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Experiment: Doing All the Planetary Squares,Every Day...


Oct 9, 2023
I wonder if anybody in here has ever Done such kind of Experiment, based on combining all the Planetary Squares together, and therefore doing every single one of em' at the same time, which means, for example, you start with the Sun mantras, complete the amount given for day1, then proceed with another square such as Saturn, do the amount specified for Day 1, and do the same process for all the other planetary Squares,therefore starting every single one of em',and completing the given day1 value for each one of em', on the same exact day...

then the day after all the Squares has been started, it's Day 2 For all the planetary squares, and you go on and proceed Chanting all the mantras for that day...and then Day 3, same story...

now, there are some squares which are very short, such as the one dedicated to Saturn, and very long ones, such as the one of the Moon... in said case, once you have completed Saturn,which takes only 9 days, you simply reset it to Day 1,re-starting the chanting of mantras the day after said Square has been succesfully Completed for the first time(round N1 saturn), and continue from there with another round(round N2 for Saturn),while also keep doing all the other planetary squares, which are currently Round N1 each one of em', on day 10...

Repeat the same process done for Saturn, in regards to the Shorter Squares such as Jupiter(16 days) , Mars(25 days), Sun(36 days),Venus(49 Days) , Mercury(64 Days) ... Start Round N2 the day after you have completed the final day mantras of said square , while you also keep doing all the longer squares that are still on round N1...

Keep on doing all those processes,till the First Round of the longest Square, aka the one of the Moon, has been completed succesfully... at that point, the Moon gets reset to day1 (ROUND N2) ... from there, you can keep doing everything has been mentioned previously, therefore doing all the squares, every single day, potentially, Forever, if you are consistent... (if something goes wrong,and for whatever reason you skip one day, you can always easily restart everything again from Day 1, and Keep on doing what has been previously mentioned)

needless to say, in order to avoid spending excessive amount of time with this Plan, and also manage to be truly consistent, it's a good idea to use the Mantra Shortcuts, and keep Mantras Vibrations Short...it's also fine to make a short affirmation after having done Mantras, depending on specific Square and the effect you want to get with it <

If somebody manages to be truly consistent and did all of this Year-long, there could be some interesting Cumulative effects, potentially leading to Empowerment and overall positive effects...with that said yes, it's true that for each square, there are specific periods throughtout the year, where it is not Optimal to practice said square, but at the same time, whenever you are doing a square in a sub-optimal period, you are also doing other squares for which the same exact period is Potentially Optimal, so that would help keep things balanced, minimize negative effects of Negative phases of each squares, while potentially reaping the benefits from all the Optimal Phases of each Squares <

overall, that's just an Idea i had , and that i started experimenting with recently(a couple weeks ago) and i'm really curious to see on my own, the difference this would make in the Long term ☥
Very strange idea that would not yield much success. Why not just look at your natal chart and determine your weaknesses, and then do workings to rectify those? What about your transits?

Moon and Mercury Squares still take a significant amount of time even with the shortcut mantra. You will be vibrating hundreds of repetitions on some days with all of these Squares combined, which will take hours. How is that optimal? Squares are also very delicate and messing up the mantra can force you to restart it.

If the sign is not correct, you are literally wasting time and effort for no reason. Like swimming upstream. If you waited instead and tried to find the perfect day to start a proper Square, you would make ten times the progress. Even if you affirmed positively, you would be getting 1% of the power of the Square with all the wrong conditions, and you would have wasted days getting that 1% boost.

Doing Saturn squares without preparation is a terrible idea and will knock you on your ass. Do not do this, heed the warnings stated on the page.
You will be vibrating hundreds of repetitions on some days with all of these Squares combined, which will take hours.
i keep vibrations very short, so it takes way less than 1 hour for me to complete the squares, which is definitely Sustainable <

Overall, the idea is try to Harness all those Various energies at the same time, and get the best out of that, without having to think too much about planning everything to "perfection" from an astrological point of view.. the focus therefore is solely on being Consistent and Truly Believing in what i am doing <

and in Regards to Saturn, i have Fear that there might be a Lil' bit too much Fearmongering going on ...and yes,personally, i don't have any Fears related to Said Planet...

therefore, i'll be sticking to said Experiment for some time, and see how it goes... if it ends up being ineffective, i can very easily discard it, not an issue for me to do so...and if it actually Works, then it Works and i would keep on using it, of course ☥
i keep vibrations very short, so it takes way less than 1 hour for me to complete the squares, which is definitely Sustainable <

Overall, the idea is try to Harness all those Various energies at the same time, and get the best out of that, without having to think too much about planning everything to "perfection" from an astrological point of view.. the focus therefore is solely on being Consistent and Truly Believing in what i am doing <

and in Regards to Saturn, i have Fear that there might be a Lil' bit too much Fearmongering going on ...and yes,personally, i don't have any Fears related to Said Planet...

therefore, i'll be sticking to said Experiment for some time, and see how it goes... if it ends up being ineffective, i can very easily discard it, not an issue for me to do so...and if it actually Works, then it Works and i would keep on using it, of course ☥

The problem is not just the power of these workings, as you actually have a problem if they are all powerful, too. This is because workings are transformations, so you are subjecting yourself to multiple different and powerful transformations of your life simultaneously, likely leading to a strong backlash.

For example, a solar transformation could have days where you feel weak and have low energy. If this happens, you are less likely to do the necessary cleaning and protection through which to mitigate the negatives of the other squares. Then, the Moon square can cause you to get upset at something, and/or give a minor health backlash of dryness and potential agitation, etc.

Part of the reason of spacing your workings out is for you gain the benefits of them before moving on. If you had successfully completed a Sun Square during the Leo date, THEN started a Moon square, your soul would have finalized the benefits of increased vitality and confidence, for example, which makes any Moon backlash easier to handle.

If you want to do more to advance, then work more on stable power. For example, switch out three of these squares for a Gods' Ritual, more yoga, and a purification circle, and that is an example of something more sustainable and shielding towards backlash, yet still advancing of the soul.
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Done the Venus , Mars and Mercury square at some point simultaneously and basically lost the track with Mercury's numbers.
Not only that but I started material and spiritual at the same time and all of a sudden having 6 rows of repetitions did cost me time.
Alas what I really needed was actually Mercury. Although managed to finish Mars and Venus , with mixed to no actual long term results.
JG Blitz is exactly correct.

without having to think too much about planning everything to "perfection" from an astrological point of view

What exactly is wrong with being patient for a good date and starting a working on it? You don't need it to be perfect, you just need a good date. Don't be lazy in your advancement, take control and plan accordingly to make the most progress.
I took it the point of view you did for years, I basically ignored astrology in order to maximise spiritual progress, but it had the opposite effect, it just wastes time, its not that the effort is wasted but there is simply no path to the Godhead without efficiency, otherwise countless buddhists and hindus would already be Gods as they dedicate their whole life 24/7 to the spiritual but they do so very inefficiently and thus make little progress.

Besides doing more than two squares sounds like a massive pain in the arse and this is coming from someone who spends 3+ hours per day doing mantras, at least when its not squares I can zone out a little bit and if I mess up the reps its no big deal but doing every square would be an awful experience.

Stick to two squares at a time IMO maybe three if you have a lot of free time.

How about doing an extra round of Satanama for an hour per day instead? Literally rocket fuel for progress.

Or do more Gods rituals, that way your helping the cause and making actual real progress, theres ways to do more but what your planning isnt it, what your talking about is doing less, trust me on that.

Allright, i'm taking into Consideration all the Feedback provided so far, and i'm Realizing that the probability of this Experiment, being a Waste of time, is Higher than i what i was Imagining,Of course <

i guess i'll just stick to Two Squares such as either Saturn+Sun / Saturn+Mars / Saturn+Mercury, or even just Saturn Alone and forget the rest... and use the time not spent on the other squares, for doing Gods Rituals, or maybe some Other experiment such as vibrating SATANAMA For very long periods of time, as mentioned here, which i have never tried <
How about doing an extra round of Satanama for an hour per day instead? Literally rocket fuel for progress

I'm already doing the Final RTR+tetra+shattering everyday, and i do presume there's no need for doing it more than once, otherwise, i could also simply use the time not spent on squares, to Repeat that one more additional time, but again,i do imagine it's probably better to keep things balanced and do more Demon Rituals instead, or the SATANAMA Vibrations...
I took it the point of view you did for years, I basically ignored astrology in order to maximise spiritual progress, but it had the opposite effect, it just wastes time, its not that the effort is wasted but there is simply no path to the Godhead without efficiency, otherwise countless buddhists and hindus would already be Gods as they dedicate their whole life 24/7 to the spiritual but they do so very inefficiently and thus make little progress.

Besides doing more than two squares sounds like a massive pain in the arse and this is coming from someone who spends 3+ hours per day doing mantras, at least when its not squares I can zone out a little bit and if I mess up the reps its no big deal but doing every square would be an awful experience.
Also, If one already has a desk job, I believe it to be really dangerous to practice a lot of daily hours of seated meditation. I believe that the physical body should always have priority, especially considering what kind of bodies modern society is churning out.

I've read that the ideal is to meditate at a ratio of 1 to 4 to the hours of physical movement one does during the day. And personally I am already outside that standard and would like to get closer to it.

HPS Maxine had not written anything about it on the website but one should come to it with common sense, or one will be forced to learn it through bad experience. However, if you read well it is clearly written on the information page about power meditations, doing less is always better.
Allright, i'm taking into Consideration all the Feedback provided so far, and i'm Realizing that the probability of this Experiment, being a Waste of time, is Higher than i what i was Imagining,Of course <

i guess i'll just stick to Two Squares such as either Saturn+Sun / Saturn+Mars / Saturn+Mercury, or even just Saturn Alone and forget the rest... and use the time not spent on the other squares, for doing Gods Rituals, or maybe some Other experiment such as vibrating SATANAMA For very long periods of time, as mentioned here, which i have never tried <

I'm already doing the Final RTR+tetra+shattering everyday, and i do presume there's no need for doing it more than once, otherwise, i could also simply use the time not spent on squares, to Repeat that one more additional time, but again,i do imagine it's probably better to keep things balanced and do more Demon Rituals instead, or the SATANAMA Vibrations...
If you want my advice, the Sun will be in Leo soon, and Mercury will be in Virgo soon. Each of these are the home signs and will be powerful then. Mars is in Taurus, a detrimental sign, so it is best to wait on that. Regarding Saturn, you can gain its benefit without the potential for too much negativity by using the Nauthiz rune and starting something on the upcoming Capricorn Moon, if you so desire.

Each of these are good opportunities that are relatively close.
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Regarding Saturn, you can gain its benefit without the potential for too much negativity by using the Nauthiz rune
It is best to use Said Rune before the Mantras, or After the Mantras, or Should be used Both Before and After?
also, how many Repetitions Of Nauthiz, would be ideal for this Kind of Saturn Square Working?
I wonder if anybody in here has ever Done such kind of Experiment, based on combining all the Planetary Squares together, and therefore doing every single one of em' at the same time, which means, for example, you start with the Sun mantras, complete the amount given for day1, then proceed with another square such as Saturn, do the amount specified for Day 1, and do the same process for all the other planetary Squares,therefore starting every single one of em',and completing the given day1 value for each one of em', on the same exact day...

then the day after all the Squares has been started, it's Day 2 For all the planetary squares, and you go on and proceed Chanting all the mantras for that day...and then Day 3, same story...

now, there are some squares which are very short, such as the one dedicated to Saturn, and very long ones, such as the one of the Moon... in said case, once you have completed Saturn,which takes only 9 days, you simply reset it to Day 1,re-starting the chanting of mantras the day after said Square has been succesfully Completed for the first time(round N1 saturn), and continue from there with another round(round N2 for Saturn),while also keep doing all the other planetary squares, which are currently Round N1 each one of em', on day 10...

Repeat the same process done for Saturn, in regards to the Shorter Squares such as Jupiter(16 days) , Mars(25 days), Sun(36 days),Venus(49 Days) , Mercury(64 Days) ... Start Round N2 the day after you have completed the final day mantras of said square , while you also keep doing all the longer squares that are still on round N1...

Keep on doing all those processes,till the First Round of the longest Square, aka the one of the Moon, has been completed succesfully... at that point, the Moon gets reset to day1 (ROUND N2) ... from there, you can keep doing everything has been mentioned previously, therefore doing all the squares, every single day, potentially, Forever, if you are consistent... (if something goes wrong,and for whatever reason you skip one day, you can always easily restart everything again from Day 1, and Keep on doing what has been previously mentioned)

needless to say, in order to avoid spending excessive amount of time with this Plan, and also manage to be truly consistent, it's a good idea to use the Mantra Shortcuts, and keep Mantras Vibrations Short...it's also fine to make a short affirmation after having done Mantras, depending on specific Square and the effect you want to get with it <

If somebody manages to be truly consistent and did all of this Year-long, there could be some interesting Cumulative effects, potentially leading to Empowerment and overall positive effects...with that said yes, it's true that for each square, there are specific periods throughtout the year, where it is not Optimal to practice said square, but at the same time, whenever you are doing a square in a sub-optimal period, you are also doing other squares for which the same exact period is Potentially Optimal, so that would help keep things balanced, minimize negative effects of Negative phases of each squares, while potentially reaping the benefits from all the Optimal Phases of each Squares <

overall, that's just an Idea i had , and that i started experimenting with recently(a couple weeks ago) and i'm really curious to see on my own, the difference this would make in the Long term ☥
That would take some patience. ❤️🙂 Go for it and see what happens!
It is best to use Said Rune before the Mantras, or After the Mantras, or Should be used Both Before and After?
also, how many Repetitions Of Nauthiz, would be ideal for this Kind of Saturn Square Working?
He meant to use the rune instead of doing the square.
He meant to use the rune instead of doing the square.
ah sorry, i thought he was talking about doing some kind of combo Rune+squares, with a Specific Rune that would maximize effectiveness and minimize disadvantages of the Square you are working with <

Speaking of that, btw, i don't know if a technique of that kind does make sense and has actually got some potential, though...
ah sorry, i thought he was talking about doing some kind of combo Rune+squares, with a Specific Rune that would maximize effectiveness and minimize disadvantages of the Square you are working with <

Speaking of that, btw, i don't know if a technique of that kind does make sense and has actually got some potential, though...

As Stormblood said, I was referring to just using the rune itself, as in that case, the Saturn mantra could invoke negativity. Also, because the Squares have a specific mantra associated with them, I would not want to mess with them too much by trying to affirm runic and other energies together.

However, you could do a separate runic working alongside a planetary square to expedite progress on a certain goal, although being careful not to push your soul too much in regards to any backlash.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
