanding of this is when one starts getting a serious initiation with the Gods, starts meditation in a more serious way, and actually devotes time in this path. Like all things to reach a higher level a degree of devotion is required into this.

It is as if the Jews emit a magical wave through the Ritual of the Torah that favors them in a way that we do not understand how it works, while the practice of RTR emits an opposite magical wave whose interference with the Jewish RT wave will nullify its power.


Refer to the topics I have explained about this topic and you will understand more, but you will also need to study more of the occult and the whole Joy of Satan to understand better how these things work.
"Disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish" -Satan
Put in effort or you are lost, you reap what you sow. You have to approach this stuff from a place of wonder, not skepticism. If the Jew can do spiritual warfare, what makes us incapable of it.. Don't self-hate for being a race-mixed 'mut.' Just be glad you're not a Jew.
"Disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish" -Satan

From where in the JoS is this statement?

Also, bear in mind, everyone does indeed start with doubt and disbelief as knowledge and understanding is the only thing that can bridge that gap. Disbelief and doubt are very normal mental states. We are not against this. It's just that disrespect about this or attacks can't happen.

When one bridges the gap of understanding, then doubt and disbelief give out as one has knowledge and verified experience. Doubt is very normal to begin with.

Of course, after one has all the information, proof from their lives, knowledge and understanding, if they still doubt yes, it can be a characteristic of weakness or selfishness.
If RTR doesn't work, you're all clowns,
Jews too then I guess, doing their rituals against us without any effect.

And if their rituals have effect, why should not ours?

These JoS rituals are not exactly constructed and put up here by clowns, but by serious people well versed in magick, spells and occult knowledge. They should at least do something, especially in union with others doing them simultaneously.

The power of many minds holds Christianity strong, thus requiering many minds to weaken it.
From where in the JoS is this statement?

Also, bear in mind, everyone does indeed start with doubt and disbelief as knowledge and understanding is the only thing that can bridge that gap. Disbelief and doubt are very normal mental states. We are not against this. It's just that disrespect about this or attacks can't happen.

When one bridges the gap of understanding, then doubt and disbelief give out as one has knowledge and verified experience. Doubt is very normal to begin with.

Of course, after one has all the information, proof from their lives, knowledge and understanding, if they still doubt yes, it can be a characteristic of weakness or selfishness.
Thank you for the clarification, Lord Cobra. I definitely had some disbelief at first and had to persevere.

From where in the JoS is this statement?

Also, bear in mind, everyone does indeed start with doubt and disbelief as knowledge and understanding is the only thing that can bridge that gap. Disbelief and doubt are very normal mental states. We are not against this. It's just that disrespect about this or attacks can't happen.

When one bridges the gap of understanding, then doubt and disbelief give out as one has knowledge and verified experience. Doubt is very normal to begin with.

Of course, after one has all the information, proof from their lives, knowledge and understanding, if they still doubt yes, it can be a characteristic of weakness or selfishness.
Also, Lord Cobra, he is obviously talking about those who are already established followers. I should have checked.
You're dumb.

I will do the RTR.

Because the feeling of impotence in the face of planetary political issues is horrible! Having the feeling of contributing something is relieving...

If RTR works, I will have contributed against the jews.
If RTR doesn't work, you're all clowns, but I won't have lost anything except a few minutes a day.

Another complementary point is to remember that the Rabbis themselves also use spiritual warfare and declare it is the conflict or action which precedes physical warfare. It is not like the FRTR's were created based on nothing, you can read the relevant Biblical or Torah passages which state what god or the Jews do or have, or whatever.

If you are trying to build up your mental perception of magic, but have a hard time believing in its mechanics, then go look up a video of 100 Jews all chanting passages which describe various aspects of our downfall.

For a christian example, look at Deuteronomy 28:49: "49 The LORD will bring a nation from afar, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down upon you like an eagle— a nation whose language you will not understand, 50".

Imagine chanting or believing this wholeheartedly, then somehow wondering why your country now has a problem with immigrants or other foreign invaders.

Another example would be to pull up one of the other RTRs, like the one which reverses the Kol Nidre.
Look up what the Hebrew translation of this is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kol_Nidre
Then compare it to the reverse: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/KN.html

It even states that they chant this, just as we chant the RTR, destroying its presence. Yet, Wikipedia states it has been around since at least the 500-1000 CE year period, so they have been doing this for that long, but here we are still debating on whether or not magic works. I don't mean this in a mean way, but just to give some perspective on the matter.
I'm not a Satanist because I have no interest in "worshiping" any entity. I can't believe in something that I don't see with my own eyes. Also, for some racial and ideological reasons that are not congruent with your beliefs.

Satanism is not about worship in the traditional context. Just to speak very broadly, the Gods wish to develop us as our own powerful souls, because this gives them powerful allies. It is reciprocal in this way. Some may ask why this must occur if the Gods are so powerful, but the answer to that lies within an analogy like how a King is nothing with his subjects, and the subjects are nothing without a powerful King to guide and protect.

Unfortunately, authority and respect to it has been destroyed by the enemy, giving many people a bad taste in their mouth about this. Instead of letting this be your obstacle, you should pull up the sigil of Satan and ask him what you can gain by association with him. For those with sensitivity, even concentrating on the sigil (which is a like a bridge to him), results in feeling his energy through the sigil.

The Gods are understanding of people who learn in different ways, as you may be a visual learner and there is nothing wrong with this. However, as a visual learner, you can also see the many statues and temples to the Gods within Pagan times, with many ancient cities literally putting the temples at the central point. For this all to be done in error by every ancient civilization wouldn't make sense, especially as the practice continued for many centuries.

Therefore, something tangible must exist, even if not immediately visible. However, on this path we specifically train our ability to see through material reality, because having something tangible is actually how we propagate magical power, not the other way around. Sensitivity increases as we practice, just as how a welder can intuitively sense his work.
Not to be disrespectful to anyone but am not going read all these other posts now I will later in time again I mean no disrespect
With all due respect
My opinion is simply do not let outsiders do the rtrs these are spiritual weapons we as spiritual Satanist are cleaning aura and doing aura protection and raising energy
But what does the outsiders have ?
Absolutely nothing My opinion Is this,it is not a wise choice for an outsiders to dabble with something they know nothing about
We spiritual Satanist have the protection of the Gods
It would be absolutely foolish for an outsiders to perform the RTRS
don't get me wrong I am fully aware that each the RTR have there benefits and it undo the jewish magic on the person doing it but simply does not make sense that an outsiders can withstand so many barriers being broken down there soul can not be able to take it

I am speaking under correction this is my opinion and view of it


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
