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Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

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Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
