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Do the people in your life know you're a satanist?


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2018
Most people in my life do, some of them even know I do RTRs. Should I be more careful?
And people are going to ask then "Why did your life get fucked up and ruined?"

Why, I always wonder? Must be the UFO's as usual, for choices like the man's here are very clever and impeccable.
Unfortunately, I told my brother and he told his friends and women he dated since then. I told him about 7-8 years ago, when I trusted him and our relationship was better and he was a different in personality and outlook. Now I regret it.

People change.

You tell them your secrets even ONCE, they hold it over you, and can tell others out of spite, revenge, for gossip, whatever reasons. Some of his friends look at me with distaste, or fear. Thankfully I don't see them much at my home.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

If I am handing out or posting Satanic tracts, and am accosted by curious people, I tell them I am very much into Satan and am offering people a different option, other than the "religions" out there. They likely won't see me again as I don't do this in my neighborhood.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Most people in my life do, some of them even know I do RTRs. Should I be more careful?
Don't trust anyone. Not even your own brother or sister. Mom or dad. Best friend. Even someone you know in real life who is an SS.... Unless you are beyond sure that they are trustworthy. Just because someone dedicates or something does not mean they are on our side. They may go back. Don't make these mistakes. It will haunt you.
It's very important for your own well-being and safety that you keep it to yourself.

Just make it a rule to keep your SS life private, known only to yourself and the Gods.

Don't let it discourage you from relating to others though. You can have many prosperous and emotionally fulfilling relationships with others without sharing your secret. Use your intuition when you feel someone is a negative influence in your life and ruthlessly cut ties.

Telling people in real life you do RTRs paints a target on your back. There are many creative ways to fuck up someone's life nowadays, if one is resourceful enough. Even rumors and false accusations have gotten many people fired.
My parents would only know I am Satanic because they caught me doing the dedication afterwards as I didnt do the burning of the paper right and it smoked up the house when I was a teen. I am kind of embarrassed about it but luck had it that even though they are strong xtians they are not the militant harm your enemies type. They were really mad at first but they dont know my thoughts on the Jews luckily they think I love them that is really their only trigger point they think this is just dark paganism from the way I explained it. If they found out I did rtrs or any of the Nazi stuff they might just cut me out of their life offer no more help of any kind etc but still that wouldn't be tragic for me as I am an adult now and on my own. I dont know if they told anyone but no one harmed me or even bought it up or looked at me different outside of them even back when I had to go to church or went along with it to practice enochian keys memorized or whatever at the service lol (at that time that was the most powerful thing we knew I think)

Well now I just think they think I am spiritual which is good we rarely bring up religion at all.

I was lucky on this it could have gone bad and actually at first really started to but I kind of used my own charm to diffuse the situation.

My girlfriend knows about it cause I know for sure her personality she is very accepting of many things. I havent showed her the site yet. I know for a fact she would never tell anyone as she is completely committed to me and cause she has told me some of her deepest secrets so far as spiritual experiences and thoughts on the world and she knows also that if word got out to the wrong people on her or me we'd both be in trouble so far as psychic experiences and sensing some of the enemy things behind the scenes. She hasn't seen the Joy of Satan site yet but I plan to show her eventually i am just really nervous and paranoid about talking about my convictions more to a real person but she brings it up she wants to learn this stuff.

So you can tell with that attitude No I would not tell a bunch of people or maybe even a close friend. I have been close friends and hung out with someone more than two years and never once mentioned anything about spirituality.

I never would have told my parents if they didnt find out but I cant deny it to them partly cause of Sagittarius energy in my chart I hate absolutely and find intolerable lies about deeper parts of myself or things I am serious in. Lying about something to cover my back that is more like an action or whatever ok but something I have serious conviction in no way and I hate people that lie about these serious things in their life. This in some way may come back to haunt me and I may have to suck it up and lie to someone about this if anyone ever catches or finds something Satanic on me but luckily I keep it hidden and dont have any Satanic objects or journals or anything right now. Not that I wouldn't want them.

Anyways so be very careful and unless you are completely open to the astral and can see someone's aura and know for a fact that they can be trusted. I'd get to know them for a long time first for instance my girl she did not know until 3 years into the relationship and I was scared as hell to bring it up or her finding anything.

I know eben with my attitude i would say ok for people I dont think I will ever have to deal with or see again especially in a far away place it's ok to say something it probably is if your in a public place with people around and they are not obvious Jew but still I'd be careful not to get caught with Satanic tracts.

Hail Satan
Do not make the mistake of telling others about your relationship with God. They will never understand and you will regret it. Your life can be ruined very easily.

Something you will not regret is listening to the groups Wisdom and genuine concern.
No, and unless I know for damn sure these people can keep a secret, I don't tell them. I think less than five people know what I really believe in. Every one else? I just tell them it's none of their business.
Most people that talk behind my back refer to me as a ‘satanist’. To be honest, I don’t like the label that much. I just say I’m that spiritual, and don’t attach any religion or bias on my label. Unfortunately people judge that label, I do however appreciate people who take the satanist label in their stride, like Nergal from Bethemoth, he’s an amazing example of a great satanist. For me, I prefer Lucifer or Enki!! Hail.
Ronove said:
Most people that talk behind my back refer to me as a ‘satanist’. To be honest, I don’t like the label that much. I just say I’m that spiritual, and don’t attach any religion or bias on my label. Unfortunately people judge that label, I do however appreciate people who take the satanist label in their stride, like Nergal from Bethemoth, he’s an amazing example of a great satanist. For me, I prefer Lucifer or Enki!! Hail.

I saw your disturbing messages in the queue, same as your disturbing avatar, however, I give you one opportunity to understand the Gods as they truly are, aside from the jewish abominations that you have taken at heart for them:

"Loose lips sink ships".

You might tell your friend and family, they might be cool with it, but words spread fast. One day they might tell about you to someone else, that someone else might keep saying to someone else...and there you go, it reaches someone of the enemy, they start praying for you, cursing you...and then you ask yourself "why is this happening to me."
I didn't know we had to keep secret our beliefs and our ways and I'm pretty sure many people know about me being a Satanist.
Sometimes I'm sarcastic when I talk about Satanism, but I don't suppose they will take me for an edgy teen.
And many people also know that I love Nazis and heavily criticize jews.
Is Aura Cleansing and Aura of Protection enough to protect me?
When I met my wife I was 16 and she told her sister I was a satanist and her family being christian has hated me ever since. We are both Satanist now but as nice as her family acts I end up hearing about all the shit they talk and multiple times her mother has tried to get her to leave me and move in with her even after 13 years.

Her father had a heart attack 6 months after we got together and I am still blamed by her mother for his death. It doesn't matter how nice and honest I am or what morals I believe in, once they can label you as a satanist or a nazi you will forever be a scapegoat. It's not "cool" to go around telling anyone you are a satanist and the time spent trying to convert others is wasted when you could inform masses of people only instead they won't ever hold it against you because they don't know you personally.

It's the same for people who go around telling everyone they "raised" their kundalini. If one is advanced enough to have done it then it would be wise to keep that a secret and you'd probably understand why at that point.
I discourage everybody to share their privacy and satanism is the most private thing ever for an individual.
I admire the fact that Jos protects the kids/teenagers very much in this regard. Answering your question, I would say it very much depends on two things, what kind of person you are and what kind of people you have around. It works if you are or plan to be a rock star or an artist etc but not for a politician, as an example. What role are you currently playing or want to play in society and/or public life? All of this about now and tomorrow must be addressed.

The thing and problem are that so many people are so stubborn and rebellious, I included, and warnings don't work for those people.
I am a risk taker as a person, and I love myself the way I am. I go with the flow. Sometimes I win sometimes I lose. I won a big part of my family and currently friends on my side which went to friends of the friends of the friends, but I am a skilful, arrogant, MAD adult and as before I need to repeat the above statement: teenagers shouldn't do it AT ALL for apparent reasons!
As an adult, you need to think beforehand A LOT. I would personally feel guilty not to share this gift with my close circle. I have this saviour syndrome. I lack the element air, therefore, overthinking is not my thing either, and I burn myself with the impatience and when I do it, trust me, IT HURTS LIKE shit. So, if you are used to having a crazy existence and don't mind if the train might hit you big time one day, and maybe never be able to stand on your feet, do it, but do it on your own and don't blame others later. If you have kids, family members to look after or even pets, THINK AGAIN as you are accounted with their safety and nothing in the world gives you the right to put them at risk. I don't have such and don't plan ever. Ok, I got a cat but will provide some insurance for her soon in case I die suddenly. As you can see, I take everything into the calculation which you should also do.

All my friends are strange in all sort of matters, as an example I used to meet regularly a Muslim friend, and I told him everything after recently discovering Jos because I was enthusiastic beyond words. We do have much in common by sharing the hate and knowledge for jews and while he calls me 'Lucifer's daughter' and I call him 'moron', I laugh and criticise his ignorance for never reading the coran which I, hilariously, did, and for believing that crap and he tells me that I will burn in fire and stories with the Jinns. We trust each other, respect our freedoms so far, with all the insults in between and my luck is that people see me as an eccentric individual. My problem is that I love trusting people and giving them a fair chance because I see it as a healthy type of living. When their reaction to things is not as expected, I take the matter in a different zone, and mostly I fix the eventual damage that can occur by joking around. I hate to live in a permanent paranoia mode, watch my back, use my words wisely, etc this why I tell the truth in a funny way when is not appreciated in a serious way, but really, I got screwed out of it for trusting people so many times, as I said, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. People think you build trust only after years and years, and by being very cautious, will help; like longevity would be in their mind, the ultimate proof of whatever, but, if the person is bad intended will screw you anyhow, even after ten years of bliss and friendship. It very much depends on their circumstances and what they want to get from you - I am speaking about common life people here and I am a bit cynical - for which reason, I don't bother much with the syntagm: 'trust is built in years or tests or bullshit'. I do, and I don't trust people both at the same time if it makes any sense.

If something might go wrong with the Muslim or others alike I have a backup plan, but it depends how serious you take yourself in their eyes, people might think you want to sock or sound extravagant and not following such a thing for real, which might work in your advantage if needed, depending on your personality as well. If it's their call, they will see it for what it is and dig deeper, if not, you can't control their perception no matter how hard you try. You want to introduce your close friends or family in satanism, but first, you needed to know what is their level of understanding on general things and built up a plan from there, using a specific language that they can understand. It is fucking hard and requires a lot of work sometimes with no results. If you merely want to tell them that you are a satanist to inform them, I find this useless.

I Hail or say 'Satan's name' even in a work environment, especially when I hear 'jeez' or other shit as it stresses me a lot; if it needs to be explained I send people to Lucien Grieves; if a jew is around, I say I love Anton Lavey. Random examples. But I play with fire, and I am well aware. Sounding all natural works for me. So, yeah, it very much depends on many things: how old you are, it depends where you live, what type of work you do, what kind of reputation you want to build, with who you're talking, what plans you have for the future, etc.

I am used to be perceived as a controversial person, crazy artist type of and people respect my stand usually out of many other reasons, I even told my 77 old grandmas about Satan and took out her Jesus garbage shitty paintings, but again, in a humorous spirit and she is a cool woman as well. She put it back eventually and still pray for me, but I did my best and did my duty Lol, couldn't help it more. Not all families are the same. If she will spread this info in the rest of the family they would all laugh and nothing more.

My last statement would be to advise you to listen to the HPs. They always said it's wrong sharing your belief, and you should better hear and listen as they have extensive experience on the matter. Satan tells the same. If you speak with people and something go wrong don't expect the Gods to get you out the trouble you created ESPECIALLY WHEN THE JOS PUT SO MUCH EMPHASIS AND WARNINGS, or to blame the Gods later on: it's your responsibility! Be ready to face whatever consequences! I know I might have sounded funny about it and light, but it's DAMN SERIOUS.
sunrise said:
I discourage everybody to share their privacy and satanism is the most private thing ever for an individual.
I admire the fact that Jos protects the kids/teenagers very much in this regard. Answering your question, I would say it very much depends on two things, what kind of person you are and what kind of people you have around. It works if you are or plan to be a rock star or an artist etc but not for a politician, as an example. What role are you currently playing or want to play in society and/or public life? All of this about now and tomorrow must be addressed.

The thing and problem are that so many people are so stubborn and rebellious, I included, and warnings don't work for those people.
I am a risk taker as a person, and I love myself the way I am. I go with the flow. Sometimes I win sometimes I lose. I won a big part of my family and currently friends on my side which went to friends of the friends of the friends, but I am a skilful, arrogant, MAD adult and as before I need to repeat the above statement: teenagers shouldn't do it AT ALL for apparent reasons!
As an adult, you need to think beforehand A LOT. I would personally feel guilty not to share this gift with my close circle. I have this saviour syndrome. I lack the element air, therefore, overthinking is not my thing either, and I burn myself with the impatience and when I do it, trust me, IT HURTS LIKE shit. So, if you are used to having a crazy existence and don't mind if the train might hit you big time one day, and maybe never be able to stand on your feet, do it, but do it on your own and don't blame others later. If you have kids, family members to look after or even pets, THINK AGAIN as you are accounted with their safety and nothing in the world gives you the right to put them at risk. I don't have such and don't plan ever. Ok, I got a cat but will provide some insurance for her soon in case I die suddenly. As you can see, I take everything into the calculation which you should also do.

All my friends are strange in all sort of matters, as an example I used to meet regularly a Muslim friend, and I told him everything after recently discovering Jos because I was enthusiastic beyond words. We do have much in common by sharing the hate and knowledge for jews and while he calls me 'Lucifer's daughter' and I call him 'moron', I laugh and criticise his ignorance for never reading the coran which I, hilariously, did, and for believing that crap and he tells me that I will burn in fire and stories with the Jinns. We trust each other, respect our freedoms so far, with all the insults in between and my luck is that people see me as an eccentric individual. My problem is that I love trusting people and giving them a fair chance because I see it as a healthy type of living. When their reaction to things is not as expected, I take the matter in a different zone, and mostly I fix the eventual damage that can occur by joking around. I hate to live in a permanent paranoia mode, watch my back, use my words wisely, etc this why I tell the truth in a funny way when is not appreciated in a serious way, but really, I got screwed out of it for trusting people so many times, as I said, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. People think you build trust only after years and years, and by being very cautious, will help; like longevity would be in their mind, the ultimate proof of whatever, but, if the person is bad intended will screw you anyhow, even after ten years of bliss and friendship. It very much depends on their circumstances and what they want to get from you - I am speaking about common life people here and I am a bit cynical - for which reason, I don't bother much with the syntagm: 'trust is built in years or tests or bullshit'. I do, and I don't trust people both at the same time if it makes any sense.

If something might go wrong with the Muslim or others alike I have a backup plan, but it depends how serious you take yourself in their eyes, people might think you want to sock or sound extravagant and not following such a thing for real, which might work in your advantage if needed, depending on your personality as well. If it's their call, they will see it for what it is and dig deeper, if not, you can't control their perception no matter how hard you try. You want to introduce your close friends or family in satanism, but first, you needed to know what is their level of understanding on general things and built up a plan from there, using a specific language that they can understand. It is fucking hard and requires a lot of work sometimes with no results. If you merely want to tell them that you are a satanist to inform them, I find this useless.

I Hail or say 'Satan's name' even in a work environment, especially when I hear 'jeez' or other shit as it stresses me a lot; if it needs to be explained I send people to Lucien Grieves; if a jew is around, I say I love Anton Lavey. Random examples. But I play with fire, and I am well aware. Sounding all natural works for me. So, yeah, it very much depends on many things: how old you are, it depends where you live, what type of work you do, what kind of reputation you want to build, with who you're talking, what plans you have for the future, etc.

I am used to be perceived as a controversial person, crazy artist type of and people respect my stand usually out of many other reasons, I even told my 77 old grandmas about Satan and took out her Jesus garbage shitty paintings, but again, in a humorous spirit and she is a cool woman as well. She put it back eventually and still pray for me, but I did my best and did my duty Lol, couldn't help it more. Not all families are the same. If she will spread this info in the rest of the family they would all laugh and nothing more.

My last statement would be to advise you to listen to the HPs. They always said it's wrong sharing your belief, and you should better hear and listen as they have extensive experience on the matter. Satan tells the same. If you speak with people and something go wrong don't expect the Gods to get you out the trouble you created ESPECIALLY WHEN THE JOS PUT SO MUCH EMPHASIS AND WARNINGS, or to blame the Gods later on: it's your responsibility! Be ready to face whatever consequences! I know I might have sounded funny about it and light, but it's DAMN SERIOUS.
In short this guy is someone who doesent care about warnings and tells everybody he is a satanist. A 15 year old would probabily think he is wise and cool and want to imitate him.
Let me guess, you are that type who feels entitled to throw crap at others based on your longevity on the forum, right? Well, have more respect, would you?

wrong. In short, I have
1. shared my story with pride as I successfully took most of my family on board. Lucky me, sorry for your envy and sincere compassion for the ones who can't afford such a luxury. Why couldn't I share it? I am proud of myself big time and fully responsible.
2. I warned not only once, but several times people NOT TO DO IT ESPECIALLY YOUNG ONES, but just in case if ones would risk it - to do it with CAUTION and responsibility of their own actions and EXPECT THE WORSE IF THE SHIT HITS THE FAN. There are several points enumerated over there.

You are naive to think that people would not do it just because 1000 people come to warn about it. Secondly, people know their own fox, if you are uncomfortable to speak with your parents or friends you feel it and don't act against your gut feeling with stupidity, isn't it? This is common sense. My relationships are different, I have been raised differently and encouraged to communicate early on. What can I say, my dad told me early on we can speak anything and we do.
3. please be polite and treat me with respect. Thank you. Just because I come from an open-minded background it doesn't mean I am an etalon or example for anybody. I simply have a particular story and maybe some people might be inspired or not, I simply shared my story.
Hopefully, you won't drag me in a debate based on nonsense as I didn't come here to create panic or have a bad influence on people and other crap. Thank you again for your understanding.
The stuff that you said is basically what a 15 year old that knows drugs for them are bad and uses them anyway would say. The person was not being rude to you.

If you want to be treated in a non trolling manner then don't make yourself trolling material. You literally write in your post on how you put your hand on the heated oven, fully aware it will burn your hand, and then go to try to explain why you do it, where there is no reason other than you like to play with fire.

This is the thinking of an immature or even stupid teenager, as most have the understanding to not do this type of stuff. You think it's eccentric and you are lucky other people also think that way, until you will run out of luck one day, and the oven that doesn't burn now, will melt your skin.

When one day you will get burned, you will see the matter differently.

You act like a typically immature Western girl. Oh I have a friend who is a Muslim, and one day he may read the Quran and decide to cut your head as the Quran dictates, but oh, I tell him about Satanism anyway.

If one day the product of your jokes materializes, and he reads the Quran, he may decide to beat you up to punish you or stone you on the head as his cultural book says. You will run out of laughter when this shit hits the fan.

What you consider a joke may not be a joke to anyone else forever.

Probably, until now, you went away due to luck and being a woman.

Just to specify, I do not diss you, just write on what you wrote, and indeed, I am warning for your safety. Normal and 'civil' people will 'understand' your eccentricity only up to an extent. Past this, you are putting yourself in the way of great harm. There are all sorts of people who are in the range of being totally intolerant, and if they find themselves with the upper hand, they will harm you.

Other than that good "luck" burning your hand on an oven.
HP, I appreciate your worry, still too much fatalism in your writing. it's fine, you stay there, play it safe and I will do my own thing, my own way. 'You have to get your hands dirty if you're going to achieve the impossible'. We are entirely different and that's perfectly fine. We work for the same agenda but different approaches. You did your duty, it's fine, again appreciate. Thanks for the reply. I will for sure write less provocative stuff, not because of bad feelings or something but don't want to undermine your authority.
sunrise said:
HP, I appreciate your worry, still too much fatalism in your writing. it's fine, you stay there, play it safe and I will do my own thing, my own way. 'You have to get your hands dirty if you're going to achieve the impossible'. We are entirely different and that's perfectly fine. We work for the same agenda but different approaches. You did your duty, it's fine, again appreciate. Thanks for the reply. I will for sure write less provocative stuff, not because of bad feelings or something but don't want to undermine your authority.

If you saw the manifestation of actual changes, and staying in reality "at the front", other than putting the images of your grandma out of the room, and getting these back in, you would perceive reality differently.

People in the front lines do not go jump in the bullets, we know how to avoid them. If this is where you belong it's time to start to consider this. I just tell you this for future reference if you want to make it far or achieve something into this path, in the public, artistically or otherwise.

If your life was ever threatened, and I hope this never happens to you, as in your present level you will go down, you will understand what I tell you above. Need to improve here.

When your Satanism becomes more than just telling jokes to your Muslim friends, you will understand the meaning of the above, and understand what "Gangsta" on the TV and in your own mind means versus to the actual deed in reality. Then you will reconsider.

You do not in anyway undermine my authority, I wrote what I did to show you a different perspective and show you what is flawed here. Nothing of what you wrote is provocative, rather, it shows you don't put a lot of thinking into this so in the end to succeed, which, if you want to take this 'to the next level', you need to start doing.

Your current aim is to carry on your personal rebellion as far as possible, no doubt, because you care about Satanism, when you look past that, you will understand what is meant here.

If one cares about Satanism, they also have to care for themselves, being obviously, members and soul parts of this whole. It can't be otherwise.

You yourself highlighted you have some fixing to do, so just take what I tell you in friendly consideration.
Everyone in my life knows im a Satanist. Even before i understood why i came to satan, they knew. I didn't choose satan. Satan showed chose me and began to show me. Even before i knew what satanism was, i traveled to hell within the vacum of the "roaler coaster".

But i came to him willingly after he showed me his graces. Something pushed me out after i saw what hell was. Ever since I've wanted to return to the 15 seconds i experienced.
Blue.baby1333 said:
Everyone in my life knows im a Satanist. Even before i understood why i came to satan, they knew. I didn't choose satan. Satan showed chose me and began to show me. Even before i knew what satanism was, i traveled to hell within the vacum of the "roaler coaster".

But i came to him willingly after he showed me his graces. Something pushed me out after i saw what hell was. Ever since I've wanted to return to the 15 seconds i experienced.
This isnt really an excuse on why one should tell everybody you’re a satanist but whatever dude, at least the people who read these posts will be warned that your actions arent wise.
We work in secrecy for a reason, it's much harder to stop us as we are so spread out. And by not telling people casually that you're a Satanist you almost completely eliminate the possibility of someone finding you IRL.

Don't make the mistake others have made, and if you do. Either bind these people, so they cannot act against you. Or have them dedicate ASAP (as I had to do with my brother). The last option is sort of unwise, but it was the best thing I could do at the time. And despite him not doing much since dedication, he was interested enough to do the dedication by his own will.
Actually if I hadn’t had a boyfriend i would never join JOS because he taught me everything i know
About aura, spirit, Chakras, Demons, Exposing Christianity
Soo he js the only one who knows in my country the Christian is a religion soo yah ... No one knows im already creep i dont need to become next lvl lol and sorry for bad english :D
Larissa666 said:
Actually if I hadn’t had a boyfriend i would never join JOS because he taught me everything i know
About aura, spirit, Chakras, Demons, Exposing Christianity
Soo he js the only one who knows in my country the Christian is a religion soo yah ... No one knows im already creep i dont need to become next lvl lol and sorry for bad english :D

Your English is bad because you are fucking infiltrator, stealing other people’s accounts. Fuck off you worthless scum! You are not fooling anyone, you kike piece of shit, or whatever you are.
Learned from that people I told think I'm insane and evil want me on MED's and tried sending church people to my house. Just the other day I stopped them as they got out one had a gun holster with his hand on it I said leave I don't need ur filth here the sign there (points at sign) no religious solicitation and no trespassing . they started to speak I said leave I'm a Satanist I have the right to forcibly remove you and to restrain you until the police get her I said you got 7 seconds to get your asses gone they left so fast lol and threw there lit out the window by my mail box .I called the number on it and told them never send anyone else to me or anything by mail or I'd Inform the ACLU. Got a letter saying sorry and they wouldn't bother me as I am a lost cause lol hail satan!!!!
Larissa_666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Actually if I hadn’t had a boyfriend i would never join JOS because he taught me everything i know
About aura, spirit, Chakras, Demons, Exposing Christianity
Soo he js the only one who knows in my country the Christian is a religion soo yah ... No one knows im already creep i dont need to become next lvl lol and sorry for bad english :D

Your English is bad because you are fucking infiltrator, stealing other people’s accounts. Fuck off you worthless scum! You are not fooling anyone, you kike piece of shit, or whatever you are.

This is quite entertaining to watch. Like whos the real Larissa. Its like the clash of multiple personalities.

At first I thought someone was replying to you, then started Laughing when I realized it was you.
Is totally counterproductive for you that people knows that you are an SS, it can cause you many problems, instead it is much safer to say that you are neopagan and that you are interested in european mythology like odininism.
Some people suspect or know that i'm a Satanist. I never told them. My mom and grandma and my family doctor believes that. My mom found my workings some time back and yeah i think she saw the invocation prayer she told me about it.
I never told them that i'm a Satanist but i talked against god to them (mom and grandma) and making fun of it that it doesn't exist and shit but they supposed that i'm with the devil so yeah... i was somewhat uncarefull in the begining... and then i talked to the family doctor and at that time i had fb but widouth any information about me exept for my first name Catalin and there i had a post of one of the sermons from JOS Forums and she asked me to make friends on fb and i said yeah i have fb but don't really use it and said ok then she asked for the name of that account and she send a request and i accepted her but me i didn't remember that i have there a post of a sermon (link) but i only remembered after i got home i deleted that post in hopes that she didn't had the time to see it but was too late she saw it and i know this because she said to my mom that I'm Satanist. She is crazy, she talks to her assistant like it's the last person on earth, making her stupid and that for some mistakes. She even said to my mom that it's posibble that i will kill her because of this and i think mostly because she thinks that if i had treatement for schizophrenia or am schizophrenic which i'm not, but even if i would tell her well it was an entity that talked to me because i was more open spiritualy that others and my birth chart shows me that i have psychic abilities won't believe me anyway be cause when my mom talked to her telling her that i'm off treatement and i'm better, she said "i don't believe it" i mean she dosen't believe that i can be better widouth treatement so she wont understand this because she is closed minded. And i don't think she knows that other got rid of that "illness" in any case even if i had schizophrenia i could get rid of it even widouth any working many people managed this on a site where it talks about this that it's not an illness but an inner turmoil made worse by others. There are many testimonial from people who had "schizophrenia" and got rid of it to 80% and more and there are also who got to be better that before. The site is http://www.successfulschizophrenia.org

So i stopped going to her because she tried to convince us to make me take the jewpill XD

So my mother asked me like did i told her that i'm a Satanist i said no, i denied that I'm a Satanis and said to her like "she is crazy, don't you see how see speaks to her assistant and telling you that i will kill you." So before i denied that i'm a Satanist she said that these things arent to be said to others. So even she, my mom and not being an SS knows that this is not to be told to people.
But i also told to her (family doctor)... i talked too much about me but didn't said directly that I'm a Satanist i just said that i'm in a group of spiritualy advanced people and doing meditations and stuff like that and talked about spiritual stufs, reincarnation. Still i shoudn't have said anything about JOS, like "being in a group of spiritualy advanced people".
It could be dangerous if that lady will tell to her patients which are from my place that i'm Satanist. I didn't tell her that I'm Satanist directly but because i had that account and that post she now supposes that i am.
I could say much against if she sais to people that i'm a Satanist. Like if people talk about me that i'm a Satanist i could say "well i was interested at one time in that but wasn't really involved in it so the doc makes just assumptions, and it's not true." Or "I'm open minded, open minded people can talk about many subjects and by this other may believe that i'm directly involved in the things from the subject but this is not the case"
We also considering it's a war well things can turn ugly so it would have been better if i didn't created that account at all but i created it to talk to more SS but yeah it's still my fault don't remember exactly if i knew about the consequences of the fb as an SS. So i think this can be out of my control because of the war... Maybe only Satan can do something about this...
The propel that know I'm a Satanist either don't care or just joke about it.
I'm a reserved guy, so being an SS isn't really different than other characteristics I have.
TopoftheAbyss said:
The propel that know I'm a Satanist either don't care or just joke about it.
I'm a reserved guy, so being an SS isn't really different than other characteristics I have.

In my opinion the actions you did was stupid but you could talk your self out of it like when the right time comes you could say to them "Well i was interested in Satanism and that stuf but now i changed my mind i'm more interested in paganism or and hinduism they are more pacifistic" i think being (but not realy) in their way of thinking like pagansim and hinduism are more pacifistic this shows from their perspective that you are interested towarts "pacifism" or only good things we don't agree with pacifism but if necesary you can pretend to be one... it's still better than they knowing that you are SS.
Or you could think about what would be better to say from what you've talked to them and what you think it's better.
Meditations, aura of protection, aura cleaning and RTR will help you but don't over do it start slow, some have (a girl) left SS because she did too much. The girl here in Romania, another SS told me about her and he told me she now feels deep sorry when she thinks about Satan or the Gods.
Catalincata94 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
The propel that know I'm a Satanist either don't care or just joke about it.
I'm a reserved guy, so being an SS isn't really different than other characteristics I have.

In my opinion the actions you did was stupid but you could talk your self out of it like when the right time comes you could say to them "Well i was interested in Satanism and that stuf but now i changed my mind i'm more interested in paganism or and hinduism they are more pacifistic" i think being (but not realy) in their way of thinking like pagansim and hinduism are more pacifistic this shows from their perspective that you are interested towarts "pacifism" or only good things we don't agree with pacifism but if necesary you can pretend to be one... it's still better than they knowing that you are SS.
Or you could think about what would be better to say from what you've talked to them and what you think it's better.
Meditations, aura of protection, aura cleaning and RTR will help you but don't over do it start slow, some have (a girl) left SS because she did too much. The girl here in Romania, another SS told me about her and he told me she now feels deep sorry when she thinks about Satan or the Gods.
It's too late for that. These people also know that I love Hitler and hate jews.
I really don't like to stay silent with so many lies are told, so I had to speak. And I really didn't know I had to keep secret my SS identity. If it's written on the JoS that I should have kept it secret, I missed it.
But I don't worry about it, the worst part of my life has passed. It still sucks and can be worse but not as much as it was.
You can say you're very interested in ancient history and all about how identical and connected all the ancient cultures were to each other. And how all of the ancient cultures had the exact same beliefs. You can say if you want how the christians killed all of them and burnt all the libraries and rewrote all the history. But you don't have to specifically call it Satanism. Just call it the ancient vedic religion from every culture on Earth.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Catalincata94 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
The propel that know I'm a Satanist either don't care or just joke about it.
I'm a reserved guy, so being an SS isn't really different than other characteristics I have.

In my opinion the actions you did was stupid but you could talk your self out of it like when the right time comes you could say to them "Well i was interested in Satanism and that stuf but now i changed my mind i'm more interested in paganism or and hinduism they are more pacifistic" i think being (but not realy) in their way of thinking like pagansim and hinduism are more pacifistic this shows from their perspective that you are interested towarts "pacifism" or only good things we don't agree with pacifism but if necesary you can pretend to be one... it's still better than they knowing that you are SS.
Or you could think about what would be better to say from what you've talked to them and what you think it's better.
Meditations, aura of protection, aura cleaning and RTR will help you but don't over do it start slow, some have (a girl) left SS because she did too much. The girl here in Romania, another SS told me about her and he told me she now feels deep sorry when she thinks about Satan or the Gods.
It's too late for that. These people also know that I love Hitler and hate jews.
I really don't like to stay silent with so many lies are told, so I had to speak. And I really didn't know I had to keep secret my SS identity. If it's written on the JoS that I should have kept it secret, I missed it.
But I don't worry about it, the worst part of my life has passed. It still sucks and can be worse but not as much as it was.
You don't like the lies i understand that too but it's still better to shut up than telling them that you are "against humanity" because that's what they believe and understand about us, about Satan, about Hitler. Once i talked with someone that Hitler wasn't bad but no she didn't believed me and she said "he is a psychopath" i'm still angry about that but i think it's much better to talk about the truth on the internet. The worst part of your life has passed but i see this that "i can't stay silent about SS to my friends and people i meet" is worse.
Catalincata94 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Catalincata94 said:
In my opinion the actions you did was stupid but you could talk your self out of it like when the right time comes you could say to them "Well i was interested in Satanism and that stuf but now i changed my mind i'm more interested in paganism or and hinduism they are more pacifistic" i think being (but not realy) in their way of thinking like pagansim and hinduism are more pacifistic this shows from their perspective that you are interested towarts "pacifism" or only good things we don't agree with pacifism but if necesary you can pretend to be one... it's still better than they knowing that you are SS.
Or you could think about what would be better to say from what you've talked to them and what you think it's better.
Meditations, aura of protection, aura cleaning and RTR will help you but don't over do it start slow, some have (a girl) left SS because she did too much. The girl here in Romania, another SS told me about her and he told me she now feels deep sorry when she thinks about Satan or the Gods.
It's too late for that. These people also know that I love Hitler and hate jews.
I really don't like to stay silent with so many lies are told, so I had to speak. And I really didn't know I had to keep secret my SS identity. If it's written on the JoS that I should have kept it secret, I missed it.
But I don't worry about it, the worst part of my life has passed. It still sucks and can be worse but not as much as it was.
You don't like the lies i understand that too but it's still better to shut up than telling them that you are "against humanity" because that's what they believe and understand about us, about Satan, about Hitler. Once i talked with someone that Hitler wasn't bad but no she didn't believed me and she said "he is a psychopath" i'm still angry about that but i think it's much better to talk about the truth on the internet. The worst part of your life has passed but i see this that "i can't stay silent about SS to my friends and people i meet" is worse.
You're right but I also taught them that Satanism and Hitler are good and I'm pretty sure they understood but they still ignore it.
They don't think I'm evil but don't care either that I'm good.
My group of friends growing up would say they're Satanists to seem cool/edgy. Part of my family calls themselves Satanists but only in an anarchist sort of attitude, while dropping LSD. Even if I did tell them, they'd be cool with it. Instead I keep my fucking mouth shut. I've had enough of my other secrets spilt by ex friends and angry family to know it's not wise.
However, a lot of people around me automatically assume I'm Satanist or some form of Pagan. They say they "just get this vibe" that I'm close to something "dark." Along with assuming I automatically like horror movies, or anything scary. Bullshit if you ask me, but whatever.
I was complaining to my dad how people at work are trying to get to know too much about me.

He said, 'Loose lips can sink ships.'

Larissa666 said:
"Loose lips sink ships".

You might tell your friend and family, they might be cool with it, but words spread fast. One day they might tell about you to someone else, that someone else might keep saying to someone else...and there you go, it reaches someone of the enemy, they start praying for you, cursing you...and then you ask yourself "why is this happening to me."
Silence Is Golden, ever heard of this Satanic Adage?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ronove said:
Most people that talk behind my back refer to me as a ‘satanist’. To be honest, I don’t like the label that much. I just say I’m that spiritual, and don’t attach any religion or bias on my label. Unfortunately people judge that label, I do however appreciate people who take the satanist label in their stride, like Nergal from Bethemoth, he’s an amazing example of a great satanist. For me, I prefer Lucifer or Enki!! Hail.

I saw your disturbing messages in the queue, same as your disturbing avatar, however, I give you one opportunity to understand the Gods as they truly are, aside from the jewish abominations that you have taken at heart for them:


.org is gone

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
