
. It's probably drug abuse. Drugs tend to center one into their soul prematurely. Increased Atma radiation into the thought body in the Astral and Physical sheaths for a mind (astral)/ physical sheath that have not been trained for a number of years,to handle increased radiation of Atma,that's what happens. Wane off the drugs and resort to the slower process of Yoga, especially Hatha Yoga systematic training over a number of years,under the guidance of the Gods. Be patient with oneself,and the Gods themselves will unexpectedly grant you a boon for persistent honest work in the Yoga. Intellectual knowing of occult knowledge without application is useless in itself. The mind in all its phases is already accomplished it's just about Centering in it (Yoga) and this is an effort. You get centered and you can order anything you want ,it will come.
The soul body is centered due to its proximity to the Spiritual Center (Swastika) that's why it's an immortal body but the intellectual (astral) and instinctive (physical) are not. They are split ,the Naraka chakras seven of them below the spine in the legs are activated. This is where most of humanity is operating from,greed , jealousy and so on. The real work is centering the mind/body then Awareness untangles from them and naturally goes back to the Source ,the Spiritual Center in the head, symbolized by the Swastika. This is Kundalini rising to the Crown chakra. Centering of Astral , Physical sheaths is a training process ,these bodies are mainly ruled by the Pingala channel male right side of the spine,which rules the Astral/intellectual body and the left feminine Ida channel of the spine,which rules the instinctive , emotional physical body. Stilling the physical body brings the Ida channel into the Sushumna channel into the spine. The Sushumna channel is actually your soul body and then thinking and feeling the Eternal Unchanging Essence eventually stills the Thought, intellectual body in the Astral body bringing the pingala channel into the Sushumna channel. The Astral , physical bodies center then Awareness untangles out of them and naturally goes back to its Source ,the Absolute Centre in the head,the Kundalini rises.
One experiences the non-dual Brahman that is God Brahman beyond Consciousness,a single point , timeless, spaceless,formless, indescribable,the Swastika peak of the Pyramid. In Consciousness it's duality of Brahman and Creation inseparable centered in the Absolute. The Yoga is to experience the highest state of this Union,Self( Absolute) Realization,Non dual Brahman within.
This is Hatha Yoga ,Ha is male Yang channel (Taoism) ,Tha is female Ying channel (Taoism). To evolve the soul body quickly is to withdraw the Awareness to it's Source ,and you come out of the Absolute more evolved until it turns from copper to gold. You practice Hatha Yoga asanas ending the sessions with the Lotus Pose. Over a number of years of training a lifetime even, continuing into the next even. The brain is an acid structure so to speak so with practicing Void meditation concentration of mind techniques ,you can activate the Pituitary and pineal glands ,which secrete intense Bliss. No need of drugs to feel high but it takes time , training,patience through the slower pace of Yoga. Brahman is in everything so there's nothing seriously wrong with anything,it's just about being moderate with things. Even beer and wine which are a result of a natural fermentation process can be taken in moderation,with good company, family after one has done his or her Dharmic duty,work. Though with spirits they are distilled,so mystics are not encouraged to take them. Though in the Northern hemisphere especially in the West you have very cold winters so it's understandable. Everything in moderation they are some genetically they get so addicted ,for such just stay away. As for drugs for medical treatment it's of course fine but these strong psychedelic drugs using them for recreation e.g weed , cocaine,Pcp, heroine , mushrooms and so on stay away from such. They center one into their soul very prematurely radiating the Atma into the Mind , Body when they are not sufficiently trained to handle it,taxing the health of the mind ,body you become a bum and so on. It's dangerous especially if one is a young soul,with the Kundalini asleep the Astral , spiritual realm is concealed for a reason. With strong drugs,this concealment is prematurely broken,then evil Astral entities from the lower Naraka chakras regioIn in the legs ,start to bother one,you are a young soul ,you can't tune them out ,you end up doing heinous things. "Schizophrenia" is the medical term Western medicine gives that mental state ,if you want to call it that .
Dedicate to Satan ,wane off the drugs and start the slow patient process of Yoga.