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FW: Re: Important For Captain Alex Tank

Eugene Sp

New member
Sep 4, 2013
----Forwarded message----
From: jenespreehcxr@...
To: alex.tank@...
Cc: jenespreehcxr@...
Sent: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 9:59 PM PST
Subject: Re: Important For Captain Alex Tank

Hello Captain Alex Tank: recd yours of Thursday (20th). I was born & raised in the New Orleans area, but have been living on the (U.S.) West Coast near the ocean a few years now. (I was back home at the time caring for both of my terminally ill parents--at the same time--when we got hammered by "Katrina" in 2005.) Yes, you are a Captain--a leader, something Marquis MARCHOSIAS & you have in common. I was hoping you would make the connection--good! It's okay to ask for her assistance, just as long as it's within her office. She has a sense a humor: Sometimes when I ask her questions with my pendulum & get off topic, she will cause the pendulum to move erratically or it will "freeze & wiggle" as to mean--get back on topic. She's friendly, but strictly business! Alex, I believe that our Lady Marquis thinks of you quite often as well. That tingling of excitement you feel at times could be a form of her bioelectricity. You will have her help Saturday. You
should ask her questions before & ask her to come to you in a dream or give you some sign of promise. Print out a copy of her image but cut her name off at the bottom (so those around you won't Google her name), & put her sketch on the wall in your bedroom, so your subconscious can focus on her presence while you sleep (i.e. Astral). If anyone asks: she's a "superhero" or a gift! Open your chakras whenever you can (chakra clean & spin, aura protection, & void), esp after you've been out & about in the world of the "plastic people," bringing home the germs of the "greys!" Now, I warned you a couple of weeks ago about a policeman coming up to you in the park! I felt he would show up! You had every right to be at the park minding your own business. I think he was being a jerk (likely a reptillian) because he knew what you were doing!!! You must get creative & be careful where & when you practice. (I live alone with my two cats & have a separate Altar room.
If you lived close enough, you could come over & meditate, chant, & summon all you would want.) Maybe someday soon we'll get to meet one another. It's sad that as Spiritual Satanists we must practice in secret (for now!). Things are going to change though--we are going to take back the night! As I said before, when you turn 18 you will have more freedom. We're all counting on you & others like you; for the next generation must carry forward the "Dark Torch." Marquis MARCHOSIAS is counting on you! All my best to you on Saturday. Always good to hear from you. Darkest of Blessings to you Alex. Hail to the Demons/Demonesses of Father & Hail Mother Lilith & Father SATAN!!! your forever friend jene.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 6:15 PM PST Alex Tank wrote:

Morning or afternoon Jene (wherever you are my brother)

I hope all is well. Thanks for the compliment; wow! I have to be honest I feel honored. Sometimes I tend to forget that a captain is supposed to have confidence and you've renewed those feelings in me once again. Confident or not, I am not supposed to dwell on failure for now I have full confidence that Marquis MARCHOSIAS power far surpasses all opposition who dare drag me down. Thank you. My first race this season was today. I could have done better but i did okay. I did what you advised; I did not gamble on her assistance for I know I did the summoning with all my heart. However I wasn't aware if I was supposed to have the prayer written down then burn it afterwards. I did memorize what I wanted to ask her. It was that right before a race started whatever time I had in my mind to get for the race was the time I would get no matter how tired I get at the finish line. I'm not going to ask her for ridiculously good Olympic times for that would be
suspicious! I had absolute faith in her today. Whenever I think of her I tingle with excitement and I would think her when I was done with each race. Even if I don't do as I wanted to in the first race, I know the second one will be better. The next meet is on Saturday and I could really count on Her help. Do you think that I should I use the pendulum on before the race to ask for her help. I hope She appears in my dream or something because I really would like to meet Her in person. Between you and I, I have met Father Satan before in my dreams and that was before I became a full-on Satanist. I am ashamed that it took me so long to see the truth. A friend in need is a friend indeed but I am glad to have met you. I have been doing my meditation whenever I have the privacy, opening my chakras and I recently sent energy to dear Mother and Father Satan and Lilith on Valentine's Day. Hope they received it. Do you think it's okay to open up my chakras
whenever I can or is there a specific time to work on them. It's going to be a hassle now to meditate because the park I used to meditate at, a police officer saw me and warned me not to come back again on account of the park not being safe and stuff; he's only doing his job and I understand. I couldn't summon her again if I wanted to: the officer made it pretty clear. I can meditate but the vibrations and the chanting kinda draws attention. Any ideas? I hope I'm not annoying you with all this. You're more experienced at this than I am and you have help me so much I just want to know if I'm doing the right things.

P.S: the duplication of emails weren't a problem I thought the same thing too when I sent you messages.

Dark Blessings to you Brother Jene


Sent from my iPod
How are you doing Brother Jene?
I hope all is well with you. My sincerest condolences to your unfortunate incident from hurricane Katrina. I can't believe you live on your own! That's amazing on the fact that you can't really be paranoid on someone dropping in, I think. I wish I lived nearby because it's so hard to really find someone who connects with you. Everyone is too blind to see the truth. I live in Florida but I'm actually an immigrant from Haiti. I came from a family of Cuban, Haitian and French but I consider myself Haitian in general because that's where I came from. You're one of the very few who knows but I also came from a family of adulterers and criminals too! I also live with a dad who never wanted me and opted to kill me. Sometimes I don't even think he's my real dad (but I have a feeling who is--- He told me in a dream) I don't really like to bring up my past to others but I trust you enough to tell you even just a bit ( texting my past would take up 10 pages!)  I came here when I was 10 years old and now I live in a apartment of 5. I CANNOT get any privacy whatsoever. I am currently 17 and a senior. I have to tell you Jene, I hate the human race in general ( not in particular but as a whole). I hate the way they act and what their behavior. Most of the time I alienate myself from them. I am not saying I'm not saying I'm a good person but I can say I am very loving to people who love me, respect and care about me. I already know that you're aware of the fact that one can't expect so much compassion from the human race; so I'm never taken aback when there's a bad news on TV. For some reason too I'll always find it easier to kill a human being than an animal. I sorry about your parents. Not just their illnesses but taking care of them must be quite strenuous. I have to take of my mom who gets weaker from bone problems, high blood pressure and stuff. She can't to the hospital because we can't afford it so I partly know what you're going through. Thank you for sharing a bit of your history with me Jene. My Lady Marquis MARCHOSIAS has been helping me. I mean, I have not gotten the exact time I want to but I think that She's been pushing me bit by bit. I KNOW that she's there because of the signs I've been receiving and the dreams. I've been constantly sleeping with her sigil under my pillow and I've had a great revelation. I remember running a cross country race. It was regionals and the race that was supposed to bring me and my team to States. In real life we did awful, none of us broke our time (which is usually how it's supposed to be) and I watched helplessly as other people get in front of me, rivals and all. My rivals went to states and I didn't. I let my team down because I wasn't fast enough. One of the worst things was that we broke the 6-year consecutive streak of the school going to states. And I was the captain during that time. I haven't cried in 4 years and I nearly cried that time. Anyway, in my dream I just finished the race and I was gathering with the other guys for the awards ceremony ( I didn't last time because the pain was too great. I wish I was joking but seeing my rivals get their medals for being top 10 and me just sitting...I wanted to find the nearest gun to blow my brains out. Honest. It's not that I'm jealous. I couldn't care less if they are up there getting their medals I just wanted to win and bring a little bit of that happiness to me and my team). Back to my dream-filled hopes. So I was standing there with looking at the award ceremony. I don't know why I was there but there's always this one guy who's gets first place at every race. He was born to run. He's been running for 3 years and he always managed to get first place or Top 10. He's a friend of mine actually. He's very modest and he's a great guy. So I expected him to get up there. Then the most unimaginable thing happened. As soon I he announcer was going to call him up I unexplainably saw hi name disappear of the list and my name fades in! He called my name and I was first place. If one ranks top 10 at regionals then he/she automatically qualify for States individually even if his/her team don't rank top 6 to go to States. I got up there and took my medal with shock and joy.  Then I woke up. That must mean something. What say you Jene? I've been focusing on opening my third eye and I'm feeling the strain of my forehead's center every time I meditate so I hope that's good news. I mean I really feel it every time I'm doing it. I want to open it then move on to the other. Any more tips you can give a novice? I guess I really went overboard there. I have not seen Marquis MARCHOSIAS face to face but if it's possible can you tell her how much I appreciate her? I just want her to know that. Thank you Jene. Wishing you the best.
Hail our Almighty Father Dearest!!!
Hail Marquis MARCHOSIAS!!!
Sent from my iPod
On Feb 21, 2014, at 5:36 PM, Eugene Sp <jenespreehcxr@... wrote:

----Forwarded message----
From: [url=mailto:jenespreehcxr@...]jenespreehcxr@...[/url]
To: [url=mailto:alex.tank@...]alex.tank@...[/url]
Cc: [url=mailto:jenespreehcxr@...]jenespreehcxr@...[/url]
Sent: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 9:59 PM PST
Subject: Re: Important For Captain Alex Tank

Hello Captain Alex Tank: recd yours of Thursday (20th). I was born & raised in the New Orleans area, but have been living on the (U.S.) West Coast near the ocean a few years now. (I was back home at the time caring for both of my terminally ill parents--at the same time--when we got hammered by "Katrina" in 2005.) Yes, you are a Captain--a leader, something Marquis MARCHOSIAS & you have in common. I was hoping you would make the connection--good! It's okay to ask for her assistance, just as long as it's within her office. She has a sense a humor: Sometimes when I ask her questions with my pendulum & get off topic, she will cause the pendulum to move erratically or it will "freeze & wiggle" as to mean--get back on topic. She's friendly, but strictly business! Alex, I believe that our Lady Marquis thinks of you quite often as well. That tingling of excitement you feel at times could be a form of her bioelectricity. You will have her help Saturday. You
should ask her questions before & ask her to come to you in a dream or give you some sign of promise. Print out a copy of her image but cut her name off at the bottom (so those around you won't Google her name), & put her sketch on the wall in your bedroom, so your subconscious can focus on her presence while you sleep (i.e. Astral). If anyone asks: she's a "superhero" or a gift! Open your chakras whenever you can (chakra clean & spin, aura protection, & void), esp after you've been out & about in the world of the "plastic people," bringing home the germs of the "greys!" Now, I warned you a couple of weeks ago about a policeman coming up to you in the park! I felt he would show up! You had every right to be at the park minding your own business. I think he was being a jerk (likely a reptillian) because he knew what you were doing!!! You must get creative & be careful where & when you practice. (I live alone with my two cats & have a separate Altar room.
If you lived close enough, you could come over & meditate, chant, & summon all you would want.) Maybe someday soon we'll get to meet one another. It's sad that as Spiritual Satanists we must practice in secret (for now!). Things are going to change though--we are going to take back the night! As I said before, when you turn 18 you will have more freedom. We're all counting on you & others like you; for the next generation must carry forward the "Dark Torch." Marquis MARCHOSIAS is counting on you! All my best to you on Saturday. Always good to hear from you. Darkest of Blessings to you Alex. Hail to the Demons/Demonesses of Father & Hail Mother Lilith & Father SATAN!!! your forever friend jene.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 6:15 PM PST Alex Tank wrote:

Morning or afternoon Jene (wherever you are my brother)

I hope all is well. Thanks for the compliment; wow! I have to be honest I feel honored. Sometimes I tend to forget that a captain is supposed to have confidence and you've renewed those feelings in me once again. Confident or not, I am not supposed to dwell on failure for now I have full confidence that Marquis MARCHOSIAS power far surpasses all opposition who dare drag me down. Thank you. My first race this season was today. I could have done better but i did okay. I did what you advised; I did not gamble on her assistance for I know I did the summoning with all my heart. However I wasn't aware if I was supposed to have the prayer written down then burn it afterwards. I did memorize what I wanted to ask her. It was that right before a race started whatever time I had in my mind to get for the race was the time I would get no matter how tired I get at the finish line. I'm not going to ask her for ridiculously good Olympic times for that would be
suspicious! I had absolute faith in her today. Whenever I think of her I tingle with excitement and I would think her when I was done with each race. Even if I don't do as I wanted to in the first race, I know the second one will be better. The next meet is on Saturday and I could really count on Her help. Do you think that I should I use the pendulum on before the race to ask for her help. I hope She appears in my dream or something because I really would like to meet Her in person. Between you and I, I have met Father Satan before in my dreams and that was before I became a full-on Satanist. I am ashamed that it took me so long to see the truth. A friend in need is a friend indeed but I am glad to have met you. I have been doing my meditation whenever I have the privacy, opening my chakras and I recently sent energy to dear Mother and Father Satan and Lilith on Valentine's Day. Hope they received it. Do you think it's okay to open up my chakras
whenever I can or is there a specific time to work on them. It's going to be a hassle now to meditate because the park I used to meditate at, a police officer saw me and warned me not to come back again on account of the park not being safe and stuff; he's only doing his job and I understand. I couldn't summon her again if I wanted to: the officer made it pretty clear. I can meditate but the vibrations and the chanting kinda draws attention. Any ideas? I hope I'm not annoying you with all this. You're more experienced at this than I am and you have help me so much I just want to know if I'm doing the right things.

P.S: the duplication of emails weren't a problem I thought the same thing too when I sent you messages.

Dark Blessings to you Brother Jene


Sent from my iPod
Hail Satan and all who hail Him:
So, ladies and gents, brothers and sisters; what has become of BlackRose? Are we to be content with her long silence...? If she's harmed, is the doer far from this band of soldiers?
Talk to me, Rose...
Hail One Family...

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:31 PM, Alex Tank <alex.tank@... wrote:
  How are you doing Brother Jene?
I hope all is well with you. My sincerest condolences to your unfortunate incident from hurricane Katrina. I can't believe you live on your own! That's amazing on the fact that you can't really be paranoid on someone dropping in, I think. I wish I lived nearby because it's so hard to really find someone who connects with you. Everyone is too blind to see the truth. I live in Florida but I'm actually an immigrant from Haiti. I came from a family of Cuban, Haitian and French but I consider myself Haitian in general because that's where I came from. You're one of the very few who knows but I also came from a family of adulterers and criminals too! I also live with a dad who never wanted me and opted to kill me. Sometimes I don't even think he's my real dad (but I have a feeling who is--- He told me in a dream) I don't really like to bring up my past to others but I trust you enough to tell you even just a bit ( texting my past would take up 10 pages!)  I came here when I was 10 years old and now I live in a apartment of 5. I CANNOT get any privacy whatsoever. I am currently 17 and a senior. I have to tell you Jene, I hate the human race in general ( not in particular but as a whole). I hate the way they act and what their behavior. Most of the time I alienate myself from them. I am not saying I'm not saying I'm a good person but I can say I am very loving to people who love me, respect and care about me. I already know that you're aware of the fact that one can't expect so much compassion from the human race; so I'm never taken aback when there's a bad news on TV. For some reason too I'll always find it easier to kill a human being than an animal. I sorry about your parents. Not just their illnesses but taking care of them must be quite strenuous. I have to take of my mom who gets weaker from bone problems, high blood pressure and stuff. She can't to the hospital because we can't afford it so I partly know what you're going through. Thank you for sharing a bit of your history with me Jene. My Lady Marquis MARCHOSIAS has been helping me. I mean, I have not gotten the exact time I want to but I think that She's been pushing me bit by bit. I KNOW that she's there because of the signs I've been receiving and the dreams. I've been constantly sleeping with her sigil under my pillow and I've had a great revelation. I remember running a cross country race. It was regionals and the race that was supposed to bring me and my team to States. In real life we did awful, none of us broke our time (which is usually how it's supposed to be) and I watched helplessly as other people get in front of me, rivals and all. My rivals went to states and I didn't. I let my team down because I wasn't fast enough. One of the worst things was that we broke the 6-year consecutive streak of the school going to states. And I was the captain during that time. I haven't cried in 4 years and I nearly cried that time. Anyway, in my dream I just finished the race and I was gathering with the other guys for the awards ceremony ( I didn't last time because the pain was too great. I wish I was joking but seeing my rivals get their medals for being top 10 and me just sitting...I wanted to find the nearest gun to blow my brains out. Honest. It's not that I'm jealous. I couldn't care less if they are up there getting their medals I just wanted to win and bring a little bit of that happiness to me and my team). Back to my dream-filled hopes. So I was standing there with looking at the award ceremony. I don't know why I was there but there's always this one guy who's gets first place at every race. He was born to run. He's been running for 3 years and he always managed to get first place or Top 10. He's a friend of mine actually. He's very modest and he's a great guy. So I expected him to get up there. Then the most unimaginable thing happened. As soon I he announcer was going to call him up I unexplainably saw hi name disappear of the list and my name fades in! He called my name and I was first place. If one ranks top 10 at regionals then he/she automatically qualify for States individually even if his/her team don't rank top 6 to go to States. I got up there and took my medal with shock and joy.  Then I woke up. That must mean something. What say you Jene? I've been focusing on opening my third eye and I'm feeling the strain of my forehead's center every time I meditate so I hope that's good news. I mean I really feel it every time I'm doing it. I want to open it then move on to the other. Any more tips you can give a novice? I guess I really went overboard there. I have not seen Marquis MARCHOSIAS face to face but if it's possible can you tell her how much I appreciate her? I just want her to know that. Thank you Jene. Wishing you the best.
Hail our Almighty Father Dearest!!!
Hail Marquis MARCHOSIAS!!!
Sent from my iPod
On Feb 21, 2014, at 5:36 PM, Eugene Sp <jenespreehcxr@... wrote:


----Forwarded message----
From: jenespreehcxr@...
To: alex.tank@...
Cc: jenespreehcxr@...
Sent: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 9:59 PM PST
Subject: Re: Important For Captain Alex Tank

Hello Captain Alex Tank: recd yours of Thursday (20th). I was born & raised in the New Orleans area, but have been living on the (U.S.) West Coast near the ocean a few years now. (I was back home at the time caring for both of my terminally ill parents--at the same time--when we got hammered by "Katrina" in 2005.) Yes, you are a Captain--a leader, something Marquis MARCHOSIAS & you have in common. I was hoping you would make the connection--good! It's okay to ask for her assistance, just as long as it's within her office. She has a sense a humor: Sometimes when I ask her questions with my pendulum & get off topic, she will cause the pendulum to move erratically or it will "freeze & wiggle" as to mean--get back on topic. She's friendly, but strictly business! Alex, I believe that our Lady Marquis thinks of you quite often as well. That tingling of excitement you feel at times could be a form of her bioelectricity. You will have her help Saturday. You
should ask her questions before & ask her to come to you in a dream or give you some sign of promise. Print out a copy of her image but cut her name off at the bottom (so those around you won't Google her name), & put her sketch on the wall in your bedroom, so your subconscious can focus on her presence while you sleep (i.e. Astral). If anyone asks: she's a "superhero" or a gift! Open your chakras whenever you can (chakra clean & spin, aura protection, & void), esp after you've been out & about in the world of the "plastic people," bringing home the germs of the "greys!" Now, I warned you a couple of weeks ago about a policeman coming up to you in the park! I felt he would show up! You had every right to be at the park minding your own business. I think he was being a jerk (likely a reptillian) because he knew what you were doing!!! You must get creative & be careful where & when you practice. (I live alone with my two cats & have a separate Altar room.
If you lived close enough, you could come over & meditate, chant, & summon all you would want.) Maybe someday soon we'll get to meet one another. It's sad that as Spiritual Satanists we must practice in secret (for now!). Things are going to change though--we are going to take back the night! As I said before, when you turn 18 you will have more freedom. We're all counting on you & others like you; for the next generation must carry forward the "Dark Torch." Marquis MARCHOSIAS is counting on you! All my best to you on Saturday. Always good to hear from you. Darkest of Blessings to you Alex. Hail to the Demons/Demonesses of Father & Hail Mother Lilith & Father SATAN!!! your forever friend jene.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 6:15 PM PST Alex Tank wrote:

Morning or afternoon Jene (wherever you are my brother)

I hope all is well. Thanks for the compliment; wow! I have to be honest I feel honored. Sometimes I tend to forget that a captain is supposed to have confidence and you've renewed those feelings in me once again. Confident or not, I am not supposed to dwell on failure for now I have full confidence that Marquis MARCHOSIAS power far surpasses all opposition who dare drag me down. Thank you. My first race this season was today. I could have done better but i did okay. I did what you advised; I did not gamble on her assistance for I know I did the summoning with all my heart. However I wasn't aware if I was supposed to have the prayer written down then burn it afterwards. I did memorize what I wanted to ask her. It was that right before a race started whatever time I had in my mind to get for the race was the time I would get no matter how tired I get at the finish line. I'm not going to ask her for ridiculously good Olympic times for that would be
suspicious! I had absolute faith in her today. Whenever I think of her I tingle with excitement and I would think her when I was done with each race. Even if I don't do as I wanted to in the first race, I know the second one will be better. The next meet is on Saturday and I could really count on Her help. Do you think that I should I use the pendulum on before the race to ask for her help. I hope She appears in my dream or something because I really would like to meet Her in person. Between you and I, I have met Father Satan before in my dreams and that was before I became a full-on Satanist. I am ashamed that it took me so long to see the truth. A friend in need is a friend indeed but I am glad to have met you. I have been doing my meditation whenever I have the privacy, opening my chakras and I recently sent energy to dear Mother and Father Satan and Lilith on Valentine's Day. Hope they received it. Do you think it's okay to open up my chakras
whenever I can or is there a specific time to work on them. It's going to be a hassle now to meditate because the park I used to meditate at, a police officer saw me and warned me not to come back again on account of the park not being safe and stuff; he's only doing his job and I understand. I couldn't summon her again if I wanted to: the officer made it pretty clear. I can meditate but the vibrations and the chanting kinda draws attention. Any ideas? I hope I'm not annoying you with all this. You're more experienced at this than I am and you have help me so much I just want to know if I'm doing the right things.

P.S: the duplication of emails weren't a problem I thought the same thing too when I sent you messages.

Dark Blessings to you Brother Jene


Sent from my iPod


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
