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Fixing Shy Bladder


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
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Fixing Shy Bladder

I'm not sure when it started, but I've had this problem for as long as I can remember and recently it's gotten worse. I've been looking at methods to relax and get my mind off where I am when I need to urinate, but I always have problems at work. Whether that's coworkers coming in and my anxiety keeping me from relaxing, to just not being able to relax. But as soon as I get home or to a single person bathroom I don't have a problem.

Has anyone else here had this problem, and if so how did you fix it?

Thank you a million times in advance!
So go in the stall instead of the urinal. It's like your own private room.
Poweredbythesun said:
This is the first time I've seen this condition mentioned on here. Back when I was dealing with it I almost thought I was the only one lol.

This issue comes from a blocked and traumatized sacral chakra. The mental "reasoning" behind it is that you innately perceive other people as hostile/harmful/unpredictable and because of this you are always subconsciously expecting potential trouble to emerge. This makes you stressed and causes big issues with relaxing.

I think the specifics of these things can still vary from person to person, but in general that is how it goes. It can be in differing intensities also, depending on how severe the traumas are that this issue builds upon.

To fix this issue, do focused cleaning-workings on your sacral chakra specifically. You can use Raum, Surya(e), Visuddhi, Munka, Sowilo, or Uruz. Try them all for a few reps and see which feels nicest to you when applied to your sacral.
Start preferrably when the moon is in Scorpio.

To heal the possible damages that this has already caused (such as chronic stress, and fatigue through jing-loss), you can follow up the cleaning working with a working to help you relax more. This may not be necessary if the cleaning working already takes care of these things for you.

For such a working, I can recommend a combination of "Aum Ram Dum Mannaz Svaha". I cant put the accentuation "dots" onto letters on my phone unfortunately.
The "Ram" mantra needs to be vibrated with a very very long "a". Almost like "Raam", but the a should be completely continuous. This mantra helps incredibly much with relaxing and letting go of stress. I have found it way after having used Raum for a long time, and for stress relief and relaxation I find Ram to be vastly superior. You should not try to do a specific length on the "a" here (except for it being atleast twice as long as the other letters), but rather to vibrate it as if letting out all your tension and stress. It's a bit weird to explain so let me know if it's unclear.
Next is the "Dum" mantra, of which the "u" should be vibrated only very briefly. For example, if you vibrate the "D" for 3 seconds, you would want to vibrate the "U" for roughly 1 second, then the "M" for another 3 seconds. The "Dum" mantra helps in controlling your mind and thoughts, and these energies are essential for building a mind that is resistant to stress.
Mannaz should be obvious as it is in the Runic Kabalah. There have been rumours before about how combining Runes and Sanskrit would somehow be bad, so I have first experimented with this mantra combination in-depth myself before recommending it to anyone. I have found 0 negative effects from this whatsoever. The Mannaz rune is used here because it gives you more knowledge about yourself and who you truly are. This is eseential for reaching a state where you are at peace with yourself, which makes staying calm much easier.

And lastly, to add on to this are the wonderful Schisandra Chinensis berries that I found recently thanks to HP Lucius. Get some of these (make sure they are the "chinensis" variety, ask seller if needed), put 3-5g into a cup and pour boiling water over them, then leave for 10 minutes. Afterwards take a spoon and mush the berries to press out all the juices. You should get one of those tea filters for this (the metal things with very small holes in cylindrical shape), so that the mush stays in this filter and the juice goes into your cup.
Drink this once a day for atleast 100 days and it apparently will heal your organs from the jing loss they have been experiencing due to stress. So far it's working great for me and I look forward to my cup of this tea every day.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
So go in the stall instead of the urinal. It's like your own private room.
Anyone who's had this issue before can tell you that being in a stall does help, but most of the time still isnt nearly enough.

When I was struggling with this, I could literally be in the stall in a toilet room with 0 people there, and just the thought of someone entering the room while I was peeing was enough to make me too stressed to do it. Hearing voices from outside through the window was also enough to prevent me from relaxing. That's how traumas work, and it can be nasty. Thankfully here we have magick to actually fix these things. Non-SS would struggle with these things for their whole life in some cases.
That problem is when there is no solid link between your brain and your bladder. Imagine a glowing bright wire connecting your brain and bladder together, and thinking "You're gonna do what I tell you to do." Every time I ever had that problem, I do this and it instantly works. Sometimes that problem happens whenever I have a heavy bag hanging from my shoulder, I think because it pushes on a nerve and makes an energy blockage. So I readjust the bag to take it off the nerve, and I imagine that bright wire connection, and it always works instantly.

The problem comes from the connection between the brain and bladder being blocked, either with an imaginary mental blockage or a physical blockage like a pressure on a nerve. So you just gotta make that connection connect again.
Shael said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
So go in the stall instead of the urinal. It's like your own private room.
Anyone who's had this issue before can tell you that being in a stall does help, but most of the time still isnt nearly enough.

When I was struggling with this, I could literally be in the stall in a toilet room with 0 people there, and just the thought of someone entering the room while I was peeing was enough to make me too stressed to do it. Hearing voices from outside through the window was also enough to prevent me from relaxing. That's how traumas work, and it can be nasty. Thankfully here we have magick to actually fix these things. Non-SS would struggle with these things for their whole life in some cases.

That's actually a perfect explanation of it. Even the thought of someone coming in makes me tense up, but when I'm at home or in a single occupancy bathroom my shy bladder goes away.

I'm going to do a working on my sacral chakra soon. Interesting enough too my Sacral chakra has always felt off, and I've always had problems with other things tied to my sacral chakra. Maybe this is the push I needed to work on this and heal myself.

Thank you Shael! :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
That problem is when there is no solid link between your brain and your bladder. Imagine a glowing bright wire connecting your brain and bladder together, and thinking "You're gonna do what I tell you to do." Every time I ever had that problem, I do this and it instantly works. Sometimes that problem happens whenever I have a heavy bag hanging from my shoulder, I think because it pushes on a nerve and makes an energy blockage. So I readjust the bag to take it off the nerve, and I imagine that bright wire connection, and it always works instantly.

The problem comes from the connection between the brain and bladder being blocked, either with an imaginary mental blockage or a physical blockage like a pressure on a nerve. So you just gotta make that connection connect again.
That's completely false. You clearly have never experienced this issue yourself, but rather just something entirely different. I have struggled with this issue for years and tried everything possible imaginable to "trick" my brain/bladder into fixing the issue. Nothing worked.

When a trauma about these things lies very deep then the only things that can fix it are either a dedicated working, a big positive planetary transit, or many talks with a trustworthy gentile therapist. The working option is much cheaper and safer in most cases unless you already know someone who is 100% trustworthy, and the transit isn't something you can control but would rather have to wait for (potentially for many many years).
Poweredbythesun said:
That's actually a perfect explanation of it. Even the thought of someone coming in makes me tense up, but when I'm at home or in a single occupancy bathroom my shy bladder goes away.

I'm going to do a working on my sacral chakra soon. Interesting enough too my Sacral chakra has always felt off, and I've always had problems with other things tied to my sacral chakra. Maybe this is the push I needed to work on this and heal myself.

Thank you Shael! :)
I know firsthand how shitty this can become, so I hope you will fix it before you get the same bad effects from it. If it has only been happening since recently then fixing it shouldnt be overly hard either. Just make sure to do perhaps 2 or 3 40-day-cycles on it just to be absolutely certain that the traumas are removed and your sacral is fully healed. It's the same as with an illness - you want to keep the healing going for a while even after you feel "cured", to ensure that nothing bad remains. Good luck. :)
You can spit, at the point you want to pee on, before you pee. Fokus on it. Helps to calm down. It´s also a sort of dominate act. That you are strong and not afraid of people around you. Also you have to realize peeing is sort of a defense mechanism.
No one will attack you while you pee. Because most people fear pee. You are safe when you pee. Look at it that way.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
Maybe for you it is completely false. But it is completely true for me since it's my experience.
Yes like I said, you were clearly experiencing something different from what we are talking about. Your solution may have worked for that, but that doesn't make it viable here.

For example, if your issue stemmed from perhaps just slight hangups or very small trauma, a technique as simple as what you described may have just been enough to fix it. But heavy and deep traumas can basically never be solved by something like this alone. The only case I could think of would be if there was a strong planetary transit going on that would support such a thing happening.
satanichonor said:
GG Allin said:
No one will attack you while you pee. Because most people fear pee. You are safe when you pee. Look at it that way.
F_cking lol.


Heh, that's a great way to look at it actually.

But on a more serious note something that has helped me until recently is zoning out or thinking about something completely unrelated for a few moments. But this doesn't always work because the building I work in went from 20 people to about 50-60 and when someone comes into the bathroom it sounds like they're barging through the doors of an old timey saloon. :/

So it's a game of can I time my bathroom breaks right, and if not when will it next be empty for like 3 minutes.
I, too, had this issue for many, many years. I never did when I was a kid, but it developed later in my life. I could think of a few different reasons as to why this started, and what trauma may have caused it.

It was honestly DEBILITATING. Especially being in certain situations where you have no access to a private stall. I remember once having to pee so badly but being on a road trip with friends, getting out, and couldn't pee even though I had to pee SO BADLY, but couldn't because I felt like all my friends in the car were watching/waiting for me. I couldn't go, and didn't want to embarrass myself so I got back in the car and horribly struggled until we made another stop (with an actual bathroom).

Having since come to Satanism and the JoS, this problem has almost entirely been eliminated. Now, I only seem to experience a problem if I go into a washroom and use a urinal where there is already someone at one right beside me, with no divider between urinals. Once they leave, I have no problem. Prior to this, I could not even use a urinal if a single person was in the bathroom - even if they were in a stall and I was at a urinal.

I am on the right track now to eliminating this entirely.

1. Do a Freeing of the Soul working. Do not skip for 40 days. You may have to do this more than once in order for the effect to take place
2. If you have someone really close to you, like a lover or maybe even a best friend, so not be afraid to hide this and speak about it - it GREATLY helps. We all have hangups on our soul and most people you are close with will be understanding and wanting to help. Ask this person to help you. If you are comfortable enough with this person, have them stand by you while you pee.
3. Practice peeing in public. Go to that public washroom, find a stall if you have to, or better yet, a urinal when no one else is around, and start peeing - while you are peeing (since you've already begun relieving yourself), picture and imagine other people coming in/entering the washroom, but that you are still able to pee. I practiced this every time, and eventually I was able to get to the point where it wouldn't bother me as much should other people come in
4. What really helped me was to go on a trip. I went to India where I knew I'd be placed in situations where private stalls don't exist and you'd have to pee around other people. I had several situations where I'd have held in my pee so much that I had to go SO badly, and forced to do it around other people. Eventually, it didn't matter if there were people around me - if I had to go, I would GO!
5. I know it's not healthy to hold your pee in, but I knew drastic times call for drastic measures. I found it helped to intentionally hold my pee in till I REALLY had to go (again, if you can, find a place like a public washroom where you know it's all strangers - no friends or co-workers to stress about), and stand there for as long as you need. Stand at that urinal as long as you need - close your eyes and picture yourself having that feeling you get when you've released your bladder muscle, that instant before you actually begin to pee. Even in normal situations, focus on that feeling and remember it. Think of that feeling in tough times and it will help
6. Fear is what needs to be overcome. This is so important. All my other points are useless if you don't actually take a step towards TRYING to overcome this fear. It's like that fear of wanting to ask a girl out, or even initiate conversation with someone you like. You won't achieve anything if you don't face your fears
7. Spend your free time DAILY stating positive affirmations. This is ESSENTIAL. Do this in addition to the Freeing of the Soul ritual. "In a healthy and positive way for me, I am now totally, completely, and permanently free to pee where I want, when I want, and around anyone I want. Any and all obstacles keeping me from peeing freely in any situation are now totally, completely, and permanent destroyed." Or use something to that effect if you feel another affirmation would be more useful or feel more comfortable to you.

All the best in your journey. As an SS you have the power to free yourself of any hangups, if you so choose to actually put in the effort and work on them.

I have Satan and the Gods to thank for bringing me to this information to help myself where doctors, psychiatrists and therapists would have very likely been useless. We now have the power to heal ourselves. Use it, and you will thrive.

Hail Satan!
Hearsync said:
It was honestly DEBILITATING. Especially being in certain situations where you have no access to a private stall. I remember once having to pee so badly but being on a road trip with friends, getting out, and couldn't pee even though I had to pee SO BADLY, but couldn't because I felt like all my friends in the car were watching/waiting for me. I couldn't go, and didn't want to embarrass myself so I got back in the car and horribly struggled until we made another stop (with an actual bathroom).
Oof, I can relate to this a lot. Especially when I was younger and we had school trips. Very fun if you have to somehow find a way to pee atleast 3 times during that 8 hour bus drive with people all around you. :lol:

I'm glad to hear you fixed it. Well done. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
