This is VERY important information for parents and families, integrate this into your lives and families as much as you can understand this. Wherever your at, more and more of what this man describes. Any opportunity you can get. I don’t have a lot of time to write about it but I do think it’s important enough to make it it’s own post. No matter what your constraints are - financially, being a single parent, excessive work load, ect, do this and learn this also for yourself. You can tell the drastic effects this has on people you’ve grown up with or even with yourself. Having exposure to playful aggression is critical to life. But when a child is exposed to aggression that is serious like very real hatred and abuse from a parent, being shown no emotion is possibly equally as serious.
Some of us here may have come from a background of physical abuse which into adulthood can make a person withdrawn and anti-social but this can be relearned, through living life, meditation, and Satan.
Satan can fully flow through you once again and you can let this joy flow through you to others around you, most importantly your children.
This is the very type of joy that comes from healthy lower chakras, which if anyone was ever lacking they could meditate upon in a creative way.
I’m so incredibly grateful for my own children because through them, I find myself and Satan time and time again, every day.
This is an incredible gift. If you have them, give everything you have to give to them that you’ve learned from Satan. Continue on this path and don’t ever give up on yourself or think that you can’t go further since you are a parent. You don’t have to beat yourself up or shy away from the forums if you feel you have nothing to offer because you have something greater in front of you, that’s your destiny. The gods will be ever present in your life and happy to help you and your family progress.
If you’re unfamiliar with what healthy aggression is, you can learn it, and you can learn it through Satan. And there really can’t be enough of it, there is no such thing as too much of this. In your relationships, in your friendships even, whoever you have around you, it’s the best part of life.
Some of us here may have come from a background of physical abuse which into adulthood can make a person withdrawn and anti-social but this can be relearned, through living life, meditation, and Satan.
Satan can fully flow through you once again and you can let this joy flow through you to others around you, most importantly your children.
This is the very type of joy that comes from healthy lower chakras, which if anyone was ever lacking they could meditate upon in a creative way.
I’m so incredibly grateful for my own children because through them, I find myself and Satan time and time again, every day.
This is an incredible gift. If you have them, give everything you have to give to them that you’ve learned from Satan. Continue on this path and don’t ever give up on yourself or think that you can’t go further since you are a parent. You don’t have to beat yourself up or shy away from the forums if you feel you have nothing to offer because you have something greater in front of you, that’s your destiny. The gods will be ever present in your life and happy to help you and your family progress.
If you’re unfamiliar with what healthy aggression is, you can learn it, and you can learn it through Satan. And there really can’t be enough of it, there is no such thing as too much of this. In your relationships, in your friendships even, whoever you have around you, it’s the best part of life.