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Hell is COMING for these JEWS - Nick Fuentes redpills 1MILL people on the JQ (Overton Window SHIFTING HARD RIGHT)

Dec 3, 2022
I know on this side of the Internet we disagree completely over the Cuckstianity and the Insanity of worshipping a dead jew on a cross. And i think we've discussed the absolute stupidity of Christian Antisemitism - i.e you cannot be against the Jews WHILE also worshipping a Jew who according to a story was severely disliked by other Jews. It doesn't really make sense to get involved in a desert religion out in the middle of nowhere ,instead of our rich pagan heritage and actual spiritual science which consists of Yoga and Tantra.

You can never win against the Jews completely while operating within their own framework. You have to completely reject their Religious beliefs ,even those created by the Jew called Yeshua (the earliest Christians were all Jews who made these beliefs up.)

We on this side are even more redpilled than Fuentes ,having completely rejected the premise of Jewish divinity in any shape or form , re affirming our natural pagan Gods and recognizing any form of Jewish spirituality as our enemies.

However ,besides all of that. Jews ,namely Ethnic Racial Jews are public enemy number one. The true enemy of all humanity are the Racial Jews - even if they are Aethists or otherwise. So no matter who it is, whether it is Fuentes or anyone else ,even if i completely reject his spiritual beliefs , I support them attacking the Jews and bringing awareness to the Jewish Question.

Recently i saw a podcast where Fuentes went on and as the time im writing this, it has 568K views. He debated someone named Destiny ,who looks like a leftist from what i could say. And he absolutely bodied him in the debate. The Jewish Question has penetrated the Mainstream.

The topics included Israels involvement in getting the US into unnecessary wars and Kanye West , and Jews banning everyone they disagreed with among other things.

After watching this insane debate i watched more recent episodes back to back where FreshandFit had him one. From a cursory look it seems to me like Freshandfit is some kind of Manosphere Dating podcast where they talk to women.

However whats interesting for us is that the Jewish Question has penetrated large podcasts with millions of views. The overton Window is shifting. The enemy cannot hide the truth. Common people have found out that there is a very strong Jewish involvement in all of our problems. They are asking questions and they are receiving answers.

Who casued the breakdown of the Family Unity ?
Who created this insane american foreign policy of endless wars for Israels benefits ?
Who is behind this Vaccine Depopulation plan and taking away all of our freedoms ?
Who is behind pushing all of the World towards an apocalyptic global war ?
Why is the Holocaust so special and why is it constantly used by Jews to circumvent criticism ? Were we lied to about Adolf Hitler ?

In a series of podcast i've seen Fuentes talking about Race Realism , how the Holocaust didn't happen, how Israel pushed America into brutal conflicts where they didn't have any interest, How Jews control the media and block everybody from speaking about it.

The Original podcast did a million views before the Jews at Youtube had nightmares about A Young Austrian Painter and decided to nuke that stream. These podcasts are on Rumble now

But they still have hundreds of thousands of views. Hundreds of thousands of more people are now redpilled about the Jewish Question.

I say all this to say this - the Veil of Ignorance has been broken by our Spiritual light and LARGE contingents of the Population are becoming aware of the Grand Conspiracy that is behind the World Government , the Endless wars, The Race War in Europe and the plans about a World War and Virus Depopulation.

We need to be proud about all of our efforts over the years fighting spiritually against the Jews. It is showing fruit. No matter what the Injection point is ,the main goal is the make people aware of the Jews. The Gentiles can hash out the religious problems and Race relations after everyone deals with the Jews. They are public enemy number one at the moment.

And this is a Race to the bottom. Until large swathes of the population realize the hidden hand behind the Global Conflict. Until they realize its the Jews ,we cannot stop them from lauching another World War. And if another War happens ,the people must know who to blame afterwards

- The Jews in the MEDIA who lied, The JEWS IN THE BANKS who profited from the Wars ,The JEWS behind the Vaccines and the BIOWEAPON LABS.

They will not get away with this.

And by the way ,the Stream of the Holocaust debate was attacked LIVE and the Stream ended due to network problems. These Jews are DEATHLY afraid of the one topic you're not allowed to talk about - THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST AS THERE WERE NO GASSINGS. This point is central to the entire Jewish operation. Once we can critcize the Jews because they don't have any protection we can solve all of this.

The discussion about the Jewish Question will become commonplace and there will be a time where these Jews will be collectively dealt with by Society who will be the Victors at that time. This won't turn out like WW2.

Just you wait you Jews, Just you wait. Divine Retribution is finally coming for you as we approach 2024, the marked astrological year previously where Jews were correctly dealt with. There will come a time when that vile temple of filth that they've erected will be demolished once again.

Here are the Streams.

Nick Fuentes, Destiny, Sneako & JonZherka DEBATE The JQ🛎️! (584K as of writing)

Nick Fuentes EXPOSES Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, FBI Investigation, Jan 6, No-Fly List, Ye's Comments & Answers The JQ! (316K)

Nick Fuentes Dops N-BOMB On 7 Black Women & THIS Happened! (615K)

Holocaust Debate Prompts Matrix To END Show?! (523K)
Oh yes, I can see people waking up significantly.
There are a lot of reels on Instagram now, with based opinions on life stile and eating, and I also trying to comment on videos with idiotic opinion, or reply to someone with a stupid opinion.

I also see videos on exposing word leaders

We also have in hungary a politican with 150+subs on youtube and I don't know how many Vote, but they are in the parlamant and he constantly making videos exposing the jews, the WHO, completely the EU, and all kind of stuff that is basically against us humans, sadly he is a Xian, however, if a proper Nationalist country arises, as for example Hungary could be the "first" if Toroczkai wins, The lies that he debunked will get more popular, more people will know about these lies, more people will see the truth, and Xianity will fall along with Jews.

On some of his videos he has english SUB, so it is wort to watch if you have time (especially because you give views to the truth)
Fuentes is controlled opposition and possibly a jew himself. I wouldn't get too excited over this.
However, on Twitter I have noticed a sharp increase in people fighting back against anti-white racism and increased numbers of people confronting the jews on twitter. There is definitely an awakening.
Even those without suspect Fuentes to be a FED.

He isn't trustworthy as these questions can be set up for any jew to come and twist the questions and make themselves the victim or turn it around against Whites or Nazis.

I have seen him cowar (or was it purposely) when confronted on why he thinks the holocaust is a lie after publicly making the joke about comparing the number of jews allegedly burned to the amount of cookies being baked and how the numbers don't add up.

He just sat there with his mic on mute and let the people who believe in the holocaust (I think this was an interview with Destiny back in the mid 2010s) say whatever they want and make him look like a fool.

He brought "friends" to the podcast as well but he was supposed to be the "intellectual" one while his buddies backed them up but they had to step in and didn't know how to respond. It was all too embarrassing...

Anyways, with the most likely chance him being a FED it still goes to show just how much awakening has been happening lately. That part is great news.
I don't think Nick is a FED, but I do wish he would drop the Christian stuff. He's lost so many debates, mainly to black people, because he won't give up the Jewsus act.

I also suggested Destiny in that other thread, not because of only Destiny the individual. But with who him and his "entourage" engage with.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
