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Do You Believe?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The illusion of misplaced faith into a hoax is the way to put it, more accurately.

I don't understand that, but it doesn't really matter. We are on different paths.

"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." (John 20,29)

Anyone who believes in anything is, wittingly or unwittingly, following the above quote. I don't want any of that. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't believe in anything. Because one is incapable of not believing. We always need "gods". Who finds it in politics, who believes in the goddess reason, who believes in Christianity or the SS.

So I'm not free from faith either. But I am aware of that. And I try to be loose enough that faith has no practical role in my life. Knowing that beliefs are illusions that are interchangeable.
General Yeager said:
You cannot fight a war with comrades who are confused and distrustful about the things they are themselves fighting for. To fight a war you need fanatics who are devoted in obeisance to a higher cause or power while at the same time being intelligent and knowledgeable to carry out tasks in the best way possible.

One must also have absolute and fanatical belief in oneself, that they will prevail no matter what happens in the end. Over any obstacle or problem. That is the best mindset to have.

Always believe that the path is opening up and that divine providence is guiding you towards fate. Learn from your mistakes. Target Glory. Demand the best and beyond from yourself. Become a force of nature.

Fight and fight and keep fighting. Keep getting up and keep moving forward until all your goals are achieved with an iron will and an unshakable resolve.

"Through Thick and Thin with Lord Satan. In this world and in any world. "

That should always be your motto.

It is, and you are obviously correct.

Yet to reach a level of understanding to this, and to understand this truly, it takes time. Fundamentally, we all begin as blind and doubters, like fools.

It is through bond, learning, understanding, and evolution that the further relationship with the Gods is understood, and this is far from simply a mental conviction. It goes way deeper.

The only real foundation of this can be if someone has advanced and understood from themselves. Alternatively, one is merely building castles on the sand.

The belief here is diametrically different than that of a xian, who is constantly told to "believe". The Gods want to build on strong and immovable cement with their followers. Therefore, belief arrives as one builds and grows, not before one has even built.

Belief is a power you gain as you go based on knowledge and attainment, instead of being a "pre-requisite" to cover for non-existence.

Further, this bond lasts through lifetimes, this is why many kids remember them as children too, same as many people here have experienced. For others, it can be a strong interest and so on.

At the same time, programs based merely on surface level mentality and "belief" are as good as dead as the mind passes on.

Or even any thought can just take it away, which is the reason xians are so deathily afraid of people "Thinking for themselves", because the hoax doesn't many any sense, and to use sense, is the death of it as it stands on nothing.

And because the Gods want REAL awareness, and REAL understanding, doubt and so on is accepted. They have nothing to fear.
General Yeager said:
You cannot fight a war with comrades who are confused and distrustful about the things they are themselves fighting for. To fight a war you need fanatics who are devoted in obeisance to a higher cause or power while at the same time being intelligent and knowledgeable to carry out tasks in the best way possible.

One must also have absolute and fanatical belief in oneself, that they will prevail no matter what happens in the end. Over any obstacle or problem. That is the best mindset to have.

Always believe that the path is opening up and that divine providence is guiding you towards fate. Learn from your mistakes. Target Glory. Demand the best and beyond from yourself. Become a force of nature.

Fight and fight and keep fighting. Keep getting up and keep moving forward until all your goals are achieved with an iron will and an unshakable resolve.

"Through Thick and Thin with Lord Satan. In this world and in any world. "

That should always be your motto.
You are speaking my language. Sieg Heil Brother. Hail Satan!
Abyssos said:
General Yeager said:
You cannot fight a war with comrades who are confused and distrustful about the things they are themselves fighting for. To fight a war you need fanatics who are devoted in obeisance to a higher cause or power while at the same time being intelligent and knowledgeable to carry out tasks in the best way possible.

One must also have absolute and fanatical belief in oneself, that they will prevail no matter what happens in the end. Over any obstacle or problem. That is the best mindset to have.

Always believe that the path is opening up and that divine providence is guiding you towards fate. Learn from your mistakes. Target Glory. Demand the best and beyond from yourself. Become a force of nature.

Fight and fight and keep fighting. Keep getting up and keep moving forward until all your goals are achieved with an iron will and an unshakable resolve.

"Through Thick and Thin with Lord Satan. In this world and in any world. "

That should always be your motto.
You are speaking my language. Sieg Heil Brother. Hail Satan!

Accept the process that leads to this, so you can have the outcome, my fellow SS.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Accept the process that leads to this, so you can have the outcome, my fellow SS.


Shadowcat said:
DreamWeaver said:

You will believe what you will but someone thinking they are in the wrong body is not an exercise of "free will" as it is more of wanting to self-mutilate.

I've been reading many old threads and old posts here. Some mention that a re-incarnation involving a different race or gender is a form of punishment or a way to teach a harsh lesson. Therefore in some souls' present incarnations, such actions as transgender operations are possible / bound to be a choice they make. Another theory I have: in order for the highest dimensional Godhead to be omniscient (knowing everything; past, present and future), then some sort of simultaneous quantum level of co-existence is how the Godhead acquires the knowledge, that all living beings learn throughout all of space and time. Therefore, in a broader sense, a person in the future has the soul-level memories/knowledge of what it means to be transgender or whatever else.

Self-mutilative removal of gendered parts by unprofessional means is indeed very unhealthy and unsafe. But so-called "mutilation" in terms of professional surgery can also be necessary for cancerous tumors and the like. Thus I do not see why we should complain or harshly judge about what some people will choose to do for themselves, anyway. I am not transgender. Just an advocate in the sense they do not deserve to be kicked out of their families or shunned from spiritual Satanism.

I can see and understand the argument that the birth rate will be lessened if a lot of us were somehow forced to swap genders or forced to be infertile. But there will always be people around who are pro-birth, always couples desiring to procreate, and so on.

We do not deny that there are people who are not neurotypical or who are a little quirky but there is a difference between this and basically denying the chromosomes one was given at birth. Why do you say this is close-minded and unfeeling?

When I generalize, it is not calling anyone out specifically. Just me asserting to anyone who does harshly evaluate everything and everyone. I am just under the impression that neurodivergence is frowned upon on the basis they are assumed to be delusions by some on here. Neurologists beg to differ, the general masses of today beg to differ. The main reason neurodivergent conditions are becoming "worse" in some, is nutritional deficiencies due to food source conspiracies.

What we really want is for people to self-accept so that they may advance. Experiencing more masculine or feminine energy or certain perceived expectations about one's gender from society does not deem someone to be in the wrong body. the body is a manifestation of the soul.

If the body is a manifestation of the soul, then I assume whatever conditions/levels the transgender people's brains and endocrine systems have going on, may be the scientific explanation as to why they feel better with the opposite sex's hormones.

This is different than actual 3rd sex people that have existed in ancient times, where kikes have used this as an excuse to say "trans" people existed. There is a difference between this and self-mutilation and does not justify it in any way. there is proof that transgenderism is jewish and it has no place in satanism.

Indigenous Americans believed in up to 7 gender identities. But back then obviously it was more to do with gender roles, aesthetic and sexual preferences. I am glad JOS acknowledges the 3rd sex, which I presume is intersex/naturally hermaphroditic.

I have met some mentally ill people who literally used the free will card to justify their delusions such as being an animal in a human body, wrong sex in body etc, thinking that the Gods will accept them for how they think they should identify. Aside from certain imperfections that manifest from blockages in the soul, the body will always incarnate that is accordance to the frequency of the soul and this includes gender and race.

Then we shall not waste our energy or thought processing on actually mentally ill people who refuse to see the truth of themselves in their present incarnation. With this statement, I now find it mysterious how the oldest living religion Hinduism has scriptures saying humans can be reborn as animals, or that the most basic of souls begin as animals. An escalating hierarchy of levels of consciousness, so to speak.

I write all this, not to deter us from our paths, but to express inclusivity of all spiritual Satanists who may feel off-putted by certain old posts.
Totaler Krieg said:
xlnt makes a point think of how many put faith in infiltrators when they were high priest in jos(magestien and zrat) including in donations to that supposed good cause of zola, if you started making wild claims you would have to be criticized as well. How is any organization supposed to evolve without the 'forever critical' or even just regular criticism from members.

If you're actually understanding the points here, then you'd understand and know HP HoodedCobra and other verified membership cannot fall into that category, ever, due to the selection process the JoS has in place to put people into positions, and due to the unbreakable allegiance and ultimate loyalty HP HoodedCobra and other serious members have towards Satan and the Gods.

This sort of situation cannot arise on the current JoS, which you would see as you involve yourself further and spend more time on the current JoS, which is improved beyond measure as compared to 5 years ago or earlier in terms of general seriousness and resilience towards undesired and harmful, toxic and jewed elements.

It is a what if that can't come to pass, and could never come to pass anyway regarding HP HoodedCobra as it never came to pass with HPS Maxine.

This can be seen through the merits, countless efforts and unbridled loyalty, as well as proven again and again over all his years of work which were never on a low level to be compared to Magestein or other garbage that was merely pretending.

One cannot pretend on the level of HP HoodedCobra and one cannot fall low either by circumstances, as were that possible that would have happened long before.

And even then HP HoodedCobra has always been and always is open to criticism, however it is a different question if one can even find legitimate critique to begin with.

After the situation a few years ago the community as a whole has grown a lot more serious, and watchful towards subversions and other tactics, yet HP HoodedCobra has only proven to be more and more worthy of his position and of all our heartfelt respect and even belief over the years.

You come to know this for yourself after spending enough time on this path yourself to where you are in complete allegiance without any lukewarm feelings or doubts on the path provided by the Joy of Satan.

Hail Satan!
DreamWeaver said:

I've been reading many old threads and old posts here. Some mention that a re-incarnation involving a different race or gender is a form of punishment or a way to teach a harsh lesson.
There is one that I actually know of that was specifically the case with a testament from HPS Maxine, when Azazel made a white soul reincarnate as someone of the black race as punishment for hating on and basically betraying their own race. This is not the norm, nor is it an excuse to justify any baseless thinking that another gender can reincarnate into the body of the other. This exception named here happened because of the will of the Gods and is profoundly rare, if not a one time occurrence. This is probably what these posts referred to, all else is inaccurate speculation.

But so-called "mutilation" in terms of professional surgery can also be necessary for cancerous tumors and the like. Thus I do not see why we should complain or harshly judge about what some people will choose to do for themselves, anyway.
This is a nonarguement and comparing apples to oranges, despite that it refers to surgery in general.

Surgery for a life threatening tumor is not the same as destroying and, yes, mutilating the genitals one has been given at birth that coincide with the chromosomes., the natural, normal, and healthy manifestation of what the soul dictates the body to manifest as.

If the body is a manifestation of the soul, then I assume whatever conditions/levels the transgender people's brains and endocrine systems have going on, may be the scientific explanation as to why they feel better with the opposite sex's hormones.
No this is just psudo science and a twist of the explanation that some men are just more feminine with other women being more masculine as a result of their astrological placements and elemental make up, with both still having masculine and feminine elements in the soul. These manifest for very different reasons than the ridiculous notion of being born in the wrong body.

I now find it mysterious how the oldest living religion Hinduism has scriptures saying humans can be reborn as animals, or that the most basic of souls begin as animals.

Indigenous Americans believed in up to 7 gender identities. But back then obviously it was more to do with gender roles, aesthetic and sexual preferences. I am glad JOS acknowledges the 3rd sex, which I presume is intersex/naturally hermaphroditic.

Neurologists beg to differ, the general masses of today beg to differ.

Yes, hermaphrodites existed in ancient times but still do not justify transgenderism. The rest you have written here shows you have been influenced by (((experts))) and corrupted sources. Ancient religions did not preach these things among a lot of other jewish influenced crap. Did I mention that most doctors and experts you speak of are majorly jewish?

Since when does any actual SS who is serious in this path take into account the brainwashing of the masses?? Who in turn have been brainwashed by jews and their shit systems. Just go to dr. lipshits and he will cut ofd your dick and balls and you will be cured despite having an xy chromosome that will never change that has been dictated by your soul..oy vey.

transgenderism IS jewish

My point is it is none of our business, unless you truly want to do public activism against transgender surgical operation. It is like trying to convince an atheist to believe in God or Satan. Neverending argument back and forth. What is said anywhere online, will never fully stop trans people from being trans. Sadly there probably are LGBT Satanists who do safely/professionally transition, and likely feel appauled by this attitude. The catch-22 is the Jews make it super unreasonably expensive for transitioning, making financial opportunities out of everything as always.

As far as I can tell, you are superficially concerned for such peoples' wellbeings, and I agree doing anything by themselves alone to "transition" is dangerous. But fortunately there are now safer professional ways to allow people to be transgender, and I have internet friends who are happy with their post-op or post-HRT, and their happiness is all that matters. That is all I think of the matter, really. Leave it at that.

No one, nor me, is forcing anyone here to transition or even be friends with transgender people.

It is not my intention to rile anybody up, or preach that "this" or "that" is the only way. I think the Gods are not as petty or spiteful as they are claimed to be here. Everything happens for various reasons, leading to something greater or worse, but always worth experiencing in order to gain wisdom.
DreamWeaver said:

And as a reply to both of your comments to me here and the other thread, my point to you is that transgenderism will not be peddled here without backlash.

No one, nor me, is forcing anyone here to transition or even be friends with transgender people.
You just talked about "inclusivity" with LGBT in another post for this satanic community....

The Gods petty and spiteful?? I have not implied or said any such thing, only that it would sadden them basically to see someone ruin their body this way which is a fact.

To your other comment in the asksatan thread:
Even if transgenderism is truly a mental illness, who are we to choose how they treat it for themselves? I am just grateful medical science has evolved enough to provide safe means to transition. It is the Jews making it more expensive than need be, why unfortunately some trans people cut off their own sexual organs.

I am a ciswoman/possibly "two-spirited" (in my precolonial native culture this means the soul has a perfect balance of masculine energy and feminine energy) ally of all of the sad souls who eventually find their own kin.

I could go and argue that we are all mentally ill here, believing the voices we telepathically listen to are delusions. How offended we SS feel if someone else said so, is a parallel of how trans people feel when we tell them, "oh you are just delusional."

The soul actually decides on a lot of choices and processes before incarnating. I made a promise to Satan, before being born in this current life, that I will brave the storms of all conditions of this life, for better or worse.

Souls also want to learn and explore what it means to be this, do that, and more. Earth is a free-for-all, but the Jews want to financially manipulate all of us into poverty or at least unhappiness that leads to premature death (addictions, suicide, and the like).

I will respect all my fellow SS, but my respect also includes the ones who literally stay "in the closet" away from this forum. Good job on being less understanding of the bigger picture (and what is set in physical reality around you), than the Gods themselves. The Gods are not petty or spiteful, the Gods know why people do what they want to do. I am no troll nor of the enemy, I simply know that the mentally ill people, who never harm others, deserve compassion or plain acceptance and avoidance.

So you are going to compare our communicating with the Gods to transsexual delusions are you? What a pathetic attempt to say that oy vey everything is relative and subjective! No this is not a free for all earth, this existence is for those who want to genuinely better themselves and fight, all else will perish. Satanism is for the strong and elite not some whimsical delusional persons who think they are the antichrist incarant, a Demon and a dragon at the same time, or someone who things they are 5 genders or something and have to cut off their dick and boobs.

The things I have said in my past posts is to help people wake up and realize the truth, where as the bullshit you would give them would drive them to suicide, because guess what! The ones that aren't jews that go through with surgery, end up regretting it and end up suicidal.

Your subversive shit will not be peddled here.

Remember this post where I gave you the benefit of the doubt? https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=76469
I normally Say DNA tests are inaccurate.....but in your behavior, it seems your (((0.1%))) might actually be showing...prove us wrong...You know what else I find interesting? I felt prompted to go back and read some of your other posts when I ran into this again completely having forgotten about it...Prey tell, is this REALLY inaccuracy, or has one small drop really poisoned the entire ocean? I wonder..

Literally only jews have peddled trans shit here or infiltrators. Coupled with them and other kikes I have seen in real life that are trans:

Meteor the deranged pos that destroyed the life of another SS who is completely mentally ill...pushed for attention and transgender shit constantly

Magestein pushed the tranny agenda

The transgender kikes I met on da that claimed to be (((ss))) also claimed to be transspecies and were completely delusional and mentally ill. I managed to get an actual gentile out of their shit group and save their mental state. I exposed them when I first dedicated...Cobra also confirmed to me that one was an actual kike when I showed a picture.

There was a deranged kike in my apprentice class. I remember first meeting him and seeing how he not only looked like a creature but his energy was disgusting. Still, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. He ended up attempting to sic on me, showed and told me he was mentally ill, lacked empathy, and confided in me that he was trans. (he showed up this year in class in women's clothes wearing nail polish and demanding all sorts of attention and energy...) I remember he was wearing a "krav maga" shirt that day. I took everything into account and it prompted me to ask about his ancestry...and he said he came from a special bloodline (that retardedly enough considered pagan!), that if others knew about he could be hurt. he then said "ok I don't think you will hurt me. I am a descendant of Solomon."

It is said that this character is fictitious, nevertheless, he claims to have come distantly from something jewish...he said he believed he was Solomon in a past life, was always drawn to such passages in the bible, and later that this all made sense to him when he claimed to have found papers from his family claiming descent from this character. a jew is a jew even from 2000 years ago....and boy did it show in body and behavior..

Last but not least we have buffalo bill from silence of the lambs, a transgender psychopath, and clearly someone very deranged. Fictitious mind you but the actor who played him is also a jew.

Need I go on? I think not. I will only repeat one last time that this filth will not be accepted here. Satanism is not "all-inclusive like xnity or pisslam, it is exclusive in fact. Quality over quantity is valued when rallying people to our cause and if what we voice when it comes to delusions and actual mental illness and jewish programming keeps certain people away....they are probably meant to stay away unless they reprogram or are jews themselves. No amount of "muh emotions" or subversive jewing is going to change this.
Totaler Krieg said:

Magestein was known for what he is for years. There was no doubt on this by HPS Maxime and HP HoodedCobra for a long time.

His position was one to post things according to instructions as he didn't have the knowledge to post anything himself. He pretended from beginning to end, and is showed.

This argument that one jew infiltrated and pretended for a while means that HP HoodedCobra cannot be trusted is utter nonsense.

If he couldn't be trusted, the JoS would not exist anymore. It's just retarded at this point to even imagine this what if.

I have already answered all the crap you say here in my reply to you. No need for further comment.

As for your acknowledgement or whatever, who do you think you are?

It changes nothing for us, not it changes the truth on this world and on the role of the Joy of Satan to propel the world upwards out of the jewish sewer.

We do what we must do, what we are here to do, and succeed at it perfectly, your acknowledgement is inconsequential in that regard.

Hail Satan!
I, today, Believe... But my faith is not blind like ahppens for the Xians and for monotheistic religion: I believe because he offered me the truth above the truth...

One of the most great existing between us and the monot. Is that we have experience, they have just blind faith...
It is sad that so many people have this mental barrier. All the friends that I showed the JoS struggled with this to the point of walking away. Yet they sell themselves short to the first jew that promises anything. The argument is always the same "how can you trust someone on a random website"... but they then trust someone on a random TV or whatever... What is so hard about reading, trying, and evaluating if something is real or not?

There was a time when I was extremely skeptical as well, to the point of being paranoid and delusional, life certainly punished me with the consequences of my decisions, but after I finally studied and applied all that is written here, then everything was proven beyond any doubt, and I knew in my heart that this is the way and that there are people who work a lot to make all of this possible. And that is a wonderful feeling, to finally find people with genuine intentions to make this a better world. After this event my faith and loyalty have been tested many times by circumstances in life, and people I met that presented new knowledge, but my loyalty remains unshakable and I never gave an inch, and I am proud of that. As it allowed me to have experiences with the Gods and my own self that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Like Lady Maxine said, once the spell is broken you can never go back. Once you have the knowledge of why things happen, you can never be deceived again, neither by others nor youself.

I am forever loyal to Satan and the JoS community.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
