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Destructon of jewish Sexual Energies Version 1.2

Feb 1, 2006
Destruction of jewish Sexual Energies Group Ritual Version 1.2
Sorry for not having posted in the past two months but have been dealing with some serious life altering growth and did not have the time or energy to write these as I had more important things to see too dealing with my own growth. Looking back to the past two months I see some others have created group workings and am glad more and more people are seeing that these groups become more united when it comes to our focus In destroying our enemies. I know it may not mean much coming from me but I would like to give my personal thanks to those who have created such workings.
Before my absence I was currently working on a couple of ritual series with one of those dealt with the sexual energies of the jew and aimed to disrupt them in as many ways as possible. In August the ritual dealt with causing all current and future jewish men to become sterile and therefore disrupting the creation of future jews. This month it would be only fair to our dear jewish women that we do the same to them and ensure that by doing so both jewish men and women shall become sterile.
Make all jewish women sterile and unable to be with child
Date/Time/ Reason
The date for this ritual shall be November 12th 2012. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio which is one of the best signs for black magic and will give us the following benefits.
Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time.
This day is also a Monday which is represented by the Moon which also aides us in this ritual and shall give us the following benefits
The moon rules over the women's womb, women, the mother, children, and childbearing
On this day the ritual should be performed during the hours of the moon.
For those who like to perform their rituals early in the morning there is a void moon on this day up until roughly 7AM. So keep this in mind.
Runes being used
1.Gebo- used in sex magic and binding spells
2.Fehu- controls fertility, binds enemy
3.Uruz- sexual potency, destruction
4.Bjork- female fertility, femine magic, femine energies
5.Kenaz- harnassing of sexual energies, control sexual energies
Extra Rune
1.Isa- when used with Gebo creates great binding
Ritual Affirmations Used
Runic Affirmation- The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all present and future jewish women become sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Ritual Affirmation- All present and future jewish women are continuously becoming sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Sigil Being Used
The sigil for this ritual will be that of a binding sigil, consisting of three circles instead of the usual two.
As I said there will be three circles, one large one on the outside, another smaller one within the large one, and lastly a third small circle in the center.
In-between the outer and second circle place four Isa runes, one on top, one on bottom, one on left and one on right.
In-between the second and third circles place the other five runes and place enough of each to ensure they completely surround the space in-between the two circles.
In the center of the sigil (center of third circle) place the star of david (jewish star) and on top of the star place the five runes so they cover the star completely.
Ritual Declaration
Ever since the day the earth and all of nature was cursed with the degrading presence of the cowarding weakling known as the jew they have spread their seed so there numbers will grow and at the same time have polluted all that was pure and natural within our world, including our once great Gentile species.
Through their ability to reproduce and mate with our fellow Gentiles, the jew has poisoned our Gentile people and spawned creatures that should never see the light of day, creatures that have found their way into top controlling positions within our society, fulfilling their plan as well as the plan of their revolting reptilian masters to destroy our society and our fellow Gentiles until there is nothing left but a "one" race that is even more revolting than the jew themselves.
For far too long the jew was allowed to commit such crimes against the earth, as in creating abomination after abomination that want against the laws of nature. NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall infiltrate, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall destroy, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to create that of which goes against nature, NO LONGER SHALL JEWS BE ALLOWED TO REPRODUCE AT ALL, FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!.
I (state your full name) proclaim here tonight in front of Satan and all the Powers of Hell that no jew will know the gift of reproduction, and through the energies I raise here tonight and the eternal outcome I seek, the jewish race shall be NO MORE!!!
Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Lilith
Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler
Hail To All the Gods of Hell
Hail To Hells Army

The Ritual
1.Before beginning the ritual make sure to cleanse and empower your aura and energies. You can cleanse your aura by engulfing yourself with white-gold energy and affirming your aura is cleansed of all negative energies. To empower your energies the alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire can be done.
2.Next cleanse your ritual area of any conflicting energies, this can be done by engulfing your ritual area with Satanic vibrant blue flames and affirming your ritual area is cleansed of all past energies.
3.Now open your ritual as you would any other either with the standard ritual found on the JoS or the opening ritual found on HP Vovim's website.
4.Read your ritual declaration with intent and know what you are saying is coming into reality
5.Burn the ritual declaration or save it until the end to burn it along with the sigil at the same time
6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray color.
7.Begin with the rune Fehu. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
8.Move onto the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
9.Move onto the rune Gebo. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
10.Move onto the rune Bjork. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Bjork runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
11. Move onto the rune Kenaz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
12.Move onto the rune Isa. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
13.It is now time to make a sacrifice to ensure our goals are received. During this step take a sterilized needle, razor, or whatever you prefer. Make a small cut on your left index finger and trace the rune of Isa over the sigil. While doing so vibrate Isa nine times, while vibrating see the Isa rune that you traced in a black energy.
14. Now take the sigil and write the ritual affirmation on the back. Take a few minutes to meditate on the outcome focusing all of your hate and anger toward the jews into the sigil and see all jewish women becoming sterile and unable to become pregnant. See the jews numbers becoming less and less to where they become an endangered species.
15. Now burn the sigil and ritual declaration, while repeating the ritual affirmation until the flames burn out. Once this happens repeat the "blood affirmation" once more knowing your energy is now and forever binding the jews.
16. Afterwards further incite that the energy within your blood is binding jewish men to becoming sterile. "Through my blood and therefore through my energies that outweight that of the jews, I (state your full name) am ensuring that all present and future jewish men become sterile for all eternity"
***VERY IMPORTANT***- After you close the ritual take a few minutes and thouroughly cleanse your aura and it is wise to raise your energy too.
Destruction of jewish Sexual Energies Group Ritual Version 1.2


Sorry for not having posted in the past two months but have been dealing with some serious life altering growth and did not have the time or energy to write these as I had more important things to see too dealing with my own growth. Looking back to the past two months I see some others have created group workings and am glad more and more people are seeing that these groups become more united when it comes to our focus In destroying our enemies. I know it may not mean much coming from me but I would like to give my personal thanks to those who have created such workings.

Before my absence I was currently working on a couple of ritual series with one of those dealt with the sexual energies of the jew and aimed to disrupt them in as many ways as possible. In August the ritual dealt with causing all current and future jewish men to become sterile and therefore disrupting the creation of future jews. This month it would be only fair to our dear jewish women that we do the same to them and ensure that by doing so both jewish men and women shall become sterile.


Make all jewish women sterile and unable to be with child

Date/Time/ Reason

The date for this ritual shall be November 12th 2012. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio which is one of the best signs for black magic and will give us the following benefits.

Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time.

This day is also a Monday which is represented by the Moon which also aides us in this ritual and shall give us the following benefits

The moon rules over the women's womb, women, the mother, children, and childbearing

On this day the ritual should be performed during the hours of the moon.

For those who like to perform their rituals early in the morning there is a void moon on this day up until roughly 7AM. So keep this in mind.

Runes being used
1.Gebo- used in sex magic and binding spells
2.Fehu- controls fertility, binds enemy
3.Uruz- sexual potency, destruction
4.Bjork- female fertility, femine magic, femine energies
5.Kenaz- harnassing of sexual energies, control sexual energies

Extra Rune
1.Isa- when used with Gebo creates great binding

Ritual Affirmations Used

Runic Affirmation- The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all present and future jewish women become sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity

Ritual Affirmation- All present and future jewish women are continuously becoming sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity

Sigil Being Used

The sigil for this ritual will be that of a binding sigil, consisting of three circles instead of the usual two.

As I said there will be three circles, one large one on the outside, another smaller one within the large one, and lastly a third small circle in the center.

In-between the outer and second circle place four Isa runes, one on top, one on bottom, one on left and one on right.

In-between the second and third circles place the other five runes and place enough of each to ensure they completely surround the space in-between the two circles.

In the center of the sigil (center of third circle) place the star of david (jewish star) and on top of the star place the five runes so they cover the star completely.

Ritual Declaration

Ever since the day the earth and all of nature was cursed with the degrading presence of the cowarding weakling known as the jew they have spread their seed so there numbers will grow and at the same time have polluted all that was pure and natural within our world, including our once great Gentile species.

Through their ability to reproduce and mate with our fellow Gentiles, the jew has poisoned our Gentile people and spawned creatures that should never see the light of day, creatures that have found their way into top controlling positions within our society, fulfilling their plan as well as the plan of their revolting reptilian masters to destroy our society and our fellow Gentiles until there is nothing left but a "one" race that is even more revolting than the jew themselves.

For far too long the jew was allowed to commit such crimes against the earth, as in creating abomination after abomination that want against the laws of nature. NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall infiltrate, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall destroy, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to create that of which goes against nature, NO LONGER SHALL JEWS BE ALLOWED TO REPRODUCE AT ALL, FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!.

I (state your full name) proclaim here tonight in front of Satan and all the Powers of Hell that no jew will know the gift of reproduction, and through the energies I raise here tonight and the eternal outcome I seek, the jewish race shall be NO MORE!!!

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Lilith
Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler
Hail To All the Gods of Hell
Hail To Hells Army

The Ritual

1.Before beginning the ritual make sure to cleanse and empower your aura and energies. You can cleanse your aura by engulfing yourself with white-gold energy and affirming your aura is cleansed of all negative energies. To empower your energies the alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire can be done.

2.Next cleanse your ritual area of any conflicting energies,
this can be done by engulfing your ritual area with Satanic vibrant blue flames and affirming your ritual area is cleansed of all past energies.

3.Now open your ritual as you would any other either with the standard ritual found on the JoS or the opening ritual found on HP Vovim's website.

4.Read your ritual declaration with intent and know what you are saying is coming into reality

5.Burn the ritual declaration or save it until the end to burn it along with the sigil at the same time

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray color.

7.Begin with the rune Fehu. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.

8.Move onto the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.

9.Move onto the rune Gebo. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color

10.Move onto the rune Bjork. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Bjork runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color

11. Move onto the rune Kenaz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color

12.Move onto the rune Isa. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color

13.It is now time to make a sacrifice to ensure our goals are received. During this step take a sterilized needle, razor, or whatever you prefer. Make a small cut on your left index finger and trace the rune of Isa over the sigil. While doing so vibrate Isa nine times, while vibrating see the Isa rune that you traced in a black energy.

14. Now take the sigil and write the ritual affirmation on the back. Take a few minutes to meditate on the outcome focusing all of your hate and anger toward the jews into the sigil and see all jewish women becoming sterile and unable to become pregnant. See the jews numbers becoming less and less to where they become an endangered species.

15. Now burn the sigil and ritual declaration, while repeating the ritual affirmation until the flames burn out. Once this happens repeat the "blood affirmation" once more knowing your energy is now and forever binding the jews.

16. Afterwards further incite that the energy within your blood is binding jewish men to becoming sterile. "Through my blood and therefore through my energies that outweight that of the jews, I (state your full name) am ensuring that all present and future jewish men become sterile for all eternity"

***VERY IMPORTANT***- After you close the ritual take a few minutes and thouroughly cleanse your aura and it is wise to raise your energy too.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Destruction of jewish Sexual Energies Group Ritual Version 1.2
Sorry for not having posted in the past two months but have been dealing with some serious life altering growth and did not have the time or energy to write these as I had more important things to see too dealing with my own growth. Looking back to the past two months I see some others have created group workings and am glad more and more people are seeing that these groups become more united when it comes to our focus In destroying our enemies. I know it may not mean much coming from me but I would like to give my personal thanks to those who have created such workings.
Before my absence I was currently working on a couple of ritual series with one of those dealt with the sexual energies of the jew and aimed to disrupt them in as many ways as possible. In August the ritual dealt with causing all current and future jewish men to become sterile and therefore disrupting the creation of future jews. This month it would be only fair to our dear jewish women that we do the same to them and ensure that by doing so both jewish men and women shall become sterile.
Make all jewish women sterile and unable to be with child
Date/Time/ Reason
The date for this ritual shall be November 12th 2012. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio which is one of the best signs for black magic and will give us the following benefits.
Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time.
This day is also a Monday which is represented by the Moon which also aides us in this ritual and shall give us the following benefits
The moon rules over the women's womb, women, the mother, children, and childbearing
On this day the ritual should be performed during the hours of the moon.
For those who like to perform their rituals early in the morning there is a void moon on this day up until roughly 7AM. So keep this in mind.
Runes being used
1.Gebo- used in sex magic and binding spells
2.Fehu- controls fertility, binds enemy
3.Uruz- sexual potency, destruction
4.Bjork- female fertility, femine magic, femine energies
5.Kenaz- harnassing of sexual energies, control sexual energies
Extra Rune
1.Isa- when used with Gebo creates great binding
Ritual Affirmations Used
Runic Affirmation- The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all present and future jewish women become sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Ritual Affirmation- All present and future jewish women are continuously becoming sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Sigil Being Used
The sigil for this ritual will be that of a binding sigil, consisting of three circles instead of the usual two.
As I said there will be three circles, one large one on the outside, another smaller one within the large one, and lastly a third small circle in the center.
In-between the outer and second circle place four Isa runes, one on top, one on bottom, one on left and one on right.
In-between the second and third circles place the other five runes and place enough of each to ensure they completely surround the space in-between the two circles.
In the center of the sigil (center of third circle) place the star of david (jewish star) and on top of the star place the five runes so they cover the star completely.
Ritual Declaration
Ever since the day the earth and all of nature was cursed with the degrading presence of the cowarding weakling known as the jew they have spread their seed so there numbers will grow and at the same time have polluted all that was pure and natural within our world, including our once great Gentile species.
Through their ability to reproduce and mate with our fellow Gentiles, the jew has poisoned our Gentile people and spawned creatures that should never see the light of day, creatures that have found their way into top controlling positions within our society, fulfilling their plan as well as the plan of their revolting reptilian masters to destroy our society and our fellow Gentiles until there is nothing left but a "one" race that is even more revolting than the jew themselves.
For far too long the jew was allowed to commit such crimes against the earth, as in creating abomination after abomination that want against the laws of nature. NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall infiltrate, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall destroy, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to create that of which goes against nature, NO LONGER SHALL JEWS BE ALLOWED TO REPRODUCE AT ALL, FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!.
I (state your full name) proclaim here tonight in front of Satan and all the Powers of Hell that no jew will know the gift of reproduction, and through the energies I raise here tonight and the eternal outcome I seek, the jewish race shall be NO MORE!!!
Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Lilith
Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler
Hail To All the Gods of Hell
Hail To Hells Army

The Ritual
1.Before beginning the ritual make sure to cleanse and empower your aura and energies. You can cleanse your aura by engulfing yourself with white-gold energy and affirming your aura is cleansed of all negative energies. To empower your energies the alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire can be done.
2.Next cleanse your ritual area of any conflicting energies, this can be done by engulfing your ritual area with Satanic vibrant blue flames and affirming your ritual area is cleansed of all past energies.
3.Now open your ritual as you would any other either with the standard ritual found on the JoS or the opening ritual found on HP Vovim's website.
4.Read your ritual declaration with intent and know what you are saying is coming into reality
5.Burn the ritual declaration or save it until the end to burn it along with the sigil at the same time
6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray color.
7.Begin with the rune Fehu. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
8.Move onto the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
9.Move onto the rune Gebo. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
10.Move onto the rune Bjork. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Bjork runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
11. Move onto the rune Kenaz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
12.Move onto the rune Isa. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
13.It is now time to make a sacrifice to ensure our goals are received. During this step take a sterilized needle, razor, or whatever you prefer. Make a small cut on your left index finger and trace the rune of Isa over the sigil. While doing so vibrate Isa nine times, while vibrating see the Isa rune that you traced in a black energy.
14. Now take the sigil and write the ritual affirmation on the back. Take a few minutes to meditate on the outcome focusing all of your hate and anger toward the jews into the sigil and see all jewish women becoming sterile and unable to become pregnant. See the jews numbers becoming less and less to where they become an endangered species.
15. Now burn the sigil and ritual declaration, while repeating the ritual affirmation until the flames burn out. Once this happens repeat the "blood affirmation" once more knowing your energy is now and forever binding the jews.
16. Afterwards further incite that the energy within your blood is binding jewish men to becoming sterile. "Through my blood and therefore through my energies that outweight that of the jews, I (state your full name) am ensuring that all present and future jewish men become sterile for all eternity"
***VERY IMPORTANT***- After you close the ritual take a few minutes and thouroughly cleanse your aura and it is wise to raise your energy too.
Thanks a lot i'm in.
Hail Enki

------Original message------
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:27:19 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Destructon of jewish Sexual Energies Version 1.2

Destruction of jewish Sexual Energies Group Ritual Version 1.2
Sorry for not having posted in the past two months but have been dealing with some serious life altering growth and did not have the time or energy to write these as I had more important things to see too dealing with my own growth. Looking back to the past two months I see some others have created group workings and am glad more and more people are seeing that these groups become more united when it comes to our focus In destroying our enemies I know it may not mean much coming from me but I would like to give my personal thanks to those who have created such workings.
Before my absence I was currently working on a couple of ritual series with one of those dealt with the sexual energies of the jew and aimed to disrupt them in as many ways as possible. In August the ritual dealt with causing all current and future jewish men to become sterile and therefore disrupting the creation of future jews. This month it would be only fair to our dear jewish women that we do the same to them and ensure that by doing so both jewish men and women shall become sterile.
Make all jewish women sterile and unable to be with child
Date/Time/ Reason
The date for this ritual shall be November 12th 2012. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio which is one of the best signs for black magic and will give us the following benefits.
Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time.
This day is also a Monday which is represented by the Moon which also aides us in this ritual and shall give us the following benefits
The moon rules over the women's womb, women, the mother, children, and childbearing
On this day the ritual should be performed during the hours of the moon.
For those who like to perform their rituals early in the morning there is a void moon on this day up until roughly 7AM. So keep this in mind.
Runes being used
1.Gebo- used in sex magic and binding spells
2.Fehu- controls fertility, binds enemy
3.Uruz- sexual potency, destruction
4.Bjork- female fertility, femine magic, femine energies
5.Kenaz- harnassing of sexual energies, control sexual energies
Extra Rune
1.Isa- when used with Gebo creates great binding
Ritual Affirmations Used
Runic Affirmation- The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all present and future jewish women become sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Ritual Affirmation- All present and future jewish women are continuously becoming sexually sterile immediately and for all eternity
Sigil Being Used
The sigil for this ritual will be that of a binding sigil, consisting of three circles instead of the usual two.
As I said there will be three circles, one large one on the outside, another smaller one within the large one, and lastly a third small circle in the center.
In-between the outer and second circle place four Isa runes, one on top, one on bottom, one on left and one on right.
In-between the second and third circles place the other five runes and place enough of each to ensure they completely surround the space in-between the two circles.
In the center of the sigil (center of third circle) place the star of david (jewish star) and on top of the star place the five runes so they cover the star completely.
Ritual Declaration
Ever since the day the earth and all of nature was cursed with the degrading presence of the cowarding weakling known as the jew they have spread their seed so there numbers will grow and at the same time have polluted all that was pure and natural within our world, including our once great Gentile species.
Through their ability to reproduce and mate with our fellow Gentiles, the jew has poisoned our Gentile people and spawned creatures that should never see the light of day, creatures that have found their way into top controlling positions within our society, fulfilling their plan as well as the plan of their revolting reptilian masters to destroy our society and our fellow Gentiles until there is nothing left but a "one" race that is even more revolting than the jew themselves.
For far too long the jew was allowed to commit such crimes against the earth, as in creating abomination after abomination that want against the laws of nature. NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall infiltrate, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to spawn that of which shall destroy, NO LONGER shall the jew be allowed to create that of which goes against nature, NO LONGER SHALL JEWS BE ALLOWED TO REPRODUCE AT ALL, FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!.
I (state your full name) proclaim here tonight in front of Satan and all the Powers of Hell that no jew will know the gift of reproduction, and through the energies I raise here tonight and the eternal outcome I seek, the jewish race shall be NO MORE!!!
Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Lilith
Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler
Hail To All the Gods of Hell
Hail To Hells Army

The Ritual
1.Before beginning the ritual make sure to cleanse and empower your aura and energies. You can cleanse your aura by engulfing yourself with white-gold energy and affirming your aura is cleansed of all negative energies. To empower your energies the alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire can be done.
2.Next cleanse your ritual area of any conflicting energies, this can be done by engulfing your ritual area with Satanic vibrant blue flames and affirming your ritual area is cleansed of all past energies.
3.Now open your ritual as you would any other either with the standard ritual found on the JoS or the opening ritual found on HP Vovim's website.
4.Read your ritual declaration with intent and know what you are saying is coming into reality
5.Burn the ritual declaration or save it until the end to burn it along with the sigil at the same time
6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray color.
7.Begin with the rune Fehu. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
8.Move onto the rune Uruz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Uruz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color.
9.Move onto the rune Gebo. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
10.Move onto the rune Bjork. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Bjork runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
11. Move onto the rune Kenaz. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
12.Move onto the rune Isa. On each inhale repeat the runic affirmation in your head and on the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-gray energy. Do this nine times, and after the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish gray color
13.It is now time to make a sacrifice to ensure our goals are received. During this step take a sterilized needle, razor, or whatever you prefer. Make a small cut on your left index finger and trace the rune of Isa over the sigil. While doing so vibrate Isa nine times, while vibrating see the Isa rune that you traced in a black energy.
14. Now take the sigil and write the ritual affirmation on the back. Take a few minutes to meditate on the outcome focusing all of your hate and anger toward the jews into the sigil and see all jewish women becoming sterile and unable to become pregnant. See the jews numbers becoming less and less to where they become an endangered species.
15. Now burn the sigil and ritual declaration, while repeating the ritual affirmation until the flames burn out. Once this happens repeat the "blood affirmation" once more knowing your energy is now and forever binding the jews.
16. Afterwards further incite that the energy within your blood is binding jewish men to becoming sterile. "Through my blood and therefore through my energies that outweight that of the jews, I (state your full name) am ensuring that all present and future jewish men become sterile for all eternity"
***VERY IMPORTANT***- After you close the ritual take a few minutes and thouroughly cleanse your aura and it is wise to raise your energy too.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
