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How Dedicated Are You?

Power of Justice [TG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
This post is aimed at newcomers to Satanism and those who feel lost on the path. Nearly everyone reading this is dedicated by blood to Lord Satan. However, there are different levels of dedication and commitment to this path. For most people, the time after finding the JoS is one of excitement and exploration. They study anything and everything on the website and forums, perform the dedication ritual, experiment with different meditations, try advanced practices that they’ve clearly read are not for beginners but try them anyway, and in general feel like a little kid who's stumbled into a different universe. After a while, the excitement fades; they see the long road ahead, settle into a meditation program, and just carry on with their lives.

Unfortunately, this is where I see a lot of SS stay. We all have lives, jobs, responsibilities, etc., so especially as beginners, our meditations often take a back seat to everything else going on and not much effort is put into them.

If one keeps devoting little time and attention to their spiritual development, this will be reflected in the results they get. It's natural, then, for their meditations to become increasingly mediocre and feel like a chore. People are taught to judge the value of an activity based on the results they get, which can be very difficult for someone who is spiritually blind and cannot see or appreciate them. This is perhaps the most dangerous period in a Satanist's journey, as one can spend years like this without seeing very many results, becoming increasingly disillusioned and losing faith in oneself and in the Gods.

Some give up, thinking they can never make any progress. Others stay on the path out of a sense of duty; they have made a commitment to Lord Satan after all, so they continue to meditate, but they are just "going through the motions" and not really meditating. They sit in meditation, but in reality they may be thinking about their day or the video game they want to finish and not paying attention to their practice. At this point, they are "meditating" just to say they did it and not feel guilty.

In the beginning, it’s often hard to see results. There are many areas one could be lacking in, such as difficulties with visualization, a lack of focus, not knowing the correct pronunciation for words of power, dirt and curses in the soul, are only a handful of factors that can combine to the point where one may not "see" the results of their labor until they work to improve them.

It takes time to open the mind and peel away the many layers of delusion that keep one trapped in the lowest levels of consciousness, but as the process continues, one will begin to see the positive changes in their life and start to take meditation seriously and even crave it. A feeling of hunger awakens in the meditator, and one begins to do their best every day, knowing that they are solely responsible for their advancement. At this point, the idea of slacking off doesn't even arise; one has made Satanism a priority in their life or even dedicated their whole life to it.

Newcomers to the path cannot reasonably be expected to be like this innately; it takes a certain level of growth and maturity that comes from experiencing the benefits of meditation, feeling the influence of the Gods in their lives, and seeing just how much one has evolved through them, among other things. Again, this is a process, and it takes time. This occurs naturally for most people, but it saddens me to see others who spend years wandering in the dark, resigning themselves to their fate, and giving up because they never really tried their best, consistently.

The Gods can only teach you if you let them, and are willing to listen. Frequently, the Gods will show an initiate what they are doing wrong, but they are often too dense to recognize the signs. If you keep failing at something or just can't seem to progress beyond a certain point, instead of stubbornly persisting, getting discouraged, or giving up, it's always a good idea to step back and reflect, look for the reasons why with an open mind, and not be intimidated by the answer. You may find the thing that is holding you back is something that takes a lot of time and effort to master, but without it, you can never move forward. I see many avoiding the tough lessons and focusing on the seemingly "easier" and more "fun" meditations and practices. This is wrong.

If you never take the time to master your mind through void meditation or learn how to enter a trance, you won’t make it far into the advanced meditations. If you have never done yoga or flexibility exercises in the past, the first couple months of your yoga practice will not be pleasant, but without going through the effort of making your body more flexible, you cannot enjoy or reap the full benefits of yoga. All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them. There are certain things on this path that are unavoidable; remaining ignorant and neglecting them while focusing on other aspects of your development will only slow you down or even halt your progress completely.

If you find that you have gone too long without making any meaningful progress and feel stuck and unmotivated, there is a way to change that. Decide now that the next time you sit down to meditate, you will give it everything you've got and strive to do your best, be it meditation, yoga, rituals, whatever it is, put all your effort and attention into it. Acknowledge that you are at a certain level of development, that you alone have the power to rise above it, and that if you consistently do your best, it is only a matter of time until you do! Notice how different your meditations feel when you always strive to do your best.

Now, if you have rushed into doing the advanced meditations without building a strong foundation, no matter how hard you try, you likely won’t do much. If you have the goal of performing a specific meditation, break it down and see what skills are necessary to perform it, such as being able to enter a deep trance, having good visualisation, and so on. Work to master the basics and build on top of them. Gradually, as you expand your skills and move on to more advanced meditations, you will find yourself full of motivation and drive to keep going, as it will be obvious to see how far you've come.

I have found that dedicating some time every day to improving, even a little bit, has a tremendous snowball effect over time. Just take 10–20 minutes out of your day to reflect, ask yourselves what areas you are lacking in, and work on them. The improvements you will make by doing this are incomparable to the slow and gradual refinement over years of doing the same thing over and over again. For me, it is one of the hardest things to do, especially at the end of the day when I’m tired and mentally exhausted, but it’s where you make the difference.

If you imagine that every day of your life is like a school exam, and at the end of it you get a grade based on your performance, if you just do the same thing the same way every day without trying to improve, you will get the same grade with very little improvement over a long period of time. If you prepare for the exam the day before, you will naturally get a better grade. Small, consistent improvements add up over time and lead to significant progress towards your advancement.

So, ask yourselves from time to time: "How dedicated am I—not just to Father Satan but to myself and my own advancement?"

Lastly, for those who are just embarking on their journey, do not be discouraged by reading the accounts and experiences of senior members and comparing them to your own. You are not them, and you don't know how much work they have had to put in to get where they are. Simply walk the path the best you can every day, and as you do, things will fall into place for you. Spiritual development is not something you can rush.
Powerofjustice said:

Thank you for this! I really needed to hear this. Well read.

When I dedicated, I was still a teen, still immature and didn't know any better, but I did HP HC 40 day meditation program and although I used to stray away, I'd return. I had way too many problems, due to transits mostly and bad karma, but now I'm doing significantly better and I have seen improvement.

I still struggle with discipline here and there, but I'm striving to change it for the better. I feel deep down that opening my base chakra (now that I can actually feel the chakra when it opens), it's much more easier, but it took me years to get to this part.

I often times beat myself up for how immature and undisciplined I was when I was a kid, wishing I did more, but then I remind myself that I was just a kid who had a lot of problems that gradually started getting better as I continued on this path. Slowly but surely rising. And although I still beat myself up for it, I am much more kinder to myself, accepting how things were in the past and doing better now in the future.

A saying I heard from somewhere: "You can't change the past, but you can change the future." And it is very true!

I hope others can learn to be more kinder to themselves and understand that the past is in the past for a reason, it is in the now and here where we make a difference!

I think you've made quite a wonderful post here, Powerofjustice. I'm recommending it for the Library for members' posts.
I've been a bit too hard on myself lately in regards to not doing the beginner meditations perfectly.
Spending too much time trying to make the visualization perfect and then feeling like I have no time left to try other stuff.

I can feel the effects of elemental invocation immediately but that's not something I do a lot. Not like it's "easy" or anything... otherwise, 90% of what I do is beginner material.

Maybe the OP isn't necessarily about where I'm at... but maybe it is if I'm starting to feel bored with my program? I'll try harder every day, Blitz.

Hail Satan
I can relate to this topic.

Ive been dedicated since last Beltane. I have follow the 40 days program. Then I was making yoga everyday, making some working relate to money. Then I start reading more and more the forum and do more and more working. At a point that in the beggining of 2023, I was doing a moon square, 4-5 workings and the FRTR. All this without raising energy between them. I felt drained out. Then I saw a post from Blitz that was saying that the bad karma could kick in if we don't raise enough energy. An eye opening to start from the bottom and work my way up by doing less but more efficent. I took the time ro spot my weakness in my natal chart and meditate on this for the next year or more.

I did not loose faith, and Im still going through all this new stuff for me. Im glad I found this path.

Hail Satan
Hail JoS

This is a great post and will definitely help new people!! Thanks for sharing this with everyone. :D
10 out of 10!

Thank you all for the feedback and kind words! The way I wrote it sounds so high and mighty, but in truth I've been in every situation I describe here :lol:. I just felt like writing it before I forgot those experiences, so that others might benefit.
My apologies for the mistake on my last post, PoJ. Not sure how I got that mixed up.
I haven't contributed to here very often, and even then, and most of the time, it's not in the way this forums expects of me. I know I just put up crude memes to talk shit (and in one case, add dozens of screens-shots of twitter posts), but I haven't done the rituals as often as the more deidcated members here.
Powerofjustice said:

While I was reading this I was like "Wow, this is literally me!" down to the last minute detail, from the excitement of finding JoS and trying out advanced meditations way too soon, to the stagnation (I also lost several years because when I first found the JoS, I was kind of scared away from it, I was very young and my family found out, and kind of brainwashed me), to my current state of moving through motions, trying to meditate but thoughts still go to some fucking videogame (which is still better than the absolute jack shit nothing I did all 2022, I almost gave up).

I am in utter awe of your wisdom, my Satanic Brother. Your posts are truly great, and this one was perfect, just perfect. I can't thank you enough, this post feels like it was written for me, because of all those details that match my experience perfectly.

I will definitely apply your advice.
I completely agree with this topic. As a person who found JoS last year. I was expecting yes a lot of time and needed Spiritual Advance I was not getting from Xainity or other forms of Satanism.yet I knew that is the price you pay for good results and progress in life period as a Person and as a SS too. Yes there is still some things that are the basics I am having to master before advancing to more Advanced Power Meditations.plus I agree with the comment about comparing your individual beginner self as a SS. To more Advanced Senior Members on JoS Advancements. There is a quote I like to summarizes from Adolf Hitler about " Don't compare yourself to others, your're only doing yourself a disservice".That is like me comparing my small amounts of success in life to Hitler success as a Charismatic Fuhrer. So yes I do again agree with this post. Since SS is not like the programs of the Kikes being Xainity and Islam. Where that is really repent like a stage 4 Cancer, amount these program sheepish retarded dross useless followers,; that spend their daily lives comparing themselves to other more successful. Or just flat out hating those more successful to their lazy loser selves. They wonder why they have no success for reasons being:the Jews, Christianity and the lies and slavish mentality, lazy, hypocrisy, bad karma from past or their current life, curses, thought forms usually sent from that evil Jewish god and the angels.yes alot of us had to reawaken after leaving Xainity and not end up go back. Yet once you leave evil programs like those for the Truth and to follow and or dedicate yourself to Father Satan and to the Gods and Powers of Hell. The Enemy tries as they mite but fail at getting you back to them.So my advice is stay strong especially in cases when doing power meditations ect.New People can make their problems in their personal meditation programs each day. Since it is all just a mindset. I remember when I opened my pineal gland for the first time it was great and I took the time to look back at the lots of work it took for the meditation on opening my pineal gland to realize that I didn't treat my meditations as chores or out of duty. Instead as something fun, that brought me joy, and connection to a community and SS volk.The same can be said for my recent Graduation this year from Community College that took from since the year 2009all the way to this year. so yes commitment is a great help to your benefiting and advancing personally on this Path as a SS given to Humanity from Father Satan and from the Gods.

Hail Satan!!
Heil Hitler!!!
Seig Heil!!!
Good post.

Immaturity and laziness is probably main causes for stagnation and the "wandering in darkness" described here.

The people possessing these traits are the ones wanting "quick fixes" and complaining about JoS charging money for certain services.
They only rely on help from outside sources, when we in fact must help ourselves (the information on joyofsatan.org is also fully sufficient for knowing how to do so), and also help JoS grow.

The level of dedication on some people here...


As opposed to:
There's what I call the "Inner Sanctum" here of about 12 highly fanatical members who are dedicated right down to the soul level. These members are highly protective of the forum and have each other's backs. This is good with the threat of trolls and infiltrators, "United we stand-divided we fall". If you play by the rules and contribute in one form or another, after a certain amount of time, when they come to trust you, then you are included in this exclusive spiritual clique.
EriktheRed said:
There's what I call the "Inner Sanctum" here of about 12 highly fanatical members who are dedicated right down to the soul level. These members are highly protective of the forum and have each other's backs. This is good with the threat of trolls and infiltrators, "United we stand-divided we fall". If you play by the rules and contribute in one form or another, after a certain amount of time, when they come to trust you, then you are included in this exclusive spiritual clique.

This is nonsense.
EriktheRed said:
There's what I call the "Inner Sanctum" here of about 12 highly fanatical members who are dedicated right down to the soul level. These members are highly protective of the forum and have each other's backs. This is good with the threat of trolls and infiltrators, "United we stand-divided we fall". If you play by the rules and contribute in one form or another, after a certain amount of time, when they come to trust you, then you are included in this exclusive spiritual clique.

Where did you hear this?
I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I've used a bit of dramatic flare, but the assertion is correct.
There is at least 15, probably more, of advanced members here who are the core believers of the forum. These members never waiver or doubt their spiritual path, and are indispensable in their valuable advice and service to the forum. They are in essence the pillars of JoS.

I only hope one day I can be one of them.
EriktheRed said:
I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I've used a bit of dramatic flare, but the assertion is correct.
There is at least 15, probably more, of advanced members here who are the core believers of the forum. These members never waiver or doubt their spiritual path, and are indispensable in their valuable advice and service to the forum. They are in essence the pillars of JoS.

I only hope one day I can be one of them.

say what you want, this guy is another meme member, like the hyperactive melon

the energy is similar
EriktheRed said:

Erik the problem with statements like this is that it avoids the positive things which all members have done or are capable of. It also creates a situation where people feel like they may not actually be a part of JoS, or that they may not be cared for.

That does not mean hard work is not rewarded, as seen by HPHC's tier system, but creating ideas of an exclusive "family" within JoS will only cause some people to feel alienated. The reality is that JoS is more fluid than this, with more developed feelings of brotherhood beyond just 15 people.
Don't blame me, I didn't cause this situation to happen. I'm just calling it how I see it.

Having descriptions like 'Beginner', 'Intermediate', and 'Advanced' encourages this culture here. Also I struggle to find any legitimate reason for the 'Joy of Satan Guardians'; the advanced members actually carry out these duties, intentionally or not. But this is a glaring example of exclusivity here. Maybe HPHC 666 wanted more support creating these 'titled' members here. Let's not ignore the fact that half the clergy has been shown out the back door over the last 10 years.

This exclusive culture has been allowed to grow and flourish over the years from the highest echelons of JoS, mostly with a conscious effort. But look, if it works, then so be it. This is the way JoS is now and you either go along with it or you are ostracised. Look at the amount of criticism I have just received expressing my opinion which is supposed to be my prerogative.

As I said, I hope to move up the ranks and be recognised as advanced one day, but this is done by time and merit.

I realise I'm going to receive criticism for this post, like the last two, but I would rather stay truthful to myself. If we can't have truthful, robust debate and exchange of views, then why are we here? Are we to be swayed by public opinion? I mean really, this is not politics - is it?

JoS serves the Gods first and foremost!
And the other members here, who have posted concerning this, should understand (if capable), that I don't respond to senseless 'kneejerk' reactions.

If you have a pertinent, valid point, then make it, or shut the fuck up!
EriktheRed said:

And who or what has been ostracized under this made up model which you have theorized? Out of the blue, you are suddenly laying harsh criticism about JoS, saying we ostracize people, or that HPHC appoints his supporters based on loyalty and not merit.

The reason why you have received criticism is because you had made incorrect assumptions about JoS. It is like asking someone why they get mad when you call them retarded, even though you think it is "just your opinion". With strong opinions comes the need to produce evidence and examples to back your claims.

You point to labels of magical skill as proof of people being ostracized, as if is a good idea for JoS to suggest people hurt themselves by performing complex feats. Then, you point to people leaving the clergy as proof, but coincidentally leave out why such people left in the first place. It is ironic that you tell us not to "ignore the fact" while you avoid the specifics of these situations in order to support your beliefs that JoS ostracizes people.

Maybe you are not aware, but we have had problems with trolls trying to make up claims that JoS is an "exclusive spiritual clique". This is done to paint JoS in a bad light by creating a false reason for why they couldn't get their way about something silly. However, this totally false when you see the amount of mutual support which exists across the community, between all people.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=445399 time=1685067176 user_id=21286]
EriktheRed said:

And who or what has been ostracized under this made up model which you have theorized? Out of the blue, you are suddenly laying harsh criticism about JoS, saying we ostracize people, or that HPHC appoints his supporters based on loyalty and not merit.

The reason why you have received criticism is because you had made incorrect assumptions about JoS. It is like asking someone why they get mad when you call them retarded, even though you think it is "just your opinion". With strong opinions comes the need to produce evidence and examples to back your claims.

You point to labels of magical skill as proof of people being ostracized, as if is a good idea for JoS to suggest people hurt themselves by performing complex feats. Then, you point to people leaving the clergy as proof, but coincidentally leave out why such people left in the first place. It is ironic that you tell us not to "ignore the fact" while you avoid the specifics of these situations in order to support your beliefs that JoS ostracizes people.

Maybe you are not aware, but we have had problems with trolls trying to make up claims that JoS is an "exclusive spiritual clique". This is done to paint JoS in a bad light by creating a false reason for why they couldn't get their way about something silly. However, this totally false when you see the amount of mutual support which exists across the community, between all people.

The majority of what I have said is not criticism but fact. You talk about labels, but I have already been labelled by a member in the thread 'as another 'hypermelon'.

"You point to labels of magical skill as proof of people being ostracized, as if is a good idea for JoS to suggest people hurt themselves by performing complex feats", what the heck does this mean?

You also react by emotion because of your instinct to defend JoS when there is really nothing to defend. Have I insulted or persecuted anyone here? Have I tried to bring the reputation of JoS into question? NO!

I'm happy here and will advance like most people here. Cheer up Blitz!
EriktheRed said:
You also react by emotion because of your instinct to defend JoS when there is really nothing to defend. Have I insulted or persecuted anyone here? Have I tried to bring the reputation of JoS into question? NO!

I'm happy here and will advance like most people here. Cheer up Blitz!

All the things you say, all of it range from false perceptions to egregious and purposeful lies.

Don't think you are clever to try and spin it any other way.

"Have I tried to bring the reputation of the JoS into question?"

In fact, yes, that is all you are doing here, by making these statements, which are not only false, but also purposeful with intention to sow seeds of doubt in others.

You say you are not, which is blatant lie in plain sight, and yet you expect us to "exchange ideas" and "debate" you over this?

I will educate you a little then. Do not be mistaken that this is a debate.


"Having descriptions like 'Beginner', 'Intermediate', and 'Advanced' encourages this culture here."

For one, what you propose is not a culture here at all, for two it exists only in your head. This whole idea is a complete lie, a fallacy if you will, one among many in your statements.

Descriptions like those show the reality to people and are part of the natural hierarchy in life.

Not an imaginary social construct or "culture", but a literal hierarchy which all beings in life, regardless of culture, background, time or era find themselves in.

This exists everywhere on Earth, in all disciplines, because that is how life is.

In other places there are social constructs which artificially inflate this hierarchy, place people in positions they do not belong, give false titles to people who do not deserve these due to systems which are based on things like seniority, exclusivity, wealth, or other standards, rather than meritoriousness and ability.

People who are new to Spiritual Satanism, are indeed beginners.

We all started as beginners. Then through meditation, connecting with the Gods, understanding what the JoS is about and seeks to accomplish, and then giving towards this path to assist in accomplishing this will naturally get one to rise in ranks without any bias or superficiality to it.

It is based on merit, of which loyalty is indeed also a part.

Loyalty is of great merit, unlike what you insinuate in your post, where you dismiss loyalty as something inferior, which is also a fallacy.

A loyal person who is less capable is infinitely more valuable and meritorious than a disloyal retard with great abilities.

Let alone a lying, discordant idiot who doesn't care for loyalty anyway.

People can be trained in all aspects, except for loyalty. This comes from within, and cannot be trained.

You can build loyalty towards something within yourself, however if don't truly believe in something with unwavering faith, your loyalty is always able to waver.

Therefore, the foremost quality of merit in people is indeed loyalty, as all else can be taught to them to have them beck e capable in other aspects and allow them to contribute meaningfully.

Their proven and absolute loyalty would make these investments worth it, as the person will always give back more than they receive and never turns their back on the place they devoted themselves to.

The only way to believe in something to the extend of absolute loyalty, is to truly see its worth, and see the merit in it, where it becomes apparent that your loyalty is not misplaced.

We have a significant membership who are loyal to the Gods. Then by proxy, it is easy to see that the JoS is a creation under the Gods, that it comes from Them, thus the same people are loyal to the JoS as well and give their abilities to give back in return for what they have received.

The JoS then does her part in further rewarding those who care for it, by giving back to those who give to her.

This is a cycle of giving and receiving which any dedicated SS participates in, and can get them to rise to the top of the world and beyond any reach of this world, even from the most humble and insignificant beginnings.

All dedicated SS are eligible for this, none of that is exclusive, or given only to some chosen few.

It is given to all who dedicate to the Gods, in accordance to their levels, and their efforts to grow on the path of Spiritual Satanism.


"Also I struggle to find any legitimate reason for the 'Joy of Satan Guardians'; the advanced members actually carry out these duties, intentionally or not. But this is a glaring example of exclusivity here."

You, who do not even know what duties exist in JoS, nor what duties you are even talking about, try to make a blanket judgement based on your false perceptions regarding a topic you understand nothing about.

The almighty you "Erik" cannot find a legitimate reason as to why the JG's must exist, thus this obviously is some kind of exclusivity club based on the whims of Commander Cobra the evilest one, certainly the man who gives everything to the JoS cares only to put a few loyal pawns to prop himself up or something.

Right. Do I need to say that this is indeed a serious fallacy, even constituting to an attack on the JoS or her reputation?

For one, there are indeed a few things done by advanced members here, in fact, all the JG's are also advanced members, and came to be from advanced members, just that not all advanced members are by definition JG's or able to be so.

To be a JG, requires steep qualities, and requires daily work to be done by the said person, which cannot be done by just anyone who may or may not be capable of it.

First, ones ability must be proven. Then ones loyalty must be true. Lastly, ones conduct and wisdom has to be on a high level, and one must be a capable and knowledgeable spiritual person with proven ability to convene closely with the Gods.

Even as advanced members go, the qualifications are strict, because the JG upholds the Joy of Satan and is the literal backbone of the Joy of Satan.

These people have made the decision to live their life in service to the Gods. They receive for this choice, but mostly it first comes at great cost of giving and continuously so.

You Erik, severely undermine the position of JG, unable to see even a speck of what it means.

JG's willingly give all in service to the Gods while not expecting anything in return first and foremost. You build yourself up spiritually and materially specifically to be able to succeed as a Guardian and to be able to uphold the Joy of Satan against all obstacles, attacks and hardships.

You rise and fall alongside the Joy of Satan, you will be the first on board and stand on the frontlines always, and sink with the ship if it ever comes to that without any hesitation.

In a world where the Joy of Satan and our beliefs, our goals and all the things we give to people are public enemy number one in the eyes of the jewish oligarchy and our countless other enemies, you step out to the frontline and resolve to uphold the JoS even if it costs you your life or everything you hold dear.

This is not mere loyalty. To prove you are indeed capable of holding such a position, you will be tested in life. Many challenges will come your way which will test your resolve and your will, your dedication and your ability.

If you ever falter after stepping on that path, all the blessings and things you received when you walked that path are forfeit completely.

How many people are truly capable of that? How many people would be able to even try for this?

The Gods know well who is able and who is not. As an SS, everything in your life that you encounter, are things which on your present level you are able to handle. Therefore, only those who are able to handle this sort of path will find themselves being able to embark on it.

However, embarking this path is only the start. You live for the Gods henceforth.

This is not for the faint hearted, or the wavering, or the questioning, or the unknowing.

Even being advanced is not enough at all, and it is unrealistic to expect every advanced member to be able to step on that path, as it is a path of its own that comes with a completely different set of challenges than just being an advanced and seriously contributing member.

The Joy of Satan needs the aforementioned backbone, both spiritually and materially, as for the Joy of Satan to stand against all the adversity we face in this world, and become a place of power recognized by all, it requires exceptionally strong backing which will never falter, be loyal to the very end, and has the ability to uplift the Joy of Satan to the place it must go in accordance with the Gods.

The Joy of Satan itself is exclusive. Exclusively for people who seek out the Gods and seek out the Truth.

The JG's are exclusive to those with the grit, merit, loyalty, will and ability to give all to the Gods in order to uphold the Joy of Satan.

Then a fool like yourself comes along and demeans this as "exclusivity", presenting this in the way as if it is negative for anything to be exclusive, and calls it "unnecessary".

Exclusivity is everywhere in life, this too is a part of all existence. Don't try to twist this reality into something that it is not.

All should be equal or whatever, is that it?

Right. Moving on.


"This is the way JoS is now and you either go along with it or you are ostracised. Look at the amount of criticism I have just received expressing my opinion which is supposed to be my prerogative."

And? Has it ever been different? You presuppose this is a problem, or a negative thing?

What would happen here if we conform to the public, or to the opinions of those who oppose us?

Do you suggest we bend the knee to those who make false claims about ourselves, or attempt to place us in the most negative light?

Look around you in the world and grow up, all of this is how life works.

When HPS Maxine first made the JoS, did you think she made it to let it become a place of falsehoods ruled by random opinions of whomever?

She made it to educate people on Truth, and to give a home to those who seek it as she herself does.

The likeminded joined her and grow alongside her in this pursuit, while those who care more for their own limited ego driven perceptions will fall of as they cannot keep up.

When I first came to the JoS, I was a fool. However, I thought myself very wise and capable.

To an extent I was, more so than many people, however, I quickly learned that if I wanted to make it higher on this path, I needed to discard any arrogance and egotism I had, as these lead me nowhere and would never allow me to grow in seriousness and understanding.

I was put in my place quite a few times, and I indeed had to adjust my thoughts to be in alignment with the Gods, as the Joy of Satan is in alignment with the Gods as well.

To find my place here, I followed my belief in the Gods, developed my spiritual abilities to be able to communicate with Them, and to be able to make a notable difference for the benefit of people when I deploy blessings and spiritual aid on others.

I did my part in upholding the truth, protecting the Joy of Satan from falsehoods, giving wisdom on topics I had things to give, giving advice to new members, answering questions, giving guidance on spiritual workings to people who knew less than myself, the list goes.

I have seen many people come and go. I have seen clergy go as well.

I stood by the Joy of Satan the whole time and didn't doubt her, because from the day I arrived here I knew I had found my home and it had become my mission to expand this house into an infallible fortress of truth that can never fall, which is able to educate and enlighten the lives of millions of people.

I tried to help people who were set on leaving, but most set on this will leave regardless, as they were never in for the long haul at all. Neither did they dedicate with intention to stick on this path for life.

100 years from now, how many of us who embarked on this path today will still be here on it with us? With me?

I don't know, but I know that I will still be there, and I intent to be here myself till that time if my life permits it.

Then 1000 years from today, I wonder how many of you I will see on the higher side, and how many of you got lost in your ego driven suppositions along the way, unfortunately failing the path due to the fragility and feebleness of the human mind and heart.

I opposed the false "clergy" who were abusing their position and who did not live up to the standards of clergy that I understood, and I asked the Gods many times to allow me to do more for the JoS.

I was tested many times. I failed as well many times. Such are things. You wish to do more, but you don't know what you wish for or what it takes, thus you fail because you are ill prepared or not capable enough.

I continued to stand up and keep going, I learned from my mistakes and failures, and moved forward. Such is how you grow.

Such I learned what Spiritual Satanism is about, and what it takes to go higher on this path, beyond merely the spiritual meditative aspect of it, but what the JoS represents as the life path for all ages.

Indeed. I had to go along with the Gods, or I would have been a nobody. The Joy of Satan is build on the tenants and direct guidance of the Gods. Therefore I must adapt to the Joy of Satan and adapt my life to live in accordance to the will of the Gods.

If I try to make it up there without doing so, I will get shot down as many times as it takes, till I finally understand.

For me it didn't take too much to learn this, and see this for myself. There is only great benefit and Joy in adapting myself to the teachings of the Joy of Satan, therefore I adapt and incorporate these into my life, shape my life around these and become a superior person through these.

As for your opinion? It is not anyones prerogative to have opinions. In front of Satan, my opinion is irrelevant.

Let alone if my opinion is false and based purely on insidious perceptions, spread with purpose to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of others.

If my opinion is such, it is less than worthless.

In the opinion of jews all us SS of the Joy of Satan are the scum of the Earth who must burn in fire for eternity for opposing their worthless thoughtform yahweh and their worthless reptillian overlords.

In their worthless opinion, Satan is said to be lesser than their worthless thoughtform.

What does this irrelevant and false opinion, which is supposed to be their prerogative, matter in front of Satan?

The same applies to all opinion. Your opinion has merit, only if it is indeed an opinion with merit that is based on objective truth, not baseless accusations or false perceptions, neither preconceived false notions.


"If we can't have truthful, robust debate and exchange of views, then why are we here? Are we to be swayed by public opinion? I mean really, this is not politics - is it?"

Here is the major difference between you and I, or between the dedicated SS and the dabbler.

When I first came to the JoS, I did not come here to debate. I came here as a student, to learn under the Gods, and to learn under people who know the Gods and thus know far more Truth than I did.

I also did not come here to "exchange" views, but to study and expand my very limited and delusional views, to understand the truth and gain greater knowledge, and also power.

You see, to be eligible to "exchange" views, you must have something to give in the first place.

When I came to the JoS, I had many views, however I had the foresight to realize that my views mostly were very small minded and limited, coming from a small human consciousness, and thus, I Presented my views, and let others scrutinize them, in order to learn.

I did not expect to "exchange" anything, as I did not presuppose that what I had to give was worthy of "exchange" with those who have much more than myself.

If I believed my views to indeed be right, I still presented them carefully, and with respect to the people I was speaking to, and rather than "debate" my own limited views, I would seek for truth above all else.

If I was convinced my views were truthful, I would present them as Truth, and I would indeed "exchange" views with others. I would read the refutations of others (which I did not get often, as most of what I wrote was not something which needed refute), and present my own findings in return, I would sit and ask the Gods openly:

"If I am wrong, then please let me know, I will be the first to admit my mistake, and I will learn the truth. If I am right, please let me know with certainty, to alleviate my doubt and to let me teach others the Truth."

I asked the Gods to educate me. I put my arrogance away at the door to my best ability, and conversed with an open mind while remaining steadfast in my convictions.

In the years, I have spoken mostly truth, however, the times I had spoken falsehoods, I never once held on to my ego or my false beliefs and admitted readily with humbleness my error, corrected my mistake, and learned from it.

Never did I come here with the audacity to debate. I came here to listen and to study.

Even this conversation, it is not a debate at all.

I am only educating you on points you fail to understand, or are purposefully dismissing in order to sow discord among our membership.

You mention "public opinion". What does that have to do with anything? Let alone with what you bring up?

If anything, your opinion is the public one, and you try to sway others with your worthless one.

The Joy of Satan is build on the teachings of the Gods. Thus, we advocate for the Opinion of Satan and our Gods themselves, not some inferior stream of thought.

A lot of the presumptions you make stem from misunderstanding certain very normal and common things that are unavoidable in life. Either purposeful misunderstanding, or legitimate misunderstanding.

You attempt to present your opinion as fact, when merely it is only the false perception of an individual.

Before one comes to debate, one must position themselves towards truth, otherwise one's opinion is indeed worthless and only serves to be corrected, rather than debated.

What use is there in debating individual bias, when we are here students of the seen and unseen Truths?

In your opinion, the JoS exists as a clique of 15 people who get all the gibs, while the rest of the membership is ostracized.

Certainly this is not the case, nor is this true at all.

The Joy of Satan exists of hundreds of active forum members, and thousands of people who seriously participate and walk this path after finding the Joy of Satan and dedicating their souls to the Gods.

The total reach of people who know the Joy of Satan is already in the millions.

Like minded people will participate more actively than others who pass by, however the amount of people benefiting of the knowledge provided by Joy of Satan keeps growing by the day.

We exist to bring this knowledge to billions of people, so everyone can uplift their lives and exist in greater prosperity and success, live life blessed by the real Gods which the world has mostly forgotten.

None of this is a negative thing, neither is the hierarchy this builds upon, which you make it sound as if it is with your purposeful choice of words.

Many active participants may never find the forum, or simply choose not to participate on the forum and that is fine.

Even, there are contributors which are unseen and will never participate on the forum at all, because they choose to remain hidden.

Others will make the JoS their career and their life path will revolve entirely around the JoS.

Those are different paths to take. Not a clique or some strange unnecessary exclusivity club, as you propose it is.

Lastly, you merely present an attack against the Joy of Satan, whether intentionally or not, and attempt to justify yourself by calling it a debate, and attempting to present it as if you actually care by saying you wish to be part of the imaginary exclusivity club that you slander secretly.

Is that how you think you will gain favor in the eyes of Satan and the Gods, that they will certainly reward you and make you eligible as JoS Guardian when you actively slander the position, sow seeds of doubt and discord, try to distort the entire Joy of Satan to conform to the imaginary depiction of it in your mind?

If you really do care for the Joy of Satan at all, or care to understand it at all, why do you come here with fallacious arguments to begin with?

Do you expect us to exchange truth for falsehood? Or entertain personal delusions?

Is this how you seek to participate, and this is your chosen path?
EriktheRed said:
"You point to labels of magical skill as proof of people being ostracized, as if is a good idea for JoS to suggest people hurt themselves by performing complex feats", what the heck does this mean?

You know what this means very well.

EriktheRed said:
Having descriptions like 'Beginner', 'Intermediate', and 'Advanced' encourages this culture here. Also I struggle to find any legitimate reason for the 'Joy of Satan Guardians'; the advanced members actually carry out these duties, intentionally or not. But this is a glaring example of exclusivity here. Maybe HPHC 666 wanted more support creating these 'titled' members here. Let's not ignore the fact that half the clergy has been shown out the back door over the last 10 years.

Don't avoid the question and answer it, or otherwise provide evidence of your nonsensical statements and blatant slander.

Don't try to be glib with your tongue or brush over the fact you blatantly try to subvert people and plant seeds of doubt.

"Cheer up you guys, don't worry about what I said, just let me trash talk you all and don't worry lol :D "

Wouldn't that be nice if we made things so easy on people... surely the jews would be most pleased if we did. I see a lot of hand rubbing in that jewish wet dream.
In addition to VoiceofEnki's extensive reply, I wanted to add about:

EriktheRed said:
If we can't have truthful, robust debate and exchange of views, then why are we here? Are we to be swayed by public opinion? I mean really, this is not politics - is it?

This isn't Reddit (or whatever is trendy these days). We are here to learn. Some people enjoy random debates about useless topics, the rest of us are here to learn. "Exchanging views"? How boring. Most of us are only interested in learning truth, not random people's opinion formed from their lower mind and propaganda combined with lack of spiritual awareness.
VoiceofEnki said:
EriktheRed said:
"You point to labels of magical skill as proof of people being ostracized, as if is a good idea for JoS to suggest people hurt themselves by performing complex feats", what the heck does this mean?

You know what this means very well.

EriktheRed said:
Having descriptions like 'Beginner', 'Intermediate', and 'Advanced' encourages this culture here. Also I struggle to find any legitimate reason for the 'Joy of Satan Guardians'; the advanced members actually carry out these duties, intentionally or not. But this is a glaring example of exclusivity here. Maybe HPHC 666 wanted more support creating these 'titled' members here. Let's not ignore the fact that half the clergy has been shown out the back door over the last 10 years.

Don't avoid the question and answer it, or otherwise provide evidence of your nonsensical statements and blatant slander.

Don't try to be glib with your tongue or brush over the fact you blatantly try to subvert people and plant seeds of doubt.

"Cheer up you guys, don't worry about what I said, just let me trash talk you all and don't worry lol :D "

Wouldn't that be nice if we made things so easy on people... surely the jews would be most pleased if we did. I see a lot of hand rubbing in that jewish wet dream.

We'll, I haven't heard anything like your previous post, except on the level HPHC 666 would say. Amazing!!

I didn't want to damaged JoS or hurt the members, and I'm sick of apologizing.

Tell me, where do we (yes we, I want you to guide me) go from here?
EriktheRed said:
Tell me, where do we (yes we, I want you to guide me) go from here?

That depends on you.

First I would suggest you reflect on yourself, try to ask yourself what it is you seek, why you came to the conclusions you ended up making, and ask yourself what you think the Joy of Satan is or can be in your life.

After pondering those questions, you should approach Satan and ask him these questions as well and ask for clarity, also ask to understand why you received such a reply to your post if you don't understand it yet.

For approaching Satan, I would do a standard ritual, if you can I would do it in full seriousness and set up a small altar, then formally summon Him to ask Him a few things on your mind, specifically, to show you where you are at and what you need to move forward.

To me it seems like you have limited experience with the Gods and with the higher aspect of Spiritual Satanism, which is why you make these conclusions.

Seek out the higher aspect and seek to understand it.

When you say the invocation to Satan, let the words reverberate through your heart and mind, and put your trust and your belief in those words.

Have the bravery to face your faults, and be shown the way to be delivered from all past error and delusion.

What you get out of this also depends on you. It depends on your earnestness, how you will adapt and how you will seek moving forward, and also on what you seek at all.

In short, you need to understand Spiritual Satanism, which seems you are confused on what really it is, if indeed this is an honest request for guidance.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445443 time=1685093440 user_id=57]
In addition to VoiceofEnki's extensive reply, I wanted to add about:

EriktheRed said:
If we can't have truthful, robust debate and exchange of views, then why are we here? Are we to be swayed by public opinion? I mean really, this is not politics - is it?

This isn't Reddit (or whatever is trendy these days). We are here to learn. Some people enjoy random debates about useless topics, the rest of us are here to learn. "Exchanging views"? How boring. Most of us are only interested in learning truth, not random people's opinion formed from their lower mind and propaganda combined with lack of spiritual awareness.
Exactly, some people, not to mention their names, takes many of their time to search for useless thing about the Jews but its still revelant for new people to have proof of them being ahole to the gentiles.

Im here to learn from advance people, I know I can waste my time with stupid thing like going into a debate with someone else on useless topics but I'm trying to refrain myself when I do it.

Let's get the knowledge into this forum and those who wants to troll will get the replies from the one who want to waste their time.
VoiceofEnki said:
EriktheRed said:
Tell me, where do we (yes we, I want you to guide me) go from here?

That depends on you.

First I would suggest you reflect on yourself, try to ask yourself what it is you seek, why you came to the conclusions you ended up making, and ask yourself what you think the Joy of Satan is or can be in your life.

After pondering those questions, you should approach Satan and ask him these questions as well and ask for clarity, also ask to understand why you received such a reply to your post if you don't understand it yet.

For approaching Satan, I would do a standard ritual, if you can I would do it in full seriousness and set up a small altar, then formally summon Him to ask Him a few things on your mind, specifically, to show you where you are at and what you need to move forward.

To me it seems like you have limited experience with the Gods and with the higher aspect of Spiritual Satanism, which is why you make these conclusions.

Seek out the higher aspect and seek to understand it.

When you say the invocation to Satan, let the words reverberate through your heart and mind, and put your trust and your belief in those words.

Have the bravery to face your faults, and be shown the way to be delivered from all past error and delusion.

What you get out of this also depends on you. It depends on your earnestness, how you will adapt and how you will seek moving forward, and also on what you seek at all.

In short, you need to understand Spiritual Satanism, which seems you are confused on what really it is, if indeed this is an honest request for guidance.

You're right, I need to take time out and reassess my understanding of Spiritual Satanism, and my standing with JoS and the Gods.

Contrary to what some have said, I do respect the opinions of members and I do believe in JoS and Satan.

I will continue to support JoS in the background as a donor and come back when I think I've got things straightened out, mentally and spiritually. This might be a while.

You can reply to this, but I probably won't see it.

Thanks for the advice.
EriktheRed said:
We'll, I haven't heard anything like your previous post, except on the level HPHC 666 would say. Amazing!!

I didn't want to damaged JoS or hurt the members, and I'm sick of apologizing.

Tell me, where do we (yes we, I want you to guide me) go from here?

Then this could be a misunderstanding. Anyway, thank you for being cooperative.
EriktheRed said:
Thanks for the advice.

Good luck Erik.

We all have our own obstacles to overcome and we all face our own challenges.

Sometimes one needs a moment to re-assess themselves in order to position themselves better towards future growth.

All I suggest is to keep up on the announcements while you do this.
Thank you very much this was truly relatable on so many levels I have been a dedicated spiritual Satanist since 2018 but feel like havent made much progress I cannot see or communicate with father satan it is my deepest desire to come in contact with father satan for the past few years I constantly tried to do the six month program but my discipline and focus just was not there so a gave up on the idea for about year now but now in March I did the spiritual sun square and i completed it in full I truly believe it worked to help my discipline because as I was doing sun square one of my affirmations was focused on improving my discipline I believe it worked to an extent because today am on my second last day of 40 Lakshmi mantra where as before I could only have stayed consistent for no more than 21 days but now i am almost finished with 40 working it is a major accomplishment for me ,my focus and discipline still needs alot of improvement but I truly I hope that soon I will be able to start and finish the hells army 6 month program
Thank you for you guidance
This post is aimed at newcomers to Satanism and those who feel lost on the path. Nearly everyone reading this is dedicated by blood to Lord Satan. However, there are different levels of dedication and commitment to this path. For most people, the time after finding the JoS is one of excitement and exploration. They study anything and everything on the website and forums, perform the dedication ritual, experiment with different meditations, try advanced practices that they’ve clearly read are not for beginners but try them anyway, and in general feel like a little kid who's stumbled into a different universe. After a while, the excitement fades; they see the long road ahead, settle into a meditation program, and just carry on with their lives.

Unfortunately, this is where I see a lot of SS stay. We all have lives, jobs, responsibilities, etc., so especially as beginners, our meditations often take a back seat to everything else going on and not much effort is put into them.

If one keeps devoting little time and attention to their spiritual development, this will be reflected in the results they get. It's natural, then, for their meditations to become increasingly mediocre and feel like a chore. People are taught to judge the value of an activity based on the results they get, which can be very difficult for someone who is spiritually blind and cannot see or appreciate them. This is perhaps the most dangerous period in a Satanist's journey, as one can spend years like this without seeing very many results, becoming increasingly disillusioned and losing faith in oneself and in the Gods.

Some give up, thinking they can never make any progress. Others stay on the path out of a sense of duty; they have made a commitment to Lord Satan after all, so they continue to meditate, but they are just "going through the motions" and not really meditating. They sit in meditation, but in reality they may be thinking about their day or the video game they want to finish and not paying attention to their practice. At this point, they are "meditating" just to say they did it and not feel guilty.

In the beginning, it’s often hard to see results. There are many areas one could be lacking in, such as difficulties with visualization, a lack of focus, not knowing the correct pronunciation for words of power, dirt and curses in the soul, are only a handful of factors that can combine to the point where one may not "see" the results of their labor until they work to improve them.

It takes time to open the mind and peel away the many layers of delusion that keep one trapped in the lowest levels of consciousness, but as the process continues, one will begin to see the positive changes in their life and start to take meditation seriously and even crave it. A feeling of hunger awakens in the meditator, and one begins to do their best every day, knowing that they are solely responsible for their advancement. At this point, the idea of slacking off doesn't even arise; one has made Satanism a priority in their life or even dedicated their whole life to it.

Newcomers to the path cannot reasonably be expected to be like this innately; it takes a certain level of growth and maturity that comes from experiencing the benefits of meditation, feeling the influence of the Gods in their lives, and seeing just how much one has evolved through them, among other things. Again, this is a process, and it takes time. This occurs naturally for most people, but it saddens me to see others who spend years wandering in the dark, resigning themselves to their fate, and giving up because they never really tried their best, consistently.

The Gods can only teach you if you let them, and are willing to listen. Frequently, the Gods will show an initiate what they are doing wrong, but they are often too dense to recognize the signs. If you keep failing at something or just can't seem to progress beyond a certain point, instead of stubbornly persisting, getting discouraged, or giving up, it's always a good idea to step back and reflect, look for the reasons why with an open mind, and not be intimidated by the answer. You may find the thing that is holding you back is something that takes a lot of time and effort to master, but without it, you can never move forward. I see many avoiding the tough lessons and focusing on the seemingly "easier" and more "fun" meditations and practices. This is wrong.

If you never take the time to master your mind through void meditation or learn how to enter a trance, you won’t make it far into the advanced meditations. If you have never done yoga or flexibility exercises in the past, the first couple months of your yoga practice will not be pleasant, but without going through the effort of making your body more flexible, you cannot enjoy or reap the full benefits of yoga. All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them. There are certain things on this path that are unavoidable; remaining ignorant and neglecting them while focusing on other aspects of your development will only slow you down or even halt your progress completely.

If you find that you have gone too long without making any meaningful progress and feel stuck and unmotivated, there is a way to change that. Decide now that the next time you sit down to meditate, you will give it everything you've got and strive to do your best, be it meditation, yoga, rituals, whatever it is, put all your effort and attention into it. Acknowledge that you are at a certain level of development, that you alone have the power to rise above it, and that if you consistently do your best, it is only a matter of time until you do! Notice how different your meditations feel when you always strive to do your best.

Now, if you have rushed into doing the advanced meditations without building a strong foundation, no matter how hard you try, you likely won’t do much. If you have the goal of performing a specific meditation, break it down and see what skills are necessary to perform it, such as being able to enter a deep trance, having good visualisation, and so on. Work to master the basics and build on top of them. Gradually, as you expand your skills and move on to more advanced meditations, you will find yourself full of motivation and drive to keep going, as it will be obvious to see how far you've come.

I have found that dedicating some time every day to improving, even a little bit, has a tremendous snowball effect over time. Just take 10–20 minutes out of your day to reflect, ask yourselves what areas you are lacking in, and work on them. The improvements you will make by doing this are incomparable to the slow and gradual refinement over years of doing the same thing over and over again. For me, it is one of the hardest things to do, especially at the end of the day when I’m tired and mentally exhausted, but it’s where you make the difference.

If you imagine that every day of your life is like a school exam, and at the end of it you get a grade based on your performance, if you just do the same thing the same way every day without trying to improve, you will get the same grade with very little improvement over a long period of time. If you prepare for the exam the day before, you will naturally get a better grade. Small, consistent improvements add up over time and lead to significant progress towards your advancement.

So, ask yourselves from time to time: "How dedicated am I—not just to Father Satan but to myself and my own advancement?"

Lastly, for those who are just embarking on their journey, do not be discouraged by reading the accounts and experiences of senior members and comparing them to your own. You are not them, and you don't know how much work they have had to put in to get where they are. Simply walk the path the best you can every day, and as you do, things will fall into place for you. Spiritual development is not something you can rush.
Do you have any advice for me?

I used to do yoga every day but then I stopped for a long time, the same goes for meditation on emptiness, at the moment I am feeling the need to start again with these practices, but every day I end up putting them off.

As for trance training, I have done it maybe thirty times.

Currently with the routine I am quite free, at what time or in what order should I do them?
Do you have any advice for me?

I used to do yoga every day but then I stopped for a long time, the same goes for meditation on emptiness, at the moment I am feeling the need to start again with these practices, but every day I end up putting them off.

As for trance training, I have done it maybe thirty times.

Currently with the routine I am quite free, at what time or in what order should I do them?
I think your situation is exactly what I describe in the article; you simply stopped doing them because you didn't "see" results. And you honestly cannot expect to see results if you "just" do them, but in reality, you are half-assing it because you don't think anything will change. So, what's the point? Why spend the time to do something when you won't even be present for it? That's literally wasted wasted time. You might as well not do anything.

There are benefits to hitting rock bottom, and this is one of them. If seeing the years you wasted does not motivate you to do better for the rest of your life then I don't know what will.

The order in which you do these meditations doesn't matter. I do Hatha Yoga in the evening because the body is naturally more flexible by the end of the day, and Kundalini Yoga in the morning (never after waking up though! Allow some time to pass so your body and spine aren't so stiff.)
Thank you for “reviving” this older post and thus bringing it to my attention. The sermon was eloquent and right on the nose. And the education that JG Voice of Enki submitted was affirmation that education is the ultimate goal for everyone, in JoS.
Hail Satan!,,
Do you have any advice for me?

I used to do yoga every day but then I stopped for a long time, the same goes for meditation on emptiness, at the moment I am feeling the need to start again with these practices, but every day I end up putting them off.

As for trance training, I have done it maybe thirty times.

Currently with the routine I am quite free, at what time or in what order should I do them?
yoga is very helpful and evens out, so you need to do it often. 1 time a day is great. For example, if I don't do it for a couple of days, I feel like my back is clogged with something heavy, and when I do yoga, I feel like it's easy
yoga is very helpful and evens out, so you need to do it often. 1 time a day is great. For example, if I don't do it for a couple of days, I feel like my back is clogged with something heavy, and when I do yoga, I feel like it's easy
I know, I practised it for about five months straight, then I had other problems and laziness hit me.

But I have to resume the practice consistently.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
